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欲望都市03 Bay of Married Pigs





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:16:17



[00:50.12]One of the best things about living in a city like New York 住在紐約這種城市 大家最喜歡做的事情之一…

[00:54.64]is leaving it. 就是逃離它

[00:57.20]My friend, Patience and her husband 我的朋友佩萱絲和她先生

[00:60.96]invited me to the Hamptons for the weekend. 邀請我到漢普頓度周末

[01:05.44]Patience and Peter were the perfect married couple. 佩萱絲和彼得是完美的一對

[01:08.16]They were fun, smart and looked like they fell out of a J. Crew catalogue. 他們風趣、聰明,而且像 杰克魯服飾目錄上的模特兒

[01:12.84]lf their house wasn't on the beach, l would've hated them. 若他們不是住在海邊的別墅 我一定會討厭他們

[01:15.80]So, he gets in the cab and slides up next to me. 他進了計程車 然后靠過來坐在我身邊

[01:22.32]Yes? 然后呢?

[01:25.12]And it is hot. 我們打得火熱

[01:26.60]lt is hot from Houston and West Broadway to 72nd and Madison. 從漢普頓和西百老匯街口 一直到七十二街和麥迪遜大道

[01:31.28]Hampton houseguests have to sing for their supper. 來漢普頓做客的人 晚餐前得和主人閑話家常

[01:35.96]Brokers give investment advice, architects, design advice, 股票經(jīng)濟人提供理財方案 建筑師則給與設計的意見

[01:39.84]single people give married friends tidbits from their sexual escapades. 單身朋友則將艷遇之類的事 告訴已婚友人

[01:44.72]The next morning l woke up feeling rested and fabulous. 次日早晨我醒來時 覺得神清氣爽

[01:49.08]l wanted to go out and take in the spectacular view. 等不及到戶外欣賞美麗風景

[01:51.96]Morning. 早安

[01:56.64]Patience went out to get juice and muffins. 佩萱絲去買果汁和松餅

[01:57.76]She'll be right back. 馬上就回來

[01:59.24]There he was, full frontal... friend. 他下半身一絲不掛站在那里

[02:05.20]Good! 太好了

[02:07.16]He just stood there, casual, happy, hanging out. 他就那樣神情自若地站著

[02:10.48]l didn't know what to say. 我不知所措

[02:13.16]l only knew that was too much Peter before coffee. 只覺得他異常興奮

[02:16.32]- Good morning. - Hey. -早安 -早

[02:19.12]l've got some fresh juice and the good muffins. 我買了新鮮果汁和可口的松餅

[02:24.16]So, what's happening? 你怎么了?

[02:26.48]Well, l ran into Peter in the hallway, without his underwear on. 我在走廊上碰到彼得 他沒穿內褲

[02:34.64]PS Congratulations. 你真有眼光

[02:37.36]Sunny day. 天氣很好

[02:40.48]Honey, did Carrie see your dick in the hall? 甜心,凱莉真的在走廊 看到你的小弟弟嗎?

[02:43.68]Yeah, she caught me on the way to the bathroom. 當時我正要去廁所

[02:47.36]- On the way to the bathroom. - Yeah! The good muffins. -正要去廁所 -太好了,有好吃的松餅

[02:55.16]So what are we doing today? 我們今天有何安排?

[02:59.76]l barely had time for a muffin before returning to New York. 最后我只帶了一個松餅 就匆匆啟程回紐約

[03:01.04]Why would he do that? Did he want to have sex with you? 他到底居心何在? 他想勾引你嗎?

[03:05.52]l don't know, it didn't feel sexual. 不知道,感覺不像這么回事

[03:08.04]Maybe he wanted to show it off, like a monkey. 可能他只是想獻寶 猴子也會這樣

[03:12.48]- So, how big was it? - Fresh pepper? -他的尺寸如何? -來點新鮮的胡椒嗎?

[03:18.28]Yes, please. 好,謝謝

[03:19.12]That'll do. 夠了

[03:20.92]- Would you like some fresh pepper? - Honey, l'd love some fresh pepper. -你要來點新鮮的胡椒嗎? -寶貝,我求之不得

[03:24.52]Everyone at this table could use a lot of fresh pepper. 其實我想 這桌每個人都要加很多胡椒

[03:34.76]Thanks. 謝謝

[03:38.36]She said l couldn't understand why she was so upset because l'm single. 她說我還是單身 所以無法了解她的心情

[03:43.32]And what? Single women 怎么說?

