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欲望都市第四季 舊情復(fù)燃 Baby, Talk Is Cheap





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:42:57



[00:36.64](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:51.92]Despite the fact there are over 8 miIIion peopIe... 雖然曼哈頓有超過八百萬人口

[00:53.32]on the isIand of Manhattan...

[00:55.08]there are times when you stiII feeI shipwrecked and aIone. 你有時候還是會寂寞難耐

[00:60.96]Times when even the most resourcefuI survivor... 有些人想出瓶中信的點子

[01:01.44]wiII feeI the need to put a message in a bottIe, or on an answering machine.


[01:06.36]Hey, this is Aidan. I'm not in. Leave a message. 我是艾登,我不在,請留言

[01:22.84]Strong arms. 手臂用力…往上舉

[01:25.76]Earth to heaven, yes. 每一個時刻都是有意義的

[01:25.64]Remember, every movement has a meaning.

[01:27.100]I wondered what it meant that I wanted to taIk to my ex-boyfriend again. 想跟前男友說話代表什么?

[01:31.60]l've been making faux calls to Aidan. 我一直打騷擾電話給艾登

[01:36.28]-What? -''Faux.'' F-A-U-X, where you dial... 其實我根本不知道要說什么

[01:38.24]but you have no idea what to say if he answers.

[01:41.72]lt's emotional Russian roulette. -就好像情緒的俄羅斯輪盤 -你打了又掛斷?

[01:43.04]You mean, you call and you hang up?

[01:43.52]-That's pretty much it. -Why would you do that? -差不多是這樣 -這是何必呢?

[01:46.72]l don't know. l don't know why l'm telling you. 我根本不知道為什么要告訴你 不要告訴其他人

[01:49.40]Don't tell anybody else.

[01:52.04]Carrie, tell them what you told me. 凱莉,告訴她們

[01:56.76]That l'm not going to your African dance class again... 說我不要再去跳非洲舞蹈 還是你守不住秘密?

[01:58.04]or that you can't keep a secret?

[01:60.44]Carrie's calling Aidan. -凱莉打電話給艾登 -馬上掛斷

[02:00.60]-And hanging up. -Why are you calling him? -你為什么要打給他? -我想要他回到我身邊

[02:06.80]l think l want him back.

[02:09.36]How do l do this? 我應(yīng)該怎么做?

[02:11.56]First, you have to accept that after what happened, he might not want to hear it. 第一 你得接受他可能不愿意的事實

[02:17.60]l can accept that. How do l do this? -這我接受,我要怎么做? -你不用想了

[02:19.88]You don't. One word, honey. ''Granola.'' So not you. 他樸實健康,不是你那一型的

[02:22.16]Aidan's perfect. He stripped her floors. 他幫你換地板 還甩掉了啤酒肚

[02:23.96]But he needs to lose the turquoise rings and the tummy.

[02:28.24]The tummy is gone. At that thing last week, he looked... 肚子不見了 他上禮拜真是好看極了

[02:30.92]disturbingly good.

[02:33.12]-He's the new, improved Aidan. -Low-fat granola. -他是全新改良版的艾登 -還是低脂的(樸實健康)

[02:35.08]He looks good. 他很好看是一回事 我要他回來是因為我想他

[02:38.88]That's not why l want him back, l just miss him.

[02:39.76]-Did you, before seeing him? -What about the turquoise? -在遇見他之前你想他嗎? -那綠色的呢?

[02:44.16]l've missed him for months. 我想他好幾個月了

[02:48.04]Okay, you need a safe approach, in case he rejects you. 你需要安全措施以防被拒絕 寫電子郵件給他

[02:53.08]-E-mail him. -l don't believe in e-mail. 我是舊式的女孩 我比較喜歡打電話再掛斷

[02:54.88]l'm old-fashioned. l prefer calling and hanging up.

[02:56.28]Come on, honey. You gotta get online, if only for the porn. 你一定要上網(wǎng) 就算是看在色情影片的份上

[02:60.48]Would you please stop sending me those? -不要再寄那種東西給我了 -那很有趣

[03:03.04]Come on, it's funny.

[03:05.60]l can't get e-mail just to write to Aidan, that's pathetic. 我不能因為艾登上網(wǎng) 太可悲了

[03:07.32]lt's not just e-mail, you can shop online. -你可以在線上購物 -不行,購物就像是我的心臟

[03:10.40]-No, shopping is my cardio. -Okay, l know what to do.

[03:15.24]Don't call, don't e-mail... 我知道了 不要打電話,也不要寫信

[03:17.48]just show up at his furniture store... 帶著這個到他的家具店

[03:20.72]wearing these. -那是什么? -假乳頭

[03:21.12]-What are those? -Fake nipples.

[03:25.84]And why are we carrying them around? -你帶這個做什么? -替我們加分

[03:25.52]They were sent to me as a promotional thing.

