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LECTURE 200 基本介詞 TO 2





LECTURE 200 基本介詞 TO 2


1. to the best of one's ability ** 盡力

解 習語;詞義溯源:達到某人能力的[最大限度(the best)]

例 I know you're trying to learn to the best of your ability, so I hope you don't take this the wrong way , but I think maybe computer programming is a bit too difficult for you, Wendy. You've been on Chapter One for three weeks now and I've tried to help you. But...uh...why don't you try something else in computers? Maybe word processing, or data entry?

2. to the best of one's knowledge ** 據(jù)某人所知

解 習語;詞義溯源:達到某人[知識(knowledge)]的[極限(the best)]

例 When asked if he had actually seen a gun, Officer O'Reilly testified that the young man reached for something in his jacket and that he believed it was a gun. The prosecutor rephrased the question several times, to which O'Reilly responded “To the best of my knowledge he had a gun” each time.

3. to the contrary ** 相反,反而

解 習語;詞義溯源:向[反面、相反(contrary)]

例 The Japanese have assured the world that the accident did not result in any dangerous levels of nuclear gas escaping the power plant. Asian nations have no choice but to take them at their word until there is proof to the contrary.

4. to the last ** 最后;最終

解 習語;詞義溯源:到[最后(the last)]

例 Some parents defend their children even when they know they've done something wrong. Defending a loved one to the last may be an honorable gesture in some cases, but not in this one. Children should learn to face the consequences of their actions, not to hide behind Mommy and Daddy.

5. to whom it may concern ** 敬啟者;致有關(guān)人士

解 習語;詞義溯源:對于[有關(guān)人士(whom it may concern)];正式信件的開頭,用于不知收信者具體身份時的稱呼

例 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, everytime your station broadcasts a movie, when the movie is over, they cut it off before all the credits are shown. Many people are interested in reading the credits. Please show the film to the end.


(A) to the best of my ability

(B) To the best of my knowledge

(C) to the contrary

(D) to the last

(E) To whom it may concern

1. A: Give up, you can't win. Mr. Bae is too powerful for you. B: I know he is, but I owe it to my brother to fight against him ______. A: I think it's senseless for you to keep trying until you are completely defeated and can try no more. Why sacrifice yourself like that?

2. A: Why did you address the letter “ ______?” B: Because that's whom you address a letter to when you don't know the name of the person who will handle it.

3. A: I've never painted a house before, Grandpa—but I'll do it ______. I hope it turns out all right . B: If you do it as well as you possibly can, I'm sure it will.

4. A: Most people think Christopher Columbus and his men were the first Europeans to reach America, but there is evidence ______. B: Evidence that proves the opposite is actually true—that they weren't first?

5. A: ______, three paintings are missing from the vault. B: Three paintings? Only three and no more? A: Like I said, I don't know all the facts so I can't be sure, but I believe three is correct based on what I do know.


1. (D)

2. (E)

3. (A)

4. (C)

5. (B)


I. 1. 我知道你一直盡最大努力學習,所以我也希望你別誤會我說的話,但是,我覺得也許計算機編程對你來說確實有點太難了,溫迪。你已經(jīng)花了三周來學第一章了,我也曾試圖幫助你。但是……這個……你為什么不試著選擇計算機其他方面的東西學習一下呢?比如文字處理,或數(shù)據(jù)錄入?

2. 當被問到是否真的看到槍時,歐賴利警官表示,那個年輕男子從夾克里掏東西,他認為他掏的是槍。檢察官用了好幾種方式問,歐賴利每次的回答都是“據(jù)我所知他有槍”。

3. 日本人向全世界保證該事故未導致發(fā)電廠泄漏的核氣體達到危險水平。除非有反面證據(jù),亞洲國家沒有選擇,只能相信。

4. 有些家長會袒護自己的孩子,甚至在明明知道他們做錯了事時。在某些情況下,全心全意保護自己所愛的人是很可敬的行為,但是在這種情況下卻不是。孩子必須學著面對自己行為產(chǎn)生的后果,而不是躲在父母背后。

5. 致相關(guān)人士:每次你們電視臺播放電影時,電影一演完,在片尾字幕放完之前你們就把片子切斷了。很多人想看演職員表,請把電影完整地播完。

II. 1. A:放棄吧,你贏不了的。貝先生比你強多了。 B:我知道他很厲害,但是我應該為了我兄弟跟他斗到最后。 A:你是不到黃河心不死,這沒有意義。為什么非要那樣犧牲自己呢?

2. A:為什么你在信上要寫“致有關(guān)人士”? B:因為寫信時,如果不知道處理這封信的人具體是誰,就要這么開頭。

3. A:爺爺,我從來沒有粉刷過房子,但是我會盡最大的努力,希望能刷好。 B:如果你盡力去做,我想肯定能刷好。

4. A:很多人都認為哥倫布一行人是第一批到達美洲大陸的歐洲人,但是有與此相反的證據(jù)。 B:真有反面證據(jù)證明他們不是第一批?

5. A:據(jù)我所知,保險庫丟了三幅油畫。 B:三幅油畫?只有三幅,沒有更多了? A:如我所說,我不完全了解情況,所以我不確定,但據(jù)我所知,是丟了三幅。


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