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  否認 否認 否認


[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:39:51
[00:01.33](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy: 前情回顧
[00:03.43]- (Bailey) Patient's name! - How many times... 病人的名字?
[00:05.20]- (Yang) Ellis Grey. - Meredith's mother. -我告訴你多少次了不要來煩我當我在... - ellis grey.
[00:07.04]It's not that Burke broke up with me, it's how he broke up with me. -Meredith的媽媽. -問題不在于是那個Burke和我分手了,
[00:10.87]Have you even told Burke about the baby? 而在于他是如何向我提出分手的.
[00:11.33]勞煩你和 burke說一下孩子的事好不好?
[00:14.61](Addison) It's an extrauterine pregnancy. -Cristina! -是宮外孕.
[00:17.05]Stop talking to me like you're my boyfriend! Stop talking to me at all. -她大量出血. -不要裝做是我男友的樣子和我說話.
[00:21.42]If you came here to try to win me back, forget about it. 再也不要和我說話.
[00:24.29]I just know I still love you. -你不用想了. -我只知道我還愛著你.
[00:26.19]Hating you is the most exhausting. 恨你是最令人精疲力盡的事.
[00:37.47](Meredith) The key to surviving a surgical internship is denial. 能在外科實習期生存的關(guān)鍵
[00:42.60]We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, 是否認.
[00:46.17]we deny how badly we want to succeed, 我們否認恐懼.
[00:48.94]and most importantly, we deny that we're in denial. 最重要的是, 我們否認我們在否認.
[00:52.68]When I left, Cristina said she was OK. 我不知道.當我離開的時候, cristina 說她很好.
[00:54.75]Nobody goes through what she did and is totally over it by now. 沒有人經(jīng)歷過她所經(jīng)歷的事, 并且現(xiàn)在能完全放下.
[00:57.82]- Cristina can. - She's fine. Cristina可以.
[00:59.95]Too fine. She's cold. -她很棒. -過于棒了.她這是冷酷.
[01:01.66]No, she's hardcore. She's got ice in her veins. 并不是這樣,她是個中堅分子 她只是在紋理中放了些冰塊而已
[01:04.16]- She does what she has to do to. - She lost a baby. 她做了所有她該做的.
[01:06.93]And a fallopian tube. She acts like she doesn't care. 她失去了孩子. 她失去了輸卵管.
[01:09.70]She's all "Hello, I'm totally fine." 但她表現(xiàn)得一點都不關(guān)心.
[01:11.57]She's my friend too but she's acting like she has no emotions or warmth, 她完全就是個只說"你好, 我很好"的人.
[01:12.03]雖然她也是我的朋友, 但是她表現(xiàn)得就像是
[01:15.90]like she's missing a soul. 她沒有感情和熱情, 像是沒有靈魂一樣.
[01:17.97]- God, she's gonna make a great surgeon. - George! 上帝啊,她會成為一位偉大的外科醫(yī)生的.
[01:20.68]It's true. You show no weakness, you make it to the top. -George. -這是真的.
[01:22.27]如果你不示弱, 你就能成為最強的.
[01:24.15]Some people just keep their feelings to themselves. 有些人僅僅是把他們的感情留給自己.
[01:26.92](Meredith) We only see what we want to see 我們僅僅看到我們想看到的
[01:29.18]and believe what we want to believe. 相信我們想信的.
[01:31.49]And it works. 確實是這樣的.
[01:32.99]We lie to ourselves so much that, after a while, 我們老是在騙自己,
[01:36.19]the lies start to seem like the truth. 而過了一會兒,這些謊言開始看上去像真理的一樣了.
[01:38.69]Meredith kissed me. Addison kissed me. Meredith吻了我.
[01:41.26]My wife and my girlfriend kissed me on the same day. Addison吻了我.
[01:44.93]Joe, do I look friendly to you? -在同一天. -Joe...我看上去對你友好嗎?
[01:47.20]Oh. Yeah, you're a tiny little kitten of joy and love. 你是個充滿歡樂和博愛的小女人.
[01:51.71]- What? He saved my life. - His first mistake. -怎么啦? -他救了我的命.
[01:54.84]McDreamy, go sit by someone who cares. 這是第一個錯誤
[01:57.18](Meredith) We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth, 美夢先生, 找關(guān)心你的人談心去.
[02:01.38]right in front of our faces. 就在我們眼前的真相.
[02:03.25]Everything's gonna be fine. Addison'll go back to New York. 一些都會好起來的.
[02:07.42]Meredith and I will start over, everything's gonna be fine. Right? meredith和我會重新開始.
[02:11.86]You so damn stupid. 你可真是蠢的無可救藥了.
[02:18.13](Bailey) I want everyone focused. 我要你們今天每個人都全神貫注.
[02:19.93]With Cristina out, we're short an intern and I feel it will be one of those days. cristina不在,我們少了一個人,
[02:23.81]- And, Karev, see the chief today. - What for? 而且我有預(yù)感以后幾天也會是這樣.
[02:24.48]karev, 下班之前去看看頭兒.
[02:26.27]Do I look psychic to you? He's the chief. He asked. You go. 為什么?
[02:29.68]- What did he do now? - Maybe he gave the chief syphilis. 他是你的上司,他讓你去你就去.
[02:33.28]So we're in the middle of the Belizian jungle and this jaguarondi 當我們在柏力滋叢林中的時候,
[02:37.65]jumps out and bites one of the guides. 一只美洲豹突然跳了出來
[02:40.32]They all look at me. They're yelling, "You're a doctor, help him!" 咬住其中一個導(dǎo)游.
[02:43.83]This is one time a Ph.D. Does no good. 我突然發(fā)現(xiàn)“博士”在這一刻沒一點好處.
[02:46.93]I'm sorry, did I miss the bell for social hour? 打擾一下,我是不是錯過了什么社科課的鈴聲?
[02:49.26]- Missionary tales. - You're a missionary? -不過是個傳教士生涯的小故事. -你是傳教士?
[02:51.60]No, my parents. We traveled a lot. They still do. 我不是,我父母是. 我們旅行很多地方,他們現(xiàn)在還在旅行.
[02:54.27]Wow. This stuff is great. Oh, wow.這個挺棒的.
[02:57.11]Um, this is Dr. Burke's patient, Kalpana Vera... Um, 這位是Burke醫(yī)生的病人...
[03:00.34]"Kull-punnah." Named by villagers in Nepal. -kalpana vera. -Kalpana.
[03:03.68]Presents with multiple syncopal episodes and ventricular arrhythmias. 名字是尼泊爾一個地方的村名幫我取的.
[03:04.59]Uh, 她的癥狀是多重間歇性昏厥
[03:07.35]- So you've been passing out? - And having palpitations. 并伴有心律不齊.
[03:10.49]History of rheumatic heart disease with mitral valve stenosis. 沒錯,有時候還有心悸.
[03:11.03]以前曾患有風濕性心臟病 以及二尖瓣狹窄
[03:13.86]They had to ship me from Zambia to the States 他們需要把我裝上船,從贊比亞運回來
[03:16.32]for three months of treatment when I was eight. Rheumatic fever almost killed me. 那時候我只有8歲,整整治了3個月.
[03:20.73]Dr. Stevens. What are the primary causes of ventricular arrhythmias? 風濕熱差點就要了我的命.
[03:21.24]Stevens醫(yī)生, 導(dǎo)致心律不齊的 最主要原因是什么?
[03:24.63]Valvular disease, mitral valve prolapse, 心血管疾病,二尖瓣下垂, 外界刺激, 吸毒
[03:27.37]stimulants, drugs, and metabolic abnormalities.
[03:31.74](PA) Scrub nurse to OR Six.
[03:33.94]- What? - Out. 怎么了?
[03:35.61]- I'm fine. - Out! 出去.
[03:37.91]You better be in your room by the time we round on you. -我沒事. -出去.
[03:38.83]你最好呆在你的病房里 當我們巡視到你那里的時候.
[03:40.75]- And when will that be? - In fifteen seconds. 什么時候呢?
[03:44.45]Fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven... -14... 13...12... 11... -內(nèi)褲真可愛, yang.
[03:48.16]- Nice panties, Yang. - (Giggling)
[03:52.59]In your dreams, Evil Spawn. 做你的夢去...壞蛋.
[03:56.06]Cristina Yang. Post-op day three from a unilateral salpingectomy. cristina yang.
[03:57.96]入院三天,剛做完 單輸卵管切除...
[04:00.27]- And ready to get back to work. - Is she? 并且已經(jīng)做好重返工作崗位的準備.