[03:45.88]prowl houses hoping to glimpse their friends' husbands' dicks? 單身女郎處心積慮 一窺朋友“丈夫”的小弟弟嗎

[03:49.88]- How good of a friend was she? - What's the difference? -她和你的關系很好嗎? -這有什么差別?

[03:51.56]When someone gets married, all bets are off. We become the enemy. 結了婚,失去身價后 我們就成了她們的敵人

[03:57.44]As the only single lawyer at her law firm, 米蘭達是律師事務所里 唯一的單身貴族

[03:58.32]Miranda had given this topic some thought. 她仔細思考過這個問題

[03:60.88]Married women know we can have sex any time, with anyone. 已婚女子都知道 我們可能和任何人發(fā)生關系

[04:04.44]We can? 是這樣嗎?

[04:08.64]And they're afraid we're gonna have it with their husbands. 所以怕我們和她們丈夫有染

[04:11.84]- l'd never sleep with a married man. - Are you sure you haven't? -我絕不接受已婚的男人 -你確定嗎?

[04:15.40]Wedding rings come off, you know. lf you're single, you can't be trusted. 結婚戒指還是能拿下來 她們認為未婚者全都不可靠

[04:20.36]Not all married women feel that way. 已婚女性并非全都這么想

[04:22.04]Charlotte treated marriage as a sorority she was hoping to pledge. 夏綠蒂將婚姻視為婦女聯(lián)誼會 且迫不及待想加入

[04:27.96]You're right, not all. The ones who don't fear you, pity you. 你說得沒錯 但那些不擔心的人會可憐你

[04:30.60]That's not true. 才沒有這種事

[04:31.28]Are you telling me you haven't gotten those 'poor single you' looks? 你真的沒見過那種 “單身真可憐”表情嗎?

[04:34.96]- l hate those. - OK, yes, l have. -我很討厭那種表情 -坦白說,我見過

[04:37.68]When you're the only single person at a party, they look at you like you're 若在派對中你是唯一單身的人 他們的表情就像在說你…

[04:42.12]- A loser? - Leper. -沒人要? -異類

[04:44.04]- Whore. - Exactly. -蕩婦 -完全正確

[04:46.32]Married people are the enemy! 已婚者真是我們的大敵

[04:50.28]Was Miranda right? Were we enemies? 米蘭達說對了嗎? 已婚與未婚者真的勢不兩立?

[04:52.80]ls there a secret cold war between marrieds and singles? 兩者之間正上演一場 秘密的冷戰(zhàn)嗎?

[04:58.96]l love my single friends, 我很喜歡單身的女性朋友

[04:60.16]but now that l'm married, l don't see them as much as l used to. 但因為我結婚了 無法像從前時常見面

[05:03.12]lt's too painful. They remind me of how desperate l used to be. 我覺得非常痛苦 她們讓我想起從前絕望的日子

[05:09.20]When women get married, they forget who they are. ''l'' becomes ''we''. 女性婚后會忘記自我 由“我”變成“我們”

[05:11.16]''We loved the movie.'' ''We hate that restaurant.'' “我們喜歡這部電影 我們討厭那間餐廳”

[05:15.52]We, we, we, we, we. 我們…

[05:16.96]My best buddy and l did everything together. 本來我和拍檔什么事都一起做

[05:19.100]Then he married this girl who doesn't like me. 結果他卻娶了一個 和我合不來的女孩

[05:24.52]Now l only see him on Super Bowl Sunday. 現(xiàn)在我只有在 超級杯比賽時才見得到他

[05:25.56]lt's all about what you want. Some people, like me, choose to grow up, 這件事取決于 自己想過何種生活

[05:27.28]有些人像我一樣,選擇長大 面對現(xiàn)實乖乖結婚

[05:31.16]face reality and get married,

[05:33.72]and others choose to, what? 至于其他人…怎么說?

