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1. on a diet ** 節(jié)食,減肥

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[飲食(diet)]方面

例 Even if you're on a diet, you can enjoy low-calorie chocolate.雖然你現(xiàn)在在節(jié)食,但是你依然可以嘗嘗低熱量巧克力。

2. on a 〔the〕 waiting list ** 被列入等候名單

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[等候名單(waiting list)]上

例 We're on the waiting list for a table at the restaurant. 我們?cè)诓蛷d排隊(duì)等位。

3. on account ** 賒賬;分期付款

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[信用賬戶(account)]上

例 You already have $5,670 on account and your credit limit is $5,000.你已經(jīng)賒賬用了5670美元,而你的信用卡限額只有5000美元。

4. on active duty ** 正在服役,現(xiàn)役

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[現(xiàn)役(active duty)]的狀態(tài)

例 While on active duty, Sergeant Smith served in Germany, Egypt and Panama. 在服役期間,史密斯中士曾經(jīng)在德國(guó)、埃及和巴拿馬執(zhí)行過任務(wù)。

5. on all fours ** 趴在地上,匍匐

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:用[四肢(all fours)]

例 Jim's mother was on all fours cleaning the floor when we arrived. 我們到達(dá)的時(shí)候,吉姆的媽媽正趴在地上擦地板。

6. on and off / off and on ** 斷斷續(xù)續(xù),時(shí)不時(shí)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于一會(huì)兒[進(jìn)行(on)]一會(huì)兒又[中斷(off)]的狀態(tài)

例 It's been raining on and off all day long. 雨斷斷續(xù)續(xù)地下了一整天。

7. on approval ** 試用的;包換的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:正在[認(rèn)可(approval)]

例 I'll send you the first shipment on approval. If our product doesn't satisfy your needs better than anything else, you don't have to pay for it. 我會(huì)給你寄去第一批貨物供試用。如果我們的產(chǎn)品無法滿足你的要求,那么你不需要付錢。

8. on board ** 在船上,在飛機(jī)上;支持的,贊同的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[甲板(board)]上

例 Fortunately an FBI agent was on board and shot the hijacker before he took control of the plane. 幸運(yùn)的是,一名美國(guó)聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局的探員正在飛機(jī)上,他在劫機(jī)犯控制飛機(jī)之前向他開了槍。

9. on cloud nine ** 心情愉悅;狂喜

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于上了[九重天(cloud nine)]的狀態(tài)

例 Nancy's been on cloud nine for a week now. Ron asked her to marry him last weekend. 南希整整一周都興高采烈的。羅恩上周末向她求婚了。

10. on dead center ** 在正中間;正確

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[正中間(dead center)];這里的dead表示“準(zhǔn)確”

例 Place this poster on the south wall. And make sure it's on dead center.把這張海報(bào)貼到南邊的墻上。一定要貼在正中間。

The broadcasting company will never admit it, but Mr. Edwards' criticism of the network is on dead center.廣播公司永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)承認(rèn),但是愛德華茲先生對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)的批評(píng)是中肯的。

11. on deck ** 在甲板上;(活動(dòng))做好準(zhǔn)備的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[甲板(deck)]上

例 Captain Foster's arrival was announced with a loud “The captain is on deck!”福斯特船長(zhǎng)到達(dá)時(shí),有人高聲宣布:“船長(zhǎng)上船了!”

12. on deposit ** 儲(chǔ)存,存(款)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:以[存款、儲(chǔ)備金(deposit)]的形式

例 Rumors have it that the former President has hundreds of millions of dollars on deposit in secret Swiss bank accounts.有謠言說前總統(tǒng)在瑞士銀行的秘密賬戶里面有數(shù)億美元的存款。

13. on duty ** 執(zhí)勤,值班;上班

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[執(zhí)勤(duty)]中;參照off duty

例 Nurse Jones? Oh, she's not on duty until four o'clock. Could you call back after four?瓊斯護(hù)士?哦,她要到四點(diǎn)鐘才上班。你能在四點(diǎn)之后再打過來嗎?

14. on earth / in heaven / in the world ** 到底,究竟

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[地上(earth)];用在who、what、when、where、how、which等詞后表示強(qiáng)調(diào)

例 John! What on earth are you doing? Why have you taken my computer apart? 約翰!你到底在做什么?你為什么把我的計(jì)算機(jī)給拆了?

