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LECTURE 155 基本動詞TAKE 4





LECTURE 155 基本動詞TAKE 4


1. take a punch at sb. ** 揮拳打或要打某人

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[對(at)]某人進行[攻擊、拳擊、毆打(punch)]

例 As Mr. An was being moved from the courthouse to the jail house, a protestor in the large crowd that had gathered outside took a punch at him, hitting him squarely on the left cheek and sending his glasses flying off his face. Police quickly arrested the man, who claimed An had done him out of $530,000.

2. take 〔have〕 a stab at sth. ** 試圖做,嘗試做

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對某事做[嘗試、試圖(stab)]

例 Since the loss of the files came to light , several treasury officials have tried without success to convince the public that the files were inadvertently destroyed and had not fallen into the hands of criminals who might use the sensitive information they contained. Director Wallace Fingerton took a stab at it this morning in a press conference held in his offices in which he...

3. take a stand / take a stand for sth. ** 表明態(tài)度或立場(支持某事)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:采取某種[立場、見解、態(tài)度(stand)];take a stand against意為“反對,抵抗”

例 It is your duty as a member of this community to take a stand on this issue. I'm not saying you're obligated to support my opinions or theirs. All I'm saying is that you have to do one or the other. Remaining neutral is not an option!

4. take 〔have〕 a try 〔shot〕 at sth. ** 試圖

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對某事進行[嘗試(try, shot)];如果用shot則為口語表達

例 I'm not very good at writing poetry, but I think I'll take a shot at winning the poetry contest they're having at the Fine Arts Centre next month. They say they're not looking for style, but originality. I think I'm pretty original.

5. take a turn for the better ** 開始改善,開始好轉(zhuǎn)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[向好的一面(for the better)]做[改變(turn)]

例 Economic data released today by the Treasury Department indicate the economy took a turn for the better in the first quarter of the year. In releasing the figures, Treasury Secretary Boyd said the data should “do the hearts of business leaders good . ”


(A) take a punch at

(B) take a stab at

(C) take a stand for

(D) take a shot at

(E) taken a turn for the better

1. A: Every contestant who at least tries to climb the well-oiled rope will receive a special T-shirt that says they attempted it. Those who succeed in reaching the top will get a $500 gift certificate for Polo clothing shops. B: I don't stand a chance of succeeding, but I'll ______ it just to get the shirt!

2. A: I'll try to do it too. Let's go. B: Wait! Didn't you hear him? He said the rope is covered in oil. Don't you think before we ______ it, we'd better change into some old clothes?

3. A: Doctor, how's my son doing? Have you looked in on him this morning? B: Yes, I have, and he's ______. His vital signs—temperature, heart rate, breathing rate— everything's stronger. A: Oh, thank God, his condition is finally improving. And thank you, Doctor.

4. A: Listen, this debate has been going on for over six months and you have yet to declare what your attitude or opinions toward universal health care are and fight to defend your ideas. B: I'll ______ it when I'm ready. My opinions are still forming, but I promise you soon I will make my opinions known.

5. A: Why did you ______ Song Yong? Were you looking for trouble ? B: No ma'am. I'm not a troublemaker. He was teasing me about my dark skin. I told him it runs in my family and asked him to shut up, but he kept at it . So, I lost my temper and struck him. I'm sorry I did it.


1. (D)

2. (B)

3. (E)

4. (C)

5. (A)


I. 1. 安先生從法院出來被送往監(jiān)獄時,聚集在外面的人群中有一名抗議者揮拳打他,打中了他的左臉,把他的眼鏡打飛了。警察迅速抓捕了該名抗議者,這名抗議者指控安騙走了他53萬美元。

2. 自文件丟失的事被曝光以來,數(shù)名財務(wù)官員一直在努力說服公眾相信這些文件在無意中被毀壞了,并且沒有落入那些可能會利用其中敏感信息的犯罪分子手中,但沒人相信。今天上午,華萊士·芬格頓主任在他的辦公室召開新聞發(fā)布會,也試圖說服公眾,他說……

3. 作為這個社區(qū)的一員,你有責(zé)任對這一問題表明立場。我不是說你有義務(wù)支持我的或他們的觀點,我所說的是你必須支持某一方。你不能保持中立!

4. 我不擅長寫詩,但是我認為我會嘗試一下,看能不能贏得下個月在美術(shù)中心舉辦的詩歌大賽的勝利。他們說不在意風(fēng)格,在意的是原創(chuàng)性。我認為我有很強的原創(chuàng)能力。

5. 財政部今天公布的經(jīng)濟數(shù)據(jù)顯示,經(jīng)濟形勢在今年第一季度開始好轉(zhuǎn)。財政部長博伊德在公布數(shù)據(jù)時說,這一數(shù)據(jù)“對商業(yè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人來說應(yīng)該很有利”。

II. 1. A:每位至少嘗試了攀爬浸了油的繩子的參賽者都將獲得一件特制的T恤,證明他們努力了。成功爬到頂端的選手將獲得保羅服裝店500美元的禮券。B:我沒有可能獲勝,但是我將嘗試一下,贏個T恤回來。

2. A:我也會試試。我們走吧。B:等一下!你沒有聽見他的話嗎?他說繩子被浸了油。你不覺得在去之前,最好換上舊衣服嗎?

3. A:醫(yī)生,我兒子怎么樣了?您上午看過他了嗎?B:是的,我看過了。他的情況在好轉(zhuǎn)。他的主要體征——體溫、心率和呼吸頻率都很好。A:謝天謝地,他的情況終于好轉(zhuǎn)了。醫(yī)生,謝謝您。

4. A:聽著,這場辯論已經(jīng)持續(xù)六個多月了,你還沒有公布你對實施全面醫(yī)療保健的態(tài)度或觀點,也沒有為自己的觀點辯護。B:準備好了的話我會維護自己的立場。我的觀點還沒有成形,但是我保證將盡快宣布。

5. A:你為什么揮拳打宋勇?你想找麻煩嗎?B:不是的,夫人。我不是個找麻煩的人。是他嘲笑我皮膚黑。我告訴他這是我們家族遺傳的,讓他閉嘴,但他仍然說個沒完。所以,我一氣之下就打了他。我為此道歉。


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