[05:34.32]Live an empty, haunted life of stunted adolescence. 像長不大的孩子般 過著空虛、腦人的生活

[05:39.68]No, it's not a cold war. lt's an out and out battle. 這不是一場冷戰(zhàn) 而是激烈的大戰(zhàn)

[05:41.16]And it isn't just straight people. 而且參戰(zhàn)者不只是一般人

[05:43.96]Every gay guy l know is running off to Hawaii, 我認識的同性戀者 都跑到夏威夷

[05:46.68]putting on a caftan, reciting vows, and feeling superior to me. 穿長袖花襯衫,宣誓結婚 心中想著我比不上他們

[05:50.84]- Caftans? - Yes, with orchid leis. -穿長袖花襯衫 -沒錯,還戴蘭花做的花環(huán)

[05:55.04]Aloha. “歡迎”

[05:57.20]l miss the old times when everyone was alone. 我懷念過去 大家都還是單身的時光

[05:60.68]l'm starting to feel like l'm an outcast in the... 我開始覺得自己像是被放逐…

[06:03.68]Carrie? 凱莉?

[06:03.24]Oh, my God! Joe! Hi! Wow! 天啊,喬,是你…

[06:08.60]Jeez, it's been years. l haven't seen you since you were... 好多年沒見了 我一直沒遇到你,自從…

[06:12.28]Straight? -還不是同性戀時? -我是說“西貢小姐”演出后

[06:14.20]- l was gonna say in Miss Saigon. - Still am.

[06:15.40]l love Miss Saigon. -我還在表演 -我很喜歡這部音樂劇

[06:17.84]This is my friend, Stanford. 這位是我的朋友,史丹佛

[06:22.76]- This is my life partner, Lou. - Look at that. Congratulations. -這是我的親蜜愛人,盧 -看,是結婚戒指,恭喜你們

[06:29.00]- Where are you registered? - Barney's. -在哪里公證的? -巴尼百貨

[06:31.00]l was kidding. 我只是在開玩笑

[06:31.88]So, how about you? Are you married? 你呢?結婚了嗎?

[06:33.88]Not really, l mean, no! 也不算是…我的意思是還沒有

[06:38.68]- Are you thinking what l'm thinking? - Perfect! -我們想的是同一件事嗎? -好極了

[06:43.84]- What? - Lou and l want to have a child. -什么事? -我們想要一個孩子

[06:46.40]We already have a surrogate, but we need a top-notch egg. 我們已經(jīng)找到人代產(chǎn)了 但還需要一顆健康的蛋

[06:48.80]What are your feelings about donating one? 你愿意捐贈嗎?

[06:54.24]Listen, here's our card. Think about it and give us a call. 這是我們的名片 考慮一下再聯(lián)絡我們

[06:60.12]- We'll pay. - Great seeing you. -若你愿意,我們會付錢 -真高興見到你

[07:05.00]l had just experienced single bashing for the new millennium. 我剛遭受千禧年的第一個打擊

[07:07.80]l was no longer considered a person. l was now an egg farm. 朋友已經(jīng)不把我當人看了 我成了蛋繁殖場

[07:11.76]Meanwhile, downtown, another single woman was about to be humiliated. 此時,在市中心 另一名單身女子也將遭到羞辱

[07:18.84]Miranda had to attend her firm's annual softball game. 米蘭達被迫參加 公司的年度壘球比賽

[07:22.88]A law firm softball game is like any other, 律師事務所辦的壘球比賽 和一般比賽沒什么兩樣

[07:24.80]but when a lawyer steals a base, he gets promoted. 但若律師盜壘成功 便能獲得升遷

[07:27.28]Miranda! -米蘭達,我還以為你不會來 -好了,走吧

[07:28.68]- l thought you wouldn't come. - Alright, let's get it over with.

[07:34.40]Panicked at the idea of spending another firm function as a leper, 由于擔心被公司同事視為異類

[07:36.88]Miranda had agreed to be fixed up on a blind date. 米蘭達和刻意安排的對象約會

[07:41.48]Miranda, this is Syd. Syd, Miranda. 米蘭達,見過席德 席德,這位是米蘭達

[07:46.16]Look at you two, perfect match. 你們簡直是天生一對

[07:49.72]Well, l'm gonna excuse myself. 我要先走一步

[07:55.08]- Nice to meet you. - You too. -幸會 -幸會

[07:57.48]l'm gonna get a soda. You want a soda? 我要去買杯汽水,你要喝嗎?

