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1. (be) gone on ** 死的

解 習語,詞義溯源:[向上(on)]走

例 The soldiers placed a wreath at the statue built to remember the brave men who have gone on while fighting to defend the nation. 士兵們在雕像前獻上了花圈。這座雕像用來紀念為保衛(wèi)祖國而獻身的勇士們。

2. go after sb. or sth. *** 追逐;設法得到

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:去某人或某物的[后面(after)]

例 I run errands for the office, such as going after lunch or coffee for the executives or taking mail to the post office. 我在辦公室負責跑腿,比如為主管們取午餐或咖啡,或者去郵局寄信什么的。

3. go all the way to sth. / go all the way ** 徑直,筆直

解 習語;詞義溯源:通過[全部的路(all the way)]去向某地

例 Turn left on Madison Avenue and go all the way to where Madison meets Vine Street. 從麥迪遜大街往左拐,然后一直走到麥迪遜大街與瓦因大街交叉的地方。

4. go along for the ride ** 同行;順便坐車兜風

解 習語;詞義溯源:[跟著(along)]去坐車

例 I don't need to go to Cleveland, but if you are driving there tonight I'd like to go along for the ride. 我不需要去克利夫蘭,但是如果你今晚開車去的話,我就搭車去兜兜風。

5. go along with sb. or sth. / go along *** 同行;贊成,同意

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:和某人或某物[一起(along)]去

例 Two guards usually go along with the delivery truck when we are delivering a shipment of computer chips. 用送貨卡車運送計算機芯片的時候,通常會有兩名保衛(wèi)人員同行。

6. go at sb. or sth. *** 撲向;突進

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[向著、瞄準(at)]某人或某物而去

例 A man sitting near the stage suddenly went at the President but was stopped by bodyguards before he reached him. 坐在舞臺邊上的一名男子突然向總統(tǒng)沖過去,但是他還沒碰到總統(tǒng)就被保鏢攔了下來。

7. go back *** 回去;追溯

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[往回(back)]走

例 We came to Chicago only for the conference and once it's over we will have to go back to Toronto to take care of some urgent business. 我們來芝加哥只是為了開會,會開完了我們就得回多倫多處理一些緊急事務。

8. go 〔pass〕 by the board ** 因(風帆等)折斷而掉入水中;被遺棄;(計劃等)完全失敗

解 習語;詞義溯源:[經過(by)][迎風面的船板(board)]而去;這是一個航海用語

例 All his plans went by the board when he lost his job and his girlfriend left him. 失業(yè)以及女朋友的離開使他的所有計劃都落空了。

9. go chase oneself * 走掉;消失

解 俚語;詞義溯源:[跟著(chase)]自己走

例 Here comes that obnoxious man again. I wish he'd go chase himself and stop bothering us! 那個討厭的人又來了。我真希望他消失,別再煩我們了!

10. go fly a kite * 走開;一邊待著

解 俚語;詞義溯源:去[放風箏(fly a kite)]

例 Whenever he bothers me, I just tell him to go fly a kite and he leaves. 每次他煩我的時候,我都讓他去一邊待著,然后他就離開了。

11. go for sb. or sth. *** 伸手去拿;抨擊,猛烈攻擊;被吸引,喜歡

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[向著(for)]某人或某物而去

例 You ought to go for the Hewlett-Packard. It's the best one and if I were you I'd choose it even though it is a bit more expensive. 你應該選擇惠普。這是最好的一款。雖然價格有點高,但是如果我是你的話就買它。

12. go great guns ** 極其干練;快速進攻;十分時髦

解 習語;詞義溯源:[認真地、猛烈地(great guns)]去做;Great guns!表示“壞了!”“糟糕!”

例 Since she started doing aerobics and lost all that weight, my mother has been going great guns. 我媽媽自從做了有氧運動后就成功減肥了,她做事一直這么高效率。

13. go in a body ** 集體行動

解 習語;詞義溯源:以[團體、集團(body)]的形式去;in a body表示“成為一體”

例 We thought that if we went in a body to the dean's office, it would impress him more than if we went individually to protest decision. 我們覺得一起去主任辦公室反對他的決定比個人行動更能打動他。

14. go in for sth. *** 喜歡;贊成

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[為了(for)]某物而去[里面(in)]

例 While local pop singers are well liked by all, many people go in for the foreign pop music. 盡管人們都喜歡本國的流行歌手,但許多人也喜歡外國流行音樂。

15. go 〔swing〕 into action ** 開始做,展開行動

解 習語;詞義溯源:進入[行動、活動、戰(zhàn)斗(action)]里面

例 It takes three minutes for the radio command to reach the satellite and an additional two minutes for the satellite to react and go into action. 無線電波發(fā)出的命令到達衛(wèi)星需要三分鐘,衛(wèi)星做出響應并開始執(zhí)行還需要兩分鐘。

