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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:31:41
[00:00.47]Gossip girl here,your one and only source 流言蜚女駕到...
[00:03.24]Into the scandalous lives manhattan's 這是你們窺探曼哈頓上流生活的唯一渠道
[00:06.11]I love you,Nate Archibald. 我愛(ài)你 Nate Archibald
[00:08.01]-always have,always will. - I love you,too. 現(xiàn)在是 今后也是
[00:10.95]- What is wrong with you?This is not who you are - I know who Blair and those girls are, 我也愛(ài)你
[00:13.08]瞧 我知道Blair跟那群姑娘是什么人 不過(guò)我也清楚自己是怎樣的人
[00:15.47]But I know who I am ,and I'm not gonna forget that just hang out with them 我不會(huì)因?yàn)楦齻冊(cè)谝粔K就忘記這點(diǎn)
[00:17.71]We are not supposed to talk,remember? 我們不該再說(shuō)話的 記得嗎?
[00:20.50]I can't help myself. I never should have let you,let me go. 我控制不住
[00:23.81]I will not base my personal life on your preferences. 我不會(huì)拿你的喜好 作為我私生活的基礎(chǔ)
[00:27.72]Dan is my boyfriend. Dan是我的男朋友
[00:29.17]I Would rather be chuck's stepsister than dan's. 我寧愿做Chuck的妹妹 也不愿做Dan的
[00:32.35]Lily,would you do me the honor of being my wife? Lily 你愿意做我的妻子嗎?
[00:35.19]He proposed before we left,and I'm going to say yes. 他在我們出發(fā)前向我求婚了 我打算答應(yīng)他
[00:38.21]Take care,Rufus. 保重 Rufus
[00:39.57]How glad are you see our families merge,sis? 看到我們兩家合為一體 你肯定很高興吧 妹妹?
[00:43.34]So glad that if you ever call me that again, 高興到要是你再敢那樣叫我
[00:45.56]It'll be the last thing you ever say,Chuck 那就是你生前說(shuō)的最后一句話 Chuck
[00:47.95]unless you want Ar nathaniel to know how you lost your virginity to me 除非你想讓親愛(ài)的Nathaniel知道
[00:51.70]In the back of a moving vehicle, 我建議你還是耐心克制點(diǎn)為好
[00:53.14]- I encourage patienced restraint. - Isn't there someone else that you can torture?
[00:57.00]Ok,I know you're friends with Blair, 瞧 我知道你是Blair的朋友 不過(guò)你要是知道什么的話
[00:58.40]- But if you know something... - well,Blair is never really my friend. 嗯 Blair從來(lái)都算不上是我的朋友
[01:01.34]- ...so, - So..yeah,there's something you should know. 所以...?
[01:01.89]所以... 是的 有些事你該知道
[01:05.44]- What a bitch. - Oh,my god. She is such a slut! - 瞧 那臭娘們兒 - 噢 天啊 她真是個(gè)蕩婦
[01:08.51]- I made a decision I was no condition to me - There is nothing to do with you,Blair. 我在被沖昏頭腦的狀態(tài)下 做了錯(cuò)誤的決定
[01:10.60]我不想再跟你有任何瓜葛 Blair 我們徹底結(jié)束了
[01:12.15]It's over. 你曾有著某種魅力
[01:13.12]You held a certain fascination
[01:15.19]When you were beautiful and untouched 但那是在你美麗且一塵不染的時(shí)候 但現(xiàn)在我對(duì)你沒(méi)興趣了
[01:17.92]I don't want you anymore, 我想也沒(méi)人會(huì)了
[01:19.44]- And I can't see why anyone else would. - What are you doing here?
[01:22.33]- I was just leaving. - No,stay. 你在這干嘛?
[01:24.37]Consider yourself dethroned,queen b. 不用 留下吧
[01:24.14]就當(dāng)你被廢黜了吧 皇后B
[01:27.71]Jenny,if you walk away from me now I will ruin you. Jenny 如果你現(xiàn)在棄我而去的話 我會(huì)毀了你
[01:31.16]How are you gonna do that? 你打算怎么做呢?
[01:32.96]- My whole life falling in part - stay and fight. 我的生活已經(jīng)分崩離析了
[01:35.86]- We'll get through this together. - You promise? 留下抗?fàn)幍降?br /> [01:35.80]我們一起挺過(guò)這一關(guān)
[01:39.24]Promise. 我保證
[01:43.00]流言蜚女 第一季 第14集
[01:46.17]And who am I?
[01:47.83]That's a secret i'll never tell.
[01:51.33]You know you love me.
[01:52.96]X.o.x.o.,gossip girl.
[02:07.03]Cat? 貓咪?
[02:11.42]Cat! 貓咪!
[02:16.33]Cat! 貓咪!
[02:25.26]Ew. 貓咪!
[02:29.32]Cat. 貓咪
[02:35.54]You don't have a cat,Jenny. 你沒(méi)有貓 Jenny
[02:40.50]My name is blair. 我叫Blair
[02:43.03]You don't have anyone. 你誰(shuí)都沒(méi)有
[02:47.49]But I'm Blair. 可我是Blair
[02:51.33]I'm Blair! 我是Blair!
[02:53.60]Miss. Blair. Miss. Blair. Blair小姐
[02:55.80]. Blair. Blair小姐
[02:57.58]Wakey,wakey,upper east siders. 醒醒 醒醒 上東區(qū)的富貴閑人們
[02:59.49]Spring break is done,and I'm starved for the dish. 春假結(jié)束 我也對(duì)八卦留言饑渴不已
[03:02.62]Were you sunning in capri or sinning in croatia? 你是在卡普里享受日光浴 還是在克羅地亞奢靡?
[03:05.50]Give me the deets. 快說(shuō)來(lái)聽聽
[03:07.17]Oh,what's happening? 噢 出什么事了?
[03:08.80]You have bad dream, 你做噩夢(mèng)了 還抱著巧克力睡覺(jué)
[03:09.99]And you're sleeping with your chocolates.
[03:12.11]Oh,lady godiva,my only friend. 噢 高帝娃寶貝 我唯一的朋友 (Godiva--巧克力品牌)
[03:16.34]And has anyone spotted our ex-queen b.? 大家都沒(méi)見(jiàn)著我們的前皇后B
[03:19.05]Where does the dethroned royalty 這段時(shí)間被廢黜的"皇室"都去哪兒度假了?
[03:21.06]Vacation these days? "暖床"俱樂(lè)部關(guān)門了 (借用紐約的時(shí)髦夜店 "暖床")
[03:22.45]Club bed is over. First day back to school. 今天是返校第一天
[03:25.26]I can't,Dorota. I don't fell very well. 不要 Dorota
[03:28.97]Serena come to get you soon. 我不舒服
[03:30.77]Call her and cancel. 給她打電話 讓她別來(lái)了
[03:32.71]And cover my mirrors. 再把鏡子都蓋住
[03:34.37]Let me in the morning from my former life. 我要悼念一下我往日的生活
[03:47.27]Chuck,I'm serious! Chuck 我沒(méi)跟你鬧著玩!
[03:48.92]Are you done yet?This is my bathroom! 你弄完沒(méi)有 這是我的浴室
[03:51.08]It's late, 時(shí)候不早了 更別提你這么做有多惹人厭!
[03:51.86]And not to mention disgusting.
[03:55.08]Chuck! Chuck!
[03:59.02]What are you doing? 干嗎呢你?
[04:00.01]All right,ladies. My sister needs to shower. 好了 小姐們
[04:01.91]Make room. 給她騰個(gè)地
[04:04.73]I'm just messoning with you. 我在跟你鬧著玩呢
[04:06.89]- Can't believe you lit up my bathroom. - Well,if I lit up in mine, 你竟然在我的浴室里抽煙
[04:10.51]In the folks would know it was me,sis. 如果我在自己的浴室里抽煙 家人們會(huì)以為是我抽的啦 妹妹
[04:12.82]Oh,okay. Let's get one thing straight 好吧
[04:14.80]Our parents maybe insisting on blending our households, 有件事得說(shuō)明白...
[04:14.61]也許我們的父母執(zhí)意 讓大家一起過(guò)日子
[04:16.73]But i am not your sister. 但我不是你妹妹
[04:18.21]I do not share any of your DNA 我跟你沒(méi)有一點(diǎn)血緣關(guān)系
[04:20.11]Nor do i ever wish to. 我也不想跟你扯上關(guān)系
[04:22.79]Then I suggest you get a new hand towels. 那我就得建議你換套新手巾 (一般都是全家一整套)
[04:27.56]Okay. 好的
[04:28.78]It's imperative that I bathe. 我現(xiàn)在急需洗澡
[04:31.24]Can you just get out? 你能不能給我出去?
[04:33.65]You know what? Fine. Just forget it. 知道嗎?
[04:34.66]行 算了
[04:43.67]Next year,we're doing spring break in Maldives. 明年春假我們?nèi)ヱR爾代夫
[04:45.72]- Skiing is too dangerous. - You broke your arm in the spa. 滑雪太危險(xiǎn)了
[04:50.59]Oh,here,Hazel. Thanks for letting me borrow it. 噢 給 Hazel
[04:52.81]- What is this? - The bracelet you lent me in aspen 這是什么?
