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argue[5B:^ju:] vi.1.(就某事)爭辯,爭論:They argued the matter for hours. 他們就這件事爭論了數(shù)小時。2.(與人)爭吵:He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday. 他和瑪麗爭論度假的最好地方。◆argue out 徹底辯論,把…爭論出個結(jié)果 / argue the toss 爭論已有定論的事


argument[5B:^jJmEnt] n.1. [C,U]爭論,辯論,爭吵:He accepted the decision without argument. 他沒有爭辯就接受了決定。2. [C]理由;論據(jù):He made a very persuasive argument. 他提出了一個很有說服力的論點(diǎn)?!鬴or the sake of argument 為便于研究問題,作為討論的基礎(chǔ)


arise[E5raIz] vi. (arose, arisen) 1.起來;站起;升起:Smoke arose from the chimney. 煙從煙筒冒出來。2.產(chǎn)生;出現(xiàn):If any problems arise, let me know. 如果出現(xiàn)問題,請告訴我。


arithmetic[E5rIWmEtIk] n. [U]算術(shù)



arm[B:m] n. 1.[C]上肢;手臂:She held the baby in her arms. 她抱著那個嬰兒。2.[C]臂狀物;扶手:the arms of a chair 椅子的扶手3. [C]衣袖:He had a hole in the arm of his sweater. 他的毛衣袖子穿了個洞。4.(常用復(fù)數(shù)) (美)武器,武力:fire arms 火器,槍炮 / The soldiers presented arms.士兵們舉槍敬禮。v.以…裝備,武裝起來:The country armed itself in preparation for war. 這個國家已武裝起來準(zhǔn)備打仗?!鬭 babe in arms 需要抱的嬰兒,不諳世事者 / arm in arm 臂挽著臂 / at arm’s length 一臂之遙, 若即若離 / be armed to the teeth 武裝到牙齒的 / into sb’s arms 投入某人懷抱,進(jìn)入某人控制,受某人影響 / the armed forces, the armed services 武裝力量 / take up arms 拿起武器 / with open arms 張開雙臂(表示歡迎、準(zhǔn)備擁抱)


armchair[B:m5tFeE(r)] n. [C]扶手椅


army[5B:mI] n. [C]陸軍;軍隊:an army officer 軍官 / He joined the army a the age of eighteen. 他十八歲參軍。


around[E5raJnd] adv.在周圍;在附近:to take a look around 在附近看看 / The bookstore is just around the corner. 書店就在那邊轉(zhuǎn)彎的地方。prep.在…周圍;大約:I saw himaround the place this morning. 今天早晨我看見他就在那兒附近。/ I’ll see you around seven. 我們 7 點(diǎn)左右見?!鬭ll around 四處,到處 / have been around 到處旅行;見過世面


arrange[E5reIndV] v.1. 排列;整理:I arranged books on the shelves. 我把書架上的書整理好。2. 安排;準(zhǔn)備:The meeting has been arranged for Tuesday evening. 會議安排在星期二晚上舉行。


arrangement[E5reIndVmEnt] n.1. [C](常用復(fù)數(shù))安排,籌備:arrangements of a time and place for the meeting 會議時間和地點(diǎn)的安排 / We’re just making the final arrangements for the concert. 我們正為音樂會進(jìn)行最后階段的籌備工作。2. [C,U]約定;協(xié)議:make arrangement with sb與某人商定或約好 / We can come to some arrangement over the price. 價錢方面,我們可以商議解決。

arrival[E5raIvl] n.1. [U]抵達(dá),到達(dá):We waited for his arrival. 我們等候他的到來。2. [C]到達(dá)的人或物:Late arrivals must wait in the hall. 來晚的人要在大廳等候?!鬿n arrival 一到就

arrive[E5raIv] vi.1.到達(dá);抵達(dá):We arrived home at about midnight. 我們大約午夜到家。2.發(fā)生;來臨;出生:Good weather has arrived at last. 好天氣終于來到了。/ The baby arrived yesterday morning. 孩子是昨天上午出生的。

【辨析】arrive, get 與 reach:均可表示“到達(dá)”,其區(qū)別如下:1. arrive 和 get 都是不及物動詞,前者較正式,后者則較口語化。兩者之后均不可接賓語,但可接 here, there, home 之類的表地點(diǎn)的副詞作狀語:What time does the train arrive? 火車什么時候到? 要表示“到達(dá)某地”,均需借助適當(dāng)介詞:arrive 之后通常接介詞 at(一般用于較小的地方)或 in(一般用于較大的地方,如國家、大都市等。get 之后通常接介詞 to。2. reach 通常是及物動詞(較 get 更正式),其后可直接跟地點(diǎn)名詞作賓語(不能用介詞):She reached Shanghai yesterday. 她昨天到達(dá)上海。

