1.Hi, my name is Bill. 你好,我叫比爾
2.Hi, I’m Mary. 你好,我是瑪麗
3.Nice to meet you, Mary. 瑪麗,見到你很高興
4.Likewise. 我也是
5.Where are you from? 你從那里來?
6.I’m from the USA, and you? 我來自美國,你呢?
7.Oh, I’m from Finland. 我來自芬蘭。
8.Finland? Where is that? 芬蘭,在哪兒呢?
9.It’s in northern Europe. 它在歐洲北部。
10.Oh, I didn’t know. 噢,我還不知道呢。
11.And where in the America are you from? 那,你來自美國的什么地方?
12.I’m from Texas. That’s in the south. 我來自德克薩斯洲。
13.Yes, I’ve heard of it. 嗯,我聽說過它。
14.Have you really? 真的嗎?
15.Sure, it’s quite famous. 當然了,它還挺出名的。
Section 2 Around Town二 周邊介紹
1.Do you know this town well? 你對這個城鎮(zhèn)很了解嗎?
2.Sure, I have been here many times. 當然了,我到這里很多次了。
3.How many libraries are there here? 這里有幾座圖書館呢?
4.There are three. 有三座。
5.Three, that’s a lot for a small town. 三座!對一個小鎮(zhèn)來說,這相當多了。
6.Well, one belongs to the town. 沒錯,一座歸鎮(zhèn)里所有。
7.And the other two? 那另外兩座呢?
8.They belong to the university. 它們屬大學所有。
9.Can anyone use them? 任何人都能使用它們嗎?
10.No. Only students can use the university libraries. 不是的。只有學生們才能使用大學圖書館。
11.But can anyone use the town library? 人人都使用鎮(zhèn)里的圖書館嗎?
12.Of course. I have been going there for years. 那當然了,幾年來我一起都到那里去。
13.But really you should join the library.不過你得先加入圖書館。
14.How do I do that? 我該怎么做呢?
15.You gave them your name and address, and they gave you a ticket. 你報上姓名和住址,他們就會給你一張證。
16.Good. That sounds easy. 嗯,聽起來挺容易的。
Section 3 Sir, Madam, Mr., Mrs., Miss and Ms.三閣下、女士、先生、太太、小姐
1.In western countries, many titles are used. 西方,人們常用的稱謂有很多。
2.Men are usually called Mister. 男士們通常被稱作先生。
3.Women can have different titles. 女士們則可以有不同的稱謂。
4.A woman can choose her title. 女士可以選擇自己的稱謂。
5.If she is married, she can call herself Mrs. or Ms. 一個已婚的女士,可以自稱為“太太”或“女士”。
6.If a woman is unmarried, she can call herself Miss or Ms. 一個未婚的女士,可以自稱為“小姐”或“女士”。
7.So when do we use Sir or Madam? 那么什么時候可以使用“閣下”或“夫人”這樣的稱謂。
8.They are often used in formal letters. 它們常用于正式的信函中。
9.Sometimes we hear people call others Sir or Madam. 有時,我們會聽見人們稱呼他人為“SIR”(先生)或“MADAM”(女士)。
10.Yes. They are formal terms and very polite. 沒錯,它們是非常正規(guī)和有禮貌的稱呼。
11.So how do we know when to use them? 那么,我們如何知道什么時候使用它們呢?
