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> 音標(biāo)發(fā)音 > 李陽(yáng)瘋狂英語(yǔ)之音標(biāo)速成 >  第3篇





Chapter II

第一節(jié) 前元音

Hi,my friends all over China,now I'd like to introduce a new friend to you.;嗨,中國(guó)各地的朋友們, 現(xiàn)在我向你們介紹一位 新朋友. Here she is! Bridget from the United States.;她來(lái)了!來(lái)自美國(guó)的 布里奇特. Great to see everyone! I hope you're all happy.;見(jiàn)到大家真高興! 希望你們都高興. This is my first opportunity to record for Li Yang Crazy English.;這是我第一次有機(jī)會(huì)為李陽(yáng)瘋狂英語(yǔ)錄音. Let's go!;我們開(kāi)始吧! How are you feeling today;今天你覺(jué)得怎么樣?

A:How are you feeling today;A:今天你覺(jué)得怎么樣?

B:I feel a lot better,thanks for asking.;B:我感覺(jué)好多了。 謝謝你的關(guān)心。 The Chinese are a great people.;中華民族是一個(gè) 偉大的民族。

A:The Chinese are a great people.

B:I completely agree with you.;A:中華民族是一個(gè)偉大的民族。


She gives me a big headache.;她讓我頭痛。

A:She gives me a big headache. B:I know.It's really annoying.;

A:她讓我頭痛。 B:我知道,真的很煩人。

I feel a little sick today.;我今天感覺(jué)有點(diǎn)不舒服。

A:What's wrong with you B:I feel a little sick today.;A:你怎么啦? B:我今天感覺(jué) 有點(diǎn)不舒服。 ;

Everything is so expensive in Japan.;在日本什么東西都那么昂貴。 A:Everything is so expensive in Japan.;A:在日本什么東西都 那么昂貴。

B:I can't even afford to go there for a week.;B:我甚至無(wú)法負(fù)擔(dān)去那里一星期的費(fèi)用。

She is my best friend.;她是我最好的朋友。

A:Who is that girl you were with last night;A:昨晚和你在一起的那個(gè) 女孩是誰(shuí)?

B:She is my best friend.;B:她是我最好的朋友。

I have a very happy family.;我有一個(gè)非常幸福的家庭。

A:I have a very happy family. B:You're a lucky man;

A:我有一個(gè)非常 幸福的家庭。 B:你真幸運(yùn)。

That's too bad.;太遺憾了。

A:I lost my job yesterday. B:That's too bad.

A:昨天我失業(yè)了。 B:太遺憾了。

第二節(jié) 中元音

I love money.;我喜歡錢(qián)。

A:I love money. B:Everyone loves money.;A:我喜歡錢(qián) B:每個(gè)人都喜歡錢(qián)。 I'm just lucky.;我只是運(yùn)氣好。

A:How did you become so successful B:I'm just lucky.

A:你怎么會(huì)這么成功? B:我只是運(yùn)氣好。

Did it work;這行得通嗎?

A:Did it work B:I'm no sure yet.;A:這行得通嗎? B:我還不確信。

Nobody's perfect.;沒(méi)有十全十美的人。

A:You made a mistake! B:Nobody's perfect.;A:你犯了一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤! B:沒(méi)有十全十美的人。

What's the matter;什么事?

A:What's the matter B:Nothing is the matter.Everything is fine.;A:什么事? B:沒(méi)什么。一切順利。 ;

Our English teacher is great.;我們的英語(yǔ)老師很好。

A:Our English teacher is great.;A:我們的英語(yǔ)老師很好。

B:You're so lucky to have a good teacher.;B:你們有這樣一位好 老師真是幸運(yùn)。

Forget about it.;算了吧!/沒(méi)什么。

A:I'm sorry I'm late. B:Forget about it.;A:很抱歉,我來(lái)遲了。 B:算了吧!/沒(méi)什么。

China and America should work together;中美應(yīng)該攜手合作。

A:China and America should work together.;A:中美應(yīng)該攜手合作。

B:You're exactly right.;B:你說(shuō)得太對(duì)了。

第三節(jié) 后元音

My father has never traveled abroad.;我父親從未出國(guó)旅行過(guò)。

A:My father has never traveled abroad.;A:我父親從未 出國(guó)旅行過(guò)。

B:My father lived in America for three years.;B:我父親在美國(guó) 住了三年。 ; Keep calm, its nothing serious.;保持冷靜,沒(méi)什么 大不了的事。

A:Keep calm,its nothing serious.;A:保持冷靜,沒(méi)什么大不了的事。

B:But I'm so worried.I don't know what to do.;B:但我很擔(dān)心,我不知道該怎么辦。

How about the day after tomorrow;后天怎么樣?