[03:29.00]Really? ls there a Nipple Council? Do nipples have a bad rap? 有乳頭協(xié)調(diào)會嗎?

[03:32.04]Nipples are huge right now. 現(xiàn)在每一本雜志都在強調(diào) 乳頭的重要

[03:33.16]Open any magazine. lt's not that cold. 沒有的人要擔心了

[03:37.84]Those girls are either tweaking, or they're wearing these.

[03:40.72]Put them in. l want to see how they work. -我想知道有多好用 -莎曼珊的胸部走在時代尖端

[03:43.00]She leads with her breasts. lt's not a good experiment.

[03:45.76]Miranda, you try them. -米蘭達,你戴戴看 -我倒想見識見識

[03:46.16]Oh, yeah. Now that, l'd like to see.

[03:50.36]l'm not certain, but l have a feeling my boobs were just insulted. 我的胸部好像被污辱了 幫我遮著

[03:54.64]-All right, cover me. -All right. 好了

[03:55.32]That's it.

[03:59.44]That's obscene. Okay, walk. 好猥褻,走

[04:03.40]''We have secretly replaced Miranda's nipples with rubber ones. 米蘭達的乳頭變成橡膠制品了

[04:07.64]''Let's see what happens.'' 看看會發(fā)生什么事

[04:16.12]Okay, that's it, l want my nipples back. 把我的乳頭還我

[04:17.52]The next day, sans nippIes... 次日 不穿假乳頭的米蘭達令我汗顏

[04:20.48]Miranda's cardio put my cardio to shame.

[04:24.04]She was training for the marathon. 為參加馬拉松做鍛練的她 遇上令她心跳加速的事

[04:24.24]Running wasn't the onIy thing getting her heart rate up.

[04:29.04]You sure you're in the right group? -你沒有跑錯組吧? -十分鐘這一組

[04:30.40]Ten-minute mile, right? l was here last week. -我上禮拜才來的 -我知道

[04:32.80]l know. But the thing is...

[04:34.08]we never get any cute guys in this group. 不過可愛的人應(yīng)該都在 七分鐘那一組

[04:36.76]The cute guys are in the seven-minute mile group.

[04:39.96]l'm the cutest of the slow guys, is what you're saying? 我是跑得慢組里最可愛的?

[04:43.04]Knee surgery. 膝蓋手術(shù)

[04:45.44]Have you run the marathon before? -你有跑過馬拉松嗎? -過去四年都跑

[04:47.48]-Past four years. -Wow.

[04:51.92]-What about you? -First time. -你呢? -第一次

[04:55.68]We should train during the week. -我們這禮拜應(yīng)該受訓(xùn)練 -他們開始練習(xí)跑了嗎?

[04:56.08]Are there runs during the week?

[04:57.04]l don't know. l meant just the two of us. -我不知道,我是指我們兩個 -當然,這樣很好

[05:01.32]Sure, that'd be great.

[05:03.40]Miranda was thriIIed, but she stiII wasn't sure... 米蘭達非常興奮,但不太確定

[05:06.60]if he was interested in anything more than a running buddy. 他是不是真的只是想要找 跑步伙伴

[05:11.88]Stay in line. 在住宅區(qū) 夏綠蒂的裝潢如火如荼地進行

[05:10.96]And uptown, CharIotte's marathon redecoration continued.

[05:15.92]l can't believe l ever questioned this wallpaper. 我以前居然批評過這個壁紙

[05:18.92]l love this wallpaper. 這實在太完美了,我愛你

[05:20.32]And l love you.

[05:24.60]l guess we're done with this room. Time to move on to the study. 這間房間已經(jīng)可以了 該是布置書房的時候了

[05:30.84]There's one room in every marriage that forces the question.: 在每個婚姻里都有同一個問題

[05:35.24]''How Iong do we want it to be just the two of us?'' “只有兩個人的世界 要持續(xù)多久?”

[05:37.52]lt's right off our bedroom, so.... 這就在我們臥房隔壁,所以…

[05:42.00]Well.... 你想要做什么用途?

[05:43.48]What do you want to do with this room?

[05:44.44]lt could be a good room for a... 這個房間很適合給…

[05:48.12]B... 寶…

[05:50.04]A.... 寶?


[05:53.24]l think we already have enough bathrooms. 我們的浴室夠多了

[05:58.68]Trey and CharIotte were finaIIy on the same page. 崔和夏綠蒂終于達成共識

[06:01.56]And the page had a baby on it. 生小孩的共識

[06:05.64]MeanwhiIe, Samantha went shopping, nippIes bIazing... 在此同時,莎曼珊戴著 火辣辣的乳頭去購物

[06:07.12]and picked up a '94 cabernet and an '84 Harvard MBA. 選中了一瓶九四年的葡萄酒 和一個八四年的哈佛畢業(yè)生

[06:11.00]Believe me, this is nothing. lt's a blip. 這沒什么! 不過是忽上忽下的走勢

[06:15.48]No, we can't retract it, because that's what you said. 不行,我們不能退縮

[06:17.68]Warren Dreyfous was a founder of the communications strategy firm... 華倫德雷福斯創(chuàng)立了 溝通策略公司

[06:22.96]that made the Exxon oiI spiII an ''incident''... 讓艾克森石油化險為夷

[06:26.40]rather than a ''debacIe. ''

[06:27.44]Look, l gotta go. 我得掛電話了

[06:29.12]Next time, talk to me before you talk to the press. 下一次找媒體前先問我…抱歉

[06:32.56]All right, man. Bye.