12.Well, if you don’t know people, you can use those terms. 這么說吧,如果你對對方不是很了解,你可以使用那些稱謂。
13.It is considered too polite. 這樣做太多禮了。
14.Some people would think so, but don’t worry about it. 有些人也許會這么想,但不必為此太操心。
15.Most people don’t mind if you guess. 如果你猜測的話,大多數(shù)人是不會介意的。
Section 4 Going Places四 外出
1.Travel can be very exciting. 旅游非常有趣。
2.Many people like to travel. 很多人喜歡旅游。
3.People think travel is expensive. 人們覺得旅游挺花錢的。
4.This need not be so. 事實未必如此。
5.We can travel by many ways. 旅游的方式多種多樣。
6.Walking is a form of travel. 走路是一種旅游方式。
7.It can be very interesting. 它可以是非常有趣的。
8.Walking enables us to see many things in detail. 走路讓我們能夠仔細地觀察很多事物。
9.We can travel by plane, bus, train or car. 我們非唯心乘飛機、乘公共汽車、乘火車、乘汽車旅游。
10.When we travel that way, we get to places quickly. 如果我們用上述的方式旅游,我們可以較快地到達目的地。
11.However, we don’t see things so deeply. 然而,這樣做我們不能很仔細地觀看事物。
12.A bicycle is a quicker way to travel than walking. 騎車旅游比走路快一些。
13.By bicycle, we can still see things in detail. 騎車時我們仍然可以較詳細地觀看許多事物。
14.We can stop easier and examine what we find interesting. 我們可以很方便地停下來,看一看我們感興趣的東西。
15.But all types of travel are interesting. 但是所有的旅游方式都是有趣的。
Section 5 In the Home五 在家里
1.There are many kinds of rooms in a house. 一座房子里有很多種房間。
2.The bedroom is where we sleep. 臥室是我們睡覺的地方。
3.In the kitchen we cook our meals. 我們在廚房里燒菜和做飯。
4.In the dining room, we eat the food we have cooked. 我們在餐廳里就餐。
5.Lounges are used for relaxing. 客廳是休閑的場所。
6.Some houses have a study. 有些房子里有一個書房。
7.The study is like an office at home. 書房就像是設在家里的辦公室。
8.The bathroom is where we wash. 盥洗室是洗刷的地方。
9.Some bathrooms have a bath. 有些浴室里有澡盆。
10.Other bathrooms have a shower. 其它浴室里有沖涼設備。
11.Most bathrooms have a toilet. 大多數(shù)浴室里有馬桶。
12.Some houses have more than one bathroom. 有些房子里的衛(wèi)生間不只一間。
13.Several bedrooms can make a part of a house. 幾間臥室組成了房間的一個部分。
14.A house can also have a garden. 房子里也可以有花園。
15.A garden may have a small house called a shed. 花園里可能有亭子之類的小房子。
Section 6 Cities, Towns and Villages六 城市、城鎮(zhèn)、鄉(xiāng)村
1.A city is really just a large town. 城市其實是一座大城鎮(zhèn)。
2.A town is just a large village. 城鎮(zhèn)只是一個大鄉(xiāng)村。
3.A small village without any shops is called a hamlet. 沒有任何商店的鄉(xiāng)村被稱為小村子。
4.A hamlet may have only a few houses. 一個村子里也許只有幾座房子。
5.A village will contain a few shops and several houses. 一個鄉(xiāng)村會有幾家店鋪和幾座房子。
6.Cities have lots and lots of people. 城市里有很多很多人。
7.Towns have fewer people. 城鎮(zhèn)的人比較少。
8.Villages and hamlets have even fewer people. 鄉(xiāng)村里的人更少。
9.In England, every city has a cathedral. 在英國,每個城市都有一座大教堂。
10.A cathedral is a large church. 大教堂是一座大的教堂。
11.Some European countries also have cathedrals. 一些歐洲國家也有教堂。
12.Towns have several churches. 城鎮(zhèn)里有很多教堂。
13.A village will often have at least one church. 通常一個鄉(xiāng)村至少會有一座教堂。
14.A hamlet may or may not have a church. 一個小村子可能有也可能沒有教堂。
15.Churches are an important part of cities, towns, villages and hamlets. 教堂是城市、城鎮(zhèn)、鄉(xiāng)村的一個重要組成部分。
Section 7 In the Garden七 在花園里
1.Many houses have gardens. 許多房子帶有花園。
2.But gardens are not just for houses. 但是并不只是房子才會有花園。
3.Many towns and cities have public gardens. 許多城鎮(zhèn)和城市有公共花園。
4.House gardens can have several uses. 私家花園有許多用途。
5.People use them to grow things. 人們在此種植東西。
6.If the climate is right, people like to have lawns. 如果氣候合適,人們會種草坪。
7.Lawns are areas of grass. 草坪是一片綠草。
8.The grass will be kept, cut and neat. 草必須及時修剪整齊。
9.Flowers are popular in gardens too. 人們也常在花園里種花。
10.They make the garden beautiful. 它們使花園更美。
11.Some people use gardens to grow food. 有些人在花園里種植食物。
12.Vegetables are popular, but so is fruit. 花園里,蔬菜和水果也都很常見。
13.Public gardens usually don’t have vegetables and fruit. 公共花園里沒有蔬菜和水果。
14.They have trees, bushes, lawns and flowers. 它們有樹、灌木叢、草坪和花。
15.Gardens are to relax in a beautiful environment. 花園可以讓(人們)在一個優(yōu)美的環(huán)境里放松。
Section 8 Playing Games八 玩游戲
1.How many games can you think of? 你能想出幾種游戲的名稱?
