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常春藤解析英語 77 Wigs 再見,三千煩惱絲




Wigs 再見,三千煩惱絲

Picture yourself in the 17th century, looking sharp with a bundle of horsehair on your head.

想象自己身處 17 世紀,頭上戴著馬毛假發(fā),一副精神抖擻的模樣。

by Rebecca A. Fratzke

Though we might chuckle when we discover that someone is wearing a wig, they were nothing unusual in years past. Wigs have a long history, which includes their having been worn by both men and women.

In ancient times, wigs were worn by Egyptians for a practical reason: to prevent their shaven heads _(1)_ sunburned. The ladies of the Roman Empire also loved wigs, but strictly for reasons of style. The wig-wearing trend continued until the Middle Ages brought a drastic decline. Wigs later became highly fashionable in the 17th century, and they became _(2)_ elaborate. Some even _(3)_ over 90 cm in height! During this time, because of such high demand, wig-making came to be seen as a prestigious craft. The best wigs were made of cut human hair, but horse or goat hair was used to make cheaper versions. _(4)_ high prices and extreme discomfort, anyone of social standing was expected to wear a wig. An advantage of wearing a wig, though, was that it was more easily rid _(5)_ head lice than one's actual hair.

The use of wigs eventually began to decline, almost dying out completely during the 1920s, _(6)_ short hair was in. Smaller fake-hair accessories have consistently remained popular as a way to increase the appearance of hair volume, but wigs in general have _(7)_ their importance. These days, the most common reasons for wearing a wig usually involve acting, costumes, illness, or aging.

1. (A) to get (B) get (C) from getting(D) getting

2. (A) previously(B) originally(C) essentially (D) increasingly

3. (A) ranged (B) measured (C) weighed (D) contained

4. (A) Despite (B) Even if (C) Since (D) As with

5. (A) out (B) from (C) of (D) with

6. (A) that (B) when (C) which (D) where

7. (A) missed (B) kept (C) gained (D) lost


1. In ancient times, wigs were worn by Egyptians for a practical reason: to prevent their shaven heads from getting sunburned.


a. 本空格測試下列固定用法:

prevent sb/sth from V-ing  防止某人∕某物……

例: Exercising regularly can prevent you from suffering from many ailments.


b. 根據(jù)上述,可知應選 (C) from getting。

2. Wigs later became highly fashionable in the 17th century, and they became increasingly elaborate.


a. (A) previously adv. 事先,先前

(B) originally adv. 起初,原來

(C) essentially adv. 基本上

(D) increasingly adv. 逐漸地

become increasingly + 原級形容詞


例: People are becoming increasingly worried about global warming.


b. 根據(jù)語意,可知應選 (D)。

3. Some even measured over 90 cm in height!


a. (A) range vi.(范圍)涉及

range from A to B  范圍從 A 到 B 都有

例: The weather here ranges from cold to extremely hot.


(B) measure vi. 有……(長、寬、高等)& vt. 測量

例: The road measures 300 km in length.

(這條路量起來有 300 公里長。)

(C) weigh vi. 重達 & vt. 稱……的重量

例: Since I went on a diet, I have been weighing myself every morning.


(D) contain vt. 包含,容納

例: Our herbal teas contain no artificial flavorings.


b. 根據(jù)語意、用法,可知應選 (B)。

4. Despite high prices and extreme discomfort, anyone of social standing was expected to wear a wig.


a. (A) Despite + N/V-ing, S + V  盡管……,……

= In spite of + N/V-ing, S + V

例: Despite their mutual dislike, the two men remained civil in public.


(B) Even if + S + V, S + V  即使……,……

例: Even if Jim apologizes, Sally isn't going to forgive him.


(C) since prep. 自從……,自……之后


since 當介詞時,之后接明確的時間、名詞、動名詞或時間副詞 then,形成副詞詞組,修飾完成式或完成進行式的主要子句。

例: Sandra has been keeping a diary since 1993.

(自 1993 年以來,珊卓拉一直都有寫日記。)

(D) As with..., S + V  和……一樣,……

例: As with most new products, there will be some problems at first.


b. 空格后有名詞 prices(價格)和 discomfort(不舒適),可知空格應置入介詞。(B) Even if 為副詞連接詞,故不可選。(A)、(C) 為介詞,(D) 為介詞詞組,但 (C) Since 必須與完成式或完成進行式并用,而 (D) 置入后語意不合,故 (C) 和 (D) 不可選。

c. 僅 (A) 置入后符合語意、用法,故選之。

5. An advantage..., was that it was more easily rid of head lice than one's actual hair.


a. 本空格測試 rid 的用法:

rid vt. 使擺脫;免除(三態(tài)均為 rid)


rid 作及物動詞時,其后須接表地方的名詞或反身代名詞作受詞,再接 "of + 所要擺脫的對象",此處的 "be rid of..." 則為被動用法;rid 的過去分詞 rid 亦常與 get 并用,形成下列用法:

get rid of...  擺脫∕戒除……

例: We must rid our kitchen of cockroaches.


