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欲望都市02 Models and Mortals





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:16:09



[00:46.88]Last night Miranda got invited to a dinner party 一位跟米蘭達(dá)不是很熟的男人 昨晚邀她參加一個(gè)晚餐派對(duì)

[00:50.32]by a man she hardly knew.

[00:54.12]She was the date of Nick Waxler, 她當(dāng)時(shí)跟尼克瓦克勒約會(huì) 他是個(gè)成功的運(yùn)動(dòng)經(jīng)紀(jì)人

[00:56.12]a successful sports agent

[00:58.40]who once said she had nice legs. 還曾說過她有雙漂亮的腿

[01:00.24]Movie stars you'd have liked to fuck when they were young. 在他們還年輕時(shí) 你想跟他們上床的電影明星

[01:05.96]Alive or dead? 在不在世都可以嗎?

[01:08.24]lt doesn't matter. l'll start. 可以,從我先開始

[01:10.52]Veronica Lake 維洛妮卡拉克

[01:10.28]when she made Sullivan's Travels. 她拍“蘇利文游記”時(shí)

[01:14.00]Dave? 大維

[01:15.68]l'd have to say Sophia Loren. 蘇菲亞蘿蘭

[01:18.80]My dad had this thing for her. 我爸一直很喜歡她

[01:22.48]- We won't go there. Montgomery Clift. - He was gay. -別做夢(mèng),蒙哥馬利克里夫 -他是同性戀

[01:26.72]Marilyn Monroe, before the Kennedys got to her. 瑪麗蓮夢(mèng)露 在甘迺迪兄弟上了她之前

[01:29.28]Bing Crosby. 平克勞斯貝

[01:32.60]l stand by my choice. 我想好了

[01:34.68]Sean Connery, yesterday, today and tomorrow. 史恩康納萊 不論是過去、現(xiàn)在還是未來

[01:39.32]For a first date, Miranda felt like she was hitting it out of the ballpark. 第一次約會(huì)時(shí)米蘭達(dá)覺得 自己像是擊出了全壘打

[01:46.08]- Thanks. - So how long have you known Nick? -謝謝 -你認(rèn)識(shí)尼克多久了?

[01:48.00]We've been riding the same elevator line for years. 我們多年來一直搭同一部電梯

[01:54.76]We had lunch a few weeks ago, and then he invited me here to dinner. 幾星期前開始共進(jìn)午餐 然后他邀請(qǐng)我來吃晚餐

[01:56.32]- Well, we adore him. - He's very smart. -我們都很喜歡他 -他很聰明

[01:59.100]- He took our ultimatum seriously. - Deanne. -他聽進(jìn)我們最后的通牒了 -迪妮

[02:05.16]What are you talking about? 你是什么意思?

[02:06.100]They told Miranda that Nick had this thing for models. 她們告訴米蘭達(dá) 尼克偏好模特兒

[02:10.24]Old movie stars you'd have liked to fuck when they were young. l'll start. 在他們年輕時(shí)你想跟他們 上床的老電影明星,我先來

[02:15.60]Veronica Lake, the year she made Sullivan's Travels. 維洛妮卡拉克 拍“蘇利文游記”時(shí)

[02:18.28]- Dave? - l'd have to go with Sophia Loren. -大維 -蘇菲亞蘿蘭

[02:22.48]Probably, my dad had a thing for her. 我爸一直很喜歡她

[02:25.16]- Montgomery Clift. - Marilyn Monroe. -蒙哥馬利克里夫 -瑪麗蓮夢(mèng)露

[02:27.88]Bing Crosby. 平克勞斯貝

[02:30.12]- Yvette? - l don't know, Charlie Sheen? -伊薇 -我不知道,查理辛

[02:35.72]They'd come to dinner, push their food around, and pout. 她們來吃晚餐 玩弄食物,嘴巴噘得高高地

[02:42.36]- Veronica Lake. - Sophia Loren. -維洛妮卡拉克 -蘇菲亞蘿蘭

[02:45.68]- Montgomery Clift. - Marilyn Monroe. -蒙哥馬利克里夫 -瑪麗蓮夢(mèng)露

[02:48.16]- Bing Crosby. - Marissa? -平克勞斯貝 -瑪麗莎

[03:03.64]She... had to make a phone call. 她得去打電話

[03:06.20]lt got to be a problem. They decided to take action. 他一定有問題 于是他們決定采取行動(dòng)

[03:11.12]Can't you find a woman who can carry on a decent conversation? 你難道找不到 談吐合宜的女人嗎?

[03:14.36]- Yeah, Nick, and eat without purging. - What are you saying? -對(duì),且吃完?yáng)|西不必吃瀉藥 -你在說什么?

