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欲望都市第四季 婆媳之爭 Ghost Town





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:43:04



[00:35.32](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:48.04]New York City can be a terrifying pIace. 紐約有時會是個可怕的地方

[00:52.36]Hi. -只要一杯咖啡和松餅 -一共是七塊五

[00:53.44]-Just coffee and a muffin, please. -That'll be $7.50.

[00:57.92]Nothing's more frightening than the prospect of seeing an ex... 但沒什么比在早上喝咖啡時 巧遇前男友

[00:58.48]before you've had your morning coffee. 更恐怖的事


[01:04.28]-You made me burn my tongue. -l got to work on that, sorry. -我燙到舌頭了 -我得設(shè)法改進(jìn), 抱歉

[01:05.92]You look great. How you doing? 你容光煥發(fā), 近來好嗎?

[01:10.72]Good, you know, boring. What's new with you? 很好, 老樣子, 挺無聊的 你有什么新鮮事?

[01:14.08]l guess that means you didn't get the invitation yet. 我猜你還沒收到邀請函吧

[01:16.60]No, invitation to what? 沒有, 什么邀請函?

[01:20.44]l'm finally doing it. 我終于實現(xiàn)了夢想 我的酒吧要開張了

[01:23.24]l'm opening up my own bar.

[01:26.84]-Steve, you're kidding! That's-- -That's scary, right? -史蒂夫, 真的嗎? 那… -恐怖吧?

[01:30.00]And it's happening soon. lt's next Saturday. 時間是下禮拜六 我希望你能來

[01:30.36]l'd really love it if you'd come.

[01:34.08]Miranda, you remember Jessica? -你還記得潔西卡吧? -是的, 當(dāng)然

[01:34.76]Sure. Of course.

[01:38.76]You'll come, right, next Saturday? -你會來嗎? 下禮拜六? -我們很期待見到你

[01:41.56]We'd love to see you there.

[01:45.04]She ''we'd'' him, Carrie, right in front of me. 她說 “我們” , 凱莉 當(dāng)著我的面

[01:46.12]Miranda, l'm still asleep. 我還在睡覺, 你的遭遇 怎么就已經(jīng)如此精彩?

[01:48.68]How can you have had an emotional mini-drama already?

[01:52.36]No way l'm going to his opening. Do you think l should go? 開幕當(dāng)天我絕對不能去 對吧?


[01:58.52]-Let me think for a second. -What reaIIy pisses me off...

[02:01.64]is it was my idea. l'm the one who told him to open his own bar. 讓我火大的是 叫他自己開一家酒吧的人是我

[02:03.92]-But do l get any credit? -l'm guessing not. -但我得到了什么功勞? -我想沒有

[02:07.16]Of course not, it's infuriating! 真是氣死人了, 為何他跟我 在一起時沒這么有志氣?

[02:07.48]Why wasn't he this ambitious while with me?

[02:10.44]Maybe you inspired him. Maybe he named the bar ''Miranda's''... 也許是你激勵了他

[02:12.04]也許他將酒吧命名為 “米蘭達(dá)” 或是 “霍布斯”

[02:16.52]or ''Hobbes' Nob.''

[02:17.04]He named the bar ''Scout.'' After his dog. 他取名為 “史考特” , 凱莉 跟他的狗一樣, 我才不去呢

[02:21.48]l'm not going to that. 你一定要去, 你們現(xiàn)在是朋友 朋友應(yīng)該去捧場的

[02:23.16]You have to go. You guys are friends now, right?

[02:25.24]That's what friends do. 你是我朋友 那表示你得跟我去?


[02:29.52]You're my friend, does that mean you have to go?

[02:30.52]Of course. Absolutely. 當(dāng)然, 一點也沒錯 這就是朋友的好處

[02:34.72]That's what friends are for.

[02:35.12]Forget it, not going. -想都別想, 我不去 -去哪兒?

[02:37.92]-To what? -What is it? -這是什么? -史蒂夫布萊迪和…艾登蕭

[02:40.60]''Steve Brady and Aidan Shaw''?

[02:42.88]How did this happen? 怎么會有這種事? 為什么他們成了朋友?

[02:45.44]Why are they even friends?

[02:48.92]According to Steve's girlfriend, Jessica... 根據(jù)史蒂夫的女友…潔西卡

[02:50.80]who answered his phone while he was in the shower today-- 今天早上在他洗澡時 接的電話中所說…

[02:55.60]l love how you say ''Jessica,'' like allegedly that's her name. 我喜歡你說潔西卡三個字時 仿佛不確定她名字的語氣

[02:57.60]-Aidan is Steve's silent partner. -l wonder why l didn't get an invitation. -艾登是不過問業(yè)務(wù)的股東 -我怎么沒收到邀請函?

[03:00.96]You can have mine, sister, 'cause l'm not going. -我這張給你, 我不去了 -這是派對, 你不會見到他的

[03:04.04]Come on, it's a big party, you may not even see him.

[03:05.44]lt's not a party. lt's a parade of our failed relationships. 這才不是派對 這像是我們失敗的戀情大游行

[03:09.100]Next, you're gonna tell me that my junior prom date's the barback. 接下來你會跟我說 我的舞伴就是吧臺背后

[03:16.96]lt's good Aidan invited you. lt means he's ready to be friends. 艾登邀請你是件好事 他想保持友誼

[03:18.04]l don't know what it means, don't want to find out. 我不知道這表示什么

[03:21.92]lt means, ''l forgive you, please come.'' -這表示 “我原諒你, 來吧” -說得好, 我不去

[03:23.04]Nice try, l'm not going.