[07:58.04]l'm gonna get us a soda. 我現(xiàn)在就去買

[08:04.76]Jeff! 杰夫

[08:04.52]Pretty great, huh? Can l pick 'em or what? 還不錯,對嗎? 我很會看人不是嗎?

[08:07.44]- Yeah, l'm not gay. - Seriously? -沒錯,但我不是同性戀 -真的嗎?

[08:09.100]ln eight months, l've never seen you with a guy. 我已經(jīng)八個月 沒見過你交男朋友了

[08:14.36]Circumstantial, Jeff, l'm single. 那只是巧合,杰夫 我是單身女郎

[08:17.68]Christ, when did being single translate into being gay? 天啊 單身怎么會被視為同性戀?

[08:19.04]Shit. Do you want me to go over there and... 難不成你要我過去…

[08:23.80]No, l'll do it. 算了,我自己解決

[08:30.08]Brave Miranda marched right over and told Syd she wasn't. 勇敢的米蘭達大步走過去 告訴席德她不是同性戀

[08:32.36]They had a good laugh and decided to stay and play ball. 她們相覷大笑并決定一起打球

[08:46.96]Miranda and Syd's last inning double play got the attention of everyone, 米蘭達和席德最后一局 演出雙殺成為場中的焦點

[08:50.16]- even the firm's senior partner. - Quite a play, ladies. -連公司的資深股東都… -真精彩,女士們

[08:54.52]- lt's all about teamwork, Charles. - Chip. -全靠團隊合作,查爾斯 -叫我契普

[08:57.04]Chip. 契普

[08:59.00]My wife and l are having a dinner party on the 1 2th, 我們夫妻十二號要辦一個派對

[09:03.60]just some couples, nothing fancy. 只邀請了幾對夫妻 是個普通的派對

[09:05.16]- We'd love it if you both came. - We'd love to. -希望你們也能來 -樂意之至

[09:14.12]That night, Miranda gave me the low-down on her day. 那天晚上 米蘭達對我大吐苦水

[09:17.28]You think it's because they think that you're in a couple? 你想這是因為 他們以為你們是一對嗎?

[09:21.00]ln two years he's barely spoken to me, all of a sudden, it's ''Chip''. 兩年來我們鮮少交談 他卻突然要我叫他“契普”

[09:26.84]A lawyer named Chip, gotta love that. 一個名叫契普的律師 令人不由得喜歡他

[09:28.44]They seemed relieved to have finally figured me out. 他們好不容易了解我以后 好像松了一口氣

[09:29.92]- You're actually going to dinner? - Yup. -你真會赴宴嗎? -沒錯

[09:35.32]l want to make partner in this firm, even if l have to be a lesbian. 在公司里我需要戰(zhàn)友 就算得當同性戀也再所不惜

[09:39.88]After Miranda left, l had a thought. 米蘭達離去后,我想了一想

[09:40.24]Maybe the cold war isn't about hate, maybe it's about fear, 或許冷戰(zhàn)的起因不是恨 而是恐懼

[09:45.16]fear of the unknown. 對于未知的恐懼

[09:48.24]Married people don't hate singles, they just want us ''figured out''. 已婚者并不恨單身貴族 只是想“弄清楚”我們的想法

[09:53.48]lt was time to stop all this speculation and infiltrate the enemy camp. 該是停止猜忌 滲透敵方陣營的時候了

[09:58.36]Lunch with my favorite couple, David and Lisa. 于是我和我最喜愛的夫妻檔 大衛(wèi)和莉莎共進午餐

[10:00.64]l don't think of us as married so much as together. 與其說婚姻生活 我比較傾向說共同生活

[10:03.80]Are we married? 我們結婚了嗎?

[10:07.88]Remember when you wore the white dress and we got all the flatware? 記得當時你披上白紗 我們還收到很多餐具嗎?

[10:08.80]Yeah. l guess l should stop seeing other men. 記得 或許我不該再和其他男人約會

[10:13.24]- And you? You like being single? - Most of the time, yeah. -你呢?喜歡單身生活嗎? -我覺得還不錯

[10:18.24]Then there are the other times, 有時候則不然

[10:21.60]like family functions when they sit you at the kid's table. 像家庭聚會時得和小孩坐一桌

[10:25.60]Or when you two eat off the same fork, l just... 或看你們用同一支叉子 吃東西,我…

[10:30.04]- Man, that's so sweet. - Don't start crying. -那真是太甜蜜了 -別哭出來

[10:33.24]He's such a pussy. 他很多愁善感

[10:35.60]But you do want to get married, right? 你將來打算結婚,對嗎?

