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新概念英語第三冊(美音版)A lovable eccentric




Lesson 31
A lovable eccentric

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
Why did the shop assistant refuse to serve Dickie?
True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves. They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life.
Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the most notable figures in our town. He was a shrewd and wealthy businessman, but most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life. He was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.
Dickie disliked snobs intensely. Though he owned a large car, he hardly ever used it, preferring always to go on foot. Even when it was raining heavily, he refused to carry an umbrella. One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower. He wanted to buy a $300 watch for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition than an assistant refused to serve him. Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag. As it was extremely heavy, he dumped it on the counter. The assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see the manager. Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely. When Dickie was given the watch, the presented the assistant with the cloth bag. It contained $300 in pennies. He insisted on the assistant's counting the money before he left -- 30,000 pennies in all! On another occasion, he invited a number of important critics to see his private collection of modern paintings. This exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie. It took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about.
New words and expressions 生詞和短語
adj. 可愛的
n. (行為)古怪人
v. 不顧,漠視
n. 習俗,風俗
adj. 感覺到的,意識到的
adv. 總是,經(jīng)常地
n. 常規(guī);慣例
adj. 精明的
n. 怪僻
adj. 傳奇般的
n. 勢利小人,諂上欺下的人
adv. 強烈地
adj. 拖泥帶水的
v. 把……砰的一聲拋下
adj. 道歉的
v. 訓斥
v. 暗中策劃
adj. 精心構思的

真 正古怪的人從不有意引人注意。他們不顧社會習俗,意識不到自己所作所為有什么特殊之處。他們總能贏得別人的喜愛與尊敬,因為他們給平淡單一的日常生活增 添了色彩。 理查德.科爾森生前是我們鎮(zhèn)上最有名望的人之一。他是個精明能干、有錢的商人,但鎮(zhèn)上大部分人對他生活中的這一個方面幾乎一無所知。大家都管他叫迪基。早 在他去世前很久,他的古怪行為就成了傳奇故事了。 迪基痛恨勢利小人。盡管他有一輛豪華小轎車,但卻很少使用,常常喜歡以步代車。即使大雨傾盆,他也總是拒絕帶傘。一天,他遇上一場瓢潑大雨,淋得透濕。他 走進一家高級商店,要為妻子買一塊價值300英鎊的手表。但店員見他渾身泥水的樣子,竟不肯接待他。迪基二話沒說就走了。一會兒,他帶著一個大布口袋回到 店里。布袋很沉,他重重地把布袋扔在柜臺上。店員讓迪基走開,他置之不理,并要求見經(jīng)理。經(jīng)理認出了這位顧客,表示了深深的歉意,還嚴厲地訓斥了店員。店 員為迪基拿出了那塊手表,迪基把布口袋遞給他,口袋里面裝著300鎊的便士。他堅持要店員點清那些硬幣后他才離去。這些硬幣加在一起共有30,000枚! 還有一次,他邀請一些著名評論家來參觀他私人收藏的現(xiàn)代畫。這次展覽引起報界廣泛注意,因為這些畫名義上是名家的作品,事實上是迪基自己畫的。他花了4年 時間策劃這出精心設計的鬧劇,只是想證明評論家們有時并不解他們所談論的事情。

■lovable adj. 可愛的
lovable == worthy of love
lovely = beautiful 可愛的
lovable 惹人愛
Eg: What he does is lovable.
I like the lovely boy/girl.
A large number of eccentrics are lovable. 許多怪人惹人喜愛。

L30-05_31-01 end 11’02”

L31-02 begin 11’26”

■eccentric n. (行為)古怪的人
eccentric: a person whose behaviou is peculiar, unusual, rather strange.
eccentric: adj. peculiar, unusual; strange
Eg.: The modern building looks strange to the villages.
eccentric 行為舉止古怪
Eg.: I can’t get on well with him, because he is eccentric.
odd 強調(diào)因為少見而多怪
Eg.: Look, he is wearing an odd hat.
peculiar 奇異的,不同尋常的
The house is peculiar.
I feel peculiar today. ==I feel uncomfortable / ill. == I’m not myself today.
eccentricity n. 怪癖

■disregard v. 不顧,漠視
disregard: ignore; pay no attention to
Disregard noise and keep working
disregard n.
have disregard of / for
He has complete disregard of / for my feelings.
in disregard of
He did the work in disregard of my 包含uctions.
treat sb. with disregard 怠慢某人
Anyway, don’t treat your friends with disregard.

