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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:39:37
[00:01.00](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy: 前情提要
[00:03.16]Derek's married. derek結(jié)婚了.
[00:05.03]You waited two months to tell me 你等了兩個月 才告訴我
[00:07.14]and I had to find out by her showing up and telling me herself? 我竟然要等到她出現(xiàn)才知道這些
[00:11.11]- You had brain surgery and didn't say? - You called my wife? 而且是她來告訴我.
[00:14.01]- You called mine. - We're not divorced. 你把我老婆叫來了? 你先把我老婆叫來的.
[00:16.04]- Practically. - You had counseling? 其實并不是我們真的離婚了. 事實上的確離婚了.
[00:18.01]We had adultery. 你們?nèi)セ橐鲎稍兲幜藛? 我們有通奸,足夠了.
[00:19.18]- It's best to make a clean break. - Oh, you're ending this. 我覺得最好來一個徹底的了斷. 哦,你想結(jié)束了.
[00:22.05]I'm pregnant. 我懷孕了.
[00:23.45]Have you bothered to tell Burke about the baby? 你有想過告訴burke 關(guān)于這個孩子嗎?
[00:25.99]The clinic wouldn't let me confirm my appointment 門診沒有批準我的預(yù)約
[00:28.62]unless I designated an emergency contact person. 除非我可以提供一個突發(fā)事件聯(lián)絡(luò)人.
[00:31.46]- You're my person. - I am? 你是我的人.
[00:33.43]I heard your mother was leaving Mayo. She going back with the UN? -我是嗎? -我聽說你媽媽要離開mayo.
[00:36.80]She's, uh, taking time off. 她要和聯(lián)合國救援隊回來嗎?
[00:39.30]- What's your name? - It's me, Mom. Meredith. 她只是..嗯... 正在休養(yǎng).
[00:42.20](Sighs) 是我,媽媽,meredith.
[00:51.65](Yang) You are stupid. Oh, God. 哦,你這個傻瓜. 哦,天啊.
[00:55.32]You're a stupid evil sadist and I want to kill you. 你這是個大傻瓜 邪惡虐待者
[00:58.75](Meredith) Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. 我要殺了你! 快感神經(jīng)真棒.
[01:02.02]This is supposed to make us feel better. 快感神經(jīng)是一架心情電梯.
[01:04.13](Yang) Oh, God. Do you feel better? 這個應(yīng)該是我們感覺好起來的.
[01:05.03]哦,天啊. 你感覺好點了嗎?
[01:07.36](Meredith) I'm stupid. 我真傻.
[01:09.06](Yang) Slutty mistress. 放浪的情婦.
[01:10.97](Meredith) Pregnant whore. 懷孕的妓女.
[01:12.60](Yang) Sleeping with our bosses was a great idea. 和老板上床真是個好辦法.
[01:19.37]You know what's ruined for me? 你知道毀滅對我來說是什么嗎?
[01:22.41]Ferryboats. I used to love ferryboats. And Derek's got a thing for ferryboats. 渡船.
[01:28.12]Now every time I see a freaking ferryboat... 然后Derek對渡船也情有獨鐘.
[01:30.45]You know what's ruined for me? 現(xiàn)在每當我看到一艘奇異的渡船...
[01:32.62]Coronary artery bypass grafts. 你知道毀滅對我來說意味著什么嗎?
[01:35.29]And aortic aneurysms. God, I used to love aortic aneurysms. 還有動脈瘤.
[01:42.13](Meredith) Surgeons are control freaks. 醫(yī)生控制怪異發(fā)生.
[01:44.70]With a scalpel in your hand... 當你的手握著手術(shù)刀的時候...
[01:46.94]Oh, crap! 哦,真糟糕. 你感覺無法停止.
[01:48.00]...you feel unstoppable.
[01:51.21]There's no fear, there's no pain. 沒有恐懼,沒有痛苦
[01:53.94]- Have you cried yet? - Hello. 你哭過了嗎? 嘿.
[01:55.91]You're ten feet tall and bulletproof. 你身高10英尺,并且刀槍不入.
[01:58.38]Do you think we'd feel better if we cried? You know, just let it out? 你覺得如果我們哭的話,會感覺好點嗎?
[02:04.45]Probably. Yeah. 也許會吧
[02:05.85]And then you leave the OR. 然后你離開手術(shù)室...
[02:10.96]- Do you want to cry now? - No. -你現(xiàn)在就想哭? -不.
[02:12.59]OK, let's jog. 好吧,我們來..我們來散步.
[02:14.16]And all that perfection, 所有這一切,才是完美
[02:16.63]all that beautiful control, 所有一切漂亮的操縱
[02:19.50]just falls to crap. 再開始一團糟.
[02:21.94](Lzzie laughs)
[02:23.84]What is she doing? 她到底在干嗎?
[02:26.21]She's hanging out with Alex. 她在泡Alex.
[02:28.74]Why? 為什么?
[02:32.55]I don't know. I think they might be friends. 我不知道
[02:37.92]Do another one. 做另外一個.
[02:42.26](As Jodie Foster) "Make the lambs stop screaming." 讓那羊羔別再笑了
[02:48.33]You guys are wrong about him. Once you get to know him, he's really sweet. 你們對他有誤會對嗎?
[02:52.13]- He's Alex. - Punk ass. 他是Alex. 混帳東西.
[02:53.77]Grey. Izzie said you have tapes of your mom performing surgery. Hey,grey issze告訴我
[02:57.17]I'd kill to see the Ellis Grey in action. 你有你媽媽公開手術(shù)的錄像.
[02:59.47]Maybe you can come over tonight and we can all watch it together. Right? hey,或者你今晚可以過來.
[03:03.31]Oh, yeah. If this were a hell dimension. 然后我們可以大家一起看了,對嗎?
[03:06.05]- (Yang) Run away, pig boy. - Do you have a thing for Alex? 快走吧,蠢貨
[03:09.95]- No. - (Yang) Oh... 你為Alex準備了什么特別的嗎?
[03:11.42]I don't. 沒有. 哦.
[03:12.49]Are we saving lives or having a tea party? Walk faster. 我沒有.
[03:20.86](Elevator bell)
[03:27.47](Clears throat)
[03:28.70]Nice hat. 帽子不錯.
[03:30.77]- Shut up. - What are you doing here? 閉嘴.
[03:32.97]- Going back to work. - You're not cleared for surgery. 你在這里干嗎?
[03:35.84]Leave me alone. I've been sitting home for a week. 你的手術(shù)還沒徹底清除.
[03:38.58]Watching Oprah give away things on TV. Oprah, Derek. 我在家里休養(yǎng)了整整一個星期,
[03:43.48]You clear me now or I'll hurt you. 你如果不幫我清理干凈,我就揍你.
[03:45.59]You should've thought about me clearing you before you gave Chief to Burke 如果你想我盡快幫你清理干凈,
[03:49.46]- and invited Satan to Seattle. - Satan? 并把魔鬼弄來西雅圖. 魔鬼?
[03:51.63]- Good morning. Richard, I like the hat. - Satan speaks. 早上好. Richard,帽子真漂亮.
[03:56.43]I prefer to be called Ruler Of All That Is Evil, but I will answer to Satan. 魔鬼在說話.
[03:58.32]惡魔統(tǒng)治者, 但是我會回答魔鬼的.
[04:01.84]- Why is she still here? - I asked her to stay. 她還在這里干嗎? 我請她留下來的.
[04:04.27]We have a pediatric surgery attending on maternity leave. 我們這里有一個兒科主治醫(yī)生
[04:07.81]Actually, I could use you on a consult. Will you meet me up there, Derek? 正在休產(chǎn)假.