[10:40.20]l don't know. l'm beginning to think l may not be the marrying kind. 不知道 我覺得自己可能不適合結婚

[10:44.76]- Really? - As soon as the words came out, -真的嗎? -話才剛說完…

[10:45.68]l wondered if they were true. 我自己已經(jīng)開始懷疑了

[10:48.84]- Hey! - Hey, Sean! -你們好 -你好,西恩

[10:49.72]- What a surprise. This is Carrie. - Hi. -好一個驚喜,見過凱莉 -幸會

[10:53.84]We're about to have dessert, wanna join us? 我們正要吃甜點 要不要一起享用?

[10:56.20]Sure. This is such a surprise. 好,我真是太意外了

[11:02.20]Another time l hate being single 另一個讓我討厭單身的場合…

[11:02.08]is when married friends ''surprise'' fix you up. 就是已婚的朋友 “意外”幫你介紹對象

[11:06.92]Two espressos and a tiramisu later, 喝了兩杯濃咖啡 吃了一個提拉米蘇后

[11:09.72]l had learned that Sean was the youngest of three brothers, 我得知西恩是三兄弟中最小的

[11:11.80]had his own investment firm 他有自己的投資公司

[11:15.72]and was about to move into an apartment he had just purchased. 而且即將遷入新購置的公寓

[11:16.56]-You know this was a fix-up, right? - Please, 你知道這全是安排好的 對嗎?

[11:21.24]l could smell it before you walked in the door. 其實你進門前我就聞出來了

[11:21.84]My parents met on a fix-up, and they'll be married 41 years next month. 我父母是相親結婚的 下個月是他們結婚41周年紀念

[11:28.44]That's great. 真是美滿

[11:30.20]lt was then l realized, l was having coffee with the marrying guy. 這時我才了解,他很期待結婚

[11:34.56]That illusive and rare Manhattan man whose sights were set on marriage. 結婚是這個魅力十足 曼哈頓男子的最終目標

[11:38.84]- Can l see you again? - Sure. -我可以再約你出來嗎? -當然可以

[11:47.08]Over the next week and a half, l met Sean for a movie... 接下來一周半的時間… 我和西恩一起看了場電影…

[11:52.24]l met him for another movie. 又看了另一部電影

[11:56.72]l helped him pick out a top of the line cheese grater at Williams-Sonoma. 我在威廉斯索諾瑪 幫他挑了一個高級起司磨碎器

[12:00.84]My house-warming is on the 1 2th. Come, and bring your friends. 十二號我要辦喬遷派對 請你參加,帶朋友一起來

[12:04.60]Sounds like fun. 聽起來好像很有意思

[12:10.36]Thanks for a great day. 謝謝你陪我共度美好時光

[12:11.36]He was like the flesh and blood equivalent of a DKNY dress. 他就像DKNY服飾活生生的翻版

[12:15.12]You know it's not you're style, but it's there, so you try it on anyway. 雖然明知和自己的風格不合 但順便試穿也無妨

[12:23.00]lt was the night of the 1 2th. 十二號當天晚上…

[12:24.88]On the East Side, a pseudo lesbian couple went to a Republican dinner. 一對假的女同性戀到紐約東區(qū) 出席一名共和黨員的晚宴

[12:35.00]Hey! 你們來了

[12:34.100]On the West Side, a trio of single gals went to a single guy's house-warming. 西區(qū)則有三個單身女郎 參加一個單身漢的喬遷派對

[12:41.76]- Are his friends cute? - l don't know, l haven't met them. -他的朋友帥嗎? -不知道,我從沒見過他們

[12:44.04]How did you get a new boyfriend in a week? 你是怎么在一周內 交上新男朋友?

[12:46.36]He's not my boyfriend. l'm just trying him on. 他不是我的男朋友 我只是在試試而已

[12:52.20]All right, ready? 準備好了嗎?