例: John finally rid himself of that ugly car and bought a new one.


例: You have to get rid of that attitude or all your friends will leave you.


b. 根據(jù)上述,可知應選 (C)。空格前的 it,指的就是 wig(假發(fā)),表『假發(fā)比較容易去除頭虱』。

6. The use of wigs eventually began to decline, almost dying out completely during the 1920s, when short hair was in.


a. 空格前有時間 1920s(1920 年代),可知應置入關系副詞 when,引導形容詞子句加以修飾。

b. 根據(jù)上述,可知應選 (B)。

7. Smaller fake-hair accessories have consistently remained popular as a way to increase the appearance of hair volume, but wigs in general have lost their importance.


a. (A) miss vt. 錯過;想念

(B) keep vt. 保留,持有

(C) gain vt. 得到,獲得

(D) lose vt. 失去

b. 空格內(nèi)置入 lost 后,表『失去』其重要性,符合前后語意,故選 (D)。


1. strictly adv. 嚴格地;嚴厲地

Strictly speaking, S + V  嚴格說來,……

例: Strictly speaking, strawberries are not true berries.


2. decline n. & vi. 下跌;減少

例: His health has recently declined.


3. elaborate a. 精心制作的 & vi. 詳述

elaborate on...  詳述……

例: We asked Jenny to elaborate on her trip to Russia.


4. be made of...  由……制成(產(chǎn)品仍保有材料原來的性質(zhì)或形狀)

be made from...  由……制成(產(chǎn)品不保留材料原來的性質(zhì)或形狀)

例: Two hundred years ago, false teeth were sometimes made of wood.


例: The new car was made entirely from recycled materials.


5. die out  滅絕,絕跡

例: The white tiger has completely died out in this part of the world.


6. consistently adv. 一貫地

例: Mervin shows up on time consistently.


7. in general  一般而言,大體上

= generally speaking

= by and large

= on the whole

= for the most part

例: In general, his school report is not that bad.


8. involve vt. 包含;需要

例: Learning how to play piano involves patience and practice.



1. wig n. 假發(fā)

2. chuckle vi. 低聲輕笑,暗自發(fā)笑

3. practical a. 實際的

4. shaven a. 剃光毛發(fā)的

shave vt. 剃(毛發(fā));刮(胡子)

5. sunburned a. 曬傷的

6. trend n. 時尚;趨勢

7. drastic a. 猛烈的,激烈的

8. fashionable a. 流行的,時髦的

9. prestigious a. 有名望的

10. craft n. 手藝,工藝

11. version n. 版本

12. discomfort n. 不舒服,不適

13. social standing n. 社會地位

14. advantage n. 優(yōu)點

disadvantage n. 缺點

15. lice n. 虱子(復數(shù)形)

louse n. 虱子(單數(shù)形)

16. eventually adv. 最后,終于

17. accessory n. 配件,飾品

18. volume n. 份量;體積,容積

19. costume n. 戲服;服裝


1. in ancient times  在古代

in modern times  在現(xiàn)代

2. be seen as...  被視為……

= be viewed as...

= be regarded as...

= be looked upon as...

= be thought of as...

3. be expected to V  被預計∕預期(做)……

4. be in  流行的



古時候,埃及人戴假發(fā)的原因出于實用性,是為了避免曬傷剃光的頭。羅馬帝國的婦女也愛戴假發(fā),不過嚴格來說,只是為了造型。戴假發(fā)的風潮直到中世紀才急速衰退。之后到 17 世紀假發(fā)開始大為流行,而且愈趨精致。有些假發(fā)甚至長達 90 公分。這段期間因為假發(fā)的需求量高,制作假發(fā)被視為一種受人尊敬的手藝。最高檔的假發(fā)是由剪下來的真發(fā)制成,但馬毛或是山羊毛也被用來制作成較便宜的假發(fā)。盡管假發(fā)價位高、戴起來又不舒適,一般還是會期望擁有社會地位的人士戴假發(fā)。不過戴假發(fā)的一個好處就是,比起真發(fā),假發(fā)比較容易除去頭虱。

假發(fā)的使用最后開始式微,1920 年代短發(fā)蔚為風尚時,假發(fā)幾乎消失殆盡。小的假發(fā)配件因為能夠使發(fā)量看起來較多而依舊受歡迎,但大體說來,假發(fā)已經(jīng)不再受重視?,F(xiàn)在通常因為演戲、戲服需要或是因疾病和年老掉發(fā)才會配戴假發(fā)。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (D)


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