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> 音標發(fā)音 > 李陽瘋狂英語之音標速成 >  第4篇





第七節(jié) 摩擦音

Life is beautiful;生活是美好的。

A:Why are you so happy all the time B:Life is beautiful.

A:你怎么一直都這么快樂呢? B:生活是美好的。

What is your favorite food;你最喜歡吃什么?

A:What is your favorite food;A:你最喜歡吃什么?

B:I have a lot of favorite foods. I can't choose just one!;

B:我有很多喜歡吃的東西。 我不能只選一種。 ;

It's a very nice view.;景色真美。

A:What do you think of the view from here?

A:你認為這兒的景色怎么樣? B:It's a very nice view.;B:景色真美。

Have a nice vacation!;度假愉快!

A:Have a nice vacation!; B:Thanks,I will. I'll see you when I get back.;

B:謝謝,我會的。 我回來就去看你。 ;

Are you serious?你是認真的嗎?

A:Are you serious B:Yes.I'm completely serious.

A:你是認真的嗎? B:是啊,我絕對認真。

Service is good in that restaurant.;那個餐館的服務很好。

A:Service is good in that restaurant. B:The food is great, too.

A:那個餐館的服務很好。 B:食物也很好。

My father was pleased with my success.;我的父親對我的成功感到高興。

A:My father was pleased with my success. B:I'm sure he was.;

A:我的父親對我的 成功感到高興。 B:我相信他會這樣的。

Business is business.;公事公辦。

A:Why did you make your friend sign a contract;

A:你怎么讓你的 朋友簽合同呢?

B:Business is business.;B:公事公辦。 ;

This fish is so delicious.;這魚的味道太鮮美了。

A:This fish is so delicious.;A:這魚的味道太鮮美了。

B:Please help yourself to some more.;B:請多吃點吧。

Let me show you around the city.讓我?guī)銋⒂^一下 這個城市吧。

A:Let me show you around the city. B:Thanks for the offer.

A:讓我?guī)銋⒂^一下這個城市吧。 B:謝謝你的好意。

It's my pleasure.;這是我的榮幸。

A:Thank you for helping me with my English. B:It's my pleasure.

A:謝謝你幫我學英語。 B:這是我的榮幸。

I usually get up at seven.;我通常在 7 點鐘起床。

A:What time should I call you tomorrow morning?


B:I usually get up at seven.B:我通常在 7 點鐘起床。

I don't know how to thank you enough.;我不知道應該如何感謝你。

A:I don't know how to thank you enough.;A:我不知道應該 如何感謝你。

B:You really don't have to thank me.;B:你真的不用謝我。

Health is better than wealth.健康勝過財富。

A:Health is better than wealth.;A:健康勝過財富。

B:You can say that again.Nothing is more important than health.

B:你說得太對了。沒什么 比健康更重要。

The weather is good today.;今天天氣不錯。

A:The weather is good today. B:Then let's go for a walk.

A:今天天氣不錯。 B:那我們去散步吧。

I'm glad to hear that.;聽到這個消息我太高興了。

A:My wife is feeling much better.Thanks for asking.

A:我太太感覺好多了, 謝謝你的關心。

B:I'm glad to hear that.B:聽到這個消息 我太高興了。

Where have you been hiding lately?你最近躲到哪里去了?

A:Where have you been hiding lately;A:你最近躲到哪里去了?

B:I've just been really busy lately.;B:我最近真的很忙。

I hate her.我討厭她。

A:Why don't you talk to her anymore B:I hate her.

A:你怎么不再跟她說話了? B:我討厭她。

You have no right to do that.;你沒有權力那樣做。

A:I'm going to cancel the meeting. B:You have no right to do that.

A:我準備取消那個會議。 B:你沒有權力那樣做。

My parents are arriving tomorrow morning.我父母明天早晨到達這里。

A:My parents are arriving tomorrow morning.;A:我父母明天早晨到達這里。 B:Wow.You must be very excited.;B:哇,你一定很激動。

That watch looks cheap.;那塊手表看起來很低廉。

A:That watch looks cheap. B:Then I guess I shouldn't buy it.

A:那塊手表看起來很低廉。 B:那我就不買了。

Choose which you like best.;挑選你最喜歡的。

A:Would you like to go out for Chinese food or western food?


B:Choose which you like best.B:挑選你最喜歡的。

She's looking for a part time job.她在尋找兼職工作。

A:She's looking for a part time job.A:她在尋找兼職工作。

B:Good idea.It's hard to study and work at a full time job.


Here's your change.這是你的零錢。

A:Here's your change. B:Thanks,but you can keep the change.

A:這是你的零錢。 B:謝謝,不用找了。

第九節(jié) 鼻音

Wait a minute.;等一會兒。

A:I'm leaving now. Good-bye. B:Wait a minute.

A:我走了,再見。 B:等一會兒。

He makes a lot of money.;他賺很多錢。

A:He makes a lot of money.;A:他賺很多錢。

B:It's a good thing because his wife spends a lot of money.


Nice to have you with us.很高興你能跟我們在一起。

A:Nice to have you with us. B:Well,it's nice to be here.

