I 've had been back and forth. I hesitated.What was tonight? Was going to do tonight?This is so meant to be! This is the fate!She 's gonna be crushed. She would collapse.He can 't to the phone now. He can't answer the phone now ready for a refill? I'll give you a cup of?I love what u have done with this place. I like the layout.Can 't feel my hands. I feel the hands.have an affair外周Will something miss me if I weren 't here? I'm not here what's the difference?Saw a lot of stuff. I'm impressed,Call the security guard noticeDoes STH. Mean squat to u? STH for you asshole, isn't it?What 's up with the greedy? How so greedy?Work an extra shift several rounds of class go on, I dare u! Maybe you go!Ur a freak!

I sensed it was u. I feel that is you,I apologize on behalf of question. I apologize for him.According to are u changing the subject? Why do you want to change the subject?There 's no need to place blame. No criticism is necessary.It 's gonna leave a stain, it will leave a mark.I have part of the fault. I also have a responsibility.They are all well received a received echo is very good talk u up say something nice about youStand firm to efforts to adhere toI was just leering I just use corner look organize my thoughts to sort out my thoughtsGet a little preoccupied something in advanceHave no chance to hide, no way to recover the Intern InternAdmire your candor you really boldWe are rolling the camera was photographingGo through this stack to see the foldRu spying on me? Are you watching me?Just unit with u! Joking with you!Enough is enough! Horsed around long enoughFlyers wanted poster (content)It 's insensitive of me, I do so very hurt.