[03:17.24]You can't bring around any more models. 你不能再帶模特兒來

[03:20.52]lt's too depressing. 你們太嚴(yán)厲了吧

[03:24.52]OK, OK, l'll see what l can do. 好吧,我會(huì)想辦法的

[03:28.92]- And then he brought you. - So obviously not a model. -于是他帶你來 -很明顯地你不是模特兒

[03:32.56]- ln a good way! - Nick dates models? -一點(diǎn)都沒錯(cuò) -尼克都跟模特兒約會(huì)?

[03:42.32]Miranda confronted him, and it didn't take him long to fold. 米蘭達(dá)跟他杠上了 沒多久他就棄械投降

[03:48.40]No, it's true, it's true, OK? 那是真的,好嗎?

[03:49.68]- l'm obsessed. - Obsessed with models. -我的確有病 -你迷戀模特兒

[03:53.16]- Correct. - So am l your intellectual beard? -沒錯(cuò) -而我是個(gè)聰明的丑八怪?

[03:55.20]Don't be pissed. You got to admit, you met some nice people. 別生氣,你必須承認(rèn) 你認(rèn)識(shí)了一些好人

[03:59.80]You had a good time. 而且玩得很開心

[04:04.48]You were on a date with a modelizer and you didn't even know it? 你跟一個(gè)模特兒狂約會(huì) 而你根本不知道這一點(diǎn)?

[04:07.44]lf men like Nick are dating models, what chance do ordinary women have? 如果尼克那種人能約到模特兒 一般女人還有什么機(jī)會(huì)?

[04:13.44]Only supermodels can get a date in New York? 在紐約只有超級(jí)模特兒 才有約會(huì)的機(jī)會(huì)嗎?

[04:16.68]Modelizers are a particular breed. 模特兒狂是很特別的族群

[04:19.76]They're a step beyond womanizers, 他們排名僅次于女人狂之后

[04:21.04]who will sleep with just about anything in a skirt. 女人狂 跟所有穿裙子的東西上床

[04:25.84]Modelizers are obsessed, not with women, but with models, 模特兒狂是種迷戀 他們迷戀模特兒,而非女人

[04:29.56]who in most cities are safely confined to billboards and magazines, 在大部分的城市模特兒 只能在看板及雜志上看到

[04:31.28]but in Manhattan run wild on the streets, 在曼哈頓她們到處都是

[04:34.00]turning the city into a model safari, 把紐約變成 充滿模特兒的原始大地

[04:37.76]where men can pet the creatures in their natural habitat. 男人能將她們 豢養(yǎng)在原本的棲息地

[04:40.68]As if we didn't have enough problems. 我們的問題已經(jīng)更多了

[04:44.84]They're stupid and lazy and they should be shot on sight. 她們又蠢又懶 一看到她們就該格殺勿論

[04:48.80]Many guys say l'm as beautiful as a model, but l work for a living. 很多男人說我有模特兒的美貌 但我自食其力

[04:52.88]l'm like... a model who's taken the high road. 我像是攀上巔峰的模特兒

[04:56.68]The advantages given to models and beautiful women 模特兒跟美女擁有的優(yōu)勢(shì)

[04:59.84]are so unfair, it makes me wanna puke. 是那么地不公平 這讓我覺得想吐

[05:02.44]- But you are so cute. - Cute doesn't cut it in this town. -但你很可愛啊 -可愛在紐約不吃香

[05:06.80]What's cute compared to supermodel? 可愛哪比得上超級(jí)模特兒

[05:07.80]There's nothing like raising the subject of models among four single women 四個(gè)單身女子 一談起模特兒莫不咬牙切齒

[05:11.44]to spice up an otherwise dull Tuesday night. 這讓沉悶的星期二夜晚 增添幾分趣味

[05:16.64]- They have this distant sexy look. - That's not sexy. lt's starvation. -她們長(zhǎng)得既冷冷漠又性感 -那不是性感,是饑餓才對(duì)

[05:18.84]That's starvation in the best restaurants. 那些饑餓的女人 能在最高級(jí)的餐廳用餐

[05:21.72]l want to know when did men get together and decide 我想知道男人何時(shí)一致決定

[05:26.28]that they would only get it up for giraffes with big breasts? 只在看到大波霸時(shí) 長(zhǎng)頸鹿才會(huì)勃起?

[05:29.84]ln some cultures, heavy women with moustaches are considered beautiful. 在某些文化中長(zhǎng)胡子的胖女人 被認(rèn)為是大美人

[05:35.92]And you're looking at me while you're saying that? 你說那句話時(shí) 眼睛是在盯著我看嗎?

