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LECTURE 136 基本動詞 PUT 7





LECTURE 136 基本動詞 PUT 7


1. put sb. or sth. on *** 穿(衣服、鞋),戴(帽子);取笑;哄騙

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:把某物放在身[上(on)]或使某人處于被騙的狀態(tài)

例 He's good. I have to give him credit where credit is due —he had us all fooled. When he came in with that excited look on his face and told us he'd won the $55 million lottery and showed us that fake winning ticket, we had no idea he was putting us on.

2. put sb. or sth. on hold ** 讓(某人)在通話時等著;延期;擱置,暫停

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使處于[停止、保留、延遲(hold)]的狀態(tài);on hold表示“暫時中斷、保留的狀態(tài)”

例 Dear Friends & Colleagues, I trust you have heard of our son's unfortunate accident and will understand that we find it necessary to put his wedding ceremony on hold until he gets back on his feet. We hope this doesn't cause you a great deal of inconvenience. We'll keep you posted on Andrew's condition and the status of his wedding. Thank you for understanding.

3. put 〔get〕 sb. or sth. out of one's mind ** 忘記;避而不想

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把某人或某物放在[心(mind)]外

例 Failure? Downfall? These words are not part our vocabulary! There's only one word that should be in our minds—victory. Victory at all cost, gentlemen. If you're thinking anything else, I suggest you put it out of your mind at once. Negative thoughts lead to negative results.

4. put sb. or sth. out to pasture ** 讓某人退休;停止使用

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把不能再繼續(xù)工作的人放到[牧場(pasture)]

例 They're calling it a promotion, but I know better. They've even given me a big title. Ha!Well, I should have known they'd put even me out to pasture someday. Somehow I thought they might let me stay in my position if only out of respect for my 52 years of service.

5. put sb. or sth. to bed ** 使某人上床睡覺;完成工作,交付下一階段;付印

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使某人去[床上(bed)]

例 Story time was always at 10:15 sharp. Mother would put me to bed and then Father would come in and read me a story until I fell asleep. Then he'd turn out the light and quietly sneak out of the room.


(A) putting...on

(B) put...on hold

(C) put...out of your mind

(D) put...out to pasture

(E) put...to bed

1. A: You know his uncle is the president, don't you? B: What? He told you that? Don't you know he was ______ you ______? A: No, really. He told me sincerely. He wasn't kidding. B: Min Hu, he was just teasing you by making you believe something that's not ture. Believe me—I know. He tried fooling me too.

2. A: The Morris family is asking for $400,000 to make up for what they're calling the “mental and emotional stress” the bank's false alarm caused them. B: If we pay it, can we ______ this matter ______? A: Yes, that would settle the matter permanently. But I think we...B: Pay it. I don't want the media making a fuss over this. Just pay it.

3. A: I don't dare miss one day of work for sickness—that would only prove what Dawson thinks: that I'm too old to work so I should be forced to retire. B: Surely he would't ______ you ______ before you're 65, would he?

4. A: Today is the day we would have launched the Mars probe if NASA hadn't ______ the program ______. Just think of the excitement we'd be having. B: Did they ever say why they stopped the progress of the probe mission?

5. A: The first step toward recovery is to ______ the thought of the experience ______. Don't dwell upon it. Try not to think about it at all. B: I've tried, Doctor. I can't—I want to forget it, but I can't.


1. (A)

2. (E)

3. (D)

4. (B)

5. (C)


I. 1. 他真強。我不得不說他厲害——他把我們都耍了。當(dāng)他一臉興奮地走進來,告訴我們他中了5500萬美元的彩票,然后把假的中獎彩票給我們看時,我們都不知道他在騙人。

2. 各位親愛的朋友、同事,我相信大家都聽說了我兒子不幸遭遇事故的事,也能夠理解我們必須將他的婚禮推后到他恢復(fù)健康后再舉辦這一舉措。我們希望此事不會給大家?guī)硖嗖槐?。我們會把安德魯?shù)幕謴?fù)狀況和婚禮情況及時告訴大家的。非常感激大家的理解。

3. 失敗?垮臺?我們的字典里沒有這些詞!我們只需記住一個詞——勝利。不惜任何代價的勝利,先生們。如果此刻你們還在考慮其他的事情,我建議你們馬上拋諸腦后。負面的想法會導(dǎo)致負面的結(jié)果。

4. 他們把這稱為升職,但是我心里很清楚。他們甚至給了我一個很大的頭銜。哈!我早該想到他們總有一天會讓我退休的。但是我以為,鑒于我在公司52年的工作經(jīng)歷,他們可能會保留我現(xiàn)在的職位。

5. 故事時間通常在10點15分準(zhǔn)時開始。媽媽安排我上床睡覺,然后爸爸會進來給我講故事,直到我睡著。然后他關(guān)上燈,悄悄地走出房間。

II. 1. A:你知道他叔叔是總統(tǒng),對不對?B:什么?他這么跟你說的?你不知道他在騙你嗎?A:不是,真的。他非常認真地跟我說的。他沒有開玩笑。B:閔虎,他只是在戲弄你,讓你相信不真實的事情。相信我——我知道。他也曾試圖騙過我。

2. A:莫里斯家索要40萬美元,來補償銀行的錯誤警告給他們造成的所謂“精神和感情壓力”。B:如果我們支付這筆錢的話,能夠解決這件事嗎?A:是的,那樣可以永久解決這件事。但是我想我們……B:付給他們。我不希望媒體對這件事大驚小怪。給他們吧。

3. A:我不敢因為生病而耽誤一天工作——那會證實道森的想法:我太老了,沒法工作了,我應(yīng)該被迫辭職。B:他當(dāng)然不會在你65歲之前讓你退休,是吧?

4. A:如果美國宇航局沒有推遲該項目,那么今天就應(yīng)該是我們發(fā)射火星探測器的日子。想想我們本該是多么興奮。B:他們有沒有說為什么要停止探測任務(wù)?

5. A:恢復(fù)的第一步是把那一經(jīng)歷從腦海中清除。不要想它。盡量一點都不想。B:我試過了,醫(yī)生。我做不到——我想要忘掉它,但是我做不到。


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