arrow[5ArEJ] n.1. [C]箭:Time flies like an arrow. 光陰似箭。2. [C]箭頭:direction arrows 方向箭頭

art[B:t] n. 1. [U]美術(shù);藝術(shù);藝術(shù)品:an art class 美術(shù)班 / choose art as a career 選擇藝術(shù)為職業(yè) / The museum has a fine collection of modern art. 這個博物館藏有一批優(yōu)秀的現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)品。2. [C,U]技巧;技術(shù):He knows the art of making money. 他懂得生財之道。 

article[5B:tIkl] n. 1. [C]文章:a leading article社論 / There’s an article about cycling holidays in today’s paper. 今天的報紙上有一篇關(guān)于騎自行車度假的文章。2. [C]東西,物品:articles of daily use日用品3.(語法)冠詞

artist[5B:tIst] n. [C]藝術(shù)家;畫家:I like that picture; who is the artist? 我喜歡那幅畫,是誰畫的?

as[Ez, Az] adv.像…,如同:The child sang as sweetly as a nightingale. 這孩子歌唱得同夜鶯般婉轉(zhuǎn)。conj.1.像…一樣;如同:They fulfilled their work ahead of time as we did ours. 同我們一樣,他們也提前完成了任務(wù)。2. 因為:As you weren’t there I left a message. 因為你不在那里,我留了個信。3. 當(dāng)…時候:The phone rang just as I was leaving the house. 我剛要出門,電話就響起來了。prep.作為,當(dāng)作:work as an editor 作為一名編輯 / Treat me as a friend. 把我當(dāng)作朋友?!鬭s…as… 像…一樣… / as…as possible [as…as one can] 盡可能地… / as far as 遠(yuǎn)至…,就…的限度 / as far 至于…,就…而言 / as if [as though] 似乎,好像 / as it is 事實(shí)上,實(shí)際上 / as long as 達(dá)…之久,只要 / as many [much] as 與…一樣多,多達(dá) / as soon as 一…就… / as to 關(guān)于 / as well 又,另外也 / as well as 與…一樣好;又,而且

【辨析】1.as well, also, either 與 too:參見 also。2.as, because, for 與 since:都可用來表示原因,但有區(qū)別:(1) because 語氣最強(qiáng),表示直接原因,可用于回答 why 提出的問題、引導(dǎo)表語從句、用于強(qiáng)調(diào)句等,而其余三者均不行:It is because he is honest that she likes him. 是因為他誠實(shí)她才喜歡他。(2) since 與 as 兩者所表示的原因都是人們已知的,即對已知事實(shí)提供理由,而不是表示直接原因。但 since 比 as 語氣稍強(qiáng),且比 as 略為正式,它們引導(dǎo)的從句通常放在主句之前,有時也放在主句之后:As you weren’t there, I left a message. 由于你不在那兒,我留了個口信。/ Since you’re not interested, I won't tell you about it. 既然你不感興趣,那我就不告訴你了。另外,since 可用于省略句,而其他三者不行:Since so, I have nothing to say. 既然如此,我無話可說。(3) for 是并列連詞(其余三者為從屬連詞),它可表示因果關(guān)系(通常要放在主句之后,且可與 because 換用):The ground is wet,for (=because) it rained last night. 地面是濕的,因為昨晚下過雨。

ash[AF] n. [U]灰;灰末:cigarette ash 香煙灰

ashamed[E5FeImd] adj.慚愧;害臊:Are you ashamed for having lied? 你為撒了謊感到害臊嗎?

【辨析】ashamed 與 shameful:ashamed 意為“感到羞恥的”,shameful 意為“可恥的”、“丟臉的”:You should be ashamed of doing that. 你應(yīng)該為自己做那樣的事感到羞恥。It was shameful of them to surrender. 他們的投降是可恥的。

Asia[5eIFE] n.亞洲:Southeast Asia 東南亞

Asian[5eIFEn] adj.亞洲(人)的:Asian countries 亞洲國家n. [C]亞洲人

aside[E5saId] adv.在旁邊;向旁邊:Stand aside and let these people pass. 靠邊站,讓這些人過去。n. [C](戲劇中的)旁白;獨(dú)白◆aside from 暫且不談,除…之外

ask[B:sk] v.1.問,詢問:ask a question 問問題 / asked directions問方向 /  She asked whether I wanted tea or coffee. 她問我要茶還是咖啡。2.請求,要求:asking me for money向我要錢 / She asked (me) if I would drive her home. 她請求我開車送她回家。3. 邀請:He’s asked her to come to the party. 他邀請她來參加聚會。◆ask after 問候某人健康,問候,問安 / ask for 請求,懇求,要求 / ask for it [ask for trouble] 自找麻煩,自討苦吃 / asking price 要價,開價,叫價

asleep[E5sli:p] adj.1.睡著的,熟睡:The baby fell asleep. 那孩子睡著了。 2.(手臂或腿)麻木的:Both of my feet are asleep. 我的兩條腿都發(fā)麻。

