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Section 22 Radio二十二 廣播

1.When television became popular, people thought the radio would not survive. 電視開始流行時,人們認(rèn)為廣播將無法生存。

2.As we all know today, that was wrong. 正如今天我們看到的,那是錯誤的。

3.In fact, most people in the west listen to radio more than they watch TV. 事實上,在西方,大多數(shù)人聽廣播比看電視多。

4.Do you believe that? 你相信嗎?

5.Well, they listen in the morning when they are getting ready to go to work. 早晨,準(zhǔn)備上班時,他們聽廣播。

6.They listen when they are driving their cars. 他們開車時聽。

7.Some listen when they are walking in the street. 有些人走路時聽。

8.Sometimes we see people with walkmans. 有時,我們看見有人帶著“隨身聽”,

9.But we don’t know if they are listening to radio or to their own music. 但不知他們是聽廣播還是聽他們自己的音樂。

10.For many many years, we learned about new music only from the radio. 多年以來,人們只能從廣播上聽到新的音樂。

11.Today perhaps television programs like MTV are taking over. 現(xiàn)在,這個作用也許正被電視上的MTV取代了。

12.Have you heard of the BBC and VOA? 你聽說過BBC或VOA嗎?

13.Then you probably know these from learning English. 也許你在學(xué)習(xí)英語時認(rèn)識了他們。

14.Many students in China use the radio to help them study language. 許多中國學(xué)生聽廣播學(xué)語言。

15.Although there are television stations like CCTV9 which can help, radios are cheap to buy and easy to carry around. 盡管也有諸如中央電視臺第九頻道這樣的幫助,但收音機(jī)比較便宜,也比較容易攜帶。

16.So radio still has some advantages over television. 這么說來,與電視相比,收音機(jī)還是有一定優(yōu)勢的。

Section 23 Newspapers二十三 報紙

1.Why is it called a newspaper? 它為什么被稱作報紙?

2.Because it contains news of course. 當(dāng)然因為它包含了新聞。

3.But Modern newspapers contain much more than just news. 然而,現(xiàn)代報紙所包含的內(nèi)容遠(yuǎn)不只是新聞。

4.They have competitions and puzzles and advice. 他們有競賽題、填詞魔方和建議。

5.They are one of the oldest forms of mass communication. 它們是大眾傳播最古老的方式。

6.They are printed in virtually every language in the world. 幾乎世界上的每一種語言都有報紙。

7.Newspapers find their way into almost every home in the world. 世界上幾乎每個家庭都有報紙。

8.Some print pictures in color today. 現(xiàn)在,有些報紙的圖片是彩色的。

9.Some are more like magazines than newspapers. 有些與其說是報紙,不如說更像雜志。

10.Front page news is a term from newspapers, which has come into our daily language. “首頁新聞”是一個報紙用語,它已成為我們的日常用語。

11.Try to think of all the kinds of newspapers there are, 試著想想各種不同的報紙。

12.what about company newspapers, local newspapers, national and international financial newspapers? 公司內(nèi)部報紙、地方報紙、國內(nèi)及國際新聞報紙,怎么呢?

13.There are too many to know them all. 太多了,實在無法全都了解。

14.But we can know the importance of newspapers. 但我們知道報紙的重要性。

15.How many uses do you know for old newspapers? 你知道舊報紙有幾種用途嗎?

Section 24 School二十四 學(xué)校

1.I like school, I hate school. 我喜歡學(xué)校,我討厭學(xué)校。

2.Why do people feel like that. 為什么人們會有這種感受呢?

3.Which are you, a lover or a hater? 你是哪一種?愛者還是討厭者?

4.Do you or did you enjoy school and learning? 你現(xiàn)在或是以前喜歡上學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)嗎?

5.So what makes a school good or bad? 那學(xué)校的好壞是什么決定的呢?

6.Perhaps it is the teachers. 也許是老師。

7.If you have good caring teachers, you will enjoy learning. 如果你有關(guān)心你的好老師,你會喜歡學(xué)校的。

8.Or is it the classmates that make it good or bad? 或者是同學(xué)決定學(xué)校的好與壞?

