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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:40:01
[00:02.10](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy: Grey's Anatomy S205 前情提要
[00:03.87]Divorce papers. 你有發(fā)球權(quán).
[00:05.07]The ball's in your court. If you sign, I'll be on the first plane out. 如果你簽字,我就簽 然后坐最早的飛機(jī)離開這里.
[00:08.44]Would you like to go out with me tonight? 今晚愿意和我出去嗎?
[00:10.44]The hospital grants you four months to retake the exam. 醫(yī)院同意你可以在四個月后 進(jìn)行內(nèi)科理論的補(bǔ)考.
[00:13.24]If I don't pass a second time? 如果我第二次還沒有通過會怎樣?
[00:14.84]You will no longer be a surgical resident. 你將再不是這里的醫(yī)生了
[00:17.61]- You look great. - Thanks. 你看起來不錯.
[00:19.58]- Are you OK? - You ready to go? 謝謝.
[00:21.22]- I didn't lie. - You withheld the truth. 你還好嗎?
[00:20.64]Yeah. 可以走了嗎?
[00:22.85]- Had I known you were pregnant... - You broke off with me. 我沒撒謊.
[00:22.24]你一直隱藏著真相 我如何能知道你
[00:25.89]- Dr. Yang! - Cristina! Yang醫(yī)生.
[00:27.42](Addison) It's an extrauterine pregnancy. She's bleeding out. Cristina
[00:27.74]她是宮外孕 而且大出血
[00:30.16]- (Ellis) I'm not supposed to be here. - (Richard) No, you're not. 我認(rèn)為我不該在這里.
[00:33.09]I don't want someone who doesn't want me, 不,你不該.
[00:33.44]我不想要一個不要我的人, Meredith,
[00:35.63]but if there's the slightest chance that he does, I'm not leaving Seattle. 但是如果有萬分之一的機(jī)會他可能會要我 我不會離開西雅圖的.
[00:44.07](Meredith) Pain comes in all forms. 疼痛來自于所有不同的形式...
[00:46.78]I had a good time. Really. Thank you. 我過的很愉快,真的.
[00:49.58]It was the perfect evening. Best date ever. 謝謝,真是一個美好的夜晚.
[00:52.48]- Whatever. - Izzie. 從沒有過的約會,從未.
[00:53.58]I especially liked the part where you treated me like crap the entire night. Izzie.
[00:54.14]還有,我最喜歡的部分就是 整個晚上你對待我就像對待廢物一樣.
[00:57.82]- That was fun. - I had a good time. 真有意思.
[01:00.59]- Really? - Yeah. 真的?
[01:02.29]The small twinge, a bit of soreness, the random pain. Yeah.
[01:06.63]The normal pains we live with every day. 正常的疼痛每天都伴隨著我們...
[01:09.43]I gotta go. 我該走了.
[01:13.97]Seriously? 你認(rèn)真的?
[01:16.24]Seriously? 真的嗎?
[01:17.77]Then there's the kind of pain we can't ignore. 有一種疼痛你無法忽視.
[01:20.58]Seriously? 真的嗎?
[01:22.01]A level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else. 一級疼痛真是太棒了. 它能阻擋任何其他的事情..
[01:25.91]- (George) I'm sleeping. - Oh, shut it. oh,我都睡著了.
[01:28.58]Shut... Oh, 給我閉嘴.
[01:30.09]Makes the rest of the world fade away. 讓世界的其他部分逐漸凋謝...
[01:32.55]- (Meredith) I don't want to talk. - (Derek) Meredith... 我不想再談這個了
[01:35.49]You didn't sign the divorce papers. Fine. End of discussion. Meredith.
[01:38.73]- Meredith... - What? 很好,我明白了.
[01:38.14]討論到此結(jié)束. Meredith.
[01:41.10]Until all we can think about is how much we hurt. 干嗎?!
[01:44.87]I usually just say "Meredith" then you yell at me. 到底我們傷了多少...
[01:45.54]每次當(dāng)我剛剛叫你 "meredith," 的時候,你就開始對我大喊大叫了.
[01:47.47]I haven't thought past that point. 我以前沒想過這點.
[01:49.34]I actually didn't have anything planned. 我事實上根本沒有任何計劃.
[01:51.54]- How we manage our pain is up to us. - What is that? Hey. Stop it. 如何來控制我們的疼痛,全由我們自己作主.
[01:55.91]Seriously? Seriously! Hey, 別打了!
[01:56.24]你認(rèn)真的嗎?! 真的嗎?
[01:58.35]Seriously! 真的嗎?
[02:00.32]This is a very small bed. 這是一張非常非常小的床.
[02:03.22]He's a brain surgeon. 他是個腦外科醫(yī)生.
[02:05.99]I look fantastic. I shaved my legs.
[02:08.89]He's a brain surgeon. How can he be so brainless? 我把腿毛都剃了.
[02:11.83]- Hello? Seriously! - Seriously! 可是他怎么能如此沒大腦呢?
[02:12.04]Hello? 真的啊.
[02:15.30]- Shh. Sleep. - (Thunder) 的確.
[02:20.07]Pain. 痛...
[02:21.34]- We anesthetize... - (lights pop) 讓我們麻痹,安全度過,擁抱它,忽視它...
[02:23.04]Ride it out, embrace it, ignore it...
[02:33.11]And for some of us, the best way to manage pain is to just push through it. 對于我們當(dāng)中的一些人來說 對待疼痛最好的辦法就是咬牙挺過去.
[02:45.59]- You're dripping. - I'm back. 你正在滴水.
[02:47.20]I just want to make that clear. I'm ready to work. 我回來了.我只是想你明白
[02:49.70]- Has anyone seen Dr. Shepherd? - His name's on the OR board. 我回來了,已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好重返工作崗位了.
[02:52.77]- He should be here somewhere. - I'm good. Ready to scrub in. 他的名字在手術(shù)公告欄上. 他應(yīng)該在這里的什么地方.
[02:55.94]- I'm 100% on top of my game. - You just got discharged. 我很好,已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好參加手術(shù)了.
[02:58.71]- Pace yourself. - I'm paced. I'm paced. 你剛剛出院而已,慢慢來.
[03:01.08]Rounds, people. 我已經(jīng)很慢了,很慢.
[03:00.54]Mm-hmm. 你們過來吧.
[03:04.68]What? You're not talking to me anymore? 怎么回事?
[03:07.38]OK, what happened last night? What is going on with you? 你再也不想和我說話了?
[03:07.74]Okay, 昨晚到底怎么了?
[03:10.99]I'm fine. 我很好.
[03:12.69]- What's your problem? - (Snorts) 你有什么問題?
[03:15.36]Fine. You know what, Alex? No, I'm not talking to you anymore. 沒事.
[03:16.74]知道嗎, alex?
[03:21.36](Pager beeps)
[03:22.46]Dr. Bailey. Ahem. Bailey醫(yī)生?
[03:24.23]Henry Lamott, age 42, is scheduled with Dr. Shepherd for a spinal implant Henry lamott, 42歲 Shepherd醫(yī)生的病人
[03:28.14]to control the pain of his herniated disk. 等待做一個脊椎穿刺 來治療他的疝氣疼痛,
[03:30.47]Is allergic to all pain medication... 對所有的止痛藥都過敏.
[03:33.41]- Is that? - Porn. 那個是...
[03:35.21]Porn? 毛片.
[03:36.81]- As in porn? - All right. 毛片?
[03:38.75]- What are we watching? - Karev. Go stand in the hall. 你的意思是."毛片"?