[04:12.58]- Yeah. Fine. - See you, Richard. 好,當然. 待會見,richard.
[04:14.48]- (Richard) Nice lady. - I'm not clearing you for surgery. 多好的女人.
[04:17.49]Fine. I can catch up on my paperwork. 我不會幫你做清理手術(shù)
[04:20.09](Elevator bell)
[04:21.29]Mr. Gaston is scheduled for resection non-small cell carcinoma today. Gaston先生今天預(yù)約了一個
[04:25.39]He did well overnight, has remained afebrile. 非小細胞癌癥切除手術(shù).
[04:28.06]He's had a dose of ceftriaxone this morning. 他今天早上吃了一劑頭孢抗生素.
[04:30.70]His pre-op labs are unremarkable. 他之前的檢查結(jié)果值得注意.
[04:32.77]His chest X-rays, um, are unchanged from the previous. 他的胸部X光沒有任何變化.
[04:35.97]I own a couple of dry-cleaning stores. 我欠一對夫婦一個洗衣店.
[04:38.34]Never believed it about inhaling the chemicals. 我從來沒相信過他們說的
[04:40.94]We're going do everything we can for you, Mr. Gaston. 關(guān)于吸入化學品.但是...
[04:43.88]Did Oncology see him yet? 腫瘤科的來過了嗎?
[04:47.18]They're waiting for the surgical path. 他們還在等手術(shù)前檢查結(jié)果.
[04:49.32]- Thank you, Dr. Yang. - You're welcome, Dr. Burke. 謝謝你,yang醫(yī)生.
[04:53.99]I know, I just think you should still tell him about the baby 我了解,但是我還是認為
[04:57.06]because he'd have the responsibility of having to pay. 你應(yīng)該把孩子的事情告訴他
[05:00.13]No. You know what? He will never know. It's over. 對這個孩子負責
[05:00.89]不!,聽著,他永遠也不會知道這件事的 都結(jié)束了
[05:02.96]After this pregnancy, Burke won't be a blip on my radar, he'll be a smudge. 一旦他知道我懷孕了
[05:07.04]- Right. - You know, Meredith. 他將變成污點. 好吧.
[05:09.54]Leave the sarcasm up to me. Really, it doesn't suit you. 聽著,meredith,
[05:14.44](Telephone rings)
[05:16.31]Kelly Roche, 23 years old, kelly roche 23歲
[05:17.68]in for an ETS for treatment of erythrophobia and hyperpyrexia. 等著做E.T.S(胸部內(nèi)窺鏡交感神經(jīng)切除術(shù)) 來治愈紅色恐懼癥
[05:20.82]- Erythrophobia? - Blushing. 并且高燒.
[05:21.86]紅色恐懼癥? 經(jīng)常性臉紅.
[05:24.32]You have any questions about the procedure? 你對程序上有什么疑問嗎?
[05:27.39]Doctor Sh... 醫(yī)生...
[05:30.12]Dr. Shepherd explained everything. He was very... helpful. Shepherd醫(yī)生解釋過一切了.
[05:34.06]He gave me some literature... Sorry. 他給了我一些資料... 抱歉.
[05:37.63]Don't be. Half the patients who come through here have the hots for Shepherd. 千萬別,這里一半的病人都經(jīng)歷過這個
[05:42.44]Dr. Karev. Karev醫(yī)生.
[05:44.37]What? It's true. 怎么?
[05:48.81]- Hey, why do you do that? - What? Hey. 你為什么那么做?
[05:51.05]Act like an ass when everyone but me is around? They already hate you. 什么? 裝成一個好人當只有我在的時候
[05:54.42]So? What? 他們非常討厭你
[05:56.55]There's a new surgical case coming up from the pit. 那又怎樣?
[05:59.22]Likely diverticulitis. Let's go. hey,馬上從pit送過來一個外科病人,
[06:01.46](PA) Any available IV nurse to the ER. Any available IV nurse to the ER.
[06:06.49](Woman) Hands off me! If I report you to the chief, you'd be out on your ass. 你給我小心點 手拿開.
[06:10.40]- Where's the chief? - (Yang) Patient's name is... 我會讓你過的非常艱難!
[06:11.13]頭兒在哪里?! 患者姓名
[06:12.90]You're all amateurs! 頭兒在哪里? 你們這群江湖庸醫(yī)!
[06:14.30]...complaining of cramping pain and diarrhea. 間歇性的抽筋,疼痛以及腹瀉癥狀.
[06:17.11]- Also suffers from... - Get away from me! Amateurs! 同時還患有...
[06:20.54]...Alzheimer's. - (Bailey) Patient's name? 庸醫(yī)!
[06:23.14]- Um... - Yang! The patient's name! alzheimer's(思覺失調(diào)). 病人的名字?
[06:24.46]快點,yang, 病人叫什么?
[06:26.48]What the hell are you doing here? 你他媽的在這里干嗎?
[06:28.72]How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm at work?! 我沒告訴過你嗎? 我告訴你多少次了
[06:32.59]- Ellis Grey. - (George) Meredith's mother. 我在工作的時候不許打擾我?! Ellis grey.
[06:35.42]Amateurs! You're amateurs! meredith'的媽媽
[06:36.18]庸醫(yī)! 你這個庸醫(yī)!
[07:06.32](Lzzie) Something you don't need to go through alone.
[07:06.62](Lzzie) Something you don't need to go through alone.
[07:09.09](All talk)
[07:10.16]You don't need to go through this alone.
[07:12.19]- Stop it! - Meredith, are you OK? 別說了,別說了,別說了!
[07:15.33]Dr. Karev, stick with the ETS case. And, Alex, her blushing impulse. Meredith,你還好嗎?
[07:16.62]Karev醫(yī)生 繼續(xù)做你的E.T.S案子,還有Alex,
[07:19.33]Not a toy for you to play with or a button to push. Understood? 她的臉紅不是你可以用來玩的玩具
[07:22.54](Yang) Meredith. My great-grandmother, she died with Alzheimer's. 更不是用來按的開關(guān),明白了嗎?
[07:26.41]- (Lzzie) Why would you say that? - Well, I'm just trying to help. 我的曾祖母也是死于alzheimer's.
[07:29.84]Izzie, the Dr. Shepherds need an intern up in the NICU. 我只是想試圖幫幫她.
[07:33.05]Wait, both of them? 需要一個實習生去n.i.c.u(新生兒深切治療室).
[07:35.08]Together? 等一下,他們一起?
[07:36.52]And me, by myself, with the two married people who hate each other. 然后我一個人和他們兩個結(jié)了婚的
[07:40.22]Go. Cristina, you're on the thoracotomy. 互相憎恨對方的人一起工作? 快去.
[07:43.16]With Burke? Can I have the hateful married couple? Christina你去開胸的那邊幫忙. 哦,幫burke醫(yī)生?
[07:46.03]OK, I'm sorry. I thought I was your resident, not your hostess. 哦,可以給我換成那對討厭的夫婦嗎?
[07:49.26]I assign, you take. Is that a problem? 照我分配的去做,有問題嗎?
[07:51.63]Is there some reason why it's inconvenient for you
[07:54.80]to spend the day in the OR learning from Dr. Burke? 和Burke學習對你來說這么困難?
[07:57.61]No, I'm very happy to be working with Dr. Burke. 沒有,和Burke醫(yī)生一起工作我非常高興.
[08:00.27]George, take care of Dr. Grey. 非常感謝.
