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欲望都市第四季 “孕”事風(fēng)波 Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:42:20



[00:35.84](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:48.16]In Iife... 在人生中,有時(shí)我們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn) 自己站在十字路口

[00:49.84]sometimes we find ourseIves at a crossroads.

[00:54.60]In New York... 在紐約,那十字路口 通常是繁忙而喧鬧的

[00:56.40]that crossroads tends to be busy and very Ioud.


[01:01.08]Sorry! You're waiting. 抱歉,你已經(jīng)在等了

[01:04.24]l know, l'm 10 minutes late. 我知道,我晚了十分鐘

[01:08.32]l'm three weeks late. -我晚了三個(gè)禮拜 -什么?

[01:09.40]-What? -l'm pregnant. -我懷孕了 -有多余的零錢嗎?

[01:13.48]Spare change?

[01:13.40]-l'm sorry, l only have a-- -l got it. -對不起 -我有

[01:16.96]You are beautiful ladies. 兩位小姐真是美麗 你們會(huì)讓某位男士很幸福

[01:20.96]You'll make some man very happy.

[01:24.16]You're pregnant, really? 你懷孕了?真的嗎?

[01:25.60]No, l just thought it might be a fun thing to say. 假的,我以為這么說很幽默

[01:30.28]-Fuck. -You're sure? -媽的 -你確定嗎?

[01:30.20]l took three EPT tests and l'm coming from my doctor... 我驗(yàn)了三次 而且我剛看完醫(yī)生

[01:33.100]which is why l called you... 所以我們才會(huì)約在第23街 我真是悲慘到極點(diǎn)

[01:37.28]way down here on the corner of 23rd and ''l'm ln Hell.''

[01:40.44]When have you been having sex? 你什么時(shí)候有性生活了? 我不是聽起來的那個(gè)意思

[01:42.16]l did not mean that the way it sounds.

[01:43.84]Steve. 史蒂夫

[01:46.12]You're sleeping with Steve? -你和史蒂夫上床? -上過床,就這么一次

[01:47.72]Slept. Once. Singular.

[01:51.08]lt was a mercy fuck. l felt bad, he only had one ball. 那是出于同情 他只剩一顆睪丸

[01:53.16]-l guess that's all he needed. -No kidding. -我猜這樣就夠了 -可不是嗎?

[01:56.24]Apparently the other one was purely ornamental. 顯然另一顆純粹是裝飾用 天啊,我真是個(gè)大白癡

[01:57.52]God, l'm such a fucking idiot. Why didn't l use a condom?

[01:60.52]-我為什么沒用保險(xiǎn)套呢? -你沒用保險(xiǎn)套?

[02:01.32]You didn't use a-- 他只有一顆睪丸 我的卵巢又怠工

[02:03.00]He only has one ball and l have a lazy ovary!

[02:05.20]ln what twisted world does that create a baby? 那樣也能制造小孩 這世界真瘋狂

[02:08.56]l see your point. -我懂你的意思 -這就像懷孕項(xiàng)目的特殊奧運(yùn)

[02:07.24]lt's like the Special Olympics of conception!

[02:11.08]Have you told him? 你告訴了他嗎?

[02:11.24]Why would l tell him? l'm not having it. 有何必要?我不打算生下來


[02:18.44]ls it okay not to tell him? -不告訴他好嗎? -我不知道,這樣好嗎?

[02:20.72]l don't know, is it?

[02:21.28]WhiIe Miranda took a pregnant pause... 當(dāng)米蘭達(dá)為懷孕的事猶豫

[02:25.16]CharIotte got an unpIeasant surprise of her own... 夏綠蒂則收到 屬于自己不愉快的意外

[02:33.52]her period. 她的月經(jīng)

[02:35.100]-Look, Charlotte brought party favors. -l'm never getting pregnant! 夏綠蒂帶來我們聚會(huì)時(shí)的最愛

[02:40.08]Would you please move the Tampax away from my toast points? -我永遠(yuǎn)不可能懷孕了 -把衛(wèi)生棉拿開好嗎?

[02:42.84]When l think of all those women every day, getting pregnant. 我一想到 每天有這么多女人懷孕…

[02:46.04]-l've been trying for five months, nothing! -Don't worry. -我已經(jīng)努力五個(gè)月了 -別擔(dān)心,你會(huì)懷孕的

[02:48.92]-You'll get pregnant. -When? 什么時(shí)候?35歲的女人 只有30%的受孕機(jī)率

[02:52.44]A woman of 35 has only a 30 percent chance of conceiving.

[02:54.08]-The numbers go down from there. -Numbers can be wrong. -隨著年齡增長而遞減 -數(shù)據(jù)可能會(huì)錯(cuò)

[02:56.16]lf it's so hard, how do you account for the number of crying children on planes? 假如懷孕這么難,那飛機(jī)上 哭鬧孩子的數(shù)量又怎么解釋?

[03:02.32]This is not a laughing matter. 這不是一件好笑的事

[03:02.84]l'm sorry, l thought this was brunch, not a fertility seminar. 抱歉,我以為這是早午餐 而非生殖能力研討會(huì)

[03:07.84]Okay, let's all just.... 好了,大家都…

[03:11.12]Charlotte, should we get you a menu? 夏綠蒂,你要看菜單嗎?

[03:12.68]lt's me. 問題出在我身上 說不定我無法生育

[03:14.88]l probably can't have a baby.

[03:17.28]-Don't say that. -lt's true. -別這么說 -崔沒問題,我知道是我

[03:19.56]Trey checked out fine. lt's me, l know it's me.

[03:21.52]-lt's not you. -Then what is it? -不是你 -要不然是什么?

[03:23.20]l keep hearing all these stories about people getting pregnant just looking at each other. 我聽說有人光是互看對方 就懷孕的故事

[03:29.08]l do it on my head, on my side, on my back... 我站著做、側(cè)著做、躺著做 在上面、在下面

[03:31.24]on the top, on the bottom.