[12:57.16]Everywhere people were standing in twos. 所有賓客都成雙成對

[13:01.48]lt was like Noah's Upper West Side rent controlled ark. 這里簡直像有房租限制的 諾亞方舟

[13:05.44]lt's all married couples. 他們全是夫妻檔

[13:09.52]Samantha gave me a look like l had sold her to the enemy 莎曼珊瞪了我一眼 好像我將她出賣給敵人

[13:11.32]for chocolate bars and nylons. 只是為了巧克力棒和尼龍襪

[13:15.36]This is for you. Hi. 這是給你的,恭喜

[13:16.64]- You must be Charlotte. - Hi. -你想必就是夏綠蒂 -幸會

[13:20.56]- You must be Samantha. - Yeah, where's the bar? -你一定是莎曼珊 -沒錯,請問吧臺在哪里?

[13:21.00]Kitchen, you can't miss it, room with the stove. 在廚房,你一定找得到 就是有瓦斯爐的那一間

[13:25.80]- This place is amazing. - l've been planning it for years. -這里真漂亮 -我花了很多年規(guī)劃

[13:28.68]l'll give you guys the grand tour. 我?guī)銋⒂^

[13:28.68]Moving through the married couples, l noticed something was different... 我們從已婚夫妻旁走過時 我發(fā)現(xiàn)一件事…

[13:33.04]No fear, no pity, no pointing. 她們眼中沒有恐懼、憐憫 也不會對我品頭論足

[13:37.72]Were Sean's friends cold war conscientious objectors? 難不成西恩的朋友 都是善良的反戰(zhàn)者嗎?

[13:39.60]Or was it just that l was ''figured out''? 還是因為我已經(jīng) 被她們“摸清楚了”?

[13:46.28]My accountant says it's best to go with low risk stocks. 會計師告訴我 最好買低風險的股票

[13:48.28]lt depends. What are your expectations? 這要視清況而定 你對投資持何種心態(tài)?

[13:51.44]l'm not sure. 我也不太確定

[13:54.92]- Honey, l need you to meet someone. - Sure. -甜心,我要介紹朋友給你 -好

[13:58.52]- This is Samantha, Samantha, Elaine. - His wife. -莎曼珊,莎曼珊,見過伊蓮 -我是他太太

[14:02.40]- Honey, l need you in the other room. - Sure. Nice talking to you Samantha. -甜心,我們去別的房間 -好,很高興和你聊,莎曼珊

[14:11.52]- This is the den. - A leather club chair! l love them. -這里是書房 -是高級皮椅,我愛死它們了

[14:15.20]Thanks. l'm using this room as an office now, but someday... 謝謝,目前我把這里當辦公室 但有一天…

[14:21.28]this is gonna be the kid's room. Look. 這里會變成小孩的房間,看

[14:26.04]l got this three years ago in Aspen. What do you think? 三年前我在阿斯彭買的 喜歡嗎?

[14:36.00]l owe you. l didn't know all his buddies were married. 這是我的錯 我不知道他的朋友全都結婚了

[14:41.36]- My God, you're doing tequila shots? - See that buddy over there? -天啊,你在喝龍舌蘭? -你看那邊那個男的

[14:45.04]- l fucked him. - See that buddy over there? -我上過他 -再看那邊那一個

[14:50.92]l fucked him too. 我也上過他

[14:53.40]l never thought l'd see them again. 我沒想到還會見到他們

[14:56.88]We should tag your married men so you can keep track of them. 你已婚的前男友都該貼上標簽 這樣你才能追蹤他們的動向

[14:60.04]- He's gonna ask you to marry him. - He's not. We've been dating a week. -他會向你求婚 -不可能,我們才約會一周

[15:07.20]No guy buys a classic six on the Upper West Side 除非慎重考慮結婚的事

[15:10.20]unless they're seriously thinking about marriage. 否則沒人會在上西城區(qū) 買這么好的房子

[15:13.36]Some people read palms, Charlotte read real estate. 有人會看手相 夏綠蒂卻會觀察不動產(chǎn)

[15:15.12]lf you turn into one of those married assholes, 若你成為那些已婚白癡的一員 我會斃了你

[15:18.24]l'll kill you.