[04:02.67]I'm taking solids and my pain is controlled with oral meds. I'm ready. 她行嗎?
[04:06.54]Didn't the nurse say this morning you had a fever? 同時口服止痛藥對我 就很有效用了,我準備好了.
[04:07.61]今早的那個護士 不是說你發(fā)燒了嗎?
[04:09.48]- Mother. - Cristina, did you have a fever? 媽.
[04:15.48]Temp spiked to 101 last night. Big deal. 體溫最高到101度(華氏),有什么了不起啊?
[04:18.09]She worked two shifts with a 102 degree flu. 上個月她工作的兩個 夜班中曾發(fā)燒到102度
[04:20.49]Yes. Exactly, George. Thank you. 是啊,太對了 george.非常感謝.
[04:22.46]And we appreciate your dedication, but you stay in bed until it normalizes. 我們感激你的奉獻,
[04:26.39]I keep telling her there's more to life than surgery and career. 我不知告訴她多少次了
[04:29.96]Go upholster something. 好多東西比醫(yī)生和事業(yè)更重要.
[04:31.70]Look, I need you to relax, shut up, and get better. 媽,去搞搞裝修吧.
[04:32.41]-聽著,你現(xiàn)在給我放松下來, -把嘴閉上,快點好起來.
[04:34.94]You're a patient this week so you can be a doctor next week. 這周你是病人 那下周你就可以做醫(yī)生了
[04:38.47]Mer. You cannot leave me alone with her. 明白?
[04:41.41]I am flying over the cuckoo's nest here. Save me. 你不能讓我單獨和她呆在一起.
[04:42.13]她快把我逼瘋了 注解:"One flew over the cuckoo's nest"是一部電影 講一個精神病院的故事
[04:44.38]- You need time to heal. - I'm healed. I'm healed! -你必須救我. -你需要時間療養(yǎng).
[04:52.99]Oh, God. Oh, 天.
[04:55.16]OK, Dr. O'Malley, you're presenting. 好 O'malley醫(yī)生,你來報告.
[04:57.56]OK, Dr. Grey is post-op day three from a tumor resection. Okay, Grey醫(yī)生,手術(shù)后第三天..
[05:01.66]Wrong, wrong, wrong. He's got it all wrong. 是腫瘤切除
[05:04.27]It's not asthma, it's GERD. He needs a Nissen fundoplication. 他全搞錯了 根本就不是哮喘, 是gerd(胃食管倒流癥).
[05:07.54]- I don't want her in the room. - Mom! 他需要做尼森治愈術(shù)
[05:08.42]-我不想在這里看見她. -媽.
[05:10.24]She's a child and I won't have her on my team. 她是孩子, 我不想她和我一起工作.
[05:13.07]We'll meet you outside, Dr. Grey. 一會出去見你,Grey醫(yī)生.
[05:18.88](PA) Dr. Marash to Cardiology. Dr. Marash to Cardiology.
[05:22.68]- Skipping rounds? - Avoiding mother. 你在到處閑逛嗎?
[05:24.72]Meredith... 躲避我媽.
[05:26.45]- You've got a wife. - Yes. Meredith...
[05:28.49]- Your life is complicated. - Yes. 你已經(jīng)有老婆了.
[05:30.59]I don't need complicated. I have complicated all on my own. -你的生活很復(fù)雜. -嗯,對.
[05:32.03]-我有一堆自己的亂攤子. -對.
[05:33.66]- Yes. - Stop saying yes. 別再說對了.
[05:35.56]I'm trying not to make any sudden movements. 盡量不再讓事情惡化.
[05:39.90]- You think this is funny? - Addison's leaving. -你覺得有趣嗎?. -Addison要走了.
[05:42.37]She doesn't have any more patients here. 她在這醫(yī)院里 沒有任何患者了.
[05:44.51]- There's no reason for her to be here. - No reason? 再也沒有任何原因讓她留下來了.
[05:47.08]None whatsoever. 沒有原因?
[05:49.21]Well now, isn't this cozy? 無論什么.
[05:51.55]Can I join in or are you not into threesomes? 帶我一個唄,
[05:54.25](PA) Dr. Shannon, 1436. 除非你們不喜歡3P?
[05:55.92]- I have to go. - Meredith... 我要走了.
[06:00.15]You really are Satan. You realize that, right? 你真是個魔鬼.
[06:02.82]If Satan were to take physical form, he'd be you. 你自己也意識到了對嗎?
[06:03.66]如果魔鬼有具體形態(tài)的話 他一定是你,
[06:05.39]- Everywhere, all the time. - I am so not Satan. -任何地方,任何時間. -我根本不是.
[06:07.93]Why haven't you gotten on your broomstick and left? 你怎么還沒騎上 你的破掃帚
[06:10.70]- Stop being petty. - Stop being an adulterous bitch. 飛回你應(yīng)該去的紐約?
[06:11.17]-你能不這么卑鄙嗎? -你能不做偷漢子的婊子嗎?
[06:13.33](Elevator bell)
[06:15.27]You are going to forgive me eventually? 你明白最終你還是會 原諒我的,對嗎?
[06:17.37]You can't just... 我是說,你只是不能...
[06:19.17]There was a time you thought of me as your best friend? 我的意思是,你需要時間
[06:21.81]There was a time when I thought you were the love of my life. 來思考我才是你 最好的朋友.
[06:24.68]Things change. 我認為你是我今生的摯愛.
[06:36.16]Divorce papers. 離婚協(xié)議.
[06:37.89]Your lawyer said they're OK. I haven't signed them yet. 你律師說這個可以.
[06:41.30]The ball's in your court. If you sign, I'll sign. 我還沒簽字.
[06:41.75]你有發(fā)球權(quán) 你簽字的話,我就簽
[06:44.00]I'll sign and be on the first plane out of here.
[06:47.07]I'll sign them immediately. I want you out of here soon. 我簽字之后會坐 最快的航班離開這里.
[06:53.98]Derek, have you ever thought that, even if I am Satan and an adulterous bitch, Derek, 你有想過嗎? 即使我真的是魔鬼
[06:57.98]that I still might be the love of your life? 又背著你偷漢子
[07:20.27](& Psaap: Crazy in the Rocket)
[07:25.55]nobody knows were they might end up
[07:29.01]nobody knows
[07:40.41]oh, oh
[07:42.35]suppose you'll never know
[07:48.00](Gulls cry)
[07:55.07](Steady beeping)
[08:03.28](Sighs) It's my chart.
[08:05.95]You're the patient. Not the doctor. Act like one. 我的病歷.
[08:10.65]- It's been tough finding you alone. - Yeah? Well... 我了解你一個人很孤獨.
[08:13.75]- How are you doing? - You have my chart. You tell me. 是啊..
[08:16.69]How are you doing? -嗯,你拿著我病歷呢,你說呢 -你好嗎?
[08:23.66]I'm fine. Perfectly OK. 我很好,好的不能再好了.
[08:27.27]- I had a right to know. - Well, now you do. 我有權(quán)利知道.
[08:30.61]- Cristina... - Look. Now you know. It's over. -嗯,現(xiàn)在你知道了 -Cristina...
[08:34.04]There's nothing for you to deal with. So what else is there left to say? 和你沒有關(guān)系,
[08:37.75]- Plenty. For starters... - Oh, look. It's my mother. 所以我不知道.
[08:38.86]-很多,作為開頭,你可以重新和我... -哦,看,這是我媽媽
[08:44.72]Dr. Preston Burke. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Yang. Preston burke醫(yī)生. 很高興認識你,yang太太
[08:47.12]Actually it's Rubenstein. 事實上,是rubenstein.
[08:49.12]Dr. Saul Rubenstein of Beverly Hills? The oral surgeon? Saul rubenstein醫(yī)生來自beverly hills,
[08:52.89]I'm remarried. Been remarried since Cristina was, what? About three? 口腔醫(yī)生,我又再婚了.
[08:55.24]再婚的時候,cristina大概只有.. 幾歲,3歲?
[08:57.90]Mom, that's too much information, he has other things to do. 媽,你說太多話了.
[09:02.24]You're good-looking. He's good-looking. 你長的挺帥.他挺帥.
[09:04.94]Why don't you ever bring home a man as good-looking as him? 為什么你從來不帶一個 像他這么帥的男生回家?
[09:08.11]- Stop. - What? -別說了. -怎么了?
[09:10.21]- Stop talking. - Cristina. Forgive her. -別再說了. -Cristina!別介意她.
