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新概念英語第三冊(美音版)A day t remember





Lesson 33
A day t remember

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What incident began the series of traffic accidents?
We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong. A day may begin well enough, but suddenly everything seems to get out of control. What invariably happens is that a great number of things choose to go wrong at precisely the same moment. It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions. Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. The telephone rings and this marks the prelude to an unforeseen series of catastrophes. While you are on the phone, the baby pulls the tablecloth off the table, smashing half your best crockery and cutting himself in the process. You hang up hurriedly and attend to baby, crockery, etc. Meanwhile, the meal gets burnt. As if this were not enough to reduce you to tears, your husband arrives, unexpectedly bringing three guests to dinner.
Things can go wrong on a big scale, as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney. During the rush hour one evening two cars collided and both drivers began to argue. The woman immediately behind the two cars happened to be a learner. She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car. This made the driver following her brake hard. His wife was sitting beside him holding a large cake. As she was thrown forward, the cake went right through the windscreen and landed on the road. Seeing a cake flying through the air, a lorry driver who was drawing up alongside the car, pulled up all of a sudden. The lorry was loaded with empty beer bottles and hundreds of them slid off the back of the vehicle and on to the road. This led to yet another angry argument. Meanwhile, the traffic piled up behind. It took the police nearly an hour to get the traffic on the move again. In the meantime, the lorry driver had to sweep up hundreds of broken bottles. Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of the cake. It was just one of those days!
New words and expressions 生詞和短語
n. 序幕,前奏
adj. 意料之外的
n. 系列
n. 大禍,災(zāi)難
n. 陶器,瓦器
n. 郊區(qū)
v. 猛撞
n. 初學者
n. 驚慌,恐慌
n. (汽車的)擋風玻璃
slide (slid, slid)
v. 滑
adj. 迷失的,離群的
n. 混亂
adv. 貪婪地
v. 狼吞虎咽地吃

我們大家都有過事事不順心的日子。一天開始時,可能還不錯,但突然間似乎一切都失去了控制。情況經(jīng)常是這樣的,許許多多的事情都偏偏趕在同一時刻出問題, 好像是一件無關(guān)緊要的小事引起了一連串的連鎖反應(yīng)。假設(shè)你在做飯,同時又在照看孩子。這時電話鈴響了。它預(yù)示著一連串意想不到的災(zāi)難的來臨。就在你接電話 時,孩子把桌布從桌子上扯下來,將家中最好的陶瓷餐具半數(shù)摔碎,同時也弄傷了他自己。你急急忙忙掛上電話,趕去照看孩子和餐具。這時,飯又燒糊了。好像這 一切還不足以使你急得掉淚,你的丈夫接著回來了,事先沒打招呼就帶來3個客人吃飯。 就像許多人最近在悉尼郊區(qū)帕拉馬塔發(fā)現(xiàn)的那樣,有時亂子會鬧得很大。一天傍晚交通最擁擠時,一輛汽車撞上前面一輛汽車,兩個司機爭吵起來。緊跟其后的一輛 車上的司機碰巧是個初學者,她一驚之下突然把車停了下來。她這一停使得跟在后頭的司機也來個急剎車。司機妻子正坐在他身邊,手里托著塊大蛋糕。她往前一 沖,蛋糕從擋風玻璃飛了出去掉到馬路上。此時,一輛卡車正好從后邊開到那輛汽車邊上,司機看見一塊蛋糕從天而降,緊急剎車??ㄜ嚿涎b著空啤酒瓶。成百只瓶 子順勢從卡車后面滑出車外落在馬路上。這又引起一場唇槍舌劍的爭吵。與此同時,后面的車輛排成了長龍,警察花了將近一個小時才使車輛又開起來。在這段時間 里,卡車司機不得不清掃那幾百只破瓶子。只有兩只野狗從這一片混亂中得到好處,它們貪婪地吃掉了剩下的蛋糕。這就是事事不順心的那么一天!

■prelude n. 序幕,前奏
a prelude to sth ……的前奏
Eg: a prelude to serious trouble 麻煩的前奏
introduction 導言,緒論
introduction to the book
preface 序,前言
foreword 序

■unforeseen adj. 意料之外的
foresee == see before hand
I foresee a bright future for you.
foreseeable 可預(yù)見的
foreseeing 預(yù)料之中的
unforeseeing 意料之外的
foretell 預(yù)言,主語可以是人或物
predict 預(yù)言,預(yù)示(語氣較強),主語必須是人
Eg: He predicted that it would happen in ten years.
forecast : 預(yù)測,預(yù)報(主要指天氣的預(yù)報)
Eg: Timely snow foretells a bumper harvest. 瑞雪照豐年

■series n. 系列
series 單復數(shù)形式同形
a series of
We’ve got a series of good harvest.
chain 連串,連鎖
a chain of 一系列
a series of reaction 一系列反應(yīng)
a chain of reaction一系列反應(yīng)
chain store 連鎖店,
chain reaction 連鎖反應(yīng)
chain smoker 吸煙很嚴重的人
succession 側(cè)重時間上的連續(xù)
a suucession of failures 一系列的失敗
Eg.: We’ve got a succession of successes.
string 連續(xù)不斷相似的事件
Eg.: a string of cars 一連串的汽車
train 一個接一個發(fā)生的事
a train of thoughts/ ideas 一個個的想法

■catastrophe n. 大禍,災(zāi)難
worldwide catastrophe 世界范圍的災(zāi)難
national catastrophe 波及全國的災(zāi)難
disaster 災(zāi)難,不幸(語氣較弱)
calamity 災(zāi)害,不幸事件
nature calamity 自然災(zāi)害

