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1. make a check out to sb. / make out a check to sb. / make a check out / make out a check ** 開(發(fā)放)支票

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:制作[支票(check)]給某人

例 I need the accountants to make a check out to Borden Office Supply Company to pay for the office supplies we received today. 我需要會計人員給博登辦公用品公司開一張支票,支付我們今天收到的辦公用品的費用。

2. make a day of doing sth. / make a day of it ** 花一整天干某事

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使一天用來做某事

例 We had planned to spend only a few hours shopping, but we were having so much fun we decided to make a day of it and got home around dinner time. 我們原計劃只花幾個小時購物,但是我們太高興了,所以決定把一整天時間都用來購物,結(jié)果晚飯時間才回到家。

3. make a face 〔faces〕 at sb. / make a face〔faces〕 ** 做鬼臉

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[朝(at)]某人做出[面部表情(a face,faces)]

例 The boy sitting at the next table kept making faces at us. 鄰桌的那個男孩一直對我們扮鬼臉。

4. make a fool out of sb. / make an ass of sb. ** 使出丑;干傻事

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[從(out)]某人制作出[傻子(fool)]或把(某人)變成[傻子、蠢貨(ass)];注意ass不能亂用

例 She took all his money and then left him for another man. She really made a fool out of him. 她帶走了他所有的錢,然后離開他找了另外一個男人。她真是把他當(dāng)傻瓜耍。

5. make a note of sth. ** 寫下來;記筆記

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:做(某事的)[記錄、便條(note)]

例 Be sure to make a note of any damage to the apartment before you sign the rental agreement. 簽訂租賃協(xié)議之前,一定要記下公寓中所有已損壞的東西。

6. make a nuisance of oneself ** 使自己被人討厭,不受歡迎

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把(自己)變成[令人討厭的人(nuisance)]

例 It's okay to stop by occasionally, but if you visit too often you'll make a nuisance of yourself. 你偶爾過來是可以的,但是如果經(jīng)常來,就會被人討厭。

7. make a silk purse out of a sow's ear ** 從沒有任何價值的東西中找出價值

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:用[豬(sow)][耳朵(ear)]制作[絲綢錢包(silk purse)];常表示負(fù)面意味

例 The new managers of the theater vowed they'd make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, turning the bankrupt business into a two-million-dollar-a-year venture. 劇院新經(jīng)理發(fā)誓要把朽木變成玉雕,把破產(chǎn)的劇院變成年收入200萬美元的企業(yè)。

8. make an appointment with sb. / make an appointment ** 約會

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[和(with)]某人做[(會合、訪問的)約會(appointment)]

例 I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Farley for Monday at 10:00 o'clock if he is free. 如果法利先生有時間的話,我想跟他預(yù)約,定在周一的10點。

9. make arrangements for sb. or sth. / make arrangements ** 為…做準(zhǔn)備,安排

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:為某人或某物做[準(zhǔn)備、安排(arrangements)]

例 We've made arrangements for a car to pick you up at the airport. It will be a black limousine with our logo on the door waiting just outside Terminal One. 我們已經(jīng)安排了一輛車去機場接你。那是一輛黑色豪華轎車,車門上有我們公司的標(biāo)識。車將在一號航站樓外等你。

10. make arrangements to do sth. / make arrangements ** 定計劃

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:做進行某事的[計劃(arrangements)]

例 My secretary will make arrangements to have lunch delivered to the conference room. 我的秘書將安排把午餐送到會議室來。

11. make arrangements with sb. / make arrangements ** 與…商議,解決

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:與某人做[妥協(xié)、商議(arrangements)]

例 You should make arrangements with the moving company at least one month before you plan to move. 你至少應(yīng)該在搬家前一個月聯(lián)系好搬家公司。

12. make away〔off〕 with sb. or sth. *** 匆匆離開;逃走

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[帶著(with)]某人或某物[遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)地(away,off)]走開

例 During the power outage at the museum, somebody made off with a small statue from the Ming Dynasty valued at over one million dollars. 博物館斷電時,有人偷走了一座價值超過100萬美元的明朝小雕像。