[09:14.45]I don't know what I ever did to raise such an unpleasant girl. 我不知道我到底做了什么
[09:18.22]- Oh, me? I'm unpleasant? - Excuse me. 怎么養(yǎng)出一個這么討厭的丫頭.
[09:18.72]Oh, 我, 討厭...我讓人討厭?
[09:23.89]- Do you know who that was? - Who? -你知道他是誰嗎? -誰?
[09:25.99]- That was my boss! - I only said nice things. 他是我的..他是我的老板.
[09:28.30]Why'd you call me unpleasant in front of my boss? -我對他不錯啊. -為什么你說我是討厭的?
[09:30.97]Lighten up, please. 還在我老板面前?
[09:33.17]OK, I was thinking that maybe we might want to... you might... 放輕松,寶貝.
[09:33.85]Okay, 我在想,也許 我們可以..
[09:37.17]- OK, we both have tonight off so... - You are so into me. 你可以...
[09:38.29]okay, 我們倆今晚都休息,所以..
[09:40.41]- Shut up. - It's sad. The worship. The adoration. 你追我可挺緊的啊.
[09:43.58]And I'm so handsome, I intoxicate you. 我還這么帥,把你迷倒了.
[09:45.91]OK, you know what? Forget it. Okay, 你知道嗎?沒事了.
[09:47.78]Izzie, would you like to go out with me tonight? Izzie, 你今晚愿意 和我一起出去嗎?
[09:50.65]On a date? And you wear something gorgeous, I pay for food... 約會?
[09:54.16]- Are you making fun of me? - I'm not making fun of you. 你在拿我開心是嗎?
[09:57.12]OK, then. 我沒有.
[09:58.69]- Good. - Good. 那好吧.
[10:01.93]I said I never wanted to see you again. 好.
[10:03.90]'Cause you're too lazy to learn anything more. 我以為告訴過你 再也不想見到你了
[10:06.43]Dr. Meredith Grey, Jeremiah Tate. 那是因為你太懶了, 沒辦法再學(xué)新東西
[10:08.50]Thinks he knows so much because he was my first intern patient. Meredith grey醫(yī)生,這是jeremiah tate.
[10:10.25]因為他是我做實習生 的時候第一個患者.
[10:11.91]I knew as much as her. She was clueless about how to treat cystic fibrosis. 我和她懂的一樣多.
[10:13.72]她處理囊腫性纖維化 的時候笨的要命.
[10:16.48]A cholecystectomy turned into a month-long stay. 搞砸了一個簡單的膽囊切除手術(shù) 讓人家在醫(yī)院呆了一個月
[10:19.05]Better not be alleging malpractice. 你最好別被說成玩忽職守.
[10:21.02]Guy raises about 100,000 grand a year for cystic fibrosis, running triathlons. 這家伙參加三項全能賽, 一年內(nèi)囊腫性纖維化100單位
[10:25.22]- Thinks he's a big shot. - You run triathlons? 我猜他一定是個大人物.
[10:27.86]- Why not? - Pain for one. 你是三項全能選手??
[10:28.34]-不行嗎? -一級疼痛.
[10:29.89]- Finally admitting to feeling a little? - A little. 看起來你終于承認 你感覺到點疼痛了
[10:32.96]How little? Truth. -就一點吧. -多大一點?
[10:34.96]Enough to keep me awake at night. 說真話.
[10:39.03]Had some seizures. Too weak to work out. 能感覺到在翻滾. Um...
[10:43.37]Anyone been through here with your CT results? 但是我實在沒力氣抵抗了.
[10:44.29]有人過來給過你 的C.T結(jié)果嗎?
[10:46.01]No. It's probably just my pancreatitis kicking up again. 沒有,我估計就是我的胰腺炎
[10:51.25]All right then. We'll be back. -又發(fā)作了而已. -明白了
[10:53.41]With your results and a plan. 回頭我們會拿來你的結(jié)果,以及解決方案的.
[10:55.78]Where do your parents think you are this time? 這次你父母認為你 是在哪里了?
[10:59.72](Chuckles) New Jersey. 新澤西.
[11:05.29]What about his parents? 他父母怎么辦?
[11:07.23]He doesn't like to bother them until he's well or about to get discharged. 他不愿意告訴他父母
[11:11.20]He understands his reality. He just chooses to ignore it. 他了解自己的情況
[11:14.54]Denial works for him, Grey. 他只不過選擇不予理睬罷了 "否認"對他挺有用的, grey.
[11:17.00]"Abdominal pain." 腹痛.腹痛.
[11:20.34]"Perirectal abscess." "直腸膿腫. 頭部槍傷."
[11:22.94]"Gunshot wound to the head."
[11:25.81]Where the hell's this GSW to the head? Why wasn't the trauma team called? 頭部槍傷是怎么他媽的回事?
[11:29.88]Hello? Are you people insane? 為什么外傷科的人沒來?
[11:32.59]There's your gunshot victim. 你那槍傷受害者在那兒呢.
[11:36.12]Him? 他?
[11:42.26]I'm redoing the living room in beige silks, I'm thinking. 我正在重新把客廳鋪上米色的絲綢,
[11:48.47]And modern. Very mid-century. 我在想.
[11:51.84]- And the dining room... - Mother, give me back my toes. -還有餐廳... -媽,把我腳趾拿回來.
[11:55.11]OK. I change the subject. Okay. 我換個話題.
[12:00.25]- Who's the father? - Mid-century, did you say? 誰是爸爸?
[12:03.05]Someone you work with, right? Was it just for sex? 你是說你喜歡中世紀嗎?
[12:07.29]You make such a point of not forming attachments. 你的想法真是不切實際
[12:10.12]20 minutes. All I want is 20 minutes of peace and quiet. 20分鐘.留給我 20分鐘的清凈吧.
[12:14.06]The daughter I raised would appreciate her mother's help. 我養(yǎng)的女兒應(yīng)該感激 她媽媽的幫忙.
[12:18.67]The daughter you raised is begging for you to go. Now. 你養(yǎng)的女兒正在懇求你 離開這里,馬上!
[12:22.97]I didn't have to come here. You know I'm very busy. 我根本沒有義務(wù)來這里 你知道,我很忙
[12:26.17]Yeah, I know. Redecorating your house. 我知道,真的,全知道, 你正在重新裝修你的房子
[12:34.05]Well, can you get me a mocha latte, please? 請你給我一杯摩卡咖啡可以嗎?
[12:36.45]A non-fat one. 脫脂的.
[12:38.39]No. A fat one! 不, 普通的.
[12:46.96]You're walking, you're talking, there's no exit wound. 嗯,你能走.
[12:53.20]- This mark here looks more like a burn. - I'm telling you, I shot myself. 這個標記看上去更像一個燒傷.
[12:57.04]Pulled the trigger cleaning my.22. I thought the clip was out. 我告訴你了,我射到了我自己...
[13:00.37]If you're thinking suicide, don't. 我以為彈膛已經(jīng)拿出去了.
[13:02.38]People make mistakes. I made a mistake. 如果你正認為我是自殺的話,千萬別,
[13:05.95]And now I'm paying for it. But I did shoot myself. 我正為此付出代價.
[13:17.32]- Where's your IV? - I'm taking solids. I Hep-Locked it. 你的監(jiān)護醫(yī)生呢?
[13:20.26]- On whose orders? - Mine. 我正在吃固體食物,正在消化著.
[13:20.96]-誰下的指令? -我自己.
[13:23.13]OK. Yang.
[13:24.66]Okay. "yang."
[13:27.17]How about this order: "Bed rest, out of bed to chair, bathroom privileges." 這個命令如何?"上床休息,
[13:31.84]Nothing about stealing charts. 和你在護士站偷病歷無關(guān)
[13:34.14]OK, you know what. Hey. Give me that. Okay, 知道嗎? Hey, hey, hey! 把這個給我.
[13:40.95]There. Satisfied? I'm "out of bed to chair." Ah. Ah. 這樣滿意了嗎?
[13:44.22]- I'm telling your intern on you. - Meredith? 我不在床上,在椅子上.
[13:44.86]-我會告訴你的監(jiān)護實習醫(yī)生的. -Meredith?
[13:46.72]- Yep. - Oh, I'm so scared. -Yeah. -哦,我好怕怕哦
[13:57.13]- Dr. Grey, how are you doing? - You're here. Good. Grey醫(yī)生, 你好嗎'?
[13:59.77]I need the results of the barium esophagram or the EGD. 你來了. 好.