2.Well, that depends on what kinds of games you mean. 那要看你指的是什么類型的游戲。
3.Any kind. 什么都可以。
4.Well, there are all kinds of sports. 那,體育運動的種類可多了。
5.Like what? 比如什么呢?
6.Like football, swimming, tennis etc. 象足球、游泳、網(wǎng)球等。
7.Yes. Those games are for outdoors. 沒錯,那些是戶外運動。
8.Sometimes swimming and tennis are not. 有時游泳和網(wǎng)球不是(在戶外)。
9.You’re right, but what about indoor games? 你說的沒錯,那室內運動呢?
10.Like table tennis, badminton and volleyball. 象乒乓球、羽毛球和排球嗎?
11.Yes. But those need special places. 沒錯。但那些運動需要特殊的場所。
12.What do you mean? 你的意思是什么?
13.Well, you can’t play them at home. 這么說吧,這些運動不能在家里進行。
14.Oh, you mean games like chess, drafts and cards. 那你指的是象棋、跳棋和打牌這樣的游戲。
15.Yeah, they are games too. 對,它們也是游戲。
Section 9 Types of Work九 工作類型
1.What does your father do? 你父親做什么?
2.He is a teacher. 他是一位老師。
3.What does he teach? 他教什么?
4.Mathematics. 數(shù)學。
5.Does your mother work? 你母親工作嗎?
6.Sure, she is a doctor. 當然,她是一名醫(yī)生。
7.In the hospital? 在醫(yī)院嗎?
8.Yes, and your parents? 是的。那你的父母呢?
9.My father is an engineer. 我父親是一位工程師。
10.And your mother? 你的母親呢?
11.She was once a secretary in a factory. 她曾經(jīng)在工廠里當秘書。
12.My sister is a soldier. 我姐姐是一名戰(zhàn)士。
13.Oh, my brother will be going into the army. 噢,我哥哥就要入伍了。
14.So, they’ll both be in the army. 那他們都將在軍隊里。
15.Yes. And I have another brother who has been in the navy. 沒錯,我的另一位兄弟已經(jīng)參加海軍了。
Section 10 Different Kinds of Eating十 各種不同的飲食
1.I like restaurants. 我喜歡餐廳。
2.What kind of restaurants? 什么樣的餐廳呢?
3.For food, of course. 當然是吃飯的地方。
4.Ah, but there are many kinds of restaurants. 嗯,但是有很多種餐廳呀。
5.Like what? 比如說?
6.Well, there are fancy restaurants. 嗯,有……好的餐廳。
7.You mean expensive ones? 你指的是貴的那些。
8.Yes. And there are cheap ones too. 是的,但也有便宜的。
9.Like fast food restaurants. 象快餐店嗎?
10.Well, yes. But not all cheap ones are fast food. 沒錯,但不是所有便宜的都是快餐店。
11.Like McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken. 比如麥當勞、肯得基。
12.We usually call that one KFC. 我們通常稱那種是“KFC”
13.What about Café’s? Are they restaurants? 咖啡廳呢?它們是餐廳嗎?