[04:55.77]Oh,yeah. You know you could've just kept it, 噢 是啊
[04:56.71]你本可以留著的 反正我也不記得自己有這個(gè)玩意了
[04:58.76]And I would've forgot i had it. 姑娘們 真夠興奮的啊
[05:00.04]Girls,how excited are we?
[05:01.70]Party tomorrow night for jenny at socialist ! 明晚在Socialista為Jenny開派對(duì) (紐約西村的一間高檔古巴酒吧茶座)
[05:04.78]It's gonna be my best birthday ever. 這肯定會(huì)是我最棒的生日
[05:06.34]I heard the mojitos are amazing. 我聽說(shuō)那兒的摩基托特別正 (古巴經(jīng)典雞尾酒)
[05:08.21]- Untill you get your moutharound a mini... - oh,I don't,um 等你嘗到他們那兒的古巴迷你點(diǎn)心 再說(shuō)吧
[05:11.62]It's a sandwich - 呃 我不... 嗯... - 那是種三明治
[05:13.42]Oh. Wardrobe,ladies? 去添置行頭嗎 小姐們?
[05:15.06]Ferragamo clutch(TBD) 我今天無(wú)論如何要買件 能搭上我"菲拉格慕"手包的禮服
[05:16.11]And whatever dress i buy today go with
[05:17.81]Oh,what about you J? 你呢 J
[05:19.74]-I've got some dresses on hold at bendels - There is an a.t.m.,Jenny 噢 我在班德爾預(yù)留了幾件衣服
[05:23.42]you said you want to hit it 那有個(gè)自動(dòng)提款機(jī) Jenny
[05:24.50]You know,to pay penelope back for brunch? 你說(shuō)過(guò)要提款的
[05:26.48]Oh,uh,yeah. $120,right? 噢 是啊 120塊 對(duì)吧?
[05:29.05]Ah,I don't feel like stopping. 對(duì) 不過(guò)我不想停下來(lái)
[05:30.36]You can get the next one. 遇到下一個(gè)再取吧
[05:40.86]What are you doing? 你在干嘛?
[05:41.87]I'm hiding from my valet. 我在躲我的男仆
[05:43.44]He wanted to put my socks on for me this morning. 他今早還想幫我穿襪子
[05:45.40]- Our servantse very attention - new latvian maid. 你們的傭人可真夠細(xì)心的
[05:46.85]你該見(jiàn)見(jiàn)Brigita-- 新來(lái)的拉脫維亞女仆
[05:49.32]No. No,no,no,he should not meet brigita. He's 14. 不 不 不 不 不能讓他見(jiàn)Brigita
[05:51.95]- Avoid this person. - May I remind you,Serena, 他才14歲
[05:54.47]- That you used to have a sense of humor? - No. 我來(lái)提醒一下你 Serena
[05:54.08]- 你以前不挺有這方面的幽默感嘛? - 才沒(méi)有
[05:56.94]- Morning,father. - Hey. - 早上好 爸爸 - 嘿 早上好 孩子們
[05:58.20]- Morning,kids. - Morning. 早上好
[05:59.46]-And how is Lily von bulow today? - Oh,I have a headache. Lily Von Bulow夫人 今天還好嗎?
[06:03.83]I haad a very frustrating conversation 噢 我有點(diǎn)頭疼
[06:05.64]Th the wedding planner this morning. 嗯 可否允我說(shuō) 慍怒也令你散發(fā)光彩
[06:07.17]Oh,may I say aggravation becomes you?
[06:09.70]You may,but I won't believe it. 你可以這么說(shuō) 不過(guò)我可不信
[06:12.23]So... First day back at school,huh? 那么
[06:16.32]Honey,you didn't,uh,want to shower? 寶貝 你不想洗個(gè)澡?
[06:22.07]I have to go meet Blair. Eric? 我得去見(jiàn)Blair了
[06:25.22]Go ahead. He'll take the limo. 你先走吧
[06:33.68]As my best man, 作為我的男儐相 我希望 你在婚禮之前安分行事
[06:34.84]I expect you to keep things smooth until the wedding.
[06:38.80]Best man? 男儐相?
[06:42.92]Uh,um,I'd be honored,sir. 嗯 我很榮幸 先生
[06:48.22]To family. 敬家人
[07:01.97]I came straight from the airport 我從機(jī)場(chǎng)直接趕過(guò)來(lái)送Jenny去學(xué)校 她卻先走了?
[07:03.38]Take Jenny to school,and she's already gone?
[07:05.22]- She slept at Hazel's last night. - Oh. Who's,uh,who's Hazel? 她昨晚在Hazel家過(guò)的夜
[07:08.82]Her new friend, 她的新朋友 她跟她一家去的阿斯本
[07:09.80]The girl whose family she went with to Aspen.
[07:12.26]Yeah,I was actually surprised you let her go 是啊 不顧老媽的反對(duì) 就這么讓她去了 真讓我意外
[07:14.06]- and cancel on mom like that - Your mom was completely support of it. 嗯 你媽媽完全沒(méi)反對(duì)
[07:17.07]Jenny was very well taken care of. Jenny很受照顧
[07:18.57]Spoke to her every day, twice from the private plane. - Private plane? 我每天都和她通話 有兩次還是在私人飛機(jī)上
[07:22.41]It's the best early birthday present 私人飛機(jī)?
[07:22.20]這是我們能給她的最好的 提前生日禮物
[07:23.80]We could have given her. Oh, so you paid for it? 噢 是你買單嗎?
[07:25.79]Well, I gave her pocket money. 呃 零花錢是我給的
[07:28.38]Yeah, Jenny's happier than she's been in a long time 嗯 Jenny已經(jīng)很久沒(méi)有這么開心過(guò)了
[07:31.05]Hey, whenever you're done 嘿 等你擺完那幅 "要是我就不會(huì)這么做"的表情
[07:32.34]with that "i'd doing things differently" look, two things...
[07:34.28]幫我兩件事... 首先...
[07:35.82]One, I can't seem to nail Jenny down 我弄不清Jenny到底想怎么過(guò)生日
[07:38.32]on what she wants to do for actual birthday. - I'll get it out of her.
[07:41.39]Good. And, uh, two-- - 我來(lái)幫你從她身上套話 - 很好
[07:41.57]嗯 其次...
[07:44.39]What the hell are you still doing here? 你怎么還不走?
[07:47.45]Mm. Thank you. 謝了
[07:48.93]At least you get to wake up from your nightmare. 至少你的噩夢(mèng)可以醒
[07:50.64]I'm living with mine. 我還生活在我的噩夢(mèng)中
[07:52.10]And the god I have plans with Dan tonight. 謝天謝地我今晚跟Dan有節(jié)目
[07:54.16]Finally,the return of some normalcy! 終于讓我回歸點(diǎn)常態(tài)!
[07:57.06]B, what are you doing? B 你怎么了?
[07:59.17]Giving homeschooling some serious consideration. 嚴(yán)肅考慮自己是否該在家學(xué)習(xí)
[08:02.06]Look, I know you think 瞧 我知道你覺(jué)得大家還在談?wù)撃?br /> [08:03.46]Everyone's still talking about you,
[08:05.25]But your 3-week-old-scandal is ancient news. 不過(guò)三個(gè)星期前的丑聞 已經(jīng)是陳年舊事了
[08:07.90]Did you even hear the dirt happened - Who should I heard it from? Dorota? 你沒(méi)聽說(shuō)假期時(shí)發(fā)生的八卦?
[08:09.52]我能從哪聽啊? Dorota?
[08:11.29]Well, after much concerted effort, 嗯 經(jīng)過(guò)各方面的共同努力
[08:13.41]Ya finally made it into brody jenner's cell phone. Maya終于榮升入Brody Jenner 的手機(jī)聯(lián)系人名單
[08:18.29]and Kati's dad 噢 Kati的爸爸把 她們一家子都帶回了以色列
[08:19.82]moved her entire family back to Israel. Yeah.
[08:22.66]And cotatance's bad-girl-turned-good... 沒(méi)錯(cuò)
[08:22.63]還有 康斯坦思名校的"從善惡女"
[08:25.73]ERMAN ACCENT) Serena Van Der Woodsen... Serena Van Der Woodsen
[08:28.03]Moved in with Chuck Bass. 搬到Chuck Bass家了
[08:30.25]Yeah. So you're thinking 你覺(jué)得我那件事已經(jīng)煙消云散了?
[08:31.35]Is whole thing could have blown over by now?
[08:36.81]Come on. 來(lái)吧
[08:39.26]That, too. 還有那個(gè)
[08:56.27]Don't worry, B 別擔(dān)心 B
[08:57.96]The French revolution had cake. 法國(guó)大革命 人們吃著蛋糕顛覆皇室 (法國(guó)王后瑪麗-安托乃的名言 "人們沒(méi)有面包 那就吃蛋糕唄" = =)
[09:00.02]Come on. Let's go. 來(lái) 我們走
[09:02.51]The American revolution had tea. 美國(guó)大革命則波士頓傾茶
[09:04.84]But looks like the overthrow of Blair Waldorf, 不過(guò)看上去Blair Waldorf"政權(quán)"的顛覆 則會(huì)...
