[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:50:54
[00:35.52](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)
[00:50.32]New York City is a great pIace to be engaged. 紐約市是個適合訂婚的好地方
[00:58.68]Miss? -小姐 -抱歉,你要搭計程車嗎?
[01:01.36]l'm sorry. Did you want this cab?
[01:03.68]-Why, thank you. -Sure. -謝謝 -別客氣
[01:09.84]And it's an even better pIace to be enraged. 它也是個令人憤怒的地方
[01:15.48]You're so busy! 你真的那么忙嗎?
[01:33.00]-Boy, do l have news. -So do l. -天啊,我有事要告訴你們 -我也是
[01:34.28]l didn't want to say anything until we were all together... 我希望等大家到了后再說 哈利跟我定下來了
[01:37.44]but Harry and l made up and he asked me to marry him.
[01:41.36]-Oh, my God. Congratulations! -That's great. -他跟我求婚 -我的天啊
[01:43.60]-恭喜 -看看那枚戒指
[01:44.20]Look at that ring.
[01:46.92]l know. He had it made based on the one that Richard Burton gave Elizabeth Taylor. 我知道,他根據李察波頓送給 伊麗莎白泰勒的戒指訂做的
[01:49.28]Well, it is fabulous. 真的好漂亮
[01:54.24]Even more fabulous than your first one. 比你第一枚訂婚戒指還漂亮
[01:57.44]So, Carrie, what was your news? 你有什么事要告訴我們?
[02:00.32]Berger broke up with me on a Post-it. 柏格用便利貼跟我分手
[02:03.80]On a Post-it? 便利貼?
[02:05.76]Yep. Read it and weep, my friends.
[02:09.64]''l'm sorry. l can't. Don't hate me.'' “抱歉,我辦不到,別恨我” 那個沒良心的混蛋
[02:15.04]The motherfucker's concise.
[02:15.20]l thought you were going to break up with him. -你跟他提過分手 -我該堅持的
[02:18.00]Yeah, l was, and l should have...
[02:18.92]but he said that he wanted to try to work things out: 但他說他希望“重新來過”
[02:24.48]a.k.a. leave in the middle of the night. 結果他半夜落跑
[02:26.64]A Post-it. That's infuriating. 用便利貼?太過分了
[02:28.92]l remember when breaking up over the phone was considered bad form. 用電話分手就已經夠過分了
[02:33.24]l once was broken up with by a guy's doorman. 我以前有個男朋友 叫門房傳話跟我分手
[02:36.68]''l'm sorry, Miss Hobbes. Jonathan won't be coming down, ever.'' “抱歉,霍布斯小姐 強納森永遠都不會下樓”
[02:39.20]l miss having a doorman. -我想念跟門房胡搞的日子 -你要打電話給他嗎?
[02:42.56]-Are you gonna call him? -No.
[02:46.32]l am not going to dignify his behavior with a response. 不,我不會跟他吵 讓他覺得自己的決定是對的
[02:48.36]l am not even going to leave him... 我甚至不會在他的答錄機 憤怒地指責他
[02:50.00]one of those angry answering machine messages.
[02:52.72]''Hi, it's me. You're a dick!'' “是我,你是個王八蛋”
[02:56.88]But it sure felt good saying it right now, even to you. 即使是在你們面前 光這么說我就覺得出了口氣
[02:58.24]That's what we're here for. -誰叫我們是你的朋友呢 -我很遺憾
[03:01.36]-l'm sorry. -Yeah, l'm sorry, too. 我也很遺憾 談感情根本是在浪費時間
[03:02.64]That relationship was a complete waste of time.
[03:07.52]lt's never a complete waste of time. 才不是那樣 你應該可以學到教訓
[03:07.88]Even in the worst relationship, you always learn something.
[03:10.48]You might not wanna say that to a woman carrying a loaded Post-it. 別對拿到便利貼 分手字條的女人那么說
[03:14.40]But everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know what it is yet. 凡事天注定 雖然現(xiàn)在你不知道原因
[03:17.64]That's such bullshit. -那是在胡扯 -才怪,看看我
[03:20.64]lt's not. Look at me.
[03:23.24]lf l had never married Trey, then l never would have gotten divorced... 如果我沒有嫁給崔 我就不會離婚
[03:27.40]and l would have never met my divorce lawyer, Harry... 我不會認識我的離婚律師哈利 現(xiàn)在我不可能訂婚
[03:29.96]and l wouldn't be engaged now.
[03:36.76]Paper covers rock. 你還是安慰不了我
[03:39.52]Maybe everything does happen for a reason. 或許凡事天注定
[03:40.24]lf Berger hadn't left me... 要不是柏格 用這么卑劣的手法跟我分手
[03:43.40]in the most horrible way anyone could ever imagine...
[03:45.60]l wouldn't be free to walk you to your hair appointment. 我不會有空陪你去弄頭發(fā)
[03:48.76]We're all being protected by the universe. 命運早就決定好了一切
[03:50.44]When it comes to men, you may have had it right all along. 你對男人的看法是對的 別愛上他們就不會傷心
[03:52.76]Keep it light. Don't get too involved. Don't get too hurt.