【用法】asleep 沒有比較級,通常只能用作表語;表示“睡得很熟”不可用very 來修飾 asleep,而要用 fast 或 sound 來修飾。

【辨析】asleep 與 sleepy:1. asleep 通常只能用作表語,意為“睡著,熟睡”;be asleep 表狀態(tài),指“睡著”,fall asleep 側(cè)重表動作,指“入睡”:The baby fell asleep soon. 那個嬰兒很快睡著了。2.sleepy 可作表語和定語:The child is too sleepy to go watching TV. 這孩子困得無法繼續(xù)看電視了。

assistant[E5sIst(E)nt] n.1.[C]助手,助理:Peter is confident of winning the post as the assistant to the managing director. 彼得確信他能獲得總經(jīng)理助理的職位。 2.[C]店員:a shop assistant 售貨員

astonish[E5stRnIF] vt.使驚訝:The news astonished everybody. 這消息使人人感到驚訝。

astronaut[5AstrEnC:t] n. [C]航天員,宇航員:a rocket manned by trained astronauts 載有受過訓(xùn)練的宇航員的火箭

astronomy[E5strRnEmI] n. [U]天文學(xué):I’m very interested in astronomy. 我對天文學(xué)很感興趣。

at[At] prep.1. (表示地點(diǎn)、位置)在:at night 在晚上 / at seven o’clock 在7 點(diǎn)鐘 / Are the children at school? 孩子們都在學(xué)校嗎? 2.(表示動作的目標(biāo)、方向)向,對準(zhǔn):knock at a door 敲門 / aim the ball at the basket 將球?qū)?zhǔn)那個籃3.在…方面:be good at French 擅長法語4.(表示速度、程度、價格等)以,按:House prices are rising at a higher rate than inflation. 房價比通貨膨脹上漲的比率高?!鬭t hand 在附近,在手頭 / at once 立刻,馬上

athlete[5AWli:t] n. [C]運(yùn)動員:If you work hard, you will make a good athlete.
如果你肯努力, 你將成為一個好運(yùn)動員。

Atlantic[Et5lAntIk] adj.大西洋的:Atlantic islands 大西洋上諸島嶼

the Atlantic Ocean n.大西洋

atmosphere[5AtmEsfIE(r)] n.1. [C]大氣;空氣:atmosphere pressure大氣壓力 2.[C](用單數(shù))氣氛:The atmosphere changed as soon as she walked in. 她一進(jìn)來,氣氛就變了。

atom[5AtEm] n. [C]原子,微粒

attack[E5tAk] v.攻擊,侵襲:attack the enemy 攻打敵人 / The disease had already attacked the central nervous system. 疾病已侵犯了中樞神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)。

attempt[E5tempt] vt.試圖,嘗試:She will attempt to beat the world record. 她決心要打破世界紀(jì)錄。

attend[E5tend] v.1.出席;到場:attend school上學(xué) / attend a lecture聽講課
2. 照看;照料:Which doctor is attending you? 哪一個醫(yī)生為你看病? 3. 注意聽,留意:Attend to what your teacher is saying. 注意聽你老師所說的話。

【辨析】join, attend 與 take part in:參見 join。

attention[E5tenFEn] n.1. [U]注意力,留神:Give your whole attention to what you are doing. 把全部注意力用于你所做的事。2. [U]關(guān)注;照料:He gives all his attention to his car. 他十分關(guān)心他的汽車。3. [U]立正:Attention! (口令)立正!◆Attention, please! 請各位注意!/ give [pay] attention to 對…注意,對…留意;當(dāng)心

attentively[E5tentivli] adv.注意地:Please listen attentively to the teacher in class. 上課請專心聽講。

attitude[5AtItju:d] n.[C]態(tài)度:What is your attitude towards this question? 你對這個問題的態(tài)度如何? ◆strike an attitude 裝模作樣,矯揉造作

attract[E5trAkt] vt.1.吸引,引起:Moths are attracted to light. 亮光吸引飛蛾。2.招引,引誘:Flowers attract bees. 花招引蜜蜂。

attractive[E5trAktIv] adj.迷人的,有吸引力的:Your proposal sounds very attractive. 你的建議很動聽。

audience[5C:dIEns] n. [C]觀眾,聽眾:There was a large audience in the theatre.劇院中觀眾甚多。

【用法】audience 作整體考慮時看作單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式;而考慮個人時,則看作復(fù)數(shù),謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式:The audience is / are always very excited by a wonderful goal. 一個精采的進(jìn)球總會使觀眾們非常激動。