[14:02.87]And you have neither. OK, no worries. I'll be here when you get back. 或者e.g.d.,但是你什么都沒給我,Okay.
[14:08.48]So today you're her intern. Well, that's better than being her husband. 今天你是她的實習生?
[14:12.55]- That's a matter of opinion. - Good morning, Ellis. 嘿嘿,比做她老公好多了.
[14:15.78]Richard, good to see you. I need those labs immediately. 早上好, ellis.
[14:16.44]Richard, 見到你真好. 我現(xiàn)在就需要那些結(jié)果.
[14:19.25]Chief? She's not a surgical patient anymore. 頭兒, um...
[14:23.82]And I'd really like to get back to the OR. 她不再是個等待接受手術(shù)的病人了,
[14:25.96]So, do you think I could hand her off to someone else? 所以我更愿意回到手術(shù)室去
[14:26.45]嗯,你覺得我能把她 交給其他人嗎?
[14:28.80]O'Malley, Alzheimer's causes her reality to shift depending on situation or mood. O'malley, alzheimer導(dǎo)致她 顛倒黑白
[14:34.47]She needs stability right now. 全憑當時的情況,以及她的心情.
[14:36.40]That's why I'm depending on you to keep a special eye on her. 她此刻需要的是穩(wěn)定下來.
[14:37.13]這就是為什么我相信你 讓你對她特殊照顧
[14:39.84]Yes, I know, sir. 是的,我知道,但是先生,那個..,
[14:41.71]But, you know, it just doesn't seem fair to me.
[14:44.68]I need those studies yesterday. 這樣看起來對我不是很公平.
[14:48.08]You heard the doctor. 你聽到醫(yī)生說什么了.
[14:50.28]Get moving. 去吧.
[14:56.99]I saw that. I saw you take that pill. 我看到了.
[15:01.46]Oh, it's my pill. You know, the pill. oh.那個是..我的藥丸. 那個.."藥丸"
[15:05.50]It's not in your chart. You're supposed to tell us all the meds you're on. 這個并不在你的病歷上,
[15:10.24]You're not my doctor. You shouldn't even be here. 而且你應(yīng)該告訴我們 你正在服用的所有藥物.
[15:12.84]- She's right. You shouldn't be here. - She took unauthorized medication. -你甚至不應(yīng)該在這里. -她說的對.
[15:16.64]I'm on the pill and I had grapefruit juice this morning. 我看到她在吃不知名的藥品.
[15:19.68]Since the juice inhibits enzymes involved in the metabolism of OCPs, 我今早喝了柚子汁
[15:23.22]I avoided the interaction by taking it two hours after food. 所以會影響ocps(口服避孕藥)的新陳代謝
[15:26.35]She has a doctorate in neuropharmacology. 所以我在飯后兩個小時之后吃.
[15:28.69]- I don't see oral contraceptives. - Guys. 她是神經(jīng)藥理學(xué)醫(yī)生, cristina.
[15:30.93]Now you will. Go back to bed and stop poaching my patients? -Well, izzie, 我沒看到什么口服避... -你們.
[15:31.23]-Okay, 好了你現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該. -你可以回到你床上去嗎...
[15:33.00]-你可以回到你床上去嗎 -別在打我病人的主意了?
[15:34.70]This is ridiculous! Go back to bed and stop poaching my patients!
[15:40.37](Rapid beeping) 才沒有...
[15:41.94]- She's in V-fib! - Call the code! -她心臟停止了. -呼叫警報代碼.
[15:45.51]- (PA) Code blue, second floor. - (Loud gasp) code blue,second floor.
[15:48.04]- Code blue, second floor. - (Coughs, inhales deeply) Code blue.second choice
[15:51.68]- (Man) You got the code equipment? - It's all ready to go.
[15:54.98]- No code? - Not anymore. -不危險了? -沒有了.
[15:56.78]- Can you help us get her back in bed? - I'll help. 能幫我把她帶回床上嗎?
[15:59.69](Lzzie) Would you just go back to bed? Go! 我可以幫忙,就等我一下.
[16:00.25]求你能不能上床? 我說真的,快回去
[16:02.06]Oh, God. You know, lzzie, if she's on OCPs, can we mark it down, OK? Oh,天, izzie, 如果她正在吃口服避孕藥
[16:07.16]Yeah. 那么我們記下來,好嗎?
[16:13.80](Meredith) Jeremiah's got a mass in his midepigastrium. jeremiah在上腹部的中間有陰影,
[16:16.77]Diffused enlargement of the pancreas. 胰腺部位的擴散.
[16:19.31]That, with his hypoglycemic seizures... 同時他患有低血糖...
[16:21.61]He's gonna need an exploratory laparotomy. 他需要一個極度危險的 剖腹手術(shù)...
[16:24.18]But, despite his triathlons, his lungs still make me hesitant to cut. 即使不考慮他的三項全能技術(shù),
[16:29.65]What are we going to do? 我們該怎么辦?
[16:32.62]- I don't know that yet. - Doctors. 我現(xiàn)在還不知道
[16:35.26]- Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd. - How old is he? 醫(yī)生.
[16:38.29]- He's 26. - A survivor, huh? -他多大? -26歲.
[16:41.13]And then some. My patient for at least five years. -幸存者, huh? -一些吧.
[16:44.20]- I'm not gonna lose him now. - You planning a laparotomy? 做我的病人至少做了5年了.
[16:47.57]Yeah, but his lungs. 你在計劃剖腹手術(shù)?
[16:49.17]You know, I think I could help you with this. -是啊,可是他的肺... -嗯,你知道
[16:51.67]I've seen one case like this in a nine-year-old. 這個我可以幫幫你.
[16:52.38]我以前遇到過一個 類似的病例,是個9歲的孩子.
[16:54.24]We had to do a total pancreatectomy. 最后我們做了 整個胰臟的切除.
[16:56.28]I'd be honored to take any help you can give me. 對于你將給予我的任何 幫助我都非常感激.
[16:59.11]You're a neonatal specialist. What... 你是嬰兒專家. 那個... 我... 這好像不是你的專長
[17:02.48]This isn't your area.
[17:05.92]I'm just saying. I... 我的意思是說,我...
[17:07.52]I did genetics research in cystic fibrosis. 我在囊腫性纖維化方面 做了兩年的遺傳學(xué)研究
[17:09.96]- I've pretty much seen it all. - Oh. 我對這個還是挺了解的, Grey醫(yī)生.
[17:13.73](PA) Dr. Ramirez, please call extension 543. Oh.
[17:16.16]Just because she offered her services doesn't mean she intends to stay. 僅僅因為她提供她一個幫助,
[17:19.70]- Well, what does it mean? - It means that she's a good doctor. 并不代表她就想留下來了.
[17:20.61]那你說這算什么? 因為對我來說...
[17:22.84](Laughs) 這只是意味著她是個好醫(yī)生.
[17:24.07]- Why are you suddenly defending her? - I'm not. Oh ho ho.為什么你突然保護起她來了?
[17:26.54]Meredith, she gave me divorce papers. She filed. 我沒有. Meredith, 她把離婚協(xié)議給我了
[17:29.81]Oh. Well, that's good. 而且她已經(jīng)同意了.
[17:30.97]Oh. 那不錯.
[17:33.28]All I have to do is sign, and I'm free. 我所應(yīng)該做的就是簽字,然后我就自由了.
[17:37.72]We're free. 我們都自由了.
[17:39.85]Is there anything to think about? 還有什么需要考慮的嗎?
[17:42.02]No, of course not. 不,當然沒有 我只需要研究一下條款,
[17:43.59]I read through them, sign, then Addison's on the next plane out of here.
[17:45.32]簽字,然后addison會搭 下一班飛機離開這里.
[17:49.00]- You say he got shot in the head? - He says he got shot in the head. 你說他在頭上有槍傷?
[17:52.30]I say he's a mental defect. 他說他射到了自己的頭. 我覺得他精神有點問題.
[17:54.30]- Hi. - Ma'am, you can't be in here. Um, hi.
[17:56.74]I'm looking for Samuel Linden, he... -女士,你不能進來這里. -Yeah, 我知道.
[17:57.63]我在找 samuel linden. 他...
[18:02.01]Oh, my God. Samuel. Well, how bad is it? oh, 天啊. Samuel.那個, 怎么... 怎么...
[18:06.05]- Are you his wife? - For 21 years. Just tell me how he is. -多... 到底有多糟糕? -你是他老婆嗎?
[18:09.42]Fine, for a man who says he shot himself. 挺好的,作為一個說他自己射了自己的人.