[05:38.20]Our culture promotes impossible standards of beauty. 我們的文化 為美麗樹立了不可能的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

[05:40.48]- Except men think they're possible! - Yeah. -但男人覺得那是可能的 -是啊

[05:43.88]No matter how good l feel, if l see Christy Turlington, l want to give up. 不管我覺得多自在 看到克里斯蒂特林頓我就輸了

[05:48.12]l just want to force-feed her lard. That's the difference between us. 我想強(qiáng)迫她吃豬油 那就是我們之間的不同

[05:54.00]What are you talking about? Look at you two. You're beautiful. 你在胡說什么? 看看你們兩個(gè),你們很漂亮的

[05:58.40]- l hate my thighs. - Oh, come on! -我討厭我的大腿 -少來了

[05:60.68]l can't even open a magazine without thinking, ''Thighs, thighs, thighs.'' 我看雜志時(shí) 會(huì)不由自主地想著“大腿”

[06:06.04]Well, l'll take your thighs and raise you a chin. 我要你的大腿 把我的下巴給你

[06:07.84]l'll take your chin and raise you a... 我要你的下巴,給你…

[06:13.92]- What? - Oh, come on. -什么? -少來了

[06:17.56]- l happen to love the way l look. - You should. You paid enough for it. -我喜歡自己的長(zhǎng)相 -沒錯(cuò),為了它你花大把銀子

[06:22.84]l resent that! l do not believe in plastic surgery. 我不喜歡那樣子 我不相信整型手術(shù)

[06:26.52]Well, not yet. 是時(shí)間未到

[06:25.60]l find it fascinating that four beautiful, flesh-and-blood women 我覺得很有趣 四個(gè)如假包換的大美女

[06:30.20]could be intimidated by unreal fantasies. l mean... 被不真實(shí)的幻想所恐嚇 我是說…

[06:36.04]Look at this. 看看這個(gè)

[06:37.68]ls this really intimidating to any of you? 這真的嚇到你們了嗎?

[06:40.84]- l hate my thighs. - Pass the chicken. -我討厭我的大腿 -把雞肉遞過來

[06:42.00]l have that dress. 那件洋裝我也有

[06:44.00]Suddenly l was interested. 突然間我感到有興趣

[06:44.80]lf models could cause rational people to crumble in their presence, 如果模特兒能讓理性的人 對(duì)自己毫無(wú)信心

[06:50.28]how powerful was beauty? 美麗的力量有多大呢?

[06:53.68]Two types of guys fall for beautiful women - 兩種男人會(huì)愛上美女

[06:54.96]slimeballs that are out to get laid, 失業(yè)的可憐蟲

[06:58.96]or guys who fall in love instantly. lt's pathetic. 以及會(huì)立刻陷入愛河的男人 那真是太可悲了

[07:01.04]Why fuck the girl in the skirt, if you can fuck the girl in the ad for the skirt? 如果你能上穿裙子廣告模特兒 干嘛跟穿裙子的女孩上床

[07:06.28]Being beautiful is such a power. You can get whatever you want. 長(zhǎng)得漂亮是一種力量 你要什么就有什么

[07:11.44]You can get anything. l've been offered trips to Aspen, 什么東西都能夠得到 曾有人請(qǐng)我到阿斯彭度假

[07:13.04]weekends in Paris, Christmas in St Barts. 到巴黎度周末 到圣巴爾斯島過圣誕節(jié)

[07:16.20]A motorcycle, a juicer... 摩托車,美酒…

[07:18.52]lt's not like models don't have brains, they have them. 模特兒并非沒有腦袋 她們真的有

[07:25.60]They just don't need to use them. 只不過她們從來不用腦袋

[07:25.28]Most guys think you're dumb, but l'm very literary. l read. 大部分男人覺得模特兒很笨 但我很有文學(xué)素養(yǎng),我會(huì)看書

[07:30.24]l'll sit down and read a magazine from cover to cover. 我會(huì)坐下來一頁(yè)頁(yè)地看雜志

[07:33.80]Some scuba gear. 還有潛水裝

[07:37.28]A Herb Ritt's photo. 幫赫伯瑞茲拍照

[07:38.60]A Bulgari necklace, a breast job. 為寶格麗的項(xiàng)練作廣告 靠我的胸部來賺錢

[07:42.96]My friends think l'm shallow. Sometimes l think they're right. 我朋友覺得我很膚淺 有時(shí)我認(rèn)為他們說得對(duì)

[07:47.24]Other times l think, ''Hey, l'm fucking a model.'' 但在其他的時(shí)候我會(huì)想 “我可是在跟模特兒胡搞”

[07:50.24]Models are a lot looser than you think. 模特兒沒你想像中 那么高不可攀

[07:56.88]lt's easier to screw a model than a regular girl 跟模特兒胡搞 要比跟普通女孩胡搞容易

[07:57.68]'cause they do it all the time. 因?yàn)閷?duì)她們來說是家常便飯

[07:60.08]lt's how regular people are when they're on vacation. 一般人只會(huì)在度假時(shí)胡搞

[08:04.36]Barkley, a notorious modelizer, was one of those SoHo wonders 巴克利是聲名狼藉的模特兒狂 也是蘇活族的傳奇人物之一

