The 15 wild Asian elephants are now wandering in the Hongta district of Yuxi, following a long journey from Yunnan province's southmost prefecture starting from April 16. As of Sunday morning, the elephants were 50 km from Kunming's Jinning district and 100 km from the downtown area of the provincialcapital.
Monitoring images show that the herdincludes six female adult elephants, three male adults, three sub-adults, and three cubsfrom their traditional habitat. Precaution measures have been taken to prevent human-elephant conflict as the elephants may well stray into human settlements.
The provincial bureau of forestryand grasslandsaid that it is a priority to protect the safety of both human beings and the elephants.
Police officers have been sent to escort the elephants. They are aided with 228 vehicles, four excavators and three unmanned aerial vehicles in case that they need to distance the animals with human settlements.