[09:14.46]Who said you need a silver spoon 誰(shuí)說(shuō)"分"甜點(diǎn)就一定要用銀湯匙呢?
[09:16.08]to dole out just desserts?
[09:38.22]Hey, Jenny. 嘿 Jenny
[09:39.21]Can i talk to you just for a second? 我能跟你聊兩句嗎?
[09:41.84]I'll meet you guys, okay? 我一會(huì)來(lái)找你們 行嗎?
[09:44.00]Hey, so I may have told Blair 嘿 我的確跟Blair說(shuō)過(guò) 你告訴我她跟Chuck的事
[09:46.38]you told me the truth about heanand Chuck
[09:48.28]And I'm sure she didn't react well to that. 我也相信她肯定為此刁難過(guò)你
[09:51.73]But you don't know what you're dealing with here. 但你不知道自己將會(huì) 面臨什么樣的處境
[09:53.83]- I'm not scared of Blair - No, I'm not talking about... 我不怕Blair Nate
[09:55.87]I'm talking about...talking about your new circle. 不 我不是指這個(gè)...
[10:00.07]I mean, they've been friends with Blair forever, 我是說(shuō) 她們跟Blair一直都是朋友
[10:01.82]and look what they're doing to her. 瞧瞧她們是怎么對(duì)她的
[10:04.02]When you fall out of line, 如果哪天你出糗了 你覺(jué)得她們會(huì)怎么對(duì)你?
[10:05.46]what do you think this gonna happen to you?
[10:07.68]I won't fall out of line. 呃 我不會(huì)出糗的
[10:09.39]I'm not saying you're gonna... 我不是說(shuō)你會(huì)...
[10:13.04]It's just... 只是...
[10:14.82]You're not like those girls, Jenny. 你跟她們不一樣 Jenny
[10:17.57]That's weird, Nate. Since they're my friends, you think we have some stuff in common 真奇怪 Nate
[10:18.83]既然她們是我的朋友 你應(yīng)該認(rèn)為我們有共同點(diǎn)才對(duì)
[10:23.67]Okay. 那好吧
[10:27.67]Well, I will give you this... 呃 但我倒不得不承認(rèn)- 你的確一擊即中
[10:29.63]You've got good name
[10:39.60]Ok, I know this is hard for you B 瞧 我知道很艱難 B
[10:41.03]But you can't let them beat you. 可你不能就這樣被她們打倒
[10:42.04]You're Blair Waldorf, remember? 你可是Blair Waldorf 記得嗎?
[10:45.13]Right. These are my steps, 對(duì)
[10:48.86]and i'm not gonna relinquish them 這片兒臺(tái)階兒可是我的地盤 我不能毫不反抗的拱手讓人
[10:49.71]without a fight, though it would be helpful
[10:51.35]盡管如此 要是現(xiàn)在我們的陣營(yíng)里 能再多一個(gè)人就好了
[10:53.09]maybe there was one more person in our crowd.
[10:57.41]Only old people and children and... 這兒只有老人跟小孩...呃 還有Chuck跟黃毛小Chuck
[10:59.39]Ugh, there's Chuck
[11:01.84]and a blond mini-Chuck.
[11:06.43]He's trying to torture me. 他是想折磨我
[11:09.27]- ...I can't believe it. - I know. - 真是難以置信 - 我知道
[11:11.38]Does little J. actually think 小J知不知道自己除了是個(gè)跟屁蟲 之外啥都不是啊?
[11:12.93]she's anything but their lackey?
[11:17.09]Hi. 什么時(shí)候開始Nate Archibald跟 Jenny Humphrey有這么多話說(shuō)了?
[11:17.81]So since when does nate archibald have
[11:19.85]much to say to Jenny humphrey, huh?
[11:22.37]Why? You guys don't like him? 怎么了? 你們不喜歡他嗎?
[11:23.95]Penelope's only had a historic crush on him Penelope打從上世紀(jì)開始就對(duì)他 有著"歷史性的"暗戀了
[11:26.32]since the 20th century.
[11:27.77]Since you and Nate are so tight, 既然你跟Nate這么熟 也許你能做個(gè)牽線人
[11:29.15]- Maybe you can broke that. - Yeah. Maybe.
[11:31.26]是啊 也許吧
[11:33.65]- They what? - They're taking her out to dinner 她們什么?
[11:36.34]for her birthday tomorrow night 她們明晚要帶她出去慶祝她生日...
[11:37.80]Table service at Socialista. 在Socialista開了幾桌
[11:40.12]So Jenny Humphrey is officially being inscribed on the a-list. 那么Jenny Humphrey已經(jīng)被 正式納入A名單了
[11:44.04]- Wait. How do you know this? - Because they invited me, 等等 你是怎么知道的?
[11:46.90]But I said no out of deference to you. 因?yàn)樗齻円惭?qǐng)了我 不過(guò)我看在你的份上拒絕了
[11:48.90]I just thought I could have dinner 我還以為我會(huì)跟Dan 她 還有她家人吃頓飯呢
[11:50.69]with her and dan and the whole family.
[11:53.82]How do you mean she get out of skate 你是怎么毫無(wú)損傷的擺脫舊聞?
[11:56.35]Beause I'm nice. You should try it sometime. 因?yàn)槲胰似泛?br /> [11:58.75]Come on. Um,compliment me. Tell me my hair looks beautiful. 你也該試試 來(lái)
[11:59.25]嗯 快夸夸我
[12:02.36]But your hair looks disgusting. Did you even shower? 說(shuō)我的頭發(fā)看起來(lái)很漂亮
[12:07.27]B, I say this out of love, B 出于對(duì)你的愛(ài) 我才這么說(shuō)
[12:09.61]But your being a bitch 你為人尖酸霸道正是
[12:11.45]Which got dairy in your hair in the first place, okay? 她們往你頭上扔酸奶的原因
[12:13.55]Be nice and neutral, and things will swing back to normal. 做人友好溫和點(diǎn) 事情會(huì)慢慢變好的
[12:16.71]You're the queen B, so just let nature take its course. 你是皇后B 所以就順其自然吧
[12:22.12]I'm going to Model UN, but we're dining tonight,right? 我要去參加模擬聯(lián)合國(guó)大會(huì)
[12:24.68]Butter,7:00, um, I don't know if i can go out again tonight. 今晚一起吃晚飯的 對(duì)嗎?
[12:24.80]在Butter 7點(diǎn) (四星級(jí)餐館)
[12:28.46]Why? What are you doing? Do we have a reservation? 怎么了? 你有什么事嗎?
[12:31.49]Yeah, I mean doesn't it take like 2 weeks to get a table there 就是啊 我說(shuō) 那里不是要等兩個(gè)星期 才能定到位子的嗎?
[12:32.82]Ke,2 weeks get a table there? Not if they slipped me $100
[12:34.66]塞給領(lǐng)班100塊 就不用等那么久了
[12:37.64]Oh, and don't forget, J 別忘了J
[12:39.35]You owe me. 你欠我的
[12:44.58]You know, I've got a better idea. 我有個(gè)更好的主意
[12:50.36]What's she doing? 她在做什么?
[12:52.93]What does she think she's doing? 她以為她在做什么?
[12:54.31]She's giving you the perfect opportunity for niceness. 她正在給你個(gè)為人友善的最好機(jī)會(huì) 加油啊!
[12:56.71]- Come on. - No. - 我不 - 快去
[13:00.56]Serena, I know that you're doing something with Dan tonight Serena 我知道今晚你和Dan有節(jié)目
[13:02.47]But, Blair, um, we're all going to butter, 但是 Blair 我們都要去Butter
[13:05.44]and I was wondering if you wanted to join us? - She'd be delighted, yes, Butter! 你愿意一起嗎
[13:08.62]太好了! 是Butter呢
[13:11.07]Great. 太好了
[13:12.61]Great! 太好了!
[13:14.91]Very nice. - 很好 - 謝謝
[13:15.73]Thank you.
[13:21.80]#Who's there for you when you're call and alone?# *who's there for you when you're ldld and alone?*
[13:24.75]#The teenagers, teenagers# *The teenagers,the teenagers*
[13:28.24]*We're playing our songs*
[13:30.07]well, are you always looked this good? 你一直都是這么好看的么?
[13:31.33]You look so good to me. 我怎么越看你越喜歡
[13:33.25]You look so good to me, 我也越看你越喜歡 而且你聞起來(lái)
[13:35.05]and you smell... Mmm,so clean. 好清新
[13:37.85]Mm,you're not gonna tell me the Chuck shower story again, 你不會(huì)再跟我講一遍Chuck 霸占浴室那出兒吧?
[13:40.05]- Are you? - No. 不會(huì)啦
[13:41.56]Good. 很好
[13:49.10]Dan. Dan
[13:50.90]Chuck, how are you? Chuck
[13:52.60]Excellent. Enjoying having family around. - 你好嗎? - 相當(dāng)好
[13:55.42]Can you just get it over with, Chuck? 你沒(méi)完了你 Chuck?
[13:57.26]Say whatever pervy thing you're gonna say and just leave? 把你想說(shuō)的下流話快快說(shuō)完 然后快點(diǎn)滾蛋?