[03:42.62]Mr. And Mrs. Lamott, I'm sure you are really nice people, Uh, Lamott先生和太太 我知道你們是很好的人,
[03:47.22]and what you do in the privacy of your own... 你們在私人病房里做任何個人的事情--
[03:49.66]Look, we can't have porn in here. This is a hospital. 你們不能在這里看毛片. 這里是醫(yī)院
[03:52.46]It's for my pain. My doc said it releases endorphins in the brain 這是因為我的疼痛.
[03:56.33]and helps keep my pain at a manageable level. 這樣可以幫助我的疼痛在一個可控制的范圍內(nèi).
[03:58.90]- Really? - George. Hall. 真的?
[04:02.20](TV; woman moans) Yeah.
[04:07.11]- What is this? - Nasty, Naughty Nurses... 4. 這是什么?
[04:11.41](TV; women giggle) um, "4個."
[04:15.48]- That does not look comfortable. - Trust me. It's not. 那個看起來一點也不舒服.
[04:19.99]Get in the hall. 都給我走廊站著去.
[04:24.43](& Psaap: Crazy in the Rocket)
[04:29.24]nobody knows where they might end up
[04:33.04]nobody knows
[04:44.34]Oh, oh suppose you'll never know
[04:52.85](Bailey) O'Malley, Karev, you're in the Pit. o'malley, karev,你倆今天去負(fù)責(zé)縫合.
[04:55.16]Stevens, there's a cardiac patient for you on two. Stevens,有個心臟病患者 等著你去處理
[04:57.83]Yang, keep an eye on the Lamotts. I don't want any problems. Go. Yang,留下來觀察lamotts.
[05:01.86]Grey, your mother's being discharged this evening. Grey, 你媽今晚就出院了.
[05:04.63]- You've made arrangements? - The nursing home is coming at eight. 你有安排了, 需要更多時間嗎?
[05:08.07]Then you're with Shepherd, Derek Shepherd, today. 那好.那么你今天要跟shepherd醫(yī)生 -derek shepherd.
[05:11.17]Hey, life is short. Times are hard. hey,生命短暫,人生苦難.
[05:13.34]The road is long with many a winding turn. 一路上艱難險阻層出不窮.
[05:15.51]He asked for you. Take it up with him. 他要你過去的,那你就過去吧.
[05:21.58]OK. Okay.
[05:23.12]Pete Willoughby, 25-year-old, GSW to the chest. Pete willoughby,25歲 胸部槍傷.
[05:26.92]- Return of 860 cc's of blood... - Oh, damn, this hurts. 已經(jīng)立刻輸了860CC血...
[05:30.83]He's put out more than 200 cc's over the past hour. oh,伙計,傷的真重.
[05:33.39]Movies never say how much it hurts to get shot. 沒人告訴你電影里那些槍傷到底有多疼.
[05:35.73]Push morphine, two milligrams. Alex, this is my case. 2毫克的嗎啡. Alex, 這是我的病人.
[05:38.57]Morphine, five milligrams. 5毫克的嗎啡.
[05:40.23]- You didn't call him. - I was here first. 你甚至沒下指令.
[05:42.37]You got her first because I let you. Where's the chest films? 我不用下指令.
[05:46.31]I got it. You always get the surgery. Today, I'm getting a surgery. 胸片在哪里?
[05:47.54]你總是參加手術(shù). 今天,輪到我了.
[05:49.74]Guys. Knock it off. He's one of Seattle's finest. 你倆,有完沒完.
[05:52.68]You've got an entire police force watching you. 他是西雅圖的警察.
[05:58.79](George) Page Dr. Burke. 傳呼Burke醫(yī)生.
[06:00.22]- Let him know I'm bringing up a GSW. - "We" are bringing up a GSW. 告訴他我這里有一個槍傷
[06:06.93]Looks like you'll be able to go home today, Ellis. 看起來你今天能回家了ellis.
[06:09.96]- But I still have patients to see. - No. No more patients. 但是我還有病人要看.
[06:14.10]I'll be back to check on you later, OK? 我過一會回來對你檢查, okay?
[06:16.90]You should know I'm thinking of leaving Thatcher. 你應(yīng)該知道我正在考慮離開cher.
[06:20.24]I should never have married him. 我根本就不該和他結(jié)婚.
[06:22.14]I'll leave him. You leave Adele. 我要離開他,你離開adele.
[06:23.88]Then when our residency's over we can both get jobs at the same hospital. 然后當(dāng)我們的實習(xí)期結(jié)束的時候,
[06:27.85]Why don't you get her meds ready for discharge, nurse? Thank you. 護(hù)士你能去準(zhǔn)備一下她出院需要的藥嗎?
[06:31.72](Woman on PA) 謝謝.
[06:35.02](Distant siren)
[06:37.53]Ellis, that was a long time ago, remember? Ellis...
[06:41.63]We had this discussion 21 years ago. 我們在21年之前就討論過這個.
[06:44.00]Think about it. We should make the break now. 考慮考慮吧, richard.
[06:46.80]If we wait till residency's over, you'll be at one hospital, I'll be in another. 我們應(yīng)該現(xiàn)在就做
[06:47.44]如果真等我們實習(xí)期結(jié)束 你會在一個醫(yī)院里
[06:50.91]We could end up at opposite ends of the country. It'll be too late. 而我在另外一間醫(yī)院了.
[06:51.04]最后我們可能會相隔十萬八千里. 那時候就什么都晚了
[06:58.95](Bell dings)
[07:00.45]- Meredith. - Your wife is looking for you. meredith.
[07:02.72]Oh, my God, this is hard for me, Meredith. 你老婆正到處找你呢.
[07:02.84]Oh, 天.
[07:05.19]Let me make it easy. I'm not going to be that woman. 這個對我來說很難, meredith.
[07:07.79]The one who breaks up a marriage or begs you to want me. 我不會是那種女人...
[07:08.14]破壞你的婚姻 或者求你和我在一起.
[07:10.59]You can sign the papers or you can not. The choice is yours. 你可以簽字離婚,也可以不簽 你自己的選擇
[07:13.83]Either way, when it comes to this relationship, I'm out. 當(dāng)其中任何一個決定影響我們的關(guān)系時 我退出
[07:16.70]Now, where's this patient I'm supposed to be helping you with? 現(xiàn)在,你要我來幫助你的那個病人在哪里?
[07:20.33]Down there. 那邊.
[07:23.17]You shouldn't have walked the dog in the rain. 你不應(yīng)該帶著狗狗在雨中散步.
[07:25.64]Oh, Lou, it wasn't the rain. I just passed out. Oh, lou, 和雨沒有關(guān)系 我只不過昏倒了一下.
[07:28.71]- Actually, Mrs. Bradley... - Verna. 事實上, Bradley太太--
[07:30.95]Verna. You presented with lateral ST elevations verna.
[07:31.34]Verna, 你的癥狀顯示你的血小板很高 以及非常差的相反一致性改變并發(fā)心急梗塞
[07:33.75]and reciprocal inferior changes consistent with an MI.
[07:36.68]- A heart attack. - (Lou) Oh, my God. 也就是說,心臟病發(fā)作.
[07:38.89]Lou, don't worry. oh, 天.
[07:40.46]I've had little chest pains before and it turned out to be nothing. Lou, 別擔(dān)心
[07:40.54]我之前也有過這樣的胸部小疼痛 后來也沒什么事了.
[07:43.89]This is nothing. 沒事的.
[07:47.50]Lou, not in front of the doctor. Lou, 別在醫(yī)生面前.