[03:57.40]Exactly. lf you're never someone's girlfriend, you can never be someone's ex-girlfriend. 沒錯,沒當過某人的女朋友 你就不會是他的前女友
[04:00.52]You know what? 我不會再為那個薄情郎
[04:02.76]l'm gonna spend as much time mourning this relationship...
[04:05.48]as he spent ending it. 感到難過了
[04:10.04]Okay, l'm over it. 我已經忘了他,今晚去玩吧 我們可以去哪里?
[04:12.52]Let's go somewhere fantastic tonight and have a fantastic time.
[04:13.72]What can we do that would be fantastic?
[04:16.12]l know. l'm taking you to Bed. -我知道了,我們去“上床” -我沒有那么恨男人
[04:21.28]l'm not that off men.
[04:20.48]No, Bed. lt's a new club opening tonight. “上床”是今晚 開幕的新俱樂部,我們一起去
[04:24.24]We'll all go. l think l have the invitation. 我應該有邀請函
[04:27.80]Listen to me being all hurt. 你跟那么多男人分手 現(xiàn)在還是很快樂
[04:30.52]Look how many men have broken up with you, and you're fine.
[04:39.56]PeopIe say everything happens for a reason. 有人說凡事天注定
[04:42.44]These peopIe are usuaIIy women. 這些人通常是
[04:43.44]And these women are usuaIIy sorting through a break-up. 經歷分手悲痛的女人
[04:47.32]It seems that men can get out of a reIationship without even a goodbye. 男人可以不說再見就離開
[04:52.60]But apparentIy, women have to either get married... 女人不是結婚,就是得到教訓
[04:55.64]or Iearn something.
[04:56.84]Why are we in such a rush to move from confused to Confucius? 為什么我們要急著 從混亂中找到啟示呢?
[05:03.72]Do we search for Iessons to Iessen the pain? 我們得尋找教訓 來減輕心里的悲傷嗎?
[05:07.40]MeanwhiIe, Samantha was at home dressing a man, for a change. 同時莎曼珊改變做法 在家里幫一個男人打扮
[05:11.96]l called some designers and l told them that the Absolut Hunk... 我跟一些設計師說絕對猛男
[05:13.04]was going to do TRL on MTV, and they jumped ASAP. 要參加MTV的“現(xiàn)場點歌” 他們都跳了起來
[05:18.40]Gucci, YSL, D&G. Take your pick. 古馳、圣羅蘭、杜嘉班納 隨便你挑
[05:24.28]You know, l'm not really comfortable wearing labels. 我不習慣穿名牌衣服
[05:26.68]lf it's okay with you, l thought l'd just wear some jeans and this. 如果你同意的話 我想穿牛仔褲跟這個
[05:30.28]That'll work, too. 那也可以 你看起來一定會迷死
[05:33.12]You are going to be the fantasy of every adolescent girl...
[05:37.20]and sexually confused boy in America. 美國所有少女跟少年男同志
[05:40.68]How'd l get hooked up with such an amazing girlfriend? 我怎么會 有你這么棒的女朋友?
[05:45.48]And that was a IabeI Samantha wasn't comfortabIe wearing. 莎曼珊不喜歡 別人那樣子稱呼她
[05:49.88]You should get ready. The car will be here any minute. 快去準備,車子隨時會到
[05:52.04]-You sure you can't come? -l can't. l promised Carrie and the girls. -你真的沒辦法去? -我答應了我的朋友
[05:54.08]But l will catch the replay tonight. -我會看今晚的重播 -我晚一點能打電話給你嗎?
[05:58.76]-Should l hook up with you later? -No.
[06:02.68]Go out with the MTV crowd and have fun. 跟現(xiàn)場觀眾出去好好玩吧
[06:03.68]You're the Absolut Hunk. Work it. 你是絕對猛男,加油
[06:07.24]And as your publicist, let me just say... 身為你的公關,我得提醒你
[06:12.72]calling someone your girlfriend isn't a good idea right now. 你最好別說你有女朋友
[06:16.16]-Someone, or you? -Either way. -連你都不行? -沒錯
[06:18.36]So when anyone asks if you have a girlfriend... 如果有人問你有沒有女朋友
[06:23.64]you should say you are still looking and haven't found anyone special yet. 你得說 你還沒有找到你的真命天女
[06:28.04]-That's what you want? -That's what l want. -你要我那么說? -沒錯
[06:34.80]But l do insist you top up that tank with some Dior sunglasses. 但我堅持 你得戴上迪奧的太陽眼鏡
[06:38.84]lt's MTV. lf you're not wearing something the kids can't afford... 如果你不用些 小鬼們買不起的東西
[06:43.60]how will they know to look up to you? 他們要怎么 以你為奮斗的榜樣?
