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   1. [望文生義]根據(jù)所學詞根的知識推測下列單詞的詞義。

   ① interrupter n.

   ② ruption n.

   2. [舉一反三]根據(jù)已知單詞的詞義推斷出其同根詞的詞義。

   corrupt腐化的→① incorrupt a.

        →② incorruptible a.

        →③ incorruptibility n.

   3. [同義相連]將左欄中的單詞和右欄中相對應的詞義連接起來。

   ① irruptive      a. 引起腐化的

   ② eruptive      b. 侵入的;闖進的

   ③ disruptive     c. 爆發(fā)的;噴出的

   ④ interruptive     d. 分裂的;破壞性的

   ⑤ corruptive     e. 中斷的;打斷的

   79. sci [L]=to know知,曉

   常用詞science,scientist,conscience和conscious,都以詞根sci為基礎(chǔ)。sci來自拉丁動詞scire,意思相當于to know(知,曉)。

   science [sci=to know知;-ence n.=the result表行為結(jié)果→“the result of knowing, or knowledge知的結(jié)果,知識”→] n. systematic knowledge系統(tǒng)知識;科學:Science means honest, solid knowledge.科學是老老實實的學問。

   scientist [scient=science科學;-ist n.=person人→] n. person who does work in science科學工作者;科學家:a famous scientist著名的科學家

   ▽scientism [sci;-ent;-ism n.] n.科學態(tài)度;科學方法

   scientific [sci;-ent;-ific a.] a.科學的;系統(tǒng)的;精確的

   conscience [con-(com-)=wholly完全地;sci=to know知道;-ence n.=the state表狀態(tài)→“the state of knowing wholly in mind內(nèi)心完全知道”→] n. inner sense that knows the difference between right and wrong良知,良心:for conscience' sake憑良心

   ▽conscienceless [conscience;-less a.] a.沒良心的

   conscientious [con-;sci;-ent;-ious a.] a.本著良心行事的

   conscious [con-(com-)表加強詞義;sci=to know知道;-ous a.=having the quality有……性質(zhì)的→“having the ability of knowing well有知覺能力的”→] a.① having the knowledge or feeling of有意識的;有感覺的/I was conscious that I had made a mistake.我意識到自己犯了錯誤。② aware神志清醒的:He is badly hurt but still conscious.他傷勢很重,但神志依然清醒。

   ▽consciousness [conscious;-ness n.] n.意識;覺悟

   subconscious [sub-=under, imperfectly下,不完全地;conscious a. 有意識的→“imperfectly conscious不完全有意識的”→] a. not fully known by the mind;present at a hidden level of the mind下意識的;潛意識的:subconscious desire下意識的欲望

   omniscient [omni-=all全;sci=to know知;-ent a.=having the quality有……性質(zhì)的→“having the ability to know all能知一切的”→] a. having infinite knowledge無所不知的:Do you believe in an omniscient man?你相信存在著無所不知的人嗎?

   ▽omniscience [omni-;sci;-ence n.] n.無所不知;(大寫)上帝

   nescience [ne-=not不;sci=to know知;-ence n.=the state表狀態(tài)→“the state of not knowing不知”→] n. absence of knowledge無知,缺乏知識:He admitted his nescience of the subject.他承認對該學科一無所知。

   ▽nescient [ne-;sci;-ent a.] a.無知的

   prescient [pre-=beforehand事先的;sci =to know知;-ent a.=having the quality有……性質(zhì)的→] a. having the ability to know beforehand;able to know what will happen能預知的;有先見的:I don't think that he was prescient of the incident.我認為他不可能預知那個事件的發(fā)生。

   ▽prescience [pre-;sci;-ence n.] n.預知;先見



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