[06:34.16]Sorry about that.

[06:37.28]About talking on the phone, or staring at my nipples? 因為講電話 還是盯著我的乳頭看?

[06:39.72]About talking on the phone. 因為電話

[06:51.60]That night, I tried to compose my first e-maiI. 那一晚 我試著寫第一封電子郵件

[06:52.84]A witty, yet sexy, yet sensitive note to Aidan. 一封機智 卻又帶著性感和感性的短信




[07:16.12]And across town, Samantha was getting some maIe, as weII. 城市另一端 莎曼珊正在享用男人

[07:28.08]As a Iover, Warren was fantastic. 華倫是個好情人

[07:30.32]But as a communications strategist... 然而身為溝通策略家 他犯了個大錯誤

[07:33.40]he made one major mistake.

[07:34.24]Samantha, does your gina-wina want a little visit... 小珊珊,你的小妹妹 想不想找我的小弟弟?

[07:38.68]from my mister-mister?

[07:46.24]He didn't say that. 他不會那么說吧?

[07:46.36]lt's not what he said, it's how he said it, in baby talk. 不是說話的內(nèi)容,是方式 就像是跟小嬰兒說話

[07:52.20]Baby talk's the worst. How can they think it's sexy? 怎么有人會認為兒語很性感?

[07:55.92]lt's like putting ketchup on prime rib. Stop, you're ruining it. 就像是在上等肋骨上加番茄醬 “住手,你毀了它!”

[07:59.68]l know, it's such a shame, because this guy is hot. 真可惜,那男人很性感

[08:03.76]l finally had to sit on his face to shut him up. 我得坐到他臉上才能讓他住嘴

[08:05.72]You know, some men use baby talk to avoid intimacy. 有些男人用兒語來避免親密

[08:07.64]While others simply choose not to respond to your e-mail. -有人選擇不回信 -還是沒有艾登的回應(yīng)?

[08:11.08]-Aidan still hasn't written back? -Fourteen hours, but who's counting?


[08:14.96]Oh, my God! 我的天

[08:18.64]lsn't this adorable? -這真是可愛 -你穿不會太小了嗎?

[08:20.76]Don't you think that maybe it's a wee bit small?

[08:23.00]Oh, you guys. 崔和我正試著懷孕

[08:26.48]Trey and l are trying to have a baby.

[08:28.60]Why? -為什么? -不是應(yīng)該先緩一緩嗎?

[08:31.48]Don't you think that maybe you should wait awhile?

[08:32.08]-You guys just got back together. -l can't wait. -你才剛搬回去 -我等不及了

[08:35.68]l'm the oldest woman l know who doesn't have a baby. 我是我認識沒有小孩的人中 最老的

[08:39.64]The oldest married woman who wants one. You know what l mean. 已婚、想要小孩 又沒有小孩的人中最老的

[08:42.48]lf that's what you want, l'm very happy for you. -我為你們感到高興 -謝謝

[08:43.20]-Thanks. -You're welcome.

[08:47.28]And l promise, l won't become one of those mothers... 我不會變成只會談?wù)?“尿布小幫手”的媽媽

[08:48.96]who can only talk about Diaper Genies.

[08:50.96]Good. 很好

[08:54.36]Look over here. 你們看

[08:54.00]-What the hell is a Diaper Genie? -l don't know. 尿布小幫手是什么?

[08:59.44]Someone you hire to change a kid's diaper? 雇用來幫小孩換尿布的人?

[09:04.16]Hi, Tricia! 翠夏華森是個時髦的媽媽

[09:06.48]Tricia Watson was one of those hip moms...

[09:08.16]for whom Barneys wouId aIways be stores, not dinosaurs. 知道的精品店 永遠比兒童節(jié)目多

[09:11.76]Cliff said you and Trey are back together. 克里夫告訴我你跟崔和好了 我好高興

[09:13.80]l'm so glad.

[09:16.08]This is Mary Elizabeth. -這是瑪麗伊麗莎白 -你好,我是夏綠蒂

[09:18.80]-Hello, Mary Elizabeth. l'm Charlotte. -Pleased to meet you.


[09:22.48]-Trey and l are trying to get pregnant. -That's great. -崔和我試著“做人” -太棒了

[09:26.76]You and Cliff should come over for dinner. 這個禮拜到我家吃飯 我們剛重新裝潢家里

[09:29.84]We just redecorated our dining room. We haven't even used it yet.