15. on edge ** 豎著;緊張,忐忑不安

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在某物的[邊緣(edge)]上

例 We're all on edge waiting for the company to announce how many workers it plans to lay off when merger is complete. 我們都緊張地等待著公司宣布在并購(gòu)?fù)瓿珊?,?jì)劃辭退多少名員工。

16. on foot ** 走路,徒步

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:用[腳(foot)]走

例 Oh, you can go there on foot. It's just a couple of blocks down Madison Street. 哦,你可以步行去那里。那里離麥迪遜大街只有幾個(gè)街區(qū)。

17. on good terms with sb. / on good terms ** 關(guān)系融洽

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:與某人處于[關(guān)系好 (good terms)]的狀態(tài)

例 Are you on good terms with anybody from Devon Chemicals? I need to get some information from them. 你跟德文化工的人有關(guān)系好的嗎?我想從他們那里打聽一些消息。

18. on hold ** 等候?qū)Ψ浇与娫?;(工作、?jì)劃等)延遲

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[保留、持續(xù)(hold)]的狀態(tài)

例 The poor performance of the company's stock has forced Andies Restaurants to put its planned expansion on hold while it seeks other financing options. 由于公司股票情況不佳,安迪斯餐廳只能暫停其擴(kuò)張計(jì)劃,尋找其他融資渠道。

19. on line ** 在線的,聯(lián)機(jī)的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[線(line)]上

例 If you want to get on line, call me today!如果你想聯(lián)機(jī),今天給我打電話吧!

20. on no account / not on any account ** 決不

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:沒有[理由(account)]

例 You are not to go to John Pearson's house on no account!Don't go over there to do your homework, watch TV—nothing. Stay away from him.你決不能去約翰·皮爾遜家!不準(zhǔn)去那里做作業(yè)、看電視——做什么都不行。離他遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn)。

21. on occasion ** 偶爾;有時(shí)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在某[時(shí)刻,場(chǎng)合(occasion)]

例 The library closes on occasion to take an inventory and do renovations. 圖書館有時(shí)候會(huì)關(guān)閉,進(jìn)行盤點(diǎn)和更新。

22. on one's account ** 因?yàn)槟橙说睦婊蚓壒?

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:由于某人的[原因、緣故(account)]

例 Peter left the gun where the boy could get it. So it is on his account that the boy accidentally shot himself. 彼得把槍放在了那個(gè)男孩可以夠到的地方。所以就是因?yàn)樗?,那個(gè)男孩才會(huì)意外射傷自己。

23. on one's best behavior ** 守規(guī)矩,表現(xiàn)良好

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:以[最好的行為(best behavior)]

例 Be on your best behavior. The man who is coming to dinner tonight is a very important client for your father. 你要表現(xiàn)好點(diǎn)。今天來吃晚飯的人是你父親非常重要的客戶。

24. on one's feet ** 站起來;(病后)恢復(fù);(經(jīng)濟(jì)上)獨(dú)立

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[腳(feet)]上

例 Once I'm on my feet again, I plan to start writing my next novel. 一旦我身體恢復(fù)了,我就計(jì)劃開始寫我的下一本小說。

25. on one's head ** (責(zé)任、重?fù)?dān)等)落到某人頭上

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在某人的[頭(head)]上;常與blame一起使用,on可用upon代替

例 Certainly some of the responsibility must fall on the president's head. 當(dāng)然,部分責(zé)任一定要由總裁承擔(dān)。

26. on one's honor ** 以名譽(yù)、人格擔(dān)保

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:以[榮譽(yù)(honor)]為條件

例 We didn't sign a contract. We just agreed to do it on our honor. 我們沒有簽合同。我們只是同意以名譽(yù)擔(dān)保會(huì)這么做。

27. on one's mind ** 關(guān)心,惦記

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[心頭(mind)]上

例 The documentary I watched on TV last night has been on my mind all day. 昨晚在電視上看的紀(jì)錄片今天一整天都縈繞在我的腦海中。

28. on one's own ** 獨(dú)自,靠自己

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:靠[自己(one's own)]的能力

例 Changing the oil in your car is easy. Why pay a mechanic to do it, when you can do it on your own? 給汽車換油非常簡(jiǎn)單。既然你可以自己做,為什么要花錢讓機(jī)修工來做呢?