[14:00.26]The wedding caterer 婚禮籌備人叫家庭成員去試吃
[14:01.21]is presenting a tasting to the family.
[14:03.88]I was coming call you to dinner. - Okay,I'll take off then. 我來(lái)叫你去品餐
[14:06.18]好的 那我先走了
[14:07.70]No need. 不需要
[14:08.81]Already asked the staff to set a place for you. 我已經(jīng)叫工作人員給你留位置了
[14:11.65]*You and I,loining like you never cried*
[14:18.62]I have to say I prefer the chestnut pappardelle. 我得說(shuō)我比較傾心于離子寬粉
[14:21.57]Yeah,the foie gras is a bit rich. 是的 鵝肝油泥了點(diǎn)
[14:23.83]U know, I'm, I'm, umm, slanting heavily towards 我呢... 我則... 比較鐘情于"%@#鹿"
[14:25.83]The venison fellow. It's fallow
[14:28.09]Fallow. Fallow,exactly. Fallow 那叫"淡黃"
[14:28.18]對(duì) 淡黃 淡黃鹿
[14:32.43]Oh,for me? 給我的?
[14:35.15]Thank you 謝謝
[14:36.08]Who's it from? I don't know... 誰(shuí)給你的啊?
[14:39.13]but it says "open immediately" 上面寫著 "立即打開"
[14:40.68]I have to refrigerate it?It's not for me,I don't know 需要冷藏嗎?
[14:44.49]Oh,don't put your dirty package on the table 我不知道
[14:47.31]I had a dime for every time I heard that 如果每次聽到這句話 我都能存了一枚硬幣的話
[14:49.94]That's enough,Chuck 夠了 Chuck
[14:58.08]Porn and handcuffs? A片和手銬?
[15:00.21]Really? - 真的么? - 哦 老天啊...
[15:01.06]Oh,my. Woo
[15:02.56]This is low,Chuck,enen for you 這太下流了 Chuck 即便是對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)
[15:04.48]What? I didn't send this 什么?
[15:10.67]Excuse me. - 恕我離開會(huì)兒 - 呃 你能不能
[15:11.51]Uh,could you... 當(dāng)然 樂(lè)意效勞
[15:12.79]Oh,yeah. My pleasure. Uh,it's not--that's not what I-- 不是呃... 這不是... 我不是那個(gè)意思
[15:16.09]I didn't mean that
[15:17.71]It's,uh... 只是 呃
[15:20.20]It's trash. I'll throw it out 這是垃圾 我會(huì)把它扔出去的
[15:34.92]Spotted--blair waldorf,alone at Butter Blair Waldorf 一個(gè)人坐在Butter餐廳
[15:39.96]I'm sorry,miss 抱歉小姐 但是... 看上去你的朋友不會(huì)來(lái)了
[15:40.86]But--it looks like your friends aren't coming
[15:44.44]Humiliated--party of one 奇恥大辱-- 一個(gè)人的派對(duì)
[15:48.91]Can't you just picture her sitting there? 你能想象出她坐在哪兒的樣兒么?
[15:50.89]Every time memeone comes in the door... 一有人進(jìn)來(lái) 她便看向門口
[15:52.45]"Ah... It's not them. Oh,no,not them." "哎呀 不是她們"
[15:54.62]"哦 又不是她們"
[15:56.69]Not going to the Butter 不去Butter要比去的感覺(jué)好多了
[15:57.62]is so much better than going to the Butter
[16:00.49]My new nanette lepore for jenny's birthday 我為Jenny的生日派對(duì)特地制備的 新"娜奈特-拉博爾"裙子
[16:03.11]Gorgeous 太漂亮了
[16:04.26]Wow 難道不是么?
[16:04.90]Right? 那我們的小壽星穿什么呢?
[16:06.26]What's the birthday girl wearing?
[16:07.87]Oh,I'm still deciding between two dresses at bergdorf's 我還在貝多芙的兩款裙子間躊躇
[16:10.82]I thought you said bendel's 我記得你說(shuō)是班德爾啊?
[16:12.41]Bendel's. Right. 對(duì) 班德爾的
[16:15.93]Oh,it's my dad. 啊 是我爸
[16:17.47]Is there you wearing your black shello? 你要穿你那件黑色香奈爾嗎?
[16:19.98]Which one? You know,I never wear the same thing twice 喂?
[16:21.14]要知道 一件衣服我從不穿兩次
[16:23.08]Mommy taught me well. Hey,dad 我媽教導(dǎo)得好
[16:25.49]You missed dinner,kiddo. Oh,yeah,um,I'm studying at hazel's 嘿 老爸
[16:27.60]是的 我在Hazel家學(xué)習(xí) 沒(méi)留意時(shí)間
[16:29.94]And I guessed I lost track of time. Um,I'm not mad
[16:32.51]I just feel like I haven't seen you in a while 我沒(méi)生氣
[16:34.43]We haven't even discussed your birthday. I was gonna do something with my friends... 還沒(méi)說(shuō)你的生日怎么安排呢
[16:38.23]Oh. That's great,honey
[16:41.18]But since I have nothing to wear 太好了 寶貝
[16:42.79]I don't think that's happening anymore 但因?yàn)槲覜](méi)什么衣服可以穿了
[16:45.47]Well,if you want to be with your friends 如果你想要和你朋友一起過(guò)
[16:46.83]We can do the family thing over the weekend 那就周末和家人一起過(guò)生日好了
[16:54.77]Sweetheart? 寶貝?
[16:56.72]Uh,yeah. I'll be home soon,dad 我一會(huì)兒就回家 爸爸
[17:03.04]Okay. Bye 好 再見(jiàn)
[17:17.45]*you drive me crazy*
[17:19.49]Hello? Hi - 勞駕? - 哦 嗨
[17:21.06]Oh,no check,honey. The drink's on us, 不 不必付賬 親愛(ài)的
[17:24.33]Unless you want something else? 飲料免費(fèi) 除非你想點(diǎn)些別的
[17:28.89]Yes. 是的
[17:30.66]Another bellini, 再來(lái)一杯貝利尼雞尾酒 一份烤乳鴿
[17:32.11]This seared squab 再派個(gè)領(lǐng)位侍應(yīng)把桌子搬開 麻煩你
[17:33.23]And a bus person of separated tables
[17:42.65]One may be the loneliest number... "1"或許是最孤獨(dú)的數(shù)字
[17:46.14]Information. What city and state,please? 查號(hào)總臺(tái) 請(qǐng)問(wèn)接哪個(gè)城市?
[17:47.80]Brooklyn. I think that's in New York 布魯克林?
[17:49.78]But sometimes only the lonely can play 我覺(jué)得應(yīng)該就是紐約市
[17:50.19]但有時(shí) 只有孤獨(dú)的人會(huì)玩火
[17:53.94]Wake up,little Jenny. The bitch is back 醒醒啦 小Jenny
[18:00.37]I thought you said you didn't have anything else 你不是說(shuō)你沒(méi)什么其他的東西了嗎?
[18:03.23]Well,I found some stuff in the back of my closet 我在衣櫥深處又找到點(diǎn)東西
[18:05.36]hmm. Do you want to go with cash again 還是要當(dāng)成現(xiàn)金?
[18:09.46]Or do you want to buy your sewing machine back? 還是你要贖回你的縫紉機(jī)?
[18:14.20]Neither. I want that dress 都不是
[18:18.20]Honey,this is $1,200 寶貝 這可要1200塊呢
[18:26.46]Um,this one's... quite lovely 這件也...
[18:31.96]Ah,well,that's more my color 但那件顏色跟我更襯
[18:42.12]I'd say we take the jet to croatia 我覺(jué)得我們?cè)撟鏊饺孙w機(jī)去克羅地亞
[18:44.02]Where young Eric here 在那里 這位小Eric能享受下 低年齡自主的樂(lè)趣
[18:45.48]can exploit the lesser age of consent 我也被邀請(qǐng)去單身派對(duì)了?
[18:46.80]Am I invited to the Bachelor party? Brother,please 拜托了 小老弟
[18:48.70]Then head west to monte carlo 然后飛向西 去蒙特卡洛 在Metropole酒店來(lái)場(chǎng)通宵牌局
[18:50.09]For some all-night cards at metropole
[18:52.28]And swing by giza 然后順道飛去祖瑪 一睹初日倚著金字塔升起的景色
[18:53.84]Just to watch the sun come up over the Pyramids
[18:56.92]What do you think,father? I think we're here 你覺(jué)得呢 父親大人?
[18:59.91]我覺(jué)得... 我們到了
[19:04.69]Uh,see you at home,Bart 回家見(jiàn) Bart
[19:07.32]Chuck will catch up in a minute Chuck一會(huì)兒再去找你
[19:14.66]You almost ruined things between me and Lily once before 你之前差點(diǎn)毀了我和Lily的事
[19:18.36]I'm not gonna let that happen again 我不允許這事再發(fā)生
[19:20.08]What are you talking about? I'm talking about the focus stunt you pulled at dinner 你在說(shuō)什么?