9.Why do we spend so many years at school? 為什么我們在學(xué)?;敲炊嗄甑臅r間?

10.It should prepare us for our adult life. 為我們的成年生活做準(zhǔn)備嗎?

11.Was your school successful at doing that? 你的學(xué)校在這方面做得成功嗎?

12.People can have very strong ideas about what school should and shouldn’t do. 人們對學(xué)校該做和不該做的事情都非常明確嗎?

13.Whether schools are to prepare us for adult life or further education, they are important. 不論從為我們的成年做準(zhǔn)備的角度,或是從繼續(xù)教育的角度來看,學(xué)校都很重要。

14.So it maybe just a matter of luck if we get to a good school or not. 所以,至于你能否上好學(xué)校,只能看運(yùn)氣了。

15.That luck, however, can change our whole life. 也許就是這點(diǎn)運(yùn)氣,會改變我們的一生。

Section 25 University二十五 大學(xué)

1.Most people do not go to university. 大多數(shù)人沒有上大學(xué)。

2.Some say it is only the lucky ones who go there. 有人說只有幸運(yùn)者才能上大學(xué)。

3.Probably we all will agree that to go to university is special. 也許,我們都認(rèn)為能上大學(xué)是特殊的。

4.Have you heard of Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Stanford? 你聽說過劍橋、牛津、哈佛、斯坦福嗎?

5.Some universities become world famous. 有些大學(xué)是舉世聞名的。

6.Universities often produce famous men and women. 大學(xué)常會涌現(xiàn)出有名望的男男女女。

7.They become leaders in politics, business, science and art. 他們成為政治、商業(yè)、科學(xué)和藝術(shù)界的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。

8.But university is not just about learning. 但是大學(xué)不僅僅是學(xué)習(xí)。

9.It is here where people make life long friends. 人們在這里結(jié)識了終生的朋友。

10.Whilst university, people make decisions that affect their whole lives. 大學(xué)時代,人們作出的決定將影響他的一生。

11.Universities produce medicines and science, technology and research that can benefit human kind. 大學(xué)產(chǎn)生了對人類有益的醫(yī)藥、科學(xué)和技術(shù)等各項科研活動。

12.Some universities are so big that they are like a whole town. 有些大學(xué)大得象一座城。

13.We call this a campus. 我們稱之為“大學(xué)城”,

14.But not all universities are campus universities. 但不是所有的大學(xué)都能形成大學(xué)城的規(guī)模。

15.Some are spread around a city or a town and do not group everyone together in the same place. 有些大學(xué)的校園并沒有把每個人都集中在同一地點(diǎn),而是分布在城鎮(zhèn)的各個不同的地點(diǎn)。

16.Whichever they are, they all play an important part in the present and future of the world. 無論在哪里,現(xiàn)在還是將來,他們將起重要的作用。

Section 26 Electricity二十六 電力

1.If we try to think of the most important inventions, electricity will surely be on the list. 如果讓我們想一想什么是最重要的發(fā)明,電一定榜上有名。

2.For the last 100 years, it has played an important part in the development of the modern world. 在過去的一百年里,它在現(xiàn)代社會的發(fā)展過程中扮演了十分重要的角色。

3.It affects everyone’s life in one way or another. 它以這樣那樣的方式影響著人們的生活。

4.It is probably present the moment we are born and it stays with us throughout our lives. 現(xiàn)在,也許從出生開始,電就伴隨我們一生。

5.When the electricity goes off, we call it a power cut. 如果斷電了,我們稱之為“能量斷了”。

6.Major power cuts in cities can have disastrous results for commerce and for life. 城市里大規(guī)模的斷電會給商業(yè)及日常生活帶來災(zāi)難性的后果。

7.Try to think of all the things, organizations etc. that truly depend on electricity. 想一想,那些完全依賴于電的機(jī)構(gòu)等。