[08:06.100]who had a fabulous lifestyle, 他過著舒服的生活

[08:09.52]despite never having sold a single painting. 但連一幅畫都沒賣掉

[08:13.36]- So, it's easy to meet them? - No, it's not so easy. -很容易就能認(rèn)識(shí)她們嗎? -沒那么容易

[08:18.96]The trick is to treat them like regular girls. 重點(diǎn)是 要把她們當(dāng)成一般女孩看待

[08:20.16]You gotta walk up to the hottest thing in a place; otherwise, you're finished. 一看到她們就得發(fā)動(dòng)攻擊 然后就沒搞頭了

[08:24.84]lt's kind of like being around dogs - you gotta show no fear. 那就跟溜狗一樣 你得拿出勇氣來

[08:27.12]- Things? You call them things? - Yeah. -你把她們當(dāng)成東西看待? -對(duì)

[08:32.48]Well, they are things - they're beautiful things, 她們是東西 她們是美麗的東西

[08:35.12]and that's what my life's about, you know? 那就是我的生活,你懂嗎?

[08:40.64]Beauty. 我追逐美麗

[08:42.60]l want to show you something. 我有樣?xùn)|西要給你看看

[08:48.36]This is my real art, only l can't really show it to the public. 這是我真正的藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作 但無(wú)法將它們公諸于世

[08:55.84]Not yet, at least. Sit down. 至少現(xiàn)在還不行,坐吧

[09:07.04]That's Vanessa... That's Tanya, 她是凡妮莎,還有譚雅

[09:10.36]Elana and Katrina. 伊拉娜跟克芮蒂娜

[09:13.32]l couldn't believe it. 我不敢相信

[09:17.92]The man had slept with half the perfume ads in September's Vogue. 這家伙跟九月“時(shí)尚雜志” 一半的香水廣告模特兒上過床

[09:23.04]Do they... do they know about this? 她們知道嗎?

[09:28.04]Maybe. Oh, look at that one. 或許知道吧,你看那個(gè)

[09:33.60]She does runway now, but she's gonna be huge someday. 她才剛當(dāng)上模特兒 但有一天她會(huì)成為超級(jí)名模

[09:37.08]l didn't know what to say. There wasn't anything to say except... 我不知道該說什么 只能說…

[09:40.56]- Do you have a light? - Yeah, sure. -有火嗎? -有啊

[09:52.20]Later that day l was relieved to discover 那天稍后我很高興地發(fā)現(xiàn)了

[09:53.48]that at least one eligible bachelor got his kicks off the runway. 至少有個(gè)黃金王老五 不屑跟模特兒往來

[09:57.48]- l totally dig your friend, Miranda. - You're kidding, that's great. -我真的愛上你朋友米蘭達(dá) -你是在開玩笑吧,太棒了

[10:02.24]She is so sexy and smart. 她既性感又聰明

[10:05.20]Did she tell you that we made out? 她有告訴你 我們上床了嗎?

[10:07.40]Yeah, it was totally hot. 有啊,真是熱情如火

[10:11.84]Why don't you call her? She would love that. 你為什么不打電話給她? 她一定會(huì)很高興的

[10:16.16]l did, a hundred times. She won't return my calls. 我打過一百次了 但她沒回我電話

[10:17.04]l don't know. Did she say anything about me? 我不知道,她有提起我嗎?

[10:22.80]- No. - Maybe she's just busy. -沒有 -或許她很忙

[10:25.88]- Am l not cute enough for her? - Of course you are. You're adorable. -她覺得我不夠可愛嗎? -當(dāng)然不是,你很可愛

[10:29.88]Well, l don't know, find out for me. l want to see if l still have a chance. 我不知道,幫我問問看 我想知道還有沒有機(jī)會(huì)

[10:35.04]- Right now, in front of you? - Go ahead, l can handle it. -在你面前打? -打吧,我承受得了

[10:40.52]Hi, this is Miranda, please leave me a message. 我是米蘭達(dá),請(qǐng)留言

[10:43.16]Oh, it's her machine. 是答錄機(jī)

[10:45.16]Hey, this is Skipper. l'm with Carrie. l told her how you won't call me back. 我是史奇普,我跟凱莉在一起 我跟她說你不會(huì)回我電話

[10:50.84]So now you have to call me back. You better call me back! 你現(xiàn)在得回我電話 你最好快打電話給我

[10:54.20]No, l'm kidding. l'm joking. 我是在開玩笑的

[10:55.100]But seriously, l hope you call me back. 說真的,我希望你回我電話

[11:01.40]Did l mention this was Skipper? 我提醒過我是史奇普嗎?

