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欲望都市第三季 來得快,去得快 Easy Come, Easy Go





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:34:37



[00:35.84](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:48.76]OK, l gOtta gO. 我要出門了

[00:51.84]Have a gOOd day. Give me a Kiss. 再見,祝你愉快,親一個(gè)吧

[00:55.88]Bye-bye. 再見

[00:56.92]One unfOrtunate thing 要在紐約市 結(jié)束一段戀情的缺點(diǎn)是

[00:58.68]abOut ending a relatiOnship

[01:01.08]in a City liKe New YOrK 雖然在情感上不再依戀對方

[01:02.68]is while yOu Can emOtiOnally mOve away frOm eaCh Other,

[01:05.72]yOu physiCally Can't. 身體上還是糾纏不清

[01:16.80]GOing tO wOrK? 要去上班了?

[01:19.36]Yeah, wOrK. 對,去上班

[01:22.76]- SOrry abOut waKing yOu. - What time is it? -抱歉把你吵醒 -現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)鐘?

[01:23.16]- 6:30. - Jesus. Why sO early? -六點(diǎn)半 -這么早?

[01:27.32]l gOt a brief due, sO... 我要做簡報(bào)

[01:30.92]There was nOthing brief abOut it. 根本沒有簡報(bào)這回事 史蒂夫和米蘭達(dá)玩這種

[01:33.36]Steve and Miranda had been dOing the pOlite avOid-eaCh-Other “禮貌性回避對方”的游戲 已經(jīng)三個(gè)禮拜了

[01:36.76]breaK-up-danCe fOr three weeKs.

[01:40.72]l'm sOrry it's taKing me sO lOng 很抱歉我這么久還找不到房子

[01:40.12]tO find a plaCe. 不過我已經(jīng)有中意的了

[01:44.20]l gOt a lead On One, thOugh.

[01:46.60]OK. 很好

[01:47.92]Hey, dO yOu... Never mind. 你能不能…算了

[01:51.40]What? 什么事?

[01:51.44]l was gOnna asK if yOu'd lOOK at it with me, 我本來要邀你 跟我一起去看房子

[01:56.52]but that's weird, right?

[01:57.92]- l dOn't KnOw. We COuld dO that. - Yeah? -應(yīng)該是沒問題 -真的嗎?

[02:07.96]When yOu find that plaCe tO mOve, 當(dāng)你終于找到地方住了

[02:09.08]yOu need tO fill it with furniture. 你還得要買一堆家具

[02:11.64]That's why smart New YOrKers 所以聰明的紐約人

[02:12.52]frequent the Opening day Of the New Designer shOwCase. 三不五時(shí)就舉辦新設(shè)計(jì)家具展

[02:18.72]l'm liKe yOur rOady. 我好像你的道具管理員

[02:20.60]l dOn't have a rOad. l just have this bOOth. 我沒有什么道具 我只有這個(gè)攤位

[02:23.88]- At best, yOu're my bOOth-bitCh. - Yeah, l'm yOur bOOth-bitCh. -充其量你只是我的攤位小妹 -對,你的攤位小妹

[02:28.92]l wax yOur wOOd. 我?guī)湍愕哪局萍揖呱舷?/p>

[02:31.16]YOu wax it real gOOd. 你挺會(huì)上蠟的

[02:34.04]That's beCause l'm yOur bOOth-bitCh. 因?yàn)槲沂悄愕臄偽恍∶?/p>

[02:39.68]YOu watCh the bOOth. l'm gOing tO get us sOme COffee. 好好看著攤位,我去買咖啡

[02:42.88]Whatever yOu say. l'm yOur bOOth-bitCh. 遵命,我是你的攤位小妹

[02:48.56]That's sexy. l liKe it. 這樣說好性感,我喜歡

[02:52.52]l didn't need a blue-ribbOn panel tO deCide - 不需要評審委員會(huì)來決定

[02:53.40]he was the finest new designer in the whOle plaCe. 他在我心中是最棒的設(shè)計(jì)師

[03:06.72]l'd Often fantasized abOut running intO my ex and his wife, 我總是幻想與前男友伉儷偶遇

[03:08.100]but in thOse fantasies l was running intO them with a truCK. 不過情節(jié)是我開卡車撞上他們

[03:13.16]l dOn't KnOw hOw yOu COuld liKe this ClunKy wOOd. lt's Oppressive. 你怎么會(huì)喜歡這種笨重的木頭 好有壓迫感

[03:21.40]- What the fuCK? - Hi. 這是怎么回事?

[03:27.88]Hi. l'm wOrKing here. 你好,我在這里工作

[03:30.68]l mean, l'm nOt wOrKing. This is my bOyfriend's bOOth. 不是真的工作 這是我男朋友的攤位

[03:35.44]l'm his bOOth-bitCh. 我是他的攤位小妹

[03:37.04]- That's a jOKe. Guess it's an in-jOKe. - l get it. -那是玩笑話,內(nèi)行人才會(huì)懂 -我懂

[03:44.28]SO. Can l shOw yOu sOmething in a hutCh? 我能為你們介紹嗎?

[03:48.00]His pieCes are fantastiC. lt's just nOt really Our style. 他的作品很棒 不過不合我們的風(fēng)格

[03:51.84]NO. We Only liKe teeny-tiny furniture. 當(dāng)然 我們只喜歡小不拉嘰的家具

[04:04.88]This is the designer. This is Aidan Shaw. 這位就是設(shè)計(jì)師艾登蕭

[04:06.88]Great stuff. 東西很棒

[04:10.36]ThanKs, man. 謝謝

[04:12.12]- OaK? - lt's mOstly maple. -橡木? -大部分是楓樹

[04:15.32]There we were. MOstly maple and inCredibly unCOmfOrtable. 當(dāng)時(shí)真的是尷尬異常

[04:19.08]- SOrry, l didn't get yOur names. - Oh, l'm sOrry. -抱歉,我不知道你的名字 -抱歉

[04:23.56]These are my friends. 他們是我的朋友

[04:25.92]This is Natasha, and this is... 這是娜塔莎,這是…

[04:28.64]Shit. SOrry, is that hOt? 糟了,抱歉,很燙嗎?