8.In fact, it is probably more difficult to think of those not dependent on it. 事實上,要想到一些不依賴電的東西更難。

9.We also call electricity power, which shows how important it is. 我們也把電稱為能量,其重要性由此可見。

10.We could say that we take electricity for granted. 可以說我們對電熟視無睹。

11.In the modern world, the making of electricity is a major concern. 現(xiàn)代社會,發(fā)電是非常重要的一件事。

12.Its production can harm our environment. 電的生產(chǎn)過程對環(huán)境有害。

13.Because of this, scientists and engineers are researching new ways of making it. 因此,科學(xué)家和工程師們正探索新的發(fā)電途徑。

14.Without it, our lives will change dramatically. 沒有了電,人們的生活會發(fā)生巨大變化。

15.And it is unlikely to be for the better. 但不會變得更好。

Section 27 Environment二十七 環(huán)境

1.What exactly is the environment? 到底什么是環(huán)境?

2.It’s the world around us. 是我們周圍的世界。

3.You mean the sky and trees and things like that. 你指的是天空、樹木等等。

4.Well, yes. But it can be even closer to home. 沒錯,但可以說它更接近我們的家。

5.In fact, your home is an environment. 實際上,你的家也是一個環(huán)境。

6.So it is anything that is around us, yah? 那么,就是指我們周圍的一切嗎?

7.Yah. But most people today think of it as nature. 是的,但現(xiàn)在大多數(shù)人認(rèn)為環(huán)境就是大自然。

8.That’s what I thought at first. 一開始,我也這么想。

9.Well, it has become very important today to think of the natural environment. 嗯,現(xiàn)在人們對自然環(huán)境的關(guān)注已經(jīng)顯得十分重要地。

10.Is that because we are afraid of what is happening in nature? 是不是因為我們都擔(dān)心大自然發(fā)生的變化?

11.Sure. It is really only in the last 50 years that we have realized what harm we are causing to the natural environment. 沒錯,只是到了近50年我們才真正認(rèn)識到我們對自然環(huán)境的破壞。

12.But the damage was started long before that, wasn’t it? 但危害的產(chǎn)生遠(yuǎn)比這個時間更久,不是嗎?

13.I suppose it’s started with industrial revolution about 300 years ago. 我認(rèn)為它大約始于300年前的工業(yè)苦命時期。

14.That’s not very long, if you think how old the world is. 與地球的年齡相比,這不算太久遠(yuǎn)。

15.No. But most of the environmental damage had been increasing dramatically over the past 100 years. 說得對,幾乎所有的環(huán)境破壞老師近百年來才開始不斷加劇的。

16.Yes. But now we are aware of it, we are doing our best to rectify it. 是的,但是現(xiàn)在我們已經(jīng)意識到這一點(diǎn),并正在設(shè)法挽救。

Section 28 Acid Rain二十八 酸雨

1.50 years ago, no one talked about acid rain.50年前,沒人談?wù)撍嵊辍?/p>

2.Then we didn't really know the harm it was causing to the world.那時,我們沒有真正了解它對世界的危害。

3.Today almost every adult and school child is aware of acid rain and its effects. 現(xiàn)在,幾乎所有成年人和學(xué)生都認(rèn)識到酸雨及其危害性。

4.It affects people all around the world. 它對全世界的人都有影響。

5.Even those who are not responsible for its creation suffer from it. 即使那些與其產(chǎn)生無關(guān)的人。也被其所累。

6.It is caused mostly by the burning of fossil fuels. 它大都是由于燃燒化石燃料而致的。

7.Fossil fuels are coal, gas, oil and peat and create carbon when they are burned. 化石燃料指的是煤、天然氣、石油和煤,它們?nèi)紵龝r會產(chǎn)生碳。

8.Carbon is both necessary and dangerous in our world. 在我們這個世界上,碳既有用也有害。

9.Plants and trees need carbon dioxide, CO2, to breeze. 植物和樹木需要呼吸二氧化碳。

10.Carbon monoxide, CO, however, is poisonous to us. 一氧化碳卻對我們有害。

11.When carbon and other elements get into the air, they mix with water in the clouds. 碳和其他的元素進(jìn)入空氣時,便與云層里的水分混合。