[09:30.52]l'd love to, but try finding a sitter for three kids under 8. 我很樂意 只是要找保母帶小孩

[09:36.68]l can't believe l'm 34 with three kids. 真不敢相信我三十四歲 還有三個孩子

[09:43.24]l invited the Watsons over for dinner Tuesday. They're bringing their kids. 我邀請華森一家 星期二到家里吃晚飯

[09:46.44]All righty. 三十五歲的夏綠蒂 決定這次要來真的

[09:48.00]CharIotte, 35 with no kids...

[09:50.32]decided it was time to get serious.

[09:53.56]The next day, I worked on a IittIe piece I was caIIing.: 次日,我繼續(xù)打電話

[09:56.36]''Thirty-six hours, and stiII no response from Aidan. '' 三十六個小時了 還是沒有艾登的回應(yīng)

[10:01.16]The Indians had to wait up to six months for a response. 印地安人等回信得等上六個月

[10:04.84]It took me six months to get the message that I wanted to be with Aidan. 我花了六個月領(lǐng)悟到 我想要艾登回到我身邊

[10:08.36]And now I couIdn't wait another minute. 我等不及了

[10:10.96]Are aII these improvements in communication... 這些新的科技有助我們溝通嗎

[10:14.84]reaIIy heIping us communicate?

[10:17.64]In matters of Iove... 愛情這件事 坐而言不如起而行嗎?

[10:17.12]do actions reaIIy speak Iouder than words?

[10:22.80]I decided to take action. 我決定采取行動 這一次他接電話了

[10:24.92]And this time he answered.

[10:27.40]HeIIo. -你為什么不回我的信? -你是哪位?

[10:28.80]Why won't you respond to my e-mail?

[10:29.76]Who is this?

[10:32.84]lt's Carrie, hi. 我是凱莉

[10:33.12]l was just asking if you ever got my e-mail. 我想問你有沒有收到我的信?

[10:38.00]-''ShoegaI. '' -What? 愛鞋的女孩,我的代號

[10:40.48]That's my screen name.

[10:42.60]l think l got it and deleted it. -我收到但是刪掉了 -這樣不太友善

[10:42.96]That's not very neighborly.

[10:46.88]l get so much damn junk mail, if l don't know an address.... 我收到太多垃圾信件 要是有不認識的網(wǎng)址…

[10:48.24]l have the opposite problem. l've received two e-mails total. 我跟你的問題相反

[10:52.64]One from Miranda, and one welcoming me to AOL. 我只收到米蘭達 和“美國線上”的歡迎信

[10:55.92]-What did it say? -Just, you know... 上面寫什么?

[10:59.12]how to use the different features and stuff, and ''welcome.'' 只是介紹一下服務(wù)的項目 就是一封歡迎信

[11:01.08]No, the one you.... 我是說,你寫的那一封…

[11:05.24]The one l.... 我寫給你的…

[11:07.04]The one to you.

[11:10.44]lt doesn't even matter. You know what l was thinking? 沒什么,我有個想法

[11:13.72]I was thinking that you and Steve and Miranda and me couId go out sometime. 你、史蒂夫、米蘭達和我 應(yīng)該聚聚

[11:16.80]You know, just like as a... 大家一起出去熱鬧一下

[11:18.08]you know, a fun group thing.

[11:21.28]Sounds good. -好主意 -很好,我來安排嗎?

[11:21.44]Okay, great, so l'll set it up?

[11:25.52]-Okay. -Okay.

[11:28.72]-Bye. -Bye.

[11:35.68]MeanwhiIe, Miranda's run Ied to.: 在此同時 米蘭達跑步跑出了約會

[11:38.24]''Wanna come up for coffee?'' which Ied to sex...

[11:39.52]which Ied her to beIieve that Marathon Man... 她相信馬拉松先生 可以不只是跑步伙伴

[11:42.84]couId be more than a running buddy.

[11:46.88]l'm all sweaty. -我全身濕透了 -你嘗起來真棒

[11:47.80]You taste great.

[12:14.72]Did you get my e-mail about our double whatever-it-is? 你有收到 我們四人約會的郵件嗎?

[12:17.60]Yes, and l'm ignoring it. -有,我假裝沒看到 -電子郵件并不怎么好用

[12:19.12]So far, not impressed with the e-mail.

[12:20.48]-Why would l go out with Steve? -You're not going out with him. -我為什么要跟史蒂夫約會? -那不是約會

[12:23.56]You're going as my airbag, in case there's an impact. 你只是我以防萬一的安全氣囊

[12:28.64]Steve's going as Aidan's air bag. 而史蒂夫則是艾登的氣囊

[12:31.64]Explain that to Steve. l don't want him to get the wrong impression. 你可以跟史蒂夫說 我在跟別人約會嗎?

[12:32.100]-l'm dating other people now. -Who?