[07:49.86](Woman) I've had a twinge in my back for a while. 我后背的陣痛持續(xù)了一段時間了
[07:52.37]I thought it would go away, but then last night, my legs went numb. 我以為馬上就會消失的 但是昨晚,我的腿失去知覺了,
[07:56.57]This morning, my back... The pain is just too much. 然后今天早上,我的后背--
[08:00.94]Miss Chue, we'll put you on a PCA pump, give you morphine to control the pain. Chue小姐,我會幫你按上一個P.C.A.儀器, (疼痛滲透控制儀)
[08:03.64]我會給你一些嗎啡, 這個能幫你控制住疼痛.
[08:05.55]- Thank you. - OK. But there's a greater problem. 謝謝.
[08:08.12]- I've just looked at your MRI... - Anna! 但是有個更大的問題.
[08:12.49]- Why didn't you call us before coming? - I'm sorry. These are my parents. 為什么你來之前沒給我們打電話?
[08:17.49]- Hi. - What's going on? Hi.
[08:19.06]Anna's MRI has shown that she has a myxopapillary ependymoma. 怎么回事?
[08:23.23]It's a tumor in her spinal canal. 是在脊椎槽道里面的腫瘤,
[08:25.80]But the good news is that we can operate. 好消息是,我們可以做手術(shù)取出.
[08:28.00]You have a 95% chance of fully recovering 你有95%的機(jī)會可以完全康復(fù) 如果我們盡快準(zhǔn)備手術(shù)的話.
[08:30.27]if we get you to surgery as soon as possible.
[08:32.57]We can't wait. With a tumor this aggressive 一刻也不能再等了
[08:35.11]even waiting another day puts you at risk for permanent paralysis. 這個腫瘤的侵略性相當(dāng)快,
[08:35.34]即使只是晚一天手術(shù)的話 你都會有終身癱瘓的危險
[08:39.81]Father? 爹?
[08:42.72]No. No surgery. 不
[08:45.89]Mr. Chue, without surgery, Anna will be paralyzed within the next 24 hours. 絕不手術(shù)
[08:50.42]No surgery today. We're taking her home. 今天絕不手術(shù)
[08:53.03]- Anna needs surgery. - She can have it another time. 我們帶她回家.
[08:55.66]- Mr. Chue... - We are taking our daughter home. 那她可以其他時間再做
[09:01.77]Anna, you're over 18. You don't need your father's consent. Anna, 你已經(jīng)過18歲了
[09:09.18]I'm Hmong, and my father is the elder. 我是hmong信徒,我父親是長者
[09:12.91]If he says I go home, I go home. 如果他讓我回家,我就回家
[09:19.35]Hmong? Let's find out what that means. Hmong? 找找什么意思.
[09:21.49]Contact Social Services, see if we can get somebody to talk to them. Okay.聯(lián)絡(luò)社工.
[09:25.13]- Do I process her discharge? - Yeah. It's insane, but we have to. 我還需要繼續(xù)處理她出院的要求嗎?
[09:28.50]It reminds me of a case I had in New York where a woman... Yeah,我們必須這么做,雖然太愚蠢了, 我們還是需要這么做
[09:28.94]這個病例讓我想起來我在紐約的時候 有一次這個女人來我的辦公室--
[09:31.40]Look, do you need me for anything else work-related? 你還需要我做什么和工作有關(guān)的嗎?
[09:37.47]Look. I was married for 11 years. Addison is my family. 聽著,我結(jié)婚11年了
[09:41.31]That is 11 Thanksgivings, 11 birthdays, and 11 Christmases. Addison是我的家人. 那是11個感恩節(jié),11個生日,11個圣誕節(jié),
[09:44.48]In one day, I'm supposed to sign a piece of paper and end my family? 然后有一天,我要來簽字 來結(jié)束我的家人?
[09:47.85]A person doesn't do that. Not without hesitation. 一個正常的人不會這么做的- 不會一點都不猶豫.
[09:50.52]I'm entitled to a little uncertainty. A moment to understand the magnitude 我有權(quán)利有一點點的不確定.
[09:54.72]of what it means to cut somebody out of my life. 只是需要一點時間來弄明白 從我生命中奪走一個人到底對我意味著什么.
[09:57.26]- I'm entitled to at least one moment... - (door opens) 我有權(quán)至少有那么一分鐘,痛苦的懷疑
[09:59.96]...of painful doubt.
[10:02.33]And a little understanding from you would be nice. 如果你能有那么一點點諒解的話,一定很好.
[10:08.77]- Dr. Shepherd. Still here, I see. - I couldn't leave you. Shepherd醫(yī)生,還沒走呢,我明白了.
[10:11.87]- Have you seen the other Dr. Shepherd? - I'll tell him you're looking for him. 我不能離開你們.
[10:16.44]- So, thanks for, you know, being there. - No thanks needed. 那個,謝謝,就是,陪著我.
[10:21.35]- OK. - So where are we? 不需要感謝
[10:23.88]The north-east corner of a hospital. 我們說到哪里了? (Yang理解為字面意思:我們在哪里)
[10:24.34]Uh, 醫(yī)院的東北角.
[10:26.62]- Oh, I'm getting back on my feet. - Fine. Oh, 我可以回來工作了.
[10:29.32]- That doesn't mean that... - Cristina... 很好.
[10:31.73]- It's my first day back, I've got... - I'm not waiting forever. 但是并不意味著... --cristina.
[10:35.66](Elevator bell)
[10:37.87]Karev and O'Malley are bringing a GSW. Want to scrub in? Hey, karev 和 o'malley帶來一個G.S.W.
[10:40.90]No can do. I'm trying to get out of here at a decent hour tonight. 想加入嗎?
[10:41.24]不去,不做額外工作 我在試圖今晚可以準(zhǔn)時下班.
[10:44.27]- What, you got a date? - Yes. Yes, I do. 怎么,你有約會?
[10:46.87]A handsome man is whisking me away to a love nest for the weekend. 是啊是啊,我有
[10:47.14]一個帥小伙正在愛巢 向我招手邀請我一起過周末呢
[10:53.48]You got shot in the line of duty? 你是在執(zhí)勤的時候被擊中的嗎?
[10:55.82]First month on the job. Can you believe my luck? 工作的第一個月.
[10:58.79]Guy pulls a gun and I freeze up. 能相信我的運(yùn)氣嗎?
[11:00.96]The rookie who let himself get shot. 新手自己吃槍子兒.
[11:03.36]- I'm never gonna live this down. - Sure, you will. 我永遠(yuǎn)不會忘記這個的
[11:06.06]You think? 我肯定你會記著
[11:08.06]Absolutely. 絕對
[11:10.26](Elevator bell)
[11:12.23]Hey, I got Verna Bradley's tests back. Hey, 我把verna bradley的測試拿回來了.
[11:14.37]I don't think she had a heart attack. 我不認(rèn)為她有心臟病
[11:16.60]Look at the changes in her EKG. She had something. Yeah, 但是看看她心電圖上的變化 她一定有點什么.
[11:19.34]Her serial enzymes and dobutamine stress echo were negative. Yeah,但是她的連續(xù)和 心肌壓力回波結(jié)果,都顯示正常.
[11:22.64]- I actually think she's fine. - Get a cardiac cath. Be thorough. 我覺得她沒事
[11:26.24]Izzie, 認(rèn)真點.
[11:28.42]I am thorough. 我很認(rèn)真了.
[11:30.08]- (Alex) What's the deal with lzzie? - She shaved her legs for you. 那么伙計,izzie到底怎么了?
