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初中英語必考2000詞 K kangaroo→koala





初中英語必考2000詞 K kangaroo→koala

kangaroo [?k??g??ru? ] n. 袋鼠

例  Behind the car was a larger kangaroo lying completely still on the ground. 在汽車的后面是一個更大的袋鼠躺在地上一動不動。(2011·貴陽)

keep [ki?p ] v. (kept,kept) 保持;繼續(xù),不斷 vt. 培育,飼養(yǎng)

拓  keeper n. 監(jiān)護人,保管人

配  keep back 阻止;隱瞞

keep down 控制,壓制,鎮(zhèn)壓;放低(聲音)

keep from 使……不(做)

keep on 繼續(xù)不斷,保持

例  Personally I don't quite agree that people keep dangerous animals as pets. 就我個人而言,不是很同意人們養(yǎng)一些危險的動物作為寵物。(2011·麗水)

Don't worry. Your package will be kept here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here. 別著急,你的行李將一直被保存到你回來,所以在這兒盡情地逛。(2011·安徽)

key [ki? ] n. 鑰匙;答案;鍵;關鍵

拓  keyboard n. 鍵盤 keyhole n. 鎖眼

例  Reading is the key to school success and, like any skill, it takes practice. 閱讀是學習成功的關鍵,像其他任何技巧一樣,閱讀需要練習。(2012·河北)

The high school years are a key period. 高中是一個關鍵時期。(2011·揚州)

keyboard [?ki?b??d ] n. 鍵盤

構  key(n. 鍵)+board(n. 板)

配  keyboard input 鍵入

例  When you work on a computer you leave the microbes from your hands on the keyboard . 當你用電腦工作的時候,你將你手上的細菌留在鍵盤上。(2011·深圳)

kick [k?k ] v. & n. 踢

拓  kicker n. 踢的人,愛發(fā)牢騷的人

配  give sb. the kick 解雇某人

kick a goal 踢進一球

kick out 把球踢出界,逐出,出局,開除

例  Which team has kicked a goal? 哪個隊進球了?(2010·寧夏)

He stayed very near him all the time, and he kicked Mr Smith's shoes for several times. 他始終緊跟著他,好幾次踢到了史密斯先生的鞋。(2011·廈門)

kid [k?d ] n. 小孩 v. 欺騙,哄騙

拓  child n. 小孩

例  I'd like to help kids with their schoolwork. 我愿意幫孩子們復習功課。(2011·貴陽)

Are you kidding ? 你在開玩笑吧?(2011·上海)

kill [k?l ] v. 殺死,弄死

拓  killer n. 殺手,兇手

配  kill time 消磨時間kill off 消滅

例  What would you do if you found a snake in your house? Many people might be afraid or try to kill it. 如果你在你的房子里發(fā)現(xiàn)一條蛇,你會怎么做?許多人可能害怕或試圖殺死它。(2012·蘇州)

Her daughter was killed in an earthquake. 她的女兒在一次地震中喪生。(2012·山西)

kilo [?ki?l?? ] n. 千克;千米

拓  kilogram n. 千克,公斤 kilometer n. 千米,公里

例  At the age of five, Martin weighed 25 kilos . 馬丁五歲的時候重達25公斤。(2011·上海)

kilogram [?k?l?gr?m ](=kilogramme) n. 千克,公斤

構  kilo(前綴表示“千”)+gram(n. 克)

例  I have a cat and it weighs about two kilograms . 我有一只貓,它大約重2公斤。(2006·南京)

kilometre [?k?l??mi?t? ](=kilometer) n. 千米,公里

構  kilo(前綴表示“千”)+metre(n. 米)

拓  kilometric a. 公里的,以公里衡量的

例  There are about 15 million people living on its 1,991 square kilometers . 大約有1500萬人生活在面積為1991平方公里的城市里。(2012·深圳)

kind [ka?nd ] n. 種,類 a. 善良的,友好的

拓  unkind a. 不仁慈的,不親切的

kindness n. 仁慈,好意

配  all kinds of 各種各樣 kind of 有幾分

a kind of 有一點,一種

例  She is a kind woman, but she has been dead for about a month since she was killed in the accident. 她是一位善良的婦人,但在車禍中喪生已經(jīng)大約一個月了。(2011·達州)