12.The clouds move around the world and produce rain. 云在空氣中漂浮,并產(chǎn)生雨。

13.This rain is like an acid and it destroys trees, plants, rivers and fish when it falls. 落下的雨呈酸性,破壞了樹木、植物、河流及魚類。

14.The more trees it destroys, the more difficult it is for nature to redress the balance. 樹木被破壞得越多,大自然就越不容易重新取得平衡。

15.The burning of fossil fuels must be controlled in order to assist in the prevention of acid rain. 為了防止酸雨,必須控制燃燒礦物燃料。

Section 29 Global Warming二十九 全球的暖化

1.Some people say the earth is getting warmer. 有人說地球正在變暖。

2.They blame something called greenhouse gasses. 人們把它歸結(jié)為“溫室效應(yīng)”。

3.The greenhouse gasses destroy the higher atmosphere that keeps our planet from getting too hot. 溫室效應(yīng)破壞了保護(hù)我們地球(以免地球)應(yīng)得太熱的高空大氣層。

4.CFCs are the gasses that cause one of the biggest problems in global warming. 氟氯化碳是導(dǎo)致全球變暖的主要?dú)怏w。

5.CFCs destroy some of the ozone that is in the higher atmosphere. 氟氯化碳破壞了高空的部分臭氧層。

6.The ozone layer helps us by filter out some of the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. 臭氧層過濾了陽光中的部分有害的紫外線。

7.These rays can cause skin cancer in humans. 這些射線會使人致癌。

8.These rays can also help to heat up our planet. 這些射線也會使我們的星球升溫。

9.Over the polar ice caps, we now have holes in the ozone layer. 在兩極的冰川地帶,人們發(fā)現(xiàn)了臭氧層的破洞。

10.These, people believe, contribute to world’s global warming. 人們認(rèn)為這些是因為地球變暖導(dǎo)致的。

11.One of its effects could have is to speed up the melting of the polar ice caps. 其影響之一,就是加速極地冰川的融化。

12.If these melt too quickly, the level of the sea will rise too fast for us to control it. 如果這些冰川融化得太快,每平面將快速上升,讓人無法控制。

13.The effect of a rise in the height of the sea will be dramatic. 海平面升高帶來的影響產(chǎn)銷量悲劇性的。

14.Many of the world’s major cities will be under sea water. 世界上許多重要的城市將被淹沒在海水中。

15.So, global warming can be very dangerous to our future environment. 就是說,全球變暖對未來環(huán)境的影響將是十分危險的。

Section 30 Climate Change三十 天氣變化

1.El Nino, which is not an English name, is playing an important part in our lives. 厄爾尼諾,不是英文名稱,正在對我們的生活產(chǎn)生很大的影響。

2.We often hear people talk about the strange weather we are having nowadays. 現(xiàn)在,我們常會聽人們談?wù)摰皆S多我們近來才出現(xiàn)的奇怪的氣候現(xiàn)象。

3.The changing weather patterns are not fully understood yet. 人們還沒有完全氣候變化的模式。

4.El Nino is one which is not clear in scientist’s minds. 厄爾尼諾就是科學(xué)家們至今還無法理解的現(xiàn)象之一。

5.It is a sort of warming of the seas that move around the earth. 它是陸地周圍海洋變暖的一種現(xiàn)象。

6.Many strange weather phenomenon are blamed on El Nino. 許多奇怪的氣候現(xiàn)象都被認(rèn)為與厄爾尼諾有關(guān),但這也許不是真正的原因。

7.But this may not be the real case. 全球變暖,臭氧層的破壞、酸雨等都有可能對氣候產(chǎn)生影響。

8.Global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain etc. can all have an effect upon the weather. 人們都在談?wù)摰倪@些影響是什么呢?