[12:35.68]-Marathon Man? -Yes. 跑馬拉松那家伙?

[12:38.92]-We slept together after our run. -l guess he was interested. -我們在跑完以后上床 -我想他一定有興趣

[12:40.80]Did he live up to his nickname? -他名副其實嗎? -很棒,除了…

[12:43.64]lt was good, except he kind of...

[12:48.16]licked my butt. 他舔我屁股

[12:50.00]Be specific. You mean the cheeks or-- -說清楚一點,屁股肉嗎? -不只那樣

[12:52.52]lt was more localized than that.

[12:56.60]Wait a minute, are we talking tuchis-lingus? 等一下,你是說舔屁眼嗎?

[12:58.44]l'm afraid so. 恐怕是,感覺好奇怪

[13:00.04]And l thought it was weird. lt's weird, right? Are we doing this now?

[13:03.16]很奇怪,對吧? 現(xiàn)在大家都這樣嗎?

[13:04.16]lf the guy is willing, why not? -要是男生愿意,有何不可? -除了莎曼珊之外的人?

[13:07.92]Anyone other than Samantha?

[13:09.68]l never had a guy do the TL on me. 從來沒有男人對我這樣

[13:12.100]One time, it almost happened, but l got the feeling he just lost his way. 有一次幾乎發(fā)生了 不過我想是他搞錯地方了

[13:20.56]Trey likes to do it. 崔喜歡這樣

[13:23.24]We're married. 我們結(jié)婚了

[13:23.40]Okay, l'm definitely in the slow sexual group if even Charlotte is open to this. 夏綠蒂都這樣了 我一定是落伍了

[13:29.16]There's something happening with men and the ass. 男人跟屁股都不對勁了

[13:31.88]lt's true. The last few guys l've been with have been much more eager to attend to it... 我最近約會的幾個男人 都想要這樣

[13:37.52]you know, digitally.

[13:37.92]How did they get the message that the ass is now on the menu? 他們聽誰說女人喜歡這樣的?

[13:40.44]l bet there's one loud-mouthed guy who found some woman who loved it... 有個大嘴巴的男人 正好碰到喜歡這樣的女人

[13:46.68]and told everybody, ''Women love this!'' 于是他向大家宣布 “女人喜歡這樣”

[13:47.16]-Who is this guy? -Who's the woman who loved it? -那男人是誰? -那女人是誰?

[13:51.28]-Don't knock it until you try it. -Bingo. 沒試過不要說大話

[13:53.12]Maybe l shouldn't have pulled away so fast. Was this my last shot? 或許我不應(yīng)該這么快閃開

[13:57.84]Am l out of the ass loop forever? 我永遠得不到屁股服務(wù)了嗎? 我總不能開口要求

[13:59.72]l can't bring myself to ask for it.

[13:59.12]You don't have to ask for it, just lean into it. 只管靠近,無須言語 他會懂的

[14:03.56]No words necessary. He'll get the signal.

[14:05.76]But then do l have to reciprocate? 但是,我得報答他嗎?

[14:09.72]l would never do it back to them. -不,我才不會做同樣的事 -我也不會

[14:11.12]-Neither would l. -Me neither. -我也不會 -你們不會?

[14:13.40]You wouldn't?

[14:17.08]That night, CharIotte performed a more traditionaI wifeIy duty. 當晚 夏綠蒂扮演的是傳統(tǒng)的妻子

[14:22.68]She cooked dinner for her husband and their guests. 她為客人們下廚

[14:25.04]Go ahead, everyone. 開動吧,各位

[14:27.16]This looks amazing. 看起來真美味,夏綠蒂

[14:30.40]Trish is amazed that anyone cooks. -翠夏崇拜所有會煮飯的人 -三個小孩就夠她忙了

[14:31.04]Trish has three kids, which keeps her kind of busy.

[14:33.52]l don't want to sit next to the lady. 我不想坐在女士旁邊

[14:37.68]Martin, that's ''one.'' 一次

[14:39.08]-How many does he get? -Forty-five. -他有幾次了? -四十五

[14:42.68]But l don't wanna. 我不想

[14:46.84]We can rearrange, if you want. -我們可以換座位 -沒關(guān)系

[14:46.60]No, it's fine.

[14:50.08]-Do you need your inhaler? -No. -你需要吸氣器嗎? -他有氣喘

[14:53.60]He's asthmatic. Not going to be much in the sports area. -不能做過多運動 -不是每個男孩都要運動

[14:55.68]Not all little boys have to play sports.

[14:58.08]Don't talk to me like you talk to the kids. 不要像教訓(xùn)孩子一樣跟我說話

[14:60.32]Martin, up here. 站起來

[15:06.08]-Fancy shoes there, Hank. -They used to be mine. -漢克,鞋子好漂亮 -那是我的舊鞋子

[15:08.68]He won't go out without 'em. -他到哪都要穿著它 -不要那樣說話

[15:10.60]-Don't talk about him like that. -Don't you talk to me like that.


