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> VOA > 美語訓練班 >  第120篇




  B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond!

  A: And I'm Lin Yang.

  B: Need to know how to negotiate for a business loan? We will offer you some tips in today's business etiquette.

  A: 完美主義會對你的生活產生什么影響? 我們在下面的節(jié)目中為你介紹。

  B: And in words and idioms, we will learn what "have a soft spot for" and "square away" means!

  A: All coming up on this edition of American English Mosaic!

  B: Now let's go into our first segment, Learn a word!

  Learn A Word 1834 perfection

  今天我們要學的詞是 perfection. Perfection is spelled p-e-r-f-e-c-t-i-o-n, perfection. Perfection 意思是完美,盡善盡美。The lamb chop was cooked to perfection. 這羊排做得無懈可擊。She is a workaholic, who always strives for perfection. 她是個工作狂,而且做什么事都追求盡善盡美。皮尤研究中心的統(tǒng)計數(shù)字顯示,2011年美國人里只有51%處于已婚狀態(tài),遠遠低于1960年時的72%。 Experts say part of the reason is that some people are demanding an unrealistic degree of perfection from their partners. 有專家認為,部分原因是有些人很不現(xiàn)實地要求自己的伴侶是完美的化身。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 perfection, perfection, perfection...

  A: Guilty as charged. I always want to find someone who's perfect, but now I realize that's just unrealistic.

  B: Yep, we all need to learn how to be tolerate and accept the flaws of our partners.

  A: Knowing you, a girl could easily win your heart as long as she's good at cooking. Food is the way to your heart, ha?

  B: Haha, you know me! I do have a soft spot for gourmet food. Luckily for me my girlfriend is a gourmet chef!

  A: Good for you! 你剛才提到了一個說法,have a soft spot for. 我們來聽聽今天的美國習慣用語,學學這個短語的用法!

  Words and Idioms 873 Have a Soft Spot For

  美國習慣用語第 873 講


  M: Have a soft spot for. Soft is spelled s-o-f-t, and spot; s-p-o-t. Have a soft spot for.

  to have a soft spot for something or someone 意思是因為喜愛,所以對某個人或是某件事心軟。比如說,Grandpa has a soft spot for Jimmy, his first grandson. 爺爺偏愛長孫 Jimmy. 在剛才的例子中,正因為我以前做過導游,所以很能理解那個年輕導游的感受,I have a soft spot for tour guides.


  M: "Uncle Phil has a reputation as a tough guy who's unfeeling. But what most people don't know is that he can be quite caring. He's donated a lot of time and money to charities that help those less fortunate than him. Clearly, he HAS A SOFT SPOT FOR the underprivileged."


  這也讓我想起2009年剛去世的美國政治家泰德•肯尼迪。他是美國前總統(tǒng)約翰•肯尼迪的弟弟,在國會參議院當了46年參議員。雖然他生長在一個富有的政治世家,Ted Kennedy had a soft spot for people who didn't grow up with the advantages he had. 泰德•肯尼迪對生長環(huán)境不如他優(yōu)越的人格外關心。他將自己畢生的精力用于爭取民權、消費者利益和醫(yī)療保健。好的,讓我們再來聽聽上面那段話。

  M: "Uncle Phil has a reputation as a tough guy who's unfeeling. But what most people don't know is that he can be quite caring. He's donated a lot of time and money to charities that help those less fortunate than him. Clearly, he HAS A SOFT SPOT FOR the underprivileged."


  M: "My wife started an adoption service for dogs. What started out with finding a home for one unwanted puppy became a full-time occupation. Thanks to her, over 200 dogs have been rescued. She could have chosen a job that's easier and higher paying. But she HAS A SOFT SPOT for dogs in need. It's very fulfilling."


  我一直想去動物收容所做義工,可我老公不同意,因為他知道,I have a soft spot for kittens. 我特別喜歡小貓咪,一定會帶一堆回家。不過,如果我女兒提出養(yǎng)貓,那就另當別論了,因為 My husband has always had a soft spot for our daughter. 我老公特別疼愛女兒,對她百依百順。好的,我們再來聽一下上面那個例句。

  M: "My wife started an adoption service for dogs. What started out with finding a home for one unwanted puppy became a full-time occupation. Thanks to her, over 200 dogs have been rescued. She could have chosen a job that's easier and higher paying. But she HAS A SOFT SPOT for dogs in need. It's very fulfilling."