9.What are these effects that everyone is talking about? 熱帶風(fēng)暴出現(xiàn)在非熱帶地區(qū)。

10.Tropical storms are appearing in non-tropical areas. 地球上的某些地區(qū)溫度升得太高,莊稼無法生長。

11.Some parts of the world are heating up too much and crops are failing, deserts are extending, turning arable land into unfarmable land. 沙漠化正使農(nóng)耕地區(qū)變成不可耕作。

12.Floods are coming to areas that have never experienced than before. 洪災(zāi)出現(xiàn)在從未出現(xiàn)過的地區(qū)。

13.Unnatural weather occurrences are happening everywhere. 不正常的天氣現(xiàn)象在各地出現(xiàn)。

14.We are not certain what the long term effects will be. 我們無法長期的影響會是什么。

15.It is certain, however, that we must pay attention to these occurrences. 然而,我們必須關(guān)注這些現(xiàn)象是肯定的。

Section 31 Marriage三十一 婚姻

1.Marriage is an almost universal act. 婚姻是一種普遍性的人類活動。

2.It is the coming together of two people to share their lives in an official way. 它是兩個人走到一起,共同合法地生活。

3.In many countries, it has a religious connection. 在許多國家,婚姻與宗教有關(guān)。

4.It is one of the oldest ceremonies remaining in most cultures. 在許多文化國度里,它是保存至今最古老的儀式之一。

5.Most countries and religions set a minimum age for marriage. 許多國家和宗教規(guī)定了結(jié)婚的最小年齡。

6.This will vary from country to country. 這會因國家的不同而有差異。

7.In the UK, for example, a couple may marry at 16 years old. 以英國為例,一致通過夫婦可以在16歲結(jié)婚。

8.If a marriage is to be dissolved, we call this divorce. 如果一段婚姻破裂了,我們可以稱之為“離婚”。

9.Some religions do not permit divorce. 有些宗教不允許離婚。

10.In the 20th century, some people decided to live together without getting married. 20世紀(jì),有些人決定同居而不結(jié)婚。

11.This can be called common-law marriage. 這被稱為“事實婚姻”。

12.Most people do this because they want a trial marriage before the real thing. 許多人這么做是因為他們想在真正的婚姻之前先“試婚”。

13.It was thought that it was easier than going through divorce if the relationship didn’t work. 他們認(rèn)為,如果兩人相處不來,這樣分手比通過離婚方式容易一些。

14.However, the law in many countries considers this, and after a few years of living together, similar laws to divorce apply. 許多國家的法律也考慮到這一點(diǎn),如果兩人住在一起多年了,分手則采用類似離婚的法律。

15.So, marriage is still popular even though common-law marriage is still tried first, as people may eventually marry anyway.但是盡管有人嘗試“事實婚姻”,最終的人不是占多數(shù)。

Section 32 Death三十二 死亡

1.It is surprising how different cultures treat death. 奇怪的是,不同的文化對待死亡態(tài)度是不同的。

2.The ceremonies surrounding it vary from culture to culture, country to country. 與其有關(guān)的儀式因文化和國家的不同而有不同。

3.Even the colors associated with death vary. 就連與死亡相關(guān)的顏色也有所不同。

4.In western cultures, black or grey are linked to death. 在西方文化里,黑色和灰色與死亡相關(guān)。

5.In Asia, brighter colors are normal. 在亞洲,鮮艷的顏色則很常見。

6.In western cultures, it is not polite to talk a lot about death. 在西方文化里,過多地談?wù)撍劳龅氖虏惶Y貌。

7.In other cultures, it may not be an uncommon talking point. 在其它文化里,它也許不是一個不尋常的話題。

8.The forms of burial vary also. 葬禮的方式也有所不同。

9.In the west, people maybe cremated, that is burned to ashes and then buried. 在西方,人死后可以被火化,就是說尸體燒成灰后再埋葬。

10.They may also choose to be buried as a whole body. 人們也可以選擇死后全尸土葬。

11.They will be buried in a special place called a cemetery. 人死后被安葬在一個特別的地方,叫“公墓”。