[03:32.16]-On the top, then the bottom. -Now this is brunch talk. -先在上面,然后在下面… -這才是早午餐的話題

[03:35.16]Do you know how many times Trey and l have done it without a condom? 你們知道我們不戴保險(xiǎn)套 做愛多少次嗎?73次

[03:39.80]Seventy-three. 你們知道那有多少精液嗎?

[03:41.60]Have you any idea how much perfectly fine semen that is?

[03:46.40]No. 不曉得 莎曼珊,大略猜一下?

[03:45.48]Samantha, rough estimate?

[03:49.00]Enough for me to know in my bones that it's me. 足夠證明問題出在我身上

[03:51.64]The big joke is l spent my entire 20s worried that l'd get pregnant. 可笑的是,我二十幾歲的時(shí)候 老是擔(dān)心會(huì)懷孕

[03:53.12]-l could've screwed everything in sight! -Coulda, woulda, shoulda. -本來可以縱情享樂的 -早知如此,何必當(dāng)初

[03:57.44]l should've been so lucky to get pregnant by mistake. 也許我會(huì)陰錯(cuò)陽差而幸運(yùn)中獎(jiǎng)


[04:03.88]What's with the eyes, Miranda? -那是什么意思,米蘭達(dá)? -沒事


[04:06.28]You're just sitting there, not saying a word... 你始終坐在那里一聲不吭 剛才又跟凱莉使眼色

[04:09.24]-and you're making ''the eyes.'' -lt's nothing. -真的沒什么 -你認(rèn)為我很可悲

[04:12.44]-You think l'm pathetic? -lt's not about you.

[04:14.24]What's not about me? -這跟你無關(guān) -什么跟我無關(guān)?

[04:16.12]l cannot think of a worse time to tell you this. 我想不出比現(xiàn)在告訴你這件事 更壞的時(shí)機(jī)

[04:18.60]Oh, man. -到底怎么回事? -我懷孕了

[04:20.16]What the ''f'' is going on?

[04:24.56]l'm pregnant.

[04:26.36]-Steve. -Mercy fuck? -史蒂夫 -出于同情?

[04:31.00]He only has one ball, it isn't fair! 他只有一顆睪丸,真不公平

[04:32.40]Take a breath. Here, honey, have a sip of water. 親愛的,深呼吸,喝口水

[04:36.28]-How could you do this to me? -To you? -你怎么可以這樣對我? -對你?

[04:39.48]Okay, stop, please. 別吵了,拜托

[04:40.16]Stop. 你打算怎么辦?

[04:41.16]What are you gonna do?

[04:45.44]You're not even going to consider having it? 你甚至不考慮生下來?

[04:48.100]This is not in my plans right now... 目前這不在我的計(jì)劃之中

[04:53.68]and l really feel awful talking about this in front of you. 當(dāng)著你的面談這件事 我覺得很難受

[04:56.04]-Then l'll leave. -No-- 那我走 你可以繼續(xù)坐在這里討論墜胎

[04:57.92]You can just sit here and have your abortion talk.

[05:01.52]Come on, Charlotte, please sit down. 夏綠蒂,請你坐下

[05:06.08]She didn't mean it. All she can think about right now is babies. 她不是有意的 現(xiàn)在她滿腦子都是孩子的事

[05:11.60]She makes me sound so-- -她把我說得好像… -別說了

[05:12.28]Don't do that.

[05:13.64]Okay, it's less than a desirable situation, but it happens. 誰也不愿意見到這個(gè)情況 但它就是發(fā)生了

[05:16.56]-We've all been there. -l haven't. -我們都有過這種經(jīng)驗(yàn) -我可沒有

[05:21.12]-l've had two. -Carrie, how many have you had? 我有過兩次,凱莉,你呢?

[05:22.32]One. 一次

[05:24.92]Right, that waiter at TGl Friday's. 沒錯(cuò),星期五餐廳的服務(wù)生

[05:28.40]TGl Friday's? Please, can we not make this worse than it was? 可否別讓它比實(shí)際上更糟糕?

[05:29.48]He was a waiter at The Saloon, okay? And let me remind you... 他是“酒吧”的服務(wù)生 讓我提醒你們

[05:34.84]in 1988, The Saloon was very happening. 在1988年 “酒吧”可是非常時(shí)髦

[05:38.20]Apparently. 顯然是

[05:42.28]You ready yet? 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?只剩二十分鐘 我們走吧

[05:43.56]We're approaching the 20-minute mark. Let's go!

[05:55.68]-What? -Nothing. -干嘛? -沒事

[06:06.72]What? 怎么了?

[06:12.20]Are you cuckoo now? 你在發(fā)瘋嗎? 你在對我發(fā)瘋嗎?

[06:13.72]Are you going cuckoo on me?

[06:20.88]Okay, l want to tell you something... 我想跟你說一件事

[06:21.08]but if l tell you... 但你得發(fā)誓不告訴任何人

[06:22.56]you have to swear you're not gonna tell anyone.

[06:26.12]-l promise. -Here. -我保證 -這個(gè)

[06:31.40]-Swear on Chanel. -l swear. -對著香奈兒衣服發(fā)誓 -我發(fā)誓

[06:36.44]Okay, Miranda's pregnant and she's having an abortion. 米蘭達(dá)懷孕了,她決定去墜胎

[06:37.96]Oh, man. 夏綠蒂十分震驚 因?yàn)樗恢迸言?/p>

[06:39.24]And Charlotte's devastated, because she's been trying to get pregnant.

[06:41.64]She's been having a really hard time, and it's just bad all around.

[06:43.12]-整件事變得一團(tuán)糟 -過來

[06:45.12]Come here.

[06:48.56]lf Miranda doesn't want the kid, can't she just give it to Charlotte? 如果米蘭達(dá)不想要孩子 難道她不能送給夏綠蒂嗎?