14.Some are, if they serve food. 有些是,如果它們提供食物的話。
15.But their menus are usually limited. 但是它們菜譜的種類很有限。
Section 11 Time十一 時間
1.There are three different ways of telling the time. 有三種不同的報時方法。
2.We can say, for example, three fifteen (3:15). 我們以3點15分為例,打個比方。
3.Or we can say a quarter past three (3:15). 我們可以說三點過一刻。
4.We can also say zero three fifteen hours (03:15). 我們也可以說3點過5分。
5.That’s if it is 3:15 am. 那是早上3點15分時的說法。
6.If it is 3:15 pm, we say fifteen fifteen hours (15:15). 如果是下午3:15分,我們則說15點15分。
7.We call that the 24-hour clock. 我們稱之為24小時計時制。
8.If it is 3:45, we can say that. 如果是3點45分,我們可以那樣說。
9.Or we can say a quarter to four (3:45). 或者,我們也可以說四點差一刻。
10.3:35 becomes twenty-five to four. 3點35分可以說差25分四點。
11.We can say five past three (3:05). 我們可以說3點過5分。
12.We can’t say six past three (3:06). 我們不能說3點過6分。
13.We must say six minutes past three (3:06). 我們應該說3點6分。
14.If it is not 5, 10, 20, 25, 35, 40, 50 or 55, then we must add minutes. 如果分鐘不是5、10、20、25、35、40、50、或55我們必須加上分鐘。
15.But it really doesn’t matter which we use if others understand us. 但不管用什么方式,只要別人能聽懂就行了。
Section 12 Different Values十二 不同的計量方式
1.Weights and measures are different in different countries. 不同的國家使用不同計量和丈量方法。
2.We call the different systems decimal and imperial. 我們稱不同的系統(tǒng)為“十進制”和“英制”
3.Most countries use the decimal system. 大多數(shù)國家采用十進制系統(tǒng)。
4.That’s a system that uses units of ten to count and measure. 這是十進制的計量計量系統(tǒng)。
5.The imperial system came from England and is still used in some countries. 英制系統(tǒng)來自英國,許多國家仍然采用這種方法。
6.England will have changed to the decimal system by the end of the decade. 在未來十年內,英國將變成采用十進制系統(tǒng)(的國家)。
7.Many imperial countries are changing to decimal. 許多采用英制系統(tǒng)的國家正改為采用十進制系統(tǒng)。
8.America uses the imperial system for weights and measures. 美國采用英制系統(tǒng)計重和計量。
9.But America uses decimal for money. 但是美國在貨幣上,則采用十進制系統(tǒng)。
10.Americans use pounds and ounces for weight. 美國用磅和盎司計重。
11.The decimal system uses grams and kilograms. 十進制系統(tǒng)以克或千克為單位。
12.The imperial system uses inches, feet, yards and miles for measuring length. 英制系統(tǒng)用英寸、英尺、碼和英里來丈量長度。
13.The decimal system uses millimeters, centimeters, meters and kilometers. 十進制以毫米、厘米不、米、千米來丈量長度。
14.In the imperial system, pints, quarts and gallons measure liquids and fluids. 英制系統(tǒng)以品托、夸托、加倫等為量度單位。
15.The decimal system uses liters. 十進制系統(tǒng)以升為量度單位。
Section 13 Libraries十三 圖書館
1.Most towns and cities have a library. 多數(shù)城鎮(zhèn)和城市都有圖書館。
2.Libraries are available to everyone. 任何人都可以到圖書館去。
3.People think that libraries are just for books. 人們認為圖書館只與書本有關。
4.They are wrong. 他們錯了。
5.In modern libraries, you can borrow many things. 在現(xiàn)代圖書館里你可以借到許多東西。
6.Books, of course, are what people expected to find in libraries. 伏低做小當然希望可以從圖書館里借到書本。
7.Did you know, however, that you can also borrow music? 你知道,你還能從圖書館里借到音樂(資料)嗎?
8.Yes, many libraries will lend CDs and records. 是的,許多圖書館出借CD和錄音帶。
9.Some libraries will also lend computer programs. 一些圖書館也會出借電腦程序。
10.Do you know why we have libraries? 你知道,為什么我們會有圖書館嗎?
11.It is to enable those who can not afford to buy books etc. to have access to them. 這是為了讓那些買不起這么多書的人有機會讀到這些書。
12.However, they are not just used by poor people. 然而,他們并不只是為窮人而設的。
13.All kinds of people use them, from children to professors, poor to rich. 各種各樣的人,兒童、教授、窮人、富人都可以使用圖書館。
14.It would be almost impossible for you or me to collect so many books and CDs. 無論你還是我,都不太可能去搜集這么多的書和CD。
15.So libraries can be said to be very useful places. 可以說圖書館是非常有用的地方。
Section 14 Cinema, Theater十四 電影院 歌劇院
1.What’s the difference between a cinema and a theater? 電影院和歌劇院有什么不同?
2.Theaters are generally for live performances. 歌劇院是現(xiàn)場表演的,
3.Cinemas are for recorded shows.電影院則播放錄制的表演。
4.What are live performances? 什么是現(xiàn)場表演?