■convention n. 習俗,風俗
convention: generally accepted practice.
Shaking hands when meeting people is normal convention in China.
custom 歷史悠久的社會習俗
It’s a custom of giving presents at Christmas.
He always does exactly what he wants and does not care about convention.
practice 某團體的傳統(tǒng)做法或令他人無法接受的習俗
Eg.: The normal practice in the company is to send bill as soon as the job is done.
Your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat- -the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.(三冊L23)
tradition 傳統(tǒng)
Spending Christmas Day is a tradition for western people.
habit 個人習慣
I have a habit of reading English aloud in the morning.

■conscious adj. 感覺到的,意識到的
conscious ==aware
be conscious of / that
be aware of / that
He is quite unaware of the danger.
He is not conscious of the danger.
class conscious 有階級意識的
family conscious 有家庭觀念的
clothes conscious 注重衣著的
stairs conscious 注重地位的
aware, conscious的反義詞直接加un-
unaware, unconscious
subconscious 下意識的
consciousness n.■invariably adv. 總是,經(jīng)常地
■routine n. 常規(guī);慣例
routine: the regular fixed way of sth. / doing things
follow the routine 墨守常規(guī)
break the routine 打破常規(guī)
start the daily routine 開始每天的日常生活

■shrewd adj. 精明的
shrewed: showing good practical judgement 精明的,狡滑的,敏銳的,機靈的
He is a shrewed observer.
We have got shrewed common sense.
Sb. is shrewed. == He has good judgement.
shrewed brained
shrewed headed 頭腦機靈的
shrewed looking 看起來機靈的

L31-02 end 11’26”

L31-03 begin 11’00”

cunning: clever at deceiving 善于歉騙的
sly 用更隱秘的辦法來達到目的
a sly old fox

■eccentricity n. 怪僻
■legendary adj. 傳奇般的
■snob n. 謅上欺下的人
■intensely adv. 強烈地
intense adj. very strong ; violent; extreme; sharp; etc.
intense cold 嚴寒
intense heat 酷暑
intense discussion 激烈的討論
intensify vt. 使增強
You must intensify your sense of responsibility.你必須加強責任感。
intensity n.
Losing jobs are growing in intensity.

sth are growing in intensity ……(某種程度)在加強
Eg: Losing jobs are growing in intensity.

■bedraggled adj 拖泥帶水的
■dump v. 把……砰的一聲拋下
■reprimand v. 訓斥
reprimand: scold officially and severely
blame 責備(語氣程度很弱)
Eg.: The teacher blamed him for his coming late.
scold 斥責(語氣稍重一點)
Don’t scold me for a trifle.
reproach 斥責(語氣最嚴重)
He often reproached his children.
reprimand: scold officially and severely
The boss reprimanded his employees severely.

■apologetic adj. 道歉的
apologize v.
He apologized to his boss.
The boss apologized to his employees.
He was apologetic. 他致以歉意
apology n. 歉意
make apology to sb. for sth.

■stage v. 暗中策劃
He stage a joke.

