A motorcyclist and another man in a car are the latest internet heroes after quickly stopping on a highway in Mons, Belgium, to save a scared kitten that was huddled in the middle of the road.
The motorcyclist was recording video through his helmet at the time, and the rescue was shared on social media. It didn't take long to go viral.
"I saved a little cat in the middle of the road in Mons, Belgium," the man driving the motorcycle told ViralHog about the incident that took place on Aug. 29. "A man helped me. The cat was very afraid. But now, it is good."
In the video, you can see the scared kitten in the middle of the road as the motorcyclist goes zooming past.
He quickly hops off the motorcycle and joins the man from the car motioning incoming cars away from the lane. The camera on the motorcyclist's helmet captures the moment when frightened kitty is plucked out of harm's way.
The kitten gives the most adorable look back towards its rescuer as if to say thank you for saving its life.