[06:45.40]There. Much better. 這樣子好多了
[06:50.40]That night, as CharIotte was deciding what to wear... 夏綠蒂在挑衣服
[06:54.36]she noticed that everything went with her new engagement ring... 她發(fā)現(xiàn)每件衣服 都能搭配她的鉆戒
[06:56.36]except her oId wedding dress. 她的舊婚紗除外
[07:02.80]MeanwhiIe, in another cIoset.... 同時另一個人也在挑衣服…
[07:06.16]l don't think l can go. l'm not feeling so hot. 我沒辦法去 我真的提不起勁
[07:09.28]-Are you sick? -No, I mean, IiteraIIy. -你生病了嗎? -不,我是說我丑斃了
[07:11.48]Openings of hot new clubs are for hot, childless people. 新俱樂部的開幕日 只適合沒孩子的俊男美女們
[07:13.36]l'm not even one of the hot mommies at Mommy & Me. 連在媽媽教室 我都稱不上是個辣媽
[07:18.32]l don't want to have to resort to this. 我不想這么做 若有需要我會用失戀去威脅你
[07:18.12]But if l have to, l will play the Post-it card.
[07:21.56]Just explain to me why l have to leave my house to go to Bed. 告訴我為什么我要去“上床”
[07:25.56]Because this can't be the day that l was broken up with by a Post-it. 今天我被人用一張便利貼甩了
[07:30.56]This has to be the day that something else happened. 但我相信一定會發(fā)生一些好事
[07:34.92]How about the day your friend discovered... 今天我發(fā)現(xiàn) 我的衣服上全沾了口水
[07:36.92]all her clothes are covered in spit-up?
[07:36.100]You are going. No excuses. -你非去不可,別找藉口 -好吧
[07:45.68]And speaking of no excuses, there they were.: her skinny jeans. 說到藉口 她發(fā)現(xiàn)了她的緊身牛仔褲
[07:49.80]The jeans every woman keeps in the vain hope... 每個女人都會留著這些牛仔褲 希望有一天能再穿上它們
[07:51.60]that someday she'II fit into them again.
[08:14.48]-My God, what are you doing here? -No, you did not come to this club!
[08:18.96]Ladies, this is a miracle. 小姐們,這是個奇跡 我穿上了緊身牛仔褲
[08:20.16]l am in my skinny jeans.
[08:23.12]l haven't fit into these since 1985... 1985年后我就無法穿上它 那是因為我出現(xiàn)了感染
[08:26.92]and that is only because l had mono.
[08:30.16]Miranda, l've never noticed before, but you've got one hot ass. 我一直沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)
[08:30.80]-你的屁股美呆了 -真的嗎?
[08:34.68]-Really? -Yeah! -你看起來很漂亮 -你是怎么辦到的?
[08:36.76]-And you look good. -How'd you do it?
[08:37.36]l got pregnant, became a single mother, and stopped having any time to eat. 我成了單親媽媽,沒空吃東西
[08:41.40]That's a diet l won't be trying. -我不會用那種方法減肥 -我不敢相信我能穿上它
[08:42.100]l can't believe l am in my skinny jeans. l am never taking them off.
[08:47.40]Charlotte, can l wear these to your wedding? 我永遠都不會脫掉它 我能穿著它參加你的婚禮嗎?
[08:51.84]-l'm kidding. -No, it's just.... -我是在開玩笑 -那只是…
[08:52.76]l just feel kind of silly that l made such a big fuss about my ring earlier. 我覺得 我不該跟你們炫耀我的戒指
[08:58.00]Honey, a diamond that big deserves a parade. 能拿到那么大的鉆戒 你應該上街去游行
[08:60.48]But this is the second time around. 但這是我第二次結婚 我辦過盛大婚禮,你們都去了
[09:02.08]l already did the showing of the ring and the big wedding. You were there.
[09:05.04]lt was lovely. 它真的很棒
[09:08.04]So this time... 我決定 這次要辦個精致有品味的婚禮
[09:09.96]l've decided that it should just be really small and tasteful.
[09:12.80]-So no denim? -Right. -我不能穿牛仔褲去? -沒錯
[09:14.32]And l don't want to disappoint you: 我不想讓你們失望 但我決定不請伴娘
[09:16.72]l've decided not to have bridesmaids.
[09:22.48]Hallelujah! -哈利路亞 -我們去“上床”吧
[09:24.16]Okay, let's go to Bed.
[09:26.56]What do you want, dear?
[09:29.24]Since peopIe often go to bars to try to get someone into bed... 人們常到酒吧尋找上床的對象
[09:33.08]it was onIy a matter of time tiII someone cut out the middIeman... 遲早會有人把床搬進酒吧里
[09:36.00]and put the beds in bars.
[09:39.16]Now this is my kind of place. -這個地方太適合我了 -我以為他們只是說說而已
[09:40.68]And l thought they were being ironic.
[09:42.96]lf l had known it was gonna be like this, l would have brought my bite guard. 早知道這里是這個樣子 我會帶牙套來
[09:50.80]-Bed for four, please. -All the beds are booked right now. -我們一共四個人 -所有的床已經被訂走了
[09:53.40]Damn, that always happens to me. -該死,我老遇上這種事 -我是貴賓,莎曼珊瓊斯
[09:55.28]We're on the VlP list. Samantha Jones.
[09:58.56]Perfect. l'll be right back. 太棒了,我馬上回來
[10:02.32]l have to find a bathroom. l need to pee. 我得去上洗手間,我要尿尿
[10:04.04]Really? Or do you just wanna stare at your ass in the mirror? 真的嗎?還是你想照鏡子 看看自己的屁股?
[10:09.28]Well, that, too. -我也會那么做 -搖一下屁股
[10:10.76]Shake it, sister.