[11:33.69]- And? - You didn't even kiss her good night. 還有你甚至沒親她一下說晚安.
[11:36.26]- You didn't follow through? - Hey, I always follow through. 她連腿毛都為你剃了,你竟然沒繼續(xù)下去?
[11:40.43]- You didn't last night. - Mind your own business. 昨晚你沒有.
[11:43.03]Mind... 管好你自己的事兒吧
[11:46.03]She had expectations. Women have expectations. And you didn't meet them. 她是有期望的 女人都有期望,而你并沒有讓她的期望發(fā)生.
[11:50.20]I live with these women. 我和這些女人住一起.
[11:51.87]When you guys don't meet their expectations, I hear about it. 每次你們這些家伙都不滿足他們的期待,
[11:55.08]I didn't get any sleep last night. 然后我必須聽他們發(fā)牢騷,昨晚我根本就沒睡.
[11:57.24]So, you know, it is my business. 現(xiàn)在知道了,這就是我的事兒
[12:04.25](Monitor beeps)
[12:09.09]- Dude, we're not moving. - Really! You think? 伙計,我們不動了
[12:22.54](Woman on PA) Dr. Cole, 2621. Dr. Cole, 2621.
[12:27.84](Lights fizz)
[12:34.22]You know how long the surgical scar takes to heal. 你知道一個術(shù)后疤痕需要多久才能愈合嗎?
[12:37.92]You must be in pain. You should take something. 你肯定很疼. 你應(yīng)該吃點止痛的.
[12:40.65]- Drugs are for babies. - I hate Alex. 止痛藥是給小孩準(zhǔn)備的
[12:43.42]- And the non sequitur award goes to... - I'm sorry. I hate Alex. 我討厭alex.
[12:47.52]我討厭 alex.
[12:51.00]- I broke up with Derek. - Burke wants to have a relationship. 我和 derek分手了.
[12:54.37]Boys are stupid. Burke想要拍拖.
[12:56.64](Woman on PA) 男人都是傻瓜.
[13:01.18]Yep. Yep.
[13:02.61](George) "If elevator should stop, do not become alarmed." "如果電梯停了,千萬不要驚慌."
[13:05.51]"Press the button marked 'alarm' for assistance." "按警報按鈕來通知外界救援."
[13:08.32]If they don't want us to be alarmed, 如果他們不想讓我們驚慌
[13:10.25]- why call the button "alarm"? - That didn't work the last five times. 那為什么這個按鈕叫"警報"呢?
[13:12.32]你按了5次根本都不工作. 用你的大腦想想.
[13:14.36]- We've lost power. We're stuck. - (Pete groans) 我們沒辦法了,只能呆在這里.
[13:16.69]You OK? Oh.
[13:18.46]His pressure is falling. 你沒事吧?
[13:20.63]Alex, there's a lot more of his blood in the Pleurovac. 他的血壓正在下降.
[13:21.42]Alex,他的胸腔里流了更多的血. 我們要盡快帶他去手術(shù)室.
[13:23.80]- We need to get him to the OR. - OK. Don't whisper.
[13:27.00]I don't want to complain, but I got a bullet in my chest Okay, 你正在說悄悄話.
[13:30.04]and whispering isn't a sign that I'm going to be A-OK, you know? 但是我胸腔里有顆子彈
[13:33.44]- Damn it. It's out. - It's bad. It's bad, right? 該死,這個壞了
[13:37.11]Someone is going to get us out of here. Don't worry. 總有人會把我們弄出去的,別擔(dān)心
[13:42.42]- How we doing? - Can you move me to another room? 怎么樣了?
[13:45.42]- The lights and TV went out. - Power outage in the east wing. Oh, 能給我換個房間嗎?
[13:48.69]They'll have it back on soon. 東翼的電力供應(yīng)不足. 他們正在搶修,馬上就好了.
[13:50.26]- You're not critical. You'll be fine. - Oh, God! What am I gonna do? 你不是緊急病人. 你在這里沒事的.
[13:54.06]- You mean... - Without my porn. Oh, 天,那我還能做點什么?
[13:57.80]Read a book. Talk to your wife. 看書,或者和你老婆交交心
[13:59.50]School closed early because of the storm. 不,因為暴風(fēng)雨來了,學(xué)校提早放學(xué).
[14:01.70]She had to pick up the kids. She won't be back until after dinner. 她去接孩子了
[14:05.04]Well, I'm sure you can find some normal way of amusing yourself. 我相信你一定會找到一些正常的辦法來娛樂自己的.
[14:10.28]- I need my porn! - Yeah. 我需要毛片!
[14:13.41](Addison) Lightning hit a substation. Yeah.
[14:15.42]We're running on backup generators. One of them is down. Richard, breathe. 閃電襲擊了一個變電站. 我們正在用備用發(fā)電機(jī).
[14:19.35]The only means of transporting patients from the ER to the OR isn't working. Richard, 放松
[14:20.22]唯一的辦法把病人從急診室 送到手術(shù)室,但是并不奏效.
[14:23.86]Don't tell me to breathe. I'll breathe if I want to breathe. 別告訴我放松
[14:29.10]- (Man) Caught between floors. - How bad is it? 電梯在兩層之間
[14:31.47]- Two interns and a GSW to the chest. - Good air in, bad air out. 有多糟糕?
[14:37.97]Come on, people, get those doors open. 加油啊大家,把這個門打開
[14:42.81]- (Man) It's jammed. It won't open. - (Bailey) Move. 這里有東西檔著,再也打不開了.
[14:45.38]- This is as wide as it goes. - What... What did you two do? 好吧,移動,移動 電梯門和走向一樣寬
[14:49.62]Nothing. 什么都沒有做!
[14:53.72]- How's the patient? - He's not looking so good. 病人怎么樣?
[14:56.62](Thunder) 他看起來并不好.
[15:01.13](Lights fizz)
[15:03.86]- Why do the lights keep flickering? - Something about a backup generator. 燈為什么一直在閃?
[15:07.80]This pump will provide you with a morphine drip and should stop your pain. 這個機(jī)器會給你提供一個持續(xù)的嗎啡注射,
[15:12.61]I told you, I don't need it. I'm going home. 這會停止你的疼痛.
[15:16.98]You'll have to sign a form stating that you're leaving against medical advice. 你需要簽署一個AMA表格 表示你回家是完全不聽醫(yī)生的勸告.
[15:21.45]Fine. 好
[15:24.89]I know this is new and confusing. 我了解這個從沒有過,而且困擾你
[15:29.12]I called a social worker and she's willing to talk to you... 我已經(jīng)叫了社工了 她馬上過來會和你聊聊
[15:32.33]Spare me the white-girl, cultural-divide love. 別介意啊,你們鬼妹的文化就是分崩離析愛.
[15:35.30]I grew up down the street. I play in a band. I went to U-Dub. 我就在離這里不遠(yuǎn)的那條街長大 我在一個樂隊里演奏
[15:38.23]I get it. But my father doesn't. 我去u-dub. 我成功了.
[15:41.80]He says no, it's no. 他說不,那就是不.
[15:44.77]We're talking about your ability to ever walk again. 我們正在討論的是你是否還可以再行走.
[15:47.98]That's what you're talking about. I'm talking about my family. 那是你在說的,. 我在說的是我的家庭.
[15:51.48]Have you even heard of the Hmong people? 你有曾經(jīng)聽過hmong人嗎?
