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LECTURE 181 基本介詞 AT 1





LECTURE 181 基本介詞 AT 1


1. at a loss for words / at a loss ** 不知說什么好,難以用言語表達;感到困惑;不知所措

解 習語;詞義溯源:處于[失去話語(a loss for words)]的狀態(tài)

例 I really appreciate this. You guys are wonderful and I wish I could put into words how much I admire you for being so thoughtful and generous, but I'm really at a loss for words. I know everybody says “thank you” a hundred times a day without thinking about it, but when I say “thank you” this time, it comes from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, thank you all!

2. at a premium ** 溢價,在票面價值以上;稀有的

解 習語;詞義溯源:處于[溢價(premium)]的狀態(tài)

例 Due to the cool, rainy summer, the apple harvest is estimated to have been less than half of the usual yearly average. Consumers will find it hard to get good apples and will pay a high price for those they do find. “Apples will be sold at a premium this year,” said Kroger Supermarket's general manager.

3. at ease ** 放松地,自在地;稍息

解 習語;詞義溯源:處于[不緊張、輕松(ease)]的狀態(tài)

例 General Bae entered the office and everyone got to their feet , snapped to a position of attention and rendered a salute. Then, as is customary, he commanded the group, “AT EASE, SOLDIERS,” and they all went back to their work.

4. at large ** 自由的,逍遙法外的;詳細地;一般地;整體地;大多數;由全州或全市選出的

解 習語;詞義溯源:在[寬敞的(large)]地方;一般用來指逃犯逍遙法處

例 Indian officials have been successful in keeping the disease from spreading beyond these four major cities. No new cases have been reported at large for two weeks.

5. at leisure ** 悠閑地,從容地

解 習語;詞義溯源:處于[悠閑(leisure)]的狀態(tài)

例 It's not good to push an artist. Let him finish the painting at leisure. If you push him, he'll get it done, but it won't contain the same feeling he puts into works. Just let him take his time and he'll give you another masterpiece.


(A) at a loss for words

(B) at a premium

(C) at ease

(D) at large

(E) at leisure

1. A: You seem to think you can do your work as slowly as you want, whenever you want to do it! You'd better get moving or I'll cut your pay! B: I'm working ______ because my doctor told me to avoid stress. If you push me, I might have a heart attack. You don't want that, do you?

2. A: Wow, you guys are great. I never expected you'd give me a birthday party. I, uh..., I want to...uh, uhm...I'm so shocked, so surprised that I can't think of what to say. B: You, Charlie?!You're ______? Charlie Norton finds himself unable to express himself because of his shock?!

3. A: Peace and quiet, without the sounds of traffic, people or machines is very difficult to get in this city of 11 million people, so it is valued very much by those who can get it. B: Privacy is ______ too. It is so hard to get, that it's valued just as much. Everywhere you go, there are people, people, people!I would give my right arm to have one day in which I saw no other human!

4. A: Do you feel comfortable working together on the research with Ms. Li? B: Well, uh..., to tell the truth, I'm never ______ around her. It's the way she dresses. If she would wear more conservative clothing, maybe I would not feel anxious.

5. A: Be careful. That escaped criminal from the prison is still ______. B: He still hasn't been captured? My God!


1. (E)

2. (A)

3. (B)

4. (C)

5. (D)


I. 1. 真的非常感謝。你們都很出色,我希望我可以用語言表達我有多欽佩你們的周到和慷慨,但是我真的不知道說什么好。我知道,每個人每天想都不想就能說出上百次“謝謝你”,但是當我這次說“謝謝你”時,是真誠地發(fā)自內心的。謝謝,謝謝你們!

2. 由于這個夏天涼爽、多雨,據估計蘋果的收成將不足往年平均收成的一半。消費者會發(fā)現很難買到好蘋果,而且就算能買到,價格也是非常高的。“今年的蘋果將會非常貴”,克羅格超市的總經理說。

3. 當貝將軍走進辦公室時,每個人都起立,立正向他敬禮。之后,像平時一樣,他發(fā)出命令 :“戰(zhàn)士們,稍息”,然后所有人都回去工作。

4. 印度官員已成功控制住了疾病,使它沒有蔓延到這四個主要城市以外。已經有兩周沒有大規(guī)模新病例的報道了。

5. 催促藝術家并沒有什么好處。讓他悠閑地完成繪畫吧。如果你催他,他會很快完成,但是他不會把完成其他作品時相同的感情融入畫中。就讓他從容地畫吧,他會再給你一幅杰作的。

II. 1. A:你似乎認為可以盡可能慢地、隨心所欲地干活!你最好行動起來,否則我就降你的工資! B:我是在從容地工作,因為我的醫(yī)生告訴我不要有壓力。如果你催促我,我的心臟病可能會發(fā)作。你不想那樣,對吧?

2. A:哇,你們真好。我從來沒想過你們會給我籌備生日聚會。我,呃……我想……呃……我非常震驚,非常驚訝,我想不出來該說什么。 B:你,查利?!你不知道說什么好了?查利·諾頓因為吃驚不知道怎么表達自己了?!

3. A:沒有車輛、人群和機器噪音的平靜與安寧,在這個1100萬人口的城市是很難找到的,因此那些可以享受到這種寧靜的人對此非常地珍惜。 B:隱私同樣也是稀有的。因為很難獲得,所以同樣很珍貴。無論你走到哪里,周圍都是人、人、人! 要是能有一天看不到一個人該有多好!

4. A:你覺得和李女士一起做研究自在嗎? B:哦,呃……說實話,我在她旁邊從來沒有自在過。這是因為她的穿著方式。如果她能穿得保守些,我就不會心神不寧了。

5. A:小心點。越獄的罪犯現在仍然在逃。 B:他還沒有被抓住嗎?我的天哪!


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