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影響你一生的電影:怪物史萊克3—— 我顛覆,我快樂(lè)





  從2001年的《怪物史萊克1》(Shrek I)開(kāi)始,Shrek這只綠色的叢林怪物就一次又一次地粉碎了人們對(duì)童話(huà)世界的刻板印象,不斷地顛覆著傳統(tǒng)童話(huà)在我們心中的形象。在Shrek系列電影中,激動(dòng)人心的不再是標(biāo)準(zhǔn)式的王子和公主的戀情,也不再是英雄救美的傳統(tǒng)場(chǎng)面,反而是一連串的意想不到。繼前兩部中Shrek贏得Fiona芳心,兩人幸福地生活在一起之后,《怪物史萊克3》圍繞兩條線(xiàn)展開(kāi)。一邊是不愛(ài)江山愛(ài)自由的Shrek應(yīng)Fiona的父親要求趕赴遠(yuǎn)方,尋找老王后的侄子Arthur,來(lái)替他繼任王位。另一邊是前兩部中落敗的Charming決定趁著Shrek外出,伙同童話(huà)史上有名的大反派們,向"遙遠(yuǎn)王國(guó)"發(fā)起進(jìn)攻,奪取王位。





  童話(huà)故事里的公主大都是美麗、善良而又嫻靜的。我們所熟悉的白雪公主(Snow White)、睡美人(Sleeping Beauty)、灰姑娘(Cinderella)和長(zhǎng)發(fā)公主(Rapunzel)就都是如此。但出現(xiàn)在《怪物史萊克3》中的這些公主卻完全顛覆了我們印象中的公主形象。她們歡聚一堂,形象各異,成為本片的一大看點(diǎn)。


  白雪公主則是幾位公主中被顛覆得最厲害的一個(gè)。她變成了一個(gè)愛(ài)發(fā)牢騷、喜歡諷刺別人的刻薄女人。在大家給Fiona送禮物的時(shí)候,白雪公主居然說(shuō)出了"I got you the biggest one, because I love you the most."這樣的話(huà),全然不顧其他幾位公主的感受。在Charming率領(lǐng)叛軍攻陷皇宮的時(shí)候,F(xiàn)iona和老皇后不得不帶著幾位公主躲入秘道,順著地道撤退。在這樣危急的時(shí)刻,白雪不僅抱怨"This place is filthy (骯臟的)",還攻擊睡美人"Maybe it just bothers youI was voted fairest in the land."就連Fiona也未能幸免,被她數(shù)落"SoI guess the plan is we just wander aimlessly in this stink hole until we rot."不過(guò),在Fiona和老皇后的影響下,白雪最終成了眾位公主中作戰(zhàn)最?yuàn)^勇的一個(gè)。在與看守皇宮大門(mén)的樹(shù)怪的對(duì)戰(zhàn)中,她的歌聲竟然成了厲害的武器。反派大聯(lián)合

  Charming為了謀取王位,聯(lián)合了童話(huà)故事里面的大反派們,比如小飛俠Peter Pan的老對(duì)頭Hook船長(zhǎng),一心謀害白雪公主的惡毒皇后Wicked Witch,以及灰姑娘的姐姐Mabel等等。


  Charming: Wicked Witch, the Seven Dwarfs saved Snow White, and then what happened?

  Wicked Witch: Oh, what's it to you?

  Charming: They left you the unfairness of them all ... Now here you are, hustling pool to get your next meal. How does that feel?

  Wicked Witch: Pretty unfair.


  Charming: [對(duì)《小飛俠》中的Hook船長(zhǎng)] And Hook, need I say more?


  Charming: Mabel, remember how you couldn't get your little fat foot into that tiny glass slipper? Cinderella is in Far Far Away right now, eating bonbons (小糖果), cavorting (開(kāi)心) with every little last fairy-tale creature that has ever done you wrong!


  Charming: Once upon a time, someone decided that we were the losers. But there are two sides to every story and our side has not been told! So who will join me? Who wants to come out on top for once? Who wants their "happily ever after"?

  Everyone: Yeah....


  在聽(tīng)了Arthur的一席肺腑之言后,這些大反派們紛紛決定"放下屠刀,立地成佛"。有的想要"play the flute",有的想"open up a spa in France",Hook船長(zhǎng)甚至準(zhǔn)備去"grow daffodils"。除了Charming,大家都有了happy ending。



  Arthur: My good people, I think there's a lesson here for all of us. Maybe the next time you're about to dunk (把......浸泡) a kid's head in a chamber pot (夜壺), you'll stop and think, "Hey, maybe this guy has feelings. Maybe I should cut him some slack〔1〕. 'Cause maybe ... just maybe ... this guy's gonna turn out to be, now I don't know, a king? And maybe his first royal decree will be to banish (驅(qū)逐) everyone who ever picked on him〔2〕." That's right. l'm looking at you, Justin Tim (一個(gè)經(jīng)常欺弄Arthur的人)! And Guin (一個(gè)女孩的名字)? Oh, Guin, l've always loved you. Well, good friends, it breaks my heart, but enjoy your stay here in prison while I rule the free world! Baby.

  Shrek: All right, let's not overdo it.

  Arthur: I'm building my city, people, on the rock 'n' roll.