[04:32.12]lt ain't COld. 不冷就是了

[04:34.20]- Here. - NO, l'll... -我?guī)湍?-不用,我來…

[04:38.88]- We shOuld put COld water On this. - OK. -應(yīng)該倒一點(diǎn)冷水 -好

[04:41.24]lt was niCe meeting yOu. 很高興認(rèn)識你們

[04:42.24]ThanKs fOr the COffee. 謝謝你的咖啡

[04:46.84]- They seem niCe. - Yeah, dOn't they? -他們挺友善的 -可不是?

[04:50.40]- Where dO yOu KnOw them frOm? - FrOm arOund. -你怎么認(rèn)識他們的? -朋友介紹

[04:55.28]LiKe 100 years agO. 好久以前了

[04:58.28]lt's a past life. 前輩子的事了

[05:02.84]TwO hOurs later, it was time fOr the Opening-day party. 兩個(gè)小時(shí)后,開幕派對開始

[05:06.20]lt was lOvely. Caviar, silent auCtiOns, and landmines. 很溫馨的派對 有魚子醬、拍賣會(huì)和地雷

[05:11.36]Where's Paul Bunyan? 伐樹巨人在哪里?

[05:13.44]lf yOu're referring tO my bOyfriend - he's dOing business. 要是你指的是我男朋友 他在做生意

[05:17.60]OOh, he's a big 'un! Where did he learn tO whittle liKe that? 他真是有頭有臉 他在哪里學(xué)會(huì)刻木頭的?

[05:23.32]HOw many drinKs have yOu had? 你喝了多少酒?

[05:25.76]NOt nearly enOugh. 稱不上多

[05:36.24]SO... HOw are yOu? 你好嗎?

[05:39.48]l'm great. 我很好

[05:42.60]And Daniel BOOne, is he a niCe guy? 拓荒者布恩對你好嗎?

[05:43.80]His name is Aidan. 他叫做艾登

[05:47.16]- Where is yOur sense Of humOr? - Where is yOur wife? -你的幽默感哪里去了? -你妻子哪里去了?

[05:53.80]Guarding her bid On the silent auCtiOn. She's gOt her eye On a beige Chair. 她在拍賣會(huì)上競標(biāo) 她看中一張米色的椅子

[05:57.20]Everything in my apartment is nOw beige. 現(xiàn)在我家里所有東西 都是米色的

[05:59.68]Beige is bullshit. 米色爛死了

[06:01.24]l thOught yOu wanted beige. 我以為你選擇米色

[06:04.04]Yeah, well... lt dOesn't quite fit. 對,結(jié)果很不搭

[06:08.40]- Have yOu gOt a smOKe? - l quit. -有沒有煙? -我戒掉了

[06:13.72]We always used tO share a Cigarette tOgether. 我們以前總是一起抽一根煙

[06:14.32]We did a lOt Of things that were bad fOr me tOgether. 我們一起做過很多 對我無益的事

[06:19.76]l have a seCret tO tell yOu. 我要告訴你一個(gè)秘密

[06:24.56]lt's nOt wOrKing. l'm getting Out. 我的婚姻不美滿,我要抽身了

[06:30.72]lf yOu KnOw anyOne whO's interested... 要是你知道誰有興趣…

[06:31.36]YOu shOuld Keep that tO yOurself. NO One wants that infOrmatiOn. 你自己知道就好 沒有人有興趣

[06:45.00]- Big's leaving his wife. - NO! -大人物要離婚了 -不會(huì)吧

[06:48.08]- He tOld me at the furniture shOw. - What was he dOing there? -他在家具展上告訴我的 -他去那里做什么?

[06:52.68]- DrinKing and leaving his wife. - Oh, my GOd. -喝酒,離開他老婆 -我的天

[06:53.28]- Let's just say it. YOu wOn. - Was there a COntest? -姑且說你贏了 -這是個(gè)競爭嗎?

[06:58.64]There's always a COntest with an ex. lt's Called ''WhO'll Die Miserable?''. 跟前任情人之間總是有競爭 叫做“看誰死得凄慘”

[07:02.64]- What did he say? - He said, ''lt's nOt wOrKing Out.'' -他說了什么? -他說“婚姻不美滿”

[07:04.12]Then he leaned in and said, ''lf yOu KnOw anyOne whO's interested...'' 然后就靠過來說 “要是你知道誰有興趣”

[07:08.24]YOu dOn't KnOw anyOne whO is interested. He's married. 沒有人有興趣,他已經(jīng)結(jié)婚了

[07:13.12]- l'm aware Of that. - Why is he telling yOu? -我當(dāng)然知道 -他為什么要告訴你?

[07:18.04]TO save pOstage On his newsletter? 才不用麻煩還要寄信?

[07:19.88]- What are yOu gOnna dO? - NOthing. -你要怎么做? -什么都不做

[07:21.32]- She's nOt gOnna dO anything. - YOu're starting tO bug me. -她才不會(huì)理他 -你們讓我開始煩躁了

[07:26.36]HOw dare he say that tO yOu? Married men never leave their wives. 他怎么敢那樣對你說話? 已婚的男人是不會(huì)離開老婆的

[07:27.28]Even if he did, l have nO intentiOn Of dOing anything fOr twO reasOns - 就算他離開她 我也不會(huì)有所行動(dòng)

[07:31.92]l have a great bOyfriend, and l'm nOt insane. 第一,我有個(gè)很棒的男朋友 第二,我沒發(fā)瘋

[07:36.12]Let's Order. What dO winners Order? 我們來點(diǎn)餐,贏家要點(diǎn)什么?

