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[00:12.24]all right,just a few more feet. And... 非常好 再前進(jìn)幾步...

[00:15.44]here we are,gentlemen,the gates of elzebob. 準(zhǔn)備好 先生們 Elzebob大門(mén)到了

[00:18.16]Good lord. 上帝啊

[00:21.32]Don't panic. This is what the last 97 hours have been about. 別慌 堅(jiān)持97小時(shí)的戰(zhàn)斗就為了這一刻

[00:22.88]Stay frosty. There's a horde of armed goblins 待著別動(dòng) 一群裝備武器的地精

[00:26.28]on the other side of that gate guarding the sword of asaroth. 正在門(mén)的另一邊 守衛(wèi)著艾辛諾斯之刃

[00:30.52]Warriors,unsheathe your weapons. Magic wielders,raise your wands. 戰(zhàn)士們 拔出你們的武器 法師們 舉起你們的魔杖

[00:32.16]Lock and load. 準(zhǔn)備好了

[00:33.76]Raj,blow the gates. Raj 推開(kāi)大門(mén)

[00:35.48]Blowing the gates. 推開(kāi)大門(mén)

[00:39.80]Control,shift... Control Shift...

[00:42.80]b! B!

[00:45.64]oh,my god,so many goblins! 天啊 那么多地精!

[00:46.48]Don't just stand there,slash and move,slash and move! 別傻站在那里 向前開(kāi)路! 向前開(kāi)路!

[00:49.52]Stay in formation! 保持陣形!

[00:51.12]Leonard,you got one on your tail. Leonard 有個(gè)敵人在你背后

[00:53.76]That's all right,my tail's prehensile- - I'll swat him off. 沒(méi)事 我腦后長(zhǎng)眼著呢 我會(huì)干掉他的

[00:54.32]I got him,leonard. 我打中他了 Leonard

[00:56.72]Tonight I spice my mead with goblin blood. 今晚我要用那地精的血來(lái)祭酒

[00:59.80]Raj,no,it's a trap! They're flanking us! Raj 不要 這是個(gè)陷阱! 他們?cè)趭A擊我們!

[01:03.68]He's got me! 我被打中了!

[01:03.60]Sheldon,he's got raj. Use your sleep spell! Sheldon 他打中Raj了 快用你的催眠咒!

[01:06.40]Sheldon... sheldon? Sheldon Sheldon?

[01:09.92]I've got the sword of asaroth! 我拿到了艾辛諾斯之刃!

[01:11.40]Forget the sword,sheldon,help raj! 別管劍了 Sheldon 快救Raj!

[01:14.88]There is no more sheldon. 我不再是Sheldon了

[01:15.40]I am the sword master! 我是劍圣!

[01:18.28]Leonard,look out! Leonard 當(dāng)心!

[01:20.12]Damn it,man,we're dying here! 該死 我們快不行了!

[01:19.76]Good - bye,peasants! 再見(jiàn)了 土人們!

[01:24.52]the bastard teleported! 那混蛋走了!

[01:25.48]He's selling the sword of asaroth on ebay. 他在ebay上出售那把艾辛諾斯之刃

[01:29.28]You betrayed us for money? Who are you? 你為了錢(qián)背叛我們? 你怎么這樣?

[01:33.04]I'm a rogue night elf. Don't you people read character descriptions? 我是暗夜精靈盜賊 你們沒(méi)有讀過(guò)角色介紹嗎?

[01:37.60]Wait,wait,wait! Somebody just clicked "buy it now. 等等! 有人點(diǎn)擊了"立即購(gòu)買(mǎi)"

[01:38.76]" I am the sword master! 我是劍圣!

[01:45.76]Our whole universe was in a hot,dense state * 宇宙是個(gè)大火爐 *

[01:47.64]then nearly 14 billion years * 140億年前大爆炸 哦稍等 *

[01:50.64]go expansion started... wait!

[01:51.72]The earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool, * 地球開(kāi)始冷卻 生物開(kāi)始繁衍 *

[01:55.96]neanderthals developed tools * 尼安得特爾人發(fā)明工具*

[01:55.68]we built the wall * 我們建造墻瓦 *

[01:56.44]we built the pyramids * 我們創(chuàng)造金字塔 數(shù)學(xué) 科學(xué) 歷史 *

[01:57.40]math, science,history, unraveling the mystery * 揭露奧秘 *

[01:59.32]that all started with a big bang bang! * 就從宇宙大爆炸開(kāi)始! *


[02:04.00] 天才理論傳 第一季 第3集

[02:06.92]Ooh,I'm all sweaty. Anybody want to log on to second life and go swimming? 哦 我身上都是汗 誰(shuí)想再進(jìn)入<第二人生>游個(gè)泳?