16. go into one's song and dance about sth. ** 開始解釋或找借口

解 習語;詞義溯源:進入有關某事的[歌曲和舞蹈(song and dance)]里面;one's可以用the,some,old代替

例 Everytime he wants to borrow money he goes into his song and dance about how difficult his life has been. 每次他想借錢的時候,總是找借口說他的生活有多么艱難。

17. go into orbit * 成功;勃然大怒;極其興奮

解 俚語;詞義溯源:進入[軌道(orbit)]

例 My dog is so happy to see me when I get home that he goes into orbit for about five minutes. 看到我回家,寵物狗非常高興,足足興奮了五分鐘左右。

Henry was afraid his father would go into orbit when he knew his recent wrongdoings. 亨利害怕他父親知道他最近干的壞事后會暴跳如雷。

18. go off *** 暫時離席;爆發(fā);爆炸

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:處于[離開、切斷(off)]的狀態(tài)

例 We were all standing on the front lawn except for Julie, who had gone off a few minutes before to look at the garden behind the house. 除了朱莉以外,我們都站在前面的草坪上,她離開幾分鐘去看房子后面的花園了。

19. go off half-cocked ** (說話、做事)欠考慮

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:以[準備不足的、未完成的(half-cocked)]狀態(tài)離去

例 Before you go off half-cocked, don't you think you'd better do some research so you know what you are talking about? 在你輕率地做出反應之前,你不覺得應該先做調查,然后再確定該說些什么嗎?

20. Go on!/ go on *** 不要再說了!不是那樣!

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:去[繼續(xù)(on)];通常用于祈使句

例 Oh go on!I can't believe you really think I'm that pretty!You're just kidding. 哦,別胡扯了!我才不信你真的認為我有那么漂亮!你只是在開玩笑。

21. go on a fishing expedition ** 探索調查;試圖得到情報

解 習語;詞義溯源:去[試探一下(on a fishing expedition)]

例 Following Mr. Foster's death, investigative reporters went on a fishing expedition trying to find out how he really died. 福斯特先生去世后,調查記者試著搜集信息,希望能夠找到他真正的死因。

22. go on and on ** 沒完沒了

解 習語;詞義溯源:[繼續(xù)(on and on)]進行

例 My wife's mother called and kept me on the phone for nearly an hour going on and on about how we should raise our children. 我岳母打電話來,跟我嘮叨了大約一個小時應該如何帶孩子。

23. go on strike / go out on strike ** 舉行罷工,停止工作

解 習語;詞義溯源:處于[罷工的(on strike)]狀態(tài)

例 The labor union has voted to go on strike if work hours are not shortened. 工會投票決定,如果不縮短工作時間的話,就進行罷工。

24. go 〔do〕 one better ** 技高一籌

解 習語;詞義溯源:在某件事上做得比其他人[更好(better)]

例 Bank A reduced their car loan interest rates to 9. 8%, but Bank B went one better and cut theirs to 9. 3%. A銀行將汽車貸款利率下降到9. 8%,而B銀行更勝一籌,他們將利率降到了9. 3%。

25. go out in search of sb. or sth. ** 尋找

解 習語;詞義溯源:為[尋找(in search of)]某人或某物而去[外面(out)]

例 We went out in search of a Chinese restaurant near the hotel but didn't find any. 我們想在酒店附近尋找一家中國餐館,但是沒有找到。

26. go out with sb. *** 與某人約會,談戀愛

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:和某人[一起(with)]去[外面(out)]

例 Jim used to date Lisa Thornton, but now he goes out with Tracy Dorn. 吉姆以前跟莉薩·桑頓約會過,但是現(xiàn)在跟特蕾西·多恩在一起了。

27. go right through sb. ** (食物)通過身體很快排出體外,剛吃完就瀉

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:[通過(through)]某人[直接(right)]去

例 Many Asians cannot digest milk and it goes right through them if they drink it. 許多亞洲人無法消化牛奶,他們喝完牛奶后直接就排掉了。

28. go round〔around〕 the bend ** 旋轉,轉彎;發(fā)瘋,惱火

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:[環(huán)繞(round,around)][彎曲的地方、轉彎處(bend)]走

例 Just as you go around the bend, you'll see a big McDonalds sign. 你轉個彎就能看到一個很大的麥當勞標志。

29. go so far as to say sth. ** 用言語表述

解 習語;詞義溯源:走[那么遠(so far)]為了[說(say)]某事

例 I would say you have to be careful when you are downtown at night, but I wouldn't go so far as to say our streets are dangerous in Hinesville. 我覺得晚上在市區(qū)的時候你必須小心點,不過我不是說我們海恩斯維爾的街道都很危險。