[15:53.65]Our religion has got rules that are way old 我們的宗教有規(guī)定,那是一個老去的方式
[15:56.32]and way set in stone and way spiritual and you don't mess with them. 那方式堅如磐石,很強(qiáng)的精神效力 不容許你有半點馬虎.
[16:00.65]You don't anger the ancestors. 你不會對你的祖先發(fā)火...
[16:03.86]Even if you pierce your tongue and play in a band. 即使如果你在舌頭上穿洞,還玩樂隊.
[16:07.90]What are the rules, exactly? 那規(guī)定到底是什么?
[16:12.20]ICU patients are going to the south wing. 所有的深切治療室的患者搬去南翼.
[16:14.57]Telemetry and stepdown patients, north wing. 其他控制住病情和減緩惡化的病人去北翼.
[16:17.14]- You paged me. - Porn as pain management? 你呼我了
[16:19.84]You met Henry. There are lots of theories on how to treat pain. 毛片來治療疼痛?
[16:21.42]Yeah, 太多不同的理論方法來治療疼痛.
[16:23.08]Porn as pain management? 而你用毛片來治療他的疼痛?
[16:25.58]It's possible pornography can stimulate the brain 聽著, 可能是那種毛片, 像藝術(shù)和音樂一樣的(三級片?),
[16:28.42]to produce endorphins that minimize pain. 能夠刺激大腦分泌快感,以至于使疼痛最小化.
[16:30.72]- Porn as pain management. - I didn't prescribe it. It wasn't me. 毛片疼痛治療法.
[16:34.56]Take it up with the physician. 我并沒有開那個處方,那不是我.
[16:36.56]If he turns out to be some sex weirdo, it's on you. That's all I'm saying. 和主治醫(yī)生去理論吧.
[16:37.02]如果那男人產(chǎn)生任何其他的 異常性行為,都是你的責(zé)任.
[16:40.53]- Oh, and your wife is looking for you. - I know. 這正是我要說的.
[16:41.12]Oh, 你老婆正在找你呢
[16:43.83]- Derek. - Yes? 我知道.
[16:45.30]Talk to Anna's father. I'd do it myself but having testicles is a requirement. Derek.
[16:47.12]我已經(jīng)做了,但是我猜 最好是找個帶種的來和他談.
[16:49.47]- What happened to Social Services? - According to Anna, they can't help us. 社工怎么了?
[16:53.44]Anna's father believes she's missing something she needs for surgery. 按照anna說法,他們根本幫不了什么.
[16:54.32]很顯然,anna的父親認(rèn)為 手術(shù)會導(dǎo)致她失去一些東西.
[16:57.18]- Missing something? Missing what? - One of her souls. 失去一些東西?什么?
[17:01.02]We don't need a social worker. We need a shaman. 我們不需要社工了,我們需要一個巫師.
[17:04.42]Shaman? 巫師?
[17:06.09]Cardio tells me your cath went just fine. Cardio告訴我你的心臟導(dǎo)管插入干的不錯.
[17:08.92]- Is that much bruising normal? - Your wound looks good. 那些擦傷是正常的嗎?
[17:12.43]So do the results on your cath. You have no blockages in your arteries. Bradley太太,你的傷口看起來沒事,
[17:16.06]- Which means? - You did not have a heart attack. 你沒有動脈血塞.
[17:19.27](Both chuckle)
[17:21.30]- So I can go home? - Not yet. 那么我能回家了?
[17:23.27]Your EKG shows significant changes. 還沒.
[17:25.97]And I'm going to find out why before you leave the hospital. 我要在你出院之前找到原因.
[17:32.81]- Hey, Pete, what are you doing? - I have to get home. Hey, pete,你干嗎呢?
[17:36.05]- Pete, you're in the hospital. - Need to get home. Need to get home. 我要回家.
[17:36.82]Pete, 你在醫(yī)院呢.
[17:40.49]- What's his blood pressure? - It's not reading. He's too agitated. 我必須回家
[17:44.09]- How's his pulse? - Thready, but still there. 讀不出來,他太激動了.
[17:46.59]- Do you have instruments? - A code box and gloves. 像線一樣,不過至少還有
[17:49.36]You didn't bring an open chest tray? 只有密碼箱和幾副手套.
[17:51.27]- We thought... - No time for excuses. 你們沒帶個開胸盤?
[17:53.20]- Blood pressure. - I've taken it three times. 沒有,我們以為--
[17:55.40]- And? - I can't hear a systolic over 50. 我已經(jīng)測了3次了.
[18:01.21]He's gonna die. 他快要掛了.
[18:06.28](Pete groans)
[18:08.28]- Intubate him. I'll be back. - Where are you going? 插喉,我馬上回來.
[18:11.12]To get an instrument tray. You guys are going to have to open up his chest. 等等,你去哪里?
[18:16.66](Pete groans)
[18:18.66]- Are you sure about that? - No. 你確定嗎?
[18:41.18]When's Burke coming back?
[18:44.85](Distant thunder)
[18:47.49]When is Dr. Burke coming back? Burke醫(yī)生什么時候回來?
[18:50.46]- Alex... - Oh, would you shut up? Alex?
[18:58.77]Mr. Chue. You want to take Anna home for a healing ritual? Chue先生...
[19:03.34]When sickness comes, it means that one of our souls is missing. 你要把a(bǔ)nna帶回家做個治療法事?
[19:04.33]當(dāng)疾病降臨的時候, 那意味著我們其中的一個靈魂正在丟失.
[19:07.47]Anna needs to have her souls intact before surgery. Anna需要在手術(shù)前,找回她完整的靈魂.
[19:10.41]- She needs a shaman. - Well, you could have told me that. 她需要個巫師.
[19:13.71]Why? So you could call me a fool? 你可以告訴我這個.
[19:14.63]為什么? 那樣你就可以把我看成傻瓜了?
[19:16.18]I respect that you have traditions that I can't understand. 我尊重你的傳統(tǒng) 盡管我不理解
[19:19.99]But you're standing beside me in a $3,000 suit 但是你穿著這身3000美元的西裝,
[19:22.52]so I know you respect that I'm telling you 我相信你同時也尊重我告訴你的事實
[19:24.89]Anna needs surgery in the next 24 hours if she's going to continue to walk. Anna如果想要繼續(xù)行走的話, 她需要在未來的24小時內(nèi)盡快手術(shù)
[19:29.26]She can't leave this hospital. 她不能離開醫(yī)院.
[19:30.93]She can't undergo surgery without her soul. She'd die. 她不能在沒有靈魂的情況下手術(shù),她會死的.
[19:38.17]All right then. 那么好吧
[19:40.17]We're just gonna have to get a shaman. Today. In the hospital. 我們就找來一個巫師吧,今天,就在醫(yī)院里.
[19:44.31]Shamans aren't in the Yellow Pages. 巫師并沒有在電話薄上登記.
[19:46.41]Our shaman is 500 miles from here. You are an arrogant man. 我們的巫師離這里有50英里.
[19:50.02]No. I'm just a guy with access to a helicopter. 你真是個自大狂.
[19:57.99]Thank you. 謝謝
[20:00.99]- Finding her soul won't be easy. - It never is. 找到她的靈魂并不容易.
[20:05.03](Richard) This is unconscionable. Not enough power to move those elevators? 這太不合理了.
[20:08.87]They're replacing the backup. Fire department is standing by. 難道沒有足夠電力來移動電梯嗎?
[20:12.14]- Critical patients? - Moved to south wing. 消防隊隨時準(zhǔn)備
[20:14.37]- Incoming trauma? - Rerouted to Mercy West. 所有的重病患者呢?