[02:10.08]I just built a virtual pool. 我剛建了個(gè)虛擬游泳池

[02:14.32]No. I can't look at you or your avatar right now. 不 我現(xiàn)在不想看見(jiàn)你或是你的獸身

[02:22.80]sounds like your neighbor's home. 好像是隔壁的聲音

[02:24.80]Excuse me. 失陪

[02:25.32]Don't forget the mail you took accidentally on purpose 別忘了帶上你"無(wú)意"拿到的信件

[02:27.56]so you'd have an excuse to talk to her. 這樣你就有借口跟她說(shuō)話了

[02:30.32]Oh,right,right,right,right. 噢 對(duì) 對(duì)

[02:31.100]Stealing snail mail- - 偷竊信箱郵件 很老套的方法 我喜歡

[02:36.92]Penny,the mailman,did it again... he... oh,sorry. Penny 郵差又... 哦 抱歉

[02:40.32]Um,oh,hi,leonard. This is doug. 嗨 Leonard 這是Doug

[02:43.92]Doug,this is my neighbor leonard. Doug 這是我鄰居Leonard

[02:43.64]What's up,bro? 有事嗎 老兄?

[02:48.12]Not much... 沒(méi)什么...

[02:52.68]bro. 老兄

[02:52.24]Is everything okay? 一切還好吧?

[02:54.72]Yeah,no,I just... I got your mail again. Here. 是啊 我只是... 我又錯(cuò)拿了你的信 給你

[02:57.20]Thank you. I've got to talk to that mailman. 謝謝 我得和郵差說(shuō)說(shuō)了

[02:60.00]Oh,no,that's probably not such a good idea. 不 這主意不怎么好

[03:04.24]You know,civil servants have a documented propensity to,you know,snap,so... 人民公仆總是非常容易...動(dòng)粗

[03:09.32]okay. Well,thank you again. 好吧 還是謝謝你

[03:11.64]No problem. Bye. 沒(méi)問(wèn)題 再見(jiàn)

[03:12.68]Oh,and bye... bro. 哦 再見(jiàn)...老兄

[03:23.72]Penny for your thoughts. 呆呆地在想什么呢? (此諺語(yǔ)中正好有Penny一詞)

[03:28.84]What's the matter? 怎么回事?

[03:27.96]I'm fine. Penny's fine. 我很好 Penny也很好

[03:32.44]The guy she's kissing is really fine. 和她接吻的家伙也很好

[03:35.88]Kissing,what kind of kissing? Cheeks? 接吻 哪一種? 臉頰? 嘴唇? 情人? 朋友?

[03:38.00]What is wrong with you? 你什么毛病啊?

[03:43.64]I'm a romantic. 我是個(gè)浪漫主義者

[03:46.28]Please don't tell me that your hopeless infatuation is devolving into pointless jealousy. 別告訴我你不可救藥的迷戀 發(fā)展成了無(wú)意義的嫉妒

[03:51.04]I'm not jealous. I'm just a little concerned for her. 我不是嫉妒 只是有點(diǎn)擔(dān)心她

[03:54.52]I didn't like the look of the guy that she was with. 我不怎么喜歡那家伙的長(zhǎng)相

[03:56.68]Because he looks better than you? 因?yàn)樗L(zhǎng)得比你帥氣?

[03:57.08]Yeah. 是啊

[03:60.48]He was kind of dreamy. 可以說(shuō)是夢(mèng)幻般的外形

[04:04.40]Well,at least now you can retrieve the black box from the twisted, 只是你現(xiàn)在還能從燃燒的廢墟里

[04:07.08]olsmdering wreckage that was once your fantasy of dating her 找回裝滿(mǎn)對(duì)她美妙幻想的黑匣子

[04:08.60]and analyze the data so that you don't crash into geek mountain. 好好分析下數(shù)據(jù) 你就不會(huì)再墜入"呆子谷"

[04:15.64]I di. Greesa love is not a sprint,it's a marathon- - 我反對(duì) 愛(ài)情不是短跑 而是馬拉松

[04:17.36]a relentless pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms... 永不放棄地追逐 直到她最終投入你的懷抱

[04:22.40]or hits you with the pepper spray. 或是用防狼噴霧劑噴你

[04:28.68]No,I'm done with penny. 不 我和Penny結(jié)束了

[04:29.16]I'm going to be more realistic and go after someone my own speed. 我要更現(xiàn)實(shí)些 去追求合我拍的人

[04:32.40]Like who? 比如誰(shuí)?

[04:34.20]I don't know... olivia geiger. 不知道... Olivia Geiger

[04:34.60]The dietician at the cafeteria with the limp and the lazy eye? 自助餐廳里那個(gè)有點(diǎn)跛 還有弱視的營(yíng)養(yǎng)學(xué)家?

[04:41.28]Yeah. 是的

[04:42.08]Oh,I don't think you have a shot there. 哦 我看你沒(méi)戲

[04:45.48]I have noticed that leslie winkle recently started shaving her legs. 我注意到Leslie Winkle 最近在刮她的腿毛

[04:49.76]Now given that winter is coming, 既然冬天都已經(jīng)到了

[04:50.48]one can only assume she's signaling sexual availability. 只能說(shuō)明她是在暗示 她可以作為做愛(ài)對(duì)象

[04:53.12]I don't know. You guys work in the same lab. 我不清楚 你們?cè)谕粋€(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)室

[04:55.72]So? 所以呢?

