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baby[5beIbI] n. [C]嬰兒;雛鳥;幼獸:a newborn baby 新生嬰兒 / a baby elephant 幼象


back[bAk] adv.回(原處);向后:Put the book back to the shelf when you’ve finished it. 書看完請放回書架上。/ They fought back. 他們還擊了。adj.后面的;過期的:the back garden 后花園 / a back copy of a magazine 過期的雜志 n.1. [C]背:She was carrying the baby on her back. 她正背著嬰孩。2. [C]背后,后部:a seat for servants at the back of a carriage 馬車車廂后面的仆人座位v.后退:He backed the car out of the garage. 他把車倒退著開出車庫。◆at a person’s back 在背后,在幕后支持:I am always at your back. 我總是支持你。/ at the back of 在后面,在背后;支持 / back and fort前后地,往返地 / back to back 背靠背 / back to front 前后顛倒 / behind sb’s back 不讓某人知道,背著某人 / on one’s back 仰臥 / turn one’s back on [upon] 掉轉(zhuǎn)頭不理睬,背棄


backache[5bAkeIk] n.[C,U]背痛


background[5bAk^raJnd] n.[C]背景:The mountain forms the beautiful background of the scene. 這座山構(gòu)成了這處風(fēng)景的美麗背景。◆background information (題材、問題的)背景資料,預(yù)備知識 / background music 背景音樂,氣氛音樂 / in the background 不公開的(地),在幕后


backward(s)[5bAkwEd(z)] adv.向后地;倒退地:I walked backwards down the stairs, carrying the heavy box. 我扛著重箱子,倒退著走下樓梯?!鬮ackward(s) and forward(s) 循環(huán)往復(fù)


bacon[5beIkEn] n. [U]咸豬肉;熏豬肉:put butter on bacon 咸肉上加黃油;畫蛇添足◆bring home the bacon 成功;謀生,賺錢糊口 / save one’s bacon 幸免于難,九死一生


bacterium[bAk5tIErIEm] (pl.bacteria)n. [C]細(xì)菌


bad[bAd] adj. (worse, worst) 1.壞的,有害的:not so bad 不錯 / It is certainly bad for the throat. 這肯定對嗓子有害。2.不好的,拙劣的:The company’s failure was due to bad management. 公司因經(jīng)營不善而破產(chǎn)。3. 嚴(yán)重的:a bad clod 重感冒 / a bad defeat 慘敗◆go bad 腐敗,變壞,墮落 / go from bad to worse 每況愈下 / not bad 并不太壞,蠻不錯的


badly[5bAdlI] adv. (worse, worst) 1.壞地,惡劣地:I am quite badly off recently. 最近我經(jīng)濟上很拮據(jù)。2.非常,極度:He’s badly in need of a haircut. 他急需理發(fā)?!鬮e dadly off 潦倒,貧困 / be badly off for sth 需要某物,供應(yīng)(某物)不足


【用法】1. badly 是形容詞 bad 的副詞形式,通常用來修飾動詞:He did his work very badly. 他的工作做得很差。2.與 want, need, be in need of 等連用,可表示“迫切地”、“非常”:He needs money badly. / He is badly in need of money. 他急需要錢。


badminton[5bAdmIntEn] n. [U]羽毛球


bag[bA^] n. [C]書包,提包,袋子:a leather bag 皮包 / Don’t leave your bag in the car when you get out of it. 你下車時別把手提袋留在車?yán)??!鬮ag and baggage 帶走全部財產(chǎn) / a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人或物 / be in the bag 不成問題,如探囊取物


baggage[5bA^IdV] (= luggage) n. [U]行李:A porter carried our baggage to the train. 搬運工把我們的行李送上火車。


【用法】是不可數(shù)名詞,要表示“幾件行李”,可借助 piece 或 article:two articles fo baggage 兩件行李。

bake[beIk] v.1.烤;烘(面包):The cakes will bake very quickly. 這些餅很快就可烘好。2. 烘干,使硬:In former times, bricks were baked in the sun. 在古代,磚塊是放在太陽下曬干的。


bakery[5beIkErI] n.[C]面包房,面包店:bakery products面包房產(chǎn)品


balance[5bAlEns] n. [U]平衡:It’s hard to achieve balance, but it’s harder to keep balance. 獲得平衡難,保持平衡更難。[C]秤,天平◆hold the balance 掌握決定權(quán) / in the balance 不能確定的,尚未決定的 / keep (lose) one’s balance 保持(失去)平衡 / on balance 考慮周全,總的來看 /  strike a balance 結(jié)賬,結(jié)算;取得平衡


balcony[5bAlkEnI] n. [C]陽臺;樓座:You can see the sea from our balcony. 你從我們的陽臺上就能看見大海。


ball[bC:l] n. 1. [C]球;球狀物:a golf ball 高爾夫球 / a snow ball 雪球 2. [C]舞會:How did you enjoy the ball? 你在那個舞會上玩得開心嗎?◆be on the ball 處處精明,能干/ have the ball at one’s feet 機會在眼前/ keep the ball rolling 持續(xù)不斷 / play ball (球賽的)開始比賽,開球 / The ball is in your court [The ball is with you] .輪到你了。