[08:02.34]Yes. Thank you. George,照顧Grey醫(yī)生.
[08:06.55]She needs a friend right now... 她現(xiàn)在很需要一個朋友...
[08:08.92]Oh, you mean, Ellis, the... 哦,你的意思是
[08:14.12]mother. 做娘的.
[08:20.26]- Are you able to work today? - Yes. I'm fine. 你今天還能工作嗎?
[08:23.43]I would understand it if you wanted to be with your... 當然,我很好.
[08:27.13]No. My mother and I don't have the easiest... 不,我媽媽和我的相處從沒容易的...
[08:31.14]It's just better if I'm working. 如果我工作的話會好一些.
[08:34.21]- OK. You're on scut. - Excuse me? 好吧今天你去跑腿.
[08:38.08]While we take care of your mother, you can catch up on charting, 什么?
[08:41.38]run samples to the lab, go over... 你可以把病歷做完
[08:43.28]I told you, I'm fine. 送樣本去實驗室,仔細檢查...
[08:45.72]And I appreciate that you're fine. 我說了我沒事.
[08:47.79]I have to anticipate a certain level of distraction from you. 是啊,我欣賞你的堅強.
[08:50.99]Even in the face of all that fine-ness. So scut. Now. 因為今天的事情而分心的堅定
[08:58.53]- Where's the mother? - (Addison) Gone. 母親在哪里?
[09:01.30]Stuck around long enough to get the kid strung out then took off. 已經(jīng)走了.
[09:04.61]- Nice, huh? - Addison... 然后就走了.
[09:07.01]Derek, I know it's a long shot. 不錯.嗯? Addison...
[09:08.98]You told me that you had a newborn with an invasive mass. derek 我知道這個嘗試成功率很小,我完全知道.
[09:11.88]You failed to mention she's premature, underweight and addicted to narcotics. 但是你沒提到她是早產(chǎn)兒,而且體重過輕
[09:16.28]There is no way that this baby will survive spinal surgery. 并且麻醉劑成癮.
[09:19.42]- You don't know that. - Even if she does, she's a mess. 你根本不知道.
[09:22.32]Meningitis, seizures. She'd live a short, painful life. 即使她挺過去了,她還是被遺棄了.
[09:25.39]- You don't know that. - It's my job to know. 她只有一個短暫而痛苦的生命, 你不了解.
[09:27.66]- You're not God. - Excuse me? 我的工作告訴我這些. 你并不是上帝,derek.
[09:29.23]- Sorry, honey, but you're not. - Did you call me honey? 再說一次? 對不起親愛的.
[09:32.17]- Don't call me honey. - You're not God, Dr. Shepherd. 你不能就決定... 你剛才是在叫我"親愛的"嗎?
[09:32.77]別叫我親愛的. 好吧,你不是上帝,Shepherd醫(yī)生.
[09:35.24]If a patient has a chance, which I think she does, you have a responsibility... 聽著,如果這孩子能通過任何一種機會活過來,
[09:38.07]我認為她都有這個可能 同時,你有這個責任...
[09:39.97]- Don't talk about responsibility. - You took an oath. 別和我談責任. 你把它看作宣誓了,derek.
[09:42.58]- And don't you dare talk about oaths. - Derek, I messed up. 哦,你還敢和我談宣誓.
[09:45.58]People mess up. Derek,是我搞砸了 是人都會搞砸.
[09:47.28]You slept with my friend on my favorite sheets. 你在我最喜歡的床單上和我最好的朋友做愛.
[09:49.72]- You hate the flannel sheets. - I love them. 那個法蘭絨床單? 你討厭那個法蘭絨床單.
[09:51.99]- You like the Italian sheets. - Stop talking about them. 不 我喜歡那床單.的確喜歡. 你喜歡的是那個帶花紋的意大利床單
[09:54.92]I'm sorry, I'm just gonna go. I'll go check on the labs. 你能別再談?wù)摯矄瘟藛? 好吧.
[10:01.26]- Addison, don't do this. - Derek. She's this fighter.
[10:04.07]- Look how far she's come. - Don't get attached and involved. Addison,別那么做.
[10:03.64]Derek,看,她是個斗士. 看看她已經(jīng)走出來多遠了.
[10:07.20]Just don't make her life more painful than it already is. 別白費力氣了.
[10:10.37]Derek, please. She has nobody. She needs someone to fight for her. 千萬別讓她的生命比現(xiàn)在更痛苦了.
[10:14.94]She's too far gone. We have to let her go. 她需要幫她戰(zhàn)勝病魔的人.
[10:18.18]Let her go in peace. 我們應(yīng)該讓她走,安詳?shù)淖?
[10:21.15]Fine, Derek. Walk away. 好吧 derek.你走吧.
[10:25.72]It's what you do best. 這就是你能做到的最好的.
[10:28.02]I've enjoyed the opportunity to show you my capabilities in this arena, 我非常喜歡這個機會
[10:31.73]- however brief. - Stop fishing, Preston. 在這個競技場上展示我的才華 雖然有點短暫.
[10:33.70]別胡扯了 preston.
[10:35.70]You did a good job. 你做的很好.
[10:37.47]But I'm back now and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. 但是我現(xiàn)在回來了 而且我并沒計劃
[10:42.37]I am glad that you're back. I'm just hiding my joy. 我很高興你回來了.
[10:45.17]Deep down inside. 我只不過沒表露我的高興罷了
[10:49.28]And, Chief? 還有,頭兒...
[10:53.41]The hat. 帽子...
[10:56.48]It's a little pimped out. 有點不合適.
[11:04.36]- Welcome back, Chief. - It's good to be back, Dr. Grey. 歡迎回來,頭兒.
[11:07.73]What can I do for you? 回來真好,grey醫(yī)生
[11:09.93]It's my mother, sir. 是我媽媽,先生.
[11:12.67](Woman makes announcement on PA)
[11:25.28]Sorry I didn't say sooner. I know you were close, but she made me promise. 對不起,我之前沒有告訴你.
[11:30.38]She seems to be reliving the heyday of her residency a lot these days. 她像是要重新活過
[11:36.39]And I just thought maybe if you could stop by and say hello 我想可能你會愿意什么時候看看她
[11:40.36]it would mean a lot to her. 打個招呼
[11:44.33]Oh, of course. 哦,當然,當然了.
[11:48.14]- Do you need a day off or... - Oh, no. I'm fine. 你需要休息一天嗎? 或者..
[11:53.54]Yeah. Yeah.
[11:56.38]OK. Okay.
[12:01.75]- If you could... - It's the middle of my workday, Thatch. 如果你能保持...
[12:04.72]Thatch? No, I'm Dr. O'Malley. thatch? 不,我是O'malley醫(yī)生.
[12:07.72]I'm... 我是...
[12:09.66]OK. okay.
[12:13.03]I just need to check your... 我只是需要檢查一下...
[12:15.26]I'm not in the mood to play doctor now. Hands off. I'm busy. 寶貝,我現(xiàn)在沒那個心情玩醫(yī)生游戲.
[12:18.47]George. 離我遠點,我很忙.
[12:19.80]Damn it, Thatch. I mean it. No! george.
[12:22.27](Meredith) George. George.
[12:33.68]She's allergic to penicillin. 她青霉素過敏.
[12:35.62]- Oh, yeah, it said it on her chart. - Oh. 是嗎?哦是的,病歷上面寫著呢. 哦.
[12:38.35]- You just have to be patient. - OK. 你還需要一些耐性.
[12:41.19]Do you... Um, who's Thatch? Okay. 你知道.., 誰是thatch?
