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學習特朗普 天天發(fā)推文




Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs chief executive, tweeted a picture of a construction site earlier this week. “In London. GS still investing in our big new Euro headquarters here. Expecting/hoping to fill it up, but so much outside our control.#Brexit.”

上周早些時候,高盛(Goldman Sachs)首席執(zhí)行官勞爾德•貝蘭克梵(Lloyd Blankfein)在Twitter上發(fā)布了一張建筑工地的圖片,并寫道:“在倫敦。高盛仍在這里投資我行龐大的歐洲新總部。預期/希望滿員入駐,但有很多事情在我們控制之外。#英國退歐。”

Nothing odd about the message, you might think; it is well known that Goldman Sachs is building a new London headquarters, while also expanding in continental Europe because of Brexit. Indeed, two weeks ago Mr Blankfein tweeted: “Just left Frankfurt. Great meetings, great weather, really enjoyed it. Good, because I’ll be spending a lot more time there. #Brexit.”


But what is startling is Mr Blankfein’s embrace of Twitter; so much so, that other executives should take note.


After all, Goldman Sachs use to be paranoid about privacy. And Mr Blankfein was so bruised by his depiction during the financial crisis that he avoided journalists. But since June 1, when the @lloydblankfein account dispatched its first tweet — expressing support for the Paris climate deal — the account has amassed more than 67,000 followers. That is less than some tech CEOs. Google’s Sundar Pichai (who tweeted about hamburger emojis this week) has 1.3m followers. Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, has 14.2m and John Legere, T-Mobile CEO, has 4.7m.

畢竟,過去高盛對于隱私有點偏執(zhí)。在全球金融危機期間,媒體對貝蘭克梵的描寫使他深受傷害,以至于他避開記者。但自6月1日貝蘭克梵的Twitter賬號(@lloydblankfein)發(fā)布第一則推文(表達對巴黎氣候變化協(xié)定的支持)以來,這個賬號已聚集超過6.7萬粉絲。這個數字低于一些科技公司的首席執(zhí)行官。谷歌(Google)的桑德爾•皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)擁有130萬粉絲,他上周發(fā)布了有關漢堡包表情符號的推文。特斯拉(Tesla)首席執(zhí)行官埃隆•馬斯克(Elon Musk)的粉絲數量高達1420萬,而T-Mobile首席執(zhí)行官約翰•萊杰爾(John Legere)擁有470萬粉絲。

But no other financial CEO is tweeting from a personal account in this punchy way; @lloydblankfein has even taken oblique, wry swipes at Donald Trump. So what explains this sudden embrace of Twitter? Mr Blankfein says it was a recent decision. “I have always been messaging on things that mattered to us, but we did that before with press releases,” he told me. “I never thought I would tweet — I thought it was too dangerous.”

然而,其他金融集團首席執(zhí)行官都沒有用這種言簡意賅的方式在個人賬戶上發(fā)布推文;貝蘭克梵的賬號甚至拐彎抹角地諷刺過唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)。那么怎么解釋他對Twitter的突然接納呢?貝蘭克梵表示,這是最近做出的決定。“我一直在就對我們重要的事情發(fā)表言論,但我們之前采用的途徑是向媒體發(fā)布新聞稿,”他告訴我,“我以前從沒想過我會在Twitter上發(fā)表言論,我以為那么做過于危險。”

But he changed his mind after spending time in Silicon Valley, and observing Mr Trump (who has trolled Goldman Sachs).


Mr Blankfein dislikes aspects of the administration. But he admires Mr Trump’s “genius” at communication. “The president has engaged with the public in a leveraged way and disintermediated the press — it’s been powerful,” he says. More specifically, he has absorbed three crucial lessons from Trump. The first is obvious: social media can bypass the press. This is an appealing idea for somebody such as Mr Blankfein, who — like Mr Trump — has felt bruised by journalists.


Second, disintermediation works best with punchy messages. Mr Blankfein is not using Trump-style exclamation marks or abuse. But he understands the power of being memorable. After all, as data from Edelman public relations show, trust in authority figures — and their dull press releases — has collapsed; the only real source of trust today lies in peer-to-peer communications that feel authentic and personal.


“If I had 1,000 words it would be bland, but in 140 characters your character comes through and you are forced to commit,” Mr Blankfein observes. “It’s a risky thing, but being forced to commit is good.”


The third lesson from Mr Trump is that it pays to be proactive. One reason he used Twitter so effectively in the 2016 election campaign was that he had already built a massive audience. There is a lesson here for the corporate world, particularly for Wall Street banks that tried to shun the press a decade ago.


“The financial crisis showed that more people should know us and who we are,” Mr Blankfein says. “I didn’t recognise the picture that was painted of me in the media then. Now people see I have a personality, that I joke.”


Or to put it another way, what Goldman Sachs is really trying to do on Twitter is get ahead of the curve, to hedge; it wants to build a communications channel before, not after, it really needs it.


Now I dare say that many other CEOs might consider this too high-risk a strategy. Executives such as Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp, or Marc Andreessen, the venture capitalist, have danced with social media before being burnt and pulling back. Maybe that will happen to Mr Blankfein, too.

我敢說,其他很多CEO可能認為這種策略風險過高。新聞集團(News Corp)董事長魯珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)或風險投資家馬克•安德烈森(Marc Andreessen)等高管也曾試水社交媒體,但在引火上身后撤退?;蛟S這也可能發(fā)生在貝蘭克梵身上。

Yet I, for one, hope that @lloydblankfein keeps tweeting. And that more publicity-shy CEOs copy him. Yes, it is risky to be punchy, personal and provocative, particularly when talking about presidential policies. But for better or worse, Mr Trump has changed the communications game. In a world where CEOs can be trolled by a president, the defence might lie in taking a leaf from Mr Trump’s book. Or as Mr Blankfein might tweet: “Can’t turn back the clock/new era now. If you cant beat ’em, join ’em — by learning to post. Press releases don’t work. #eatorgeteaten”.



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