City Of The Dead 02
死亡城 02
After enjoying the whole thing I left the graveyard to return home to the flat but as I was exiting the cemetery I felt something come with me, a heavy kind of feeling, as if there was something on my back but not physically. This continued all the way home which was quite a long walk. When we got there we were the only two in the house, save for the cats, or so we thought. It wasn't long before I felt something in the house with us, like the presence of a man standing in the kitchen. I'm quite sensitive to these things so I knew it wasn't my imagination.
Making my way towards the kitchen, carrying the cat because the girl wouldn't come with me, I stepped into the hall. Now the one thing you should know about this house is that it always like a furnace, but the cold spot in the hall actually took my breath away, it was freezing! I refused to go any further and went back to the bedroom to sit with the girl. The scary thing was that she isn't very sensitive to things like this but she described to me something she felt standing in the hall and it matched the description of the man I felt in the kitchen. This scared the utter hell out of me because what I felt was a tall man, with long greasy hair but I couldn't make out his face.
To this day I still have no idea what followed me home but I was terrified and I'd rather not find out.