[12:45.13]My dad. Thatcher. thatch是我爸爸.
[12:49.53]What did she... Is she talking about him? 她跟你.. 她有...
[12:54.14]- Yeah. - She never talks about him. 嗯,是的.
[12:57.67]- Are you all right? - No, yeah, yeah, I'm good. 她從來不提起他來.
[12:58.05]你沒事吧? 不. 我很好.
[13:01.04]Um... I can't be here.
[13:03.94]Of course, I mean, we're good here. We're great. So... OK. 我不能留在這里.
[13:04.39]當然,我的意思是說,我在這里你放心 Okay.
[13:08.28]OK. 那么.. 好吧.
[13:31.27]Dr. Shepherd? Shepherd醫(yī)生.
[13:33.41]Meredith. Meredith.
[13:35.04]I heard. Is it true? 我聽說了. 真的嗎?
[13:36.88]Yeah. Secret's out. 嗯,秘密曝光了
[13:40.82]- Dr. Shepherd... - You don't have to call me that. Shepherd醫(yī)生,我...
[13:43.25]Dr. Shepherd, I want in on a surgical case. Shepherd醫(yī)生, 我想要參加一個手術(shù)
[13:46.02]I can't just do nothing all day. 我不能一天無所事事.
[13:48.62]And you owe me this. 你欠我這個.
[13:51.73]And I never ask you for anything like this, so... 還有我從來沒要求過你這樣的事情,所以...
[13:55.06]I have an ETS this afternoon. 今天下午我有一個E.T.S
[13:57.60]You'll scrub in. 你來吧.
[14:07.91](Nurse) Here, Dr. Yang.
[14:09.61](Burke) You're late. 你遲到了.
[14:11.48]I apologize. 我道歉.
[14:16.45](Nurse) Suction.
[14:19.65](Burke) Just starting to dissect around Mr. Gaston's tumor. 我剛開始切開Gaston先生的腫瘤.
[14:25.96]I've almost got visualization. 我差不多看的很清晰了.
[14:34.40]Hey, Kelly. Hey,kelly.
[14:36.37]Dr. Sh... Dr. Shepherd. 醫(yī)生...
[14:39.37]God. Sorry. Damn it. Shepherd醫(yī)生.
[14:42.84]- Kelly? - Yep? 該死.
[14:44.91]- Kelly. - Mm-hm? Kelly. Yeah.
[14:46.48]This might be the last time that that ever happens. Kelly.
[14:49.55]How are her labs? 她的檢查結(jié)果如何?
[14:51.32]H&H are stable, chest X-rays show no acute process. H 和h 很穩(wěn)定,
[14:54.32]- Good. You ready to go? - Are you kidding? 很好,你準備好了嗎?
[14:56.76]I've been ready since the third grade. 你開玩笑呢吧? 我從三年級開始就一直準備著.
[14:58.99]Did you read the literature? You understand the possible side effects? 你讀了我給你的那些資料嗎?
[15:02.76]Compensatory sweating of the back, abdomen, thighs and legs. 補償性出汗
[15:03.94]在后背,腹部 陰部以及大腿
[15:06.00]Possible gustatory sweating. 還可能是味覺流汗.
[15:07.80]Horner's syndrome occurs in under one percent of patients. 還有少于1%的患者并發(fā) Horner綜合癥.
[15:11.01]Brachial plexus injury, pneumothorax and hemothorax are highly unlikely, 臂叢傷害
[15:15.91]but possible side effects of the surgery. 但是也是手術(shù)副作用之一.
[15:18.61]You did your homework. Take her to pre-op. I'll alert the OR. 你做了功課.
[15:23.85]Do you know what all those words mean? 你明白這些單詞的意思嗎?
[15:25.99]Brachial plexus injury could cause paralysis of the arms. 臂叢傷害
[15:29.49]Pneumothorax is a collapsed lung. 氣胸是肺功能毀壞
[15:33.26]I know. 我知道
[15:35.80]Are you sure you want to risk all of that? Over a little bit of blushing? 你真的確定你要冒這個險嗎?
[15:41.14]Is that what you think this is? 那個... 你認為這個是什么
[15:44.71]A little bit of blushing? 一點臉紅?
[15:46.84]Just a schoolgirl embarrassment? 不過是一個女學生的尷尬?
[15:50.34]Look, you both saw what happened when Dr Sh... 你們都看到剛才發(fā)生什么了
[15:54.62]when Dr. Shepherd was here. What did you think? 當shepherd在這里的時候
[15:57.45]Well, I thought you liked him. 你們在想什么?
[15:59.82]I do, but do you think I want a roomful of doctors to know about it? 嗯,我以為你喜歡他
[16:00.39]我是喜歡他 但是你認為我想...
[16:04.63]It's not like we're going to... 事實上并不是我們要...
[16:06.33]It's not just you guys. It's not just this once. 并不只是你們.
[16:10.13]It happens... 這并不是第一次了...
[16:12.87]every time I have a feeling for anyone in my life. 每次當我對我生活中的某人有感覺的時候. 我就臉紅
[16:22.94]I can't get mad, I can't be happy. 我沒辦法生氣
[16:27.98]I can't feel anything without the whole world knowing. 我感覺不到任何東西 當整個世界都不理解我的時候
[16:31.79]I can't have a secret. 我甚至沒辦法有秘密.
[16:34.39]Can you imagine living that way your entire life?
[16:36.08]你們能想像整個一生 都生活的這樣嗎?
[16:40.73](Glass shatters)
[16:42.36]Get away from me, you insipid little man. 你給我滾一邊去 你這個人渣!
[16:44.53]- Calm down. - Get out of my room! Grey醫(yī)生,冷靜.給我滾出去! 滾出我的房間!
[16:46.47]- Get away from my house! - What can I do? 請冷靜. 從我房子滾出去!
[16:48.57]Calm down. Please get some haloperidol. 我能做什么? 請給我拿一些鎮(zhèn)靜劑.
[16:51.07]Don't you give me that look. That sad little soulful, little puppy routine. 你別那樣看我.
[16:55.04]I know it by heart, Thatch, and I'm over it. 我知道那是發(fā)自肺腑的 thatcher, 我已經(jīng)不在意了.
[16:57.64]I don't want to hear about your day, or your students, 我不想聽關(guān)于你的一天和你的學生
[17:00.48]for your pathetic little research grants! 抑或你那少的可憐的補助金
[17:02.85](Pants) My... 我...
[17:06.19]My work is what counts. 我的工作才是值得的!
[17:08.36]It's what pays for this house. 用來支付這個房子.用來支付...
[17:10.36]It pays for you and it pays for Meredith. 用來養(yǎng)活你 和用來...
[17:13.03]And for your precious lifestyle. 用來養(yǎng)活meredith 和你那寶貴的生活方式
[17:14.86]So why won't you just leave me alone and let me do it? 為什么你不干脆離開我然后讓我自己來做這些?!
[17:21.40]Meredith may think she needs you, but I sure as hell don't. Meredith可能覺得她需要你
[17:24.30]- (George) Dr. Grey... - Here it is. 但是我肯定她不需要.
[17:24.56]Grey醫(yī)生. 在這里.
[17:34.15]Are you OK? 你還好嗎?
[17:40.39]That's something I'm supposed to be asking you. 這應(yīng)該是我來問你的.
[17:54.87]O'Malley! I understand that you're working on Ellis Grey? o'malley.
[17:59.77]Yes, sir. I'm trying my best. 我理解你正在照顧ellis grey.
[18:01.48]Keep me informed of her progress and take care of her. 是的先生,我正在竭盡全力.