■crockery n. 陶器,瓦器
■suburb n. 郊區(qū)
■collide v. 猛撞
■learner n. 初學者
■panic n. 驚慌,恐慌
panic : uncontrollable quickly spreading fear or terror
get into a panic 陷入驚慌之中
He suddenly got into a panic and stop his car.
be struck with panic== be seized with panic 驚慌失措
He was seized with panic.
terror 驚駭
horror 恐懼
fright 害怕
alarm 驚恐
■windscreen n. (汽車的)擋風玻璃
■alongside prep. 在……的旁邊,與……并排
■slide v. 滑
■stray adj. 迷失的,離群的
The dog strayed from home.
■confusion n. 混亂
condition out of order
in order 秩序井然
out of order 混亂
L33-01 end 10’19”

L33-02 begin 10’10”

in confusion 亂七八糟
be covered with confusion 局促不安
throw sb into confusion 使某人驚慌失措

■greedily adv. 貪婪地
■devour v. 狼吞虎咽地吃
1. eat like an animal
The dog devoured the cake
2. destroy 吞滅,席卷
The flames devoured the whole building
3. take in eagerly with eyes, ears, or mind 貪婪地看
His eyes devoured the scene. 他兩眼貪婪地看著。

Every dog has its day 每個人都會有飛黃騰達的日子
get out of control 失控
uncontrollable, beyond control

invariably: always
What happened yesterday was that he couldn’t deal with the hot potato.
precisely: exactly

It is as if
It seems as if
It looks as if

set up = cause 引起,導致,造成
What set up the accident?
set up a world record 創(chuàng)世界紀錄
set up = creat 創(chuàng)立,建立
The unimportant event is the prelude to trouble. 不重要的事情是麻煩事的前奏。

keep an eye on tha baby 照料孩子
keep an eye on = look after = take care of
Please keep an eye on my bouse while I am out.
keep one’s eyes open 睜大眼睛
When I am out, please keep your eyes open.
have an eye to
eye for eye 以牙還牙
have eyes only for 只要,只愛
Eg: I have eyes only for you.
look sb in the eyes 兩眼直視某人
eye to eye with sb 與某人看法完全一樣
Eg: I invariably see eye to eye with my sister.
turn a blind eye to sth. 對……視而不見
Eg: He even turned blind eye to me.
make eyes at sb 含情報脈脈地看著某人
Eg: The boy is making eyes at his girlfriend.

on teh phone = answer the phone

pull off 拉下來
pick off 取下來
knock off 碰落下來
smash half 摔成兩半
in the process 在這個過程中
hang up == put on the receiver

attend to == look after == deal with
Please attend to my baby.
Excuse me, I have something urgent to attend to.

reduce you to tears.
reduce sb to + 名詞: 迫使某人處于……狀態(tài)
Eg: You almost reduce me to tears.
His comforting words almost reduced his wife to tears.
His answer reduced me to silence.
The bomb reduced the city to ruins.

we can draw a conclusion.
Everything seems to get out of control suddenly and a great number of things choose to go wrong at precisely the same moment.

on a big scale == to a great degree == to great extent
as 引導非限制性定語從句(二冊已詳細說過)

Troubles never come single 禍不單行
as we know 眾所周知
As we know, the earth is round.
As brane pointed out, giving up smoking is the easiest thing to do in the world.
As the headmaster mentioned, one is never too old to learn.
As we expected, John was admitted to the university.
She married him, which was unexpected.
She married him as (was ) unexpected.


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詞匯速記新概念英語詞匯隨身聽速記手冊3 第31-33課







1 What would have most upset the woman the day everything went wrong for her?
a. She had not expected her husband to arrive so early.
b. The meal she had cooked for the three guests had got burnt.
c. Her husband had not told her he was bringing anyone to dinner.
d. She had not got enough crockery left to serve the meal with.

2 What might have prevented a chain reaction following the initial collision?
a. If the two drivers who had collided had not begun to argue.
b. Had there been a more experienced driver behind the two cars.
c. If, instead of panicking, the woman had made no attempt to stop.
d. Had the wife of the man who braked not thrown a cake through the window.

3 There was a second angry argument because _____ .
a. the lorry driver blamed the owner of the cake for his accident
b. the traffic was extremely slow to get on the move again
c. the lorry driver did not think he shouldbe made to sweep up the glass
d. two dogs had devoured what was left of the cake

4 It is as if a single event that is _____ a chain of reactions. (ll.4-5)
a. no importance set up b. of no imortance set up
c. not any important sets up d. not any importance sets up
that is ...是定語從句修飾event
a single unimportant event

5 ---- you are preparing a meal _____ keeping an eye on the baby. (ll.6-7)
a. at the same time b. as you are c. as well d. while

6 As if this _____ you to tears …(l.10)
a. has not already reduced b. were not already reducing
c. did not already reduce d. would not already reduce

7 Immediately behind the two cars _____ happened to be a learner. (ll.13-14)
a. was a woman who b. a woman c. the woman d. there was the woman who

8 The police spent nearly an hour _____ the traffic on the move again. (ll.19-20)
a. to get b. until getting c. getting d. having got
spend ( time ) doing sth.

9 You are preparing a meal and _____ the baby at the same time. (ll.6-7)
a. looking at b. seeing c. watching d. seeing to

10 She stopped her car _____ a sudden panic. (l.14)
a. into b. in c. from d. with
in panic / in terror / in fear / in horror

11 Hundreds of them _____ the back of the vehicle … (ll.18-19)
a. slipped off b. slid down c. slid over d. slipped under
slid over 躲過
He slid over the question without answering it.

12 They greedily devoured the _____ of the cake. (ll.21-22)
a. left b. leave c. leftover d. remains
leftovers 吃剩的東西(常用復數(shù)形式)
The leftovers of the meal were fed to the dog.

【Key to Multiple choice questions】
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. D


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