A:很高興你能跟 我們在一起。 B:哦,來這兒很好。 ;

Keep it between you and me.;不要跟別人說。

A:Keep it between you and me. B:Don't worry.I won't tell anyone.

A:不要跟別人說。 B:別擔心。我不會告訴其他人的。

I think I'm under-paid.;我想我的工資太低了。

A:Why are you looking for a new job?A:你為什么在找新工作?

B:I think I'm under-paid.;B:我想我的工資太低了。

It's nothing serious.;這沒什么了不起。

A:I heard you were sick. B:It's nothing serious.

A:聽說你病了。 B:沒什么嚴重的。

第十節(jié) 舌邊音

He's living on easy street.;他過得很富裕。

A:How is your friend Tom doing? B:He's living on easy street.

A:你的朋友湯姆怎么樣? B:他過得很富裕。

Look before you leap.;三思而后行。

A:Look before you leap. B:Thanks for the advice.

A:三思而后行。 B:謝謝你的忠告。

What did you learn at school today?你今天在學校 學了些什么?

A:What did you learn at school today? B:Not too much.

A:你今天在學校 學了些什么? B:沒什么。

That's a cool car.;那輛車很酷。

A:That's a cool car. B:Thanks.Do you want to go for a ride;

A:那輛車很酷。 B:謝謝。你想去兜兜風嗎

第十一節(jié) 半元音

She is a wonderful woman.她是個了不起的女人。

A:What is your mother like? B:She is a wonderful woman.;

A:你媽媽是個怎么樣的人? B:她是個了不起的女人。

Why did you do that?你為什么那樣做?

A:Why did you do that? B:I really don't now why.

A:你為什么那樣做? B:我真的不知道為什么。

We yelled English together every day.;我們每天在一起大喊英語。

A:How did you both learn to speak such good English?

A:你們的英語這么好, 是怎么學的?

B:We yelled English together every day.;B:我們每天在一起 大喊英語。 ; Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪兒?

A:Where were you yesterday? B:I took the day off.

A:昨天你在哪兒? B:我昨天休息。

Don't trick me.;不要欺騙我。

A:Don't trick me. B:I'd never trick you.;

A:不要欺騙我。 B:我永遠不會欺騙你。

Just try your best.;竭盡全力吧!

A:I'm worried about making mistakes. B:Just try your best.

A:我擔心我會犯錯誤。 B:竭盡全力吧!

What would you like to drink?你想喝點什么?

A:What would you like to drink? B:Tea is fine.

A:你想喝點什么? B:茶就可以了。

Can you drive?你會開車嗎?

A:Can you drive? B:Sure,I've been driving for years.

A:你會開車嗎? B:當然,我開車 已經很多年了。

She has lots of friends.;她有很多朋友。

A:She has lots of friends. B:I know.She's really popular.

A:她有很多朋友。 B:我知道,她非常受歡迎。

Don't forget to turn off the lights.;請別忘了把燈關掉。

A:Don't forget to turn off the lights.;A:請別忘了把燈關掉。

B:Thanks for reminding me.;B:謝謝你提醒我。 ;

We're best friends.;我們是好朋友。

A:You two seem really close. B:We're best friends.

A:你們倆看上去很親密。 B:我們是好朋友。

He always lends me money!;他總是借錢給我。

A:Why are you so nice to him? B:He always lends me money!

A:你為什么對他這么好? B:他總是借錢給我。

A:Why are you so nice to him? B:He always lends me money!;A:你為什么對他這么好? B:他總是借錢給我。

Pronunciation is a big problem for Asian learners.;發(fā)音對于亞洲學習者來說 是個大問題.

If you can master pronunciation,you win, you will standout,;如果你能掌握發(fā)音,你就 穩(wěn)操勝券,你將卓然超群,

you will shine above the rest.;你將出類拔萃.

It's worth your effort.It's worth your time.It's worth your hard work.;它值得你為之付出努力、 時間和艱辛。

Follow me! Follow Li Yang! Follow Crazy English! You're gonna make it!;跟我學!跟李陽學! 跟著瘋狂英語學! 你一定會成功!

Pronunciation is a big problem for Asian learners.;發(fā)音對于亞洲學習者來說 是個大問題.

If you can master pronunciation,you win, you will standout,;如果你能掌握發(fā)音,你就 穩(wěn)操勝券,你將卓然超群,

you will shine above the rest.;你將出類拔萃.

It's worth your effort.It's worth your time.It's worth your hard work.;它值得你為之付出努力、 時間和艱辛。

Follow me! Follow Li Yang! Follow Crazy English! You're gonna make it!;跟我學!跟李陽學! 跟著瘋狂英語學! 你一定會成功!

Pronunciation is a big problem for Asian learners.;發(fā)音對于亞洲學習者來說 是個大問題.

If you can master pronunciation,you win, you will standout,;如果你能掌握發(fā)音,你就 穩(wěn)操勝券,你將卓然超群,

you will shine above the rest.;你將出類拔萃.

It's worth your effort.It's worth your time.It's worth your hard work.;它值得你為之付出努力、 時間和艱辛。

Follow me!Follow Jim! Follow Crazy English! You're gonna make it! Good luck!;跟我學!跟吉姆學! 跟著瘋狂英語學! 你一定會成功!祝你好運!


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