Tim's been on his own since his parents were killed in a car accident seven years ago. 自從父母在七年前的車禍中喪生之后,蒂姆一直自己生活。

29. on one's own time ** 在業(yè)余時(shí)間,閑暇時(shí)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[自己的時(shí)間(one's own time)]

例 If you want to talk with your boyfriend on the phone, Janet, I would appreciate it if you would do that on your own time—not while you're supposed to be working! 珍妮特,如果你想跟你男朋友打電話,我希望你能在業(yè)余時(shí)間打——?jiǎng)e在工作時(shí)間打!

30. on one's say-so ** 聽某人的話,得到某人的允許

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:憑借某人的[指示、主張(say-so)]

例 On whose say-so did you decide to close the bank early? 你聽了誰的意見,決定早關(guān)閉銀行?

31. on one's toes ** 機(jī)警的,隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備行動(dòng)的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[腳趾(toes)]上

例 Be on your toes. The inspectors could show up anytime in the next week, so be prepared. 保持警惕。下周檢查員隨時(shí)都可能出現(xiàn),所以要做好準(zhǔn)備。

32. on one's way / on the way ** 在(去某處的)路上,途中

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在某人的[路(way)]上

例 It's no problem at all. The library is right on my way, so give me the books and I'll drop them off for you on the way home tonight. 沒問題。我正好路過圖書館,把書給我吧,我今晚回家的路上幫你還了。

33. on order ** 已訂購(gòu)的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[訂購(gòu)(order)]中

例 We have two truckloads of paper on order. They are to be delivered on the 15th. 我們訂購(gòu)了兩卡車紙。15號(hào)送到。

34. on pins and needles ** 如坐針氈

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[別針和針(pins and needles)]上

例 I think the teacher enjoys seeing us on pins and needles. That's why he hasn't posted the results of the exam yet. He loves watching us wait with anticipation.我覺得老師喜歡看我們?nèi)缱槡值臉幼?。這也是他還沒有公布考試結(jié)果的原因。他喜歡看到我們滿懷期待地等待。

35. on record ** 記錄在案,有記載

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[記錄(record)]上

例 We have all of your personal information on record already. So all you need to do is put your name on the application and sign it at the bottom.我們已經(jīng)記錄了你所有的個(gè)人信息。所以,你只需在申請(qǐng)表上寫上你的名字,然后在下面簽字。

36. on sale ** 便宜甩賣,廉價(jià)出售

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[廉價(jià)出售(sale)]中

例 Let's go shopping at the supermarket. I heard everything is on sale these days. 我們?nèi)コ匈?gòu)物吧。我聽說這幾天所有商品都在促銷。

37. on speaking terms with sb. / on speaking terms ** 友好;泛泛之交

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:與某人處于[互相交談的關(guān)系(speaking terms)]

例 Diane and I are on speaking terms again, but we're still not as friendly as we used to be. 黛安娜和我合好了,但是我們不像以前那么友好了。

38. on target ** 正中目標(biāo);切題;正確

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[靶子(target)]上

例 If our marketing department predic-tion is on target, then we can expect to have excellent sales this summer. 如果營(yíng)銷部的預(yù)測(cè)是正確的,那么我們今年夏天應(yīng)該會(huì)有很好的銷量。

39. on the alert for sb. or sth. / on the alert ** 警惕,提防

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[警戒(alert)]某人或某事的狀態(tài)

例 Residents in the area are advised to be on the alert for any suspicious activities. 這個(gè)地區(qū)的居民收到建議,要警惕任何可疑的活動(dòng)。

40. on the ball ** 精明能干,機(jī)敏

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[球(ball)]上

例 Don't worry about Jack. He's on the ball and will do a good job. 別擔(dān)心杰克。他很機(jī)敏,肯定能干好的。

41. on the beam ** 正確;恰到好處

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[導(dǎo)航波束標(biāo)明的航道(beam)]上;原為航空用語(yǔ)

例 Your ideas are not on the beam. I want you to reconsider them and rewrite this thesis once more. 你的想法不正確。我希望你再重新考慮一下,重寫這篇論文。