5.These are where there are people on the stage actually performing there and then. 就是舞臺上有真實的人在表演。
6.So what sort of performances can we expect? 那我們能看什么樣的表演呢?
7.There can be acting of plays, you know, drama, comedy etc. 你知道有可能是話劇,歌劇或戲劇等。
8.Anything else? 還有嗎?
9.Sure, there can be musical performances by solo artists or by bands. 當然,也有可能是獨奏音樂表演或是樂隊合奏。
10.Can I see classical concert at a theater? 我能在劇院里欣賞到古典音樂會嗎?
11.Yes, some theaters are used for that. 可以的,某些劇院會有這樣的演出。
12.Cinemas are different then? 那么,電影院就有所不同的了?
13.Yah, cinemas usually show movies. 是的,電影院通常放映電影。
14.And these are not live. 而且他們不是現(xiàn)場的。
15.That’s right, they were recorded on film long before you see it in the cinema. 沒錯,你在電影院觀看他們之前,這些影像已經(jīng)早就錄制在膠片上了。
16.I don’t know which I prefer. 不知道我該選擇什么。
17.Perhaps they are equally as good as each other.也許他們各有各的好處。
Section 15 Flying十五 飛行
1.We usually fly in aeroplane. 我們通常乘坐飛機飛行。
2.But there are different kinds of machines for flying in. 但是,還有許多可載人飛行的機器。
3.The general term for machines we fly in is aircraft. 一般說來,我們乘坐的飛行器叫做“飛機”。
4.The types most people use for travel are called passenger aircraft. 大多數(shù)人旅行乘坐的機型叫做“客機”。
5.Similar aeroplanes are used for transporting goods. 類似的飛機也用于運輸貨物。
6.These we term as transport aircraft. 我們通常稱這些類型為運輸機。
7.Helicopters are used by both the military and by private citizens. 直升機不僅軍用也做私用。
8.However, some aircraft are only used by the military. 然而有些飛機只用于軍事上。
9.The military is the army, navy and airforce. 軍隊指的是陸軍、海軍、空軍。
10.Not just the airforce use aircraft. 不僅空軍才使用飛機。
11.Most military aircraft are used for fighting or defense. 大多數(shù)軍用飛機用來作戰(zhàn)或防御。
12.Many, however, are used for transport. 還有很大一部分是用于運輸?shù)摹?/p>
13.These provide food etc. for the armed forces. 他們?yōu)檐婈犨\輸食品等。
14.Some aircraft fly from ships called aircraft carriers. 有些船能讓飛機起降,它們是航空母艦。
15.Even space rockets can be called aircraft. 宇宙飛船也是飛行器。
Section 16 Supermarkets十六 超市
1.What happens in a supermarket? 在超市里該怎么辦呢?
2.Well, first, you will pick up a basket or a trolley. 首選,得選一個籃子或一輛推車。
3.What’s the difference between a basket and a trolley? 籃子和推車有什么不同?
4.A basket is used for just a little shopping. 購買的物品較少,可用籃子。
5.A trolley has wheels and is used when we have a lot to buy. 推車有輪子,用于選購較多的商品。
6.Then when we have chosen which we want, we go shopping. 選擇了所需東西之后,我們就去購物。
7.Modern supermarkets have food from all around the world. 現(xiàn)代超市匯集了世界各地的食品。
8.The food is arranged in sections containing similar foods and supplies. 食品按相同種類和需求分類排放。
9.You walk up and down the sections choosing what you want. 人們在各種分類間走動,選購所需的物品。
10.In big supermarkets, the choice can be very large. 大超市里的選擇余地更大。
11.You can buy clothes and household items in some supermarkets. 在一些超市里,不能買到服裝和家庭用品。
12.When you have finished, you go to the checkout. 買完之后就可以到收銀臺去。
13.Here you take all your shopping out of the basket or trolley. 在這里,你就從籃子或推車里取出所購的全部物品。
14.The checkout person will then put the items across a machine. 這時,收銀員會把所購的商品居收銀機里。
15.The machine tells you how much to pay. 收銀機會顯示必須付的款額。
Section 17 Children十七 兒童
1.Children from all around the world are basically the same. 世界各地的兒童基本上是一樣的。
2.Their needs are similar wherever they live. 無論在那里,他們的需求是相似的。