[03:24.12]-l'll go. -Thank you. -我去 -謝謝

[03:26.68]You see? Samantha's my friend. 瞧, 莎曼珊真夠朋友

[03:31.20]l'm going out with Samantha and her lesbian lover, and l am proud. 我要和莎曼珊與她的同志愛人 一起出席, 可真得意

[03:34.28]Let's not invite Maria. 我們別找瑪莉亞了 我可以趁機出去透透氣

[03:35.52]l could use a night away from the old ball and chain.

[03:37.60]Don't tell me you're in a sapphic slump. 你們不是吵架了吧?

[03:40.92]All we ever do is lie around, take baths together and talk about feelings. 我們總是整天泡在浴缸里 討論感情

[03:45.48]l think they call that a relationship. 這就叫戀愛

[03:48.00]l don't know how you do it. 我不知道你們怎么受得了 那些情緒起伏, 真累人

[03:48.44]All that emotional chow-chow, it's exhausting.

[03:52.68]l know, don't you just hate that? -很討厭吧? -女人


[03:55.52]That night, Samantha was determined... 莎曼珊決心將瑪莉亞 拉出浴缸, 一起進(jìn)城

[03:58.04]to get Maria out of the tub and out on the town.

[04:01.60]l do not see why we're out in this crowd... 我們?yōu)槭裁匆鰜砣藬D人 吸二手煙

[04:02.16]with all this smoke, when we could be home, relaxing together.


[04:09.48]l thought it'd be fun to take our relationship... 我想換個口味 到外面走走也不錯

[04:09.56]out on dry land for a change, that's all.

[04:12.52]Besides, what's the fun of getting clean if you can't get a little dirty first? 如果不先弄臟 那清潔又有什么樂趣可言?

[04:16.68]Samantha Jones...

[04:17.48]what's it gonna be tonight, darling, the usual? 莎曼珊瓊斯, 喝什么? 照舊?

[04:21.36]Brian here happens to make the most dangerous mojitos in the city. 布萊恩調(diào)的莫吉托 是紐約最好喝的

[04:25.92]Two mojitos coming up, on the house. 兩杯莫吉托馬上來, 本店請客

[04:28.20]Fun place. -這里很好玩吧? -美女

[04:30.44]Hey, gorgeous. 西恩蘇利文 你怎么會在城里?

[04:31.72]Sean Sullivan, what are you doing in town?

[04:36.60]Back on business for a few weeks. What are you doing next Saturday? 我來談生意 你星期六要做什么?

[04:37.84]-Saturday? -We have plans for Saturday. -星期六? -我們已經(jīng)有計劃了

[04:43.24]Okay. 晚一點找樂子如何? 我再打給你

[04:42.16]How about a late run, then?

[04:47.40]l'll call you.

[04:47.88]What is this ''late run''? -什么叫做找樂子? -我不會翻譯

[04:50.08]Doesn't translate. l didn't know that we had plans on Saturday. 我不曉得我們星期六有計劃 我打算跟女性朋友出去

[04:55.08]l promised the girls l'd go out with them.

[04:57.24]Should l come? l'm a girl. -我該去嗎? 我是女的 -不, 親愛的

[04:60.84]No, sweetie, l know.

[05:02.56]But since you don't really like to go out, l thought-- 既然你不是很喜歡出門…

[05:05.20]Here you go, ladies. Enjoy. 小姐們, 飲料來了, 慢用

[05:07.88]l get off at 4:00. 我四點下班

[05:16.24]Samantha had to face her past, and CharIotte was facing her future. 莎曼珊得面對她的過去 而夏綠蒂正在面對她的未來

[05:19.40]Now that Trey had no probIem getting hard in the bedroom... 既然崔可以在臥房重展雄風(fēng)

[05:22.12]she saw no reason why their bed shouId be. 她想不出為何他們的床 要這么硬的理由

[05:32.96]Bunny. Hi. 邦妮, 你怎么會在這里?

[05:34.12]What are you doing here? 當(dāng)崔告訴我你們要買新床時 我堅持要幫忙

[05:36.04]When Trey told me you two were buying a new bed...

[05:38.28]l insisted he let me help.

[05:41.20]l picked out the one he has now, did you know that? 他現(xiàn)在睡的床是我挑的 你不知道嗎? 是齊本德爾牌

[05:43.68]-lt's Chippendale. -No. 我不知道, 崔呢?

[05:49.64]-Where is Trey? -Still at the hospital, l expect. 我想還在醫(yī)院

[05:52.44]Don't fret, we'll find a mattress to fit the frame. 別發(fā)愁 我們會找到合適的床墊

[05:56.32]You know, we were hoping to find a bed... 我們希望買一張大一點 而且軟一點的床

[05:58.56]that was a little bigger and less hard.

[06:02.48]My dear, l'm a firm believer in firm mattresses. 親愛的 我堅信硬的床墊比較好

[06:06.16]Look, the perfect dust ruffle. 你看, 完美的防塵飾邊

[06:11.20]Five-pleat gusseted duster with a foot drop. 打五褶、三角形襯料的防塵罩 加腳墊,我有張一模一樣的床

[06:14.88]l have one just like it.

[06:14.56]Actually, Bunny... 老實說,邦妮,大部分 新式的床都不需要防塵飾邊

[06:18.28]most of the newer beds don't even need dust ruffles.