A:How about the day after tomorrow B:I'm busy then. How about Friday;

A:后天怎么樣? B:后天我很忙, 星期五怎么樣?

You've made the same mistake as last time.;你犯了和上次 一樣的錯(cuò)誤。 A:You've made the same mistake as last time.;A:你犯了和上次 一樣的錯(cuò)誤。 B:I'm sorry.I'm still learning.;B:很抱歉,我還在學(xué)嘛。

Who's in charge here;這兒誰(shuí)負(fù)責(zé)?

A:Who's in charge here;A:這兒誰(shuí)負(fù)責(zé)?

B:Our manager is in charge of this department.;B:我們經(jīng)理負(fù)責(zé)這個(gè)部門(mén)。 What makes you work so hard;什么使你這樣賣(mài)命?

A:What makes you work so hard B:I am determined to succeed.

A:什么使你這樣賣(mài)命? B:我決心成功。

He has a lot of confidence.;他充滿了自信。

A:What do you think of Bill Clinton B:He has a lot of confidence.

A:你認(rèn)為比爾.克林頓 怎么樣? B:他充滿了自信。

Nothing is impossible.;沒(méi)有做不成的事。

A:It's impossible for me to speak English.;A:要我說(shuō)英語(yǔ)是不可能的。 B:Nothing is impossible.;B:沒(méi)有做不成的事。

I need to talk to you.;我要和你談?wù)劇?/p>

A:I need to talk to you. B:Sure.Do you want to talk now;


I will call you later.;回頭我給你電話。

A:I will call you later. B:OK.I'll be waiting for your call.;A:回頭我給你電話。 B:好,我等你電話。

I really can't stand it any more.;我真的無(wú)法忍受了!

A:The traffic is terrible in Beijing.;A:北京的交通太糟糕了。

B:Yeah,I really can't stand it any more.;B:我真的無(wú)法忍受了!

I'm looking for Mr.Li.;我要找李先生。

A:I'm looking for Mr.Li. B:Oh,he's just over there.

A:我要找李先生。 B:哦,他就在那兒。

My mother is a good cook.;我哈哈哈廚藝不錯(cuò)。

A:My mother is a good cook. B:My mother is a terrible cook.;

A:我媽媽廚藝不錯(cuò)。 B:我媽媽廚藝太差了。

You look great today.;你今天看上去棒極了。

A:You look great today. B:I'm flattered. Thanks.;

A:你今天看上去棒極了。 B:你過(guò)獎(jiǎng)了,謝謝。

I want to improve my poor English.我想改進(jìn)我的破爛英語(yǔ)。

A:I want to improve my poor English.

B:Then you should study Crazy English.

A:我想改進(jìn)我的破爛英語(yǔ)。 B:那你應(yīng)該學(xué)習(xí)瘋狂英語(yǔ)。

You must tell the truth.;你必須說(shuō)出真相。

A:You must tell the truth. B:But I'm afraid to tell the truth.

A:你必須說(shuō)出真相。 B:但我怕說(shuō)出真相。

第四節(jié) 合口雙元音

No pain,no gain.;沒(méi)有付出,就沒(méi)有收獲。

A:You have to work long hours to make money.;

A:要想掙錢(qián), 你得長(zhǎng)時(shí)間工作。

B:You're right. No pain,no gain.;B:你說(shuō)得對(duì)。不勞無(wú)獲。

I made a mistake.;我犯了一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤。

A:I made a mistake. B:Everyone makes mistakes.;

A:我犯了一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤。 B:人人都犯錯(cuò)誤。

Don't be shy, just try.;不要害羞,嘗試一下。

A:I'm so afraid to speak English. B:Don't be shy, just try.

A:我真害怕說(shuō)英語(yǔ)。 B:不要害羞,嘗試一下。

Do you mind if I smoke;你介意我抽煙嗎?

A:Do you mind if I smoke B1:No,not at all. Go ahead.