[10:17.64]-We're ready. Follow me. -That was fast. -已經準備好了,請跟我來 -他們的動作真快
[10:20.52]What can l say, l know how to work it in Bed. 我該怎么說呢? 我的床上功夫一級棒
[10:31.16]-And l didn't even have to buy you dinner. -l'm sorry, someone pushed me. -我甚至不必請你吃晚餐 -有人推了我一把
[10:34.36]You want me to have them killed? -我該殺了他嗎? -你會那么做嗎?
[10:34.52]-Would you? -Just say when. -你只要告訴我什么時候 -什么時候
[10:36.24]-When. -Okay, l'm bluffing. -好吧,我是在吹牛 -我知道男人只剩一張嘴
[10:39.88]Yeah, l knew you were all talk.
[10:41.08]-Yeah. l'm Peter. -Miranda. -我是彼得 -米蘭達
[10:46.84]And thank you for letting me crash. -謝謝你讓我躺下來 -你為什么不留下來?
[10:47.04]Why don't you hang out?
[10:50.44]lt's not that often l have such a beautiful woman in bed with me. 我不是常常能跟美女躺在床上
[10:56.32]Okay, but move over. That's my side. 好吧,過去一點 我習慣躺在這邊
[11:06.96]All the men in here seem kind of old. -這里的男人都好老 -那是因為你跟史密斯在交往
[11:07.44]-That's because you're dating Smith. -Who's basically a zygote.
[11:11.64]l'm not dating him, l'm fucking him. -他太幼齒了 -我沒跟他交往,只跟他上床
[11:13.08]Now l'm looking for someone else to fuck. 現(xiàn)在我想找別人跟我上床
[11:17.88]Well, l think you may have come to the right place. 你來對地方了
[11:19.24]This place is awesome.
[11:23.32]Oh, no. lt's Berger's friend. -不,是柏格的朋友 -在哪里?
[11:25.40]-Where? -ln the next bed. 就在隔壁,天啊,我恨紐約 今晚沒有其他俱樂部開幕嗎?
[11:28.04]God, l hate New York. ls there no other club opening tonight?
[11:33.36]-What should l do? -lgnore them. -我該怎么辦? -當做沒看見
[11:34.76]No, l can't. lt'll get back to Berger that l acted childish. 不,話傳回柏格那里 他會覺得我太孩子氣了
[11:40.04]Just go over there and say hi. 去跟他們打招呼 裝做你已經不在乎柏格了
[11:42.56]Act like Berger is the last thing on your mind.
[11:43.72]Right. l'll take the high road. 對,我要表現(xiàn)得很有風度
[11:47.72]l'll be calm, classy, and just say hello. 裝做沒事 有氣質地跟他們打招呼
[11:53.64]-Billy, hi. -Hey, Carrie. -你好,比利 -凱莉
[12:01.24]-Hi, how are you? -Fucking great. -你好嗎? -好得不得了
[12:01.60]Chris, Andrew, this is Berger's girlfriend, Carrie. 克里斯、安德魯 她是柏格的女朋友凱莉
[12:05.28]ls Berger with you? 柏格跟你一起來嗎?
[12:10.44]This is kind of uncomfortable... 我真的很不愿意這么說 但我們分手了
[12:14.16]but we broke up this morning.
[12:15.80]-是今天早上的事 -我真的很遺憾
[12:19.52]l'm sorry to hear that.
[12:21.92]Yeah, l knew you guys had all kinds of problems. 我聽說你們有很多問題
[12:30.44]And he was bad in bed. 他的床上功夫太爛了
[12:34.12]You look great, Billy. 你看起來棒極了,比利
[12:39.68]Did she just say he was bad in bed?
[12:41.08]You know that angry message l didn't wanna leave on Berger's machine? 我把不敢跟柏格說的話 告訴他的朋友了
[12:45.44]l just left it on his friend.
[12:45.96]-What happened? -l took the lowest possible road. -發(fā)生了什么事? -我表現(xiàn)得太沒有風度了
[12:50.12]l told him Berger was bad in bed, which isn't even true. 我告訴他柏格在床上根本不行 但事實上不是那樣的
[12:53.08]Two times! Don't you forget anything? 兩次,你忘了嗎?
[12:57.20]Why did you say that? -你為什么要那么說? -我不知道,我是脫口而出
[12:59.48]lt just came out.
[13:01.24]lt's understandable. You're suffering from Post-it traumatic stress syndrome. 你是得了 便利貼創(chuàng)傷后壓力癥候群
[13:03.04]l need to find a way to erase that message. -我得跟他們解釋清楚 -快去吧
[13:06.40]Go back over there and explain.
[13:10.40]Just tell them you're hurt and that you didn't mean it. -就說你很傷心,不是故意的 -現(xiàn)在我得承認我很傷心?
[13:13.40]Great, now l have to admit that l'm hurt?
[13:14.80]First, a little nerve Clicquot. 先喝杯香檳消除緊張
[13:30.96]關于我剛剛說的事 那太可怕了,也不是真的
[13:33.48]That thing l said before... terrible and not true.