[18:04.24]- She's an old friend of mine. - Really? 好好照顧她.
[18:06.38]I actually could use some help. Could you help me examine her? 是嗎? 因為,事實上, 我可以得到一些幫助.
[18:12.99]I'm just a little busy just now. 嗯,那個,我只是有一些忙現(xiàn)在.
[18:15.02]You know... Got to run. 要走了. 好吧.
[18:16.92]Right. OK. She seems to think I'm her ex-husband 只是她把我當做她的前夫了
[18:19.49]and she won't let me touch her. 還有她不讓我碰她.
[18:25.93]It's funny, you do look a bit like Thatcher. 有意思.你... 你還真有點像thatcher. 嘿嘿.
[18:29.20]I look like Meredith's dad? 我看起來像meredith'爸爸?
[18:32.71]Um... 唔..好好照顧她,george.
[18:34.44]Just take good care of her, George.
[18:36.88]But like her dad? 但是我看起來像meredith的爸爸?
[18:41.58]I need help. 我需要幫忙.
[18:43.68]- Hey. - Hey. Hey.
[18:45.89]- Hey, wait. - What? Hey.
[18:46.63]hey 等一下,等等.
[18:48.19]You have an eyelash. 什么?
[18:50.12]Make a wish and blow it away. 你掉了一根睫毛.
[18:52.23]Hey, Nurse Ratched. There's a dead guy stinking up room 4125. Hey,ratched護士,
[18:56.30]Do something before he rots. 在他腐爛之前做點什么.
[18:58.97]See? That is exactly what I'm talking about. 看到了?這就是我所說的
[19:02.20]Why are you so afraid of showing people that you're a decent human being? 為什么你這么害怕在人們面前表露自己的
[19:05.97]Remember when he wallpapered the place with pictures of you in your underwear? 你還記著他在醫(yī)院里
[19:10.61]Yeah. Yeah, I do. 當然.
[19:13.35]That was before I knew you. Thanks, man. Very helpful. 當然,我記得.
[19:17.65]I need you to help me do an exam on Meredith's mom. 謝謝兄弟,非常有用.
[19:20.95]A standard exam? You did go to med school, right? 對meredith的媽媽.
[19:23.42]She thinks I'm her ex-husband. She won't let me. 哦,一個標準的考試.
[19:27.86]- Dr. Grey? - Goddamn it, Thatcher. I'm at work. Grey醫(yī)生.
[19:30.53]I have told you I'm too busy to deal with you now. No more cartoons!! 哦,該死,thatcher, 我工作呢.
[19:34.00]- She means interruptions. - No more interruptions, Thatch. 沒有卡通可看了. 她是在說打擾.
[19:37.24]You heard the doctor. Hi, I'm Dr. Karev. Pleased to meet you. 別在打擾我了, thatch.
[19:40.06]你好,我...我是 Karev醫(yī)生.
[19:41.88]I've always admired your work. 真高興認識你Grey醫(yī)生
[19:44.08]You're familiar with the laparoscopic Grey method? 我一直欽佩您的事跡.
[19:46.91]I've studied footage of the operation you pioneered. 我學了很多您的先進手術(shù)法
[19:50.22]You're something else. 您不止這樣.
[19:52.12]Good. Well, then. We're wasting time. Let's scrub in. 好. 那么 我們在浪費時間.
[19:56.36]Well, I'm going to need to do a short exam before you start surgery. 我們開始進行吧.
[20:00.06]I know, new hospital policy, annoying bureaucrats. 在你手術(shù)之前.
[20:04.20]Make it quick. 盡量快點.
[20:06.47]Why don't you wait outside, Thatcher? 你為什么不在外面等會,thatcher?
[20:08.57]I can take it from here. 從現(xiàn)在開始,我來處理.
[20:11.57]Take a deep breath. 深呼吸.
[20:13.64](Baby cries)
[20:23.45]- She's got a good grip. - Yeah. 她抓的挺牢.
[20:26.29]I don't think it... It doesn't look good. 是啊.
[20:31.09]She's got a resistant strain of pneumococcus. 她對肺炎球菌有抗藥性.
[20:35.43]The antibiotics aren't working. 抗生素根本沒用.
[20:37.80]You may want to get yourself reassigned, I don't think we'll be operating today. Stevens醫(yī)生,你可以去找點其他事情做了.
[20:42.30]So, do you think Dr. Shepherd was right? 你覺得Shepherd醫(yī)生是對的嗎?
[20:44.77]She's too far gone. 她走的太快了.
[20:48.51]She does have a good grip. 她抓的真的挺牢.
[20:55.68](Burke) The tumor has infiltrated the pericardium. 腫瘤滲入到包心膜里面了
[21:00.72](Nurse) Sat's down to 95.
[21:07.33](Burke) Yang? Yang.
[21:11.43](Echoing) Yang? Yang?
[21:12.93]What, sorry? 啊?對不起.
[21:14.77]Is my surgery interfering with your daydreaming? 我的手術(shù)妨礙你做白日夢了嗎?
[21:18.31]No. Sorry. 沒有.
[21:22.21](Nurse) Forceps.
[21:25.21](Burke) CVP is 241.
[21:33.19]- You have a problem? - No. 你有問題嗎?
[21:35.42]- You have a mocha latte? - No. 沒有.
[21:38.66]Then go away. 沒有.
[21:40.86]Actually, I need a new assignment. 事實上我需要點新工作.
[21:42.96]The Shepherds' preemie case is non-surgical. Shepherd夫婦的"早產(chǎn)兒"沒辦法做手術(shù)
[21:46.00]- Non-surgical? - Non-operable. 做不了?
[21:50.47]- Sucks. - Yeah. 真糟糕.
[21:53.01]Did you know about Ellis Grey? Did Meredith tell you? 是啊.
[21:53.69]你認識ellis grey?
[21:57.08]No. meredith和你提起過嗎?
[21:59.58]It's just, you think you know someone. You know who they are. 有時候你覺得你認識一些人
[22:03.15]You share a house or make wishes on eyelashes with them. 你知道他們是誰,住在一起
[22:07.52]And we don't know each other. None of us. 其實我們根本不了解彼此.
[22:11.56]We're just a bunch of interns who work together. There's nothing there. 一個都不.
[22:18.13](Burke) There's an arrhythmia when I press down on the tumor. 病人心律失常
[22:22.57]That is a sign of what, Yang? 這意味著什么,yang?
[22:25.07]Um... 唔...
[22:27.37]It's a sign of... It's a... 那個,這個是...是表示..
[22:30.48]It's a sign that the tumor has infiltrated the pericardium. 那是意味著
[22:34.55]Possibilities? 估計后果?
[22:36.22]You know, I'm sorry, I... 唔,對不起. 我...
[22:39.12]Do your homework, Yang. 多做做功課,yang.
[22:40.92]It could be causing a tear in the outer muscle of the heart. 這個會導致
[22:44.99](Man) So he's got a broken heart? 那是說他的心壞了?
[22:49.40]- (Nurse) Dr. Yang? - Cristina? Cristina? Cristina.Cristina.
[22:53.57](Burke) Somebody help her! 來人幫忙.
[23:03.04]Cristina? Cristina? Don't just stand there, damn it. Somebody help her. Cristina.
[23:04.68]別就傻站在那兒, 該死的. 誰來幫忙.
[23:06.98]- Get a gurney in here! Cristina? - (Lzzie) Cristina! 快點! Cristina.
[23:10.28]- (Bailey) We've got it. - Talk to me. Burke醫(yī)生,讓我來,我們來處理.