[06:21.04]My dear child, you cannot not have a dust ruffle. 親愛的,一定要有防塵飾邊 否則很不美觀

[06:25.56]lt's unsightly.

[06:29.92]This is divine. Nice and firm. 這張床棒極了,質(zhì)感好又結(jié)實

[06:33.88]Hello, my darling girls. Sorry l'm late. 我親愛的老婆和母親大人 抱歉我遲到了

[06:37.24]l see you've started without me, Mother. -看來你們已經(jīng)開始挑選了 -你一定要躺上來親身體驗

[06:41.56]Trey, you simply must get in and feel this, it's sublime.


[06:44.80]Hello. 不錯

[06:48.00]This is comfy, isn't it? Charlotte, you really must try this. 真舒服 夏綠蒂,你一定要試試看

[06:52.28]-l was thinking more along the line-- -Charlotte, for heaven's sake, get in. -我比較喜歡… -看在老天份上,快躺上來

[07:04.40]This is heaven. 這簡直是天堂

[07:10.56]-l'm sorry, this is just way too-- -Firm? 對不起,只不過這太…

[07:13.36]-All right then, something softer. -Something with a dust ruffle. -硬?好吧,那就買軟一點的 -要有防塵飾邊

[07:18.40]Whatever you say, Mother. You know best. 都由你作主,母親大人 這方面你是專家

[07:41.80]You hear it too, Fatty? 你也聽到了嗎?

[07:45.84]-l think l might have a ghost. -l think l might have to hear that again. -我想我家鬧鬼 -我想我得再聽一次

[07:47.96]There were weird noises last night, right above me. 昨晚有奇怪的聲音 貓咪也聽到了

[07:52.32]The cat heard it, too. 如果貓聽到了…

[07:54.48]lf the cat heard it.... That's not a ghost.

[07:55.60]That's some weird upstairs neighbor's nocturnal... 那不是鬧鬼,而是樓上鄰居 夜間奇怪的…活動之類的

[08:01.08]-what have you. -That's what l thought, too, at first. 我本來也這樣想 但今早管理員讓我去樓上看

[08:03.84]But this morning the super let me in upstairs...


[08:07.24]and there's no one living there.

[08:11.12]The place is completely empty. 房子是空的,我知道這聽起來 很瘋狂,但我感覺得到

[08:12.36]And l know it sounds crazy, but last night l could feel it.

[08:16.44]Did the cat feel it, too? -貓也感覺到了嗎? -我脖子后面的汗毛直立

[08:16.44]The hairs on the back of my neck all stood up.

[08:18.12]My grandmother had a ghost. And finally she had to tell it to leave. 我奶奶家也鬧過鬼 她還得叫它離開

[08:22.80]That's exactly what you're supposed to do. 你非這么做不可,正面交鋒 承認(rèn)它的存在、放它走

[08:25.08]Confront the ghost, acknowledge its presence, then release it.

[08:28.28]-How do you happen to know that? -Everybody knows that. -你怎么會碰巧知道這些? -大家都知道

[08:33.36]The thing that l don't understand is, why now?

[08:34.24]l've been living there for two years. 我不明白為什么偏偏是現(xiàn)在? 我已經(jīng)住在那里兩年了

[08:36.64]When l was living alone, l used to feel scared like that all the time. 我一個人住的時候總是很害怕

[08:41.52]But now that l'm back with Trey, l feel so safe. 現(xiàn)在我又回到崔的身邊 我覺得好有安全感

[08:42.68]What are you saying? l have a ghost because l'm single? 這么說我家鬧鬼是因為我單身 這簡直是歧視

[08:45.56]That's discrimination.

[08:48.88]New York is definiteIy haunted. OId Iovers, ex-boyfriends. 紐約肯定鬧鬼,凡是跟你 牽扯不清的人,好比前男友

[08:53.04]Anyone you have unresoIved issues with, you are bound to run into again and again...

[08:54.24]你必定會一再和他相遇 直到問題解決為止

[08:58.12]untiI you resoIve them.

[08:59.08]My reIationship with Aidan was Iong dead, but with one invitation... 我和艾登的感情已經(jīng)結(jié)束


[09:02.16]he was suddenIy a presence in my Iife again.

[09:07.08]Or had he been there aII aIong? 還是他始終都在?就像他做的 那張椅子,我永遠(yuǎn)不會賣掉

[09:08.44]Like the chair he made that I couId never bring myseIf to seII.

[09:12.72]When a reIationship dies, do we ever reaIIy give up the ghost? 當(dāng)一段感情逝去 我們究竟能不能擺脫陰霾?

[09:18.72]Or are we forever haunted by the spirits of reIationships past? 或者過去的感情 會一輩子陰魂不散?

[09:27.12]Why did you not introduce me to that Sean? 你為什么不向西恩介紹我?

[09:35.00]He's nobody, just... 他不重要 只是以前跟我上過床的家伙

[09:37.56]a guy l used to fuck.

[09:40.56]And the bartender man? 那個酒保呢?

[09:41.72]He's nobody, just a guy l used to fuck. 他不重要 只是以前跟我上過床的家伙

[09:46.84]And... 你為何不告訴 這些不重要的家伙

[09:50.00]why have you not told this nobody...

[09:53.88]that you are with a somebody now? 你現(xiàn)在和某人在一起?

[09:56.08]What am l supposed to say? 我該說什么?

