Once you have enough cash to cover your emergency fund and upcoming large expenses, put excess cash to work for you by investing.
1. Build up your savings and emergency fund.Set aside cash in an emergency fund you can access easily to cover roughly six months of expenses. That way, you’re ready for unexpected events, like a temporary job loss. Also, start setting aside cash for large expenses planned for three – five years from now, like buying a new car, an expensive trip or a wedding.
建立你的儲蓄和應(yīng)急基金。留出一些現(xiàn)金作為應(yīng)急基金,你可以方便地使用,以支付大約六個月的開支。這樣,你就能準(zhǔn)備好應(yīng)對突發(fā)事件,比如臨時失業(yè)。同時,開始為從現(xiàn)在開始計劃的3 - 5年的大開銷留出現(xiàn)金,比如買一輛新車,一次昂貴的旅行或一場婚禮。
2. Invest—don’t sit on the sidelines. While cash is good to have on hand for short-term expenses, historically, inflation outpaces cash. That means your money won’t purchase as much in the future as it does today. Once you have enough cash to cover your emergency fund and upcoming large expenses, put excess cash to work for you by investing, which can earn you more than holding it in savings.
Start investing early!
Know your options: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs.
3. Spend (and borrow) smartly. There’s such a thing as good debt and bad debt. “Good debt” is when you borrow to fund something that will appreciate, meaning it will lead to higher net worth or grow in value, like school loans and mortgages. Appreciation offsets the interest you’re paying. “Bad debt” is borrowing to fund something that will depreciate — or lose value over time. With bad debt, the item becomes more expensive for two reasons. You’re paying interest, while at the same time, the item is losing value.
4. Make your intentions known — keep your paperwork up to date. In case of emergency, make sure your family, friends and doctors know your wishes.
· Keep beneficiaries on file. Every savings account, investment and insurance policy allows you to designate beneficiaries.
· Establish a healthcare proxy. This document appoints someone you trust to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to.
· File a will. A will is the best way to pass on your value — even if you do not have children.