[18:13.45]He shot himself. He was cleaning his gun. What is wrong with you people? 他開槍射了自己,在擦拭槍的時候.
[18:18.43]We'll know when we finish his CT. 你們認為這有什么不對?
[18:20.53]- This is a restricted area, ma'am. - My husband has a bullet in his head! 昨晚CT之后我們才會知道怎么回事
[18:20.97]-這里是員工區(qū),女士請你離開. -不,不,我老公有顆子彈留在腦袋里了
[18:24.36]Then we'll find it. Wait outside, 如果你能呆在外面的話,我們將找到結(jié)果
[18:26.27]I'll be with you as soon as we know something, I promise. 我發(fā)誓我一拿到結(jié)果 就會讓你知道
[18:34.04]Of all the fine doctors in the city, you accept a consult from Addison Shepherd? 這城市里這么多好醫(yī)生
[18:36.76]-你竟然和addison shepherd會診? -Montgomery-shepherd, 是嗎?
[18:38.31]- Montgomery-Shepherd, isn't it? - She should be on her way home.
[18:42.78]You're trying to drive me crazy, aren't you? 你在試著把我逼瘋,是嗎?
[18:47.19]- (bell) - Hey, don't...
[18:48.79]You think this has something to do with you? -Oh, hey, 現(xiàn)在別做這個. -你覺得我這個病例和你有什么關(guān)系嗎?
[18:51.13]You think I'm even thinking about your romantic problems? 你認為我甚至考慮過你嗎?
[18:54.29]I'm trying to help a patient very near and dear to my heart. 以及你的愛情問題?
[18:55.35]我在試圖幫助一個 和我非常親近的病人,
[18:58.70]And if consulting with your wife, your ex, your mistress, 如果需要會診的話 和你的妻子,或者前妻,抑或情婦,
[19:01.74]whatever she becomes, if that's what's needed to save my patient, 不管她是什么身份 如果這是個問題的話
[19:05.17]- then I'm damned well going to do it. - I understand that. 我還是會努力去挽救我的病人 不計代價的.
[19:09.34]I deserved that. It's... 我明白.
[19:11.55]Look, you have put yourself between two very fine women 我罪有應(yīng)得.只是... 算了,只不過...
[19:12.36]聽著,你把你自己放在 兩個非常好的女人中間
[19:15.58]and you're looking for an easy way out. 現(xiàn)在你在試圖尋找個簡單的方法解決.
[19:17.68]You want to use me, the hospital, 你要用我,或者醫(yī)院...
[19:20.55]somebody to make the decision for you, and it's not gonna happen! 或者什么其他人來替你做決定.
[19:26.89]- Could I just say a couple of things? - Just... 我可以...
[19:28.25]-可以讓我說一點其他的嗎? -別... deh, deh, deh.
[19:36.34]You scared us a little there. How's her work-up coming? 你有點嚇倒我們了.
[19:39.97]Electrolytes are within normal limits, urine tox was negative and EKG's fine. 她的結(jié)果如何?
[19:40.88]Uh, 電解液正常,
[19:44.21]Tilt test is scheduled for noon. Oh, and she's on contraceptives. 尿氧陰性,e.k.g正常.
[19:47.65]- So? - That's what I said. Oh,還有她正在吃避孕藥.
[19:49.58]That other doctor made such a big deal of it. -那又如何? -我也這么問.
[19:51.95]She didn't tell us before. So I documented it in her med list. Well,她以前并沒有提起.
[19:55.82]- What other doctor? - Cristina. She was wandering the halls. 什么另一個醫(yī)生?
[20:01.60]Fine. Take her down for an echo. 好吧,帶她下去做個回波.
[20:04.23]An echo? What about cardioversion or ablation? 回波? 復(fù)律法或者切除術(shù)如何?
[20:06.90]Won't I need a pacemaker or a permanent internal defibrillator? 我不需要個心臟起博器 或是內(nèi)部的永久去纖顫器?
[20:10.37]Although it would be unusual for rheumatic heart disease 雖然對風濕性心臟病 來說并不常見
[20:13.44]to cause ventricular dysrhythmias, we've still got to check your valves. 但它可能是導(dǎo)致心律不齊的原因,
[20:20.68]I thought your doctorate was in neuropharmacology, not medicine. 我以為你的博士學(xué)位 是在藥理學(xué)領(lǐng)域
[20:24.32]It is. -不是臨床醫(yī)學(xué). -就是.
[20:31.43]Addison gave Derek divorce papers, which is good. 好消息是Addison給了derek 離婚協(xié)議書.
[20:34.86]I mean, she's still here, being Addison, but it's not like I'm jealous. 我是說,她還在這里做她的addison,
[20:38.83]- That's odd. - It's odd that I'm not jealous? 但是這并不代表我是嫉妒或者什么.
[20:39.83]-這個不成對. -我不嫉妒是不成對的?
[20:41.64]No, you have every right to be jealous. 不是,你絕對有權(quán)嫉妒.
[20:43.70]It's your territory and she's peeing all over it. What's odd is Burke's patient. 這是你的地盤,她卻到處惹事.
[20:47.67]Four other hospitals this year. Something's not right. burke的患者竟然不成對的.
[20:50.81]- Why the interest in Burke's patient? - This has nothing to do with Burke. 肯定有什么事情不對.
[20:51.39]你起來對burke的病人 十分有興趣啊
[20:54.65]You lost a fallopian tube, a baby, and a boyfriend all in one day. 和 burke無關(guān).
[20:58.02]You have the right to be upset. 還失去了一個男朋友,都在同一天里.
[20:59.69]You're losing McDreamy to his wife. You have a right to be jealous. 你絕對有權(quán)難過.
[21:00.37]而你正在失去你的"美夢先生" 因為他完美的妻子也在這里.
[21:03.26]I did not lose McDreamy. Divorce papers, remember? And I'm not jealous. 你也有權(quán)嫉妒
[21:05.47]離婚協(xié)議,記得嗎? 還有我根本不嫉妒.
[21:06.99]- And I'm not upset. - You really should be in your room. 我也不難過.
[21:09.76]If this was reversed, would you want to spend time with your mother 你真應(yīng)該回到你的病房去
[21:10.19]okay, 如果情況調(diào)換,
[21:13.50]in a confined room with one window? 你會不會愿意
[21:13.26]和你媽媽一起被關(guān)在 一個只有一扇窗戶的小房間里?
[21:17.87]Do you think we're like them? Our mothers? 你覺得我們喜歡他們嗎?我們的老媽?
[21:23.28](Announcement over PA)
[21:28.25]Uh, where's your mom? -你媽媽在哪里? -對極了.
[21:30.05]Exactly. Where is my mother?
[21:32.72]- Where's your mother? - Funny you should ask. -我媽在哪里? -你媽在哪里?
[21:35.52]Oh, crap. 真有意思你問對了.
[21:37.86]Oh, man, you are not going to believe this. Oh, 糟了.
[21:42.80]No. It can't be. The guy was reading a freaking magazine. 不,不可能
[21:46.27]It's definitely a bullet. Tracked clear through his head. 那家伙讀一本奇怪的雜志.
[21:51.97]Now are you people just going to sit here or get him into surgery? 你們是想繼續(xù)傻坐在這里
[21:59.48]Here's the missile track. As you can see it doesn't even cross the midline. 你能看到這就是那子彈的痕跡,
[22:03.65]He's lucky. This guy may have even been sitting there talking to you. 還沒穿過中線,他真幸運.
[22:07.22]He'll need debridement of the entrance wound and repair the dura, 這人可能還可以 坐在那里和你聊天.
[22:07.97]他的手術(shù)需要穿過他的傷口 在內(nèi)部修復(fù)創(chuàng)傷的腦膜
[22:10.66]but we won't need to remove the bullet. 但是我們并不需要取出子彈.
[22:12.89]That's an excellent diagnosis, Dr. Grey. 精彩的診斷Grey醫(yī)生.
[22:15.26]I'm Dr. Shepherd, I'm your neuro consult. 我是Shepherd醫(yī)生.我是你的同僚.
[22:18.37]Dr. Grey, they need you upstairs. Grey醫(yī)生...
[22:23.24]- You'll book the OR and staff? - I'm on it. 你去預(yù)定手術(shù)室和放射檢查?
[22:29.48]- Unbelievable. - O'Malley. 不可思議.
[22:33.28]Can you not handle this, doctor? O'malley.
[22:37.35]I can handle a lot of things. Wheelchairs. Come on, Dr. Grey. 好多事情我處理不了.