A:你介意我抽煙嗎? B1:不,我不介意。 你盡管抽。

Ask him to join us for lunch.請(qǐng)你來(lái)和我們一起吃午飯。

A:That boy looks so lonely sitting there by himself.;

A:那男孩一個(gè)人坐在那兒, 看起來(lái)很孤獨(dú)。

B:Ask him to join us for lunch.;B:請(qǐng)你來(lái)和我們一起吃午飯。

Enjoy your stay here.;祝你在這里過(guò)得愉快。

A:Enjoy your stay here. B:Thanks,I'm sure I will.;

A:祝你在這里過(guò)得愉快。 B:謝謝,我相信 我一定會(huì)的。

I hope I can see you again.;我希望能再次見(jiàn)到你。

A:I hope I can see you again.;A:我希望能再次見(jiàn)到你。

B:Then let's get together again soon.;B:那我們找個(gè)時(shí)間再聚一聚吧。

I don't know what to do.;我不知道做什么。

A:I don't know what to do.;A:我不知道做什么。

B:Don't worry. Everything will work out.;B:別擔(dān)心。 一切都會(huì)解決的。

No doubt about it.;毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)。

A:China will host a great Olympics B:No doubt about it.

A:中國(guó)會(huì)成功主辦 奧運(yùn)會(huì)嗎? B:毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)。

That sounds great.;聽(tīng)起來(lái)棒極了。

A:How about going out for dinner tonight. B:That sounds great.

A:今晚出去吃飯好嗎? B:聽(tīng)起來(lái)棒極了。

第五節(jié) 集中雙元音

Do you live near here;你住在附近嗎?

A:Do you live near here B:Yes,I live very near.

A:你住在附近嗎? B:是的,我住得很近。

We've been friends for years.;我們是多年的好朋友。

A:How do you know Li Yang B:We've been friends for years.

A:你怎么認(rèn)識(shí)李陽(yáng)的? B:我們是多年的好朋友。

I don't care what you do.;你做什么我都不管。

A:I'm going to quit my job. B:I don't care what you do.;

A:我準(zhǔn)備辭掉我的工作。 B:你做什么我都不管。

Where are you from?你從哪兒來(lái)?

A:Where are you from B:I'm from America.

A:你從哪兒來(lái)? B:我是美國(guó)來(lái)的。

He is from a very poor family.;他出身于一個(gè) 非常貧困的家庭。

A:He is from a very poor family. B:I'm so surprised to hear that.;

A:他出身于一個(gè) 非常貧困的家庭。 B:這真讓我驚訝。

Are you sure you can do it;你肯定你會(huì)做好 這件事嗎?

A:Are you sure you can do it B:Sure.It's a piece of cake.

A:你肯定你會(huì)做好 這件事嗎? B:當(dāng)然,小菜一碟。

第六節(jié) 爆破音

No problem.;沒(méi)問(wèn)題。 A:Do you think you can help me B:No problem.

A:你認(rèn)為你能幫我嗎? B:沒(méi)問(wèn)題。

He's a popular president.;他是一位受歡迎的總統(tǒng)。

A:What do you think of Bill Clinton B:He's a popular president.

A:你認(rèn)為比爾.克林頓怎么樣? B:他是一位受歡迎的總統(tǒng)。

I'm very busy now.;我現(xiàn)在很忙。

A:How are you? B:I'm very busy now.;A:你好嗎? B:我現(xiàn)在很忙。 ;

He is in a lot of trouble.;他有許多麻煩。

A:He is in a lot of trouble. B:Why?What does he do?

A:他有許多麻煩。 B:為什么?他做了些什么

Today is a great day;今天棒極了。

A:Today is a great day. B:I completely agree.

A:今天棒極了。 B:我完全同意。

Let's get together sometime.;讓我們找一天聚一聚。

A:Let's get together sometime. B:How about next week;

A:讓我們找一天聚一聚。 B:好啊,下周怎么樣?

What kind of job do you have?你是做什么工作的?

A:What kind of job do you have?B:I'm a computer programmer.

A:你是做什么工作的? B:我是個(gè)電腦程序員。 ;

I'm different from my sister.;我和我的妹妹不同。

A:I thought you and your sister were exactly alike.

A:我以為你跟隨你妹妹 長(zhǎng)得完全一樣呢。

B:I'm different from my sister.;B:我和我的妹妹不同。

I feel a little weak today.;我感覺(jué)全身無(wú)力。

A:How are you feeling today B:I feel a little weak today.

A:你今天感覺(jué)怎么樣? B:我感覺(jué)全身無(wú)力。 ;

May I ask you a question?我可以問(wèn)你個(gè)問(wèn)題嗎?

A:May I ask you a question?B:Sure. Go right ahead.

A:我可以問(wèn)個(gè)問(wèn)題嗎? B:當(dāng)然可以,問(wèn)吧。

I've got to go now.;我該走了。

A:I've got to go now B:It's getting late. I have to go too.

A:我該走了。 B:這么晚了,我也該走了。

He's a big man in the company.;他是公司里的一位要人。

A:Who's that guy in the Mercedes Benz;


B:He's a big man in the company.;



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