[06:52.16]No. 不行,這又不是一件毛衣

[06:54.48]lt's not like a sweater.

[06:58.52]Oh, man.

[06:60.92]Who's the guy? 孩子的爹是誰?

[07:04.88]See, this is the reason that you can't tell anyone. 這就是要你保密的原因

[07:07.36]lt's Steve. And he doesn't know. 是史蒂夫,他還不知道

[07:10.08]Come on! 有沒有搞錯(cuò)


[07:14.92]l feel like you just trapped me. -我覺得好像上了你的當(dāng) -我必須告訴你

[07:17.44]l'm sorry, l had to tell you.

[07:20.92]lt's all l could think about. Look... 我滿腦子都是這件事 我連鞋子都不會(huì)挑了

[07:22.48]l can't even pick a shoe.

[07:26.08]She's gonna do it without telling him. 她打算瞞著他去墜胎?

[07:34.32]-What? -What? lt's his baby, too. -怎么了? -這也是他的孩子

[07:37.20]Technically, it's not gonna be anybody's baby. 嚴(yán)格說來 那將不會(huì)是任何人的孩子

[07:40.80]So what? lt's all her decision? 所以這全是她的決定?

[07:45.96]lt seems like the guy gets the shit end of the stick. 男人似乎很倒霉

[07:51.20]You know...

[07:53.32]it's a tough situation. l don't know. 這情況很棘手,我不知道

[07:55.76]You ever had one? 你墜過胎嗎?

[07:58.76]No. 不,老天,沒有

[07:59.04]God, no.

[08:04.24]Thank God. 謝天謝地

[08:06.52]-Look at that one, isn't it adorable? -Which one? -那包包很漂亮吧? -哪一個(gè)?

[08:07.80]The red one in the middle. l love it! 中間紅色的那個(gè),我愛死它了

[08:11.00]The Birkin bag? Really? That's not even your style. 柏金包?那根本不是你的風(fēng)格

[08:14.48]Honey, it's not so much the style as what carrying it means. 它跟風(fēng)格無關(guān)

[08:17.36]lt means you're out $4,000. -它本身的意義才重要 -它意味著你花了四千塊

[08:18.56]Exactly. When l'm tooling around town with that bag... 當(dāng)我拎著那包包 我便知道我已經(jīng)飛黃騰達(dá)

[08:20.52]-l'll know l've made it. -Okay, let's go, the visiting hours are over.

[08:24.20]-走吧,參觀時(shí)間結(jié)束了 -拜拜,柏金包

[08:24.40]Bye-bye, Birkin.

[08:28.80]l'm going with Miranda when she goes. 我要陪米蘭達(dá)去墜胎

[08:32.28]Good. 當(dāng)初我一個(gè)人去的感覺糟透了

[08:33.56]l was alone and it was awful.

[08:35.56]Why didn't you ask someone to go along? -你為什么不找人陪你去? -這種事不適合貼在公布欄上

[08:37.04]lt's not the kind of thing you list on the dorm activities board.

[08:40.84]l lied to Aidan about having one. 我騙艾登說我沒墜過胎

[08:41.32]l don't know, it just came out. And the thing is... 話就自然脫口而出 我想他似乎松了一口氣

[08:45.16]l think he seemed relieved.

[08:46.76]Relieved that he could still think of me in a certain way. 我在他心中 仍然保持某種形象

[08:51.24]l don't know why l lied to him. 我不知道我為什么要說謊

[08:52.56]Maybe you still want him to think of you in a certain way. 也許你仍然想在他心中 保持某種形象

[08:55.64]lt happened. You made the right decision at the time. 事情已經(jīng)發(fā)生了 你做了正確的決定

[08:59.08]l know, but l never told the guy or anything. 但我從未告訴那個(gè)男人

[09:02.60]Look, you can't go down that road. 你不能走那條路

[09:05.00]Did you really want to have a child with a guy who serves burgers on skates? 你真的想跟一個(gè)穿著溜冰鞋 端漢堡的家伙生孩子嗎?

[09:08.44]-l could have a 13-year-old child. -You could. -那我便有個(gè)13歲大的孩子了 -是的

[09:14.24]But then l wouldn't have known you. Can you imagine it? 但我也不會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)你了 你能想像嗎?

[09:16.80]l can't. 不,我不能

[09:18.36]l should have told Aidan. -我應(yīng)該和艾登說實(shí)話的 -早知如此,何必當(dāng)初

[09:20.100]Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

[09:25.48]So many roads, so many detours. 這么多條路,這么多迂回

[09:28.92]So many choices, so many mistakes. 這么多選擇,這么多錯(cuò)誤

[09:32.28]As we drive aIong this road caIIed Iife... 當(dāng)我們走在人生的道路上 女人偶爾會(huì)迷失方向

[09:35.20]occasionaIIy a gaI wiII find herseIf a IittIe Iost.

[09:38.88]When that happens... 一旦發(fā)生這種情況 她沒有回頭的余地

[09:38.08]I guess she has to Iet go of the couIda, shouIda, wouIda...

[09:40.84]buckIe up, and just keep going. 只能繼續(xù)走下去

[09:45.52]As we speed aIong this endIess road to the destination caIIed... 當(dāng)我們加速往一個(gè)叫 “希望成為誰”的終點(diǎn)前進(jìn)

[09:46.84]''Who We Hope To Be''...

[09:48.32]I can't heIp but whine.: 我忍不住嘀咕 “我們到了嗎?”

[09:52.48]Are we there yet?

[09:56.76]For a pubIicist Iike Samantha... 對莎曼珊這樣的公關(guān)人員而言 通往成功之路是由明星鋪成的

[09:59.44]the road to success was paved with stars.