[22:41.79](Addison) We won't know for sure until we go in there, 沒做手術(shù)我們是沒有把握肯定如此
[22:44.42]but it looks like I'm gonna have to take out your pancreas 但是看起來很像
[22:47.36]and re-route your intestines. 我要摘除你的胰臟
[22:49.23]Did you tell her my lungs don't do well with anesthesia? 并且做腸繞道.
[22:49.81]你告訴她我的肺 不太適應(yīng)麻醉了嗎?
[22:52.20]Don't I always have your back? 我不是一直有你的資料嗎?
[22:53.77]Your kidney function is decreasing and I'm afraid 你的腎功能衰竭的很快,
[22:56.30]you'll go into multi-system organ failure if we don't operate. 恐怕你會患有多重器官衰竭
[22:59.47]- If I say no? - There's no guarantees, Jeremiah. 如果我們不做這個手術(shù)的話.
[23:03.54]It's going to be a long, hard surgery, and put a lot of stress on your body. 這將會是一個漫長而艱難的手術(shù)
[23:07.61]Yeah, but I'm me. 你的身體會承受很大壓力.
[23:10.75]- But you're you. - So if we don't operate, I die. 但是你還是你
[23:15.82]And if we do operate, I may die. 如果我做了手術(shù),我可能還是會死.
[23:20.06]Basically, yes. 基本上來說,對.
[23:22.06]Well, I like those odds. 我喜歡這個失敗幾率.
[23:24.83]And 26 years with this disease is awesome. And that's the reality. 26歲就得了這個病,我真牛,
[23:29.14]So if I get lucky, great. 這是事實.
[23:33.17]If I don't... 如果我不幸的話...
[23:41.38]it's been sweet. 真貼心.
[23:43.85]It's gonna stay sweet. 我會一直陪著你,一直貼心的.
[23:47.35](Derek) We'll need to do a psych evaluation. 你理解嗎,我們需要 做一個心理評估?
[23:50.12]How many times do we have to tell you? He wasn't trying to kill himself. 我們還需要告訴你幾次?
[23:54.33]- It was an accident. - They're just doing their job, hon. -那是個意外. -他們只是做自己的工作而已, hon.
[23:57.66]- Their job is to make you better. - Where were you at the time? 不,他們的工作是讓你好起來.
[24:00.83]I was in the next room. And I heard the shot. And it was awful. 槍響的時候你在哪里?
[24:02.44]-我聽到了槍聲,真是太可怕了. -Mm-hmm. 抓住這個.
[24:06.51]- It's over now. - (Alex) Why didn't you call 911? 現(xiàn)在都結(jié)束了.
[24:09.51]Because he was only unconscious for a moment. 你為什么沒報警?
[24:10.17]因為他只是昏迷了一小會 然后就...
[24:12.11]And then he was walking, and talking and... 然后他就.. 可以走 可以說話...
[24:15.28]You'll have to give a report to the police. 你應(yīng)該去報告警察.
[24:17.48]- Police? - Why do we need to talk to the police? 警察?
[24:20.09]We have to report any gunshot wounds to the police. It's the law. 我們..我們應(yīng)該和警察說什么?
[24:20.65]我們需要向警察報告 任何一個槍傷患者
[24:32.97]You're officially AWOL, you know. 你真是 a.w.o.l.,知道嗎.
[24:35.20]I'm working. Trying to figure out what's going on with the crazy woman on four. 我在工作呢,我要做出來
[24:39.74]You are the crazy woman on four. 到底那去了4家醫(yī)院的瘋女人怎么回事.
[24:41.41]I made a break for freedom. Hand me that dictionary. 你就是那瘋女人.
[24:45.58](Sighs) You have a better patient than me and you don't even have a patient. 你有一個比我好的病人,
[24:49.62]Meredith's got a CF case. Alex's got the gunshot wound. 你甚至沒有病人.
[24:50.50]Meredith有個 c.f.患者, alex有個槍傷患者,
[24:52.49]Izzie's got the mystery arrhythmias. I'm not a nanny. izzie的患者是神秘的心律不齊.
[24:55.76]I am a surgeon. A cutter. 我并不是個保姆,我是個醫(yī)生,做手術(shù)的醫(yī)生
[24:58.76]But no, I'm getting fake labs for a fake patient so she can do a fake surgery. 但是,我現(xiàn)在卻得到假標簽
[25:01.83]因為一個假患者, 這樣她就可以做一個假醫(yī)生
[25:07.53]- She's faking it. - It's real to her. It's Alzheimer's. 她是裝出來的.
[25:11.84]The missionary. Kalpana... 傳教士,Kalpana.
[25:15.31](groans) God! Thank you! oh,天啊
[25:18.91]Ow! -謝謝. -Ow.
[25:20.71]Uncalled for! 沒必要.
[25:23.52]- Izzie. How have her studies been? - I've been looking for that everywhere.
[25:25.02]-Hey, izzie,她的進展如何? -Hey, 我到處找那病歷.
[25:27.45]Negative, right? 陰性, 對嗎?
[25:29.16]Oh! The echo test showed mild mitral stenosis, the tilt test was negative. Oh, 回波測試顯示 只是輕微的二尖瓣狹窄而已.
[25:33.23]We're doing EP studies. tilt測試也是陰性. 我們正在做 e.p.測試.
[25:34.63]I know what's wrong without sticking electrodes in her heart. 我能告訴你她到底怎么了
[25:38.06]- Really. Just by the chart? - No, from the pill she took. 是嗎? 就憑病歷.
[25:41.10]They were contraceptives. Why are you so obsessed with this? Just go back to bed. 不,憑她吃的藥.
[25:42.83]你為什么對這個如此執(zhí)著? 回到你的床上去.
[25:45.31]- She's doing this to herself. - Inducing ventricular arrhythmias? -我覺得她是在自己騙自己 -你覺得她自己在
[25:48.81]- She'd have to be crazy. - No, she'd have to have Munchausen's. 誘導(dǎo)心律不齊? 她一定是瘋了才這么做.
[25:50.56]不,不,不,不. 她只是需要夸大其詞.
[25:52.11]Wait. You think she's secretly ingesting something to produce real symptoms? Okay, 等一下,你覺得她 在偷偷的吃下什么東西
[25:56.35]- Seriously? - Yep. Just run it by Burke. 來制造出真正的征兆?你認真的嗎?
[25:58.69]- Tell me what he thinks. - Tell him yourself. He's behind you. 對,告訴burke這件事, 然后再回來告訴我他怎么想的.
[26:09.76](Husband and wife talk quietly)
[26:12.93]- Where are we? - OR Two in 30 minutes. 我們說到哪里了?
[26:15.27]He's prepped, transpo's on the way. 2號手術(shù)室,30分鐘之后 他準備好了,差不多到時候了.
[26:17.74](Woman) Do you understand that? 21 years!
[26:20.81]- What's that all about? - I haven't got a clue. 21年
[26:21.28]-那是什么? - 多少次
[26:23.21]I love you. I forgive you. -我也沒線索 -需要我道歉嗎?
[26:25.41]You cheated on me. You cheated on me. 你竟然搞外遇,你搞外遇,
[26:28.62]- You do not get to play the martyr. - I got a bullet in my head. 你用不著在這里裝烈士
[26:31.69]- And that doesn't make us even. - You shot me! -我腦子里有顆子彈. -即使這樣也無法讓我倆平衡.
[26:34.49]I think we need to get the police up here right now. 你向我開槍.
[26:35.30]我想我們應(yīng)該 現(xiàn)在就把警察叫來.
[26:37.96]She obviously loves the patient role. She practically lives in hospitals. 我是說,很明顯她喜歡扮演病人.
[26:42.00]And we're like an imaginary family to her 就是說她實踐住院
[26:42.41]同時...我們這些人 好像是她的假想家人一樣
[26:44.97]because her real family blows her off to go take care of other people. 因為她真正的家庭放棄了她
[26:48.54]- And I saw her take something. - That's not enough. 而去照顧其他人
[26:51.27]We have to rule out everything else. 這還不夠.
[26:52.07]我們必須排出其他所有的可能 所有的身體方面患病的可能.
[26:53.77]She lied about her job. She's a pharmacy tech, not a Ph.D. 她甚至胡謅了一個職業(yè). 她是藥劑師方面的,
[26:56.71]So she's a liar. I've been lied to before. -不是博士. -所以她是個騙子,我以前也被騙過.