[15:15.92]That night, Trey and CharIotte didn't have sex. 當晚,崔和夏綠蒂沒有做愛

[15:19.04]And they didn't have sex the next night, either. 隔晚也沒有

[15:20.44]This time, inaction was speaking Iouder than words. 這次,無為比言語更有用

[15:24.20]This guy from pest control comes over and sticks a few dead ones on a tape strip.... 害蟲管制人員把一些死蟲子 粘在帶子上

[15:28.88]I, on the other hand, was fuII of words. 而我則充滿疑問

[15:31.56]They're everywhere. So l say to him, ''What are they?'' 我問“先生,那些是什么?”

[15:36.84]He says, ''Lady, l don't know, that's why l'm sending them to the lab.'' 他說“我不知道 所以我要帶回實驗室化驗”

[15:40.08]And l'm thinking, ''This is New York, this is the pest guy. 這是紐約,他是害蟲管制人員

[15:43.76]''And l got something. He doesn't know what it is... 他不認識出現(xiàn)在我家的蟲 這可不是一件好事

[15:45.28]''and that ain't good!''

[15:54.24]-l gotta take a leak, l'm laughing too hard. -Man, l was gonna go. -我要去小解 -我正要去

[15:58.12]-And? -And we're men. We don't do that. 男人不能這樣

[15:60.48]Women can do that. Men can't. -女人可以,男人不行 -一起去吧,打破傳統(tǒng)

[16:01.16]You should go. Break with convention.

[16:05.44]What the hell, l'm man enough. 我夠男人了

[16:07.04]Do l get a say in this? We're already partners in the bar. 我們已經(jīng)是酒吧的合伙人了 人們會說閑話的

[16:08.64]-People are going to talk. -We're going to the bathroom. 我們要去洗手間

[16:14.68]So apparently Aidan needed an airbag in the bathroom. 艾登需要安全氣囊到洗手間

[16:16.48]You know, l think l'm okay. -我想我沒問題了 -你是說你不再想他了?

[16:17.40]-You mean, you think you're over him. -No, l think you can go. -我是說,你可以走了 -我連甜點都不能吃?

[16:22.56]l don't even get flan?

[16:22.72]The thing is, if you don't leave now... 要是你現(xiàn)在不走 我們就得一起道晚安

[16:25.92]then we're gonna have to end the night together.

[16:27.72]Hug and share cabs according to neighborhood. 擁抱,一起坐計程車 我就不能跟他獨處了

[16:32.12]And then l won't have any time alone with him.

[16:33.16]Yeah. Okay.

[16:36.64]Okay. And can you take Steve with you? 你可以帶史蒂夫一起走嗎?

[16:45.52]Thank you for walking me home. 謝謝你陪我走回家

[16:50.36]You live four blocks from the restaurant. lt's the least l could do. 你家就在餐廳附近,這沒什么

[16:55.36]Good to see you tonight. -今晚很高興見到你 -我想要復(fù)合

[16:57.52]l think l want to get back together.

[16:60.04]Fuck, l...

[17:01.88]was afraid you were going to say something like that. 我就怕你說這類的話

[17:08.48]l was willing to try the friendship thing, but l can't... 我愿意跟你當朋友 但我不能談感情

[17:12.56]do the relationship thing.


[17:18.04]You put your hand on my hand. 你握住我的手

[17:23.28]What? -什么? -在餐廳里,你…

[17:25.20]At the restaurant, you....

[17:25.84]l was trying to make you comfortable. 我只是想讓你舒坦一點

[17:30.44]You seemed so nervous telling that bug story. 你講蟲子故事時好像很緊張

[17:38.12]Oh, well...

[17:40.36]then l guess l should.... 那么我該走了

[17:47.64]Goodnight. 晚安

[17:60.68]Goodnight. 晚安

[18:02.24]Miranda didn't answer her phone, so I Ieft a desperate message... 米蘭達沒有接電話 所以我留了言

[18:06.04]and started to send her a desperate e-maiI. 然后寫一封緊急的郵件給她

[18:12.60]l was just about to call you. l was lM-ing Marathon Man. 我正要打給你 我剛才跟馬拉松先生說話

[18:17.56]lnteresting. Will your tuchis be wanting some lingus? 真有趣,你的屁屁想被舔嗎?

[18:20.16]Listen, if things work out between him and me... 要是我不介意的話 也不會向你們抱怨了

[18:22.12]we never had that conversation. He's coming over.

[18:26.60]-他要過來 -你終究有點心吃

[18:26.80]l guess you'll be having dessert after all.

[18:30.28]What happened to my airbag outside the restaurant? Steve tried to kiss me. 我的氣囊怎么了? 史蒂夫想要吻我

[18:33.48]Aidan kissed me. 艾登吻了我,我們錯開了

[18:35.16]We miskissed. l wasn't going to kiss him.

