“Sometimes,” Haw said, “things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those times, Hem. That’s life! Life moves on. And so should we.
Haw looked at his emaciated companion and tried to talk sense to him, but Hem ‘s fear had turned into anger and he wouldn’t listen.
Haw didn’t mean to be rude to his friend, but he had to laugh at how silly they both looked.
As Haw prepared to leave, he started to feel more alive, knowing that he was finally able to laugh at himself, let go and move on.
He announced, “It’s maze time!”
Hem didn’t laugh and he didn’t respond.
Haw picked up a small, sharp rock and wrote a serious thought on the wall for Hem to think about. As was his custom, Haw even drew a picture of cheese around it, hoping it would help Helm to smile, lighten up, and go after the New Cheese. But Hem didn’t want to see it.
It read:If You Do Not Change,You Can Become Extinct.
Then, Haw stuck his head out and peered anxiously into the maze. He thought about how he’d gotten himself into this cheeseless situation.
He had believed that there may not be any Cheese in the maze, or he may not find it. Such fearful beliefs were immobilizing and killing him.
Haw smiled. He knew Hem was wondering, “Who moved my Cheese?” but Haw was wondering, “Why didn’t I get up and move with the Cheese sooner?”
As he started out into the maze, Haw looked back to where he had come from and felt its comfort. He could feel himself being drawn back into familiar territory-even though he hadn’t found Cheese there for some time.
Haw became more anxious and wondered if he really wanted to go out into the maze. He wrote a saying on the wall ahead of him and stared at it for some time:What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?
He thought about it.
He knew sometimes some fear can be good. When you are afraid things are going to get worse if you don’t do something, it can prompt you into action. But it is not good when you are so afraid that it keeps you from doing anything.
He looked to his right, to the part of the maze where he had never been, and felt the fear.
Then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the maze, and jogged slowly, into the unknown.