13. make book on sth. * 打賭

解 俚語;詞義溯源:[關(guān)于(on)]某事制作(寫下)[壓下賭注的賬本(book)]

例 Several of the guys were making book on the outcome of the game, but I don't like to bet on sports so I didn't join them. 幾個家伙在賭比賽結(jié)果,但我不喜歡就體育運動打賭,所以沒有參加。

14. make chin music * 談話,閑聊

解 俚語;詞義溯源:引起(產(chǎn)生)[閑談、閑話(chin music)]

例 The two talkative office clerks were told they could make chin music all they wanted after work, but during office hours they should talk less. 那兩個喜歡聊天的辦公室職員被告知,他們在下班后可以隨意聊天,但是在上班時間應(yīng)該少說話。

15. make eyes at sb. / make eyes ** 拋媚眼,送秋波

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對某人做出[眼神、視線(eyes)]

例 One love-sick boy tries to get Teresa's attention by making eyes at her from across the desk in the library. 一個暗戀特雷莎的男孩為了引起她的注意,在圖書館里坐在她對面,對她暗送秋波。

16. make for *** 朝…方向移動

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[向著(for)](某地)前行

例 I had to go to the bathroom urgently, so as soon as the elevator door opened I made for the men's room. 我急著去洗手間,所以,電梯門一打開我就沖向了男洗手間。

17. make free with sb. or sth. / make free ** 對…不尊重;隨意使用他人之物

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對某人或某物成為[隨意的、無拘無束的(free)]狀態(tài)

例 Harry makes free with my pens and paper and such. He uses it just as it is his own and never even bothers to ask me for any of it. 哈里擅自使用我的鋼筆和紙之類的東西。他用的時候就好像那是他自己的,從來不問我。

18. make friends with sb. / make friends ** 成為朋友,交朋友

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把某人變成朋友

例 Make friends with your office colleagues and you'll always look forward to going to work each morning. 跟辦公室的同事成為朋友,這樣你每天早上都會盼著去上班。

19. make good as sb. ** 作為…獲得成功

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:作為某種人而成為[優(yōu)秀的、有資格的(good)]狀態(tài)

例 Mike's brother made good as a politician while his sister was successful as a lawyer. 邁克的哥哥成為了一位優(yōu)秀的政治家,而他姐姐則是一名成功的律師。

20. make good at sth. / make good ** 成功

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:在某領(lǐng)域成為[有能力的、有資格的(good)]狀態(tài)

例 I know you don't like the job you are doing now, but if you make good at it you will get promoted quickly to something more interesting. 我知道你不喜歡現(xiàn)在的工作,但是如果你把它做好,你很快就能得到提升,從而做更有趣的工作。

21. make hamburger 〔mincemeat〕 out of sb. or sth. * 毆打,打扁

解 俚語;詞義溯源:從某人或某物那里制作[出(out of)][漢堡包(hamburger)或肉餅(mincemeat)]

例 Mike Tyson, the heavyweight champion, says he will make mincemeat out of anyone who dares to challenge him. 重量級拳王邁克·泰森表示,他會把任何敢于挑戰(zhàn)他的人揍扁。

22. make it hot for sb. * 刁難,使下不了臺

解 俚語;詞義溯源:使某物[針對(for)]某人變成[燙的、熱的(hot)]狀態(tài)

例 To make it hot for him and force him to confess, the police threatened to arrest Smith's mother as an accomplice to his crimes. 為了刁難史密斯,讓他認(rèn)罪,警察威脅說他媽媽是共犯,也要一起逮捕。

23. make it snappy ** 趕快,快點

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使變成[敏捷的、活潑的(snappy)]狀態(tài)

例 Take these papers over to the accounting department. And make it snappy! 把這些文件送到會計部??禳c!