[13:36.64]He was fine in bed. Great, in fact. 他的床上功夫很不錯 事實上他棒呆了
[13:40.72]Fireworks, rockets. 令我欲仙欲死
[13:44.28]l don't even know why l said that. 我不知道為什么我要那么說
[13:46.36]l'm hurt, okay? 我很傷心,好嗎?
[13:50.64]Sure. Break-ups are tough. 當然,分手會讓人很難過
[13:53.32]Yes, under normal circumstances they are tough. 在正常的情況下的確是那樣 但這次我不只是難過
[13:58.04]And in this case, tougher.
[14:01.08]Look, l don't wanna drag you into this... 我不想把你扯進這件事來 但是…
[14:05.68]but Berger broke up with me on a Post-it. 柏格用便利貼跟我分手
[14:11.44]l know as Berger's friend you can't have a normal reaction... 我知道身為柏格的朋友 你不能表現(xiàn)得太憤怒
[14:17.12]but just so you know, the normal reaction has been.... 但正常的反應應該是這樣的
[14:22.48]Not that l'm going around telling everyone, just some girlfriends. 我不是個廣播電臺 只跟一些朋友提起這件事
[14:26.36]You know, l'm trying to understand why someone would do that. 我想知道為什么會有人這么做
[14:32.44]-Well, maybe he was afraid. -lnteresting. How so? 或許他是害怕
[14:35.40]Women can get really angry. -真有趣,怎么會呢? -女人都會大發(fā)脾氣
[14:36.80]l assure you, l would have been very understanding. 我跟你保證 我會表現(xiàn)出諒解的樣子
[14:41.56]-Right. -Excuse me? -是啊 -你是什么意思?
[14:45.56]You all say that, but then you just freak and get all psycho-bitch. 女人都會那么說 但她們會抓狂變成瘋婆子
[14:48.20]Really? 真的嗎?所以那是我們的錯
[14:50.08]So now it's our fault?
[14:54.00]All we're saying is there really is no good way... 我們認為 情人是無法好聚好散的
[14:55.44]to break up with someone, is there?
[14:59.44]lt's funny you should mention that, Billy, because actually, there is. 你會那么說真的太有趣了 比利,但你錯了
[15:02.04]You can have the guts and the courtesy to tell a woman to her face... 你們應該勇敢而禮貌地
[15:06.80]that you no longer wanna see her.
[15:08.80]Call me crazy... 你可以說我瘋了 但你們可以好好地說出分手
[15:10.48]but l think that you can make a point of ending your relationship...
[15:14.36]in a manner that does not include... 不必透過電子郵件、門房 或是無緣無故地失蹤
[15:16.12]an e-mail, a doorman, or a missing persons report.
[15:18.20]l think you could all get over your fear of looking like the bad guy... 你們不該害怕當壞人
[15:23.80]and actually have the uncomfortable break-up conversation... 勇敢地跟另一半談分手
[15:27.36]because here's what: 因為越想逃避 越會讓女人覺得你是壞人
[15:30.76]Avoiding that is what makes you the bad guy.
[15:33.64]-And just so you know, Alan-- -Andrew. -你知道嗎?亞倫 -是安德魯
[15:35.00]Most women aren't angry, irrational psychos. 大部分的女人 不是憤怒不講理的瘋婆子
[15:39.52]We just want an ending to a relationship... 我們只想結束一段情
[15:41.60]that is thoughtful and decent... 那應該是體貼高雅的 還得尊重我們擁有過的一切
[15:46.68]and honors what we had together.
[15:49.76]So my point, Billy, is this: 比利,我認為情人間 的確可以好聚好散
[15:52.36]There is a good way to break up with someone...
[15:52.100]and it doesn't include a Post-it! 用便利貼分手太卑鄙了
[15:60.36]Okay. 好吧
[16:10.44]Much better. -那樣子好多了 -真的嗎?我們得離開這里
[16:10.04]You think? We have to get out of here immediately.
[16:17.68]So, what, you have a boyfriend? 怎么樣?你有男朋友嗎?
[16:21.24]-Me, no. -Right. -我嗎?不 -是啊
[16:22.96]-l don't. -Come on, how's that possible? -我真的沒有 -少來了,怎么可能?
[16:32.08]l have no idea. -我不知道 -我也不知道,你很性感
[16:32.20]Well, neither do l. You're hot.
[16:36.48]Hi, sorry. We're leaving. 抱歉,我們要離開了 我剛明白千萬別帶著怒氣上床
[16:40.72]l just learned you should never go to Bed angry.
[16:43.24]Well.... 好吧
[16:50.88]-lt was really great meeting you. -lt was good to meet you. l'll see you. 我也是,后會有期
[16:56.48]-And thanks. -For what? -謝謝 -為什么?
[17:04.48]Okay, so l'm angry. So those guys will tell Berger that l'm angry. 我很生氣,他們會告訴柏格 但我已經不在乎了
[17:08.28]l can live with that. 來吧,讓我吸一口
[17:07.60]Come on, bro, give me a hit.
[17:10.44]You wanna pass that back?
[17:12.56]Be good, ladies.