[18:38.04]He said he just wanted friendship. 我正要走,然后他吻了我 這是什么意思?

[18:38.60]But then he kissed me. What does that mean?

[18:44.40]Oh, my God, he's online. Can he see me? 老天,他上線了 他看得見我嗎?

[18:47.00]No, just step away from the computer. -離電腦遠一點 -我要回去

[18:49.40]-No, l'm going to go back there. -Where? Aidan's?

[18:50.16]l know he's home. -找艾登? -我知道他在家

[18:52.24]Pace yourself, send him an e-mail or something. 寄電子郵件給他

[18:53.76]No, he'll just say that he doesn't want to see me, but he does. 他會說他不想見我 但我知道他想

[18:60.60]His words said ''no,'' but his kiss said ''yes.'' -他說不要,他的吻卻說要 -那是強暴犯的辯詞

[19:00.12]That's the defense invoked by date rapists.

[19:03.56]l know he still feels it. 我知道他還有感覺

[19:08.04]When men attempt boId gestures, it's generaIIy considered romantic. 當男人做出大膽的舉動 通常會被認為是浪漫

[19:20.40]When women do it, it's often considered desperate or psycho. 當女人這么做 會被認為是饑渴或是瘋子

[19:24.24]I was hoping to prove I was neither. 我想證明我兩者皆非

[19:32.60]Hey again, you. 是我

[19:34.68]-You haven't been out here since l went up? -No, l went home. 你不會一直待在下面吧?

[19:39.80]-不,我先回家了 -然后你又回來?

[19:41.28]And you came back?

[19:43.16]l came back. 我又回來了

[19:46.20]See, l.... 是這樣的,我認為…

[19:48.52]l think....

[19:52.12]No, l feel fairly certain that there is still something between us. 我敢確定我們之間有點什么

[19:58.56]l had a nice time tonight... 我今晚跟你處得很愉快

[19:59.32]with you, l did. 我想那樣就好

[20:01.92]But l just want to leave it at that.

[20:05.44]Can l come up and talk to you for a few minutes? 我可以上去跟你談?wù)剢?

[20:07.40]l don't think that's a good idea. -這樣不太好 -因為可能會發(fā)生的事?

[20:13.88]Because of what might happen?

[20:17.96]Because it's not a good time. 因為時機不對

[20:22.44]l know that you're probably scared. l would be, too. But it's different now. 我知道你可能嚇到了 換做是我也會,但是這不一樣

[20:28.28]Things are different. l'm different. 一切都不一樣了 我也不一樣了

[20:31.96]ln fact, wait a second. 等一下

[20:32.36]ln fact, cigarettes? Gone. 煙戒了,所有的壞習(xí)慣都改了

[20:35.00]Seriously, all bad habits, gone. This is a whole new thing.

[20:38.72]我變了,因為我想你 我一直都想著你

[20:39.40]Because l miss you. And l've missed you.

[20:44.20]And it's not just because you look so good, you do, and you should know that. 不只是因為你很迷人

[20:50.92]But l lie in bed at night, and l think about us. 只是我躺在床上,想著以前 你摟著我…

[20:51.52]And l think about you holding me.

[20:53.20]You broke my heart! 你傷透了我的心

[21:09.32]Samantha, l love your titty-witties. 莎曼珊,我要你的“奶奶”

[21:12.12]As I was wishing I had said nothing... 正當我猶豫不決時 莎曼珊決定采取行動

[21:13.12]Samantha decided she had to say something.

[21:19.68]You're a great fuck, but l don't need the baby talk. 你床上功夫很棒 但是請不要學(xué)嬰兒講話

[21:24.72]You don't have to call these my titty-witties, these are my breasts. 你不必叫它們“奶奶” 它們是我的乳房

[21:27.24]And you don't have to say anything about them. 你不必在上面大作文章

[21:30.68]lt's just sex, and it's fine. 只管做愛就好

[21:49.20]Would you please come out of there? Can we talk about this like adults? 你出來好不好? 我們像大人一樣說說話

[21:52.04]We're not finished. 我們還沒結(jié)束呢

[21:57.16]l was very closey-wosey. 我就差那么一點點呢

[22:01.72]Okay, you can call them titty-witties. 好,你可以叫它們“奶奶”

[22:07.56]l'm leaving. l got an early day tomorrow. 我要走了,明天要早起

[22:10.00]Come on, don't pout. We were having such a nice time. 不要不高興 我們剛才這么愉快

[22:12.92]lt was only a suggestion. 我只是建議而已

[22:16.52]Where are my shoes? 我的鞋子在哪里?

[22:22.32]Samantha reaIized that she wore the nippIes and attracted a big baby. 莎曼珊領(lǐng)悟到她的假乳頭 吸引了一個大嬰兒

[22:28.76]And speaking of babies, CharIotte and Trey stiII were not. 說到嬰兒 夏綠蒂和崔還沒有成功

[22:33.32]This was delivered today. 這個今天送到了

[22:35.48]l ordered that a week ago. 我一個禮拜前訂的 刻字需要時間,我都忘了

[22:40.80]They needed time to engrave, and l totally forgot.