[10:02.96]Case in point, Iunch with Lucy Liu. 有個(gè)很好的例子 和劉玉玲共進(jìn)午餐

[10:03.72]l had no idea you were from New York. -我不知道你是紐約人 -我來自皇后區(qū)

[10:05.72]l'm a total New York City girl from Queens.

[10:07.40]That's amazing. l just don't get ''Queens'' from you. 真不可思議 你完全沒有皇后區(qū)的口音

[10:12.68]Look, bitch, don't start with me, 'right? 聽著,臭婆娘 別惹我,行嗎?

[10:16.92]That's good. 很像

[10:18.12]Okay, here's what l need. 我的需求很簡單

[10:20.04]l'm looking for someone from New York. 我想找一個(gè)道地的紐約人 我前任公關(guān)是個(gè)大騙子

[10:23.00]My last P.R. guy was really hooked up, but he was a total liar.

[10:25.56]l'm a big girl, just tell me the truth. l can take it, you know? 我是個(gè)大女孩了 我可以接受實(shí)話

[10:31.56]You want the truth? 你想聽實(shí)話?

[10:31.36]Your last Golden Globe dress was a disaster. 你上次參加金球獎(jiǎng)穿的禮服 丑得要命

[10:37.40]Thank you, that's what l thought. But the queens kept telling me it was fierce. 謝謝,我也這么想 但男同志們都說驚為天人

[10:40.88]A girl from Queens should know better than to listen to queens. 一個(gè)來自皇后區(qū)的女孩 不該笨到聽男同志的意見

[10:44.56]-Right? -Right. -對 -對

[10:46.64]Another thing. l was a waitress, and.... 還有一件事 我以前是女服務(wù)生

[10:52.24]Twenty-five percent, very nice. 小費(fèi)25%,非常好

[10:53.40]When l'm representing you... 當(dāng)我代表你的時(shí)候 凡事都講求風(fēng)度

[10:56.08]it's class all the way.

[11:03.96]-lt's $4,000. -l know. -這定價(jià)四千元 -我知道

[11:05.08]-And there's a waiting list. -l assumed. -要排在等候名單上 -這是當(dāng)然的

[11:08.96]Five years. -五年 -為了一個(gè)包包?

[11:10.60]-For a bag? -lt's not a bag. 這可不是普通包包 它是柏金包

[11:11.00]lt's a Birkin.

[11:15.52]Samantha was never one for waiting in Iine. 莎曼珊從來不排隊(duì)

[11:18.68]So she cut right to the front. 所以她立刻插到最前頭

[11:19.56]lt's not for me, it's for Lucy Liu. 這不是我要的,是劉玉玲要的 我是她的公關(guān)

[11:22.96]l'm her press rep and l would love for her to carry this bag to a premiere next week. 我希望下周她能帶這個(gè)包包 出席一場首映會(huì)

[11:27.44]lt would be photographed to death. 一定會(huì)謀殺所有底片 這樣是否有差別?


[11:33.00]that make a difference?

[11:34.36]Let me get Francesca... 讓我打電話問一下 我們的公關(guān)法蘭斯嘉

[11:36.36]our press rep, on the phone.

[11:36.64]Would you? How very helpful. 你愿意嗎? 真是幫了我一個(gè)大忙

[11:46.20]And over on Park Avenue... 在公園大道上

[11:48.32]CharIotte decided she couIdn't wait any Ionger, either. 夏綠蒂?zèng)Q定 她也不要繼續(xù)等下去了

[11:49.96]l'm calling to make an appointment with Dr. Peck. 我想跟貝克醫(yī)生約診

[11:56.32]We're having some.... 我們有…

[11:58.04]l'm having some difficulty. 我有某種困難 我認(rèn)為我需要作生育能力測試

[12:01.84]l think l need some fertility testing.

[12:03.12]l would like to make an appointment with Dr. Genya. 我想和肯亞醫(yī)生約診

[12:06.20]l need to come in for a... 我必須去進(jìn)行…

[12:10.24]procedure, l'm pregnant. 一個(gè)手術(shù),我懷孕了,但是…

[12:14.04]And l...

[12:15.44]need not to be. 不應(yīng)該發(fā)生

[12:19.32]A coupIe of days Iater, Samantha went down a road she shouIdn't. 幾天后,莎曼珊走在一條 她不該走的路上

[12:29.48]Hello. 你好,法蘭斯嘉嗎? 我是莎曼珊瓊斯

[12:30.92]Francesca? Samantha Jones. Question.

[12:32.64]How the fuck long does Lucy Liu have to wait for that Birkin? 我有個(gè)問題:那個(gè)柏金包 劉玉玲還要等多久?

[12:37.28]lf they're so hard to get, maybe you can explain... 如果它們這么難得到

[12:39.88]why l just saw a fucking nobody in a track suit... 為何我剛看見他媽的無名小卒 拎著我們正想要的東西?

[12:42.20]carrying the exact one we want!

[12:44.76]Lucy Liu is a big fucking star, and she wants that bag! 劉玉玲是他媽的大明星 她想要那個(gè)包包

[12:49.56]ls ''Hermès'' French for ''We take our good old fucking time''? “愛馬仕”是法文的 “我們他媽的慢慢來”嗎?

[12:53.72]Thank you so much. 非常謝謝你

[13:05.84]Oh, my God! 我的天,你嚇倒我了

[13:08.92]-You scared me. -Sorry. 抱歉,我不是闖空門

[13:09.28]lt's not a breaking and entering. We were playing basketball...

[13:13.20]and your guy needed to take a leak. 我們剛剛在打籃球 你男友想上廁所

[13:14.48]-Be right out! -So, what's new? -最近有什么新鮮事? -沒有


[13:21.84]Absolutely nothing. 完全沒有

[13:26.80]How are things? -你過得怎么樣? -在酒吧忙得不可開交

[13:31.48]The bar's busting my hump...

