Eight o'clock in the morning. Miss Ada Moss lay in her narrow bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her room, which was right at the top of a tall house in Bloomsbury, smelled of wet clothes and face powder and the bag of fried potatoes she had brought in for supper the night before.
Oh dear,' thought Miss Moss. 'I am cold. I wonder why I always wake up so cold in the mornings now. My knees and feet and my back—especially my back—are like ice. And I was always so warm in the old days. It isn't because I'm thin. I'm just as well-covered as I always was. No, it's because I don't have a good hot dinner in the evenings.'
She imagined a row of good hot dinners passing across the ceiling, each with a bottle of good strong beer.
I'd like to get up now,' she thought, 'and have a big sensible breakfast.' Pictures of big sensible breakfasts followed the good hot dinners across the ceiling. Miss Moss pulled the blanket up over her head and closed her eyes. Suddenly, her landlady burst into the room.
There's a letter for you, Miss Moss.'
Oh,' said Miss Moss, in a voice which was much too friendly, 'thank you very much, Mrs Pine. It's very good of you to bring me my letters.'
Oh, it's nothing,' said the landlady. 'I hope it's the letter that you've been waiting for.'
Yes,' said Miss Moss brightly, 'yes, perhaps it is. I wouldn't be surprised.'
Well, I'd be very surprised,' said the landlady. 'That's the truth. And can you open it right now, please? A lot of landladies wouldn't even ask—they'd just open it themselves. Things can't go on like this, Miss Moss, indeed they can't. First you tell me you've got the money to pay your rent, then you say you haven't, then there's a letter lost in the post or a theatre manager who's gone to Brighton but will be coming back soon—I'm sick and tired of it all, and I've had enough. At a time like this, too, with the price of everything sky-high and my poor boy away at the war in France! If you can't pay your rent, there's plenty of other people who would give me good money for a room like this. As my sister Eliza was saying to me only yesterday, Miss Moss, I've been much too soft-hearted with you!'
Miss Moss did not seem to be listening to this. She tore open the letter. It was from a film company.
No suitable parts for a lady of your experience at present,' she read.
She stared at it for a long time before she spoke to her landlady.
Well, Mrs Pine,' she said. 'I think you'll be sorry for what you've just said. This is from a theatre manager who wants to see me immediately about a part in a new musical show.'
But the landlady was too quick for her. She tore the letter out of Miss Moss's hand.
Oh is it, is it indeed!' she cried.
Give me back that letter. Give it back to me at once, you bad, wicked woman,' cried Miss Moss. She could not get out of bed because she had a hole in her nightdress.
Well, Miss Moss,' said the landlady, 'if I don't get my money by eight o'clock tonight, you can get out of my house, my lady.'
The door banged and Miss Moss was alone. She threw back the bedclothes, and sat on the side of the bed, shaking with anger and staring at her fat white legs. 'The old cat,' she said, 'the rotten old cat!' Then she began to pull on her clothes.
Oh, I wish I could pay that woman! Then I'd tell her what I think of her!' She suddenly saw her face in the mirror, and gave herself a little smile.
Well, old girl,' she said, 'you're in trouble this time, and no mistake.' But the person in the mirror stopped smiling.
You silly thing,' said Miss Moss. 'It's no good crying. You'll make your nose all red. Come on! Get dressed, and go out and find a job. That's what you've got to do.'
She picked up her bag and shook it. A few small coins fell out.
I'll have a nice cup of tea at an ABC café before I go anywhere,' she decided. 'I've got enough money for that.'
Ten minutes later, a large lady in a blue dress and a black hat covered in purple flowers looked at herself in the mirror, and sang:
Sweetheart, remember that hope never dies
And it al—ways is dark—est before sunrise.'
But the person in the mirror wouldn't smile at her, and Miss Moss went out.
When she came to the ABC café, the door was open. A man was carrying boxes of bread in, and two waitresses were combing their hair and talking.
My young man came home from France last night,' one of the girls sang happily.
Oh, I say! How topping for you!' cried the other.
Yes, wasn't it! He brought me a sweet little brooch. Look, it's got "Dieppe" written on it.'
Oh, I say! How topping for you!'
The man with the boxes of bread came in again, almost knocking Miss Moss over.
Can I have a cup of tea, please?' she asked.
But the waitress went on combing her hair. 'Oh,' she sang, 'we're not open yet.' She turned to the other girl. 'Are we, dear?'
Oh, no,' said the other waitress.
Miss Moss went out. 'I'll go to Charing Cross,' she decided. 'That's what I'll do. And I'll have coffee, not tea. Coffee's more filling. Those girls! Her young man came home; he brought her a brooch...' She began to cross the road.
Look out, Fatty!' shouted a taxi-driver. Miss Moss pretended not to hear.
No, I won't go to Charing Cross,' she decided. 'I'll go straight to Kig and Kadgit. They open at nine. If I get there early, Mr Kadgit may have something for me... "I'm so glad to see you, Miss Moss. I've just heard from a manager who wants a lady... exactly the right part for you... three pounds a week... go and see him immediately. It's lucky you came so early."'