[27:01.68]- We're not talking about us here. - Maybe we should be. 喂,我們不能在這里談這個.
[27:05.12]- I didn't lie. - You withheld the truth. -也許我們可以. -我沒撒謊.
[27:07.29]OK, you know what? I remember you breaking things off with me. -你一直隱藏真相,我如何能知道... -好,知道嗎?
[27:08.78]我很清楚的記得 是你先提出和我分手的,
[27:10.62]You didn't seem so upset about it. This? This is not a relationship. 而你并沒有因為這個而難過.
[27:12.49]Okay, 這個... 這不是... 這不是拍拖.
[27:14.63]- This is not real. - Cristina! -這不是真的. -Cristina.
[27:16.56]OK, and so what's with the big fake display of hurt and drama? Okay, 那么... 那么即使假扮受傷的戲劇,
[27:22.00]- Cristina! - I'm supposed to be in bed. -Cristina. -我應(yīng)該躺在床上.
[27:24.07]Cristina! Cristina.
[27:40.69]Officers, thanks for coming. 警官,謝謝您趕來.
[27:42.89]Ma'am, why don't you have a seat? We need to ask you a few questions. 女士,您能坐下嗎?
[27:46.23]Uh, of course. Oh, 嗯,當然.
[27:48.43]Well, nothing like a domestic dispute to liven up a pre-op, huh? 看起來并不像是場家庭內(nèi)戰(zhàn)
[27:55.40]- (Jeremiah) Where do I sign? - (Bailey) Here, for consent. 我應(yīng)該在哪里簽字?
[27:59.91]And here for DNR and no extraordinary measures. 這里是同意d.n.r的簽字. 不需要額外搶救.
[28:06.71](Bailey) Good. OK, lift up for me. 很好,請?zhí)饋硪幌?
[28:13.29]You should probably call my parents. Ow. 你真應(yīng)該 把我父母叫來.
[28:16.66]Call them yourself when you walk out of here. 你出院的時候自己叫.
[28:27.07]Dr. Grey, I have those labs... Grey醫(yī)生, 我拿到了這些結(jié)果...
[28:29.77]Oh, no you didn't. You lost her again? Again? oh, 不,你沒有.
[28:34.67]I am a surgeon. A surgeon! 我是個醫(yī)生,醫(yī)生.
[28:38.14](Chuckles) Yeah, well. Yeah, 是啊.當webber醫(yī)生 發(fā)現(xiàn)你又把ellis grey丟了的時候
[28:39.41]You won't be when Dr. Webber finds out you lost Ellis Grey again.
[28:43.25](Laughs) 你就不是個醫(yī)生了
[28:46.65]We're using three different catheters. Why are we doing that, Dr. Stevens? 我們正在使用3種不同的導(dǎo)管.
[28:50.66]Programmed electrical stimulation maps the heart's electrical system 為什么這么做,Stevens醫(yī)生?
[28:54.26]- to find the focus of the irregular... - Doctors? Sorry to interrupt. 繪圖心臟的電極系統(tǒng)
[28:54.85]-來找出不規(guī)則的中心... -um, 醫(yī)生?
[28:57.70]- (Burke) Yes? - Her urine's blue. -打擾一下. -嗯.
[29:02.07]What? 什么?
[29:05.74]Why is her urine blue? 為什么她尿樣是藍色的?
[29:10.01]She says she has a surgery scheduled with Dr. Shepherd? 她說她預(yù)約了shepherd醫(yī)生 的一個手術(shù).
[29:12.75]- I turned my back for... - Why did you turn your back? 我只不過轉(zhuǎn)身5分鐘而已.
[29:15.45]I told you to take care of her! 為什么你轉(zhuǎn)身離開?
[29:21.39]Just get out of here. 你走吧.
[29:23.16]You want to find a hot surgery, then find one. 你想找個帶勁的手術(shù),那去找吧.
[29:26.16]You're free. 沒你事兒了,我會照顧她的
[29:28.16]I'll take care of her.
[29:38.00](Alex) This is one sick bastard. We should flip him over, give him a spine. 這是個有病的混蛋.
[29:41.64]Pull back on the retractor, Dr. Karev. A little suction. Karev醫(yī)生,把牽引器向后拉.
[29:44.84]Covering for his wife after she shot him? 小吸血器?
[29:47.11]- He did cheat on her. - And that's worth a bullet in the head? 他在外面搞外遇.
[29:49.01]對啊,這罪行夠 吃顆子彈的了?
[29:50.95]Relationships are built on sacrifice. 感情是建立在犧牲的基礎(chǔ)上的.
[29:53.62]- Not that kind of sacrifice. - I don't know. -但不是這種犧牲. -Mm, 我不知道.
[29:56.19]Sometimes a bullet's worth it. 有時子彈值這個了.
[30:09.00]Richard, I thought you'd never get here. Oh, richard.
[30:12.87]Look, the OR's empty, I have a little time before my surgery. 我以為你永遠不會來這里呢. 看呢,手術(shù)室是空的.
[30:29.66]I don't think I'm supposed to be here. 我不認為我應(yīng)該來這里
[30:33.49]No. 不.
[30:37.43]No, you're not. 不,你不應(yīng)該.
[30:39.90]Come on, I'll take you back to your room. 來吧,我?guī)慊夭》咳?br /> [30:57.45](Bailey) I need more traction. Dr. Grey? 我需要更多的牽引,grey醫(yī)生.
[30:59.82]Here, give me some suction there. 這里,幫我多抽入一下.
[31:04.16]Grey, retract the duodenum. Good. 現(xiàn)在, grey,把十二指腸放回去.
[31:07.23]How's he doing? 好,他怎么樣?
[31:08.66]- Hard to ventilate and no urine output. - He's shutting down. 呼吸更困難.
[31:10.03]-從我們開始就沒排過尿. -他快不行了.
[31:11.87]- Did you increase peak pressures? - Any higher, I blow his lungs. 你加大他的壓力峰值了嗎?
[31:15.20]Bradycardia. Pushing one of atropine. 最高了已經(jīng),他的肺很受傷.
[31:16.41]-心博減慢了. -注射一個單位的阿托品.
[31:19.71](Addison) Try ventilating him manually, see if he starts coming back up. 試試手動鼓風.
[31:23.38]- (Bailey) Did we miss any bleeders? - Surgical field is clear. 看他是否能開始好轉(zhuǎn).
[31:24.27]-我們錯過什么細節(jié)了嗎? -過程完全沒錯.
[31:26.71]- Agonal rhythm. - (Bailey) Any pulse with that? 瀕死跡象.
[31:29.38]- (Anesthesiologist) No carotid. - Starting CPR. Push one of epi. -有什么脈搏嗎? -頸動脈沒反應(yīng).
[31:31.00]Okay, 開始心肺復(fù)蘇術(shù),注視一單位epi
[31:32.95]No extraordinary measures, Dr. Bailey. He's DNR. 不用額外搶救了,Bailey醫(yī)生. 他簽了d.n.r.
[31:35.72]No, this is just good medicine. 這是好藥啊.
[31:37.79](Rapid beeping)
[31:41.76]Blue urine? 藍色尿樣?
[31:42.83]A second drug screen was positive for amitriptyline, 二級藥物檢查為阿莫曲替林陽性.
[31:45.87]which, I'm sure you know, causes ventricular arrhythmias. 我知道你了解 這個就是造成心律不齊的原因.
[31:49.74]You knew it wouldn't show on a drug screen, 你明白一般性的藥物檢查中 這個結(jié)果不會顯示,
[31:51.84]but I'm guessing you didn't realize it turns urine blue. 但是我猜你并沒有意識到
[31:54.67]I didn't do this to myself. You have to believe me. I'm sick. 它可以讓你的尿變藍.
[31:59.31]- I have something... - No. You're just deceiving yourself. 我生病了,而且我還...
[32:02.92]Manufacturing things that really aren't there, seeing only what you want to see. 你根本沒病,
[32:07.75]Wasting our time, our resources, and throwing away your own life. 浪費我們的時間,資源
[32:12.53]Your illness is in your head, Kalpana. 你的病在你的腦子里kalpana.
[32:14.56]We will be transferring you to Psych. 我們會把你轉(zhuǎn)到精神科.
[32:17.26](Rapid beeping)
[32:21.63]Come on. 來吧.
[32:24.84]Come on, don't give up. Come on. 快點,別放棄.
[32:27.61]You're getting tired. Let me take over, Dr. Bailey. -起來 -你累了.