[13:32.28]but it's pretty good. 生意很好

[13:33.08]So, how's Miranda, is she okay? -那米蘭達(dá)呢?她還好嗎? -什么意思?

[13:37.52]-What do you mean? -l've been calling, she don't call me back. -她都沒回我的電話 -她很好

[13:38.20]She's great.


[13:44.12]She must be pretty busy then, l guess. 她一定很忙

[13:54.56]Hey, pudding. 布丁

[13:56.00]-Did you tell him? -What? -你告訴他…米蘭達(dá)的事嗎? -沒有

[13:58.20]-About Miranda and the.... -No!

[14:01.00]-Are you sure? -Yeah. 你確定嗎?他問起米蘭達(dá)

[14:02.60]He's asking about Miranda.

[14:03.96]-He always asks about Miranda. -You told him, didn't you? -他向來會(huì)問起米蘭達(dá) -你跟他說了,對吧?

[14:08.28]-No. -Listen, it's okay, l can't keep secrets either. 沒關(guān)系,反正我也守不住秘密

[14:11.96]-Obviously. -l didn't tell him anything. -我才沒告訴他 -他看我的表情很古怪

[14:14.64]-He's looking at me funny. -That's the way he is. -他看每個(gè)人的表情都一樣 -是嗎?

[14:16.48]-Are you sure? -l didn't tell him. -我沒告訴他,但他有權(quán)知道 -那是什么意思?

[14:16.100]-But l think he deserves to know. -Meaning?

[14:19.68]-l don't agree with what she's doing. -lt doesn't have anything to do with you. -我不贊成她的做法 -這跟你無關(guān)吧?

[14:24.36]Chief, you told me. l'd just as soon not know any of it. 老大,是你告訴我的 我寧愿什么都不知道

[14:28.64]Listen, sometimes you get in situations that are hard.... 人難免會(huì)碰到難以應(yīng)付的情況

[14:33.12]We should not be talking about this with him in the next room. 他就在外面,我們不該談這些 你快走吧

[14:36.40]So just go.

[14:39.84]Go, because he's probably listening. 快走,說不定他正在偷聽

[14:44.64]-What's bugging you? -Nothing. -你在煩什么? -沒事

[14:47.72]Let's go! 我們走吧

[14:51.88]Tell Miranda l said hi. 轉(zhuǎn)告米蘭達(dá)說我問候她


[15:02.84]l'm on a wait list. 我排在等待名單上 我習(xí)慣看的醫(yī)生不做流產(chǎn)手術(shù)

[15:04.20]My regular doctor doesn't do them.

[15:06.44]''No judgment.'' That's the way she said it. “沒有批判的意思” 她這句話說得很溜

[15:08.92]Like it was all one word. ''l-don't-perform-them-no-judgment.''

[15:08.96]“我不做流產(chǎn)手術(shù) 沒有批判的意思”

[15:12.76]So, l'm waiting to see if this other doctor can fit me in. 現(xiàn)在得看另一位醫(yī)生能否為我 騰出時(shí)間,我想盡快解決這事

[15:13.68]l want to get it over with as soon as possible.

[15:17.44]Have you thought any more about telling Steve? -你有考慮要告訴史蒂夫嗎? -沒有,為什么要告訴他?

[15:20.84]No, why would l tell Steve?

[15:21.64]l don't know, maybe he has a right to know. No judgment. 也許他有權(quán)知道 沒有批判的意思

[15:23.100]Sounds like judgment. 聽起來就像是批判

[15:28.64]l told Aidan. -我告訴艾登了 -凱莉

[15:32.08]-l had to. -He's gonna tell Steve! -我非說不可 -他會(huì)告訴史蒂夫

[15:35.16]He will not, l made him swear on Chanel. -我叫他以香奈兒發(fā)誓 -如果他以布料發(fā)誓…

[15:35.52]As long as he took the oath of fabric.

[15:38.72]He seemed to have strong opinions about the guy having a right to know. 他堅(jiān)決主張男人有權(quán)知道

[15:43.88]You know, l didn't think this could get any worse, but it has. 我本來以為不可能更糟了 可是確實(shí)每況愈下

[15:47.08]Now l have to think about what l'm doing to Steve? -現(xiàn)在我還得考慮史蒂夫? -換作是你不會(huì)想知道嗎?

[15:48.24]-Wouldn't you want to know? -No. l don't even want to know, and it's me.


[15:54.32]Did you tell the guy from TGl Friday's? 你有告訴星期五餐廳那家伙嗎

[15:58.60]Jesus, it was The Saloon. 老天,是“酒吧” 不,我沒說

[16:01.16]And no, l didn't.

[16:03.28]lt was completely different. l was 22, we barely knew each other. 這完全不一樣,當(dāng)時(shí)我才22歲 我們幾乎不認(rèn)識(shí)對方

[16:05.84]We slept together once. 有一晚在“隧道”喝醉之后 我們上了一次床

[16:07.04]After a drunken night at The Tunnel.

[16:09.20]The Tunnel? “隧道”?沒有批判的意思

[16:12.44]No judgment.

[16:12.72]l was thinking maybe l should have told him. -也許我該告訴他 -我不要告訴史蒂夫

[16:16.20]There's no way l'm telling Steve. He'd want me to have it. 他會(huì)希望我生下來

[16:21.08]You know what? You're right. 你知道嗎?你說得對

[16:25.92]Forget my life, l'm having Steve's baby. 別管我的人生了 我要生下史蒂夫的孩子

[16:28.92]Pizza for everybody! 免費(fèi)請大家吃披薩

[16:32.80]Everything looks just fine. 看來一切都很正常

[16:37.84]Looks good. 蠻好的

[16:40.72]-Nope. Sorry, spoke too soon. -What is it? -不,抱歉,話說得太早 -怎么了?

[16:43.00]Your blood and mucus tests show extremely elevated anti-sperm antibodies. 你的血液和粘液測試顯示 體內(nèi)抗精子抗體偏高

[16:47.60]ls that bad? 那是壞事嗎?