3.Of course they need food, parents and love. 當然,他們需要食物、父母和關愛。
4.However, as children grow older, their needs may differ according to their culture. 然而長大之后,他們的需求會因為文化不同而有所差別。
5.In some countries, children go to school from the age of three. 在某些國家,兒童三歲上學。
6.In other cultures, children may never go to school at all. 在一些文化國度里,孩子們也許永遠都不去上學。
7.When they are babies, they all eat or drink milk. 嬰兒時期,他們都吃奶或喝奶。
8.When they are older, their food becomes the same as their parents. 長大后,他們的食物就和父母相同。
9.This naturally is different in different parts of the world. 這自然而然地隨居住區(qū)的不同而有差異。
10.In the west, children learn to use knives and forks and spoons. 西方國家的孩子們學習使用刀、*和勺子。
11.In the east, they use chopsticks and spoons. 在東方國家,他們則使用筷子和勺子。
12.Children will leave school and start work at different ages. 孩子們離開學校開始工作的年齡因人而異。
13.Their education will depend on many things including cultural background. 他們的教育取決于許多因素,包括文化背景等。
14.It does not matter if they are from east or west, most people think children are beautiful. 無論東方或西方,大多數(shù)人都認為兒童是美好的。
15.It is a shame it changes as they get older. 遺憾的是長大后,事情就變了。
Section 18 Music十八 音樂
1.Some people say that music is the universal language. 有人說音樂是環(huán)球語言。
2.Music bridges culture better than language does. 音樂比語言能更好地進行文化交流。
3.Almost everyone in the world knows about classical music. 幾乎世界上所有人都知道古典音樂。
4.Classical music is the kind written by Beethoven, Bach, Wagner, Tchaikovsky etc. 古典音樂指的是貝多芬、巴哈、瓦格納、柴可夫斯基等人的作品。
5.These composers came from different countries. 這些作曲家們來自不同的國家,
6.But their music spread around the world.但是他們的音樂傳播到世界各地。
7.Today we can buy all kinds of music to listen to. 現(xiàn)在,我們可以買到各種不同的音樂來聽。
8.Popular music, also called pop music, generally appeals to teenagers. 流行音樂也叫“熱門音樂”,對年輕人很有吸引力。
9.Rock, jazz, blues, opera, soul and folk music are specialest kinds of music. 搖滾、爵士、布魯斯、歌劇、靈魂樂和傳統(tǒng)音樂都屬特種音樂。
10.However, they can appeal to all kinds of people in all countries. 然而,他們卻吸引著世界各國不同階層的人們。
11.In the 1960s and 1970s, the Beatles from England were the most famous musicians. 60年代和70年代,來自英國披頭士是最著名的音樂人。
12.Their music influenced young people around the world. 他們的音樂對世界各國的青年人有很大的影響。
13.Although they no longer create music like Beethoven etc., the Beatles’ music is still loved and performed. 和貝多芬一樣,雖然披頭士們不再進行音樂創(chuàng)作,他們的音樂仍然深受人們的喜愛,并且還在各地演出。
14.Today there is such a wide variety of music to choose from, that it seems difficult. 現(xiàn)在,人們對音樂的選擇多種多樣,甚至不知何所適從。
15.It maybe best to try all the different kinds available. 也許最好的方式是嘗試各種能接觸到的不同類型。
16.Then we can buy and enjoy the ones we like most. 然后我們可以去購買和欣賞我們最喜歡的。
Section 19 Famous Writers十九 著名作家
1.Most countries produce a few famous writers. 大多數(shù)國家都有會有幾位著名的作家。
2.Which writers can you think of from your country? 你能說出幾位自己國家的作家呢?
3.How many writers do you know from other countries? 你認識其它國家的作家呢?
4.How many are 20th century writers? 是二十世紀的作家呢?
5.Perhaps we know the old writers best. 也許我們對老作家比較了解。
6.In China, everyone has heard of Shakespeare. 在中國,人人都聽說過莎士比亞。
7.He was an Englishman, but he died in 1616. 他是英國人,卒于1616年。
8.So for 400 years, people have remembered Shakespeare. 400年來,人們都記得莎士比亞。
9.What about American writers? 那美國作家呢?