【辨析】ball 與 dance:參見 dance。


ballet[5bAleI] n. [C,U]芭蕾舞:She has studied (the) ballet for five years. 她學(xué)芭蕾舞已 5 年了。


balloon[bE5lu:n] n. [C]氣球:blow up a balloon 給氣球打氣 / My shirt bags like a balloon when the wind blows against it. 風(fēng)吹著我的襯衫使它膨脹得像個氣球一樣。


ballpoint[5bC:lpCInt] (= ballpoint pen) n. [C]圓珠筆


bamboo[bAm5bu:] n. [C,U]竹,竹子:a bamboo shoots 竹筍 / a bamboo leaf竹葉


ban[bAn] n. [C]禁令;禁止:announce a ban on 宣布對…的禁令v.禁止;取締:The authorities banned visitors form smoking in the building. 當(dāng)局禁止來訪者在大樓里抽煙。


banana[bE5nB:nE] n.[C]香蕉:Please peel this banana. 請剝開這只香蕉的皮。◆banana skin 造成困難或麻煩的根源


bandage[5bAndIdV] n.[C]繃帶:a first-aid bandage 急救繃帶vt. 用繃帶包扎:The doctor bandaged up his broken ankle. 醫(yī)生用繃帶把他折斷了的踝骨包扎起來。


bang[bAN] n. [C]砰的一聲巨響:There was a bang on the street. 街上發(fā)出砰的大響聲。v. 猛敲,猛撞,砰砰作響:Tell the children to stop banging about. 告訴孩子們不要到處弄出聲響。


bank[bANk] n. 1.[C](河、海、湖的)岸,堤:the banks of the Yellow River 黃河兩岸2. [C]銀行:The major banks have announced an increase in interest rates. 幾家大銀行已宣布提高利率?!鬮reak the bank 花費不起


bank account[5bANk E7kaJnt] n. [C]銀行賬戶:I’d like to open a bank account. 我想開個存款賬戶。


bar[bB:(r)] n. 1. [C]條;(長方)塊:a bar of soap 一塊肥皂2. [C]棒,橫木:an iron round bar圓鐵棒 3. [C](酒店的)買酒柜臺;酒吧:There are several bars in the hotel. 這個旅館中有好幾個酒吧。


barbecue[5bB:bIkju:] n.烤肉野餐

barber[5bB:bE(r)] n. [C](為男人理發(fā)的)理發(fā)師:He is a skilled barber. 他是位熟練的理發(fā)師。


【說明】barber 指專為男人理發(fā)和刮胡子的理發(fā)師,為女人做發(fā)型的理發(fā)師叫hairdresser。


barbershop[5bB:bE7FCp] n. [C]理發(fā)店


bargain[5bB:^In] n. [C](經(jīng)討價還價之后)成交的商品;廉價貨:At that low price the house is a bargain. 按那樣低的價錢出售,這房子是便宜的。vi.討價還價:If you bargain with them, they might reduce the price. 如果你和他們講價錢,他們可能會降價。◆a bad (good) bargain 吃虧的(上算的)交易 / drive a hard bargain 殺價,講價 / in(to) the bargain 另外,此外,加之 / strike a bargain 進(jìn)行交易,成交


bark[bB:k] v.吠;狗叫:Barking dogs seldom bite. (諺)吠犬不咬人。n. [C]狗叫聲:The dog’s sharp bark woke up everyone in the village. 刺耳的狗叫聲吵醒了村子里所有的人?!魋b’s bark is worse than his bite 雖然某人嘴很厲害,但心并不壞


barrier[5bArIE] n. 1.[C]柵欄,屏障:The police put a barrier across the road.


警察設(shè)了路障。2.[C]障礙:Language differences are often a barrier to mutual understanding. 語言不同常常阻礙到彼此的了解。


base[beIs] n.1. [C]根據(jù)地,基地:After we had reached the top of the mountain, we returned to our base camp. 到達(dá)山頂之后,我們便返回基地。2. [C]底部,根基:the base of a building 建筑物的地基 3.(棒球)壘


baseball[5beIsbC:l] n. [U]棒球(運動):Baseball is the national game of the US. 棒球運動是美國全民性的運動。


【提醒】在球類運動的名詞前不用冠詞:play basketball 打籃球 / play football 踢足球等。但在表示具體的一個一個的各種球時,其前可用冠詞。


basement[5beIsmEnt] n. [C]地下室:It is rather damp in the basement. 地下室很潮濕。


basic[5beIsIk] adj.基本的,基礎(chǔ)的:a basic course in French 法語的一門基礎(chǔ)課程 / The industry’s basic problem is the lack of demand. 工業(yè)方面的根本問題是缺乏需求。


basin[5beIs(E)n] n. 1. [C]水盆,臉盆:a copper basin 銅盆 2. [C]一盆之量:a basin of water 一盆水


basket[5bB:skIt] n. [C]籃子;簍子:a shopping basket 購物籃


basketball[5bB:skItbC:l] n.1. [C]籃球:playing basketball 打籃球2. [U]籃球運動


bat[bAt] n.1. [C](棒球、板球的)球棒2. [C]蝙蝠

bath[bB:W] n. 1. [C]洗澡:I have a bath every morning. 我每天早晨都洗澡。2.[C]浴室;澡盆:Clean out the bath when you are done. 洗完澡后請把浴缸洗干凈。


bathe[beIT] v.1.游泳;沐?。篖et’s go for a bath. 我們?nèi)ビ斡景伞?.浸,洗:First bathe the wound with hot water. 先用熱水洗一下傷口。3.籠罩:a room that was bathed in sunlight 充滿陽光的房間


【辨析】bathe 與 bath:前者側(cè)重指在室內(nèi)“洗澡”,bathe 則通常指到室外的河里或海里等去游泳或泡澡。


bathrobe[5bB:WrEJb] n. [C]浴衣


bathroom[5bB:Wru:m] n. [C]浴室,盥洗室:Is there a bathroom in this restaurant? 這家餐館里有衛(wèi)生間嗎?


bathtub[5bB:WtQb] n. [C]澡盆


battery[5bAtErI] n.1. [C]電池;電池組:The battery has run down. 電池用完了。2. [C]一組,一連串:a battery of questions 一連串的質(zhì)問3.[C]炮兵連,炮組


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