[19:21.09]我說(shuō)的是你在品餐時(shí)耍的 那套低級(jí)把戲
[19:23.96]I didn't send Serena that package 那個(gè)給Serena的包裹不是我寄的 而且說(shuō)實(shí)話
[19:25.80]And quite frankly 她那裝作被侵犯的圣女馬麗的 反應(yīng)也太過(guò)老土了
[19:26.63]Her violated virgin Mary act is getting pretty old
[19:30.45]I thought making you my best man would help 我以為讓你做我的男儐相會(huì)有些作用
[19:32.92]What is that supposed to mean? 這是什么意思?
[19:34.29]Inspire you to valuey y happiness 本以為能讓你將我的幸福 看得重過(guò)你愚童般的兒戲
[19:36.53]Over your own childish agenda
[19:40.98]Things seem to be working out for you at that club Victrola 你的Victrola俱樂(lè)部前景不錯(cuò)
[19:44.65]I'm thinking you might like me to invest more in the place 我估計(jì)你會(huì)希望我多投資些錢的
[19:47.29]So you can have more control? 這樣你能有更多的話事權(quán)?
[19:49.66]In exchange for good behavior,of course. 當(dāng)然 是以良好表現(xiàn)來(lái)交換的
[19:53.22]You're bribing me? 你在賄賂我?
[19:55.33]So we have a deal then? 可否成交?
[20:01.99]Hey,why aren't you school? I'm taking the morning off 嘿 你怎么沒(méi)在學(xué)校?
[20:04.72]Volunteering to help those less fortunate than myself. 主動(dòng)幫助那些比我可憐的人
[20:07.60]Wow. You're in a good mood. 心情不錯(cuò)嘛
[20:09.30]Butter with the girls must have gone well last night? 昨晚和那些女孩在Butter 過(guò)得一定挺愉快的吧?
[20:11.73]I didn't go,actuall 事實(shí)上 我沒(méi)去啦
[20:13.73]why not? I think she should work a little harder for my forgiveness 為什么沒(méi)去?
[20:18.23]Hey,Dan's not hanging out in brooklyn again this morning 今早Dan貌似不在布魯克林
[20:20.83]He's with you at school,right? No,not yet,but he'll be here soon. Why? 他現(xiàn)在就已經(jīng)在學(xué)校了 和你一起?
[20:22.22]沒(méi) 還沒(méi) 但他一會(huì)就會(huì)過(guò)來(lái)的 怎么了?
[20:25.27]Just tell him I say hi 替我向他問(wèn)好
[20:28.29]Okay 好的
[20:31.45]Hi 嗨
[20:32.55]Jenny's dad? Jenny的爸爸?
[20:33.72]We met briefly at thanksgiving 我們?cè)诟卸鞴?jié)時(shí)見(jiàn)過(guò)一面
[20:35.71]Ah,yeah... 是的
[20:37.60]Hi 你好
[20:39.41]Got three cases of champagne for Serena van der woodsen 給Serena Van Der Woodsen的三箱香檳
[20:43.40]No,no. I'm Serena van der woodsen 不不 我-我是Serena Van Der Woodsen 但這些不是我的
[20:46.10]But those aren't mine 訂貨單總不會(huì)錯(cuò)
[20:47.21]Well,the purchase order never lies. Salud
[21:09.35]Hey,guys,I just got this incredible dolce 姑娘們 我剛買了這條超好看"杜嘉班納"
[21:12.24]You wanna see? It's unbelievable - 想看嗎? - 難以置信
[21:13.59]You can't turn your back in your own house.What are you guys talking about? 在自己家里都不能放松警惕
[21:17.09]My mother's vavalentino was stolen. Oh,my god 你們幾個(gè)在談什么呢?
[21:21.16]It was made especially for her 哦 天哪
[21:22.97]It was the same year he did,uh 是他給做Jackie O.蕾絲迷你婚裝的那年 (也就是Jackie Kennedy Onassis)
[21:24.34]Jackie o.'S lace wedding mini 有人入室盜竊?
[21:25.88]Well,did someone break in? No,and the maid swore to the police
[21:27.70]沒(méi)有 但女傭跟警察發(fā)誓說(shuō)她沒(méi)拿
[21:29.96]That she didn't take it,but she'll probably get fired.Wait,police for a dress? 但她大概是要被辭掉了
[21:32.20]等等 為一條裙子報(bào)警?
[21:34.26]It's worthy $15,000. My mother told the maid if she returned it 那可值1萬(wàn)5千塊的
[21:35.79]我媽媽跟Imaculata說(shuō) 如果她把裙子還回來(lái) 我們可以通過(guò)其他方法解決
[21:37.70]She could work something out. Like she'll bring it back 說(shuō)的好像她會(huì)還回來(lái)一樣
[21:40.76]Well,you never know. I mean,it could turn up 那可不一定哦
[21:41.62]我是說(shuō) 萬(wàn)一又找到了呢
[21:43.32]Right,cause really,where is she gonna wear it? 對(duì)啊 因?yàn)樗钟惺裁磮?chǎng)合可以穿?
[21:48.40]I'm really glad,because when I spoke to her 我真的很開心 因?yàn)槲腋勲娫挼臅r(shí)候
[21:51.33]She mentioned the plans with the girls falling through 她說(shuō)她跟朋友一起過(guò)生日的 計(jì)劃泡湯了
[21:55.23]Nope. Tell you the truth,I didn't really believe her. why? 說(shuō)實(shí)話 我也不信她
[21:58.02]I thought she was just conflicted 為什么?
[21:58.06]我以為她是為了沒(méi)選家人 而選擇跟朋友一起 所以有些內(nèi)疚
[22:00.22]About choosing friends over family
[22:03.13]Well,you know that's the biggest struggle 這個(gè)年紀(jì)的女孩子 最頭痛的就是這個(gè)
[22:05.54]With a girl of her age. Memory doesn't serve... 我印象中卻沒(méi)有...
[22:08.73]Trying to reconcile who you're becoming 努力在自己逐漸變成的那個(gè)人 和以前的自己間周旋
[22:10.11]With who you used to be
[22:11.73]She's been running herself ragged,Mr Humphrey 她把自己逼的焦頭爛額 Humphrey先生
[22:14.48]Swedling two worlds?Well,I know she was running herself ragged 在兩個(gè)世界之間掙扎?
[22:16.02]我知道她為了進(jìn)入其中一個(gè)圈子 把自己逼得焦頭爛額...
[22:18.20]Trying to get into one of those worlds
[22:19.84]Picking up dry cleaning,gowns for masked balls... 取干洗的衣服 準(zhǔn)備化妝舞會(huì)的禮服
[22:25.35]Well,it's no easier once you're in. 一旦進(jìn)入那個(gè)圈子 就沒(méi)這么簡(jiǎn)單了
[22:29.16]She needs some relief. 她需要松口氣
[22:33.36]Well,then that's what she'll get. 那么就讓她透口氣
[22:35.38]Whatever I can do to help. 我愿意全力效勞
[22:43.28]Oh,thank god. 哦 謝天謝地
[22:44.36]Betty? Hi. Excuse me. Um... Betty?
[22:47.09]Would you pardon me for a moment,please?? 請(qǐng)給我?guī)追昼?br /> [22:48.83]I need to trade back 我需要換回來(lái)
[22:49.70]All right,you can keep the scarf and the shoes, 你可以留著披肩和鞋子
[22:51.21]- I'm sorry,but that's just not gonna be possible. - what? Why? 但是我要把這個(gè)還給你 換回這件紅色的
[22:53.25]不好意思 甜心 但這是不可能的
[22:58.86]You know,when you leave here with an item, 什么? 為什么啊?
[22:58.77]要知道 你一旦帶著一樣商品離開 就意味著你是認(rèn)同它的價(jià)值
[23:00.99]You're agreeing to its value.
[23:02.93]The dolce sold at $1,200. "杜嘉班納"售價(jià)1200塊
[23:05.28]The valentino... Is seven times that. 而這件"華倫天奴"
[23:09.65]Please look,this has sentimental value, 你看 這是有紀(jì)念意義的一件衣服
[23:12.03]- And I didn't realize - no,I'm sorry. - 我沒(méi)料到會(huì)... - 不 很抱歉
[23:14.53]A couple of hours ago,this dress was mine,all right? 幾個(gè)小時(shí)前 這裙子還是我的 好吧?
[23:16.86]Doesn't even have tags on it yet. 這上面都還沒(méi)掛價(jià)格標(biāo)簽?zāi)?br /> [23:18.23]Look,it's not my fault 你不知道一件"華倫天奴"的價(jià)值 并不是我的錯(cuò)
[23:20.63]That you don't know what a valentino's worth.
[23:37.96]Hello? Nate,it's Jenny. - 喂? - Nate 我是Jenny
[23:39.42]- What's going on? - Listen,I wouldn't be calling you 發(fā)生什么事了?
[23:40.06]如果我可以找其他人幫忙 我也不會(huì)打電話給你
[23:41.61]I have anyone else to turn to, 但我做了件錯(cuò)事 需要彌補(bǔ)
[23:42.67]But I made a mistake,and I need to fix it,
[23:45.02]- And I really need borrow some money.I - Jenny,just slow down. 我真的需要借些錢
[23:46.13]等等 Jenny 慢點(diǎn)說(shuō)
[23:48.31]- I promise I'll pay you back. - Is everything okay? 我保證會(huì)還給你的
[23:50.77]- Ah,I just--I madea mistake,and I need to fix it. - well,how much? 你還好么?