[11:03.44]l believe there is a curse put on who tries to fix up their friends. 我相信幫朋友拉紅線 一定會(huì)被詛咒

[11:11.32]Where better to find modelizers in their natural habitat than a fashion show? 有什么地方比服裝秀會(huì)場(chǎng) 更容易找到模特兒狂呢?

[11:15.28]Luckily, my friend Stanford Blatch had a client in the hottest show in town. 還好我朋友史丹佛巴勒奇 有客戶參加了最熱門的服裝秀

[11:22.48]''The Bone'' is like the human equivalent of the sable coat. “骨頭”就像是 人類中的貂皮大衣

[11:23.32]He's so beautiful that l find that sometimes l have to look away. 他真的是太美了 有時(shí)我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己得把眼光移開

[11:27.100]Do you see him? 你看到他了嗎?

[11:31.92]- Right there. - Where? -就在那邊 -在哪里?

[11:32.88]Oh, my God, look at him. He travels with his own personal lighting director. 天啊,你看看他 他帶著私人打光師巡回走秀

[11:37.36]Derek, AKA ''The Bone'', 德瑞克別名“骨頭”

[11:40.36]was the biggest underwear model and Stanford's most important client, 他是最紅的內(nèi)衣模特兒 史丹佛最重要的客戶

[11:44.24]as well as the subject of his single-minded obsession. 也是他單相思的對(duì)象

[11:48.00]Hey, Stanny. 你來了,史丹佛

[11:48.68]Derek, l would like you to meet a very dear friend, Carrie Bradshaw. 德瑞克 這位是我的好友凱莉布雷蕭

[11:54.88]Nice to meet you. 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你

[11:53.84]Carrie writes the column ''Sex And The City''. 凱莉是“欲望城市”專欄作家

[11:56.96]- Have you read it? - No. -你看過這個(gè)專欄嗎? -沒有

[11:60.20]The other day, Derek and l were walking past his billboard 有天德瑞克跟我 走過他的廣告看板下方

[12:03.28]and he told me he wanted a piece of it for his apartment, like maybe his nose. 他告訴我他想把一片看板 譬如說鼻子的部分拿回家去

[12:08.56]l said, ''Get the bulge in your pants, so when women ask how big you are, 我說“拿內(nèi)褲凸出那一塊 當(dāng)女人問你有多大時(shí)”

[12:12.76]''you can say, 'Fourteen feet!''' “你可以告訴她 我有十四英寸大”

[12:16.80]lt would be funny, wouldn't it? 那真的很好笑,對(duì)吧?

[12:19.44]Everybody's talking about you. You are so great. 大家都在談?wù)撃?你真的是太棒了

[12:20.40]You're gonna be a star, have l told you that enough? You're a star! 你會(huì)是個(gè)大明星的 我告訴過你多少次了

[12:24.68]Well, we better let you get dressed. 我們最好讓你去換衣服

[12:29.44]- l am dressed. - Oh. 我已經(jīng)換好了

[12:30.32]- We'll see you after the show. - Right. -結(jié)束后見 -沒問題

[12:33.44]Bye. 再見

[12:35.40]Can you believe anyone that beautiful can be that nice? 你能相信那么帥的男人 會(huì)那么有禮貌嗎?

[12:38.08]l keep dreaming that someday he's gonna say, ''Stanford, l love you.'' 我一直夢(mèng)想有一天他會(huì)說 “史丹佛,我愛你”

[12:42.76]- ls he gay? - He denies it. -他是同性戀嗎? -他否認(rèn)

[12:47.84]How could anyone that gorgeous be straight? 那么帥的男人 怎么可能是異性戀?

[12:50.40]Sweetie, over here! 親愛的,快過來

[12:51.04]Samantha never missed a major fashion show. 莎曼珊從未錯(cuò)過大型服裝秀

[12:54.48]She was one of the only people who thought that proximity to beauty 她認(rèn)為接近俊男美女

[12:59.88]made her feel more attractive. 能讓自己更有吸引力

[12:60.76]Sweetie. What happened, you couldn't find seats right on the runway? 發(fā)生了什么事? 你在展示臺(tái)邊找不到位置嗎?

[13:03.72]You can see all the flaws from this angle. 從這個(gè)角度 你能看到所有的缺點(diǎn)

[13:15.28]- Hey, Carrie. - Hi, Barkley. How are you? -你好,凱莉 -巴克利,你好嗎?

[13:18.04]- You going to the party afterwards? - l don't know. -你要參加慶功派對(duì)嗎? -我不知道

[13:20.12]Of course we are. Hi, l'm Samantha. 我們當(dāng)然要參加 你好,我是莎曼珊

[13:24.92]Barkley. 我是巴克利

[13:29.28]Martini straight up or with a twist? 他是不是同志?

[13:34.16]Straight up. 不是

[13:36.56]Really? He's very cute. You're not dating him, are you? 真的嗎?他好可愛 你們沒在約會(huì)吧?