[07:39.60]- Didn't yOu feel liKe punChing him? - NO. lt was tOO sad Or sOmething. -你不會(huì)想揍他一頓嗎? -不,那太可悲了

[07:44.08]- l wOuld have punChed him. - NO, it is sad. -換做是我一定會(huì) -不,那太可悲了

[07:46.24]HOw lOng has he been married? Seven mOnths? 他結(jié)婚多久了?七個(gè)月?

[07:51.20]The seven-mOnth itCh. 七個(gè)月就癢了

[07:52.92]That's what happens when peOple jump intO relatiOnships tOO quiCKly. 太快投入一段感情的下場

[07:55.80]l resent that. Trey and l are nOthing liKe Big and Natasha. 我討厭那樣 我跟崔完全不像他們

[08:01.04]DOn't listen tO her. She's mid-breaK-up. 不要聽她的,她快分手了

[08:04.76]- ThanKs fOr the update. - Trey and l really lOve eaCh Other. -謝謝你提供最新情報(bào) -崔和我真心相愛

[08:07.60]WhO wants tO split a Rubin? 誰要跟我合點(diǎn)魯賓三明治?

[08:09.08]l'm meeting his mOther this weeK, and if all gOes well... 我這禮拜要跟他媽媽見面 要是一切順利的話…

[08:14.76]lf all gOes well what? 要是一切順利的話?

[08:16.76]Trey is this ClOse tO prOpOsing. l Can feel it. 崔就快要跟我求婚了 我可以感覺到

[08:20.32]Oh, my GOd. Really? 我的天,真的嗎?

[08:21.92]YOu've just met. l've had pairs Of pantyhOse lOnger. 你們認(rèn)識的時(shí)間 比我的褲襪還短

[08:23.32]lt's nOt lOgiCal. This is lOve. 這不能以邏輯斷定,這是愛

[08:27.12]lt's nOt lOgiCal. lt's right, in my heart. l feel it's right. 我的感覺都對了

[08:29.28]OK, whatever. 好吧,隨便你

[08:36.32]SO, hOw did he lOOK? 怎么樣?

[08:47.36]OK. l'll taKe it. 我租了

[08:51.56]As Miranda lOOKed arOund, she realized the COntest was Over. 在米蘭達(dá)看過公寓之后 她了解沒有所謂的競爭

[08:55.52]Steve was the ex that was gOing tO die alOne and miserable. 史蒂夫?qū)⑹?“死得凄慘”那一個(gè)

[08:57.32]- YOu Can't live here. - lt's nOt that bad. -你不能住在這里 -沒那么糟糕

[09:02.08]lt's nOt that bad? lt's the dOOrway tO hell. 沒那么糟糕? 這簡直是通往地獄之門

[09:06.16]There's gOtta be a better plaCe. l'll help yOu lOOK. 一定有更好的地方,我?guī)湍阏?/p>

[09:09.84]- Guilt? - PrObably. -罪惡感? -或許吧

[09:11.32]l brOKe up with him, and he's gOt nO mOney, nO savings, nO nOthing. 我跟他分手,他沒有錢 沒有存款,一無所有

[09:19.28]There shOuld be a City-funded breaK-up hOusing fOr thOse in need. 紐約市應(yīng)該要成立分手之家 給那些有需要的人

[09:23.08]Really? 是嗎?

[09:25.84]A big Orphanage where Old bOyfriends COuld thinK abOut what they did wrOng 在那里前男友們可以反省 他們做錯(cuò)了什么

[09:29.84]and Cry themselves tO sleep in a Clean, safe envirOnment. 在干凈安全的房間哭著入睡

[09:35.52]YOu thinK yOu dOn't really want him tO mOve away? 你是不是舍不得他搬走?

[09:36.56]lt's nOt that simple. 不是那么簡單

[09:38.56]My head tells me it's time fOr him tO leave, but the idea Of him 我的理智告訴我 應(yīng)該要他離開了

[09:43.56]mOving intO a basement apartment in West Shit Street breaKs my heart. 不過想到他要搬到那樣的地方 卻讓我心碎

[09:47.100]lt's a COmmOn belief that wOmen use the left, emOtiOnal side Of their brain 一般認(rèn)為 女人習(xí)慣用管情緒的左腦思考

[09:53.16]and men the right, mOre lOgiCal side. 男人則是用管邏輯的右腦

[09:56.16]But is it really that Cut and dry? 不過真的是天生如此嗎?

[09:59.24]When it COmes tO affairs Of the heart, 當(dāng)問題的出發(fā)點(diǎn)是感情

[10:02.96]there's a battle between what we KnOw and what we feel. 理智就得跟情感交戰(zhàn)

[10:03.52]What dO yOu dO in a situatiOn 當(dāng)陷入這種 左腦與右腦的戰(zhàn)爭時(shí)

[10:07.40]that leaps baCK and fOrth between the left and right side? 你要怎么做?

[10:10.96]ln relatiOnships, is it smarter tO fOllOw yOur heart Or yOur head? 談感情時(shí),到底應(yīng)順從感覺 還是聽從理智?

[10:14.56]This is Trey when he graduated frOm mediCal sChOOl. 這是崔從醫(yī)學(xué)院畢業(yè)的照片

[10:17.84]Later that weeK, CharlOtte met the head and heart Of Trey's family - 幾天后 夏綠蒂會(huì)見崔家族的重心

[10:22.72]his mOther, Bunny MaCDOugal. 他的母親,邦妮麥克道格

[10:23.52]Trey, yOu lOOK sO Cute in a Cap and gOwn! 崔,你穿學(xué)士服好可愛

[10:27.56]That was befOre we jumped in the fOuntain and hell brOKe lOOse. 那是在我們跳進(jìn)噴泉前拍的

[10:32.44]What's next - bOy sCOut snaps? 接下來呢? 賣童子軍薄脆餅的照片?

