Japan 日本
You can get great sushi almost everywhere, so when you’re in Japan it’s worth trying other delicacies. Okonomiyaki, a savory pancake (or Japanese pizza) from Hiroshima, is made with batter, vegetables, seaweed, meat, a sweet sauce resembling Worcestershire9, and Japanese mayonnaise. Other regional delicacies include anagomeshi, or sea eel rice, and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata, a pork-bone white soup with ramen noodles.
你幾乎在任何地方都能吃到很棒的壽司,所以到了日本不妨嘗嘗其他美食吧。御好燒是來(lái)自廣島的一種好吃的薄餅(也可稱為“日本比薩”),它是由面糊、蔬菜、海藻、肉、類似伍斯特沙司的甜醬和日本蛋黃醬做成的。其他日本地方美食料理還有鰻魚(yú)壽司(鰻魚(yú)飯),博多豚骨拉面—— 在豬脊骨高湯中下入拉面。