[20:16.71]- That backup should have been replaced. - Yes, sir. 都送去 mercy west醫(yī)院了.
[20:19.61]- Why didn't it happen? - Chief, you'd have to ask maintenance. 是的,先生
[20:24.45]- I wouldn't know. - Dr. Bailey, you know everything. 我不想知道
[20:28.89]Tell me whose butt to kick. 你知道所有的事情
[20:31.69]That would be your butt, Chief. 那應(yīng)該是你,頭兒
[20:33.46]You didn't authorize the replacement generator, 你沒有批準(zhǔn)發(fā)電機(jī)的更新, 省錢要買一個新的磁共振成像儀.
[20:36.23]saving money for the new MRI machine.
[20:38.70]Um... Um... 我需要回去處理..手術(shù)室
[20:40.03]I need to get on back down to the... OR.
[20:46.51](Monitor beeps)
[20:54.58]Hey, this isn't gonna be too sterile, but we can still try. Hey.
[20:58.39]Prep and drape the patient. 但是我們還是要試試.
[21:32.72]Can you get me copies of all Verna Bradley's records and page me? Hey, 能給我 verna bradley所有的病歷嗎?
[21:36.32]- I'll be on the OR floor. - (PA) Dr. Bennett... 然后呼我,我會在手術(shù)室那層
[21:38.73]Hey! Wait... Where are you two going so fast? hey, 哪里, um,
[21:41.50]Burke is talking George and Alex through heart surgery in the elevator. hey, 你們倆這么急著去哪里啊?
[21:45.23]Shepherd's setting up a shaman healing ritual. Shepherd在準(zhǔn)備一個巫師手術(shù)前法事.
[21:48.20]Rock on. 動起來啊.
[21:50.04]I have porn guy. 我還有個毛片大王呢.
[21:53.81](Mr. Lamott) Help! Please! 救命啊.
[21:56.74]Mr. Lamott? What's wrong? Lamott先生,怎么了?
[21:59.81]Your pressure's elevated. 你的血壓提高了
[22:02.35]Pulse is racing. You're really in pain. 脈搏很快.
[22:05.59]What? Do you think? 這次你可是真的疼了哦.
[22:07.25]Are you telling me the porn actually sedated you? 那你想什么呢?
[22:10.66]You think I'm a pervert, watching that stuff in front of you? 你想什么呢?我是那種變態(tài)
[22:13.83]Well... yes. 在你面前看毛片?
[22:16.60]OK, OK. 是啊
[22:17.53]Oh, okay. Okay.
[22:20.60](Sighs) You're allergic to most narcotics and NSAIDs.
[22:24.91]I suppose we can try droperidol and diphenhydramine. 我猜,我們可以試試droperidol和diphenhydramine.
[22:29.11]That put me into a coma last year. 去年這些讓我昏迷了.
[22:31.95]Well, I can get an anesthesiologist down here. 那我去找一個麻醉師來吧.
[22:35.25]But with your surgery tomorrow, he won't give you an epidural block. Oh, 不行,你明天就手術(shù)了
[22:39.05]- What am I gonna do? - Uh... hold on. 我覺得他不會給你個局部麻醉.
[22:41.43]Uh, 等一下.
[22:50.96]We're really gonna do this. 我們真要這么做啊?
[23:01.01]Take these. 接著.
[23:07.55]Karev, take the scalpel. Karev, 接著手術(shù)刀.
[23:15.26]Alex! Come on. Alex,快點
[23:19.69]Alex! Alex.
[23:34.34]Ventilate! 鼓風(fēng).
[23:37.24](George) I got it. 我來.
[23:47.45]What do I do? 現(xiàn)在我做什么
[23:48.69]Make a large, anterior, lateral, midaxillary incision
[23:50.33]在腋中前面偏一點的位置 盡量大的切開直至第五條動脈間的空隙.
[23:52.23]in the fifth intercostal space.
[23:58.87]- How... How large? - (Burke) As long as possible. 多大?
[24:01.54]You need to get two hands in there. It needs to be long and deep. 盡量大.你需要兩只手都能伸進(jìn)去.
[24:04.87]- Use the scissors if you have to. - OK. 要夠長夠深
[24:10.61]- Don't cut into the lung or heart. - How can I be sure of that? 但是要小心別切到肺或者心臟.
[24:14.15]You just have to be sure. 我們?nèi)绾涡⌒倪@個?
[24:27.33]We're not in Kansas any more. 我們不是在堪撒斯了.
[24:49.18]Your shaman's late. 你的巫師遲到了
[24:51.52]My shaman is never late. 我們的巫師從來不遲到.
[24:57.76]Can you see anything? Poor George, he doesn't have the steadiest hands. 你們能看到什么嗎?
[24:59.87]可憐的george. 他胳膊一直在顫抖.
[25:02.26]- Izzie. - Yeah? Izzie. Yeah.
[25:03.40]He can hear you. 他能聽到你
[25:06.97]O'Malley? How you doing down there? o'malley...下面怎么樣了?
[25:11.91]The fire department's here.
[25:13.74]- They can get the doors open... - No. 消防隊的人來了,他們能打開門.
[25:16.01]Nobody works on the elevator. 不,誰也別動 誰也別動電梯
[25:17.74]I have an open chest and a very nervous intern in there. Keep them back. 我有一個正在開胸并且非常緊張的實習(xí)生在那里.
[25:22.02]- OK, guys, we're not going... - O'Malley? 沒有我的命令不要讓他們過來
[25:22.57]Okay, 你們,我們不要....
[25:26.12]Dr. Burke, I didn't cut the heart or the lungs. 我沒有切到心臟或者肺.
[25:29.59]Good, good, O'Malley. Really good. Burke醫(yī)生,我沒有切到心臟或者肺.
[25:30.27]Okay, 很好
[25:31.86]Now, check for injuries and do a pericardiotomy. 好o'malley. 非常好.
[25:35.23]I'll need some lap pads, forceps, Metzenbaums and Satinsky clamps? 我需要一些包墊,鑷子,以及夾鉗.
[25:42.57]Yes, you will. 遵命.
[25:45.24]You tell anyone I did this for you, 你要是告訴其他人我為你做了這個,
[25:47.87]not only will I kill you, I will sell your body parts for cash. 不僅我會殺了你, 我還會把你尸體切成小塊換錢花.
[25:53.51]OK. So... Okay. 那么....那些女人們
[25:56.92]There were these women. Nurses.
[25:59.85]Three nurses. And they were... naughty. 護(hù)士,3個護(hù)士
[26:05.23]They were really, really naughty. They were three naughty nurses. Saucy, even. 他們非常非常淘氣
[26:10.23]They were saucy and bad and naughty. Three saucy, bad, naughty nurses. 很漂亮--他們又漂亮,又不乖,又調(diào)皮.
[26:15.84]They were taking a shower. Together. 三個漂亮的調(diào)皮小護(hù)士--
[26:18.31]Soaping each other up. And then this doctor walks in 在給彼此擦浴液,
[26:22.54]and he sees these three naughty, bad nurses 他看到了那3個調(diào)皮的小護(hù)士
[26:26.31]with these great big... 和她們那很大的...
[26:28.78]Mrs. Bradley, do you realize that you've been admitted to the hospital Bradley太太, 你有意識到在過去的7年中 在這同一天里你都會住進(jìn)醫(yī)院嗎?
[26:32.65]on this date for the past seven years?
[26:34.99]That can't be. Oh,不可能
[26:36.32]- I don't remember the date exactly... - I have the medical records. 我不確定具體的日子,但是--
[26:39.83]On this date for the past seven years you have what looks like a heart attack. 我有醫(yī)療記錄.