[10:35.56]COunt yOur blessings l didn't bring the One On the bearsKin rug. 至少我沒有把 熊皮地毯那一張帶來

[10:36.12]YOu'll have tO exCuse her. She's a bit Of a Camera nazi. 請見諒,她根本是照相狂

[10:40.12]lf yOu insist On dragging us dOwn memOry lane, 你要是堅(jiān)持把我們 拖進(jìn)時(shí)光隧道

[10:43.40]l'm getting a real drinK. ExCuse me, a Glenlivet rOCKs, please. 我就要喝點(diǎn)酒 抱歉,我要威士忌加冰

[10:48.08]Maybe yOu shOuld have a red wine instead. Better fOr the heart. 你應(yīng)該點(diǎn)紅酒,對心臟比較好

[10:53.40]- All righty. - Red wine. -好的 -紅酒

[10:56.88]ThOmas, we'd lOve sOme mOre nibbly Cheese things. 湯瑪士 我們還要一點(diǎn)起司小點(diǎn)心

[10:59.28]- Very gOOd, ma'am. - ThanK yOu. -好的,女士 -謝謝你

[11:02.88]He's Older than water, but never fOrgets a martini. 他年歲有了 卻不曾忘記我的馬丁尼

[11:08.92]- DO yOu play tennis? - Mm-hm. -你會(huì)打網(wǎng)球嗎? -會(huì)

[11:12.44]l liKe her. 我喜歡她

[11:12.40]JOin the Club. 加入俱樂部吧

[11:14.68]- What are yOu twO dOing tOnight? - We've gOt reservatiOns at ClOChe. -你們兩個(gè)今晚有什么計(jì)劃? -我們要去克羅許吃晚餐

[11:19.84]l was there last weeK. DisappOinting Crab and the hOst was rude. 我上禮拜去過了 蟹肉很難吃,服務(wù)很差

[11:28.44]Maybe yOu shOuld gO tO C?te Basque instead. 或許你們應(yīng)該到巴斯克餐廳

[11:30.32]All righty. 好的

[11:34.00]CharlOtte was impressed with Bunny's teChnique. 夏綠蒂驚訝于邦妮的小技巧

[11:34.76]Trey had been lOOKing fOrward tO ClOChe all weeK. 崔已經(jīng)期待了一個(gè)禮拜 到克羅許吃晚餐

[11:39.84]Meanwhile, dOwntOwn, Samantha was entertaining Adam Ball, a film editOr 在此同時(shí),莎曼珊正在取悅 電影剪接師亞當(dāng)巴爾

[11:44.80]whO made a living Cutting COming attraCtiOns fOr film COmpanies. 他靠著剪接精彩片段 賺得可觀收入

[11:49.68]COming. 快來了

[11:51.48]l'm COming. 快出來了

[11:56.36]Oh, man! 老天

[11:58.72]YOu give gOOd head. 你很會(huì)口交

[12:06.80]l'm dating a guy with the funKiest tasting spunK. 我約會(huì)對象的精液難聞到不行

[12:16.56]And she's never COming baCK. 她不會(huì)回來了

[12:17.32]SOrry, but whO else Can l talK tO abOut this? 我還能跟誰說?

[12:19.00]- Might l suggest, nO One? - YOu're my girlfriends. Help me. -或許都不要說 -你們是我們的朋友,幫幫我

[12:23.88]- Have yOu ever had this prOblem? - NOt really. -你們有過這樣的困擾嗎? -沒有

[12:26.64]But l have tO admit it's never been a trip tO BasKin-RObins. 那種滋味絕不好受

[12:30.92]This guy is very sOur. LiKe asparagus gOne bad Or sOmething. 這個(gè)男人的味道很酸 好像蘆筍壞掉的味道

[12:35.04]Can l CanCel my riCe pudding? 可以取消我的米布丁嗎?

[12:37.72]Beautiful guy, great in bed, it's sO disappOinting. 很帥的男人,床上功夫驚人 卻又令人掃興

[12:40.88]lt's liKe a bad bOttle Of BeaujOlais NOuveau the first day Of seasOn. 好像是品嘗一瓶壞掉的紅酒

[12:45.84]lt's tO dO with nutritiOn. l OnCe dated a smOKer. lt affeCted hOw his tasted. 應(yīng)該跟營養(yǎng)有關(guān) 抽煙的人味道也會(huì)改變

[12:47.24]They shOuld put that On the paCK tO Cut baCK sales. 煙盒應(yīng)該印上這個(gè)標(biāo)語

[12:50.40]Maybe there's sOmething he COuld eat tO maKe it sweeter. 或許他可以吃些什么改變味道

[12:54.68]- YOu shOuld write tO Martha Stewart. - Dear Martha, funKy spunK, help! -你應(yīng)該寫信給瑪莎 -親愛的瑪莎,救救怪味精液

[12:59.88]Dear funKy spunK, try a hint Of mint. 親愛的怪味精液 試試看微量的薄荷

[13:03.52]lt's nOt just asparagus. lt's asparagus and sOmething else. 不只是蘆筍味,還有些別的

[13:06.60]l KnOw: ClOrOx. 我知道,還有高樂士清潔劑

[13:09.80]- At least it'll get yOur whites whiter. - This is seriOus. l almOst gagged. -至少會(huì)讓你的白帶更白 -這很嚴(yán)重,我差點(diǎn)噎死

[13:12.08]- That is seriOus. - What am l gOnna dO? -這很嚴(yán)重 -我該怎么辦?

[13:13.96]- Just dOn't give him head again. - l never even thOught Of that. -不要再幫他口交了 -我倒是沒有想過

[13:18.36]Casual head is baCK nOw?. 你覺得無所謂?

[13:21.56]lt's fine. He's healthy, and l dOn't swallOw. 沒關(guān)系,他很健康 我也不吞下去

[13:23.92]As lOng as yOu and the Center fOr disease COntrOl are fine with it. 要是你跟疾病管制中心 都覺得無所謂的話

[13:27.92]He lOves getting head, but what man dOesn't? 他喜歡口交 哪個(gè)男人不喜歡?

[13:30.16]lf the COme-situatiOn were reversed, dO yOu thinK men wOuld gO near it? 要是精液是女人的 男人會(huì)愿意接近嗎?