  M: Until next time.


  M: This has been Words and Idioms.

  A: I totally have a soft spot for cute doggies! When they look at me with their watery eyes, my heart just melts! But then comes the responsibility of feeding them, petting them, and taking them out for walks...

  B: I know! A lot of people get puppies when they don't have the time or energy to take care of them. But I guess you can do it now since you got your own place!

  A: 呵呵,I think I should focus on paying off my mortgage for now.

  B: Yeah...loans, gah and numbers are so complicated!

  A: Not for Asians! (笑) Actually in today's business etiquette, we will discuss this exact topichow to take out a loan!

  B: Let's check it out!

  禮節(jié)美語 Taking Out a Loan I

  三角洲通訊公司老板John Smith到銀行申請貸款,接待他的是銀行負責人 Ted Johnson。

  Ted Johnson: Hello, Mr. Smith. Thanks for stopping by.

  Smith: Hello, and call me John.

  Ted: Sure...but only if you call me Ted.

  J: Done.

  T: So you are the CEO of Delta Communications. What exactly does your firm make?

  J: We are the leading supplier of walkie-talkie radios and other shortwave communication devices.

  John Smith 和 Ted Johnson 相互問候,彼此堅持要對方用 first name 稱呼自己,以便拉近距離,不會顯得太客氣。史密斯是三角洲通訊公司的CEO, Chief Executive Officer 首席執(zhí)行官,這家公司主要生產對講機等短波通訊工具。walkie-talkie 是中文里說的對講機。

  T: Ah...I see. How's business these days?

  J: Actually, not bad. We landed a couple of major contracts in Southeast Asia recently and in spite of the recession, we're humming along quite nicely.

  T: That's good to hear. It's been a rough couple of years. I've had to deny hundreds of loan applications and we've had to take legal action to recover loans as well.

  史密斯說,他們公司的業(yè)務沒有受到經濟危機的影響,剛在東南亞簽了幾個重要合同。we're humming along quite nicely. 生意蒸蒸日上。 hum is spelled h-u-m, hum 有忙忙碌碌的意思。Ted 則抱怨說,最近兩年貸款很不好做 It's been a rough couple of years,rough, r-o-u-g-h, rough 在這里是困難的意思。不僅很多貸款申請不符合標準被退回,而且還不得不采取法律手段追繳貸款。

  J: That sounds tough.

  T: It is! No one wants to be the bad guy and people have a stereotype of bankers as unfeeling and cruel. But contracts are contracts and I have to run my business, right?

  J: Yeah. You know what they say: business is business-it's not personal.

  T: Well, I do sympathize with people's difficulties. But there's really nothing I can do.

  Ted 說,No one wants to be the bad guy 誰都不想當惡人,大家對銀行家有成見,成見 stereotype is spelled s-t-e-r-e-o-t-y-p-e, stereotype,普遍認為銀行家冷血,不盡人情 unfeeling and cruel,但是做生意是為了賺錢,contracts are contracts合同就是合同,或者說,business is business. It's not personal. 這是做生意,不是針對任何人。Ted 同時也表示,他很理解和同情大家的難處,但又沒有辦法。這里用的 sympathize is spelled s-y-m-p-a-t-h-i-z-e, sympathize 是同情。

  A: Ted說,現(xiàn)在經濟危機, It's been a rough couple of years, 近幾年來生意不好做,他們需要對很多人追債。大家都對銀行家有成見,people have a stereotype of bankers, 但是 business is business, it's not personal, 生意就是生意,不是針對任何人。

  B: Guilty, I often think of businessmen as being heartless and cruel, but it's a stereotype, and it's not fair to everyone.

  A: Yep, 親兄弟明算賬嘛! Let's keep listening to John and see how he's going to ask for a loan!

  禮節(jié)美語 Taking Out a Loan II

  三角洲通訊公司老板John Smith到銀行申請貸款,接待他的是銀行負責人Ted Johnson,Johnson 抱怨最近兩年經濟危機,貸款很難做,經常會迫不得已走法律程序,追繳貸款。

  T: I do sympathize with people's difficulties. But if I don't foreclose on mortgages or call in bad loans. I'll go bankrupt, too!

