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LECTURE 139 基本動詞 PUT 10





LECTURE 139 基本動詞 PUT 10


1. put sth. on paper ** 記下;制成文本資料

解 習語;詞義溯源:把某物放在[紙(paper)]上;on paper表示“寫在紙上的;理論上的”

例 Joe's the kind of guy who can sit around all day telling interesting stories. Down at the pub, all the guys gather around his table and listen to his tales. If he ever put all that stuff on paper, he'd probably make it on the bestseller's list and make a killing from booksales and royalties.

2. put sth. on the back burner ** 拖延,延期;保留

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:把某物放在[多眼爐子的后爐眼(back burner)]上

例 Don't misunderstand me. I'm just as interested in protecting animals from abuse as you are. But right now, we have so many other pressing issues to consider that I have no choice but to put your legislation on the back burner for now. It's just not as urgent. We'll deal with it later—I promise. Okay?

3. put 〔lay〕 sth. on the line ** 單刀直入地說,坦率地說;冒著…的危險

解 習語;詞義溯源:把某物放在[眼睛平視的高度(on the line)]或[馬上、當場(on the line)]說

例 Well, Tom wasn't about to countenance insubordination from the young man. So he called Harrison on the carpet and gave him a piece of his mind . He laid it on the line: either Harrison started showing respect for the formen and managers or he would be fired. Tom must have made an impression because we haven't had any trouble with Harrison since.

4. put sth. to good use / put sth. to use ** 利用,使用

解 習語;詞義溯源:使某物被[使用、利用(use)]

例 In school he was voted “The Most Likely to Succeed,” by his classmates and teachers. They were impressed with his ambition, ingenuity, intelligence and congeniality. But to everyone's surprise, he chose not to go to college and never really put his talents to good use.

5. put sth. together / put together sth. *** 拼裝;放在一起;綜合,合計

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:把某物[一起(together)]放置

例 For the next twenty-six years he dedicated his life to putting back together the community the Nazis has torn apart. Though he died before realizing his dream, the town thrives today and bears his name—Alexandersburg.


(A) put...on paper

(B) put...on the back burner

(C) putting...on the line

(D) put...to good use

(E) putting...together

1. A: You realize you'd be ______ your job ______ if you go ahead with your plan to report the company for dumping chemical wastes, don't you? B: I'm willing to risk losing my job—the environment means more to me.

2. A: Are you going to write that down? Unless I see your guarantee in print, I'm not going to feel confident enough to spend $400,000 on this equipment. B: Don't worry. If you need me to ______ it ______, I'll have my secretary do it for you. Okay? Any other problems or do we have a deal now?

3. A: Hey, are you throwing away all this stuff in the box? B: Yeah, but if there's something in it that you can find a useful purpose for, you're welcome to take it. A: Really? Great!I can ______ this old bucket ______ in my garden. B: Okay, then take it. I'm glad you can do something with it.

4. A: As a manager you must PRIORITIZE! Your time is valuable. You have to devote it to what's most important and pressing and ______ everything else ______. B: But deciding not to deal with a problem or matter immediately and leaving it for later consideration because YOU think it's not as important or pressing as other matters can be dangerous, can't it? I mean, you might upset others who think it is very important.

5. A: Have you assembled the new photocopier, yet? B: No, still ______ it ______. We should be done in an hour or two.


1. (C)

2. (A)

3. (D)

4. (B)

5. (E)


I. 1. 喬是那種可以坐著講一整天有趣故事的人。在酒吧里,所有人都圍坐在他的桌子旁,聽他講故事。如果他把那些故事寫出來的話,可能會登上暢銷書排行榜,光靠賣書和版稅就可以賺一大筆錢。

2. 別誤會。我也跟你們一樣對保護動物免受虐待很感興趣。但是現(xiàn)在,我們有其他許多緊迫的問題需要考慮,我別無選擇,只有先把你們的立法擱置了。這并沒有那么緊急。我們稍后會處理的——我保證。好嗎?

3. 湯姆并不支持年輕人反抗,所以他把哈里森痛罵了一頓。他非常坦率地說:要么哈里森尊敬工頭和經理們,要么他就得被辭掉。他肯定給哈里森留下了深刻印象,因為從那之后,哈里森再也沒有給我們惹過麻煩。

4. 在學校的時候,他被同學和老師評為“最具成功潛力的學生”。他有志向、機靈、聰慧、平易近人,給人們留下了深刻印象。但是讓所有人吃驚的是,他居然選擇不上大學,也沒有真正好好利用他的聰明才智。

5. 在接下來的26年里,他致力于把被納粹破壞得四分五裂的社區(qū)重新聚在一起。雖然他去世時還沒有實現(xiàn)夢想,但現(xiàn)在,這個小鎮(zhèn)已經非常繁華了,并且還用他的名字來命名——亞歷山大斯伯格。

II. 1. A:如果你打算繼續(xù)報道那家公司傾倒化學廢料的話,你就得冒丟工作的危險了,你知不知道?B:我寧愿冒失業(yè)的風險——(保護)環(huán)境對我來說更重要。

2. A:你要不要立個字據?除非我看到書面的保證書,否則我對于花40萬美元購買這些設備有些信心不足。B:別擔心,如果你需要我把它寫下來,我會讓秘書做的。好嗎?還有其他問題嗎?現(xiàn)在可以成交了嗎?

3. A:嘿,你要把這些東西都扔進箱子里嗎?B:是的,如果這里面有什么你覺得有用的東西,你可以拿走。A:真的嗎?太好了!我可以把這個舊水桶放在花園里好好利用。B:好的,那就拿走吧。我很高興你還能用它做點事情。

4. A:作為一名經理,你必須把事情按優(yōu)先順序安排好!你的時間非常寶貴。你必須把它用在最重要、最緊急的事情上,把其他事情先放在一邊。B:但是,僅僅因為你認為一個問題或一件事不如其他事情重要或緊急,便決定不馬上處理,而是稍后考慮,這是很危險的,不是嗎?我的意思是說,你可能會讓那些認為它非常重要的人生氣。

5. A:你組裝完那臺新復印機了嗎?B:沒有,還在組裝。我們大約一到兩個小時就能裝完了。


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