■elaborate adj. 精心構思的
elaborate == carefully worked out
an elaborate design 精心的設計
elaborate vt.
He elaborated a system of computer.

deliberately: on purpose
set out to do = set about doing = start doing / to do sth.
draw attention to 吸引對......的注意
capture/attract/hold/catch/arrest/receive/draw attention to 吸引對……的注意力

He made a mistake without being conscious of the fact
invariably = always
Her fine character quickly won her the friendship of her colleagues

win sb sth 為某人贏得……
add colour to 增添色彩
Eccentrics add colour to our dull life.

up to the time of his death: before he died. 完成時
notable: famous
this side of his life 生活的這一面

L31-03 end 11’00”

L31-04 begin 11’10”

Dickie disliked snobs intensely / violently
preferring 現(xiàn)在分詞做伴隨狀況狀語

be caught in a heavy shower 遇到瓢潑大雨
be caught in a heavy snow 遇到大雪
be caught in a heavy storm 遇到風暴

pay no attention to sb = ignore sb = take no notice of sb = turn a deaf ear to sb對……不予理睬
Dickie took no notice of him
dickie turned a deaf ear to him.
refuse to listen to

request 求見(非常正式而有禮貌的用詞,語氣相當強烈,假如你request某件東西的話,通常你有權利得到你想要的。)
I requested the headmaster.
Every student can request assistance of their teachers.’
demand 在語氣上還要強烈,假如你demand某件東西的話,你堅決認為你有權利得到你想要的,且不愿意接受否定的回答。
I demand my rights. 我要求我的權力。
ask 口頭或寫信介到某物
I asked to get the book.
he asked me for help.
realizing or recognizing 在這里現(xiàn)在分詞做原因狀語
most = very much

present sb. with sth. or present sth. to sb. 把......交給

insist on doing / insist that
He insisted that the shop assistant should count the money before he left.

背誦:receive a great deal of attention in the press 引起了報界廣泛注意

simply to prove = only to prove

talk nonsense 胡說八道
talk sense 說正經(jīng)話


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詞匯速記新概念英語詞匯隨身聽速記手冊3 第31-33課







1 Most people in the town would have regarded Dickie’s behaviour as eccentric on the day he visited the shop because _____ .
a. when he set out into the rain he did not take an umbrella
b. he went to such lengths to show his dislike of snobbery
c. he spent so much money on a watch
d. he had not counted the pennies before giving them to the assistant
go to lengths 竭盡全力

2 When Dickie went into an expensive shop _____ .
a. he wanted to shelter from the rain
b. he did not look like a man who could afford a watch
c. he had forgotten to bring his cloth bag with him
d. he had been sent by his wife to buy a watch

3 The press paid a great deal of attention to Dickie’s exhibition because _____ .
a. it had taken him so long to prepare the paintings
b. the critics admired Dickie’s ability to copy the work of famous artists
c. no one had known that Dickie was a painter
d. it became known that Dickie had succeeded in deceiving the critics

4 They disregard social conentions and requite unaware _____ they are doing anything extraordinary. (ll.2-3)
a. that what b. of the fact that c. if d. when
(of the fact可省略)

5 As it _____ , he dumped it on the counter. (ll.14-15)
a. was weighing b. weighed a lot c. weighed much d. had weighed much
much多用于疑問句或否定句中,而肯定句中多用a lot; a great deal
Eg.: He knows a lot about it.
He doesn’t know much about it.
Does he know much about it?

6 _____ £300 worth of pennies in the bag. (ll.17-18)
a. There were b. It was c. They were d. It had

7 He insisted _____ the money before he left.(l.18)
a. that the assistant should count b. the assistant to count
c. to count d. to be counted

8 He asked a number of important critics to come _____ his private… (ll.19-20)
a. and see b. seeing c. see d. so they saw

9 ----and returned carrying a large _____ . (l.14)
a. cloth case b. clothes-basket c. sack of clothing d. bag made of cloth

10 But dickie paid no attention to his _____… (l.15)
a. question b. inquiry c. query d. demand

11 The pictures were supposed to have been _____ by famous artists.(ll.20-21)
a. worked b. made c. done d. designed

12 Critics do not always _____ . (ll.22)
a. mean well b. speak with understanding c. tell the truth d. takl sense
talk nonsence 胡說
【Key to Multiple choice questions】
1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. D

L31-05 5’10” [ Lesson 31 41:04 ]

L31-05_32-01 5’43” [ Lesson 32 36:52 ]



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