  J: Yep...that's just how it goes.

  T: So John, you mentioned in your email that you're thinking about taking out a loan.

  J: Yes. You see, my company has been expanding quite rapidly and I'd like to construct a new warehouse.

  Ted 說,他很同情大家的困難,但是如果他不去沒收貸款抵押的財產權,不清理呆帳,自己就會破產。上面說的 foreclose is spelled f-o-r-e-c-l-o-s-e, foreclose 是銀行沒收抵押產權的意思,to call in 意思是收回,bad loan 指無力償還的呆賬。倆人的對話接下來切入主題。John因為公司擴大規(guī)模,打算加蓋一個倉庫,所以需要貸款。

  T: Well, you came to the right bank. We have a long tradition of supporting young entrepreneurs like yourself. What kind of figure are we looking at here?

  J: I think 200,000 dollars is the estimate for construction costs.

  T: Well, that shouldn't be a problem. Your company is worth a lot more than that amount.

  Ted 說,他們銀行一貫支持象史密斯這樣的年輕創(chuàng)業(yè)者,entrepreneur is spelled e-n-t-r-e-p-r-e-n-e-u-r, entrepreneur 是企業(yè)家的意思。John Smith 說,工程費大約需要二十萬。Ted 覺得,that shouldn't be a problem. 應該沒問題,因為史密斯公司的價值要遠遠超過這個數(shù)字。

  J: Yes, but because we're a public company with shareholders, it's hard to get proposals passed. I was thinking of taking out a personal loan.

  T: Ah...a personal loan. That is a bit more complicated. Can I ask what kind of collateral you could offer?

  J: Well, I have my personal stock in the company and our family has a yacht as well.

  T: Sounds like that should cover it. I'll need you to bring in the original deeds and certificates.

  J: Sure. I can stop by on Friday.

  原來,John的公司是上市公司,a public company, 讓股東們通過提案太麻煩,所以他希望以個人身份貸款,to take out a personal loan. 個人貸款需要 collateral is spelled c-o-l-l-a-t-e-r-a-l collateral抵押物品。John 說自己手里有公司股份,還有一艘私人游艇,yacht, y-a-c-h-t yacht. Ted 覺得這些就夠了,讓John把產權證拿來, deed is spelled d-e-e-d deed 是產權、所有權證書的意思。

  A: Ted說,他們的銀行 have a long tradition of supporting young entrepreneurs,一項支持年輕的企業(yè)家,John說,他想以個人的身份貸款,take out a personal loan, 以 personal stock in the company, 手里的公司股份,和yacht,游艇,來做collateral,抵押物品。

  B:That's why your credit score and credit history is so important if you live in America. It determines what kind of interest rate you can get for a loan, or if you can get a loan at all!

  A: That's true. 咱們接著來看看John和Ted談得怎么樣吧!

  禮節(jié)美語 Taking Out a Loan III

  三角洲通訊公司老板John Smith到銀行申請貸款,接待他的是銀行負責人Ted Johnson。史密斯想申請個人貸款,用來修建公司的新倉庫。Ted Johnson說,除了需要物品抵押外,還有一個要求。

  T: I know this can be a problem, but we generally require at lease one guarantor.

  J: Hummm....what kind of person would be best, a relative or a business associate?

  T: Either one is OK, but most people pick a relative because it's usually a little easier.

  J: Ok...I'm sure my brother won't mind helping me out.

  Ted 說,一般情況下,銀行還要求至少要有一個貸款擔保人,guarantor, g-u-a-r-a-n-t-o-r guarantor 是擔保人的意思,可以是 a relative 親屬,也可以是 a business associate 生意上的伙伴。John 想了想了說,I'm sure my brother won't mind helping me out. 我哥哥一定不介意幫我。mind doing something 是介意做某事的意思;to help someone out 指幫某人的忙。

  T: Good. So finally we need to discuss the terms of the loan.

  J: What kind of interest do you charge?

  T: It depends on how long you take the loan out for. If you plan to pay it back within two years, the interest rate is six percent. A four-year deal works out to seven and a half percent.

