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LECTURE 73 基本動詞 GO 9





LECTURE 73 基本動詞 GO 9


1. go over one's head ** 某人難以理解(某事物的相關(guān)知識或內(nèi)涵)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[超過(over)]某人的[頭腦、智力(head)]而去

例 Mr. Wang realized quickly that he had joined a conversation that was much too difficult for him. The people sitting at the table were discussing something about philosophy or religion—he wasn't quite sure which, he only knew it was all going over his head.

2. go over sth. *** 跨過;復(fù)習(xí);檢查

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:去某物的[上方(over)]或去[重新、再次(over)]做某事

例 Shall we go over the evidence again? We can take another look at it if you wish. It doesn't matter—the story it tells will not change the least bit. All the evidence points to one conclusion: you burned your house intentionally so you could collect money from the insurance company.

3. go over sth. with a fine-tooth comb / search sth. with a fine-tooth comb ** 仔細翻找,縝密搜查

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:用[細齒梳子(fine-tooth comb)][仔細地、徹底地(over)]進行

例 Police investigators have spent days searching the wooded area where the two men say they left the Picasso painting inside a sealed container but have come away empty-handed . “We've gone over the area with a fine-tooth comb, but nothing,” said Lieutenant Moss, head of the search team.

4. go over with a bang ** (笑話)好笑或有趣;(演出等)成功結(jié)尾

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:以[刺激的快感、砰砰撞擊的聲音(bang)]進行;with a bang表示“非常成功地;砰砰作響地(bang)”,go over表示“(演出、故事等)得到好評”

例 If we had known this art show was going to attract this many people, we'd have put it outdoors instead of in here. But who could have imagined an art show would go over with a bang in this small town?

5. go overboard *** 從船上掉入水中;做得太過分;行為古怪

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:去[船外(overboard)]

例 Practical joking is fine—all kids do it, but you went overboard and somebody got hurt as a result. While I understand that you didn't intend to hurt Patricia, I can't just let you get away with it. You are restricted to the house for three days.


(A) went over my head

(B) go over

(C) went over...with a fine-tooth comb

(D) went over with a bang

(E) went overboard

1. A: Mr. Lu told me your sales promotion was quite successful. Congratulations. I wish I coud say mine ______ like yours. B: What do you mean? I heard your promotion did very well.

2. A: Professor Liu's lecture today ______!Do you think you could explain it for me? He might ask some questions about it on the test. B: No, it was too difficult for me to understand too. I think he's just trying to scare us so we'll study harder for his test.

3. A: Are you sure you looked everywhere? B: I ______ his room ______. A: If you searched so thoroughly, why did I find ¥2,000 under the carpet? I think you'd better go back there and examine it again!

4. A: If you have time later, I'd like you to ______ my manuscript. B: Can I check it tomorrow? I'm so tired today. I doubt I'd be able to find any mistakes or offer any constructive criticism.

5. A: What happened to your hair?! It's so short!Oh my God! B: I let my mother cut it for me and she ______. A: Why didn't you stop her from doing too much? B: I wasn't paying attention. Besides, I trusted her. I never thought she'd be excessive.


1. (D)

2. (A)

3. (C)

4. (B)

5. (E)


I. 1. 王先生很快意識到,他所加入的談話太深奧了。這群圍坐在桌子旁的人正在談?wù)撜軐W(xué)還是宗教問題——他不太確定,但唯一可以確定的是,他們的談話他根本就聽不懂。

2. 我們可否再查看一下證據(jù)?如果你愿意的話,我們可以再看一看。沒有關(guān)系——結(jié)果不會有任何改變。所有證據(jù)都指向同一個結(jié)論:你故意燒掉了自己的房子,想以此從保險公司得到一筆錢。

3. 警方調(diào)查人員花了幾天時間搜索了那片密林。那兩個人說他們把畢加索的畫裝進一個密封的容器留在了樹林里。但是,警方卻空手而回。搜查小隊負責(zé)人莫斯中尉說:“我們已經(jīng)對這個區(qū)域進行了縝密的搜查,但是毫無結(jié)果?!?

4. 早知道這次藝術(shù)展能吸引這么多人的話,我們就會在室外舉行,而不是在這里了。但是,誰能想到一場藝術(shù)展能在這個小鎮(zhèn)里大獲成功呢?

5. 惡作劇沒問題——孩子們都會做,但是你做得太過分了,結(jié)果傷害到了別人。盡管我知道你不是有意要傷害帕特里夏,但也不能讓你免受懲罰。你三天不準出家門。

II. 1. A:陸先生跟我說你的促銷活動非常成功。恭喜了。真希望我的活動也能像你的一樣取得那么大的成功。B:什么意思呀?我聽說你的促銷做得非常好啊。

2. A:劉教授今天講的課我沒聽懂!你能不能給我講解一下?考試的時候可能會考這些問題。B:不行,這節(jié)課太難了,我也沒理解。我想他只是想嚇唬嚇唬我們,好讓我們更努力地準備考試。

3. A:你確定到處都找過了嗎?B:他的房間我仔細找過了。A:既然你找得這么仔細,為什么我還在地毯底下發(fā)現(xiàn)了兩千元?我想你最好回去再檢查一遍!

4. A:如果你等會兒有時間的話,我希望你能仔細看一下我的手稿。B:我能明天再看嗎?我今天太累了,可能找不出什么錯誤,也提不出什么有建設(shè)性的建議。

5. A:你的頭發(fā)怎么了?!這么短!天哪!B:我讓我媽媽幫我剪的,她剪得太多了。A:你為什么不阻止她,還讓她剪這么多?B:我沒注意。而且,我信任她。我沒想到她會剪這么多。


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