[13:35.44]Maybe. lf it tasted liKe beer. 或許吧,如果滋味像啤酒的話

[13:38.84]Miranda Came hOme tO sOmething that was even harder tO swallOw. 稍晚,米蘭達(dá)回家發(fā)現(xiàn) 更令人難以下咽的事

[13:42.88]YOu have One new message. 你有一通新留言

[13:46.100]Hi. lf this is Steve's number... 史蒂夫嗎?我是瑪拉

[13:51.44]This is Barbara. We met last night. l'm the advertising exeC. 我們昨晚見過面 我是點(diǎn)啤酒的廣告公司主管

[13:54.36]Steve, if this is yOu, Call me. l'd lOve tO gO tO a mOvie sOmetime. 史蒂夫,聽到的話回我電 我很樂意跟你去看電影

[14:00.92]TOday, 12:22 pm. 今天中午十二點(diǎn)二十二分

[14:06.04]And On an answering maChine aCrOss tOwn... 在城市另一頭的答錄機(jī)上

[14:10.12]YOu have One new message. 你有一通新留言

[14:13.52]Hi, it's me. l need tO talK tO yOu abOut what l said the Other day. 是我,我需要跟你談?wù)?我之前說過的事

[14:17.100]lt's impOrtant. YOu KnOw my Cell number. 很重要,你知道我手機(jī)號碼

[14:20.76]The right side Of my brain tOld me tO delete it. 我的右腦告訴我將它刪掉

[14:24.84]But l left it. 不過我留下來了

[14:26.96]lt's impOrtant. YOu KnOw my Cell number. 很重要,你知道我手機(jī)號碼

[14:29.92]Seven playbaCKs later, l invited an impartial judge. 在播放了七次之后 我請來公正的法官

[14:33.48]- Well? - YOu shOuld have punChed him. -怎么樣? -你應(yīng)該揍他

[14:35.08]He wants tO get baCK tOgether, right? That's the tOne. 他想要復(fù)合,對不對? 他說話的音調(diào)

[14:36.56]The ''Hi'' and the ''lt's impOrtant''. ls that what it means? 那個(gè)“你好”和“很重要”

[14:39.56]We will never KnOw. They still dOn't KnOw whO Killed Kennedy. 我們永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)知道 就像是誰殺了甘迺迪

[14:47.80]- What shOuld l dO? - lt's ObviOus what yOu want tO dO -我應(yīng)該怎么做? -你想要怎么做很明顯

[14:48.100]Or yOu wOuldn't listen tO it and what happened tO the sane part Of yOu? 要不然你也不會(huì)聽七次 理智的你跑哪里去了?

[14:54.96]l dOn't KnOw. After the fifth playbaCK he gOt in a little. 我不知道 放了五次后我的心就動(dòng)搖了

[14:58.36]- l hate my maChine. - Yeah. -我討厭答錄機(jī) -沒錯(cuò)

[15:02.64]l hate mine tOO. 我也討厭我的

[15:03.12]Steve gOt a message frOm a girl desperate fOr him tO gO tO a mOvie. 有個(gè)女主管留言說 她很想跟史蒂夫約會(huì)

[15:08.88]- Already? He's still On yOur COuCh. - l KnOw. lt's amazing. -真的?他還睡在你家呢 -我知道,真不可思議

[15:12.88]A 34-year-Old guy with nO mOney and nO plaCe tO live 沒有錢沒有住處的 三十四歲老男人

[15:16.72]beCause he's single, he's a CatCh. 因?yàn)閱紊砭秃軗屖?/p>

[15:19.92]But a 34-year-Old wOman with a jOb and a great hOme 有工作有房子的 三十四歲老女人

[15:22.00]beCause she's single, is COnsidered tragiC. 因?yàn)閱紊硭钥杀?/p>

[15:22.32]Depressing. 真令人沮喪

[15:24.100]Let's listen tO that message again. 我們再聽一次留言

[15:27.48]l'm deleting it. 我就把它刪掉

[15:31.96]But it wasn't that simple. 不過沒有這么簡單

[15:33.96]As sOOn as Miranda left, my emOtiOns Overruled bOth sides Of my brain. 米蘭達(dá)一走 我的情感就掩沒我的左右腦

[15:40.72]- HellO? - lt's Carrie. -哪位? -我是凱莉

[15:42.20]Oh, hey. ThanKs fOr Calling. 你好,謝謝你打來

[15:45.80]lt's abOut getting Out Of my marriage. 我之前說我打算離婚

[15:46.96]l didn't KnOw why l Called Or what l wanted, 我不知道我為什么打電話 不過我的心狂跳不止

[15:50.76]but suddenly my heart was raCing.

[15:55.12]l thOught abOut it, and it's gOing tO COst me a lOt. 我仔細(xì)思考過 贍養(yǎng)費(fèi)將很可觀

[15:59.60]YOu shOuld fOrget abOut what l said. 當(dāng)我沒說過好了

[16:00.100]l made my bed, l shOuld lie in it. 我自己闖的禍,自己負(fù)責(zé)

[16:06.44]YOu dO that. 沒錯(cuò)

[16:08.00]lt was what l needed. A shOCK treatment tO jOlt me baCK tO sanity. 我需要的就是這個(gè) 把我拉回現(xiàn)實(shí)的沖擊

[16:17.96]- YOu have CraCKs. - ExCuse me? -你有裂縫 -你說什么?

[16:23.48]The Ceiling. 天花板

[16:26.84]HOw lOng have they been there? 出現(xiàn)多久了?

[16:29.80]- Just three years. - Oh, just three years? -三年而已 -三年還而已?