But there was nobody at Kig and Kadgit except an old woman washing the floor in the passage.
Nobody here yet, Miss,' the old woman said.
Oh, isn't Mr Kadgit here?' said Miss Moss. 'I'll sit down and wait for him, if I may.'
You can't wait in the waiting-room, Miss. I haven't cleaned it yet. Mr Kadgit never comes in before eleven-thirty on a Saturday. Sometimes he doesn't come in at all.'
How silly of me,' said Miss Moss. 'I forgot it was Saturday.'
Mind your feet, please, Miss,' said the old woman. And Miss Moss was out in the street again.
The nice thing about Beit and Bithem was—it was always crowded. You walked into the waiting-room and you met everybody you knew. The early ones sat on chairs, and the later ones sat on the early ones' knees, while the men stood around the walls, talking and joking with the ladies.
Hello,' said Miss Moss, in her friendly way. 'Here we are again!'
And young Mr Clayton did a couple of dance-steps and sang: 'Waiting for the Robert E. Lee!'
Mr Bithem here yet?' asked Miss Moss, powdering her nose.
Oh, yes, dear!' cried all the girls together. 'He's been here for ages. We've been waiting for more than an hour!'
Oh dear,' said Miss Moss. 'Any work for us, do you think?'
Oh, a few jobs in Africa,' said young Mr Clayton. 'A hundred and fifty a week for two years, you know.'
Oh!' cried the girls. 'Isn't he a scream? Isn't he too funny?'
A dark girl with a sad face touched Miss Moss on the arm. 'I just missed a lovely job yesterday,' she said. 'Six weeks on tour, and then the West End. The manager said I would have got it if I'd been a bit stronger-looking. He said the part was made for me—only I'm too thin.' She stared at Miss Moss, and the dirty, dark red rose on her hat looked as sad and disappointed as she was.
Oh, dear, that was awfully bad luck,' Miss Moss said, trying hard not to sound too interested. 'What was the show called, may I ask?'
But the sad, dark girl understood what Miss Moss wanted, and a mean look came into her heavy eyes.
Oh, it wasn't a part for you, my dear,' she said. 'He wanted someone young, you know, a dark Spanish type like me. I was too thin, that was the only problem.'
The door opened and Mr Bithem appeared. He kept one hand on the door, and held up the other for silence.
Look here, ladies' —and here he paused and gave them his famous smile—'and all you boys.' They all laughed loudly at that. 'I've got nothing for you this morning. Come back on.Monday. I'm expecting several phone calls on Monday.'
Miss Moss pushed desperately through the crowd. 'Mr Bithem, I wonder if you've had any news from...'
Now, let me see,' said Mr Bithem slowly, staring at her. He had seen Miss Moss four times a week for—how many weeks was it? 'Now, who are you?'
Miss Ada Moss.'
Oh yes, yes; of course, my dear. Not yet, my dear. Now I had a call for twenty-eight ladies today, but they had to be young and able to kick their legs up a bit. Come back the week after next—there'll be nothing before that.'
He gave her a big smile, all for herself, and touched her lightly on her fat arm before disappearing back into his office.
At the North-East Film Company they were waiting on the stairs. Miss Moss stood and waited next to a fair little baby-girl of about thirty, in a white hat with fruit all round it.
What a crowd!' Miss Moss said. 'Is something special happening today?'
Didn't you know, dear?' said the baby, opening her huge, pale eyes. 'There was a call at nine-thirty for pretty girls. We've all been waiting for hours. Have you worked for this company before?'
No, I don't think I have,' said Miss Moss.
They're a lovely company,' said the baby. 'A friend of mine has a friend who gets thirty pounds a day... Have you been in many films?'
Well, I'm not really an actress,' said Miss Moss. 'I'm a trained singer. But things have been so bad lately that I've been doing a little acting.'
It's like that, isn't it, dear?' said the baby.
I had an excellent education at the College of Music,' said Miss Moss. 'I've often sung in West End shows. But I thought, for a change...'
Yes, it's like that, isn't it, dear?' said the baby.
At that moment a beautiful secretary appeared at the top of the stairs.
Are you all waiting for news from the North-East Film Company?'
Yes!' they all cried.
Well, it's been cancelled. I've just had a phone call.'
And I really needed that money,' a disappointed voice said.
The secretary had to laugh. 'Oh, there was no money in it,' she said. 'The North-East never pay their crowd people.'
There was only a little round window at the Bitter Orange Company. No waiting-room, nobody at all except a girl who came to the window and said, 'Well?'
Can I see the manager, please?' Miss Moss said pleasantly.
The girl closed her eyes for a moment. Miss Moss smiled at her. The girl did not smile back. She frowned. She seemed to smell something unpleasant. Suddenly, she picked up a piece of paper and pushed it through the window at Miss Moss.