[17:16.16]-Do you smell that? -Pot. -你聞到了嗎? -是大麻
[17:18.40]-Let's get high. -l'd get high. -我們去爽一下 -我想爽一下
[17:21.28]Wait, are you serious? -你是認真的嗎? -當然
[17:23.16]Yes, that's exactly what my mind needs: cloudiness. 現(xiàn)在的我 需要讓腦袋變得一片空白
[17:28.36]l'm still too lucid on the facts of the day and night. 我對生活太認真了 我們上次抽大麻是什么時候?
[17:30.96]When was the last time you smoked pot?
[17:33.40]l think l was wearing these jeans. -那時我還穿著這件牛仔褲 -我不抽大麻
[17:34.100]-l'm not smoking pot. -Post-it.
[17:38.00]-是啊 -我們要去哪里弄大麻?
[17:39.60]How do we even get any? 我可以打電話給我的中盤 但他去度假了
[17:42.16]l'd call my dealer, but he's at the Cape.
[17:44.76]Damn those dealers and their summer houses. 去他的中盤跟別墅
[17:46.16]l'll ask those guys. 我去問那些家伙
[17:50.92]Excuse me, fellas. 對不起
[17:59.40]My friends and l were wondering.... 我朋友跟我想問你們…
[18:03.88]l like her in those jeans. -我喜歡她穿牛仔褲的樣子 -跟陌生人買大麻安全嗎?
[18:03.32]ls it safe to buy pot from strangers?
[18:06.40]They're not strangers. They're our new friends with pot. 他們不是陌生人 他們是我們新交的大麻朋友
[18:08.08]-Okay. -You're such an idiot, dude.
[18:14.88]They're going around the corner to Drown the Hound. 他們要到 街角的“淹死狗”酒吧
[18:18.84]There's a guy there who deals. 那里有個家伙賣大麻 我泡上那個眼鏡仔
[18:20.32]And l get the one with the glasses.
[18:22.24]My, when she scores, she scores. All right. 天啊,沒有她要不到的東西 太棒了
[18:28.12]-There you go. -Thanks a lot, Tommy.
[18:34.76]''Drown the Hound.'' And l thought they were being ironic. “淹死狗” 我還以為他們是在開玩笑
[18:42.24]-l see our guys. -Yeah! Go get 'em. -我看到他們了 -去拿我們的…
[18:45.60]lf that last place was called ''Bed,'' then this should be called ''Smell.'' 如果那個地方叫做“上床” 這里該叫做“臭死人”
[18:50.04]Hold your nose. l promised Smith l'd watch him on TRL... 你們自便吧,我答應史密斯 會看他上“現(xiàn)場點歌”
[18:54.96]and this dump has a TV. 這個鬼地方有電視
[18:59.80]-What have they got all over the floor? -Peanut shells. 地板上是什么東西?
[19:00.68]-花生殼 -為什么?
[19:03.80]-Why? -l don't know. 我不知道,花生殼出現(xiàn)在這里 也是有原因的嗎?
[19:05.76]Do peanut shells have to happen for a reason?
[19:09.84]What can l get you? -有什么需要我效勞的? -這是20塊
[19:09.56]Here's $20. l assume, in a place like this, that covers three drinks... 那應該夠買三杯酒 我還想轉臺
[19:15.80]and a channel change.
[19:16.60]Does the bride need another Jell-O shot? 新娘要再來杯果凍甜酒嗎?
[19:18.40]-No, l can't! -Yes!
[19:24.68]-Great! -One more. -再來一杯 -看看她們,她們好快樂
[19:25.16]Look at them, so happy.
[19:32.40]Hey, sweetie, what's wrong? -甜心,怎么了? -真希望我沒有結過婚
[19:34.12]l just.... l wish l'd never been married before.
[19:37.00]But if you hadn't married Trey, you wouldn't have met Harry. 但那樣你就不會認識哈利…
[19:42.64]l know. lt's just... l hate that this is my second ring. 我知道 但我不喜歡這是我第二枚婚戒
[19:44.96]And that this is my second marriage. 這是我第二次結婚
[19:48.32]l hate that l finally found the love of my life... 我找到真愛卻不能大肆慶祝
[19:49.60]and l can't celebrate it in a big, big way.
[19:52.100]You can do whatever you want. 你想做什么都可以
[19:56.24]No, l can't. lt's inappropriate. 不行,那么做太不合禮儀了
[20:01.56]Excuse me, hi. Would you take a picture of me and my girlfriends? 對不起,你能幫我們拍照嗎? 我朋友要結婚了
[20:05.44]She's getting married. -沒問題 -謝謝
[20:07.52]-Sure. -Thank you.
[20:12.76]You know, she got engaged last night. 她昨晚訂婚了
[20:16.16]-Congratulations. -No, it's my second. -恭喜 -不,這是我第二次結婚
[20:19.84]She's getting married to a wonderful man. And look at this rock. 她要嫁給一個好男人 看看她的戒指
[20:23.28]Oh, wow!
[20:25.28]-lt's beautiful. -Thank you. -好漂亮 -謝謝
[20:26.76]-You have to be in the picture. -That's okay. 你得跟我們一起拍照
[20:29.48]Come on. 來吧
[20:33.04]Got the camera. 把照相機給我
[20:36.12]-All right, everyone say ''bride.'' -Bride! -好了,大家說“新娘” -新娘
[20:45.28]-When are you getting married? -What's the dress like? 你什么時候結婚?
