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LECTURE 91 基本動詞 HAVE 12





LECTURE 91 基本動詞 HAVE 12


1. have mixed feelings about sb. or sth. **悲喜交加,喜憂參半;心情復(fù)雜

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對于某人或某物有[混合的、雜亂的(mixed)][想法(feelings)]

例 Alittle more definite data from the research would go a long way towards persuading me to let you continue with your experiments. But right now I'm having mixed feelings about the value of your work. We might be able to use you more effectively on something that yields something concrete.

2. have money to burn **擁有大量財富,有花不完的錢

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有[能燒的錢(money to burn)];參照money burns a hole in one's pocket

例 Look at him!He gets his first paycheck and he feels like a rich man. Ha Ha Ha! Suddenly he has money to burn. Oh well, he's young—let him enjoy it while he can. It won't be too long before he's married and his wife controls all his finances.

3. have no business doing sth. **沒有理由做;沒有權(quán)力做

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:沒有做某事的[理由、權(quán)力(business)]

例 Under normal circumstances I'd say we have no business reading another person's diary, but this situation is not normal. We've got to read it. Brenda might have written something in it that could help us find out where she is now.

4. have no use 〔time〕 for sb. or sth. **用不著,不需要;討厭

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:沒有[對于(for)]某人或某物的[用途、使用的必要(use)]或沒有[給(for)]某人或某物的[時間(time)]

例 The way Mr. Jung taught me to deal with suppliers who deliver poor quality products is to give them a firm warning the first time it happens and then stop doing business with them if it happens again. It's strict, but as Mr. Jung said, we have no use for suppliers who try to cheat us.

5. have nothing to do with sb. or sth. **不與…交往;和…無關(guān)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:沒有和某人或某物[有關(guān)的(with)]事物;這里的nothing可以用not...anything代替

例 Oh, don't bring my salary into this again!This has nothing to do with money. You pay me quite well and I'm able to live a good life because of it. I appreciate that. What I'm upset about is the way you treat me. You treat me like you own me when you should be treating me like a colleague.


(A) have mixed feelings

(B) have money to burn

(C) had no business

(D) have no use for

(E) has nothing to do with

1. A: The way he gives himself airs all the time is what we don't like about Herman. We ______ arrogant people like him. B: I can hear the contempt in your voice. Do you despise him that much?

2. A: Can you give me a day or two to think about the trip? My thoughts and feelings about it are still not decisive. I can see both good and bad aspects to it. I want the children to go and have fun, but, uh...B: Okay, I'll get back to you in a couple of days. I hope by then you'll have a more definite idea. If you still ______ in two days though, maybe it's better to forget about the trip—it's not necessary really.

3. A: What's up, Song Jia? You ______? New jeans, five new CDs, new boots and now you want to buy my lunch at the Gang Li restaurant? B: I do have some money and I feel like being free with it today. You know, sort of like going on a binge.

4. A: Your point is good, but it absolutely ______ the matter at hand, which is how to reduce crime in our neighborhood. B: You think getting a new mayor in this city is irrelevant? On the contrary, far from not being related, our mayor is the root cause of the high level of crime in Scotsdale. He's against increasing the police force.

5. A: I don't care how urgent it was. You ______ taking my car. B: I know I had no right to take it without your permission. I admit I was wrong. But Dad, you're getting too upset over it.


1. (D)

2. (A)

3. (B)

4. (E)

5. (C)


I. 1. 研究中再有一點更確切的數(shù)據(jù)就能說服我,讓你繼續(xù)進(jìn)行實驗。但是,目前對于你的工作是否有價值,我的心情非常復(fù)雜?;蛟S,我們把你安排在能帶來實際效益的工作崗位上才能更好地發(fā)揮你的價值。

2. 看看他!他剛拿到第一筆工資,感覺自己像個富翁。哈哈哈!他突然有錢沒處花了。哦,好吧,他還年輕——讓他在能享受的時候好好享受吧。他很快就要結(jié)婚了,他妻子會控制他的開支的。

3. 在一般情況下,我會說我們無權(quán)看他人的日記,但是這次情況特殊。我們必須得看。布倫達(dá)可能在日記里寫了什么,可以幫助我們找到她現(xiàn)在所在的位置。

4. 榮格先生教我對付提供劣質(zhì)產(chǎn)品的供應(yīng)商的方法是第一次嚴(yán)正警告,若再發(fā)生則停止業(yè)務(wù)往來。這非常嚴(yán)格,但是榮格先生說,我們不需要跟試圖欺騙我們的供應(yīng)商做生意。

5. 哦,別再把我的工資扯進(jìn)來!這與錢無關(guān)。你給我的工資很高,因此我可以過得很好。對此,我非常感謝。讓我失望的是你對待我的方式。好像我是你的人,你更應(yīng)該拿我當(dāng)同事看。

II. 1. A:我們不喜歡赫爾曼就是因為他總是一副趾高氣揚的樣子。我們討厭這種妄自尊大的人。B:我能聽出你話語中的鄙視。你真的那么鄙視他嗎?

2. A:給我一兩天時間考慮考慮這次旅行好嗎?我的想法還不太堅定。我知道旅行有好和不好的方面。我想讓孩子們開心地去玩,但是,呃…… B:好,我過兩天再給你打電話。我希望到時候你有更確定的想法了。如果你考慮兩天后還是拿不定主意的話,或許最好不要再想旅行的事了——這真的沒有必要。

3. A:怎么了,宋佳?你的錢花不完了嗎?新牛仔褲、五張新CD、新靴子、現(xiàn)在還想請我去港麗餐廳吃午飯?B:我是有點錢,我今天想自由地花錢。你知道,就想放縱一次。

4. A:你的觀點很好,但是它跟手頭這件如何減少周邊犯罪的事情絕對沒有任何關(guān)系。B:你認(rèn)為給這座城市選一位新市長與這不相干嗎?恰恰相反,兩者是有關(guān)系的,我們的市長才是斯科茲代爾犯罪率高的根本原因。他反對增加警力。

5. A:不管有多緊急,你沒權(quán)利開走我的車。B:我知道沒有您的允許我沒有權(quán)力開您的車。我承認(rèn)我錯了。但是,爸爸,您對這件事生的氣太大了吧。


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