[15:22.60]Sean is the greatest guy and he loves kids. 西恩好得沒話說 而且又喜歡小孩

[15:26.16]Plus, he owns his own business, and he's got 300,000 in the bank. 他不但有自己的事業(yè) 銀行里還有三十萬元存款

[15:30.36]We both slept with him and he's great in bed. 我們都和他有過一腿 他的床上功夫好極了

[15:33.24]An hour and a half into this house-warming, 我在這場喬遷派對 待了一個半小時

[15:36.84]l had gone from party guest to prisoner of war. 從座的貴賓變成了戰(zhàn)俘

[15:41.68]Samantha is totally drunk. l've got to get her out of here. 莎曼珊醉得一蹋糊涂 我得送她回去休息

[15:43.60]- You're not going without me. - Carrie! -我和你們一起走 -凱莉

[15:45.68]Oh God, more friends. 天啊,又有朋友來了

[15:49.12]- Surprise! - lt certainly was. -驚喜吧 -我的確感到訝異

[15:52.04]Last time l saw Patience she was shoving me on a bus. 上回我見到佩萱絲時 她在公車上推我

[15:57.12]When Sean told us you two were dating, we were thrilled. 西恩告訴我們你們在約會 我們也非常高興

[16:01.48]About what happened at your house the other day... 上次在你們家發(fā)生的事…

[16:05.44]- Don't mention it. - l'm not sure... -別提那件事 -我不知道…

[16:06.84]l said don't mention it. 別再說下去了

[16:07.92]This party is terrible. Who are you? 這場派對糟得不像話 你是哪位?

[16:12.80]This is my friend Patience and her husband Peter. 我的朋友佩萱絲 和她的丈夫彼得

[16:16.20]l heard about you. 久仰大名

[16:20.04]- Big pepper mill dick! - We gotta go! -像胡椒碾磨器般的大弟弟 -我們得走了

[16:26.32]And suddenly our little cease-fire was over. 我們的?;饏f(xié)議剎那間破滅

[16:29.20]Meanwhile, across town, things were winding down. 同時,在紐約的另一端 形勢漸趨和緩

[16:33.56]Thank you so much, we really had a great time. 非常感謝你的招待 我們都玩得很盡興

[16:37.28]As did we all. 我也一樣

[16:40.04]She is a real find. We'll do it again soon. 她真是個好伴侶 不久后我們會再辦一次

[16:44.44]l'll meet you at the elevator, OK? 先去按電梯,我稍后就來

[16:47.68]We can't do it again soon. Syd and l aren't really a couple. 恐怕我們辦不到 席德和我并不是一對

[16:53.16]We're not even really lesbians. Well, Syd is, l'm not. 其實我們根本不是同性戀 她是,但我不是

[16:59.64]l just wanted to bend your ear about my work at the firm. 我只是想藉機和你談 我在公司的工作

[17:04.92]Shrewd move, counselor. No harm done. 很聰明的做法,別放在心上

[17:07.28]- Thank you, sir. - My wife will be disappointed. -謝謝 -我太太會大失所望

[17:11.68]She wanted to add a lesbian couple to our circle. 她希望為我們的社交圈 增加一對女同性戀

[17:19.20]As they rode between floors, 搭電梯時,米蘭達心中想著 若她有伴侶,生活會多自在…

[17:21.60]Miranda considered how much easier life would be if she were in a couple,


[17:25.48]any couple.

[17:30.84]Yup, definitely straight. 我真的不是同性戀

[17:36.88]Yeah, you are. 完全正確

[17:39.96]Sorry. 抱歉

[17:42.96]While she cursed her heterosexuality 米蘭達為自己 不是同性戀而懊腦

[17:46.44]wondering how much longer she could fight the war, 想著這場戰(zhàn)爭里 自己能撐多久的同時

[17:47.92]Charlotte cursed tequila and forced Samantha into a cab. 夏綠蒂把錯怪在龍舌蘭酒上 硬逼莎曼珊搭上計程車

[17:52.60]She thought Samantha was too drunk 她認為莎曼珊太醉不能回家 堅持讓她睡在沙發(fā)上

[17:54.92]and insisted she slept on her couch.

[17:60.96]- We're home. - We're home. Oh, boy. -到家了 -終于到家了

[18:07.92]Let me get that door for you. 我?guī)湍汩_門

[18:12.36]- Hi. - Alright. -你好 -夠了…

[18:16.56]- l like him! - Bye. -我喜歡他 -再見

[18:17.44]She got Samantha upstairs and safely to bed, or so she thought. 她扶莎曼珊上樓,上床睡覺 但事情還沒告一段落

[18:22.40]A few hours later, Samantha woke up still drunk and single. 幾小時后,莎曼珊醒了 依然是酒醉的單身女郎

[18:26.12]And single to Samantha meant one thing. 對她而言 單身代表一個意義

[18:37.56]- Can l have a cigarette? - Sure. -可以給我一根煙嗎? -沒問題

[18:45.48]Can l have a kiss? 可以給我一個吻嗎?