[23:12.19]- What do we know? Talk to me, Stevens! - I don't know! 好,告訴我,我們知道什么?
[23:12.06]我們了解什么,告訴我,stevens. 我什么也不知道.
[23:14.96]- Come on, people, let's move! - (Bailey) What hurts? 快點伙計們,動起來.
[23:17.59]Let's get her out of here. There's a patient on the table. Lift. 我們得把她弄出去,手術(shù)臺上還躺著一個病人呢.
[23:21.63]Good, good, good. Bailey醫(yī)生,一旦她清醒過來
[23:22.96]Dr. Bailey, when she's stable I need a report. 請即刻通知我. Bailey醫(yī)生!
[23:25.67]- Dr. Bailey? - Right, Dr. Burke. 好得Burke醫(yī)生.
[23:31.27]Her pulse is racing. I need her on a monitor to get a BP. 她的脈搏超快.
[23:35.14]Also, I want her started on a liter of LR wide open. 她要先開始做一個I.R. izzie.
[23:38.65]Izzie, let Emergency know we're on our way. 去急診室 快點,不許檔我.
[23:40.95]Seven weeks. I'm pregnant, lzzie. Izzie, I'm pregnant. 什么?7周. 我懷孕了,izzie.
[23:46.89]Uh, OK. No, we're going to pre-op instead. Find Addison Shepherd. 唔,好了,不用了. 我們現(xiàn)在不去急診室了,術(shù)前準備.
[23:50.52]And, lzzie, be discreet. 把addison shepherd找來 izzie.千萬謹慎處理
[23:54.49]So I'm leaving in the morning. 我早上就要走了.
[23:56.56]- No. - Excuse me? 不行. 什么?
[23:58.37]No, I'm not accepting your resignation. 我不會接受你的辭職的.
[24:00.60]It's not a resignation, it's notification. 這并不是辭職.richard.
[24:03.00]I don't officially work for you.
[24:04.77]I came here for one case. I can track the twins' progress from New York. 我來這里不過是為了一個病人而已.
[24:08.84]- What about the preemie? - I'm letting it go. You know that. 那個早產(chǎn)兒怎么辦?
[24:12.28]He calls me Satan, Richard. 他叫我魔鬼, richard.
[24:15.95]- You don't like to hide from a fight. - No fight. He wins. 你..你不愿意把斗爭藏起來.
[24:19.95]I'm leaving in the morning.
[24:23.12]- What is it, O'Malley? - It's Dr. Grey, sir. Ellis. 這是什么,o'malley?
[24:23.85]是Grey醫(yī)生,先生. Ellis.
[24:28.63]CT confirmed diverticulitis, but a liver mass was also found. CT證實了的確是憩室炎
[24:33.70]My God. 我的天.
[24:35.00]Poor Meredith. As if Alzheimer's wasn't bad enough. 可憐的meredith.
[24:35.80]如果她母親已經(jīng)患有alzheimer's 難道這還不夠糟糕嗎
[24:37.77]Now her mother has liver cancer. 現(xiàn)在她又要和肝癌搏斗了.
[24:39.57]You won't know that it's cancer until you do a biopsy. 你不能確定是癌癥
[24:39.84]除非你做一個活組織細胞檢查 o'malley.是.對不起.
[24:42.61]Right. Sorry.
[24:44.08]Excuse me, Dr. Shepherd, we need you. Fast. 不好意思,shepherd醫(yī)生,我們那邊需要你
[24:47.38]Um, It's Cristina. One of our interns, she's... she's collapsed. 唔,是Christina,這里一個實習醫(yī)生
[24:53.49]Cristina's collapsed? Christina昏倒了?
[24:55.59]Why do you need me? 為什么叫我?
[25:03.63]- Cristina's pregnant? - Shut up, George! Please come. Christina懷孕了嗎?
[25:04.12]閉嘴,george. 請跟我來.
[25:07.20]This doesn't change anything, Richard. I'm still leaving in the morning. 任何事都不會改變的 richard.
[25:11.94]This is a very bad day. 真是糟糕的一天.
[25:14.57]OK, Dr. Karev, if we're going to stop her blushing, 好了,Karev醫(yī)生,如果我們要阻止她的臉紅
[25:17.38]we have to expose the sympathetic ganglion chain, which resides where? 我們要先找到交感神經(jīng)結(jié)
[25:22.15]- It's time to clear me for surgery. - What? 現(xiàn)在給我做清理shepherd醫(yī)生. 什么?
[25:25.25]- I know you heard me. - I'm a little busy. We'll talk later. 你聽到了,我就站在這里.
[25:28.79]Just give a verbal OK 我只需要一個口頭承諾,稍后再做書面工作.
[25:30.39]- and we can do the paperwork later. - I cannot do that. 我做不了.
[25:33.16]I'm chief of surgery. This is not a request. 我是你的上司,這并不是請求.
[25:35.43]With respect, in this case, I'm not your subordinate, I'm your doctor. 先生,我絕對尊重你
[25:36.63]在這個情況下,我并不是你的下屬, 我是你的醫(yī)生.
[25:39.10]One week after brain surgery, you are not ready for surgery. 開顱手術(shù)后一周
[25:42.40]It's a simple procedure. A needle biopsy. A resident could do it. 只是個簡單的程序,小小的活體組織檢查.
[25:44.02]主治醫(yī)生肯定能做. 那就叫個主治醫(yī)生做吧.還叫我干嗎?
[25:45.77]So let a resident do it. What am I missing here?
[25:50.64]It's for my mother, isn't it? 是我媽媽
[25:53.81]You think she has cancer? 你認為她得了癌癥.
[25:57.35]George needs your signature. George需要你的簽名.
[26:05.73]Look, Richard, I know she's your friend. Richard, 我知道她是你朋友.
[26:08.96]But I'm not clearing you for surgery.
[26:11.26]What's her total bili? 她的bili是多少?
[26:13.43]It's actually only four. It's not great, but it's not terrible. 只不過是4
[26:18.07]That's why I didn't see the jaundice. 這就是我沒看到黃疸的原因.
[26:20.57]No one could. We just have to wait and see. 沒人看得到.
[26:23.64]What aren't you telling me? 有什么你沒告訴我的?
[26:28.08]It's Cristina. 是cristina.
[26:32.25](Addison) Have you notified the father? 你告訴孩子的爸爸了嗎?
[26:34.32](Bailey) Cristina? Cristina? Cristina. Cristina.
[26:36.36]Cristina? Cristina? Is there anyone we can call? Cristina.Cristina, 你需要我們找誰來嗎?
[26:42.16]- We're losing her. - Can you see that? 她現(xiàn)在非常危險.
[26:42.83]哦,天,你看到了嗎? 是宮外孕.
[26:44.86]It was an extrauterine pregnancy. The tube burst. She's bleeding out. 輸卵管爆裂. 她大出血.
[26:59.55]Good, you're finished. Look, I need you to do a needle biopsy. 啊,正好,你結(jié)束了.
[27:03.65]I've got to go check on... There's someone I need to see about. 唔,我得走了,我要去檢查..
[27:07.25]An intern collapsed in the middle of surgery, so if it can wait... 有個患者等著我呢.
[27:10.62]No, I need you to do a needle biopsy now. 所以,如果這個可以等得話...
[27:13.19]Chief, now is not the time. 頭兒,不是現(xiàn)在.
[27:15.33]I am not in the mood for a debate. You understand? 我現(xiàn)在沒心情和你爭論,明白嗎?
[27:18.67]You'll do it because I asked you to. 你必須去做,因為我讓你去的.