Fill in this form!' she said, and banged the window shut.
Can you ride a horse—drive a car—dive—fly a plane—shoot?' Miss Moss read. She walked along the street, asking herself those questions. A rough, cold wind was blowing. It pulled at her clothes, hit her in the back and then laughed cruelly in her face. It knew that she could not answer the questions.
In the Square Garden, she found a rubbish basket, and dropped the form in it. Then she sat down on a bench and took out a little mirror to powder her nose. But the person in the mirror made an ugly face at her, and Miss Moss had to cry. She cried for a long time; it cheered her up wonderfully.
Well, that's over,' she said. 'It's nice to be able to sit on this bench and rest my feet for a bit. And my nose will soon stop being red. Look at the birds! How close they come. I suppose someone feeds them. No, I've got nothing for you...' She looked past them. What was that big building—the Café de Madrid? Oh, look at that poor child! Down he went with such a crash. Never mind! Up again!... If I don't get my money by eight o'clock tonight... Café de Madrid. 'I could just go in and sit there and have a coffee, that's all,' thought Miss Moss. 'Lots of artists go there, too. I might be lucky... A dark handsome gentleman comes in with a friend, and sits at my table, perhaps... "No, Julian, I've searched London for a singer who can take the part, and I just can't find the right person. You see, the music is difficult; have a look at it."' And Miss Moss heard herself saying: 'Excuse me, but I happen to be a singer, and I have sung that part many times... "Extraordinary! Come back to my studio and I'll try your voice now. "... Ten pounds a week... Why should I feel frightened? It's not fear. Why shouldn't I go to the Café de Madrid? I'm an honest woman—I'm a professional singer. And I'm only trembling because I've had nothing to eat today... "You can get out of my house, my lady." ... Very well, Mrs Pine. Café de Madrid. They have music there in the evenings... "Why don't they begin?" The singer has not arrived... "Excuse me, I happen to be a singer; I have sung that music many times."'
It was almost dark in the café. Men, tall potted plants, red seats, white stone tables, waiters in black jackets. Miss Moss walked past them all and sat down.
Almost immediately, a very large gentleman wearing a very small hat came and sat opposite her.
Good evening!' he said.
Miss Moss said, in her cheerful way: 'Good evening!'
Fine evening,' said the large gentleman.
Yes, very fine. Lovely, isn't it?' she said.
He waved a finger at a waiter. 'Bring me a large whisky.' Then he turned to Miss Moss. 'What's yours?'
Well, I think I'll take a brandy, thank you very much.'
Five minutes later he turned to Miss Moss and blew a cloud of cigar smoke in her face.
Like the hat,' he said, looking at the purple flowers.
Miss Moss blushed a deep pink and her heart began to beat very fast.
I've always worn a lot of purple,' she said.
The large gentleman looked at her for a long time, tap ping with his fingers on the table.
I like a woman with a bit of meat on her bones,' he said.
Miss Moss, to her surprise, laughed quite loudly.
Five minutes later the large gentleman stood up.
Well, am I coming to your place, or are you coming to mine?' he asked.
I'll come with you, if you don't mind,' said Miss Moss, and she followed him out of the café.
be sick and tired of have had enough of sb./sth./ doing sth.; be impatient or bored with sb./sth./ doing sth. 對(duì)某人(某事或做某事)不耐煩或感到厭煩。
part n. role played by an actor in a play, film, etc. (戲劇、電影等中的)人物,角色。
cat n. malicious woman. 狠毒的女人。
rotten adj. morally corrupt. 道德敗壞的;腐化的。
in trouble in a situation that involves danger, punishment, pain, worry, etc. 在危險(xiǎn)、受罰、痛苦、憂慮等的處境中。
purple adj. having the colour of red and blue mixed together. 紫色的。
I say. used to express surprise, shock, etc. or (unstressed) to start a conversation. 用以表示驚訝、震驚等;(不重讀時(shí))用以引起話題。
knock sb./sth. over upset sb./sth. by striking him/it. 撞倒。
hear from receive news from (sb.), usu. by letter. 得到(某人的)消息(常指接到某人的信)。
scream n. person or thing that causes laughter. 令人大笑的人或事物。
tour n. official series of visits for the purpose of playing matches, giving performances, etc. 巡回比賽、演出等。
the West End the area of London that includes most theatres, fashionable and expensive shops, etc. 倫敦西區(qū)(倫敦多數(shù)劇院、時(shí)髦及豪華商店等的所在地)。
heavy adj. marked by or exhibiting weariness. 昏昏欲睡的,顯得疲倦的。
next to in or into a position immediately to one side of (sb./sth.); beside. 在……的旁邊。
fill in complete, supply information as on a form. 填寫。
crash n. fall or strike (sth.) suddenly and noisily. 突然倒下;撞擊(某物)發(fā)出聲響。
professional adj. showing or using the qualities of training of a member of a profession. 專業(yè)的。
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