[23:50.62]還好 我只是--我犯了個(gè)錯(cuò) 需要彌補(bǔ)
[23:54.56]$8,000. 那要多少錢?
[23:56.11]$8,000? Jenny,what do you need that kind of money for? 八千塊?
[24:00.47]You know what? Forget it. I'm sorry I bothered you. 我想還是算了吧 抱歉打攪你
[24:09.76]The price of fitting in 融入這個(gè)圈子(明指穿上這件裙子) 的代價(jià)貌似越發(fā)的沉重
[24:11.37]Might have gotten a little steeper...
[24:14.98]But little J. Still knows 但 小J依舊知道
[24:16.76]It's what's underneath that counts. 蘊(yùn)含其中的才是最重要的
[24:26.73]Well,we could put this one on a mylar tablecloth 我們可以鋪上聚酯薄膜桌布 把這盆放在上面 來(lái)個(gè)猶太成年禮得了
[24:29.15]And pretend it's a bar mitzvah.
[24:31.02]那好 我們?cè)倏纯雌渌x擇
[24:33.58]Oh,there you are. I have a date with Dan. 你在這
[24:36.40]Could you excuse us? 我和Dan有約的
[24:39.42]You're gonna say something worse than the bar mitzvah remark? 你要說(shuō)些比"猶太成人禮"更損的話?
[24:42.11]Serena,I think we should talk about any feelings Serena我覺(jué)得我們應(yīng)該談?wù)?br /> [24:44.23]You might be having about my upcoming marriage. 你對(duì)我即將到來(lái)的婚姻的感受
[24:47.01]Ay,but you're asking me this now because... 好吧 但是你現(xiàn)在問(wèn)我是因?yàn)?
[24:51.14]Cause I got a call from your headmistress 因?yàn)槟銈兣iL(zhǎng)打電話給我
[24:54.24]Who said that there was something 她說(shuō)了一箱酒的事?
[24:56.50]About a case of alcohol?
[25:00.74]Well,I thought you may be acting out. 我覺(jué)得你可能是借此來(lái)發(fā)泄?
[25:03.72]Great,mom. I actually woke up this morning,and I thought, 是的 媽媽
[25:04.52]事實(shí)上 今早起床后我想 "嗯..."
[25:06.54]Mm. I'm a little uncertain about my mother's wedding. "我對(duì)我媽的婚姻不是很確定"
[25:08.93]"why don't I invite the entire junior class "不如請(qǐng)全部的三年級(jí)生在校園里 來(lái)個(gè)香檳祝酒?"
[25:10.88]Out to the courtyard for a champagne toast. - You have whole things like this before.
[25:15.19]Obviously,Chuck's master plan is working. 顯然 Chuck的密謀大計(jì)奏效了
[25:17.83]Can't believe you think Chuck is doing these things. 沒(méi)想到你會(huì)覺(jué)得Chuck會(huì)做這種事
[25:20.27]Looking good to everyone in my life isn't enough for him. 討好我生活中的所有人 對(duì)他來(lái)說(shuō)遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠
[25:22.80]He has to make me look bad or crazy.. 他還得讓我丟臉 貌似瘋癲
[25:24.82]Well,Chuck may be eccentric,but I doubt he's diabolical. Chuck或許有點(diǎn)特立獨(dú)行 但我想他不會(huì)這么惡劣
[25:28.35]What's he done now? 他又做了什么?
[25:37.73]I'll tell you what he's done. 我來(lái)告訴你他做了什么
[25:44.07]Surprise! 驚喜!
[25:46.97]Wow. 生日快樂(lè) Jenny
[25:47.70]Happy birthday,Jenny.
[25:49.44]Um,dad,I ca--I can't believe you did all this. 老爸 真不敢相信你安排了這些...
[25:54.59]And,uh,Blair's here. 而且 呃 Blair居然也在
[25:58.84]Um,this is so great 太好了 你們都在我家
[26:01.59]That all of you are here
[26:04.02]In my house.
[26:08.67]I should go change. 我去換個(gè)衣服
[26:14.16]- Uh,you got it? - Okay. - 你來(lái)拿? - 好的
[26:18.53]Don'think she was surprised. 我覺(jué)得她好像不怎么驚喜
[26:20.35]- What's Blair doing here? - I don't know. Blair在這做什么?
[26:22.45]- This party's kind of weird. - Weird? It's time for its induction 我不知道
[26:25.84]To the birthday hall of lame. 是時(shí)候把這個(gè)派對(duì)編入 "最爛生日派對(duì)大典"了
[26:27.93]So not what I pictured 那人在電話里說(shuō)要開"閣樓派對(duì)"時(shí) 我想象的可跟這大相徑庭
[26:29.16]the guy on the phone about the loft party. - Can't believe we gave up our table for this.
[26:30.68]真不敢相信我們竟為了這個(gè) 而放棄了定位
[26:32.92]Mint mojitos at socialista, 本來(lái)可以在Socialista暢飲薄荷摩基托 卻落得在這里吃Jenny老爸的薄荷朱古力餅
[26:34.92]Mint milanos with Jenny's dad.
[26:37.29]He's kind of a hottie. 他也蠻帥的呢
[26:39.21]Yeah,a hottie dad. 是啊 一個(gè)帥爸爸
[26:41.43]How long do we have to stay? 我們得呆多久?
[26:42.86]Rice krispie treats? 酥米餅大餐?
[26:52.09]- You can't believe how mad Bart was. - Yes,I can, 你想像不到Bart有多生氣
[26:55.11]'Cause you've told me about three times. 不 我能 你都說(shuō)了3遍了
[26:57.06]Wonder what they're gonna do to him. 我想知道他們會(huì)怎么懲罰他
[26:58.56]- I wish I could see his face. - Hey,you know what? I've got some stories,too, 真希望能看到他的表情
[26:59.77]嘿 你知道嗎? 我也有些故事
[27:01.40]Uh,about seeing my mother 關(guān)于我媽在圣誕節(jié)離家出走后 我第一次去見(jiàn)她的故事
[27:03.20]For the first time since she left at christmas. 我是個(gè)最糟糕的女朋友
[27:04.50]- I'm the worst girlfriend. - No,you're not.you're not. 不 你不是 不 不是
[27:06.00]And there's the funny visit to my grandma 還有一次是去養(yǎng)老院探望我祖母的 有趣經(jīng)歷...
[27:07.40]At the old folks' home--
[27:09.40]- Two women,a sponge bath and a bedpan. - I'm sorry,you're right. 兩個(gè)女人 一個(gè)海綿擦浴 外加一個(gè)便盆
[27:13.30]I wanna be here right now with you. 對(duì)不起 你是對(duì)的
[27:17.40]- And--and Nate. - What? - 然后... 還有Nate - 什么?
[27:20.63]Hey,guys. - 嘿 你們好 - 嘿
[27:22.00]- hey - hey - 嘿 - 抱歉打斷你們
[27:23.00]Sorry to interrupt. Your mom told me you guys were here. 你媽說(shuō)你們倆在這兒
[27:24.30]Can I speak with you for one second,Dan? 能和你說(shuō)兩句嗎 Dan?
[27:28.00]Uh,yeah.Yeah,sure. 呃 好的
[27:29.21]好的 當(dāng)然
[27:32.93]All right. Okay. 好 好
[27:37.93]So have you spoken with your sister at all today? 嘿 你今天跟你妹妹說(shuō)過(guò)話嗎?
[27:39.70]- no. Why? What's wrong? - I don't know she just called me. 沒(méi) 沒(méi)有 干嘛? 有什么問(wèn)題嗎?
[27:42.43]She was really freaked out,didn't know where to turn. 我...我不知道 她剛剛打電話給我
[27:42.12]她完全嚇壞了 不知找誰(shuí)幫忙
[27:44.46]- She asked to borrow $8,000. - What? Why? 她問(wèn)我借8000美元
[27:47.36]Yeah,I don't know. I tried to get her - 什么? 為什么? - 是的 我不知道
[27:48.33]Tell me what was going on,but she wouldn't say anything. 我試圖問(wèn)明白到底出了什么事
[27:53.50]Please? Dad,just get out,okay I need to change! 求你了?
[27:54.19]爸爸 出去 我要換衣服!
[27:56.46]- Honey,can't you tell me what's going on? - nothing,just leave! 寶貝兒 你就不能告訴我出了什么事嗎?
[27:59.30]- Are you crying? Are you upset about the party? - No,can we talk about this later,okay? 沒(méi)事 爸爸 可以了嗎? 你出去吧!
[28:00.08]- 你不喜歡這個(gè)派對(duì)嗎? - 不是 我沒(méi)有
[28:01.41]我們晚點(diǎn)再談這個(gè) 好嗎?
[28:03.30]Really just need to get out of this dress. 我真的必須脫下這條裙子
[28:06.20]Uhh,it's stuck! 哎呀! 卡住了!