[13:38.72]God, no. He's a total modelizer. 天啊,沒有,他只愛模特兒

[13:45.08]ls he dating any one model in particular? 他現(xiàn)在跟某位模特兒約會(huì)嗎?

[13:51.28]Actually, he's sleeping with all of them in general. 事實(shí)上他跟她們都睡過

[13:55.92]- Only models? - Only models. -他只跟模特兒上床? -沒錯(cuò)

[14:16.08]Later that night we all went downtown for a party. 稍后我們都參加了慶功派對(duì)

[14:21.96]l was beginning to float away on a sea of sweet potato puffs 我陷在甜馬鈴薯泡芙堆里

[14:23.28]with smoked salmon and sour cream when... 還有腌鮭魚跟酸奶酪 就是那么巧…

[14:27.56]lt was Mr. Big - 大人物出現(xiàn)了

[14:30.24]major tycoon, major dreamboat... and majorly out of my league. 他是商業(yè)大亨,也是個(gè)萬(wàn)人迷 他跟我不是同一個(gè)世界的人

[14:36.08]l thought l saw you on the runway. 我就知道我看到的人是你

[14:39.60]Hi. 你好

[14:39.24]l started reading your column after we met. 在我們認(rèn)識(shí)后 我開始看你的專欄

[14:41.44]- You did? - Yeah, cute. -是嗎? -沒錯(cuò),挺可愛的

[14:45.20]- ''Cute.'' - Well... “挺可愛的”?

[14:48.32]Yeah, cute. What are you writing about this week? 沒錯(cuò),挺可愛的 你這星期要寫什么?

[14:54.28]Well, l'm working on a story about... 我正在寫

[14:55.84]Men who date models. Any thoughts? 跟模特兒約會(huì)的男人 你有什么想法嗎?

[14:57.36]Only that they're very lucky. 他們的運(yùn)氣很好

[15:01.04]So what have you discovered about men who are dating models? 跟模特兒約會(huì)的男人 你有什么了解?

[15:08.48]Well, l'm discovering that some of them treat it as a competitive sport, 我發(fā)現(xiàn)他們之中有些人 把這樣的行為當(dāng)成體育競(jìng)賽

[15:13.68]and others, l think, just need the validation. 其他人則只是需要被認(rèn)可

[15:15.04]And probably others have a thing for exceptionally beautiful women. 或許其他人是迷戀超級(jí)美女

[15:20.64]Exactly. 沒錯(cuò)

[15:22.12]- There's something wrong with that? - No, there's nothing wrong. -那有什么不對(duì)嗎? -不會(huì)啊

[15:28.00]l just think it might become a bit monotonous. 我只是覺得有點(diǎn)單調(diào)

[15:30.56]Puff? 要吃泡芙嗎?

[15:34.04]- No, thanks. - Excuse me, baby. -不,謝謝你 -對(duì)不起

[15:34.24]So where do you write these stories? 你都在哪里寫作?

[15:38.92]- My ''cute'' stories? - Have you got an office or anything? -你是指“可愛的”文章嗎? -你有辦公室嗎?

[15:43.56]No, half the time l'm at my apartment, 沒有 有一半的時(shí)間我待在家里

[15:46.84]and the other half l'm at a coffee shop on 73rd and Madison. 其他時(shí)間我都在七十三街 跟麥迪遜街口的咖啡館

[15:50.84]Oh, Carrie, l'd like you to meet Misha. 凱莉,這位是米夏

[15:53.04]- Oh, hi. You were great in the show. - Thank you. -你在伸展臺(tái)上很漂亮 -謝謝你的夸獎(jiǎng)

[15:59.68]Suddenly l felt like l was wearing patchouli in a room full of Chanel. 突然間我覺得 自己像是天鵝堆里的丑小鴨

[16:02.44]lt was nice talking to you. 很高興能跟你聊天

[16:04.04]See you around. 再見

[16:06.44]l hope. 希望能再見

[16:09.04]l thought l had come to terms with my looks when l turned 30, 我以為過了三十歲 我可以不在乎自己的長(zhǎng)相

[16:13.60]when l realized that l no longer had the energy to be superficial. 我了解 我不再有力氣去做膚淺的事

[16:18.16]Your friend Barkley has been coming on to me. 你朋友巴克利來約我

[16:22.24]Do you think he believes l'm a model? 他認(rèn)為我是模特兒?jiǎn)?

[16:23.36]- Whatever it is, don't go there. - Why not? -不論原因?yàn)楹?,別去 -為什么?

[16:27.04]He has this thing for secretly taping his conquests. 他會(huì)偷偷錄下交歡的過程

[16:32.80]Really? 真的嗎?