[04:56.56]There are pitfalls. Trust me,I know. 這有隱患 相信我 我清楚

[04:60.04]When it comes to sexual harassment law,I'm a bit of a self taught expert. 說(shuō)到性騷擾的相關(guān)法律 我可是自學(xué)而成的專(zhuān)家

[05:07.64]Look,howard,if I were to ask leslie winkle out,it would just be for dinner. Howard 如果我要約Leslie Winkle出去 也只是吃頓飯

[05:11.84]I'm not going to walk into the lab,ask her to strip naked and dance for me. 我不會(huì)去實(shí)驗(yàn)室 要她為我跳脫衣舞

[05:16.52]Oh,then you're probably okay. 哦 那你就沒(méi)事了

[05:22.48]Hello,leslie. 嗨 Leslie

[05:23.80]Hi,leonard. 嗨 Leonard

[05:22.36]Leslie,I would like to propose an experiment... Leslie 我建議做個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)...

[05:25.04]- goggles,leonard. - Right. - 戴上眼鏡 Leonard - 好吧

[05:29.52]Leslie,I would like p toropose an experiment. Leslie 我建議做個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)

[05:30.72]Hang on. 等一下

[05:32.52]I'm trying to see how long it takes a 500 - kilowatt oxygen iodine laser 我想試試一個(gè)500千瓦氧碘激光器

[05:35.72]to heat up my cup a' noodles. 得花多久把我的杯裝泡面加熱

[05:39.16]I've done it. About two seconds. 2. 6 for minestrone. 我試過(guò) 大概2秒 蔬菜湯花2.6秒

[05:47.72]anyway,I was thinking more of a bio- social exploration with a neuro- chemical overlay. 總之 我在考慮來(lái)個(gè)生物學(xué)的社交探索 結(jié)合神經(jīng)化學(xué)方面的專(zhuān)家知識(shí)

[05:54.28]Wait,are you asking me out? 等等 你約我出去?

[05:58.96]I was going to characterize it as the modification of our colleague- slash- friendship paradigm 我認(rèn)為是改變我們 同事/友誼關(guān)系的范例

[06:03.08]with the addition of a date like component, 外加個(gè)約會(huì)作為補(bǔ)充成分

[06:04.64]but we don't need to quibble over terminology. 但我們不需要一直說(shuō)術(shù)語(yǔ)

[06:09.32]What sort of experiment would you propose? 你計(jì)劃做怎樣的實(shí)驗(yàn)?

[06:10.48]There's a generally accepted pattern in this area. 這個(gè)領(lǐng)域有種普遍接受的模式

[06:13.60]I would pick you up,take you to a restaurant. 我去接你 帶你去餐廳

[06:17.12]Then we would see a movie, 接著我們可以看場(chǎng)電影

[06:18.04]probably a romantic comedy featuring the talents of hugh grant or sandra bullock. 也許一部休·格蘭特或桑德拉·布洛克 天才演繹的浪漫輕喜劇

[06:24.40]Interesting. 有意思

[06:25.68]And would you agree that the primary way we would evaluate 你是否同意 我們?cè)u(píng)價(jià)約會(huì)成敗的依據(jù)

[06:28.00]either the success or failure of the date would be based 是基于離別之吻時(shí)的化學(xué)反應(yīng)?

[06:28.56]on the biochemical reaction during the good night kiss?

[06:32.72]Heart rate,pheromones,etc. Yes. 心跳率 生化信息素等等 的確

[06:35.60]Why don't we just stipulate that the date goes well and move to the key variable? 我們干嘛不假定約會(huì)很順利 直接進(jìn)行關(guān)鍵的有變數(shù)的部分?

[06:39.76]You mean kiss you now? 你意思是現(xiàn)在就吻你?

[06:41.00]Yes. 是的

[06:41.88]Can you define the parameters of the kiss? 你怎么定義吻的參數(shù)嗎?

[06:42.72]Close - mouthed but romantic. Mint? 嘴唇的親密度還有浪漫度 要薄荷嗎?

[06:44.12]Thank you. 謝謝

[06:54.84]shall I count down from three? 我數(shù)三下?

[06:53.20]No,I think it needs to be spontaneous. 不 我覺(jué)得應(yīng)該自然點(diǎn)

[07:05.32]What do you think? 感覺(jué)怎么樣?

[07:06.16]You proposed the experiment. I think you should present your findings first. 你提出的實(shí)驗(yàn)方案 該由你先說(shuō)說(shuō)實(shí)驗(yàn)的發(fā)現(xiàn)

[07:10.12]Fair enough. 很公平

[07:10.88]On the plus side,it was a good kiss. 從正面講 這個(gè)吻很不錯(cuò)

[07:14.40]Reasonable technique,no extraneous spittle. 合理的技術(shù) 沒(méi)有多余的唾沫

[07:18.72]On the other hand,no arousal. 另一方面講 沒(méi)什么感覺(jué)

[07:19.52]- None? - None. - 沒(méi)感覺(jué)? - 沒(méi)有

[07:25.48]Well,thank you for your time. 呃 很感謝你抽出時(shí)間

[07:28.56]Thanyok U. 謝謝你

[07:33.32]None at all? 一點(diǎn)感覺(jué)都沒(méi)?