[16:49.68]lt just means it's gonna be that much more difficult... 自然受孕將變得較為困難

[16:51.60]-for you to conceive naturally. -How much more difficult?

[16:54.64]-有多困難? -機(jī)率大約是15%

[16:55.16]l'd give it a 15 percent shot.

[16:59.36]l would not suggest you wait much longer before you explore in vitro. 我建議你們 盡快嘗試作試管嬰兒

[17:05.08]After they Iearned about their detour on the road to baby... 在他們得知通往孩子的路 必須繞道而行之后

[17:09.80]Trey had to go back to the hospitaI... 崔必須回醫(yī)院 而夏綠蒂?zèng)Q定走路回家

[17:09.64]and CharIotte decided to waIk home.

[17:16.84]-夏綠蒂? -真巧


[17:21.88]''Hi''? -“真巧?”你在開玩笑吧? -什么意思?

[17:22.12]-Are you kidding me? -What do you mean?

[17:25.48]You saw me, turned, and walked the other way. 你一看到我就馬上轉(zhuǎn)身

[17:27.16]l didn't see you, l just changed direction. l'm allowed to change direction. 我沒看到你,只是剛好 改變方向,我喜歡改變方向

[17:30.92]First you don't return my calls. Then you pretend not to see me on the street? 你不回我電話 現(xiàn)在又假裝在街上沒看到我

[17:35.72]l just.... 我現(xiàn)在真的沒辦法見你

[17:37.00]l really can't see you right now.

[17:39.28]You have to see me, because l'm standing right here. 你非見不可,我就站在這里

[17:41.88]l'm sorry about this whole thing, but it's not a personal attack on you. 這整件事我很抱歉,但這并非 故意要打擊你,而是個(gè)錯(cuò)誤

[17:45.08]lt was a mistake. 我不想談這個(gè)

[17:47.96]l really don't want to talk about this.

[17:48.16]This is hard for me, too, you know? 我也很不好過

[17:52.32]lt doesn't make it any easier, worrying that you hate me... 一直擔(dān)心你會(huì)因?yàn)?自認(rèn)無法懷孕而恨我

[17:55.08]-because you think you can't get pregnant. -l can't get pregnant.

[17:57.20]-我無法懷孕 -如果我可以,你就可以

[17:57.96]lf l can, you can.

[17:60.64]l can't! 不,我剛從醫(yī)生那兒回來

[18:02.44]l just came from the doctor. Here.

[18:08.24]My body is attacking Trey's sperm! 我的身體會(huì)攻擊崔的精子

[18:09.28]Fifteen percent chance. 受孕的機(jī)率只有15%

[18:11.88]Fifteen percent chance of ever having a baby!

[18:16.24]-ls it okay if l go now? -Sure. -我現(xiàn)在可以走了嗎? -當(dāng)然

[18:20.24]-You want me to walk with you? -No. -要我陪你嗎? -不,我只想一個(gè)人

[18:23.20]-l just want to be alone, okay? -Okay.

[18:26.48]But l'll walk a little way behind you, in case you change your mind and want to talk. 我會(huì)走在你后面 若你改變心意,想找人談?wù)?/p>

[18:30.56]l'm okay. 不用了,我沒事

[18:36.72]CharIotte waIked aII the way home. 夏綠蒂一路走回家

[18:41.52]And even though she never turned back... 即使她從未回頭

[18:43.20]she knew Miranda was behind her. 她知道米蘭達(dá)始終跟在她后面

[18:51.08]lt's Lucy Liu! 那是劉玉玲


[18:56.92]Sorry l'm late. 抱歉我遲到了

[18:58.64]Don't worry about it. -沒關(guān)系 -你看我拿到什么

[18:59.88]Look what l got!

[19:00.80]Some nice man dropped it off at my hotel this morning. 今天早上一個(gè)男人送到 我的飯店來,是愛馬仕的…

[19:03.40]-Hermès, it's a-- -Birkin. -柏金包 -不太像我的風(fēng)格,但是免費(fèi)

[19:07.08]lt's not really my style, but it's a free bag!

[19:10.96]lt's not exactly free. l paid for it. That's my bag. 其實(shí)它并不是免費(fèi)的 我付了錢

[19:13.44]-那是我的包包 -什么意思?

[19:14.40]What do you mean? 排隊(duì)的話要等五年…點(diǎn)點(diǎn)點(diǎn) 所以我用了你的名字

[19:16.08]There was a five year waiting list, blah, blah, blah, l used your name.

[19:20.60]Blah, blah, blah? -點(diǎn)點(diǎn)點(diǎn)? -只是想直接切入正題

[19:21.20]Cutting to the chase, yes.

[19:26.24]As long as we're cutting to the chase... 既然要切入正題 愛馬仕的公關(guān)打電話來

[19:28.76]the P.R. rep from Hermès called...

[19:30.52]and told me my rep yelled ''fuck'' at her at least 1 2 times. 她說我的公關(guān)至少對她吼了 十二次“他媽的”

[19:34.68]ls that your idea of class? 那就是你所謂的風(fēng)度嗎?

[19:36.80]That is absurd. l have never used the ''f'' word. -這太荒謬了,我沒說臟話 -你他媽的想騙誰?

[19:39.00]Who the fuck are you kidding?

[19:39.56]Yes, l called to check on the bag. 沒錯(cuò),我是有打去詢問包包 你知道嗎?

[19:44.32]You know what? l was on my cell. 我是用手機(jī)打的,也許跳號(hào) 所以她接到一個(gè)瘋子的電話

[19:46.44]Maybe she picked up some crazy person.

[19:49.40]One time l got this scary woman... 有一次我接到一個(gè)女人打來 在話筒那端的新澤西叫個(gè)沒完

[19:52.40]screaming from somewhere in New Jersey.