12.In some other places, they may be burned on a funeral pyre. 在有些地方,人死后也許在葬禮后被火化。

13.What happens to us after we die is always a subject of variety and difference. 我們死后會發(fā)生什么,永遠(yuǎn)都有許多不同的答案。

14.Some think that after death there is nothing. 有人認(rèn)為死了什么都沒有了。

15.Others think that there is a life after death or even reincarnation. 還有人認(rèn)為死后還有一個生命甚至還有輪回。

Section 33 Birth三十三 出生

1.Of course, none of us can remember our own birth. 幾乎沒有人能記得自己是怎么出生的。

2.If we could, I wonder what we would remember. 如果可能,真不知道我們能記得什么。

3.For the mothers, it is a painful but usually a delightful experience. 對母親們來說,這是一個艱苦而又興奮的經(jīng)驗。

4.Hundreds of years ago, mothers and babies may die at the time of birth. 幾百年前,母親和嬰兒們都有可能在出生的那一時候死去。

5.Today, however, this is far less common. 現(xiàn)在,這樣的事已經(jīng)很少發(fā)生了。

6.A mid-wife is usually present at the birth to assist the mother and the baby. 出生時通常有一位接生婆在場幫助產(chǎn)婦和嬰兒。

7.In some countries, the father likes to be present at the birth. 有些國家,父親也會在接生現(xiàn)場。

8.In the 9 months before the baby is born, the mother is said to be pregnant. 在嬰兒出生前的九個月里,母親被稱為“孕婦”。

9.Pregnancy changes many things in the woman’s body, not just in her stomach. 懷孕期間,不僅僅是腹部,女性身體的許多方面都會發(fā)生變化。

10.In modern society, there are many different ways of delivering the baby. 在現(xiàn)代社會里,接生的方式多種多樣。

11.Some mothers even have the baby under water. 有些母親甚至在水里臨盆。

12.One of first things we do when we are born is to cry. 我們出生的后所做的鳘件事就是哭。

13.This enables us to take our first breath after the umbilical cord is cut. 這樣做可以幫助我們在臍帶被剪斷后進(jìn)行第一次呼吸。

14.Then we quickly learn how to get food from our mothers. 很快地,我們就學(xué)會從母親那里獲取食物。

15.From then all our lives are different. 從此以后我們的一切生活都不一樣了

Section 34 Clothes三十四 服裝

1.“Clothes make us the man”, states an old English saying. “人*衣裝”是一句古老的英國諺語。

2.But is it true? 真是這樣嗎?

3.If we think carefully, we will find that it is often the case. 如果仔細(xì)想想,我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)情況通常是這樣的。

4.For example, when we see a man in a suit and tie, what do we think? 比方說,當(dāng)我們看見一位男士穿西裝打領(lǐng)帶時,我們會怎么想呢?

5.Different professions may require different clothing. 不同的職業(yè)對服裝有不同的要求。

6.Why is this? 為什么這樣呢?

7.It maybe because our clothes tell others which professional or social group we belong to. 也許我們的服裝能告訴人們我們從事什么職業(yè)或者屬于哪一種社會群體的。

8.People feel more comfortable if they can identify which group we are in. 如果人們能判斷出我們是屬于哪一社會群體的,他們會感覺比較舒心。

9.Usually males and females wear different types of clothing. 男女服裝的款式通常是不同的。

10.In the 20th century, however, this changed. 然而,到了20世紀(jì)這一點(diǎn)改變了。

11.Women started to wear some of the traditional male clothing. 婦女們開始穿起了一些傳統(tǒng)的男子服飾。

12.Even different cultures are starting to change their clothes. 甚至不同文化(國度),他們的服飾也開始發(fā)生變化。

13.Around the world, western style clothing is becoming more popular. 在世界范圍內(nèi),西式服裝正越來越流行。