[07:38.64]Sheldon,if you were a robot,and I knew and you didn'T... ... Sheldon 如果你是機(jī)器人 我知道但你自己不知道...

[07:48.12]would you want me to tell you? 你希望我告訴你嗎?

[07:49.64]That depends. 看情況

[07:53.76]When I learn that I'm a robot... 當(dāng)我得知我是機(jī)器人...

[07:55.88]will I be able to handle it? 我有能力承受嗎?

[07:60.72]Maybe- - although the history of science fiction is not on your side. 也許吧 雖然歷來(lái)的科幻小說(shuō) 都不能茍同這點(diǎn)

[08:04.00]Okay,uh,let me ask you this- - 好吧 我來(lái)問(wèn)你

[08:07.00]when I learn that I'm a robot, 當(dāng)我得知我是機(jī)器人

[08:09.92]would I be bound by asimov's three laws of robotics? 我要受限于阿西莫夫的"機(jī)器人三定律"嗎?

[08:12.24]You might be bound by them right now. 你可能現(xiàn)在就受限哦

[08:20.96]That's true. 就是啊

[08:19.56]Have you ever harmed a human being 你傷害過(guò)人類(lèi)嗎?

[08:21.76]or through inaction allowed a human being to come to harm? 或任人受傷而袖手旁觀?

[08:24.80]Of course not. 當(dāng)然沒(méi)有

[08:24.88]Have you ever harmed yourself or allowed yourself to be harmed except in cases 除非在他人危險(xiǎn)的情況下 你會(huì)傷害自己

[08:26.80]where a human being would have been endangered? 或容忍自己被傷害嗎?

[08:31.48]Well,no. 呃 沒(méi)有

[08:32.48]I smell robot. 我聞到機(jī)器人的味道了 (以上問(wèn)題均出自"機(jī)器人三定律")

[08:35.96]Hey,what's going on? 嘿 過(guò)得怎么樣?

[08:37.56]Internet's been down for half an hour. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)癱瘓半個(gè)小時(shí)了

[08:43.76]Also,sheldon may be a robot. 還有 Sheldon可能是機(jī)器人

[08:45.12]So how'd it go with leslie? 和Leslie怎么樣啦?

[08:50.40]Oh,we tried kissing,but the earth didn't move. 哦 我們?cè)囍游?但地球沒(méi)轉(zhuǎn)

[08:53.24]I mean,any more than the 383 miles that it was going to move anyway. 我是說(shuō) 比地球原來(lái)轉(zhuǎn)的383英里要更多

[08:60.00]Oh,I've seen that look before. 哦 我以前看過(guò)他這表情

[09:02.08]This is just going to be two weeks of moping 未來(lái)兩周 他將不停地拖地

[09:04.96]and tedious emo songs 哼唱乏味的情感核歌曲

[09:05.44]and calling me to come down to pet stores to look at cats. 要我下去寵物商店看貓

[09:11.96]I don't know if I can take it. 我不知道撐不撐得住

[09:13.08]You could power down. 你可以關(guān)掉自己的電源

[09:18.00]Well,as usual,wolowitz has the solution. 一如既往 Wolowitz會(huì)有解決辦法的

[09:23.52]I happen to know a place where there are plenty of eligible women 我碰巧知道個(gè)好地方 有很多符合條件的女士

[09:25.32]and leonard could have his pick. Leonard可以任意選

[09:36.12]remember the latin hips. 記住拉丁舞的技巧

[09:38.44]Shoulders stay still,and... we sway. 肩膀挺直 然后搖擺

[09:47.04]One,two,three... ... 一 二 三...

[09:50.08]five,six,seven. 五 六 七

[09:52.08]I think mrs. Tishman's got her eye on you. Tishman女士一直盯著你呢

[09:56.88]I've been there. You're in for a treat. 我有過(guò)經(jīng)驗(yàn) 你會(huì)喜歡的

[10:04.68]She said,"you don't know me" "她說(shuō) 你不了解我"

[10:08.44]doyou "n't even care" "你甚至不在乎"

[10:14.40]oh,yeah... "哦 耶"

[10:15.96]oh,good lord. 哦 上帝

[10:17.76]She said,"you don't know me" "她說(shuō) 你不了解我"

[10:19.24]"you don't wear my chains" "你不戴我送你的項(xiàng)鏈"

[10:25.00]oh,yeah. God,that's a good song. "哦 耶" 天啊 這歌真棒

[10:31.84]If you're compiling a mix cd for a double suicide. 當(dāng)然 如果這是你為雙重自殺混合錄制的CD

[10:35.28]Oh,I hope that scratching post is for you. 我希望那"貓抓柱"是你自己用的

[10:38.24]I know what you're thinking. I've taken your asthma into account. 我知道你在想什么 你的哮喘病我有考慮在內(nèi)

[10:41.52]There's a feline geneticist in san diego 圣地亞哥有個(gè)研究貓科的遺傳學(xué)家

[10:44.28]who's developed the cutest little hypoallergenic calicos. 培育了一種超可愛(ài)的低變應(yīng)原小貓

[10:47.60]Leonard,listen to me... Leonard 聽(tīng)我說(shuō)...