[27:22.90]Because I need you to. 因為我需要你.
[27:29.51]It's Ellis Grey. 是ellis grey.
[27:37.22](PA) Dr. Cohen to Pediatrics. Dr. Cohen to Pediatrics.
[27:47.99]She's going to be OK. Right? 她會沒事的,對吧?
[27:51.00]How attached was she to this pregnancy? 她對懷孕承受了多少壓力?
[27:54.17]I don't know. She's a pretty private person. 我不知道.
[27:58.51]She's lost a lot of blood, but I've got it from here. 她失血很多.
[28:03.98]Dr. Bailey? You must have a surgery or two of your own today? Bailey醫(yī)生
[28:07.45]I'm fine right here. 你一定有一兩個自己的手術(shù).
[28:22.80]Can you do the follow-up? I'll check on Cristina.
[28:25.40]Yeah. You know what's wrong with her? 你能跟下去嗎? 我要檢查一下cristina.
[28:27.97]- Don't. - Sorry. 別. 對不起.
[28:29.54]Don't be sorry. I'm so tired of you being sorry. Don't do it. 用不著道歉.
[28:33.77]- Dr. Grey... - Dr. Grey? Seriously? 別道歉了. Grey醫(yī)生...
[28:36.58]Are you concerned about Alex finding out about us? Grey醫(yī)生. 認真的嗎?
[28:39.31]Is that what matters to you? Do you really think he cares? 這就是你的問題嗎?
[28:42.88]Alex, do you care that I was the intern stupid enough 你真認為他在意嗎?
[28:43.52]Alex 你在意我是那個愚蠢到家的
[28:46.29]- to screw the married attending? - No. 和主治醫(yī)生上床的實習生?
[28:49.82]- Meredith, it's OK. - It's not OK! You have a wife. 不.
[28:50.88]Meredith,好吧. 一點也不好.
[28:53.23]Who is not easy to hate. 你有一個麻煩的要死的老婆,
[28:55.46]Who's annoyingly kind and painfully smart, 而且還虛偽的討厭
[28:58.77]- and currently saving my friend's life. - Meredith. Will you just... 該死的聰明
[29:02.47]Don't! Stop talking to me like you're my boyfriend. 你可不可以... 不要.
[29:07.01]Stop talking to me at all. 別再理我了.
[29:11.08]Dude. That was rough. 哥們,這可真狠
[29:26.86]- You need something? - I'm coming in. 你要干嗎? 我要幫忙.
[29:29.03]- No, you're not. - I am. I'm her friend. 不,你不行. 我是她朋友
[29:31.23]Exactly. She's lying on the operating table. Naked and exposed. 對極了.
[29:35.87]She's sedated, but she's probably scared out of her mind. 裸體的,暴露著.
[29:39.34]Right now, she's not your friend. 此時此刻,她不是一個醫(yī)生,
[29:41.34]She's a patient who deserves to have all the privacy I can give her. 她也不是你的朋友,她只是個患者.
[29:44.78]You're not going in there. 你不能進去.
[29:50.25]We went jogging this morning. 我們今早去跑步了.
[29:52.62]I made her go jogging. There's no way that could have... 我讓她去的.
[29:56.46]No. No. It started out this way. 有沒有任何可能是因為..
[29:57.21]不,不. 跟這個無關(guān).
[29:59.69]Nothing caused it to happen. 沒有任何事情導致她這樣.
[30:04.66]You have to let me in there. 你必須讓我進去.
[30:07.13]You can try, but I'll have take you down. 你可以試試.
[30:11.10]Hey, I may be short but you're pretty tiny. I could do it. Hey...
[30:15.48]Right now, just in this moment, I hate you. 我能撂倒你.
[30:17.70]這一秒, 我狠死你了.
[30:20.95]Yeah, well, I can take it. 好,隨便
[30:26.32]Dr. Grey, we're going to put you to sleep for a little while, 好了Grey醫(yī)生.
[30:29.76]but I promise we'll have you back into surgery in no time. 我們要讓你小睡一會.
[30:34.39]Richard. Thank God you're here. Richard...
[30:40.30]You beautiful man. 你真是個帥小伙.
[30:43.37]That husband of mine has been making me crazy. 我丈夫讓我瘋狂.
[30:46.94](& Inara George: Fools In Love)
[31:21.88](Steady beeping)
[31:24.98]Look at that. BP's stabilizing. 看看這個.
[31:28.95](Derek) Well, she's stronger since this morning. B.p.很穩(wěn)定.
[31:31.48]There's no reason in the world why she should be stronger since this morning. 這個世界上沒有任何原因
[31:38.12]She's really beautiful, isn't she? 她真漂亮,不是嗎?
[31:41.69]Tell you what. If she makes it through the night 讓我告訴你.
[31:44.70]and she has a little bit more strength, we'll operate. 她如果能挺過今晚
[31:53.57]You know, the way I see it, 那個...
[31:56.31]we could deal with us in one of three ways. 我們可以好好解決我們的問題
[32:01.92]Option one, I could apologize, you could forgive me 用三個選擇中的任何一種.
[32:06.92]and come home and we could move on with our lives like adults. 然后回家
[32:12.16]Or, option two, 或者,方法2,
[32:15.70]I could apologize, you could forgive me, come home, 我可以道歉,你原諒我,回家
[32:18.80]but you can still bring it up to use against me whenever we argue. 但是你還可以隨時提出來氣我
[32:22.40]Are you trying to be funny? 當我們吵架的任何時候.
[32:25.14]Satan has a sense of humor. 魔鬼也有點幽默感.
[32:27.37]What's the third? 那第三個呢?
[32:30.31]I don't know what the third option is. 我不知道第三個是什么.
[32:44.42]I just know I still love you. 我只知道,我還愛你.
[32:57.00]Tell them the chief said to put a rush on this biopsy 告訴他們這個活體組織檢查是頭兒急著要的
[33:00.07]- and tell them it's Ellis Grey. - OK. 是ellis grey. 好的.
[33:03.01]Dr. Burke, do you want the histologic grade and staging 哦,Burke醫(yī)生 你想要組織分級和分段運輸
[33:06.08]- or any specific stains? - Have them run all tests. 或者什么特殊的化驗?
[33:08.72]OK. 讓他們做所有的檢查 Okay.
[33:39.61](Weakly) What happened? 怎么了?
[33:41.78]You had an extrauterine pregnancy. 你宮外孕.
[33:45.62]Your left fallopian tube burst. 你左側(cè)的輸卵管爆裂.
[33:50.29]Dr. Shepherd... Shepherd醫(yī)生...
[33:53.79]she did everything she could, but there was too much damage. 她做了所有她能做的
[33:57.76]She couldn't save the tube. 但是太多損傷了.
[34:13.21]- Hey. - Hey. Hey.
[34:16.18]- Is it over? - Mm-hm. The surgery was successful. Hey.
[34:20.42]We're just doing a follow-up. 我們只是跟進觀察你的情況.
[34:22.72]Dr. Shepherd will be in to check on you in a while. Shepherd 醫(yī)生馬上就過來對你檢查.
[34:26.43]- Say that again. - What? 再說一次.
[34:29.43]Say his name. Dr. Shepherd... 什么?
[34:34.80]Oh my God, look at my face. 我的天啊,看我的臉.
[34:39.94]Dr. Shepherd. Shepherd醫(yī)生.
[34:42.24]Dr. Shepherd. Shepherd醫(yī)生.
[34:46.25]Guess it was worth the risk. 我猜這個手術(shù)值了.