[19:59.84]The only thing worse than a liar is a bad liar. 唯一比謊言更糟的事 就是拙劣的謊言

[19:60.44]l won't be needing your services anymore. -我不再需要你的服務(wù)了 -我說的是實(shí)話

[20:04.84]l am telling you the truth.

[20:07.88]lf l was as bad an actress as you... 要是我的演技跟你一樣差勁 那我肯定還在星期五餐廳工作

[20:09.72]l'd still be serving onion rings at TGl Friday's.

[20:12.64]That's my fucking Birkin! 那是我他媽的柏金包

[20:14.04]And there went Lucy Liu. 劉玉玲頭也不回地走了 全都因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)謊

[20:16.64]AII 'cause of a Lucy Iie.


[20:27.56]MeanwhiIe, I found myseIf back at a famiIiar crossroads... 同時(shí),我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己又回到 熟悉的十字路口

[20:29.48]the corner of CoIumbus... 哥倫布街和1988年的轉(zhuǎn)角

[20:32.56]and 1988.

[20:36.92]It was amazing. 真是讓人意外 這里一點(diǎn)也沒變

[20:36.64]It hadn't changed at aII.

[20:38.52]Same tabIe, same menu. 一樣的桌子、一樣的菜單…

[20:43.76]Same waiter. 一樣的服務(wù)生

[20:46.24]Burger, medium well. Calamari. 七分熟的漢堡和烏賊冷盤

[20:48.32]I couIdn't beIieve it. 我真不敢相信

[20:52.76]His roIIer skates were gone and his Tony Danza Taxi hair was thinner... 他的溜冰鞋不見了 他的頭發(fā)少了些

[20:55.32]but it was definiteIy Chad. 但肯定是查德

[21:01.16]''Drunken-night-at-TunneI'' Chad. 那晚在“隧道”喝醉的查德

[21:02.44]You ready to order? -準(zhǔn)備點(diǎn)餐了嗎? -你好

[21:04.76]Hello there.

[21:08.04]Our soups of the day are lentil and tortilla. 今日特餐為扁豆湯和玉米烙餅 有人幫你點(diǎn)飲料嗎?

[21:11.20]-Did anyone get your drink order? -Chad?


[21:13.20]-Yeah? -lt's me, Carrie. 是我,凱莉

[21:16.40]Bradshaw. 布雷蕭

[21:20.84]We met, like, 13 years ago. 我們十三年前見過

[21:23.96]l came in a few times, half lemonade, half iced tea? 我來過好幾次 一半檸檬水、一半冰茶

[21:28.64]And then there was that... 還有在“隧道”的那一夜

[21:31.08]night at The Tunnel.

[21:33.80]Tunnel? 隧道?

[21:35.88]l never went to Tunnel. -我沒去過“隧道” -你去過

[21:39.08]You went to Tunnel.

[21:41.04]Sherry, l'm sorry, l don't remember. 抱歉,雪莉,我不記得了

[21:43.44]-lt's Carrie. -Right, Carrie. -是凱莉 -對了,凱莉

[21:50.40]l'll take the lentil soup... 我要點(diǎn)扁豆湯和一些餅干

[21:55.24]l guess, and some crackers. 餅干是附贈(zèng)的

[21:56.04]Crackers come with.

[22:01.72]Was l at least smart enough to try something? 當(dāng)時(shí)我做了什么不該做的事嗎

[22:05.20]No. 沒有,你是個(gè)十足的君子

[22:09.80]You were the perfect gentleman.

[22:12.44]I stayed in 1988 just Iong enough to reaIize... 我停留在1988年的時(shí)間足夠 讓我體會(huì)自己做了正確決定

[22:15.56]I had made the right decision.

[22:19.60]Even though I was sitting in the same seat... 雖然我坐在同樣的座位上

[22:21.40]I was in a totaIIy different pIace. 但我的際遇卻已大不相同

[22:33.72]Do you suffer from headaches? 你有頭痛、過敏、糖尿病嗎?

[22:35.92]Allergies? Diabetes?

[22:38.72]No. 沒有…

[22:39.60]Bad judgment with old boyfriends? Yes. 對前男友的判斷力差?是的

[22:44.68]l think l can write that in. 我想我可以把這寫進(jìn)去

[22:49.04]Does it hurt? 會(huì)痛嗎?

[22:51.12]Not really. 還好,最主要只是不舒服

[22:55.68]Mostly it's just unpleasant.

[22:58.60]What about after? 那之后呢? 要多久才會(huì)恢復(fù)正常?

[22:59.96]How long until l feel back to normal?

[23:04.36]-You're gonna have to ask them. -How long until you felt back to normal? -你得問醫(yī)護(hù)人員 -你花了多久才恢復(fù)正常?

[23:08.64]Any day now. 現(xiàn)在隨時(shí)都正常

[23:14.80]l'm doing the right thing. 我做的是正確的事

[23:16.36]-Right? -Miranda, l cannot say. -對吧? -我不能回答這個(gè)問題

[23:20.92]-What do you think? -What do you think? -你有什么看法? -你有什么看法?

[23:21.96]-l think, what do you think? -You wanna go one more round? -我和你的看法一致 -想再輪一遍嗎?

[23:26.32]Charlotte only has a 15 percent chance, and she's really trying. 夏綠蒂只有15%的受孕機(jī)率 因此她非常努力

[23:29.52]What if l wake up at 43... 萬一我在43歲那天一早醒來

[23:31.00]and find that my one semi-decent ovary gave up... 發(fā)現(xiàn)我唯一的卵巢放棄了 我再也無法生小孩怎么辦?

[23:33.76]and l can't have kids.