[10:48.56]I've been thinking about names. 我在想給它起什么名字

[10:47.12]I'm kind of torn between einstein,newton and sergeant fuzzy boots. 在愛(ài)因斯坦 牛頓和毛靴中士之間猶豫

[10:52.44]Leonard,do you really think you can satisfy your need Leonard 你真認(rèn)為養(yǎng)一只轉(zhuǎn)基因貓

[10:54.20]for a relationshh witip a genetically altered cat? 可以滿(mǎn)足你的感情需要嗎?

[10:58.84]Maybe. 也許

[10:60.64]If it's a cute,little,cuddly cat. 一只讓人愛(ài)不釋手的可愛(ài)小貓

[11:02.04]Oh,come on. Leonard... 得了吧 Leonard...

[11:07.84]this is obviously about penny. 這都是因?yàn)镻enny吧

[11:10.28]It doesn't matter. 沒(méi)所謂

[11:12.60]The woman's not interested in me. The woman rejected me. 她對(duì)我不感興趣 拒絕了我

[11:15.20]Okay,look,I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with penny 聽(tīng)著 我認(rèn)為你能跟Penny做愛(ài)的幾率

[11:21.92]as the hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man 跟哈勃太空望遠(yuǎn)鏡發(fā)現(xiàn)在每個(gè)黑洞中央

[11:26.56]with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker. 都有個(gè)小人在用閃光燈 尋找斷路器的幾率一樣大

[11:33.32]Nevertheless, 盡管如此

[11:35.16]I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you. 我還是有責(zé)任向你指出 她并沒(méi)有拒絕你

[11:39.72]You did not ask her out. 你從沒(méi)邀請(qǐng)她去約會(huì)

[11:43.88]You're right. 你說(shuō)的對(duì)

[11:44.40]I didn't ask her out. I should ask her out. 我沒(méi)請(qǐng)她約會(huì)過(guò) 我該去請(qǐng)她約會(huì)

[11:46.48]No,no,now that was not my point. 不不不 重點(diǎn)不是這個(gè)

[11:49.16]My point was don't buy a cat. 重點(diǎn)是 不要養(yǎng)貓

[11:51.92]No,but you're right. 不 你是對(duì)的

[11:54.04]I should march over there and ask her out. 我該過(guò)去請(qǐng)她約會(huì)

[11:56.68]Oh,goody,we're getting a cat. 天 我們要養(yǎng)貓了

[12:01.48]Uh... no. 啊...不

[12:06.96]Oh,hey,leonard. 你好 Leonard

[12:07.60]Good afternoon,penny. So,hi... hey. 下午好 Penny 嗨 你好

[12:11.92]Uh... 呃...

[12:12.32]I was wondering if you had plans for dinner. 你約了人吃飯嗎?

[12:14.24]Uh,you mean dinner tonight? 今晚的飯?

[12:19.80]There is an inherent ambiguity in the word "dinner. "飯"這個(gè)詞本身就意思含糊

[12:20.28]" Technically it refers to the largest meal of the day whenever it's consumed. 嚴(yán)格說(shuō)來(lái)它所指的是一日的主餐 可以是午餐或晚餐

[12:25.32]So to clarify here,by dinner I mean supper. 為了說(shuō)清楚 我指的是晚飯

[12:26.68]- Supper? - Or dinner. - 晚飯? - 就是吃飯啦

[12:30.80]I was thinking 6:30 if you can go. Or a different time. 如果你有空 6點(diǎn)半行嗎? 或者其他你方便的時(shí)間

[12:32.48]Uh,6:30's great. 6點(diǎn)半可以啊

[12:35.88]Really? 真的?

[12:36.80]Great. 太好了

[12:39.92]Yeah,I like hanging out with you guys. 我喜歡跟你們一起玩

[12:40.60]Us guys? 我們?

[12:41.96]Yeah,you know,sheldon,howard,raj. Who all's coming? 對(duì) Sheldon Howard Raj 他們都一起吧?

[12:46.12]They... might all be there. 他們...可能都會(huì)去吧

[12:50.56]Or a subset of them might be there. 或者他們中的有些人可能去

[12:54.76]Algebraically speaking,there are too many unknowns. 從代數(shù)角度看 太多未知數(shù)了

[12:56.24]For example,sheldon had quiznos for lunch. 比如 Sheldon中午吃了Quizno三明治

[12:59.20]Sometimes he finds that filling,other times he doesn'T. 有時(shí)他覺(jué)得吃那個(gè)飽 有時(shí)候不覺(jué)得

[12:60.04]It's no fault of quiznos- - they have a varied menu. 這不是店家的錯(cuò) 他們的菜單很豐盛

[13:05.48]Okay,whatever. It sounds like fun. 好吧 無(wú)所謂啦 聽(tīng)起來(lái)挺有意思的

[13:09.48]Great. Did we say a time? 很好 我們約時(shí)間了嗎?

[13:10.28]6:30. 6點(diǎn)半

[13:10.72]- And that's still good for you? - It's fine. - 你確定那時(shí)有空? - 對(duì)

[13:14.92]- 'Cause it's not carved in stone. - No,6:30's great. - 不是刻在石板上非得那時(shí)去哦 - 6點(diǎn)半正好

[13:16.76]I'll get my chisel. 我去拿鑿子

[13:20.08]Why? 為什么?