10.Do you know which are American and which are British? 你知道誰是美國作家,誰是英國作家嗎?
11.Sometimes it is difficult to know. 有時難以辨認,
12.But most of the famous writers before the 20th century were British.但是二十世紀前著名的作家大都是英國人。
13.Russia has produced some very famous writers too. 俄羅斯也有一些非常著名的作家。
14.Most of the Russian writers are famed for their passion and romance in their books. 俄羅斯作家的作品洋溢著激情和浪漫。
15.France also has produced some great writers. 法國也有一些偉大的作家。
16.And China? 中國呢?
Section 20 Famous Musicians二十 著名音樂家
1.How many musical instruments can you think of? 你知道幾種樂器呢?
2.Can you named anyone famous for playing what you chose? 你能說出一位你知道的樂器的著名演奏家嗎?
3.How many are from the 20th century? 幾位是二十世紀的呢?
4.Before then, most famous musicians were also composers. 在那之前,大多數(shù)著名的音樂家都是作曲家。
5.Composers were more famous than the players. 作曲家比演奏家更出名-
6.Is that the case today?現(xiàn)在還這樣嗎?
7.Most of famous musicians before the 20th century played in orchestras. 二十世紀之前的著名音樂家大都在樂隊里演出。
8.Today, many of the most well-known musicians belong to the rock and pop world. 現(xiàn)在,許多出名的音樂人都是搖滾樂和滸音樂圈的。
9.If they create their own music, are they also composers? 如果他們自己創(chuàng)作音樂,他們能稱作是作曲家嗎?
10.Yes, they are. But their work is different to that of Beethoven etc. 是的,他們是。但是他們的作品與貝多芬等的作品不同。
11.Is Michael Jackson as famous as Beethoven?邁克爾.杰克遜和貝多芬一樣著名嗎?
12.Will his work last as long?他的作品也能有相同的生命力嗎?
13.Modern musicians and composers usually do not stay famous for more than a year or two. 現(xiàn)在的音樂家和作曲家受歡迎的時間很少超過一年的。
14.Today’s fame is often short lived.現(xiàn)在的名詞都是短暫的,
15.But the famous will earn lots and lots of money. 但成名者卻有大利可圖。
16.It is interesting to compare musicians like Beethoven and Michael Jackson. 把貝多芬和杰克遜作比較非常有趣。
17.It is difficult to say which is the best because they are so different. 委很難說誰比較好,因為他們太不相同了。
18.Each one was famous because they gave the public the right thing at the right time. 人人都是著名的,因為他們滿足了不同時代不同人的需要。
Section 21 Television二十一 電視
1.How many hours a day do you watch television? 你每天看幾個小時電視?
2.In many modern western countries, the average is 4 hours per day. 現(xiàn)代許多西方國家,每天平均四小時。
3.Many people think it is too much, do you agree? 許多人認為這太多了,你同意嗎?
4.What are the benefits of watching TV? 看電視有什么好處?
5.Its impact since it became popular is tremendous. 自從電視流行以來,它的影響是巨大的。
6.It is only since the second half of the 20th century that it became available to most people in the west. 在西方,只是到了20世紀中葉,綜才普及到大多數(shù)人。
7.In China it is less than that. 中國,電視普及的時間稍晚些,
8.But now it is so popular that it can be seen every where. 但是,現(xiàn)在,隨處可見。
9.What do most people like to watch on TV? 人們想從電視上看到什么?
10.Well, it can be different according to their age. 不同年齡的人有不同的需要。
11.Movies, of course, are popular. 電視劇,理所當然非常流行,
12.As is the news and the weather reports. 新聞和天氣預報也很流行。
13.Soap operas are also very popular in deed. 肥皂劇,它也很受歡迎。
14.Some soaps as we call them have been running for over 40 years. 我們稱之為“肥皂劇”的某些劇目,已經(jīng)流行三十多年了。
15.Name some soaps from your own country’s television networks. 說出一些你們國家電視上肥皂劇的名稱。
16.Today, due to satellite broadcasting, we are able to get programs from all over the world. 現(xiàn)在,借助衛(wèi)星通訊,我們可以接收到世界各地的節(jié)目。
17.In Europe, for example, people can see CCTV. 比如,在歐洲,人們可以收看到中國中央電視臺的節(jié)目。
18.Did you know that? 你知道嗎?