[09:58.12]''Hi, this is my lesbian lover, and P.S., l'm done with dick''? “你好,這是我的同志愛人 還有,我厭倦陰莖了”?

[10:05.72]Who said anything about dick? 誰提到陰莖了?

[10:07.00]l was talking about our relationship. -我說的是我們的感情 -那當(dāng)然

[10:09.20]Of course you were.

[10:15.96]Do you miss a dick? 你想念陰莖嗎? 是這么一回事嗎?

[10:17.72]ls that what this is all about?

[10:22.52]lt's okay to tell me. 跟我說沒關(guān)系 我們應(yīng)該談一談

[10:23.12]We should talk about this.

[10:26.16]We're talking. 還要談?

[10:29.36]Okay. l'll talk. 好吧,我說

[10:35.92]How many men have you been with? -你跟多少男人交往過? -你跟多少女人交往過?

[10:37.44]How many women have you been with?

[10:40.12]Twelve. 十二個

[10:45.48]Have you been with more than 1 2 men? 你交往超過十二個男人?

[10:49.56]Why are we even talking about this? 我們干嘛討論這種事?

[10:54.00]Why are you so afraid to talk? 你為何這么害怕溝通?

[10:55.08]-Always pulling away. -l'm not pulling away. -你總是逃避 -我沒有逃避

[11:01.68]l'm trying to get closer. 我正試著更貼近你

[11:05.32]Not like that.


[11:10.32]Not with sex.

[11:12.52]l cannot just turn it on and off. 我的性致無法來去自如 畢竟,我不是男人

[11:15.12]After all, l'm not a man.

[11:18.08]You know what? 你知道嗎?我想我洗好了

[11:21.56]l think l'm clean now.

[11:24.84]That night, CharIotte found herseIf haunted... 當(dāng)晚,夏綠蒂被防塵飾邊 鴨子和邦妮困擾

[11:29.24]by dust ruffIes, ducks and Bunny.

[11:32.12]Your mother decorated this entire apartment, didn't she? 你母親布置了整間公寓

[11:35.00]Of course. Mother does all our houses. -我們家所有房子都是她負(fù)責(zé) -我早該知道

[11:37.68]l should have known.

[11:39.12]Plaid and the mallards. -格紋和綠頭鴨 -你不喜歡?

[11:42.80]You don't like them? 這跟住在自然丑陋博物館 沒什么兩樣

[11:44.32]No, it's like we live in the Museum of Natural Ugliness!

[11:46.80]lf we're really serious... 崔,如果我們真的想讓婚姻 有個全新的開始

[11:51.16]about making a fresh start with our marriage and making this our home...

[11:52.88]讓這房子成為我們的家 它該符合我們的品味,對吧?

[11:55.36]it should reflect our taste, shouldn't it?

[11:60.20]l have no taste, clearly. -我顯然沒什么品味 -那就照我的品味

[12:03.80]Then my taste, for us.

[12:04.40]Darling, Mother spent an awful lot of time and money on this place. 我媽在這間房子上 花了很多時間和金錢

[12:07.08]l understand. 我明白,但我是你的妻子

[12:10.16]But l am your wife.

[12:12.16]So, maybe l should just have a chat with her. -也許我該和她談?wù)? -讓我來

[12:15.24]Let me talk to her, it might go easier. 可能會容易得多 明天她來吃早午餐的時候

[12:19.72]Tomorrow, when she comes over for brunch...

[12:19.92]l will sit her down and say... 我會婉轉(zhuǎn)地告訴她這房子 完全不符合我們以及你的品味

[12:23.60]that this is simply not our, slash, your taste.

[12:27.28]The animals have got to go. 動物的擺設(shè)一定要移開

[12:30.84]But the next morning.... 但是隔天早上…

[12:33.20]Up and at 'em, George McFaddam. 快起床,喬治麥費頓 太陽曬屁股了

[12:35.28]lt's daylight in the swamp.

[12:36.72]Trey was in no condition to taIk to anyone. 崔根本無法說話

[12:40.76]Hello, Mother. 早,母親大人

[12:42.80]Darling, what's the matter? Are you ill? Here, let Mother-- 親愛的,怎么回事?

[12:42.24]-你病了嗎?讓媽媽摸摸看 -喉嚨痛

[12:46.28]Sore throat. 夏綠蒂,打電話到我家 吩咐吉妮瓦帶一些湯過來

[12:47.52]Charlotte, telephone my house...

[12:49.72]and tell Geneva to bring over some broth and my overnight case.

[12:53.72]還有我的行李箱 我知道你在畫廊很忙

[12:54.88]You have a busy week at the gallery. l might as well stay in the guest room...


[12:58.36]until Trey's recovered.

[12:60.36]Charlotte, what's this mallard doing here? 這只綠頭鴨怎么會在這里? 它應(yīng)該擺在書房才對

[13:04.16]He lives in the study.

[13:09.64]Yes, Bunny. 是,邦妮

[13:09.08]Since I wasn't going to risk an awkward pubIic confrontation... 由于我不打算冒險 和艾登當(dāng)眾見面,免得尷尬

[13:12.88]at Aidan's opening, I wanted to at Ieast make a gesture.


[13:16.88]Some smaII way of saying, ''Thank you for inviting me. 對于他邀請我、比我勇敢 以及暗示我們?nèi)钥勺雠笥?/p>

[13:20.96]''For being braver than I couId have been.