It is famous for many kinds of tasty fruits and special local food.它以各種美味的水果和特別的當?shù)厥澄锒雒#?012·濟南)

kindergarten [?k?nd??gɑ?tn ] n. 幼兒園

構  kinder(德文詞根表示孩子們)+garten(表示garden)

配  kindergarten education 幼兒教育

例  In the kindergarten , many girls like to listen to the stories, but the kindergarteners are too busy to do that. 在幼兒園,許多小女孩喜歡聽故事,但是幼師們太忙了而沒空講故事。(2011·溫州)

kindness [?ka?ndn?s ] n. 仁慈,好意

構  kind(a. 善良的)+ness(名詞后綴)

拓  unkindness n. 不親切,不近人情

例  Mrs Smith accepted Susie's kindness and she put Susie's Band-Aid in a small picture frame. 史密斯夫人接受了蘇西的好意,她將蘇西送的創(chuàng)口貼放進一個小相框。(2012·山西)

Edith treated them with kindness . 伊迪思對他們很好。(2011·溫州)

king [k?? ] n. 國王

拓  king-sized a. 特別大的,特大號的

配  King's English 純正英語

例  A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king . 國王老了,他知道是選新國王的時候了。(2011·蕪湖)

kiss [k?s ] n. & vt. 吻,親吻

配  kiss goodbye 吻別

例  When I saw my parents,I gave them a big hug and kiss . 當我看到我的父母,我給了他們一個大大的擁抱和親吻。(2010·青島)

kitchen [?k?t??n ] n. 廚房

例  A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was cooking supper. 一天晚上,當媽媽在廚房準備晚飯時,小兒子走到他媽媽那兒。(2012·無錫)

kite [ka?t ] n. 風箏

配  fly a kite 放風箏,發(fā)空頭支票

例  Can you see a kite flying in the sky? 你能看見空中一只風箏在飛嗎?(2012·深圳)

knee [ni? ] n. 膝蓋

配  rise on the knees 站起來

例  I suffered back pain and sore knees before joining the team three years ago. 我三年前加入了球隊,在此之前常感到背部和膝蓋酸痛。(2010·沈陽)

knife [na?f ] n. (pl. knives) 小刀,匕首

配  knife and fork(西餐)刀和叉

例  Just when I had the knife ready to cut, I heard Mother coming. 就在我拿起刀,準備切的時候,我聽見媽媽來了。(2011·河南)

knock [n?k ] n. & v. 敲;打;擊

配  knock down 撞倒,擊倒 knock at 敲打,敲門

例  Victor knocked at the door before he walked into the room. 維克托走進房間前敲了敲門。(2011·河北)

The kids with bad manners were punished by the writer when they knocked David down. 他們撞倒了大衛(wèi),作者因此懲罰了那幾個孩子的不文明行為。(2009·哈爾濱)

know [n?? ] v. (knew,known) 知道,了解;認識

拓  known a. 知名的

配  it is well known that眾所周知

known as 被認為是,被稱為

例  It seems that he never knows how difficult it is. 似乎他從不知道這有多難。(2011·沈陽)

I never knew my grandfather, but now I feel very close to him. 我從不了解我的祖父,但是現(xiàn)在我感覺和他很親近。(2012·蘇州)

knowledge [?n?l?? ] n. 知識,學問

拓  knowledgeable a. 知識豐富的,博學的

例  Animals can also share knowledge with each other and use their own language to communicate. 動物也可以彼此分享知識和使用他們自己的語言來交流。(2012·山西)

koala [k???ɑ?l? ] n. 樹袋熊(澳洲產(chǎn)無尾熊)

例  Gina comes from Australia. Her favorite animal is Koalas . 吉娜來自澳大利亞。她最喜歡的動物是考拉。(2010·長春)


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