[26:40.77]在過去7年的同一天里, 你一直都像心臟病發(fā)作一樣.
[26:44.30]No. No, I know I've had some scares but I don't... 不,不,我知道我有一些害怕 但是我沒有--
[26:48.64]Every year on this date? 每年的今天嗎?
[26:51.40]Is there significance to this date for you? 這一天對你個人來說有什么特別的意義嗎?
[26:54.01]No. Nothing. 沒有
[26:55.88]What were you doing the first time you had a cardiac episode? 第一年你在做什么,
[26:59.51]Who can remember back that far? 你第一次有心臟病的時候?
[27:02.22]We were in the yard. I remember because our neighbor... What was his name? 我們在院子里 我能記著,因為我們的鄰居--
[27:07.09]- Ted. - That's right. He died. 他叫什么?
[27:09.49]Of an aneurysm, I think. 對,我想他死于動脈瘤.
[27:11.52]And we watched as the funeral home people took him away 我們看著殯儀館的人把他抬走,
[27:14.76]and you had your first attack. 之后你就第一次發(fā)作心臟病了
[27:16.86]- And you were close to Ted? - No. We barely knew Ted. 你和ted很親近嗎?
[27:18.87]不. Oh, 我們對ted了解很少.
[27:21.74]That was all very sad, but what does that have to do with Verna's heart? 那讓人很難過 但是這和verna心臟有什么關(guān)系呢?
[27:30.84]I removed a small clot from the pericardium. 我從心包膜中取出了一個小血塊.
[27:34.31]- No obvious cardiac injuries. - Change in the vitals? 沒有顯著的心臟損傷.
[27:37.15]- BP's still too low to register. - We need to cross-clamp the aorta. 情況有改變嗎?
[27:46.16]Stick your hand in and bluntly dissect down 一直夾著,直到你能感覺到 兩個管狀結(jié)構(gòu)再松開
[27:49.16]until you feel two tube-like structures.
[27:51.60]The esophagus will be more medial and anterior. 食道應(yīng)該在中間偏前的位置.
[27:55.90]I feel one tube that's easily collapsible Um,我能感覺到一個血管像衣領(lǐng)一樣,
[27:58.61]and the other's more muscular, spongy. 另外一個,更多肌肉,很柔軟
[28:02.88]I feel... I can feel the spine just underneath it. 我能感覺到脊骨就在下面
[28:05.61]- Yes! You're touching the aorta. - I'm touching the aorta. 對,你正在觸摸大動脈.
[28:10.25]Wrap the index finger of your left hand around it 我在觸摸大動脈.
[28:10.97]繞著你左手的食指纏上 然后用你的右手拿著夾鉗.
[28:12.92]and apply the Satinsky clamp with your right hand.
[28:22.43]Got it. Wait, I... I think I can localize the bleeding. 搞定了.
[28:27.27]It's coming from the inferior vena cava. 我想流血來自于次級腔動脈.
[28:29.60]- Can you find the lesion? - Yeah. Yeah, I think I can feel it. 能找到傷口嗎?
[28:33.47]Yeah, 我想我能感覺到.
[28:35.81]- It's too far in to repair. - How big is it? 處理起來有點遠(yuǎn).
[28:38.58]Small, maybe... smaller than a dime. 有多大?
[28:41.28]OK, O'Malley. I want you to take your finger and plug the hole. Okay, o'malley, 我要你把你的手指插到那個洞里面.
[28:49.62]I can feel his heart starting to fill more. It's beating a little stronger. 我能感覺到他的心臟開始填滿了.
[28:54.33]- Excellent. Keep your finger there. - OK. Now what? 跳動比以前強(qiáng)一些了.
[28:57.27]Okay. 現(xiàn)在怎么辦?
[28:59.40]- That's it. - That's it? 就這些.
[29:06.11](George) I just stand here with my finger plugging the hole? 我就這么站著,手指插在洞里?
[29:09.64]Until we can get you out of that elevator and into the OR. 直到我們把你們弄出來,送到手術(shù)室為止
[29:13.25]Bailey, you can tell the firemen to get my guys out of there. Bailey醫(yī)生,
[29:16.45]Will do. OK. We're ready. 你可以讓消防員過來把我的人弄出來了
[29:21.72]- O'Malley. - Yes, sir? O'malley.
[29:23.66]You just flew solo. 是的先生.
[29:28.36]Thank you, sir. 謝謝先生.
[29:41.11]OK, Anna, we're going to shut off the PCA pump now, Okay, anna,我們現(xiàn)在要關(guān)掉PCA機(jī)器了,
[29:43.88]which means you'll be in a lot of pain for the duration of... 這意味著你會感覺很痛--
[29:46.98]- The healing ritual. - Are you OK with that? 在治療法事期間.
[29:49.48]Yeah. They can't find my soul if I'm medicated. 你對這個沒問題吧?
[29:54.02]- No pain, no gain, right? - It's not just for your father. 沒有痛苦沒有收獲,對嗎?
[29:56.99]You believe it too, right? 這不僅僅是為了你父親.
[29:59.03]I know it sounds like a load of crap but watch the ritual. You'll see. 你也相信這個,對嗎?
[30:03.30]- See what? - The moment it happens. 看什么?
[30:06.80](& Mike Doughty: I Hear The Bells) 出現(xiàn)的那一刻.
[30:27.39]I'm ready. 我準(zhǔn)備好了.
[30:34.76]"Oh, yes! I'm so very, very naughty," Oh, yes, 我是這么這么淘氣的
[30:39.63]Bianca said as she dropped her stethoscope. bianca 說就像她一樣,把聽診器掉了.
[30:43.40]"Me too!" said Crystal as she snapped on her surgical glove. "我也是," crystal說
[30:48.64]And then there was Marta... 然后還有marta...
[31:01.75]- Where was I? - Marta. 我說到哪兒了?
[31:03.79]Oh, yes. Marta was the naughtiest nurse of all because she knew how... Marta.
[31:04.74]Oh, yes. marta是他們中最淘氣的護(hù)士了 因為她知道如何--
[31:09.53](TV; woman giggles)
[31:10.60]- Oh, thank God. - (Man) We're back up. oh, 謝天謝地
[31:25.98]How long do you think it takes to retrieve a lost soul? 你認(rèn)為找回一個迷失的靈魂需要多久?
[31:34.62]I don't know. 我不知道
[31:37.69]- Way to go, George. - I have my finger in a heart. 準(zhǔn)備走了, george.
[31:40.46]Very cool. 我手指還在他的心臟里呢.
[31:42.76](& Way Out West: Don't Forget Me)
[31:56.71]- You have stress cardiomyopathy. - Cardiomyopathy? 你有壓力心肌炎.
[32:00.18]- What... Can you tell me what that is? - It's Ted. 心肌炎?能告訴我那是什么嗎
[32:05.39]Ted? Ted?
[32:06.82]Ted. Not just the neighbor you barely knew, was he? Ted.
[32:11.69]I don't know what you're talking about. 不知道你在說什么
[32:14.03]Every year, on the day he died, you get a rush of adrenaline caused by stress. 因為每年在他死的那天,
[32:16.24]你的腎上腺素都會因 壓力而急劇增加.
[32:19.17]Your pressure rises, you have chest pains... and you end up here. 你的血壓上升,胸口疼痛...
[32:26.94]27 years. 27 年了...
[32:30.31]I loved the man next door, and he loved me. 我愛那個隔壁的男人,他也愛我.