[23:34.04]-43? -That's my ''scary age.'' -43歲? -那是我的恐懼年齡

[23:38.32]Mine's 45. 我的是45歲

[23:44.40]This happened against all the odds. 這種事發(fā)生的機(jī)率很低

[23:47.68]My stupid egg found its way to the three sperm he had left. 我遲鈍的卵子自己摸索 找到他剩下的三顆精子

[23:53.32]God.... 天啊,凱莉

[23:58.12]ls this my baby? 這是我的孩子嗎?

[24:02.08]l mean, what am l waiting for? -我還在等什么? -親愛的,你想離開這里嗎?

[24:03.28]Sweetie, do you want to leave?

[24:04.00]No. 不

[24:08.04]l can't have a baby. 我不能生小孩

[24:11.36]l could barely find the time to schedule this abortion. 我差點(diǎn)抽不出時(shí)間 做這次墜胎手術(shù)

[24:13.80]Miranda Hobbes? 米蘭達(dá)霍布斯?

[24:26.32]Motherfucker. 他媽的

[24:40.48]Take it easy. Sip slowly. -放輕松,慢慢喝 -我沒事

[24:44.56]l'm okay.

[24:45.72]A little pillow here. -這里放個(gè)小枕頭 -我來開

[24:50.24]-l got it. -Hi.



[24:59.68]l thought flowers might do whatever it is flowers are supposed to... 我想在這種情況 花可能派得上用場

[25:01.16]in a situation like this.

[25:04.80]l felt the same way about Entenmann's lemon strudel. 我覺得檸檬餡餅 也有同樣的效果

[25:10.68]-How are you feeling? -Pretty freaked out. -你覺得怎么樣? -嚇壞了

[25:16.76]Charlotte, l didn't do it. 夏綠蒂,我沒拿掉

[25:19.92]l'm keeping the baby. 我要留下這個(gè)孩子

[25:23.60]Oh, my God. 我的天

[25:33.92]We're having a baby? 我們會(huì)有一個(gè)寶寶了?

[25:41.08]And with those four IittIe words... 這句話代表三個(gè)阿姨就此誕生

[25:42.88]three aunts were born.

[25:47.04]As for me, I shouIda Ieft Miranda's earIier... 至于我,要是我早點(diǎn)離開 米蘭達(dá)家便會(huì)準(zhǔn)時(shí)抵達(dá)

[25:51.64]so I wouIda been on time.

[25:55.48]Ten minutes late. That's the charm of me. 遲到十分鐘,這就是我的魅力

[25:59.88]l'm starved. They wouldn't seat me till my party was here. 他們不肯為我?guī)?除非我的同伴到了

[26:02.76]l'm your party? -我是你的同伴? -不好意思,她來了

[26:04.76]-Excuse me. -Hi.

[26:05.04]-Here she is. -We let the table go. 桌子已經(jīng)讓給別的客人了 要再等一下

[26:07.12]lt'll be a bit of a wait.

[26:13.72]We can go someplace else. -我們可以去別家餐廳 -然后在那里等?

[26:15.60]And wait there?

[26:16.60]-We'll be at the bar. -l'll put your name on the bar list. -我們會(huì)在吧臺(tái) -我會(huì)登記你們的名字

[26:21.48]Wait. There's a wait to wait? 慢著,等候的地方還得等?

[26:24.52]We'll be outside. 我們在外面,別把我們給忘了

[26:24.44]Don't forget us.

[26:29.92]Excuse me. Sorry. 借過

[26:34.76]How's that beer? -那啤酒味道如何? -很好喝,不必等

[26:37.28]That's classy.

[26:37.44]And no waiting.

[26:41.24]Nice. 好

[26:47.12]l lied to you. 我騙了你

[26:50.88]l did have an abortion. 我墜過胎

[26:54.24]The condom broke. 保險(xiǎn)套破了

[26:58.64]Okay, that's another lie. There was no condom. 這是另一個(gè)謊言 其實(shí)根本沒戴保險(xiǎn)套

[26:60.20]-What's with all the lying? -l'm afraid you're gonna judge me. -為什么要說謊? -我怕你會(huì)因此批判我

[27:04.28]For being 18 and sleeping with a guy without a condom... 十八歲跟一個(gè) 沒戴保險(xiǎn)套的男人上床

[27:08.28]and getting pregnant and never telling him. 懷了孕又沒告訴他

[27:09.44]There, that's the whole truth. 這就是全部的實(shí)情

[27:13.44]Except that l was twenty... 除了我是二十…

[27:15.92]two. 二歲

[27:17.52]22. 二十二歲,我不該這么笨的

[27:19.48]l should've known better.

[27:22.00]ls your name really Carrie? -你真的叫凱莉嗎? -是的


[27:26.56]So, are you judging me? 你會(huì)批判我嗎?

[27:31.12]l was no angel. -我并不是天使 -你曾讓女孩懷孕嗎?

[27:34.92]Why? Did you ever get a girl pregnant?

[27:36.72]No. 不,就我所知沒有

[27:39.00]Not that l know of.

[27:41.76]Goddamn, it must be nice to be a guy sometimes. 有時(shí)候當(dāng)男人一定很好

[27:52.60]So, am l still your girl? -我還是你的女友嗎? -是的


[28:00.44]Your table is ready. -你們的桌子已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了 -馬上來

[28:03.12]Be right there.

[28:13.00]And another thing. 還有一件事 米蘭達(dá)要把孩子生下來

[28:15.28]Miranda's keeping the baby.

[28:16.88]Don't tell Steve. 別告訴史蒂夫 這不關(guān)我們的事

[28:19.08]lt's not our business.

[28:25.72]They say Iife is what happens when you're busy making other pIans. 有人說人生就是當(dāng)你忙著 作其他計(jì)劃時(shí)所發(fā)生的事

[28:31.28]But sometimes in New York... 但有時(shí)候在紐約

[28:32.84]Iife is what happens when you're waiting for a tabIe. 人生就在你等待桌子的同時(shí) 悄悄上演

[28:43.88]Subtitles conformed by SOFTlTLER


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