[13:22.28]To... carve the... I'll see you at 6:30. 去刻在石...6點(diǎn)半見(jiàn)

[13:36.28]How do I look? 我看起來(lái)如何?

[13:43.40]Could you be more specific? 你能說(shuō)具體一點(diǎn)嗎?

[13:48.68]Can you tell I'm perspiring a little? 能看出來(lái)我在冒汗嗎?

[13:49.44]No. 不能

[13:50.72]The dark crescent shaped patterns under your arms conceal it nicely. 你腋下深色的新月?tīng)顖D案 將其隱藏的很好

[13:58.08]What time is your date? 你幾點(diǎn)約會(huì)?

[13:59.44]6:30. 6點(diǎn)半

[13:60.36]Perfect. That gives you two hours and 15 minutes for 太好了 那你還有2小時(shí)15分

[14:02.68]that dense molecular cloud of aramis to dissipate. 讓那片稠密的人造纖維分子云消散

[14:06.20]Is it too much? 汗很多嗎?

[14:07.72]Not if you're a rugby team. 如果你是橄欖球隊(duì)員就不算多

[14:10.92]By the way,if it should ever come up,you didn't join us 如果以后提到今晚的事 你沒(méi)來(lái)參加的原因是

[14:13.92]because you stuffed yourself with a chicken carbonara sub at quiznos. 你在Quiznos吃雞肉三明治吃撐了

[14:16.44]Why would I join you? 我為什么要去參加?

[14:18.96]No reason. 不為什么

[14:22.52]Oh,you know what,maybe this isn't such a good idea. 你知道嗎 也許這樣做不好

[14:26.68]Oh,no,well,now there's always the possibility that alcohol and poor judgment 不 酒精加上她一時(shí)糊涂

[14:29.44]on her part might lead to a nice romantic evening. 總有可能讓今晚成為浪漫之夜

[14:35.28]You're right. Alcohol,poor judgment- - it could go well. 你說(shuō)的對(duì) 酒 糊涂 今晚有可能會(huì)順利的

[14:37.60]Of course there is the other possibility, 當(dāng)然還有另一種可能性

[14:38.00]that this date kicks off a rather unpleasant six months 之后的6個(gè)月都會(huì)很難捱

[14:42.92]of the two of you passing awkwardly in the hall, 倆人在走廊里尷尬的擦身而過(guò)

[14:43.92]until one of you breaks down and moves to another zip code. 直到其中一人崩潰并搬到別的州去

[14:48.32]You could've stopped at "it could go well. 你說(shuō)到"可能會(huì)順利"就可以閉嘴了

[14:50.64]" If I could've,I would've. "如果我能 我會(huì)的"

[14:53.72]I mean,I'm a perfectly nice guy. 我是絕種好男人

[14:57.36]There's no reason we couldn't go to the restaurant,and have a lovely dinner, 沒(méi)理由我們不能 在餐廳吃好頓晚餐

[14:58.40]maybe take a walk afterwards,talk about things we have in common. 飯后散散步 聊些共同話題

[15:04.44]You love pottery? I love pottery! "你喜歡陶藝? 我超愛(ài)陶藝的!"

[15:06.96]There's a pause,we both know what's happening. 然后暫停一下 我們都知道接下來(lái)要發(fā)生什么

[15:09.04]I lean in,we kiss. 我傾身向前 我倆接吻

[15:10.24]It's a little tentative at first,but then I realize she's kissing me back. 開(kāi)始時(shí)還有點(diǎn)猶豫 然后她開(kāi)始回吻我

[15:13.00]She's biting my lower lip! She wants me! 她在咬我的下唇! 她想要我!

[15:16.12]This thing is going the distance! We're going to have sex! 這事能成!我們會(huì)做愛(ài)!

[15:18.36]Oh,god,oh,my god! 天 上帝啊!

[15:22.56]Is the sex starting now? 現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始做愛(ài)了?

[15:27.28]I'm having a panic attack. 我恐慌癥發(fā)作了

[15:26.32]Oh,okay. Uh,well then... calm down. 好吧 冷靜點(diǎn)

[15:31.96]If I could calm down,I wobe having a panic att... that's why they call it a panic attack. 如果我能冷靜 就不會(huì)恐慌了! 不然這怎么叫做恐慌癥發(fā)作!

[15:34.40]All right,all right. Uh,s- s- sit down. 好好 你坐下

[15:36.28]Yeah,sit down. Now close your eyes. 坐下 閉上眼

[15:38.92]- Why? - Just do it. - 為什么? - 照做吧!

[15:40.56]Okay. 好

[15:40.40]Now try to increase your alpha wave activity. 試著增加你α波的活性 (α波是腦電圖中最著名的一種波 在正常成年人閉眼放松時(shí)產(chǎn)生)

[15:44.56]What? ! 什么? !