42. on the bench ** 坐冷板凳;開庭審判

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[椅子、長(zhǎng)椅(beach)]上

例 Until your school grades improve, you will be on the bench no matter how good you are or how much the team needs you. 在你的學(xué)習(xí)成績(jī)有所提高之前,不論你有多么優(yōu)秀,也不論隊(duì)伍多么需要你,你都不能上場(chǎng)比賽。

43. on the button ** 準(zhǔn)確,確切

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[扣子(button)]上

例 Move your hand up, ...up again, ... over to the left, ...a little more...there! You are on the button!Hang the picture right there. 把手往上一點(diǎn)……再往上……往左……再往左一點(diǎn)……好!對(duì)了!就把圖掛在那里吧。

44. on the contrary ** 正相反,反之

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[相反(contrary)]的狀態(tài)

例 This report says the demand for mobile HDDs is declining. On the contrary, our own studies show it is growing, especially in developing countries. 這份報(bào)告稱對(duì)移動(dòng)硬盤的需求正在下降。恰恰相反,我們自己的研究顯示這種需求正在增長(zhǎng),尤其是在發(fā)展中國(guó)家。

45. on the face of it ** 從表面判斷;乍一看

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在某物的[表面(face)]上

例 On the face of it, the missing money seemed nothing more than an accounting error, but once we started to investigate, we knew it was something much more serious. 表面看來,少了錢好像只是會(huì)計(jì)的失誤,但是我們一開始調(diào)查才知道事情比這嚴(yán)重得多。

46. on the fence about sth. / on the fence ** 保持中立

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在某物的[籬笆、圍墻(fence)]之上;引申自“坐在圍墻上左右觀望”一意

例 Republicans accuse the President of being on the fence with regards to the issue of income tax cuts. 共和黨人指責(zé)總統(tǒng)在降低所得稅方面采取中立態(tài)度。

47. on the fritz / on the blink ** 出故障,出問題

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[不能用、不能運(yùn)行(fritz)]的狀態(tài)

例 Our fax machine is on the fritz. You'll have to use the one in the business center. 我們的傳真機(jī)出故障了。你只能用商務(wù)中心的了。

48. on the go ** 忙個(gè)不停

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[運(yùn)動(dòng)(the go)]中

例 I'm going to be on the go all day. If anyone calls while I'm out, take a message. 我一天都得忙個(gè)不停。如果我不在的時(shí)候有人來電話,讓他留個(gè)言。

49. on the horizon ** 就要發(fā)生的,即將來臨的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[地平線(horizon)]上;參照in the offing

例 A merger between the two aircraft manufacturers is rumored to be on the horizon.有傳言說這兩家飛機(jī)制造商即將合并。

50. on 〔in〕 the hot seat ** 處于尷尬的位置;坐立不安

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[熱椅子(hot seat)]上

例 Yesterday the Senate committee heard testimony from Reynolds' executives and today Morris will be on the hot seat. 昨天參議院委員會(huì)聽取了雷諾茲的主管的證詞,今天莫里斯的日子會(huì)不好過。

51. on the hour ** 準(zhǔn)時(shí);整點(diǎn)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[那個(gè)小時(shí)(the hour)]

例 Every radio station broadcasts a distinctive tone on the hour to mark the time. 每個(gè)廣播站都以獨(dú)特的音調(diào)整點(diǎn)報(bào)時(shí)。

52. on the job ** 工作中;在忙碌

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:正在[工作(job)]

例 Mr. Kim doesn't trust us, so he checks on us often to make sure we're on the job. 金先生不信任我們,所以經(jīng)常來查崗,以確保我們正在工作。

You shouldn't be making personal phone calls on the job. 上班時(shí)間你不應(yīng)該打私人電話。

53. on the level ** 誠(chéng)實(shí)的,可靠的

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[(同一)水平(level)]上;常與strictly連用,參照on the up-and-up

例 If I ever find out you're not being on the level with me, I'll fire you without hesitation. 如果我發(fā)現(xiàn)你沒有跟我說實(shí)話,我會(huì)毫不猶豫地解雇你。

54. on the lookout for sb. or sth. / on the lookout ** 注意;警惕

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:對(duì)某人或某事處于[警戒、監(jiān)視(lookout)]的狀態(tài)