  貸款申請符合要求后,就該具體談談貸款的條款了,the terms of the loan. John 想知道,what kind of interest do you charge? 貸款利率多少。Ted回答說,貸款利率高低取決于貸款時間的長短。如果是兩年還清,利率只要百分之六,如果是四年還清,則要百分之七點五。

  J: I think two years should be fine. But six percent is a bit high. Is there any way to get a better rate?

  T: Well, you've been a customer here for over a decade. I can't make any promises, but I'll try to get it down to five percent. How's that sound?

  J: Five percent works for me. Ted, I can't thank you enough for your help.

  T: Don't mention it! See you Friday.

  John 說,貸款兩年就應該可以還清,這一點沒有問題,但是他嫌百分之六的利率太高。John 是銀行的老客戶,使用這家銀行的服務有十幾年了,Ted 表示,對老客戶可以關照,I can't make any promises, 雖然不能保證做到,但是他會試試看把利率從百分之六降低到百分之五。John 聽了很高興,說 Five percent works for me. 百分之五我可以接受,并對 Ted 表示感謝,貸款就這樣談成了。

  A: 個人貸款需要 guarantor, 擔保人,這既可以是a relative 親屬,也可以是a business associate 生意上的伙伴。John說,他覺得他哥哥可以help him out, 幫他的忙。他們討論了terms of the loan, 貸款的條款,把interest rate, 利率訂在了5%。

  B: Interest rates have been on the rise, but they are still pretty low these days. A lot of people are trying to get mortgages and financing before it rises again!

  A:Yeah, I love now that I have a nice condo, but getting the Financing squared away was not fun at all.

  B: I bet! But no pain, no gain! Aaaand, you just mentioned an idiom, square away, let's check it out in today's words and idioms!

  Words and Idioms 874 Square Away

  美國習慣用語第 874 講


  M: Square away. Square is spelled s-q-u-a-r-e, and away; a-w-a-y. Square-away.

  大家都知道,square 是正方形的意思。to square away 意思是處理安排妥當。比如說,He is trying to get all his legal troubles squared away as soon as possible. 他努力把所有法律上的麻煩搞定。就好象剛才提到的,在啟程前往佛羅里達渡假之前,There is a lot I need to square away. 我有很多事情需要處理。


  M: "My job interview went so well that I was offered the job in Arizona. I would love to move away from the long cold winter weather here in New York. But it's not that easy. To begin with, I'd have to get out of my contract with my company, and then sell my condo. It's only after I SQUARE those AWAY that I can focus on relocating."


  起碼,這個人聽起來好象沒有拖家?guī)Э?,來去一身輕,說搬就可以搬,否則,不說別的,就算只有個女朋友,也不是那么容易就能 square away 的。好的,讓我們再來聽聽上面那段話。

  M: "My job interview went so well that I was offered the job in Arizona. I would love to move away from the long cold winter weather here in New York. But it's not that easy. To begin with, I'd have to get out of my contract with my company, and then sell my condo. It's only after I SQUARE those AWAY that I can focus on relocating."

  Square away 這個習慣用語常用于被動語態(tài)。在接下來的例子中,一位老先生提出了如下建議。我們一起聽:

  M: "Take my advice. Don't wait until you're old to organize your will. What if something tragic happened, such as a fatal accident? Without a legal document to explain your wishes after you die, your loved ones could suffer unnecessarily. Make sure your plans are SQUARED AWAY."



  M: "Take my advice. Don't wait until you're old to organize your will. What if something tragic happened, such as a fatal accident? Without a legal document to explain your wishes after you die, your loved ones could suffer unnecessarily. Make sure your plans are SQUARED AWAY."

  我侄子那天開著新車來看我。他前一段時間一直怕申請不到貸款。如今看他開著新車,不用問就知道,他一定是拿到了貸款。He must have managed to square away the financing.


  M: Until next time.


  M: This has been Words and Idioms.

  A: Have you gotten everything squared away for your trip back to Ohio?

  B: Meh, there's no rush. I've still got a couple hours before I leave. I'll just pack right before I leave.

  A: 唉呀! Mike, Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!

  B: Prior Planning Prevents Fun!

  A: 好了同學們,這次節(jié)目時間就到這里了。

  B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

  A: See you next time!


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