[18:59.44]Jesus... 天啊…

[19:02.20]l really shouldn't, somebody might see. 我真的不該這么做 或許會被人撞見

[19:04.20]Why don't you come upstairs for a minute? 你何不到樓上來一下? 一下就好

[19:18.20]Samantha? 莎曼珊?

[19:24.96]Don't be scared, miss. lt's me, Tommy, l'm just leaving. 別害怕,小姐 是我,湯米,我正要離開

[19:29.56]Your friend invited me up. l know it was wrong, 是你的朋友請我來的 我知道不該這么做

[19:29.92]but l've just been so lonely since l left home. 但是離開家后 我一直覺得很孤獨

[19:33.88]l wanted the feel of a woman's touch on me. 我渴望得到女人的撫摸慰藉

[19:38.16]l'm going into the bathroom now and when l come out you won't be here. 我要進洗手間 出來時別讓我再看到你

[19:44.04]l never want this mentioned again. 這件事就當沒發(fā)生過

[19:48.12]Let me get the door for you, miss. 我?guī)湍汩_門,小姐

[19:59.52]l was hoping you'd stay over. 我原本希望你留下過夜

[20:06.60]Look, Sean, l don't think this is gonna work. 聽我說,西恩 我認為我們不適合在一起

[20:12.88]We want different things. You want to get married and... 我們追求的是不同的生活 你想結婚…

[20:14.64]l don't know what l want. 而我不知道自己要什么

[20:20.24]- You can smell my desperation, right? - No, it's just... -你感覺得出我的心急迫切 -不,只是…

[20:26.20]l was trying you on, you know? To see if it fits. 我在嘗試與你相處,懂嗎? 看看我們合不合適

[20:33.52]lt doesn't. 結果合不來

[20:35.56]l'm sorry. 很抱歉

[20:43.28]l don't understand you women. 我真搞不懂你們女人

[20:47.44]All l hear is, ''l want to get married, l want to get married'', 我總聽你們說“我想結婚”…

[20:51.16]and none of you says yes. What the fuck? 但卻沒有一個人答應我 到底是怎么回事?

[21:05.48]l'm so tired of going through women. 我再也受不了一個一個試了

[21:09.04]l just want to get married. 我只是想結婚

[21:11.64]l may know someone who's perfect for you. 我或許認識和你一拍即合的人

[21:17.00]Who? 是誰?

[21:19.20]They started out casual, a brunch here, a concert there. 開始時他們很隨性 只是吃個早午餐,聽場音樂會

[21:21.04]But pretty soon they were visiting china. 但很快他們就開始選購瓷器

[21:26.64]l always wanted this pattern for formal dining. 正式場合我一直想用這種餐具

[21:30.60]Are you serious? 真的嗎?

[21:34.36]Charlotte broke it off then and there. lt would never work. 夏綠蒂當場決定分手 他們絕不可能在一起

[21:38.16]He was American classic, she was French country. 他的風格是美式上流社會 她則屬于法式鄉(xiāng)村

[21:44.00]Your friend never called like she promised. Why? 為何你朋友從沒打過電話?

[21:48.08]l don't know. 不知道

[21:53.16]As l sifted through the rubble of my marriage skirmish, l had a thought. 在婚姻戰(zhàn)爭的槍林彈雨中 我產(chǎn)生了一個想法

[21:58.76]The war between marrieds and singles is like the war in Northern lreland. 或許已婚與未婚者的沖突 就像北愛爾蘭的戰(zhàn)爭一樣

[22:02.08]We're basically the same, but we wound up on different sides. 基本上我們是一樣的 只是立場截然不同

[22:07.80]lt'd be great to have that one special person to walk home with, 有另一半陪著走回家是很好

[22:11.96]but sometimes there's nothing better 但有時候…

[22:14.76]than meeting your single girlfriends for a night at the movies. 什么也比不過和單身女性朋友 一同看電影享受夜晚時光


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