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LECTURE 106 基本動詞 KEEP 5





LECTURE 106 基本動詞 KEEP 5


1. keep 〔hold〕 sb. or sth. at bay / keep at bay **阻止,不讓接近

解 習語;詞義溯源:使某人或某物處于[窘境、被追趕的(bay)]狀態(tài)

例 South Korean meteorologists are keeping their fingers crossed , hoping the high pressure that has dominated the atmosphere over the Korean Peninsula will keep Typhoon Doug at bay. It may be enough to cause the typhoon to change course so that South Korea is spared its full force.

2. keep 〔hold〕 sb. or sth. in check **使受控制;使受抑制

解 習語;詞義溯源:使某人或某物處于[受控制、受抑制的(in check)]狀態(tài)

例 Herpes is an incurable disease that can be transmitted orally, (I. e. from one person's mouth to another's) or through sexual intercourse. Strong medications can however keep it in check and most patients never have to experience the pain and embarrassment of herpe warts.

3. keep 〔bear〕 sb. or sth. in mind **牢記,將…銘記在心

解 習語;詞義溯源:使某人或某物處于[在心里的(in mind)]狀態(tài)

例 The thing to keep in mind though is that the disease is always present in your body even if its outward physical signs (warts) are not present. So you have to exercise caution at all times to make sure you do not pass it to your partner.

4. keep sb. or sth. out / keep out ***禁止進入

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:保持某人或某物[在外的(out)]狀態(tài);參照leave sb. or sth. out

例 We turned the corner and entered the old dilapidated building where the drug dealers were reported to be operating a drug laboratory and processing center. At the top of the stairs a large red sign with white letters read “KEEP OUT” with a skull and crossbones etched below—exactly the way the informant had described it.

5. keep sb. or sth. up / keep up sb. or sth. ***使維持良好狀態(tài);使醒著;使繼續(xù)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:保持某人或某物[向上、從床上起來、活躍(up)]的狀態(tài)

例 I'm dead serious!If that dog keeps me up another night, I'm going to kill it!I'll give it some poisoned meat and kill it!God damn dog. There should be a law against dogs in cities.


(A) keep at bay

(B) keeping...in check

(C) keep...in mind

(D) keep...out

(E) keep...up

1. A: We're not advocating elimination of the student organizations, only control of them. We must restrain their activities so as to prevent them from going too far and becoming a problem in the future. B: You're only talking about ______ them ______, but if we try to put any restraints on them, they'll very likely resort to violent demonstrations.

2. A: As a member of the Chamber of Commerce, I demand to know why you are deliberately preventing me from participating in this business. B: We're not trying to ______ you ______, Tom. Relax. We just forgot to call you—that's all. We'd never think of not letting you participate.

3. A: Starvation is only one of the killers we're trying to ______ in Rwanda. We're working just as hard to prevent dysentery, tuberculosis from becoming a larger problem. B: Have you been successful in preventing those dangers so far?

4. A: Always remember,“You can't judge a book by its cover. ” It means you can't determine who a person is just by his appearance. B: Thanks, Grandpa. I'll ______ it ______.

5. A: I've been working 14 hours a day for the past month and a half—I'm exhausted!I don't think I can continue to do this much longer. B: Come on, you have to ______ it ______ for at least another week. We have to finish this research and submit the report by the 20th. Just one more week.


1. (B)

2. (D)

3. (A)

4. (C)

5. (E)


I. 1. 韓國的氣象學家們祈禱,希望朝鮮半島上空的大氣中占主導地位的高氣壓能夠阻止臺風道格逼近。它或許能夠迫使臺風改變方向,這樣韓國便不會受到它的全力攻擊。

2. 皰疹是一種無法治愈的疾病,可通過口部接觸(即,從一個人的口到另一個人的口)或性行為傳播。不過,強力藥物可以抑制該疾病,大部分病人再也不用承受皰疹疣帶來的痛苦和尷尬了。

3. 需要牢記的是,盡管這種疾病的外在表征(疣)沒有出現(xiàn),但依然潛伏在你體內(nèi)。所以你必須時刻保持警惕,確保不會傳染給你的配偶。

4. 我們轉(zhuǎn)過彎,然后進入一棟破舊的危樓。據(jù)報告,毒販們在里面設有一個毒品實驗室和處理中心。在樓梯最高處是個大大的紅色標志,上面用白色字寫著“禁止入內(nèi)”,下面刻有一個骷髏頭和交叉的腿骨,跟線人描述的一模一樣。

5. 我可是絕對認真的!要是那條狗再讓我一晚上睡不著覺,我就把它給宰了!我會給它吃有毒的肉,把它毒死!該死的狗。應該立法禁止在市內(nèi)養(yǎng)狗。

II. 1. A:我們并不是主張撤銷學生組織,只是要控制他們。我們必須限制他們的活動,避免他們做得太過火,以后引發(fā)什么問題。B:你總是說要抑制他們,但是如果我們對他們加以限制的話,他們很可能會進行暴力示威的。

2. A:作為商會的會員,我要求知道你們?yōu)槭裁垂室庾柚刮覅⑴c此項業(yè)務。B:我們沒有試圖阻止你參與,湯姆。別緊張。我們只是忘了告訴你了——僅此而已。我們從來沒有想過不讓你參加。

3. A:在盧旺達,饑餓只是我們要遠離的致命因素之一。我們還在努力阻止痢疾和肺結核進一步發(fā)展。B:到目前為止,你們成功阻止這些危險因素了嗎?

4. A:要始終記住:“你不能僅憑書的封面來判斷一本書?!边@就是說,不要以貌取人。B:謝謝您,爺爺。我會牢記的。

5. A:過去一個半月,我每天工作14個小時——我太累了!我覺得我堅持不了太久。B:加油,你至少得再堅持一周。我們得在20號之前完成這項研究并提交報告。就再堅持一周。


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