[32:38.85](Addison) Dr. Bailey, his intestines are cyanotic. There's no blood circulating. Bailey醫(yī)生,他的腸已經(jīng)青紫色了.
[32:43.12]It's been shunted to his brain where he needs it. You call those compressions? 血液停止循環(huán)了.
[32:43.47]血液只不過都跑到 最需要的腦子里而已.
[32:48.39](Grunts) 1, 2, 3...
[32:50.40](Rapid beeping)
[32:53.50]Fight it. Come on! 繼續(xù)戰(zhàn)斗.
[33:02.74]Why isn't anyone moving? Who's recording? 為什么沒人動啊?
[33:06.38]It's been ten minutes since we had a perfusing rhythm. 誰在記錄?
[33:09.68]It's your call, Dr. Bailey. Bailey醫(yī)生,你來宣布吧.
[33:11.38]- (continuous beep) - One, two, three... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
[33:31.10]Asystole. 搶救無效.
[33:33.17](Beeping stops)
[33:36.71]Time of death: 19:26. 死亡時間... 19:26.
[34:34.77](Sighs) 當你很接近的時候 很難接受結(jié)束.
[34:36.54]It's hard to accept the end when you're too close.
[34:51.75]Look, I don't want someone who doesn't want me, Meredith. 聽著,我不需要一個不想要我的人 meredith,
[34:57.39]But if there's the slightest chance that he does, I'm not leaving Seattle. 但是如果即使有萬分之一 的希望他可能會...
[35:08.47]What did she tell them? 她怎么和警察說的?
[35:09.87]That you cheated on her, that she was drunk, 你背著她搞外遇, 然后她喝醉了,
[35:12.41]and you were cleaning your guns in the kitchen. 當時你正在廚房里面擦槍.
[35:14.87]- I'm not gonna press charges. - It doesn't matter, she confessed. 我不會指控她的.
[35:18.38]- Assault in the first degree. - They arrested her? 她已經(jīng)承認了,一級襲擊.
[35:21.51]Man, you should be grateful. 他們逮捕她了?
[35:23.72]You know what I am? 知道我是什么嗎?我是傻瓜.
[35:25.38]I'm stupid.
[35:27.39]Nothing is more stupid than cheating on the woman you love. 沒有比欺騙愛你的女人
[35:30.69]You don't know what you're missing. 更傻的事情了
[35:44.34]Your latte's by your bed, and I'm pretty sure it's cold. 你的摩卡咖啡在你床邊,
[35:49.84]- (Exhales) I don't need it. - You should be in bed. 我不需要了.
[35:52.71]Stop it. I'm fine, OK? My brain is fine. My body is fine. I'm fine. 你應(yīng)該躺在床上.
[35:57.65]- I don't know why I came. - Then why did you? -真不知道我為什么來. -那你為什么來了啊?
[36:00.45]You know, I... Just stop it. I don't... 你知道.我很...那個,算了別說了.
[36:02.99]I'm sorry I'm not that person. I'm sorry I don't need you here taking care of me. 我不... 對不起我不是那種人.
[36:08.76]Well? -怎樣? -你說對了.
[36:10.06]You were right. Kalpana definitely suffers from Munchausen's.
[36:13.57]See. I was right. 明白了? 我就是對的.
[36:16.70]I was right. 我對了.
[36:21.54]I was right. 我對了
[36:24.94]I was right. I was... (sniffs) I was right. 我對了,對了..
[36:28.35]I was right. 對的,我對了..
[36:30.68]Oh, I'm... Oh,我..我,,
[36:34.39](bawls) I'm right... 我對了....我...
[36:38.86]I'm right... I'm... 我對了.我...
[36:43.66]You took the Clinical Skills section of your medical exams after most interns, 你在你的醫(yī)學(xué)測試當中,
[36:49.00]so the results are only now coming out. 結(jié)果剛剛出來.
[36:51.60]I got a call from USMLE this morning. 今早我接到 u.s.m.l.e.(西雅圖醫(yī)科學(xué)院)的電話.
[36:58.44]Oh. Oh. 那你的意思..是說...
[37:00.18]So you're saying...
[37:02.28]Karev, you're still an MD. You still get to practice medicine. karev, 你仍然是醫(yī)學(xué)博士
[37:05.85]The hospital grants you four months to retake the exam. 醫(yī)院同意你四個月 后進行補考
[37:08.85]You study it, you pass it, you put it behind you. 你學(xué)習,你通過了,你才能把這些放過去.
[37:11.72]One misstep doesn't affect your career. 一次失誤并不會影響你的職業(yè)生涯.
[37:14.33]Right, thanks. Thanks. Yeah.對對對,謝謝,謝謝
[37:17.86]What happens if I take the exam for a second time and I don't pass? en,那個,如果我參加補考的時候
[37:22.40]You will no longer be a surgical resident at Seattle Grace. 你再也不能留在這醫(yī)院做醫(yī)生了
[37:25.47]Failing again is not an option. 再不及格可不是一個選擇.
[38:01.84]- What's going on? - I can't stop. I can't... I can't stop. 怎么了?
[38:07.28]Crying. She can't stop crying. 哭.她無法停止哭了.
[38:09.32]I can see that. What did you do to her? 我當然看的到,你們對她做了什么
[38:11.15]Nothing. 什么都沒有
[38:12.65]She's going to dehydrate. Cristina, do you want some water? 她快哭脫水了.
[38:14.43]Cristina, 想喝點水嗎?
[38:17.29]No. No. 不不不.
[38:19.83](Both) No! -不! -不!
[38:22.23]I already tried that. It just made it worse. 我已經(jīng)試過了,只會讓情況更糟.
[38:24.53]I knew she'd break sooner or later. Just a matter of time. 我知道她或早或晚都會崩潰的 不過是時間的問題.
[38:27.63]I will kill her! 我要殺了她!
[38:30.20]I am her mother. 我是她媽媽.
[38:32.47]We don't do well with mothers here. Why don't you leave and come back later? 我們這里對待媽媽不是太好.
[38:38.74]Cristina. Cristina.
[38:40.28]Make it stop. Make it stop. 讓這停止..讓這停止啊
[38:45.02]Somebody sedate me! (sobs) 誰給我點鎮(zhèn)靜劑!
[38:51.09](Meredith) Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass. 有時候, 現(xiàn)實有點鬼祟
[38:58.70]And when the dam bursts all you can do is swim. 當大壩決口的時候,
[39:07.34]The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon. 偽裝的世界是一個鳥籠,而不是蠶繭.
[39:13.85]We can only lie to ourselves for so long. 我們只能跟自己長時間的撒謊.
[39:17.52](& Merrick: Infinity)
[39:33.20]We are tired. We are scared. 我們都很疲憊.
[39:36.74]Denying it doesn't change the truth. 我們也很恐懼.
[39:50.32]Hi, Mrs. Tate? Hi. Tate太太?
[39:53.52]It's Miranda. Miranda Bailey. 我是miranda.Miranda bailey.
[39:59.33]I'm calling about Jeremiah.
[40:06.57]I'm so sorry. 非常抱歉
[40:47.44]She doesn't want to be touched. 她不想被碰
[41:15.07](Meredith) Sooner or later, we have to put aside our denial 或遲或早,我們必須 把我們的否認放一邊
[41:20.27]and face the world head-on, guns blazing. 面對迎面而來的世界,炙熱的燃燒
[41:31.95]- Hi. - Hey. Hi.
[41:33.55]- You look great. - Thanks. -Hi. -你看起來不錯.
[41:36.09]- Are you OK? - Yeah, you ready to go? 謝謝
[41:37.68]-你沒事吧? -嗯,可以走了嗎?
[41:39.96]Yeah, you just... You don't seem like yourself. Yeah, 你... 你只是... 你看起來不太像你自己了.
[41:43.50]No. Look, we got dinner reservations. We should go so, let's go. 不. Uh, 我們預(yù)定了晚餐的位置了.
[41:48.53]OK. 我們應(yīng)該走了. 那么, uh...
[41:49.97](Meredith) Denial. It's not just a river in Egypt. It's a freaking ocean. -走吧. -Okay.
[41:50.95]否認... 不僅僅只是埃及的一條河流而已.
[41:56.64]I'm glad we're doing this. 真高興我們這樣
[41:58.84]Me too. Want a drink? 我也是,想喝點什么嗎?
[42:01.21]- Yes. Oh... - That's OK, I got it. Yes. Oh.
[42:03.28]I'll get it. -我來 -我來.
[42:14.26](Meredith) So how do you keep from drowning in it? 那么你如何從中逃生呢?

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