[16:33.88]What a pervert. 真是個(gè)變態(tài)

[16:37.08]As Samantha got ready for her close-up, 當(dāng)莎曼珊準(zhǔn)備好上鏡頭時(shí)

[16:39.44]l felt it was time to call it a night. 我覺得我該回家了

[16:44.40]l'd never felt so invisible. 我從未覺得如此渺小過

[16:45.80]Taxi! 計(jì)程車

[16:52.24]- Carrie. - Hey, hi! Did Stanford leave? -凱莉 -你好,史丹佛離開了嗎?

[16:57.96]No, he's giving a neck massage to a Versace model. Where you going? 他在幫凡賽斯模特兒按摩脖子 你要去哪里?

[17:01.80]- Oh, l'm going home. - Can l come? -我要回家 -我能跟你去嗎?

[17:05.08]You want to come home with me? 你要跟我回家?

[17:06.28]Sure, if it's quiet. l can't take these crowds. 對(duì),只要你家很安靜 我受不了人很多的地方

[17:13.92]The things you gotta do in the name of research. 我是為了研究才這么做

[17:23.60]Shouldn't you be spending the night with some girl from the show? 你不跟女模特兒共度春宵嗎?

[17:26.84]No, l never date models. l think they're stupid. 不,我從不跟模特兒約會(huì) 我覺得她們很笨

[17:30.04]l wondered if there wasn't some kind of physics for beauty. 我納悶著 是否有美麗的物理學(xué)法則

[17:36.00]Maybe two models repelled. 或許兩個(gè)模特兒會(huì)互相排斥

[17:38.12]Maybe models could only be attracted to ordinary humans. 或許模特兒只能吸引一般人

[17:44.84]- l think it's so cool that you write. - Thanks. -我覺得能寫作很酷 -謝謝

[17:47.32]l wish l could write. l got all these intense thoughts, 真希望我也能寫作 我有很多不錯(cuò)的想法

[17:50.20]but l can't remember them long enough to write them. 但還來不及把它們寫下前 便忘得精光

[17:55.00]- That's the big trick. - l'm totally neurotic. -這是有竅門的 -我有神經(jīng)過敏的毛病

[17:59.68]One minute l'm walking down the street, totally cool, 前一分鐘我還很酷地走在街上

[18:02.12]and the next minute l'm depressed for no reason. 下一分鐘 我毫無(wú)理由地感到沮喪

[18:05.80]l'm totally self-conscious. Before l say something, 我總是羞于啟口

[18:10.40]l say it in my head first so it doesn't come out wrong. 我會(huì)先想一想再說話 免得說錯(cuò)了話

[18:13.96]- lsn't that a waste of time? - lt only takes a second. -那不會(huì)很浪費(fèi)時(shí)間嗎? -只要幾秒就能搞定

[18:21.32]- Sometimes l get so distracted. - What's distracting you now? -有時(shí)我會(huì)分心 -現(xiàn)在什么東西讓你分心?

[18:25.72]- Your nose. - Thanks a lot. l hate my nose. -你的鼻子 -謝了,我討厭我的鼻子

[18:31.36]No, it's just so cute. l hate my nose, too. 不,你的鼻子很可愛 我也討厭我的鼻子

[18:32.48]lt's too big, but l think it depends on my hair. 我的鼻子太大了 但那要視我的頭發(fā)而定

[18:36.84]Yeah... 沒錯(cuò)

[18:40.64]l see what you mean. 我了解你的意思

[18:42.00]What do you want to be when you grow up? 你希望長(zhǎng)大后做什么?

[18:43.40]Well, l think this might be it. 我已完成了夢(mèng)想,就是寫作

[18:46.88]What do you want to be? 你長(zhǎng)大想做什么

[18:49.28]l'd like to move back to lowa and have kids, and be a cop. 我想搬回愛荷華州 生兒育女,當(dāng)個(gè)警察

[18:56.32]l felt like when l was 16 and used to date a guy who was really beautiful 這就像我十六歲時(shí)跟帥哥鬼混

[19:02.00]while my parents thought l was helping him with his homework. 我父母以為我在教他功課一樣

[19:07.48]Do you mind if we just lie here? l get so lonely in the city. 我們能躺一下嗎? 在紐約我覺得很寂寞

[19:10.36]Sometimes it's just nice to lie with someone. 有時(shí)能跟某人躺在一起 就是一種幸福

[19:14.20]Sure. We could do that. 沒問題

[19:20.56]lt was hard to imagine that anyone so beautiful could ever be lonely. 很難想像 那么帥的人會(huì)覺得寂寞

[19:27.16]Meanwhile, two ordinary Joes were doing their own lonely late night thing. 同時(shí)兩個(gè)凡夫俗子 寂寞地過著他們的夜晚

[19:31.52]- Anything else, miss? - No, that's it. -還要?jiǎng)e的東西嗎?小姐 -不必了

[19:33.80]- Just cat food? - Yes, just cat food. -你只買貓食? -沒錯(cuò)

[19:38.96]- Hey. - Hi, Skipper. -你好 -史奇普

[19:41.36]Why haven't you returned my calls? 你為什么不回我電話?