[13:23.92]''And for at Ieast suggesting that we can be friends. '' 表達(dá)感激之意


[13:37.84]There was no sign of him. But he was everywhere. 沒有看到他的人 但實際上他無所不在

[13:41.60]In the mahogany bar, the wood fIoors... 紅木吧臺、木質(zhì)地板 雕刻過的天花板

[13:44.72]the carved ceiIing.

[13:45.28]The whoIe pIace Iooked and feIt... 整間店的外觀和感覺 都有艾登的風(fēng)格

[13:48.96]just Iike Aidan.

[13:52.88]What are you doing here? -你怎么會在這里? -我剛好在附近

[13:54.96]l was just in the neighborhood.

[13:56.40]l just couldn't resist a little sneak preview. -忍不住先來偷看一下 -米蘭達(dá)有跟你來嗎?

[13:60.48]-Did Miranda come with you? -No, l just.... 沒有,開幕當(dāng)天我不能來

[14:02.76]l won't be able to come to the opening...

[14:05.80]so, l wanted to... 所以我只是想來 謝謝艾登的邀請

[14:09.88]thank Aidan, you know, for inviting me, so...

[14:11.84]it's a mulberry bush. 這是桑樹,因為酒吧位在…

[14:13.72]You know, 'cause the bar is on....

[14:16.80]Mulberry Street. 桑樹街

[14:20.60]Carrie, that's really sweet. 凱莉,你真窩心,只不過…


[14:25.88]Aidan didn't exactly invite you, l did. -邀請你的人不是艾登,是我 -是你?

[14:27.12]You did. 我想米蘭達(dá)有你作伴 會覺得自在一點

[14:29.84]'Cause l thought Miranda might feel more comfortable...

[14:32.88]if she knew you were gonna be here, so....

[14:35.80]So, then Aidan didn't invite me? 這么說艾登沒有邀請我?

[14:38.36]Not exactly, but.... 是的,但…

[14:41.08]Steve! 我得走了

[14:44.92]l got to go.

[14:48.52]That night, I wasn't the onIy one who was haunted. 當(dāng)晚,我不是唯一睡不好的人

[14:58.76]One phone caII Iater.... 一通電話之后… 鬼魂喜歡夾心餅干嗎?

[15:01.12]Does the ghost like Oreos?

[15:02.20]At this point, l'm almost hoping there is a ghost. Otherwise, l'm insane. 我倒希望真的有鬼 否則就是我瘋了

[15:06.08]You say that like it's an either-or proposition. -你的語氣好像很肯定似的 -抱歉還叫你過來

[15:09.80]l know, l'm sorry for making you come over.

[15:10.16]l just needed another person here, you know? 我只是需要有個人在這里 那只貓當(dāng)證人不可靠

[15:15.08]'Cause the cat's an unreliable witness.

[15:17.64]Don't worry. l checked the rarely invoked haunted-house clause... 我查過摯友合同中 關(guān)于房子鬧鬼的條款

[15:18.72]of the best-friend contract, you're completely covered. 你完全適用

[15:23.72]MeanwhiIe, across the park... 同時,穿過公園

[15:25.20]CharIotte, haunted by Bunny's decision to spend the night... 夏綠蒂則飽受邦妮留宿的困擾 也睡不著覺

[15:29.00]couIdn't sIeep either.

[15:36.16]Bunny! What are you doing? 邦妮,你在做什么?

[15:36.00]l remembered l had some Vicks in my bag. 我記得我有帶“舒鼻清”

[15:41.48]lt's the best thing for a cold. -這是治療感冒的仙丹 -我給他吃了些感冒藥

[15:43.60]But l already gave him some NyQuil.

[15:45.76]NyQuil doesn't cure anything except consciousness. 感冒藥根本沒效 只會讓人昏昏欲睡

[15:49.36]Don't you think l should do that? -難道不該由我來擦嗎? -他從小到大都是我?guī)退恋?/p>

[15:50.56]l've been doing it since he was a child. lt's no bother.

[15:53.44]But l am his wife. 但我是他的妻子 要擦也是我來擦

[15:55.44]lf anyone does it, it should be me.

[15:58.20]Not on his tummy, Charlotte. 不要擦肚子 這動作的目的是要讓痰化開

[16:01.56]You're trying to break up the phlegm.

[16:02.04]Let me. You don't know what you're doing. -讓我來,你是在亂擦 -你的行為非常不恰當(dāng)

[16:06.16]And you're being very inappropriate.

[16:16.00]l'm sorry, but this just isn't going to work. 很抱歉,但這是沒用的

[16:20.96]Trey and l are back together, and this is our house. 崔和我已經(jīng)復(fù)合 這里是我們的家

[16:25.72]And we will redecorate it as we see fit. 我們會重新布置到滿意為止 不會再有格紋、假鴨

[16:28.84]No more plaid, no more duck decoys.

[16:32.08]From now on... 從現(xiàn)在起 這間屋子只能有一位女主人

[16:34.08]there can only be one lady of the house.

[16:37.84]l've been in this house far longer than you, my dear. 親愛的,我在這間屋子 住的時間遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過你

[16:40.64]And unlike you, l never left. 而且不像你,我從未離開

[16:45.52]Believe me, the decoys may come and go... 假鴨也許會來來去去 但我將永遠(yuǎn)在這里

[16:47.00]but l'm going to be here forever.

[17:02.20]Samantha, you home? 莎曼珊,你在家嗎?