30. go stag ** (男女配對參加的酒宴或活動上)不帶女伴

解 習語;詞義溯源:[沒有女伴(stag)]就去

例 Norman doesn't have a girlfriend, so he'll probably go stag to the dinner party tonight. 諾曼沒有女朋友,所以今晚的晚宴他可能不帶女伴。

31. go steady with sb. / go steady ** 確定戀愛關系,談戀愛

解 習語;詞義溯源:與某人成為[穩(wěn)定的(steady)]關系

例 Trish and Charlie are going steady, so they are not allowed to date anyone else. 特里施和查利已經確定了戀愛關系,所以他們不能再與其他人約會了。

32. go stir crazy * (因長期在某一處而)精神失常

解 俚語;詞義溯源:成為[精神失常(stir crazy)]的狀態(tài)

例 There's nothing to do in this small town. I'm so bored that I'm going stir crazy. 在這個小鎮(zhèn)上沒什么事情可做,真無聊,我快要憋瘋了。

33. go straight * 改邪歸正;改過自新

解 俚語;詞義溯源:成為[正直的、坦率的(straight)];原為對罪犯的用語

例 After ten years as a gang member, my brother decided to go straight and become a good member of society. 我哥哥在幫派混了十年,后來他決定改過自新,成為了好公民。

34. go the limit ** 做到極限;做得徹底

解 習語;詞義溯源:走向[極限(limit)];參照go whole hog

例 You ought to try to experience everything in life while you're young. Go the limit in everything you do. 年輕的時候應該試著體驗一下各種各樣的生活。做每一件事都要達到極限。

35. go through sth. *** 通過,經過;檢驗,調查;經歷,忍?。ú挥淇斓氖虑椋唤K結,結束

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:去[通過、路過、從頭至尾經歷(through)]某事

例 I'm afraid your refrigerator is too large to go through the apartment door. 恐怕您的冰箱太大了,過不去公寓的門。

36. go through the changes ** 經歷,體驗

解 俚語;詞義溯源:去[經歷(through)][變化(changes)]

例 It's rough changing from the free lifestyle of a student to the hard realities of adulthood, but everybody has to go through the changes sometime. 要從學生時代自由自在的生活轉變到成年人世界殘酷的現(xiàn)實中來,這是非常困難的,但是每一個人都必須經歷。

37. go to Davy Jones's locker ** 沉入海底,葬身海里

解 習語;詞義溯源:去向[海底、海中墳墓(Davy Jones's locker)];通常作為航海用語

例 They say he fell over board, drowned and went to Davy Jones's locker. 他們說他從船上掉到水里淹死了,最后葬身海底。

38. go to rack 〔wrack〕 and ruin ** 倒塌,毀滅

解 習語;詞義溯源:走向[毀壞、荒廢(rack,ruin,wrack)]

例 It was a nice car, but nobody took care of it and it went to rack and ruin. 那輛車很漂亮,但是由于無人看管,最后壞掉了。

39. go to the bathroom ** 去洗手間;上廁所

解 習語;詞義溯源:去[洗手間(bathroom)]

例 I got to go to the bathroom. Can you tell me where the men's restroom is? 我得去一下洗手間。請問男洗手間在哪里?

40. go to waste ** 未被使用;浪費

解 習語;詞義溯源:變成[廢物、垃圾(waste)]

例 Farmers have threatened to not harvest their crops this year and let them go to waste if the government doesn't raise its purchase prices. 農民們威脅稱,如果政府不提高收購價格,他們今年將不收割糧食,讓它們白白浪費掉。

41. go up *** 上漲;建立

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:向[上(up)]走

例 It gets cold at night, but as soon as the sun rises the temperature goes up quickly. 晚上天氣會變冷,但是太陽一出來,溫度很快就升高了。

42. go with sb. or sth. *** 同行;般配,搭配

解 〈口〉短語動詞;詞義溯源:[一起(with)]去

例 I'm going to the mall. If you want to go too you're welcome to go with me. 我要去購物中心。如果你也想去的話,歡迎你跟我一起。

43. go without sth. / go without *** 在缺少某物的情況下度過(或撐過)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[不帶(without)]某物就去;參照do without sb. or sth.

例 On a hunger strike to protest the government's tax policy, Mr. Ben has gone without food for eight days now. 在抗議政府稅收政策的絕食活動中,到現(xiàn)在為止本先生已經八天沒有吃東西了。

44. go wrong ** 發(fā)生不好的事情;出錯,失敗

解 習語;詞義溯源:成為[不正確的、錯誤的(wrong)]狀態(tài)

例 While testing the rocket's engines, something went wrong and there was an explosion. 測試火箭引擎時出了錯,結果導致爆炸。


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