[15:45.08]It's a biofeedback technique. 這是機(jī)能反饋療法

[15:47.76]It's relaxation through brain wave manipulation. 通過(guò)控制腦電波來(lái)放松

[15:49.12]I read a paper about it in journal of american neuroscience. 我在美國(guó)神經(jīng)科學(xué)月刊上 看到一篇關(guān)于它的論文

[15:51.32]It was a little sparsely sourced,but I think the basic science is valid. 它的理論來(lái)源不完備 但是我認(rèn)為基本原理正確

[15:56.56]I probably have it here somewher E. 我可能把它放在這了

[15:58.36]Who am I kidding? I can't go through with this. 我沒(méi)法赴這個(gè)約會(huì)

[15:59.44]You need to call her and cancel. 你給她打電話取消吧

[16:02.76]- Me? - Yes. - 我? - 對(duì)

[16:04.24]- What should I tell her? - I don't know. - 我要跟她說(shuō)什么? - 我不知道

[16:03.28]- Tell her I'm sick. - Okay. - 跟她說(shuō)我病了 - 好

[16:07.24]Not the kind of illness that will make her want to come over and take care of me, 別說(shuō)那種會(huì)讓她想來(lái)照顧我的病

[16:08.92]but nothing so critical that she'll feel uncomfortable going out with me in the future 也不要嚴(yán)重得讓她 以后不愿跟我約會(huì)的病

[16:11.28]if I want to try this again. 如果我以后還想嘗試的話

[16:12.60]Got it. 了解

[16:14.20]So I'm assuming nothing venereal? 那不能說(shuō)花柳病啦?

[16:20.84]I'll just tell her that you had a routine conoloscopy and haven't quite bounced back. 就跟她說(shuō)你做了例行腸鏡檢查 還沒(méi)恢復(fù)吧

[16:25.24]Give me the phone. 給我電話

[16:26.28]I thought you wanted to cancel. 你不是想取消約會(huì)嗎?

[16:28.44]I can't,because if I don't show up she'll still be expecting you. 不行 如果我不出現(xiàn) 她還是會(huì)認(rèn)為你會(huì)去的

[16:30.52]Why would she be expecting me? 為什么她認(rèn)為我會(huì)去?

[16:35.96]Stop asking me all these questions. I need to take another shower. 別問(wèn)了 我要再去洗個(gè)澡

[16:41.08]So are the rest of the guys meeting us here? 其他的人直接來(lái)這找我們?

[16:42.12]Oh,yeah... no. 對(duì)...不對(duì)

[16:45.00]It turns out that raj and howard had to work,and sheldon... Raj跟Howard要工作 Sheldon...

[16:51.16]had a colonoscopy and he hasn't quite bounced back yet. 做了腸鏡 還沒(méi)恢復(fù)過(guò)來(lái)

[16:54.32]Oh,my uncle just had a colonoscopy. 我叔叔也做了腸鏡

[16:56.60]You're kidding. Then that's something we have in common. 這就是我們倆的共同之處了

[17:02.92]How? 怎么說(shuō)?

[17:03.68]We both have people in our lives who... 我們都認(rèn)識(shí)...

[17:06.80]want to nip intestinal polyps in the bud. 想將腸道息肉扼殺于搖籃當(dāng)中的人

[17:17.84]so what's new in the world of physics? 物理界有啥新聞不?

[17:18.76]Nothing. 沒(méi)有

[17:22.96]Really? Nothing? 真的? 一點(diǎn)都沒(méi)有?

[17:23.16]Well,with the exception of string theory, not much has happened since the 1930s. 除了弦理論 自1930年后就沒(méi)什么發(fā)現(xiàn)了

[17:30.88]And you can't prove string theory. 而弦理論也尚未證明

[17:32.56]At best you can say,"hey,look, 最多就能說(shuō)

[17:33.64]my idea has an internal logical consistency. "嘿 我的理論內(nèi)部邏輯很連貫"

[17:37.68]" Ah. 啊

[17:40.44]Well,I'm sure things will pick up. 我相信情況會(huì)好轉(zhuǎn)的

[17:45.20]What's new at the cheesecake factory? 芝士蛋糕工廠那邊有什么新消息?

[17:48.04]Oh,uh,not much. 沒(méi)有什么

[17:49.20]We do have a chocolate key lime that's moving pretty well. 有個(gè)巧克力檸檬派賣(mài)得很好

[17:55.60]Good. Good. 很好

[18:02.88]What about your,uh... 那你那個(gè)...

[18:04.08]hallway friend? 過(guò)道上的朋友怎樣?

[18:05.36]Doug? Oh,yeah,I don't know. Doug? 我不知道

[18:09.52]I mean,you know,he's nice and funny,but... 他人挺好也很風(fēng)趣 但是...

[18:09.00]can I get you started with some drinks? 準(zhǔn)備開(kāi)始點(diǎn)飲品了嗎?

[18:10.04]No! 不!

[18:14.12]- You were saying? But... - I'd like a drink. - 你剛剛說(shuō)到? 但是... - 我想喝點(diǎn)東西

[18:16.00]Just say the "but" thing about doug and then I'll get her back. 先說(shuō)完關(guān)于Doug的"但是" 我會(huì)把她叫回來(lái)

[18:20.24]Okay,well,I don't know,it's just me. 我不知道 是我的問(wèn)題

[18:23.52]I'm still getting over this breakup with kurt 我還沒(méi)從跟Kurt的分手中完全恢復(fù)

[18:24.28]and this thing with doug would stju be rebound sex. 跟Doug在一起是為了復(fù)健性愛(ài)

[18:28.16]Oh,don't get me started on rebound sex. 噢 提起復(fù)健性愛(ài)啊...