[20:46.28]Where's the reception? 夏綠蒂終于釋懷了
[20:49.16]FinaIIy, CharIotte's inner judge was siIenced by some very Ioud bacheIorettes.
[20:55.04]Sorry, l guess he's not here tonight. 抱歉,今晚他沒有來
[20:58.28]Well, you can't cry over spilt pot. 你們可以把大麻分給我們
[21:02.60]-l can buy you a drink. -l said l was buying her a drink, dude. -我能請你喝一杯 -我說過要請她喝酒
[21:05.12]-You have a girlfriend. -Gentlemen, please. -你有女朋友了 -拜托
[21:09.92]That's the secret of the skinny jeans. 那是緊身牛仔褲的功勞 屁股跟腦袋一樣重要
[21:12.44]It's not so much a state of behind as a state of mind.
[21:15.52]What do l gotta do to get a beer around here?
[21:17.20]Hey, what's up! I'm La La, and now...
[21:18.96]you've seen him naked on a biIIboard right here in Times Square. 你們看過他在廣告上一絲不掛
[21:22.64]And now he's on TRL wearing cIothes. Damn, but it's stiII aII good. 現(xiàn)在他穿著衣服 上“現(xiàn)場點歌”,該死
[21:27.00]He is the absoIute hottest, the absoIute awesome... 但他是最帥最性感的
[21:30.80]the AbsoIut Hunk! Give it up for Smith Jerrod! 絕對猛男,歡迎史密斯杰洛德
[21:36.80]Man, we have a Iot of fans in the house. Let's get right to some questions. 很多影迷來到現(xiàn)場 現(xiàn)在開始發(fā)問吧
[21:41.04]-Hi, I'm Amber. -Hey, what's up, Amber? -你好,我是安柏 -你好嗎?安柏
[21:44.92]Nice, relaxed, sexy, and modest. 溫柔,輕松,性感,有禮貌
[21:46.68]One.: What is it Iike to be the AbsoIut Hunk? 能當上絕對猛男 你有什么感覺?
[21:50.28]I have to say it's been a reaI trip. I've met some reaIIy awesome peopIe. 我得說這趟旅行真的很棒 我認識了一些很棒的人
[21:57.12]-You're hot enough to be on TV. -Take that to the dartboard. -你在電視上一定也很性感 -你去死吧
[21:59.52]And two.: Do you have a girIfriend?
[22:02.92]-你有女朋友嗎? -不,我還在找我的夢中情人
[22:04.00]No, I'm stiII Iooking.
[22:04.60]For reaI? You're not dating anyone? -你沒有跟任何人約會嗎? -我正在跟某人約會
[22:09.40]I am dating, but I'm not seeing anyone speciaI.
[22:14.84]And even though Samantha had designed it herseIf... 雖然這是莎曼珊的公關策略
[22:17.32]she reaIized ''no one speciaI'' was another IabeI she didn't care for. 聽到他那么說 她還是若有所失
[22:22.08]l changed my mind. 我改變心意了,吻我
[22:25.08]Kiss me.
[22:27.04]And to prove that Smith was no one speciaI to her... 為了證明她不愛史密斯 她吻了一個混蛋
[22:29.24]she kissed someone even Iess speciaI.
[22:32.56]UnfortunateIy, he was someone speciaI to a somewhat drunk person. 不幸地某個喝醉的女人 覺得他是天上掉下來的禮物
[22:36.20]What the fuck do you think you're doing? -你在做什么? -發(fā)生了什么事?
[22:39.12]-What happened? -She kissed Frankie. -她吻了法蘭基 -你以為你是什么東西?
[22:40.80]Who the fuck do you think you are?
[22:42.68]Fucking city girls, you think you're such hot shit... 你以為你可以亂吻 別人的男朋友嗎?
[22:46.56]that you can go around kissing other girls' boyfriends?
[22:48.52]-l'm gonna kick your ass. -l'm gonna slap the shit out of you. -我要痛扁你 -我要打得你滿地找牙
[22:53.72]-Oh, my God! -Relax. -我的天啊 -別激動
[22:55.52]You fucking relax. 你才別激動
[23:02.24]lf l ever fucking see you again... 如果再讓我看到你
[23:03.56]l'm gonna put my shoes so far up your ass, you're gonna taste leather! 我會狠狠地踹你一腳 讓你受點教訓
[23:09.60]Okay, l get it. Angry women can be scary. 我懂了 抓狂的女人真的很可怕
[23:14.76]Very few women can pull off anger in a tube top. 很少穿無肩帶上衣的女人 會這般生氣
[23:19.76]This night is turning into a total bust. -今晚真的是太悲慘了 -才怪
[23:21.52]Not total....
[23:25.40]Oh, my God, l love you! Where did you get that? 天啊,我愛你 你從哪里弄來的?
