An old Woman picked up an empty Wine-jar which had once contained a rare and costly wine, and which still retained some traces of its exquisite bouquet. She raised it to her nose and sniffed at it again and again. “Ah,” she cried, “how delicious must have been the liquid which has left behind so ravishing a smell.”
有一個老婦人撿到了一個空酒壇,這酒壇曾經裝過一種很稀有很值錢的酒,現在里面還保留著獨特的酒香。老婦人把酒壇舉到鼻子邊,聞了一遍又一遍?!鞍パ剑芰粝逻@么美好的味道的液體,該是多么美味?。 ?/p>