[28:07.86]Okay,all right. 好 好吧
[28:08.43]Just help me,okay? Help me get it off. 幫幫我? 幫我把它脫下來(lái)
[28:11.36]- Honey,you have to calm down. - No,hurry up. Jenny 你得冷靜下來(lái)
[28:13.20]- Did you get it? - I need a pair of pliers. 不行 快點(diǎn)
[28:14.21]- 行了嗎? - 我需要個(gè)鉗子
[28:17.06]Dad... 爸爸
[28:21.16]Sorry. Sorry. We were just looking for our wraps. 抱歉 對(duì)不起
[28:22.53]I'll get them. 我們只是在找我們的披肩
[28:22.90]我?guī)湍銈兡?br /> [28:27.20]Oh,my god. 哦 天啊
[28:28.20]That's my mother's dress. 那是我媽的裙子
[28:30.16]No,you guys,I got this--at resurrection. 不 大家聽我說(shuō) 這是我在...二手商店買的
[28:32.70]Remember,I was telling you 記得嗎 我說(shuō)過(guò)我買到了一條超棒的裙子?
[28:34.66]- About the really great dress I bought? - Her mother's one-of-a-kind valentino 而她母親獨(dú)家定制的華倫天奴 碰巧從衣柜里憑空消失?
[28:36.66]That just happened to disappear from her closet. - She must have given it away, forgotten or something.
[28:42.20]Are you calling my daughter a thief? 你們是在指控我女兒是個(gè)賊?
[28:43.60]Well-- excuse me. - 那個(gè) - 借過(guò)
[28:46.70]This feels private,so I'm gonna head out now. 看上去這是私人事件 所以我先告辭了
[28:53.20]I have a table at butter. 我在Butter定了位子
[28:55.00]Reservation's under Waldorf,in case there's an after party. 用Waldorf名定的位 以防生日會(huì)后派對(duì)之需
[29:05.16]Spotted-- Jenny in a red dress Jenny身著的紅裙正好有"贓手"陪襯
[29:07.33]With the red hands to match.
[29:10.53]Looks like other disgrace is the name on the label. 就好像標(biāo)簽上寫的是"無(wú)比恥辱"
[29:19.26]Blair said they told you Blair說(shuō) 原定派對(duì)落空了
[29:21.40]The original party had fallen through
[29:23.30]That they could surprise you with a better one. 她們想用個(gè)更好的派對(duì)給你個(gè)驚喜
[29:26.10]Blair's a liar. You got played. Blair是個(gè)騙子
[29:28.20]She also said that you were afraid 你被耍了
[29:32.10]The girls wouldn't accept everything about you. 她知道你錯(cuò)了
[29:36.93]She knew you were wrong. She wanted you to feel like you had nothing to be ashamed of. 那也是謊言嗎?
[29:37.13]Was that a lie,too?
[29:44.63]Where did you get the dress? 這裙子你哪兒弄來(lái)的?
[29:47.30]And I know you didn't make it, 我知道不是你做的 因?yàn)槟愕目p紉機(jī)不見(jiàn)了
[29:48.46]Cause your sewing machine is gone.
[29:55.13]You have no idea how hard it is,dad. 我不明白這有多難 爸爸
[29:57.70]I sold my sewing machine,okay? 我把我的縫紉機(jī)賣了 可以了嗎?
[30:00.43]- What? - Ah,and a lamp and some jewelry. 什么?
[30:02.50]Why? 是的 還有個(gè)臺(tái)燈 和一些首飾
[30:04.60]Because i had to. 為什么?
[30:04.57]因?yàn)槲也坏貌?br /> [30:06.40]Dad,did you think that you can just send me off to school 爸爸 你認(rèn)為讓我穿著花格呢子裙
[30:09.50]Th a plaid skirt and a metrocard, 口袋里揣張地鐵卡 把我送去學(xué)校 然后什么事都沒(méi)了?
[30:10.56]And everything will be okay. I am not apologizing 我不會(huì)為沒(méi)能給你一架私人飛機(jī) 而道歉 Jenny
[30:13.56]For not having a private plane for you,jenny.
[30:17.26]U think i'm ashamed of where i come from? 你以為我是在為我的出身覺(jué)得丟臉?
[30:20.53]No,dad,what i a ashamed of 不 爸爸 讓我丟臉的是我不得不帶個(gè) 牛皮紙午餐袋去學(xué)校
[30:23.13]Having to bring a brown-bag lunch to school,
[30:25.13]D,you know,eat it in the bathroom, 然后 你知道嗎 躲在洗手間吃
[30:27.13]And then go out with my friends 再和我的朋友們一起出去
[30:28.23]And pretend that i'm not hungry 等我和她們一起去吃午餐的時(shí)候 還要假裝自己不餓
[30:29.26]When i go to lunch with them.
[30:34.00]U don't have to do those things,jenny. 你不用這么做的 Jenny
[30:37.00]You're making a choice. 你在做選擇
[30:39.43]Why don't you get? 你怎么就不明白呢?
[30:42.26]Do you want me to choose to have no friends? 你想讓我選擇一個(gè)朋友都沒(méi)有?
[30:46.30]Look,clearly, 好的 很顯然 我的意思是 現(xiàn)在連一個(gè)選擇都沒(méi)了
[30:47.83]I mean,that's not even a choice anymore, 因?yàn)閯倓偠纪炅?br /> [30:49.20]Because that's just done.
[30:57.30]I should probably get back. 貌似我該回去了
[30:59.00]Well,thank you for staying with me 好吧 感謝在我躲避我的恐怖之家時(shí) 有你的陪伴
[31:01.93]- while i hid out from my house of horrors. - Oh,no problem. 哦 沒(méi)事啦
[31:04.00],do you think jennyll be all right? Yeah,dan's a good guy. 哦 你想Jenny會(huì)沒(méi)事嗎?
[31:05.36]He'll take care of her. 是的 Dan是個(gè)好人 他會(huì)照顧好她的
[31:08.36]U are,too,you know,a good guy-- 你也是 你明白 一個(gè)好人...
[31:11.23]A forgiving guy 會(huì)寬恕的人 不會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)記恨Blair?
[31:13.53]Who can't pit himself against blair forever.
[31:17.03]good night.i'm sorry you gave me an opening. 晚安
[31:19.56]Couldn't resist. I'm just saying. 對(duì)不起 你開了個(gè)頭 我忍不住
[31:22.23]- How are you doing,man? - Night. - 我只是說(shuō)說(shuō) - 你好嗎 小子?
[31:24.23]- Hey. - Hey. 嘿 嘿
[31:25.00]- Where have you been? - Therapy. 你去哪兒了?
[31:27.00]For four hours?,well,before i was--i was playing wii tennis with chuck 心理治療
[31:28.36]好吧 之前我在...
[31:30.47]我和Chuck在一個(gè)叫Brantforth的人 家里玩Wii網(wǎng)球游戲來(lái)著
[31:32.16]At this guy named brantfthth's house? 你干嘛和他混在一起?
[31:34.06]why are you hanging out with him? Brantforth?
[31:37.00]Chuck is fun,okay? Chuck很有趣 好嗎?
[31:39.00]He's cool to me,and he doesn't treat me like some freak 他對(duì)我挺好的
[31:41.16]- At just out the ostroff center. - Who treats you like that? 而且他沒(méi)當(dāng)我是個(gè)剛從Ostroff 康復(fù)中心出來(lái)的怪人那樣對(duì)待
[31:44.73]guys at st. Jude's,the girls at constance, 圣-猶太的男生和康斯坦思的女生 還有"蘇克"?
[31:47.00]- A at the korean deli on 75TH street. - Eric... 那家第75大街上的韓國(guó)熟食店
[31:49.99]And he's not--he's not always caref a around me, Eric
[31:50.40]而他不是 在我身邊的時(shí)候 他不會(huì)一直小心翼翼
[31:53.13]Like--like one bad thing,and i'll break or something. 就像是... 像是件壞事 然后我會(huì)爆發(fā)或怎樣
[31:56.43]Besides,i always wanted a brother. 況且 我一直想要個(gè)哥哥
[31:58.46]I'm trying it out,you know? Here. 我正在摸索當(dāng)中 知道嗎?
[32:02.00]what's this? chuck said it came for you this morning. 這是什么?
[32:04.03]Thought you might want to open it out of the house, Chuck說(shuō)這是今早給你送來(lái)的
[32:03.96]他覺(jué)得你在外頭打開 以防萬(wàn)一
[32:06.00]Just in case.why didn't he bring it to me himself? 他干嘛不自己給我?
[32:19.33]Cause he thought you wanted him to stay away from you. 你覺(jué)得一個(gè)利用你運(yùn)毒的哥哥如何?
[32:16.00]Whoa. Is that coke?
[32:18.20]How do you like a brother who use you as a drug mule?
[32:22.10]Serena,i. Serena 我...
[32:31.26]Hey. Who turned 12? 嘿
[32:33.03]Oh,please don't rub it in. 有誰(shuí)12歲了嗎?
[32:33.57]哦 求你別再提了
[32:40.23]Dad,what happened? 爸爸 出什么事了?
[32:54.66]Hey. 嘿
[32:56.23]You okay? 你沒(méi)事吧?
[33:00.00]You wanna tell me why you needed to borrow $8,000? 想告訴我你為什么要借8000美元嗎?