24. make life miserable for sb. ** 使陷于痛苦、悲慘境地

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使某人的生活變成[悲慘的(miserable)]狀態(tài)

例 His wife's mother didn't want them to get married, so now she tries to make life miserable for them by constantly criticizing everything they do. 他妻子的媽媽不希望他們結(jié)婚,所以現(xiàn)在她一直挑剔他們所做的任何事情,讓他們過得非常痛苦。

25. make love to sb. / make love ** 向…求愛,追求…;發(fā)生性行為,做愛

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:與某人做出[愛情、房事(love)]

例 Many Hollywood movies have one scene of young lovers making love. 很多好萊塢電影里面都有年輕戀人做愛的場景。

26. make one's way through sth. / make one's way ** 突破,推進,艱難前行

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:通過某物走自己的路

例 Making your way through a crowded subway station, you should keep your bag close to you or a pickpocket may steal from it. 在擁擠的地鐵站里穿行時,你必須看好自己的包,否則包內(nèi)的東西會被偷。

27. make oneself conspicuous ** 引人注意

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使自己變成[顯眼的(conspicuous)]狀態(tài)

例 To get attention, teenagers often dress outrageously to make themselves conspicuous. 為了引起注意,青少年通常會穿得稀奇古怪,讓自己看起來引人注目。

28. make oneself miserable ** 讓自己痛苦

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使自己變成[悲慘的(miserable)]狀態(tài)

例 You will never get Diane to pay attention to you, John. You're just making yourself miserable. 約翰,你永遠(yuǎn)也不可能讓黛安娜注意你。你這么做只會讓自己很痛苦。

29. make oneself scarce ** 走開;回避

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把自己變成[罕見的、稀有的(scarce)]狀態(tài)

例 Upon retiring, former presidents are expected to make himself scarce for a few years so there is no question that the new president is in charge. 人們希望前總統(tǒng)一退休就能退避幾年,這樣新總統(tǒng)在執(zhí)政時便不會出現(xiàn)什么問題。

30. make sb. or sth. out / make out *** 設(shè)法應(yīng)付,活下來;辨認(rèn)出;理解

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:使某人或某物[暴露出來(out)]

例 How did you make out with the boss on your request for a pay raise? 你跟老板提加薪的事怎么樣了?

31. make peace with sb. / make peace ** 和好,和解

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:引起[和平、友好(peace)]

例 Before the Palestinians made peace with the Israelis, the PLO was viewed as a terrorist organization. 在巴勒斯坦與以色列和解之前,巴勒斯坦解放組織被視為恐怖組織。

32. make sth. good / make sth. ** 償還,復(fù)原;履行,實現(xiàn)

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把某物變成[可使用的、完整的(good)]狀態(tài)

例 As a teenager Robert caused his parents a lot of suffering, so as an adult he was determined to make it good before they passed away. 年少時,羅伯特給父母帶來了很多痛苦,所以,成年后他決定在他們?nèi)ナ乐白龀鲅a償。

33. make sth. of sth. *** 理解某事物的意義或性質(zhì)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:把某事物解釋為某事物

例 Congressman Peller made too much of the meager increases in military spending. 國會議員佩勒過分重視軍費開支的微弱增長。

34. make sth. up out of whole cloth / make up sth. out of whole cloth ** 編造故事或謊話

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:從[布料(whole cloth)][完全(up)]制作[出(out of)]某物

例 Garbott's lawyers argued that the witness had made his testimony up out of whole cloth. 加博特的律師辯護稱,證人的證詞純屬捏造。

35. make the bed / make one's bed ** 鋪床

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:收拾[床鋪(bed)]

例 The maid will clean the room, put in fresh towels and make the bed each morning. 女仆將負(fù)責(zé)每天早上打掃房間、更換毛巾和收拾床鋪。

36. make the scene * 出席活動

解 俚語;詞義溯源:制作(出現(xiàn))[場景、舞臺(scene)];注意不要將本詞組和make a scene混淆

例 Superstar Tom Hanks wasn't able to make the scene, but his lovely wife attended. 超級巨星湯姆·漢克斯無法到場,但是他的愛妻出席了活動。

37. make time with sb. / make time ** 與某人調(diào)情;約會

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:制造與某人在一起的時間

例 A new monthly newsletter called Dating Scene reports the latest on who making time with whom in the entertainment world. 一份名為《約會現(xiàn)場》的最新月刊專門報道娛樂圈誰與誰私下約會的最新消息。


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