[34:52.42]I still think it's nuts having major surgery
[34:55.02]just so people can't tell how you're feeling. 我還是認為這是丟西瓜揀芝麻的手術(shù)
[34:58.76]- Really? You do? - Nah, I guess not. 是嗎? 你嗎?
[35:04.73]You can talk, you know. I mean, if you need to. 你可以聊聊,你需要溝通.如果你需要的話
[35:07.60]I'm fine. 我挺好.
[35:08.77]You've said that word so many times today, 你今天說了好多次這句話,
[35:11.10]it doesn't even sound like a word anymore. 聽起來已經(jīng)不像一句話了.
[35:13.61]I'm just saying you can talk to me. 我只是說,你可以和我聊聊
[35:15.48]Even if I repeat every word, no one here likes me, they'd just call me a liar. 你知道,即使我重復(fù)你是說的每句話,
[35:19.61]Izzie likes you. 讓我離開. Izzie喜歡你
[35:23.28]- You're blushing. - Shut up. 你臉紅了
[35:27.15]Look, for what it's worth, I don't know how you're still on your feet. 閉嘴吧你.
[35:31.76]If I found out my mom might have cancer, I'd be under the bar right now. 我是說,如果我發(fā)現(xiàn)我媽得了癌癥,
[35:36.93]You want the ugly truth? 你想聽丑陋的真話嗎?
[35:38.73]You have an ugly truth? 你有嗎?
[35:40.97]I never would have picked you to have an ugly truth. 我從來沒想過你有什么丑陋的真話.
[35:43.80]I'm more afraid she doesn't have cancer. 我更害怕她沒有癌癥.
[35:46.51]Well, liver cancer's fast. 你知道,肝癌發(fā)作很快.
[35:48.88]Painful, but it's fast and they give you morphine. 非常痛苦,但是很快.他們給你嗎啡.
[35:52.38]They don't give you morphine for Alzheimer's. 但是他們不會因為alzheimer's給你嗎啡.
[35:55.31]No, they don't. 不,不會的.
[35:59.25]What kind of person wishes their mother had cancer? 什么樣的人希望自己的媽媽得癌癥?
[36:10.26]It's hard. 非常難.
[36:14.73]I know it's hard being the one who's gone. 我知道作為即將死去的那個非常困難.
[36:22.24]But, man, it isn't easy being the one who's still around. 但是,朋友...
[36:36.26]Hey. Did you get your mom's biopsy results back? 你拿到你媽的檢查結(jié)果了嗎
[36:38.76]- Not yet. - How's Cristina? 還沒.
[36:42.30]She's going to have a lot of pain for a few days, but she'll be OK. cristina怎么樣了?
[36:49.20]I'm glad you were there. 真高興你當時在.
[36:52.31]- Are you? - Yes. I am. 是嗎?
[36:57.61]It's just... It's just that a lot of the time, 只不過是...
[37:01.01]it feels like you and Cristina are kind of over there and I'm here. 只不過好多時候
[37:09.89]- So about Alex. - Yeah, I know. 那個,關(guān)于alex...
[37:12.23]I know, you guys hate him. Fine. 哦,是的,我知道,你們都討厭他,明白.
[37:14.46](George snores)
[37:15.80]Yeah, we do, but I just want to say that I believe you. 唔,我們是討厭他.
[37:20.63]That he's different once you get to know him. 之后就發(fā)現(xiàn)其實他不錯.
[37:24.14]Here you go. Ellis Grey. 結(jié)果出來了.
[37:26.16]Ellis grey.
[37:41.05]Let her know. 給她先.
[37:43.89]Meredith, are you OK? Meredith,你沒事嗎?
[37:45.86]No. I'm not OK. 不.
[37:55.10]Dr. Grey? Grey醫(yī)生.
[37:57.67]Oh, please, Thatcher. I've had a long day. I'm tired. Go away. 哦 thatcher求你了. 我今天忙死了.
[38:03.11]No! 不.
[38:07.01]- What? - No. 什么? 不.
[38:12.69]I am Thatcher Grey. 我是thatcher grey.
[38:14.82]And I'm your husband. 我是你老公,
[38:16.89]And I know you don't like me very much,
[38:19.96]but the fact is I don't always like you very much either. 我知道你不是很喜歡我,但是
[38:26.80]I don't like the way you speak to me.
[38:30.27]And I really hate the way you speak to Meredith. 我更討厭你對meredith說話的語氣.
[38:33.91]She deserves better from you. 你應(yīng)該對她好點.
[38:38.91]I'm sorry. 對不起.
[38:43.98]- You are? - What's wrong with me, Thatch? 你?
[38:50.46]- The mass on your liver... - Is it algebra? 你肝部有腫瘤...
[38:54.96]I mean, is it algeb... Damn it! 我是說,
[38:57.51]可以治好嗎.. 該死.
[39:03.67]Is it malignant? 是惡性的嗎?
[39:06.81]No. It's benign. 不是.
[39:20.89]Meredith? meredith.
[39:26.59]- Meredith... - Don't. Meredith.
[39:30.83]Please, please just don't say anything. 求你了, 什么也別說.
[39:36.30]OK. Okay.
[39:50.48]I'm just exhausted. 我精疲力盡了.
[39:53.45]My mother is exhausting. 我媽媽也精疲力盡了,
[39:55.79]What happened to Cristina. cristina發(fā)生的事...
[39:58.26]And you.
[40:00.79]Hating you is the most exhausting. 還有你...
[40:11.37]I don't want to do it anymore. 我再也不想這樣了.
[40:20.65](Meredith) No one likes to lose control. 沒有人想失去控制
[40:23.48]But as a surgeon, there's nothing worse. 但是作為一個醫(yī)生...
[40:40.90]It's a sign of weakness. 那是一個虛弱的表現(xiàn)...
[40:43.70]Of not being up to the task. 無法完成的任務(wù)
[40:45.77]How can someone be so offensive and yet so charming all at the same time? 有些人怎么能如此具有進攻性?
[40:50.38]It's an art form. 藝術(shù)事業(yè)
[40:59.39](Meredith) And still, there are times when it just gets away from you. 還有
[41:05.76]When the world stops spinning 當世界停止旋轉(zhuǎn)
[41:07.86]and you realize that your shiny little scalpel isn't gonna save you. 然后你發(fā)現(xiàn)你光亮的小手術(shù)刀
[41:12.23]We went in expecting to simply remove the tumor. 根本救不了你
[41:15.77]Instead it was a little more complicated. 但是,它并沒有我們預(yù)料的那么簡單.
[41:19.04]The tumor infiltrated into the pericardium, 腫瘤已經(jīng)滲入到心包膜了
[41:21.87]causing a tear in the outer muscle of the heart. 因為在心臟外肌肉出現(xiàn)了一處撕裂
[41:26.81]That's a lot of medical talk. 哦,真復(fù)雜的醫(yī)學用語.
[41:30.52]It means, uh... (clears throat) 或者說.嗯.....
[41:35.12]It means that you had a broken heart. Literally. 或者說..
[41:46.17]But now I'm... 但是現(xiàn)在,我
[41:48.77]But now you're going to be fine. 但是現(xiàn)在你會沒事的.
[41:56.38](Meredith) No matter how hard you fight it, you fall. 無論你多頑強的搏斗
[42:03.88]And it's scary as hell. 可怕的和地獄一樣.
[42:09.02]Except, if there's an upside to free falling, 除非有個地方可以讓你自由落體,
[42:13.26]it's the chance you give your friends to catch you. 那是一個讓你朋友追上你的機會

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