Allie: You sent the police for me?
Mom: Yes. It is two in the morning. We sent the police.
Dad: Thank God you're all right. Where you been?
Noah: Mr. Hamilton, all this is my fault.
Dad: Would you give us a moment please? I'd like to talk to my daughter. Alone, young lady. Thanks for everything, Lieutenant.
Cop: You bet, John, anytime.
Dad: You go straight home now, it's late.
Noah: Sir, it's really not her fault. I lost track of time.
Dad: Sit down.
Allie: I'm sorry, Daddy.
Dad: Is he a rapist?
Allie: No. Like what, mother?
Mom: You are going to stop seeing Noah. She is out fooling around with that boy till 2:00 in the morning and it has got to stop. I didn't spend 17 years of my life raising a daughter and giving her everything...so she could throw it away on a summer romance.
Allie: Daddy, come on!
Mom: She will wind up with her heart broken or pregnant.
Dad: Anne, please.
Mom: Now, he is a nice boy. He's a nice boy, but he's--
Allie: He's what? He's what? Tell me.
Mom: He is trash, trash, trash--not for you.
Allie: Trash? Don't touch me!
Mom: Now that is enough. You are not to see him anymore. And that's final.
Allie: No, it's not final.
Mom: Yes it is.
Allie: No, it's not final!
Mom: Allie!
Allie: You're not going to tell me who I'm gonna love.
Dad: Love?
Allie: Yes Daddy, I love him. I love him.
Dad: He's not suitable for you, baby.
Allie: I love him.
Mom: You are 17 years old, you don't know anything about love.
Allie: Oh, and you do? You don't look at Daddy the way I look at Noah. You don't touch or laugh. You don't play. You don't know anything about love. Noah? Noah? Hey, hey. You leaving? Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to say. I'm humiliated.
Noah: It's all right.
Allie: No, it's not.
Noah: Yeah.
Allie: No, it's not. No.
Noah: I'm gonna go.
Allie: No, I don't want you to go.
Noah: I got to think about some stuff.
Allie: What do you got to think about, huh? Come here and talk to me. Talk to me!
Noah: About what? You want--you're going away! You're leaving. And I'm staying here. And I'm so happy that you're doing it, but you're gonna have a million things to do.
Allie: No.
Noah: You got so much ahead of you.
Allie: Don't talk like that.
Noah: It's true. I'm not going to have nice things, fancy things. It doesn't--It's never gonna happen for me. It's not in the cards for me.
Allie: I don't have to go to school, okay?
Noah: Yes, you do.
Allie: I can stay here.
Noah: No. Do you see, that's exactly what I am talking about.