[16:34.08]DOn't taKe this the wrOng way, but this plaCe COuld use a little wOrK. 不要誤會(huì) 不過你這里需要整修

[16:37.36]l Can't affOrd it. 我負(fù)擔(dān)不起

[16:41.56]- YOu gOt 8,000 buCKs wOrth Of shOes. - l needed thOse. -你有價(jià)值八千塊的鞋 -那是我需要的

[16:47.60]YOu COuld dO little things - plaster, strip the flOOrs... 可以做些小工程 上灰泥,重鋪地板

[16:48.56]YOu have nO idea hOw beautiful it wOuld be if we tOOK it dOwn a level. 你不知道小小整修后會(huì)多漂亮

[16:55.36]l dOn't KnOw hOw tO dO that stuff. 我不知道怎么做

[16:57.92]l dO. 我知道

[16:60.04]- Let me strip yOur flOOrs. - lsn't that a lOt Of wOrK? -讓我?guī)湍沅伒匕?-這個(gè)工程不是很浩大嗎?

[17:04.68]NO. lt'll just taKe a day. YOu wOn't KnOw l'm here. 只要一天 你根本不會(huì)知道我在工作

[17:05.20]Sure? Really? 確定嗎?真的嗎?

[17:08.80]A speCial lady needs a speCial hOme. 特別的女孩需要特別的房子

[17:15.52]Here am l with a guy whO wanted tO maKe my hOme better. 我身邊的男人 想讓我的家更美好

[17:20.68]SOmewhere Out there was a guy whO wanted tO pull it apart. 而遠(yuǎn)處那人卻想破壞這一切

[17:23.20]lt wasn't a left Or right-brainer, it was a nO-brainer. 這不是使用左腦右腦的問題 這根本就是有沒有大腦

[17:28.04]- Tell me why we're here again. - l'm maKing an effOrt tO eat better. -我們?yōu)槭裁匆竭@里來? -我要吃得健康一點(diǎn)

[17:32.64]After a brOwse On the healthysperm.COm web page, 在搜尋過健康精液網(wǎng)站之后

[17:36.52]Samantha invited Adam Ball tO dinner. 莎曼珊邀亞當(dāng)吃晚餐

[17:39.92]OK, here are yOur wheat grass shOts. 這是你們的麥芽草汁

[17:42.16]l'll be right baCK with the menus. 我馬上拿菜單過來

[17:50.92]- l Can't drinK that. - Try it. lt's very gOOd fOr yOu. -我不想喝 -喝喝看,這對你很好

[17:55.40]BOttOms up. 干杯

[18:13.16]That shit is funKy! 這玩意味道真奇怪

[18:15.40]Samantha fOught the urge nOt tO tell Adam Ball he didn't KnOw frOm funKy. 莎曼珊很想告訴亞當(dāng) 什么味道才真的奇怪

[18:20.16]HOw lOng dOes it taKe fOr wheat grass tO wOrK intO yOur system? 麥芽草汁要多久奏效?

[18:26.32]- Hard tO say. - BallparK. -很難說 -大約估計(jì)一下

[18:31.88]An hOur and a half. 一個(gè)半小時(shí)

[18:32.24]We shOuld Order. 我們來點(diǎn)餐吧

[18:33.68]An hOur and a half, twO wheat grass shOts 一個(gè)半小時(shí)后 吃完了麥芽草汁和甜瓜

[18:36.12]and a ginger-melOn smOOthie later,

[18:39.04]l'm COming. 我要出來了

[18:41.52]l'm COming. 我要出來了

[18:45.48]Man, man, man, yOu give gOOd head. 老天,你真棒

[18:53.76]Oh, babe. 寶貝

[18:58.84]What? YOu dOn't liKe yOur salad? 怎么了?不喜歡你的沙拉?

[19:02.08]NO. The dressing's a tad...sOmething. 不喜歡,沙拉醬有一點(diǎn)怪…

[19:03.56]ExCuse me, l'd liKe tO Change this fOr the ruCOla and endive. 抱歉,我想換蘆薈和萵苣

[19:10.04]YOu shOuld try the tOmatO basil. lt's sweeter. 你應(yīng)該試試番茄羅勒 比較甜美

[19:14.52]All righty. 好吧

[19:18.36]- MOm was quite taKen with yOu. - She is? -媽媽很喜歡你 -真的嗎?

[19:23.68]Why wOuldn't she be? YOu're exquisite. 為什么會(huì)不喜歡?你很完美

[19:27.96]YOu are a dream COme true. 就像從夢境中走出來的

[19:28.40]CharlOtte Knew this was the mOment, 夏綠蒂知道這一刻就要來臨

[19:32.40]that magiC mOment where Trey was gOing tO asK her tO be his wife. 崔就要向她求婚了

[19:38.20]- CharlOtte. - Yes? -夏綠蒂 -什么事?

[19:40.84]- TOmatO and basil? - Yes. -番茄羅勒? -是的

[19:47.12]EnjOy. 請享用

[19:49.32]DOesn't this lOOK liKe a little plate Of heaven? 這看起來真美味

[19:54.68]This basil is perfeCtiOn. 羅勒真是完美

[19:56.76]What is it abOut yOu CharlOtte? YOu always KnOw just what l want. 夏綠蒂,你怎么辦到的? 總是知道我要的是什么

[20:05.60]- Maybe we shOuld get married. - All righty. -或許我們應(yīng)該結(jié)婚 -好的

[20:15.44]- l'm engaged. - Oh, my GOd. Really? -我訂婚了 -老天,真的嗎?

[20:18.56]- That's wOnderful, sweetie. - l prOpOsed tO myself. -太棒了,親愛的 -我跟我自己求婚

[20:24.00]- What? - Yes. -什么? -沒錯(cuò)

[20:25.88]l suggested he have a tOmatO salad, then l suggested we get married. 我建議他吃番茄沙拉 然后建議我們結(jié)婚

[20:28.64]What did he say? 他說什么?

[20:32.28]''All righty.'' “好的”

[20:34.32]''All righty''? He said, ''All righty''? 他說“好的”?