[17:02.72]Come on, baby, open up, it's me, Sean. 寶貝,快開門,是我,西恩


[17:12.32]What are you doing here? 西恩,你來這里做什么? 現(xiàn)在是凌晨三點

[17:16.16]lt's 3:00 in the morning.

[17:17.44]Let's fuck. -我們做愛吧 -你是怎么進(jìn)來的?

[17:18.40]-How did you even get in? -Your security code's still the same.

[17:21.52]你的保全密碼還是一樣 我可以進(jìn)去嗎?

[17:23.40]How about it, can l come in?

[17:23.96]No, you can't be here right now. 西恩,你不能來

[17:27.44]Come on, l got hard just walking up your stairs. 我光是走上樓就已經(jīng)興奮不已

[17:33.92]-You got another guy in here or something? -No. -你家有別的男人? -沒有

[17:35.60]Not another guy. 沒有別的男人

[17:37.32]l'm Maria... 我是瑪莉亞,莎曼珊的女友

[17:40.48]Samantha's girlfriend.

[17:43.16]Good for you. That's.... 太好了,那…

[17:46.56]Maybe l could come in... 也許我可以進(jìn)去 和你們倆來個三人行

[17:49.84]and you two could make me a sandwich or something.

[17:52.28]l don't think tonight's gonna be good for us. 我想今晚不太適合

[17:57.00]Come on, l'm only in town for just a-- 我在城里的時間不多…

[18:01.56]l'm sorry. 對不起

[18:04.24]You get away from the door, motherfucker! 快給我滾開,你他媽的 否則我報警

[18:07.24]Before l call the cops!

[18:09.60]Okay, goodnight. 好,晚安

[18:12.72]And with that... 藉這一招 瑪莉亞解放了莎曼珊的鬼魂

[18:12.88]Maria reIeased Samantha's ghost and confronted Samantha.


[18:20.92]You let men come to your door like this in the middle of the night? 你讓男人半夜來你家敲門?

[18:25.84]Let it go, it's all in the past. -別追究了,全都是過去的事 -不,這并不是過去的事

[18:25.00]lt's not in the past.

[18:28.16]lt's serving us drinks. 為我們送飲料 在答錄機里留言

[18:30.56]lt's on the answering machine. lt's at your door in the middle of the night.


[18:36.76]All right, this might come as a shock to you, but l used to have sex with men. 這可能會讓你很吃驚 但我以前時常和男人上床

[18:39.12]This man was here for nothing but sex. 這個男人來這里只是為了性

[18:42.12]Yes, which l used to enjoy and haven't had much of since l got into this relationship. 那是我過去很享受,卻在這段 感情中很少得到的東西

[18:47.48]You call this a relationship? 你稱這叫感情?

[18:48.28]lt's tedious and the sex is dwindling. So, from what l've heard, yes. 單調(diào)乏味、性行為次數(shù)減少 就我所知,是的

[18:54.72]lf you have something to say to me-- -如果你有什么話想說… -我沒話跟你說

[18:57.84]l have nothing to say to you.

[18:57.80]l am fresh out of things to say to you. 我想不出要跟你說什么 我們總是不停溝通…

[19:02.60]All we ever do is talk.

[19:02.56]The talking in our relationship has replaced the fucking... 在我們的關(guān)系中 談話已經(jīng)取代了做愛

[19:05.16]in our fucking relationship! 我不想要談話

[19:08.68]l don't want talk!

[19:11.64]l want passion. l want fireworks! 我想要激情,我想要爆發(fā)

[19:14.60]Do you want fireworks? 你想要爆發(fā)是嗎? 我讓你見識什么叫爆發(fā)

[19:16.20]l'll show you fireworks!

[19:24.96]That's fireworks. 這就是爆發(fā)

[19:25.96]What are you doing? Stop it! 你在干嘛?快住手

[19:30.64]Stop! 住手

[19:32.52]My plates! -我的盤子 -這些不是你的盤子

[19:35.12]These are not your plates!

[19:38.08]You don't even cook! 你根本不下廚

[19:43.24]Want a little firework? 你想要小煙火嗎?

[19:46.04]Another little one? 再一個?

[19:51.52]Didn't even leave a card. Now he won't know what the plant's supposed to mean. 我沒留卡片 他不會知道那盆栽的意義

[19:54.20]lt's like l plant-bombed him. 仿佛我對他投擲了植物炸彈

[19:58.56]So, how did the bar look? -酒吧看起來怎么樣? -像艾登,棒極了

[20:01.72]Like Aidan. Amazing.

[20:03.96]Good for Steve. -真為史蒂夫開心 -這話還真誠懇

[20:05.00]-That's convincing. -l know. 我正努力替他感到高興

[20:08.32]l'm trying to be happy for him.

[20:10.76]He's got his own bar, his own life, his own Jessica. 現(xiàn)在他有了自己的酒吧 自己的人生、自己的潔西卡

[20:15.56]And l'm still here, you know? 而我卻還在這里,你懂嗎?