14.Perhaps this is not always such a good thing. 這也許不是一件好事。

15.Variety in clothing can make our society more attractive and interesting. 不同的服裝款式使我們的社會更迷人、更有趣。

Section 35 The Body三十五 身體

1.Throughout the world, our bodies are different colors. 從全世界范圍來看,人的身體有不同的顏色。

2.Hair, eyes and skin may vary according to our genes. 頭發(fā)、眼睛和皮膚會出生的不同而有差異。

3.Other aspects of our body, thought, are roughly the same. 身體的其他部位基本上是相同的。

4.Most of us can name all the external parts of the body. 我們大多能說出身體表面各個部位的名稱。

5.We usually can name several of our internal main organs. 通常,我們也懂得幾種主要內(nèi)臟器官的名稱,

6.Such as heart and lungs. 如心臟、肺等。

7.To know all of the names of the parts of our bodies, we need to study for many years. 要了解我們身體各個部位的名稱,我們得花好多年的時間來學(xué)習(xí)。

8.Our bodies are really very marvelous things. 我們的身體的確非常奇妙。

9.The way that they continue to work year after year is wonderful. 它們生生不已的方式,的確十分奇妙。

10.Of course, we need to take care of our bodies with the right diet and exercise. 當(dāng)然,要保養(yǎng)好自己的身體,需要正確的飲食和運(yùn)動。

11.As we gain more knowledge about our bodies, so we understand better how to take care of them. 對身體了解得越多,我們就越懂得如何更好地保護(hù)它。

12.In the last 100 years, people are taller, stronger and live longer. 近100年來,人們長得更高、更壯,壽命也更長了。

13.This is because doctors and scientists know much more about how our bodies work. 這是因為醫(yī)生和科學(xué)家們對我們身體的運(yùn)作規(guī)律有了更多的了解。

14.Their work has not stopped. 他們的研究仍然沒有停止 ,

15.And we can expect that we will go on learning more. 我們期待著能了解更多。

16.Then our bodies will be even better equipped to handle our life styles. 那時,我們將有更健康的身體去安排自己的生活方式。

17.Perhaps soon most people will expect to live beyond 100 years old. 也許不久的將來,人們可望活到超過100歲。

Section 36 Illness三十六 疾病

1.No one goes through life without getting ill. 沒有人一生從不生病的。

2.We usually think of illness as a bad thing. 我們總認(rèn)為生病是件壞事。

3.Sometimes, thought, it is necessary to be ill, especially when we are young. 有時,生病是必須的,特別是小時候。

4.That’s because we need to build up immunity against disease and sickness. 那是因為我們必須建立起抵御病毒和疾病的免疫力。

5.Most children will get measles and mumps etc. when they are quite young. 大多數(shù)孩子小的時候會出疹子,得腮腺炎。

6.Then the effect of these illnesses is not usually very bad. 這些病的后果并非不好。

7.If we get them when we are older, it can be much worse for us. 如果大一點(diǎn)的時候才得這些病,對我們更不好。

8.Throughout history, we have fought against diseases and illnesses and many will have been eradicated from most countries by the end of this century. 有史以來,我們已經(jīng)同疾病做了許多斗爭,許多疾病也將在本世紀(jì)末在許多國家完全被消除了。

9.But new ones seem to come along to challenge us, or perhaps these new ones were always there but we did not identify them. 但是似乎又有新的疾病襲來,向人們提出挑戰(zhàn)。 也許,這些新的疾病一起都存在,只是我們沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)。

10.AIDS, Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome, for example, we know is a modern disease. 以愛滋病為例,這是我們知道的一種新的疾病。

11.It may take decades to find a really effective cure for it. 人們也許要花幾十年,才能找到真正有效的對治之道。

12.However, we can be encouraged by modern science, which has found cures for most illnesses. 令人鼓舞的是,現(xiàn)代科學(xué)已給攻克了許多疾病。

13.What about the common cold? 那常見的感冒呢?

14.One of oldest illnesses is still the most illusive to cure. 最古老的疾病仍然是最騅醫(yī)治的。


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