August[5C:^Est] n. [C,U]八月:We often go camping in August. 我們常在 8 月去野營。

aunt[B:nt] n. [C]伯母;舅母;嬸;姑;姨:My aunt lives quite near. 我姑姑住得相當(dāng)近。 / Aunt Mary goes to church every Sunday. 瑪麗阿姨每星期天都要去做禮拜。

Australia[R5streIljE] n.澳洲;澳大利亞

Australian[R5streIlIEn] adj.澳洲的,澳大利亞人的n. [C]澳大利亞人

author[5C:WE] n. [C]作者,作家:Like author, like book. (諺)文如其人。

autumn[5C:tEm] n. [C,U]秋天,秋季:In autumn the leaves on the trees begin to fall. 秋天,樹葉紛紛落下。

avenue[5AvEnju:] n.1. [C](城市的)林陰路,大街:an avenue of poplars 白楊樹的林陰大道2.[C]方法;途徑:Several avenues are open to us. 我們面前有幾條可行之路。

average[5AvErIdV] adj.平均的;普通的:What’s the average age of your classmates? 你的同學(xué)的平均年齡是多少? n.1.[C]平均數(shù):What’s the average of 14, 3 and 1? 14、3 和 1 的平均數(shù)是多少?2. [C,U]平均水平;標(biāo)準(zhǔn):Tom’s work at school is above the average. 湯姆在校的功課在平均水平以上。v.達(dá)到平均水平;把…平均分配;求…平均數(shù):The rainfall averages 36 inches a year. 年降雨量平均為 36 英寸?!鬭bove (blow) (the) average 在平均水平以上(以下)的 / on (the / an) average 平均 / up to (the) average 達(dá)到平均的(地)

avoid[E5vCId] v.1.避免,躲開:I think he is avoiding me. 我覺得他在躲著我。2.防止(發(fā)生某事),避免(做某事):Nuclear war is to be avoided at all costs. 要不惜任何代價防止核戰(zhàn)爭。

【提醒】avoid 后接動詞作賓語時,要用動名詞,不用不定式:He crossed the street to avoid meeting her. 他橫穿馬路以便避開她

awake[E5weIk] v. (awoke, awoken; awaked, awaked) 喚醒:She was awoken by the noise. 她被響聲弄醒了。adj.醒著的:The children are still wide awake. 孩子們還完全沒有睡意呢。

【用法】1.用作動詞,過去式和過去分詞有規(guī)則變化(awaked, awaked)和不規(guī)則變化(awoke, awoken)兩種,但在現(xiàn)代英語中通常只用其不規(guī)則變化形式;可及物,但不及物較多見:I awoke to find that it was already 10 o’clock. 等我醒來,已經(jīng) 10 點(diǎn)。/ A sudden loud noise awoke us all. 一聲巨響把我們?nèi)汲承蚜恕?.用作形容詞時,一般只作表語,不作定語,表示“完全醒著”,要用 wide, fully 修飾,不用 very:I was wide awake all night. 我整夜醒著。

【辨析】awake, wake, awaken 與 waken:1.作動詞時都可表示“醒來,醒著;喚醒,叫醒”,且都可用作及物或不及物動詞;但實(shí)際使用時,wake 和 awake 多用作不及物動詞,而 waken,awaken 多用作及物動詞。2. wake 通??膳c up 連用,waken 也可以與 up 連用,而 awake 和 awaken 則一般不與 up 連用。3. awake 除用作動詞外,還可用作形容詞,而其余三個詞通常用作動詞,不能用作形容詞。4.四個詞中,wake (up) 是最普通也是最不正式的一個詞。如果只考慮其正確性而不考慮其普通性,有時一個意思可能有多種表達(dá):He was woken [wakend] by the telephone. / The telephone woke [wakend] him up. / The telephone awoke [awakened] him. 電話鈴把他吵醒了。

award[E5wC:d] n. [C]獎品,獎勵:The award for this year’s best actress went to Mary. 本年度最佳女演員獎的得獎?wù)呤乾旣?。vt.給予,授予:The prize was awarded to me for excellence in math. 我因數(shù)學(xué)成績優(yōu)異而獲獎。

away[E5weI] adv.1.離開:The Smiths are away. 史密斯夫婦不在家。2.離…有多遠(yuǎn):The city is miles away. 這個城市在幾英里以外。 / The exams are still six weeks away. 距離考試還有 6 周。3.消失;用完:The sound of their footsteps died away. 他們的腳步聲逐漸消失了。4.一直,繼續(xù):to work away 一直在工作◆Away with… 把…驅(qū)趕,把…除掉 / right away 立刻,馬上


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