[19:45.04]l'm sorry, it's been a busy week. 抱歉,這星期我很忙

[19:46.60]- l thought we had a connection. - Oh, l don't know. -我還以為我們算是在交往 -我不知道

[19:50.20]Can l get my change? 麻煩把零錢找給我

[19:54.00]You get that way with every guy? 你跟每個(gè)男人都這樣嗎?

[19:56.08]No, it's just... 不,我只是…

[19:60.64]Don't you wanna date a girl your own age? 你不想 跟同年齡的女孩約會(huì)嗎?

[20:02.72]lt's got nothing to do with age. l... l think you're luminous. 這跟年齡無(wú)關(guān) 我覺得你很聰明

[20:08.00]- You think l'm luminous? - Totally. -你覺得我很聰明 -沒錯(cuò)

[20:14.76]Miranda couldn't resist her own reflection in his smudged lenses. 米蘭達(dá)抗拒不了 自己在模糊鏡片上的倒影

[20:20.80]- All right, let's get out of here. - l'll just pay for my Captain Crunch. -好了,我們快走了 -我得付玉米片的錢

[20:25.68]There's cereal at my place. 我家有玉米片

[20:36.04]And Samantha found the ultimate validation... 莎曼珊找到了最有力的證據(jù)

[20:37.00]Sex, with Barkley. 她跟巴克利上床了

[20:39.80]So... 好了

[20:44.28]- Where is it? - What? -在哪里呢? -什么東西啊?

[20:46.84]The camera. 攝影機(jī)

[20:49.96]Did your friend Carrie tell you about that? 凱莉跟你提過那玩意?

[20:53.12]Don't worry, l only tape models. 別擔(dān)心,我只拍模特兒

[20:57.20]- l won't mind. - Fine. l'll make an exception. -我不會(huì)介意的 -好吧,我可以破例一次

[21:15.12]Samantha demended the same consideration given to every model. 莎曼珊要求 跟每個(gè)模特兒一樣的待遇

[21:29.40]- Hello. - Carrie, it's Stanford. -你好 -凱莉,我是史丹佛

[21:32.40]Do you know what happened to Derek last night? 你知道德瑞克昨晚去哪里嗎?

[21:33.08]- Actually, you'll never believe it, but... - Yes? -事實(shí)上你不會(huì)相信的,但… -什么事?

[21:41.84]lt's Stanford. 是史丹佛打來的

[21:47.72]Hi, Stanford. 你好,史丹佛

[21:46.00]Derek, could you put Carrie back on the phone? 德瑞克 麻煩你請(qǐng)凱莉來聽電話

[21:51.00]Sure. 沒問題

[21:57.84]- Hello. - How could you! 你怎么能這么做?

[21:60.44]- l didn't. We just talked. - Oh, l knew he was gay. -我沒有,我們只是在聊天 -我就知道他是同性戀

[22:13.44]lt's amazing what you'll do to be with these models. 跟模特兒在一起真的很辛苦

[22:14.72]l've got to retire soon. They keep me from getting work done. 我很快就得退休 她們害得我工作做不完

[22:19.84]They make me fuck up my life. Look at me! 她們害得我搞砸了我的人生 看看我這個(gè)鬼樣子

[22:20.80]l'm an old man at 34! 我是個(gè)三十四歲的老頭

[22:26.96]l began to realize that being beautiful 我開始了解當(dāng)帥哥美女

[22:31.12]is like having a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park, 就像是租下 一間俯視公園美景的出租公寓

[22:32.100]completely unfair and bestowed upon those who deserve it least. 那根本就不公平 該把它送給那些有資格的人

[22:38.52]- l'm not interrupting your work, am l? - Hey, what a surprise. -我沒打擾你工作吧? -真是個(gè)大驚喜

[22:42.24]l can't stay, l'm late. But l've been thinking about men who date models. 我已經(jīng)遲到了,沒辦法久留 但我在想跟模特兒約會(huì)的男人

[22:49.12]- Yeah, what about them? - First of all, -他們?cè)趺戳? -首先

[22:53.72]there are so many gorgeous women out there in this city. 紐約有許多美女

[22:56.28]What an amazing observation. 你真是好眼力

[22:59.48]But the thing is this, 但事實(shí)上

[23:03.76]after a while, you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh. 過了一陣子后 你只想跟能逗你笑的人在一起

[23:09.80]Know what l mean? 了解我的意思了嗎?

[23:15.24]OK. See ya. 再見

[23:30.28]l take that back... Beauty is fleeting, 我收回那句話,美麗是短暫的

[23:34.68]but a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park is forever. 一間俯視公園美景的出租公寓 卻是永遠(yuǎn)


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