[20:19.76]ln the same apartment, doing the same job, living the same life. 住一樣的公寓、做一樣的工作 過一樣的生活

[20:23.48]But you have something that no one else has, you have a ghost. 你有別人沒有的東西 一個鬼魂

[20:27.40]You have a ghost. You have two. 你也有,你有兩個

[20:30.64]But at least Big's the friendly ghost. 至少大人物是友善的鬼魂

[20:34.32]Aidan, on the other hand.... 至于艾登…

[20:35.12]l'm just afraid the way l treated him is gonna haunt me the rest of my life. 我害怕以前我對他的惡劣行徑 會一輩子困擾我

[20:40.20]-There's nothing l can do about it. -Sure there is. Come to the party. -我無能為力 -當(dāng)然有,去參加派對

[20:45.40]-Didn't invite me. -Steve's a good guy. -他又沒邀請我 -史蒂夫是個好人

[20:47.08]He wouldn't have invited you if it wasn't okay with Aidan. 如果沒得到艾登同意 他也不會貿(mào)然邀請你

[20:51.56]Do you ever think that you might still have feelings for Steve? 你認(rèn)為你對史蒂夫還有感情嗎

[20:57.08]No. God, no, why? 老天,不,為何這么問?

[20:60.80]Do you? For Aidan? 你有嗎?對艾登?

[21:05.68]No. 不,我不知道,我想沒有吧

[21:07.52]l don't know. l don't think so.

[21:15.88]l don't know. 我不知道

[21:23.56]Thank you. 謝謝

[21:26.40]I Ieft Miranda's earIy, got some sIeep... 我一大早便離開米蘭達(dá)家 并小睡了一會兒

[21:28.100]and in the Iight of day it feIt Iike aII my ghosts had disappeared. 在日光下,感覺好像 所有困擾我的鬼魂都消失了

[21:34.36]And I saw the worId exactIy as it was. 我看到這世界一如往常

[21:51.56]A few days Iater, Trey feIt better, too. 幾天后,崔覺得好多了

[21:60.12]So did CharIotte. EspeciaIIy since Bunny moved out of the guest room... 夏綠蒂也是 尤其當(dāng)邦妮搬回她自己家時

[22:02.40]and back into her own apartment.

[22:05.92]Up and at 'em, George-- 起床了,喬治麥費…

[22:11.68]l brought some.... 我買了一些松…

[22:15.32]Oh, dear. 天啊


[22:20.40]l brought some muffins for breakfast.

[22:25.20]CharIotte didn't know whether it was their making Iove... 夏綠蒂不曉得是做愛本身

[22:27.56]or their making Iove on a bed without a dust ruffIe that had offended her. 還是在沒有防塵飾邊的 床上做愛冒犯了她

[22:30.76]But either way, their sexorcism... 但他們的性事可以保證 邦妮永遠(yuǎn)不再擅自登門拜訪

[22:33.72]ensured Bunny never haunted their home again...

[22:37.80]unIess expressIy invited. 除非受到明確邀請

[22:40.40]WhiIe downtown, a dearIy departed spirit... 然而在城里 一個死去的靈魂突然再度現(xiàn)身

[22:42.16]suddenIy reappeared.

[22:44.24]lt's been two days, l was worried. 已經(jīng)兩天了,我很擔(dān)心

[22:48.72]And you didn't even call. -你連個電話都沒打來 -你也沒打

[22:51.40]Neither did you.

[22:59.00]l brought you a gift. 我?guī)Я艘粋€禮物給你

[23:02.96]Better be dishes. -最好是盤子 -打開吧

[23:06.44]Open it. 瑪莉亞盡了最后努力 滿足莎曼珊的需要

[23:06.44]Maria made one Iast-ditch effort...

[23:08.100]to give Samantha what she thought she needed.

[23:11.08]You bought me a strap-on? 你買假陽具給我?

[23:15.64]Samantha was touched. 莎曼珊深受感動

[23:19.16]Since she couIdn't bring herseIf to admit... 既然她無法承認(rèn)

[23:19.52]she wasn't capabIe of being in a reIationship... 她實在沒能力談感情 她只說了句…

[23:24.20]she simpIy said.: 我猜我們可以試試看

[23:23.52]l guess we could give it a try.

[23:28.00]That night, despite aII my fears and reservations... 當(dāng)晚,盡管抱持著恐懼 和保留態(tài)度

[23:30.68]I Iet Miranda and Samantha taIk me into going to the opening of Scout. 我還是讓米蘭達(dá)和莎曼珊 說服去參加“史考特”的開幕

[23:37.64]Wow. 這些迷人的家伙是誰?

[23:36.96]Who are all these attractive people? Hello.

[23:41.92]Who cares? We're looking for Aidan, ladies. Eyes akimbo. 我們找的是艾登,兩位小姐 眼睛睜亮點

[23:47.56]That's it, stealth. 就是這樣,秘密行動

[23:51.96]What you doing there, sister? Getting your groove on, doing the robot? 你在干嘛?表演機器人?

[23:57.32]l threw my back out. -我的背拉傷了 -怎么會?

[23:58.32]How? 我用假陽具和瑪莉亞做愛 她幫我,我?guī)退?/p>

[23:59.72]Fucking Maria with a strap-on.

[24:02.52]She fucked me, l fucked her.

[24:03.88]With all the fucking and talking, l had no idea men had to work so hard. 既要做愛也要溝通 男人真辛苦

[24:06.44]How does a strap-on work, exactly? ls it belted or-- 假陽具要怎么弄? 有束帶子嗎?

[24:11.16]Could we not have the strap-on conversation right now? 現(xiàn)在可不可以 不要討論假陽具?

[24:15.12]This night is hard enough as it is. 今晚已經(jīng)夠難熬的了

[24:17.40]-All right. -How does it work?

[24:18.32]-效果如何? -我剛剛是怎么說的?

[24:18.32]What did l just say? -沒有用,瑪莉亞和我分手了 -親愛的,我很遺憾

[24:21.48]lt doesn't. Maria and l broke up.