[22:41.20]''We had each other and then we had you. “我們相愛,然后有了你”

[22:47.04]''And then we had everything. “因此我們什么也不缺了 愛你的爸爸媽媽”

[22:49.56]''Love, Mommy and Daddy.''

[22:51.52]lt's completely premature. l was just so excited. 我太沖動了,我興奮過頭

[22:53.80]And now? 現(xiàn)在呢?你不想要小孩了嗎?

[22:56.48]Do you not want a baby anymore?

[23:01.56]Of course l do. 我當然想要,你呢?

[23:02.32]Don't you? 自從華森一家來訪后 我們就停止嘗試了

[23:04.12]We pretty much stopped trying after the Watsons came over.

[23:12.60]Kids don't even want to sit by me. 小孩子不想跟我坐在一起

[23:18.04]l want to sit next to you. 我想坐在你旁邊

[23:26.00]l knew Cliff and Tricia when they were first married, they were so in love. 我看過克里夫夫婦新婚的樣子 他們好恩愛

[23:33.16]Now they're just.... 現(xiàn)在他們只是…

[23:35.56]Parents. 一對父母

[23:46.12]Maybe if we only have one child. 或許我們可以只生一個?

[23:50.08]Have one, to start. 先生一個

[23:54.44]See how we do. 看看我們做得如何,再說…

[23:55.04]Besides... 然后崔撒了個每個父母 都會說的謊

[23:56.32]Then Trey toId the Iie that aII parents-to-be have to teII themseIves...

[23:60.20]in order to procreate.

[24:03.72]...our kids will be different. 我們的小孩會不一樣

[24:06.20]Even though the whoIe experience had them a IittIe rattIed... 那次的經(jīng)驗讓他們有些慌亂

[24:09.64]that night Trey and CharIotte made Iove... 但是那一晚他們做了愛 或許也懷了寶寶

[24:11.72]and possibIy a baby.

[24:14.80]And downtown, Miranda seemingIy had her communication probIem Iicked. 在市中心 米蘭達的溝通出現(xiàn)了問題

[24:22.00]And she feIt Iike she shouId do something in return. 她覺得她應(yīng)該有所回報

[24:25.36]Would you like a massage? -你喜歡按摩嗎? -我很想

[24:29.36]l would love one.

[24:58.28]l don't want to do that! 我不想這么做

[24:60.76]Why didn't you say you weren't interested, before you were talking into my ass? 你可以直接跟我說你沒興趣

[25:35.36]This time, we didn't need any words. 這一次,我們無須言語

[26:26.96]You want to do this to make up for the past? 你這樣是為了彌補過去? 才不會良心不安?

[26:29.20]Relieve your conscience?

[26:32.52]'Cause we're okay. 我們之間沒事了

[26:37.28]l've mentally kicked your butt all over Manhattan. 我已經(jīng)在心中打過你好幾次了

[26:43.84]l'm fine now. 我現(xiàn)在沒事了

[26:43.12]No. 不是的

[26:47.40]l just.... 我只是…

[26:52.16]l love you. 我愛你

[26:57.24]l still love you, l just... 我依然愛你,我只是…

[27:01.44]wish that l could be your girlfriend again. 我希望能再當你的女朋友

[27:13.84]l need to think about that. 我需要好好想一想

[27:22.92]His actions said he stiII Ioved me, or maybe he just missed me... 他表現(xiàn)出他還愛我 或許只是想念我

[27:25.96]or maybe he needed cIosure. 又或許他需要一個了斷 或許我永不得知了

[27:30.36]Maybe I'd never know.

[27:35.04]The next morning, due to sheer embarrassment... 次日,由于尷尬

[27:37.28]Miranda got what she needed. 米蘭達反而得到她所需要的

[27:40.16]A running buddy who pushed her into the nine-minute miIe group. 一個讓她奮力奔向終點的伙伴

[27:48.32]And I stiII had no response from Aidan. 我還是沒有得到艾登的回應(yīng)

[27:59.56]Hey, Carrie, you up there? 凱莉,你在嗎?

[28:06.84]Okay, let's give it a shot. -我們給彼此一個機會吧 -真的嗎?


[28:13.12]Do you wanna come upstairs? -你想上來嗎? -我要帶皮特去散步

[28:13.56]No, l promised Pete l'd take him for a walk.

[28:17.44]You wanna go for a walk? -你想去散步嗎? -想


[28:21.56]Let's go for a walk. 我們一起去散步吧

[28:22.80]Okay. 不要走開

[28:24.20]Don't move, okay?

[28:31.80]l'll be right there! 我馬上下去

[28:43.88]Subtitles provided by SOFTlTLER


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