  但很快,在和Shrek返回"遙遠(yuǎn)王國(guó)"的途中,Arthur 意識(shí)到:當(dāng)國(guó)王不是一件輕松的事,因?yàn)?quot;The whole king dom will look to you for wisdom and guidance."對(duì)此,他絲毫沒(méi)有信心,于是想要放棄。但就在他和Shrek發(fā)生爭(zhēng)執(zhí)時(shí),他們的船撞上了礁石,大家流落到了一個(gè)島上。幸而,在那里他們得到了Arthur的老師、魔法師 Merlin的幫助。在Merlin的建議下,Shrek決定對(duì)Arthur敞開(kāi)心扉。

  Shrek: I know what it's like to not feel ready for something. Even ogres (怪物) get scared, you know, once in a while.

  Arthur: I know you want me to be king, but I can't. I'm not cut out for it and I never will be, all right? Even my own dad knew I wasn't worth the trouble. He dumped me at that school the first chance he got and I never heard from him again.

  Shrek: My dad wasn't really the fatherly type, either.

  Arthur: Well, I doubt he was worse than mine.

  Shrek: Oh, yeah? My father was an ogre. He tried to eat me. Now I guess I should have seen him coming just to give me a bath in barbecue sauce and put me to bed with an apple in my mouth.

  Arthur: Ok, I guess that's pretty bad.

  Shrek: You know, it may be hard to believe, what, with my obvious charm and good looks, but people used to think I was a monster. And for a long time, I believed them. But after a while, you learn to ignore the names that people call you and you just trust who you are.


  Arthur: Who really thinks we need to settle things this way? [大反派們紛紛舉手表示武力是解決事情的方法,Arthur見(jiàn)此說(shuō)道] You're telling me you just wanna be villains your whole lives?

  Hook: But we are villains! It's the only thing we know.

  Arthur: Didn't you ever wish you could be something else?

  Enchanted (中了魔法的) Tree A: It's easy for you to say. You're not some evilly enchanted tree.

  Charming: Oh, you morons (笨蛋)! Don't listen to him! Attack them!

  Enchanted Tree B: [一把抓住了Charming,捂住了他的嘴] Don't say it, Steve Sirens. It's hard to come by honest work when the whole world's against you.

  Enchanted Tree A: Right! Thanks, lad (小伙子).

  Arthur: Ok, fair enough. You're right. I'm not a talking tree. But you know, a good friend of mine once told me that just because people treat you like a villain, or an ogre, or just some loser, it doesn't mean you are one. The thing that matters most is what you think of yourself. If there's something you really want, or someone you really wanna be, then the only person standing in your way is you. [正對(duì)著Arthur站著的那個(gè)壞蛋誤以為是說(shuō)他,問(wèn)了一句"Me?",結(jié)果遭到了眾多大反派的攻擊 "Get him, lad!"Arthur趕忙制止。] No, no, no! What I mean is each of you is standing in your own way.


  作為一部喜劇動(dòng)畫(huà)片,《怪物史萊克3》自然也少不了讓人爆笑的幽默語(yǔ)言。比如木偶皮諾曹 (Pinocchio)在面對(duì)Charming的審訊時(shí),為了做到既不撒謊,又不泄露好友Shrek的行蹤,于是玩起了饒舌的文字游戲,讓人忍俊不禁。

  Charming: You, you can't lie. So tell me, puppet, where is Shrek?

  Pinocchio: Well ... well, I don't know where he's not.

  Charming: You're telling me that you don't know where Shrek is?

  Pinocchio: lt wouldn't be inaccurate (錯(cuò)誤) to assume that I couldn't exactly not say that is or isn't almost partially (部分的) incorrect.

  Charming: So you do know where he is!

  Pinocchio: On the contrary, l'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that in no way, with any amount of uncertainty even I undeniably do or do not know where he shouldn't probably be. If that indeed wasn't where he isn't, even if he wasn't not where I knew he was, it could mean ....


  Charming: Enough!


  傳統(tǒng)的童話(huà)故事通常在王子和公主的婚禮后就結(jié)束了。但是Shrek和Fiona在他們的happily ever after里還是像凡人一樣有煩惱,而為人父母就是其中之一。


  Fiona: Just think. A couple more days and we'll be back home in our vermin

  filled shack, stream with fungus (蘑菇), filled with the rotting stench of mud and neglect.

  Shrek: Oh, you had me at "verminfilled".

  Fiona: And, um ... maybe even the pitter-patter of little feet on the floor....

  Shrek: Hah, hah. That's right. The swamp rats will be spawning (產(chǎn)卵).

  Fiona: Uh, no. You know, what l'm thinking of is a little bit bigger than a swamp rat.

  Shrek: Donkey?

  Fiona: No, Shrek. What if, theoretically they were little ogre feet?

  Shrek: Oh! [一吃驚,摔到了床下] Honey, let's trying be rational about this. Have you seen a baby lately? They just eat and poop (拉臭臭), and they cry and then they cry when they poop and poop when they cry. Now, imagine an ogre baby. They extra-cry and they extra-poop....

  Fiona: Shrek, don't you ever think about having a family?

  Shrek: Right now, you are my family.



  Donkey: Don't you listen to him. To have a baby is not going to ruin your life.

  Shrek: lt's not my life l'm worried about ruining. It's the kid's. I mean when have you ever heard the phrase "as sweet as an ogre" or "as nurturing as an ogre" or how about "You're gonna love my dad. He's a real ogre"?

  Donkey: Okay. Okay. I get it. Nobody said it's going to be easy. But at least you got us to help you.

  Shrek: That's true. I'm doomed.

  Donkey: You'll be fine.

  現(xiàn)實(shí)生活是平淡而嘈雜的,但也是幸福的。在故事的結(jié)尾,Shrek和Fiona回到了沼澤地,并且有了三個(gè)可愛(ài)的寶寶。Shrek夫婦還是happily ever after,雖然不是想像中的那樣......



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