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LECTURE 131 基本動詞 PUT 2





LECTURE 131 基本動詞 PUT 2


1. put in one's two cents (worth) / put one's two cents in ** (未經(jīng)許可)發(fā)表意見;插話

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:放入兩[美分(cents)]

例 Who asked for your opinion? Get your nose out of our business ! If we had wanted you to put in your two cents, we would have asked you. This is a private matter between just the two of us. We don't need any outside commentary!

2. put on *** 假裝;夸張

解 短語動詞; 詞義溯源:處于[帶著(on)](某種樣子)的狀態(tài);參照let on

例 A new rule goes into effect this season which takes away any incentive for a player to put on with an injury just to slow down the pace of the game. Under the old rule, a player could continue to play after being checked for his supposed injury. The new rule will require the player to sit on his team's bench for five minutes before reentering.

3. put on airs ** 擺架子;裝腔作勢

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:處于[帶著(on)][(傲慢的)樣子(airs)]的狀態(tài)

例 You're wrong. He's not putting on airs. Andrew is a refined, very intellectual young man. If his behavior bothers you, it's just because you've never associated with anybody as educated as him. What you think is false and pretentious, is only natural for a young man with his background.

4. put on an act ** 裝模作樣,假裝

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:處于[裝腔作勢(act)]的狀態(tài);參照put on

例 We all know that she's putting on an act. It's no secret that she's gone to bed with quite a few men in this small town. But around Alex, she tries to look like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth . If you tried to tell Alex about her real past, he'd never believe you.

5. put on one's thinking cap ** 認(rèn)真思考,動腦筋想

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:處于[思考(thinking cap)]的狀態(tài);通常用來教育小孩子

例 It's time for the scientists of the world to put on their thinking caps and come up with a better way to harvest the endless supply of energy the sun has to offer. There's got to be a better, more efficient way.


(A) put in your two cents worth

(B) putting on

(C) puts on airs

(D) putting on an act

(E) put on your thinking cap

1. A: May I make some comments on the matter? B: Hold your horses . Mr. Norton has three more minutes to speak. After him you're welcome to ______.

2. A: Turn off the TV and ______ and do your homework. B: I'm already thinking real hard and serious about my homework, Mom. I think better when the TV is on.

3. A: All you have to do is pretend that you're sick and the teacher will let you leave the classroom. Then we can meet in the cafeteria. B: It sound easy, but I'm no good at ______. She'd know I was faking. Why don't we just meet at lunch time?

4. A: Nick is one of those guys who's always behaving falsely just to impress people. He tries to pretend to be sophisticated. You know what I mean? B: Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. He's always ______. A: Right. His clothes, the way he speaks, walks—everything. It's all false.

5. A: Why do you think he ______ like that? B: I think he tries to act more sophisticated because in reality he's not. I've heard his father is in jail and his mother ran off with another man. A: So he has to cover up the truth by acting like he's better than us? B: I think that's it.


1. (A)

2. (E)

3. (B)

4. (D)

5. (C)


I. 1. 誰問你的意見了?少管我們的事情。如果我們希望你發(fā)表意見的話,我們早就問你了。這是我們兩個人的私事,不需要外人加以評論。

2. 本賽季剛剛生效了一條新規(guī)則,用來避免球員假裝受傷來拖延比賽。在舊規(guī)則下,被認(rèn)為受傷的球員在檢查過傷情后,可以繼續(xù)參加比賽。新規(guī)則將要求球員在重新進(jìn)場之前,必須坐在本隊坐席上等五分鐘。

3. 你錯了。安德魯沒有裝腔作勢。他是一個彬彬有禮、非常聰明的年輕人。如果他的行為讓你不愉快,那是因為你沒有結(jié)交過像他這種受過教育的人。你所認(rèn)為的虛假和做作,對于像他這種有如此背景的年輕人來說是自然流露出來的。

4. 我們都知道她在裝模作樣。她跟這個小鎮(zhèn)上的許多男人都上過床,這早已不是秘密。但是在亞歷克斯身邊的時候,她試圖裝出一副一本正經(jīng)的樣子。如果你告訴亞歷克斯她真實的過去,他都不會相信你。

5. 全世界的科學(xué)家們應(yīng)該仔細(xì)考慮一下,想出一種更好的辦法來好好利用太陽提供的無窮無盡的能源。一定會有一種更好、更有效的方法。

II. 1. A:我能說一下我對這件事的看法嗎?B:別著急。諾頓先生還有三分鐘的發(fā)言時間。歡迎你在他之后發(fā)表意見。

2. A:關(guān)上電視,用心做作業(yè)。B:我已經(jīng)非常努力、非常認(rèn)真地在思考我的作業(yè)了,媽媽。開著電視的時候,我的思維更敏捷。

3. A:你要做的就是假裝病了,這樣老師就會讓你不用上課,然后我們就可以在餐廳見面了。B:聽起來很容易,不過我不擅長假裝。她會知道我在裝的。我們?yōu)槭裁床辉谖绮蜁r間見面?

4. A:尼克是那種用虛假行為來打動別人的人。他總是裝得老于世故。你明白我的意思嗎?B:是的。我非常明白你的意思。他總是裝模作樣。A:沒錯。他穿的衣服、說話和走路的方式——所有的一切,全都是假的。

5. A:你覺得他為什么會那樣裝腔作勢?B:我想他是想表現(xiàn)得更世故,因為事實上他并非如此。我聽說他爸爸正在坐牢,他媽媽跟別的男人私奔了。A:所以他要通過裝作比我們都強(qiáng)來掩蓋真相?B:我想就是這么回事。


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