例 During the Christmas season, shoplifting increases sharply. So tell the security guards to be on the lookout for shoplifters. 圣誕節(jié)期間,商店偷竊現(xiàn)象急劇增加。所以要讓保安注意偷竊商店貨物的人。

55. on the loose ** 自由,無約束;放蕩;逍遙法外

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[放松、松散(loose)]的狀態(tài)

例 Two prisoners have escaped and are on the loose. 有兩名囚犯越獄了,目前仍逍遙法外。

56. on the make ** 在增加的;急于求成

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[制造(make)]中

例 The biotechnology industry is on the make and will develop rapidly for years to come. 生物技術(shù)行業(yè)正處在上升期,未來幾年將會(huì)快速發(fā)展。

57. on the market ** 上市的,出售的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[市場(chǎng)(market)]上

例 Several of the former tycoon's homes are on the market. 幾位昔日巨頭的房產(chǎn)目前正在出售。

58. on the mend ** 正在好轉(zhuǎn)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[改進(jìn)、好轉(zhuǎn)(mend)]中

例 Economic figures released by the government today indicate the economy is on the mend after three years of recession.政府今天公布的經(jīng)濟(jì)數(shù)據(jù)顯示,經(jīng)過三年衰退之后,經(jīng)濟(jì)正在逐漸好轉(zhuǎn)。

59. on the money ** 恰到好處;準(zhǔn)確

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[錢(money)]上

例 The weather forecast was on the money yesterday. It predicted sun in the morning and rain in the afternoon, and that's exactly what happened. 昨天的天氣預(yù)報(bào)非常準(zhǔn)確。預(yù)報(bào)說上午是晴天,下午會(huì)下雨,結(jié)果真是如此。

60. on the one hand / on one hand ** 一方面

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[一只手(the one hand)]上

例 On the one hand, the bus terminal is a historic structure that ought to be protected. On the other hand, it is decrepit and would be expensive to renovate. 一方面,汽車站是一座歷史建筑,應(yīng)該得到保護(hù)。另一方面,它太破舊了,進(jìn)行翻新的成本太高。

61. on 〔at〕 the point of doing sth. ** 正要…的時(shí)候

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在想要做某事的[那一刻(the point)];參照 on the verge of doing sth.

例 On the point of collapsing, the illegitimate government resorted to military force to protect its grip on power.倒臺(tái)之際,非法政府依靠軍事力量來保護(hù)他們的權(quán)力。

62. on the Q.T. 〔QT〕 ** 秘密地

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[安靜(QT)]的狀態(tài);QT是quiet的縮略形式

例 The whole matter was conducted on the QT. Nobody but the president and his closest aides had knowledge of it. 整件事都是秘密進(jìn)行的。除了總裁和他最親密的助手外,沒有人知道。

63. on the spot ** 在現(xiàn)場(chǎng);立刻,馬上

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[那一地點(diǎn)(the spot)]

例 I had to make a decision on the spot. There was no time for pondering. 我必須馬上作決定。沒有時(shí)間仔細(xì)考慮。

64. on the take * 受賄

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[獲得、接受(take)]后

例 In her testimony, Ms. Jackson identified three Chicago police officers who were on the take from the drug dealers. 杰克遜女士在她的證詞中確認(rèn)有三名芝加哥警察接受了毒販的賄賂。

65. on the trail of sb. or sth. ** 跟蹤追擊;尋找

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:基于某人或某物的[腳印,痕跡(trail)];參照track sb. or sth. down

例 Newton Industries is on the trail of an overseas location somewhere in South-East Asia. 牛頓實(shí)業(yè)正在尋求東南亞海外市場(chǎng)。

66. on the up-and-up / strictly on the up-and-up ** 可靠的,誠(chéng)實(shí)的

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[誠(chéng)實(shí)(up-and-up)]的狀態(tài)

例 How do we know Thompson is being on the up-and-up? He could be lying. 我們?cè)趺粗罍丈欠窨煽浚克赡茉谌鲋e。

67. on the verge of doing sth. / on the verge ** 瀕臨,接近

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[臨界點(diǎn)(verge)]上;參照on the point of doing sth.