[33:03.33]Not really. 不太想
[33:07.20]H,i can't believe nate told you. 真不敢相信Nate告訴你了
[33:09.00]Well,he was worried about you, 他很擔(dān)心你
[33:10.96]At you might be turning into some hideous upper et t cyborg. 擔(dān)心你變成丑陋的上東區(qū)半機(jī)械人
[33:14.00]He said that? 他說(shuō)的?
[33:15.10]No. No,i did. 不 不 我說(shuō)的
[33:20.96]Just got in way over my head. 事情超出了我的控制
[33:23.00]U know,i thought i could trade the dress 你知道 我以為我可以交換那條裙子
[33:26.73]wear it that night and return it, 然后今晚穿完 再還回去 但是
[33:29.10]But just...
[33:36.53]Look,uh... 你瞧 呃
[33:38.20]It's your birthday, 今天是你的生日 所以我想我們?cè)搧?lái)點(diǎn)兒冰淇淋
[33:40.00]I think we should get some ice cream,
[33:42.00]And we can talk about all this stuff later,okay? 稍候我們?cè)賮?lái)談這件事情 好嗎?
[33:46.43]Okay. 好的
[33:47.33]I'll just let dad know what we're gonna do. 我去跟爸說(shuō)一聲
[33:53.13]Jen,ouou--you have so much more to offer Jenny你--你有比那些女孩 擁有更多東西 真的
[33:55.20]Than the things that those girls have,really.
[33:57.13]You've got so much more to bring to the table. 你有更多的天賦需要展現(xiàn)
[34:00.23]You just need to find a way to believe that. 你只需要試著相信這一點(diǎn)
[34:21.30]What the hell is your problem? 你有什么毛病?
[34:23.40]Specify the context. 說(shuō)清楚上下文
[34:26.23]You disgust me,chuck. 你讓我惡心 Chuck
[34:27.93]How dare you involve eric in something like this? 你怎么敢把Eric卷入這種勾當(dāng)?
[34:30.10]No wonder you're friendless and girlfriendless. 怪不得你既沒(méi)朋友又沒(méi)女朋友
[34:32.13]- En your own father expects the worst from you - well,you saw to that. 甚至你自己的爸爸都不對(duì)你 抱什么希望
[34:34.66]好的 你看出來(lái)了
[34:36.20]Listen,if we're gonna exist under the same roof, 聽著 如果我們要存在于同一個(gè)屋檐下
[34:38.26]- I am laying down some house rules - no need,princes bart already kicked me out. 我就得定一些家規(guī)
[34:40.16]沒(méi)必要了 公主殿下 Bart已經(jīng)把我趕出去了
[34:44.00]What? 什么?
[34:44.50]I'm moving back to my suite. 我正要搬回我的套房
[34:46.50]Bart thought it would be best for family be that way for a while Bart認(rèn)為這個(gè)家要融合在一起 沒(méi)有我一陣子會(huì)最好
[35:05.20]There's a line outside. 外面大排長(zhǎng)龍
[35:06.20]U ready to give up you're table yet? 您準(zhǔn)備放棄您的桌子了嗎?
[35:09.23]No. My party's coming. 不 我的派對(duì)正要開始
[35:11.76]They're coming! 她們快來(lái)了!
[35:24.00]These seats taken? 這里有人嗎?
[35:28.10]Any good general knows 任何出色的將領(lǐng)都知道 在士兵面前要表現(xiàn)的不費(fèi)吹灰之力
[35:30.00]U never let your soldiers see you sweat.
[35:34.00]Look's like this battle's ending at butter, 看上去這場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)役在Butter畫下了句點(diǎn) 而勝利屬于B
[35:35.26]And the win belongs to b.
[35:40.20]Victory is sweet. 勝利是甜蜜的
[35:45.00]i don't want jenny leave this house, ok? 我不想Jenny那么快離開家 可以嗎?
[35:47.00]I-i know,dad,but is,s,you know,it's her birthday, 我-我知道 爸爸 但 你知道 今天是她的生日
[35:48.40]- and i kind of promised. - well,since when you do the decisions around here 而且我都跟她說(shuō)好了
[35:49.76]好吧 鑒于這個(gè)家不是你說(shuō)了算
[35:52.00]- she'll just ha t to take thatth a gr - i'm sorry so what are you gonna do? 看來(lái)她就只有忍氣吞聲了
[35:55.00]Are you just gonna keep her locked up? 好吧 對(duì)不起
[35:57.00]I don't know. 就把她鎖在家里?
[36:02.20]last week,aspen. This week,prison? 上個(gè)星期 去阿斯本度假
[36:05.36]Yeah,well,spring break is over for everyone, 這個(gè)星期 送她坐牢?
[36:05.61]沒(méi)錯(cuò) 好吧 對(duì)所有人來(lái)說(shuō) 春假都結(jié)束了 包括我
[36:08.00]Including myself
[36:10.20]Really took my eyes off the ball. 我真的太大意了
[36:12.23]so...so what do you want to do? 呃 所以--所以你打算怎么做呢?
[36:18.16]Why don't we just celebrate 15 我們干嘛不就在廚房吃點(diǎn)Jenny的蛋糕 來(lái)慶祝她的15歲生日呢?
[36:21.20]with some jenny cake in the kitchen?
[36:23.20]Ay. All right. I'll go tell her. 好吧
[36:24.48]好 我去告訴她
[36:30.00]So,jen 那個(gè) Jenny 我們...
[36:37.10]She's gone. - 她不見(jiàn)了 - 什么?
[36:38.00]What? 她不在里面 她不見(jiàn)了
[36:38.53]She's not in there. She's gone.
[36:49.40]hey 嘿
[36:51.73]Uh,i'm sorry for calling you like that earlier. 呃 很抱歉像之前那樣打給你
[36:54.40]i'm so embarrassed.
[36:56.80]Anan,it was stupid and--and inappropriate-- 太丟臉了
[36:59.10]No,no,no,no. Listen,i'm just glad you're okay. - 我的意思是 那樣既愚蠢又--又失禮 - 不 不 不 不
[37:00.28]聽著 我只是很高興你沒(méi)事
[37:02.26]Yeah. 是的
[37:04.46]Um,okay,well,i do have a favor to ask you. 好 好吧 我是有個(gè)忙要你幫
[37:08.53]I mean,it's not money, 我的意思是 不是錢的事
[37:09.46]But i just really don't want to be alone on my birthday. 但我只是真的不想獨(dú)自度過(guò)我的生日
[37:45.46]Oh,for me? Thank you. 哦 給我的? 謝謝
[37:55.00]Oh,my god. 哦 我的天哪
[37:57.00]What's wrong? 怎么了?
[37:58.30]Nothing. 沒(méi)事
[38:01.20]I'll be back. 我馬上回來(lái)
[38:09.00]Excuse me. 勞駕
[38:09.80]Cuse me! 勞駕!
[38:12.53]I'm going to the bar. 我要去吧臺(tái)
[38:14.36]What? 什么?
[38:15.43]Bar! 吧臺(tái)!
[38:17.50]We'll be right back. 我們馬上回來(lái)
[38:24.20]Where are all the hot guys? 帥哥們都在哪兒?
[38:27.00]i don't know. 不知道
[38:28.63]- they don't exactly serve tea and cupcake - 20 minutes. 呃 這兒確實(shí)不供應(yīng)茶和紙杯蛋糕 Jenny
[38:32.50]Is this really happening? 就20分鐘
[38:36.00]Penepepe,you know nate,right? Penepepe 你知道Nate 對(duì)吧?
[38:37.73]Of course. Hi. - 當(dāng)然 嗨 - 嗨
[38:39.76]Hi. Uh,how are you? good to see you again 呃 你好嗎?
[38:47.36]HE kills' "sour cherry" PLAYING) Hazel 我想也許是 你媽媽把那條華倫天奴扔了
[38:48.63]Hazel,i think maybe your mom
[38:49.60]give away that valentino.
[38:51.70]Yeah,she is always cleaning out her closet, 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 她經(jīng)常清理她的衣柜
[38:53.23]And that ativancan really play with her memory 而且安眠藥確實(shí)影響了她的記性
[38:58.03]*Shout when you wanna get off the ride shouthehen you wanna get off the ride*
[39:03.84]*shout when you wanna get off the ride ...*
[39:10.24]*make ...*
[39:13.10]*make my heart beat double-time
[39:15.58]*now I'm the only sour cherry on your fruit stand,right?*
[39:18.53]*Am I the only sour cherry on the fruit stand?*
[39:24.00]Hey. 嘿
[39:26.00]I'm really sorry,chuck. 真對(duì)不起 Chuck
[39:28.36]i Know it wasn't you who sent me that stuff. 我知道那東西不是你送的
[39:31.00]Never thought i'd say this, 從沒(méi)想到我會(huì)這么說(shuō) 但事實(shí)證明Chuck Bass是清白的
[39:33.20]T it turns out chuck bass is innocent.
[39:36.40]Who did send s. All those naughty gifts? 那這些惡作劇禮物是誰(shuí)送給S的呢?
[39:40.58]致S: 希望你喜歡這些禮物 我即將回城 G贈(zèng)
[39:44.63]Why don't i make you a drink? 給你來(lái)杯喝的 如何?

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