[18:34.56]It's just... it's my pattern. 我總是這樣

[18:35.08]I break up,then I find some cute guy, 分手后找個(gè)帥哥

[18:38.68]and then it's just 36 meaningless hours of... 然后就是36小時(shí)毫無(wú)意義的...

[18:42.40]you know. 你知道

[18:43.04]I'm not sure that I do. 我不確定我知道

[18:48.84]is that one 36-hour experience, 是連續(xù)36個(gè)小時(shí)

[18:49.84]or is that 36 hours spread out over,say... 還是一個(gè)輝煌夏季中...

[18:54.20]one glorious summer? 分散的36個(gè)小時(shí)?

[18:55.12]No,it's usually over a weekend, 不 大概是一個(gè)周末吧

[18:56.24]and trust me,you do not feel good after it. 相信我 那之后感覺(jué)很不好

[18:59.88]Well,chafing,right? 呃 皮膚疼痛是吧?

[19:04.64]Emotionally. 心情不好

[19:05.88]Of course,yeah,emotional chafing. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 心里疼痛

[19:16.28]Hey,do you want to see something cool? 你想看些有趣的玩意嗎?

[19:17.100]I can make this olive go into this glass without touching it. 我不用手碰 就能把這顆橄欖弄進(jìn)杯子里

[19:24.96]- How? - Physics. - 怎么弄啊? - 物理原理

[19:32.60]Wow,centrifugal force. 哇 離心力

[19:32.32]Actually,it's centripetal force, 實(shí)際上 是向心力

[19:35.68]which is an inward force generated by the glass acting on the olive... 玻璃對(duì)橄欖作用產(chǎn)生的內(nèi)向力

[19:42.40]Excuse me. 抱歉

[19:42.36]If you were riding on the olive, 如果你坐在那顆橄欖上

[19:45.48]you'd be in a non - inertial reference frame and would... 你就是一個(gè)非慣性參照系 并會(huì)...

[19:51.28]are you okay? 你沒(méi)事吧?

[19:52.08]Yeah,I'm okay. 沒(méi)事

[19:54.52]Did you spill ketchup? 你打翻花生醬了嗎?

[19:55.28]- No. - I'm not okay. - 沒(méi) - 那有事了

[20:03.76]Are you sure you don't want to go to the emergency room? 你確定不用去急診室?

[20:05.56]No,no,I'm okay. It stopped bleeding. 我沒(méi)事 不流血了

[20:08.44]I know,but you did throw up. Isn't that a sign of a concussion? 但你吐了啊 那不是腦震蕩的癥狀嗎?

[20:11.12]Yes. But I get car sick,too,so... 對(duì) 但我也暈車(chē) 所以...

[20:13.64]okay. 好吧

[20:16.32]Sorry about your car,by the way. 還有 抱歉弄臟你的車(chē)

[20:16.96]Oh,no,it's fine. You got most of it out the window. 沒(méi)關(guān)系 大部分你都吐車(chē)外了

[20:21.72]The poor guy on the bike. 那個(gè)騎自行車(chē)的可憐人

[20:25.00]Well,I had a nice time. 我今晚過(guò)得很愉快

[20:27.96]Yeah,me,too. 我也是

[20:29.92]Well,um,good night. 那晚安啦

[20:31.80]Good night. 晚安

[20:35.48]- Leonard? - Ahye? - Leonard? - 啊?

[20:36.00]Was this supposed to be a date? 今晚這是約會(huì)嗎?

[20:39.04]This? 今晚?

[20:42.20]No. 不是

[20:44.88]No,of course not. 當(dāng)然不是

[20:47.32]This was just you and me hanging out with a bunch of guys 只是你跟我還有一幫

[20:48.100]who didn't show up 'cause of work and a colonoscopy. 因工作和腸鏡而沒(méi)有出現(xiàn)的人的聚會(huì)

[20:56.36]Okay,I was just checking. 好 我只是問(wèn)問(wèn)

[20:57.20]When I take a girl on a date- - and I do- - 如果我跟女孩約會(huì) 我確實(shí)跟女孩約會(huì)

[21:03.96]she knows she's been dated. 那個(gè)女孩會(huì)知道她是在約會(huì)的

[21:07.56]Capital D. 大寫(xiě)D

[21:08.08]boldface. Undeinrled. 粗體黑字 下劃線 (在強(qiáng)調(diào)會(huì)讓對(duì)方意識(shí)到是約會(huì)= =)

[21:10.44]Da... ted. 約 會(huì)

[21:15.36]I think I might have a little concussion. I'm gonna go lie down. 我可能腦震蕩了 我去躺躺

[21:17.92]Good night. 晚安

[21:23.84]So,how was your date? 約會(huì)如何?

[21:26.08]Awesome! 贊!

[21:29.100]Score one for liquor and poor judgment. 憑酒跟糊涂得一分


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