[20:36.24]The upsetting thing is prOpOsing tO a guy whO says ''all righty''. 你向一個(gè)說“好的”的男人 求婚才是令人沮喪

[20:42.68]StOp. 不要再說了

[20:42.68]- All righty. - l was the One suppOsed tO say yes. -好的 -我應(yīng)該是說好的那一個(gè)

[20:48.24]- WhO Cares abOut thOse stupid rules? - l dO. -誰在乎那些無謂的規(guī)則? -我在乎

[20:50.36]YOu're OverreaCting. YOu lOve Trey, right? 你反應(yīng)過度了 你愛崔,對不對?

[20:54.20]And yOu want tO marry him, right? 你想要嫁給他,對吧?

[20:58.92]Yes, but there was nO Kneeling. 但是他沒有跪下來

[21:02.00]There was nO ring, nO nOthing. 沒有戒指,什么都沒有

[21:05.04]This is an awful engagement stOry. What am l suppOsed tO tell my Kids? 這真是一個(gè)糟透了的求婚故事 我要怎么告訴我的小孩?

[21:07.64]MOmmy really wanted tO get married, sO Daddy said, ''All righty''. 媽媽想結(jié)婚,爸爸說“好的”

[21:14.00]SO unrOmantiC. 真是不浪漫

[21:28.60]Steve? The dOg! 史蒂夫?你的狗

[21:39.32]Steve. lt's 4:00 am. 史蒂夫,現(xiàn)在是凌晨四點(diǎn)

[21:48.08]Miranda realized he was with the girl exeCutive. 米蘭達(dá)知道他跟女主管在一起

[21:50.68]lt was OffiCially Over. She finally gOt it intO her head. 他們之間正式結(jié)束了 她終于領(lǐng)悟到這一點(diǎn)

[22:09.16]- MOrning. - MOrning. -早安 -早安

[22:10.08]- l tOOK the dOg Out already. - ThanKs. l was... -我?guī)Ч飞⑦^步了 -謝謝,我…

[22:16.16]There's COffee, and l CirCled a bunCh Of apartments that sOund gOOd. 咖啡在這里 我?guī)湍阏伊藥组g不錯(cuò)的公寓

[22:19.40]l'll get Out Of here tOday. ThanKs fOr letting me sleep On yOur COuCh. 我今天應(yīng)該會(huì)搬出去 謝謝你讓我睡在沙發(fā)上

[22:25.76]YOu're welCOme. 不客氣

[22:38.28]l thinK we did pretty gOOd. 我們處理得很好

[22:42.68]We did us prOud. 我為我們感到驕傲

[22:46.28]Steve... 史蒂夫…

[22:46.24]- Never mind. - What? -沒什么 -什么事?

[22:52.60]l was gOnna say, ''Keep in tOuCh'', but that wOuld be weird. 我本來要說“保持聯(lián)絡(luò)” 不過太奇怪了

[22:57.80]l guess we COuld dO that. 我想我們可以的

[23:26.72]Aidan. 艾登

[23:35.16]YOu said l wOuldn't be bOthered. l'm bOthered. 你說我不會(huì)被打擾 但我確實(shí)被打擾了

[23:39.64]- lt's tOO lOud? - Yeah. l've gOt a deadline. -太大聲了嗎? -對,我在趕稿

[23:43.40]- GO tO my hOuse. - NO, l Can't write there. -到我家去 -不,我在那里無法寫作

[23:46.68]Pete's jumping all Over me. He's deleting things. 皮特會(huì)在我身邊跳來跳去

[23:51.08]l'm leaving. l'll be at the StanhOpe HOtel. 我要離開到史坦霍普飯店

[23:54.64]- At least let me pay fOr it. - NO, l gOt it. -至少讓我付錢 -不用了,我來就好

[23:59.20]This is why l dOn't dO hOme repairs. UnfOreseen COsts. 我不整修家里就是這個(gè)原因 很多預(yù)期之外的費(fèi)用

[24:02.20]YOu'll lOve these flOOrs. 你會(huì)喜歡這個(gè)地板的

[24:05.20]MOm was beside herself. She demanded yOur address... 媽媽擅作主張 她要你的地址以便送你花

[24:09.16]- ...sO she COuld send flOwers. - That's niCe. 很窩心

[24:11.96]CharlOtte had dOne the impOssible in New YOrK. 夏綠蒂完成不可能的任務(wù) 她跟心上人訂了婚

[24:12.04]She was engaged tO her heart's desire.

[24:16.72]UnfOrtunately, she COuldn't get the way it happened Out Of her head. 但她卻忘不了求婚的經(jīng)過

[24:20.00]Wait. 等一下

[24:22.00]l thinK we shOuld stOp here fOr a minute. 我想我們應(yīng)該在這里 停留一會(huì)兒

[24:25.76]Maybe we shOuld gO in and find yOu the mOst beautiful ring they have. 我們應(yīng)該進(jìn)去 幫你挑個(gè)漂亮的戒指

[24:32.52]All righty. 好的

[24:33.12]FrOm that mOment On, CharlOtte wOuld tell everyOne 從那一刻開始 夏綠蒂可以昭告天下

[24:38.28]that in frOnt Of Tiffany's, Out Of nOwhere, Trey pOpped the questiOn. 就在蒂芬妮前面 崔提出了那個(gè)問題

[24:41.56]And she said, ''All righty''. 然后她說“好的”

[24:60.16]l'm nOt really in the mOOd fOr that tOnight. 我今晚不想這樣

[25:03.84]COme On, baby, yOu give the greatest head. Please. 別這樣,寶貝,你最棒了

[25:07.04]- lt's nOt gOnna happen. - Why? What's the prOblem? -不可能的 -為什么?有什么問題嗎?

[25:12.28]Well, Adam... 亞當(dāng),是這樣的…

[25:15.96]- YOu've gOt funKy tasting spunK. - What? -你的精液有怪味 -什么?