例 Rumor has it that Foster Shops is on the verge of bankruptcy. 有傳言稱福斯特商店目前瀕臨破產(chǎn)。

68. on the warpath ** 盛怒,大發(fā)脾氣

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[敵對(duì)情緒(warpath)]上

例 About every two or three months, the boss has to go on the warpath about workers not wearing the company uniform. 大約每?jī)傻饺齻€(gè)月,老板都得對(duì)不穿公司制服的員工發(fā)一次脾氣。

69. on watch for sb. or sth. / on watch ** 值班;監(jiān)視;警惕

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[監(jiān)視(watch)]的狀態(tài)

例 The primary function of the U.N. troops is to be on watch for any violations of the cease-fire agreement.聯(lián)合國(guó)軍隊(duì)的主要功能是警惕任何破壞?;饏f(xié)議的行為。

70. on the 〔one's〕 way to doing sth. ** 在…的過程中,正要成為

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在做某事的[路(way)]上

例 I'm afraid we're on the way to damaging the environment to an irreparable degree. 恐怕我們現(xiàn)在破壞環(huán)境的程度已經(jīng)到了無法挽回的地步。

71. on the wing ** 在飛行中;在奔波中

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[飛行(wing)]中;正式用語(yǔ),大多不用于人或者飛機(jī)而用于形容鳥類或者家禽

例 On the wing, the falcon is one of the few birds that can reach a speed up to 70 miles per hour. 在飛行時(shí),獵鷹是少數(shù)幾種速度能夠達(dá)到每小時(shí)70英里的鳥類之一。

72. on the wrong track ** 想法錯(cuò)誤;做法不對(duì)頭

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[錯(cuò)誤的路(wrong track)]上

例 Suddenly we realized we had been on the wrong track all along. It wasn't biological problem, but one of molecular chemistry. 我們突然意識(shí)到,我們的想法一直都是錯(cuò)誤的。這不是一個(gè)生物學(xué)問題,而是分子化學(xué)問題。

73. on thin ice ** 如履薄冰

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[薄冰(thin ice)]上

例 Having lost 43 of their 64 seats in the legislature, the once mighty party now finds itself on thin ice. 這個(gè)原來極為強(qiáng)勢(shì)的黨派在議會(huì)64個(gè)席位中失去了43個(gè),現(xiàn)在他們?nèi)缏谋”?

74. on time ** 按時(shí),準(zhǔn)時(shí)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[正好的時(shí)間(time)]上

例 The meeting starts at 2:15 and I expect everyone to be on time. No exceptions!會(huì)議在2:15開始,我希望所有人能準(zhǔn)時(shí)參加。所有人!

75. on tiptoe ** 踮起腳尖;悄悄地

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:用[腳尖(tiptoe)]

例 Early the next morning, he left a note on her kitchen table and left the apartment on tiptoe. 第二天一早,他在她的餐桌上留了一張紙條,然后悄悄離開了公寓。

76. on top ** 在上方;領(lǐng)先

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[頂部(top)]

例 Dover High School is on top, with fourteen games won and only one lost. 多佛高中處于領(lǐng)先地位,他們贏了14場(chǎng)比賽,只輸了1場(chǎng)。

77. on top of sth. ** 在…之上

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在某物的[頂端(top)]

例 On top of the hill was a solitary two-story house, silhouetted against the blue sky. 山頂上有一棟獨(dú)立的兩層樓房,藍(lán)藍(lán)的天空映襯出它的輪廓。

78. on top of the world / sitting on top of the world ** 在世界之巔;欣喜若狂

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[世界的頂端(top of the world)]

例 Following the championship, the whole team was on top of the world. 獲得冠軍之后,全隊(duì)成員都欣喜若狂。

79. on trial ** 在試驗(yàn)中;在試用中;在受審

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:在[試驗(yàn),審判(trial)]中

例 The group is on trial for the kidnapping and murder of Minister Fang.小組正在調(diào)查綁架謀殺方部長(zhǎng)的案件。

Robot cooks are on trial now at several McDonald's locations.一些麥當(dāng)勞店正在試用機(jī)器人廚師。

80. on vacation ** 度假中,休假中

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:處于[休假(vacation)]的狀態(tài)

例 Sorry, but Mr. Li is on vacation. Can someone else help you? 抱歉,李先生正在度假??梢哉覄e人幫你嗎?


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