[24:22.48]Sweetie, l'm sorry.

[24:26.44]Was it the strap-on that broke the relationship's back... 假陽具傷了感情嗎? 還是只有你的背?

[24:28.24]or just yours? -瑪莉亞認(rèn)為我有親密障礙 -她瘋了

[24:30.04]Maria thinks l have intimacy issues.

[24:31.72]She's crazy. 我一開始就告訴她 我不喜歡談感情,不是嗎?

[24:33.28]l tried, l really did, but l'm not a relationship person.

[24:35.88]-l told her from the start, didn't l? -You most certainly did. -沒錯 -你的確這么說過

[24:40.20]l did. Then she has to go and fall in love with me. 然后她便愛上我了

[24:41.64]l mean, what the fuck!

[24:44.04]l need a drink. 我需要喝杯酒

[24:45.76]Would it be bad to have a martini with my muscle relaxant... 服用肌肉緩和劑又喝馬丁尼 是好還是壞?

[24:50.52]or bad in a good way?

[24:51.88]l don't know. Are you operating heavy machinery this evening? 我不知道 你今晚要操作機械嗎?

[24:55.80]Never again. 再也不玩了 這間酒吧的吧臺在哪里?

[24:55.40]Where's the bar in this bar?

[24:57.16]Miranda was right. 米蘭達(dá)說得對 當(dāng)你遇到鬼魂時,你就是知道

[24:60.04]When you see a ghost, you just know it.

[25:00.36]You can feeI it. 你可以感覺得到 你脖子后的汗毛直立

[25:03.40]The hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

[25:20.64]That was it? 就這樣?就這么一眼? 我連那是什么都還沒搞清楚呢

[25:23.20]That's all l get?

[25:26.52]l don't even know what that was.

[25:28.16]l don't know who that was. Was that Aidan? 那是艾登嗎?

[25:28.36]Does he look better, or have l just been with a woman too long? 是他變帥 還是我跟女人在一起太久了?

[25:31.48]All right, that's enough. l'm going home, l don't know why l came. 我要回家了 我不知道我干嘛要來

[25:35.44]Because l begged you to. Come on, let me buy you ladies a free drink. 因為我求你來 讓我請你們喝一杯吧

[25:40.04]Okay. 我在吧臺等你們

[25:40.08]-l'll meet you at the bar. -Okay.

[25:46.08]You came! l'm so glad. 你真的來了,我好高興 你覺得怎么樣?


[25:50.04]-What do you think? -l think.... -我覺得…你做得很好 -你說真的嗎?

[25:53.24]-l think you did good. -Really? You mean it?

[25:58.60]'Cause l never would've done this if it wasn't for you. -如果不是你,我根本做不到 -你在說什么?我什么也沒做

[26:01.08]What are you saying? l didn't do anything.

[26:04.04]Are you kidding me? This whole thing was your idea. 你在開玩笑嗎? 這全是你的主意

[26:05.64]You always told me l should start my own bar. 你總是說我該自己開一間酒吧 我從未忘記

[26:09.12]l never forgot that. l just never thought...


[26:11.40]that l could, so...


[26:18.48]You did good. 你做得很棒

[26:22.76]And just Iike that, Miranda gave up the ghost. 就這樣,米蘭達(dá)擺脫了鬼魂

[26:25.44]Come on, let's get you drunk. 來吧,讓我們不醉無歸

[26:28.84]An hour Iater, since my ghost hadn't reappeared... 一小時后 既然我害怕的鬼魂沒有再出現(xiàn)

[26:33.20]I decided to sneak out the side door for some cake and a smoke. 我便從側(cè)門溜出去吃蛋糕 順便抽根煙

[26:41.76]You're not seriously smoking that, are you? 你不是真的在抽那玩意兒吧?

[26:46.72]-ls that all you could carry? -Shit. -凱莉,你只能拿這么多嗎? -現(xiàn)在我不能吃我的蛋糕了

[26:50.68]Now l can't eat my cake.

[26:56.56]Sure you can. -當(dāng)然可以,來 -都碰到你的手了

[26:57.04]Now you got your fingers all in it.

[27:02.80]That's my cake. -那是我的蛋糕 -現(xiàn)在你想吃了?

[27:05.80]So now you want the cake?

[27:07.16]l never not wanted it. -我從來沒有不想吃 -好,你吃蛋糕吧

[27:10.84]Okay, lady, you take the cake.

[27:29.24]You cut your hair. 你剪了頭發(fā)

[27:34.92]You have frosting on your lip. 你嘴巴上沾到糖霜

[27:42.28]Partner. 合伙人,該一起敬酒了

[27:45.84]lt's time for our toast.

[27:53.08]l thought you were the silent partner. 我以為你是幕后的股東

[27:59.16]Glad you came. 你來我很開心

[28:13.76]Good to see you, Carrie. 很高興看到你,凱莉

[28:17.28]Good to see you, too. 我也是

[28:25.84]I had confronted my ghost. 我已經(jīng)和我的鬼魂正面交鋒 承認(rèn)他存在,然后釋放了他

[28:26.64]I had accepted and reIeased him...

[28:27.52]but now I was more haunted than ever. 但現(xiàn)在的我更加心煩意亂

[28:30.68]Because what I feIt out there was no ghost... 因為那并不是鬼魂 而是真實的

[28:35.76]it was reaI.

[28:46.80]Subtitles conformed by SOFTlTLER


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