[23:30.28]Apparently, $20 will buy you three drinks... 很明顯地20塊能買三杯酒
[23:34.56]-a channel change and a joint. -All right. -轉臺的權利和一根大麻 -太棒了
[23:44.100]Fucking men. 男人去死吧
[23:51.48]Men are bullshit. 男人都是混蛋
[23:54.52]That's what l'm talking about. 一點都沒錯
[23:57.20]Being someone's girlfriend.... 當某人的女朋友
[24:04.88]-No good can come of it. -That's what l'm saying. -根本一點都不好玩 -一點都沒錯
[24:12.92]This is strong weed. 這根大麻真烈
[24:20.100]lt's Smith. 是史密斯打來的
[24:25.84]-Hello. -Hi. Did you see me? -你看到我上節(jié)目了嗎? -當然
[24:27.04]-Yes, we saw it. -How'd I do? -我表現(xiàn)得如何? -太完美了,跟計劃中一樣
[24:29.56]Perfect, just like we planned.
[24:29.80]-We're aII going to the.... -Can you hear me? 你聽到了嗎?這里收訊不好 讓我…
[24:33.60]-HeIIo? -l'm not getting any reception here.
[24:36.68]Let me.... -喂 -你還在嗎?
[24:38.96]Are you there? 我思索著 我的感情世界簡直是一團糟
[24:40.36]As I contempIated the fact...
[24:40.76]that my reIationship had gone to pot, IiteraIIy...
[24:44.52]I reaIized no high or Iow wouId make this day... 我明白不論做什么
[24:48.88]any day other than the day I got broken up with by a Post-it. 都無法抹殺掉今天 我收到便利貼分手字條的事實
[24:56.08]Police. Stay right where you are. 警察,不要動
[24:60.84]That's the way it goes. We have to take her downtown. 我們得帶她回局里
[25:04.40]Officer, please. l am a lawyer and a mother. 警官 我是個律師,也是個母親
[25:07.88]This woman is my friend. She's an extremely law-abiding citizen. -我朋友是守法的市民 -她剛剛犯了法
[25:10.40]Who just broke the law. 對,但她會那么做 因為今天她真的很傷心
[25:12.16]Yes, but in her defense, she has had a very bad day.
[25:15.72]-Her boyfriend just broke up with her. -On a Post-it. -她男朋友跟她分手 -他用便利貼寫分手字條
[25:18.44]Come on, that didn't happen. 少來了,你們騙人
[25:26.92]''l'm sorry. l can't. Don't hate me.'' “抱歉,我辦不到,別恨我”
[25:31.44]Wow, brutal. 太殘忍了
[25:32.64]Tell you what, l'll write you up for smoking in a bar. 我要開張 在酒吧抽大麻的罰單給你
[25:37.52]Come on, can't you just let her off? 別這樣,你不能放了她嗎?
[25:38.80]l'm sorry. l can't. Don't hate me. 抱歉,我辦不到,別恨我
[25:45.96]Hear that? lt's midnight. 你們聽到了嗎?已經午夜了
[25:48.28]The official end to what will now be known as... 我因為來一管被逮捕的日子
[25:52.20]the day l got arrested for smoking a doobie. 正式結束了
[25:59.48]l said doobie. This is great! 我說了“來一管” 真的太酷了
[26:04.56]You didn't get arrested. 你沒有被逮捕
[26:05.16]See, your Post-it was your get-out-of-jail-free card. 你的便利貼讓你免于牢獄之災 如果你沒有認識柏格…
[26:10.04]lf you never met Berger, you wouldn't--
[26:11.80]Stop, you're killing my buzz. -別說了,你快把我搞瘋了 -我開始同意夏綠蒂的說法
[26:13.52]l have to say, l'm starting to agree with Charlotte's way of thinking.
[26:17.56]lf l hadn't accidentally gotten pregnant by Steve... 要不是我意外懷孕 我不會生下布萊迪
[26:19.44]l never would have had Brady.
[26:23.16]l'm not finished. And had no time to eat. 我還沒有說完 我就不會沒空吃東西
[26:27.64]So l never would have fit into my skinny jeans... 很可能還是穿不下緊身牛仔褲 永遠不知道帥哥那么多
[26:29.04]and realize this city is full of cute men.
[26:33.52]Now that's my kind of thinking. 我也那么認為
[26:34.36]Don't bogart the split. 凱莉,別糟蹋雪糕
[26:39.16]Okay, l know what l learned from my Berger relationship. 我知道我從柏格這件事里 學會了什么
[26:49.88]Wait a minute, l just had it. 等一下,我真的想到了
[26:55.36]What? -什么? -你們知道嗎?
[26:54.96]You know what, l changed my mind. -我改變了心意 -凡事不是天注定?
[26:58.92]You don't think everything happens for a reason?
[27:01.60]No, not about that. About the wedding. l really want you guys to be my bridesmaids. 關于婚禮的事 我希望你們當我的伴娘
[27:09.16]You don't have to wear the matching dresses, l promise. 我發(fā)誓不逼你們穿花邊禮服
[27:11.36]-l'll eat to that. -Can l get that in writing? -萬歲 -你能白紙黑字寫下來嗎?
[27:15.00]l think l've had enough. My jeans just popped. 我想我吃太多了 我的牛仔褲都爆開來了
[27:25.44]I might never find a Iesson in why Berger and I spIit... 我可能永遠都不會知道 為什么柏格要跟我分手
[27:29.92]but at Ieast, for the moment, there was a banana spIit. 但至少現(xiàn)在我能大吃香蕉船