[25:18.52]YOu heard me. YOur spunK is funKy. 你聽到了,你的精液有怪味

[25:21.64]- My spunK? - COme, spOOge, jiz, jOy juiCe. FunKy. -我的精液? -對,精液有怪味

[25:26.96]l've heard bad exCuses fOr nOt giving head, but this One taKes the CaKe. 我聽過千奇百怪不口交的藉口 這一個(gè)最奇怪

[25:29.64]- ExCuse me? - YOu're a twO blOw jOb ChiCK. -你說什么? -你真是吊人胃口

[25:34.56]They're in the COming attraCtiOns but l'll never see them in the mOvie. 你把正片沒有的口交鏡頭 放在預(yù)告片中

[25:37.00]l resent that. l lOve giving head. 我也不喜歡這樣,我喜歡口交

[25:40.68]Then give me a little BJ. Up and dOwn a COuple Of times, it's easy. 那就快點(diǎn)就位 上上下下來回幾趟就成了

[25:46.56]YOu men have nO idea what we're dealing with dOwn there. 你們男人不知道我們的辛苦

[25:50.96]Teeth plaCement, jaw stress, suCtiOn, and gag reflex, 牙齒要放對位,下顎緊繃 吸吮和快室息的感覺

[25:54.04]all the while bObbing up and dOwn, mOaning and trying tO breathe. Easy? 在上上下下之際 還要一邊呻吟呼吸,簡單嗎?

[25:57.72]HOney, they dOn't Call it a jOb fOr nOthin'. 親愛的,不是你想的那么容易

[26:04.68]NOw, having said all that, 說了這么多

[26:06.04]with the right man it Can be fabulOus. 你這么正點(diǎn)的男人

[26:11.80]That is, unless the man has spunK that's liKe the rOtten egg buffet. 精液卻有像爛雞蛋般的怪味

[26:17.68]COme On, it Can't be that bad. 拜托,沒那么糟吧

[26:21.56]l'll maKe a deal with yOu. 我跟你打個(gè)商量

[26:24.56]YOu try it. 你試吃看看

[26:27.52]lf yOu're fine with it, l'll be fine with it. 要是你無所謂,我也無所謂

[26:33.68]l Can't dO that. lt's gay. 我辦不到,那是同性戀

[26:34.48]lt's nOt gay, if it's yOu. 如果是你自己的就不算

[26:39.36]TaKe it Or leave it. 要不要隨便你

[26:40.96]Ten minutes later, Samantha learnt hOw far men wOuld gO fOr a blOw jOb. 十分鐘后,莎曼珊見識到 男人有多喜歡口交

[26:47.52]l'm fine with it. 我可以接受

[26:55.88]Samantha Kept her wOrd. 莎曼珊信守承諾

[26:55.96]She gave him head, but her heart wasn't in it. 她幫他口交,卻一點(diǎn)都不享受

[27:08.40]- HellO? - lt's me. -哪位? -是我

[27:09.36]- l'm in the lObby. - HOw did yOu KnOw l was here? -我在大廳 -你怎么知道我在這里?

[27:14.96]- That guy at yOur plaCe... - YOu Called my hOuse again? -在你公寓那個(gè)家伙… -你又打電話去我家?

[27:17.64]- l have tO talK tO yOu. - l have tO talK tO yOu tOO. Stay there. -我得跟你談?wù)?-我也是,我馬上下去

[27:23.08]Shit. 該死

[27:36.60]- This is nOt the lObby. - Have a drinK. -這不是大廳 -喝一杯

[27:39.76]What are yOu dOing, Calling my hOuse, fOllOwing me tO hOtels? 你這是做什么?打電話到我家 跟蹤我到飯店?

[27:44.24]COuld yOu sit dOwn fOr One minute and listen tO me? 你能不能坐下來聽我說?

[27:47.32]Please. One minute. 給我一分鐘就好

[27:52.04]l dOn't have time. l have a bOyfriend and a deadline, 我沒有時(shí)間 我有男朋友,還要趕稿

[27:54.28]and yOu have a wife and a drinKing prOblem. 而你有老婆,還有酗酒問題

[27:58.00]- l'm nOt drunK. - Then what is yOur exCuse? -我沒有醉 -那你有什么藉口?

[27:60.16]SlOw dOwn, l Can't thinK. 不要急,我無法思考

[28:06.100]- l was an asshOle the Other day. - Yes. -前幾天我很過分 -沒錯(cuò)

[28:11.12]When l said l was leaving, yOu didn't say anything. l gOt nervOus, sO... 當(dāng)我說我要離開 你卻無動(dòng)于衷,我很緊張

[28:14.76]SO, what? 什么?

[28:20.16]l dOn't KnOw. 我不知道

[28:20.04]This has tO stOp - flirting, jerKing me arOund, Calling my bOyfriend. 你不能再對我調(diào)情,耍得我 團(tuán)團(tuán)轉(zhuǎn),打電話給我男朋友

[28:27.84]He dOesn't KnOw abOut yOu, and l dOn't want him tO. 他不知道你是誰 我不想告訴他

[28:28.28]Why? 為什么?

[28:31.40]GO, lie in yOur beige bed. 回家睡在米色床上吧

[28:41.60]Carrie, wait, wait. 凱莉,等一下

[28:44.52]l haven't explained this very well. Wait a minute. Listen. 我是來做進(jìn)一步解釋的 等一下,聽我說

[28:49.20]The thing is, fuCK, l miss yOu. 事實(shí)是…我想你

[28:51.04]TOO bad. 太遲了

[28:53.44]- DO nOt COme in here. - l have tO talK tO yOu. -不要進(jìn)來 -我得跟你談?wù)?/p>

[28:58.24]What? What is it yOu have tO say? 談什么?有什么好談的?

[29:01.28]l made a mistaKe. 我錯(cuò)了

[29:04.20]FuCK yOu. 去你的

[29:05.56]l lOve yOu. 我愛你

[29:09.72]FuCK yOu. 去你的

[29:17.72]My mind was yelling hOw angry l was, but my heart... 我的心吶喊著我有多憤怒 但是我的心卻…

[29:22.16]FuCK me. 跟我上床

[29:42.04]And just liKe that l lOst my head. 就這樣,我失去了理智


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