[32:35.18]I know how this is gonna sound but... Ted was my soul mate. 我知道這個聽起來像什么...
[32:42.26]And then he just died. 然后,他就死了.
[32:46.19]It's grief. 真難過.
[32:48.43]Your heart stops because you're grieving for Ted. 你的心臟停止,是因為為ted哀悼
[32:51.70](Sniffs) So... what do I do next? 那么...
[32:56.30]I mean, how do you treat it? 我下面應(yīng)該做什么
[33:02.61]I wish I knew. 真希望我知道.
[33:44.98]I told Thatch I'm leaving him. 我告訴thatch了,我要離開他.
[33:47.09]You left Thatcher, Ellis, but I couldn't bring myself to leave Adele. 你已經(jīng)離開thatcher了, ellis.
[33:52.36]Do you remember? 記得嗎?
[33:56.80]Painted horses. 馬的畫...
[33:59.50]Yes. We were on the carousel in the park. It was raining. yes.
[34:02.14]我們在一個公園里的喧鬧的酒會上. 下起了雨
[34:05.64]- I have an offer from Boston General. - You took it to get away. 波士頓軍區(qū)給了我一個機(jī)會.
[34:09.58]We swore we'd never talk again about what we had together. 因為這個你離開了.
[34:13.15]It was gonna always be our secret. 這應(yīng)該是我們永遠(yuǎn)的秘密.
[34:16.55]Richard? Richard...
[34:18.52]Yes, Ellis? yes, ellis.
[34:20.85]Carousels give me the creeps. 酒會讓我做了那個決定.
[34:25.73]How do you put up with it? 你如何容忍這個的?
[34:27.59]I mean, Nasty, Naughty Nurses 4 and, I'm assuming, 1, 2 and 3. 我是說,"淫蕩俏護(hù)士, 4"
[34:32.93]- He's my Henry. - I know. 我假定1,2,和3?
[34:35.33]But don't you find it misogynistic and degrading and kind of... 他是我的henry.
[34:35.14]我知道,但是你沒發(fā)現(xiàn) 那些歧視女性的可恥行徑有點...
[34:38.81](sighs) I mean, 24 hours a day of porn? 一天24小時的毛片? 說真的,這就是你的生活?
[34:41.57]Seriously? That's your life?
[34:43.78]I'm grateful for it. It takes away his pain. 我感激那個.
[34:46.48]See, the thing is, Henry... 那個可以把他的疼痛帶走.
[34:47.44]還有, 重點是henry--henry也帶走了我的疼痛.
[34:49.95]Henry takes away my pain.
[36:00.29]I lied. 我撒了謊
[36:02.16]I'm not out of this relationship, I'm in. 我不會退出這個復(fù)雜關(guān)系的.
[36:05.86]I'm so in, it's humiliating, because here I am begging. 我加入.我肯定加入 真是恥辱,因為我要懇求--
[36:09.50]- Meredith... - Shut up. meredith, 請你--
[36:11.56]You say Meredith and I yell, remember? 別說話.
[36:13.60]- Yeah. - OK. Here it is. 你一說 "meredith,"我就大喊大叫,記得嗎?
[36:17.94]Your choice? It's simple. Her or me. 是這樣.
[36:22.68]And I'm sure she's really great... but, Derek, I love you. 我知道她也很好.
[36:25.94]但是derek, 我愛你...
[36:29.22]In a really, really big, "pretend to like your taste in music, 非常非常...
[36:35.05]let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, 讓你吃最后剩下的一塊蛋糕,
[36:37.89]hold a radio over my head outside your window," 在你窗戶外面在我頭上舉著收音機(jī)
[36:40.99]unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. 不幸的方式讓我討厭你
[36:44.90]So pick me. 愛你.
[36:46.83]Choose me. 所以,選我
[36:48.97]Love me. 愛我
[36:55.21]I'll be at Joe's tonight. 我今晚會在joe的酒吧, 所以如果你決定簽?zāi)欠輩f(xié)議...
[36:56.94]So, if you do decide to sign the papers, meet me there.
[37:28.14]Good-bye, ellis.
[37:31.11]Goodbye, Ellis.
[37:37.58]I am gonna come see you tomorrow, OK? 我明天去看你.Okay?
[37:42.36]He doesn't love her. 他不愛她.
[37:45.02]He can't. 他不能
[37:47.63]But he'll stay with her anyway. She's his wife. 但是無論如何他都要和她在一起.
[37:52.33]Mom? 媽媽?
[37:56.77]- Mommy. - Meredith. 媽媽?
[38:00.84]- You grew up. - I did. 你長大了.
[38:04.78]It's a shame. It's awful being a grownup. 我長大了.
[38:05.39]Hmm. 真可惜
[38:09.85]But the carousel never stops turning. 但是那喧鬧的酒會從沒有停止過.
[38:13.72]You can't get off. 你沒辦法離開
[38:19.76]OK. Okay.
[38:34.44]You think he'll show? 你覺得他會來?
[38:36.61]He'll show. 他會.
[38:38.58](& Not Tonight: Tegan $ Sara)
[38:42.25](Bell jangles)
[38:44.75]Hey. hey.
[38:55.36]How's your patient? 你病人怎么樣了?
[38:56.86]- The one that got her soul back? - She's going to be fine. 把靈魂找回來了?
[39:00.63]- Gotta go. - Look at you. You look like a girl. 我要走了.
[39:03.87]- Is that your date? - That's my husband. 看看你,你看起來像個女人一樣.
[39:06.74]- You're married? - Ten years today. 那是我老公.
[39:10.84]- I didn't know you were married. - You never asked. 我怎么會不知道你結(jié)婚了呢.
[39:16.72]You haven't signed those divorce papers yet, have you? 你還沒簽離婚協(xié)議書呢,對嗎?
[39:21.22]Bailey. Tell me what to do. Bailey...告訴我該怎么辦.
[39:27.36]- God, why does this have to be so hard? - It's not hard. 天,為什么這個如此艱難?
[39:30.16]It's painful but it's not hard. 根本就沒什么難的
[39:33.03]Come on, you know what to do already.
[39:36.10]If you didn't, you wouldn't be in so much pain. 別鬧了,你知道你已經(jīng)決定了
[39:47.38](Meredith) Pain. You just have to ride it out. 疼痛,你必須挺過來,
[39:50.88]Hope it goes away on its own. 期待它會自己消失不見,
[39:53.02]Hope the wound that caused it heals. 期待它導(dǎo)致的傷口自動愈合.
[39:56.26]So here's where we are. 所以..這里是我們開始的地方.
[39:58.42]I work too much, I'm competitive, I'm always right. 我做了大量工作,競爭激烈,我永遠(yuǎn)是對的
[40:01.89]- And I snore. - What? 我打鼾
[40:06.03]I'm trying here. 我正在試呢.
[40:07.90]Oh... Oh.
[40:12.61]- Yeah. - So?
[40:16.68]OK, we're a couple. 那么?
[40:19.68]Whatever. Don't make a big deal about it. Okay.我們是一對
[40:33.79]There are no solutions. 根本就沒有解決方法,沒有簡單回答.
[40:36.30]No easy answers.
[40:38.83]You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. 你只能深呼吸,然后等待它下沉..
[40:42.67]Oh, man. I just...
[40:45.04]- (laughter) - (Bell jangles)
[40:50.31](Sighs) He's not coming.
[40:54.48]- You don't think he's coming. - He might come. 你們覺得他不會來了
[40:59.15]- Yeah. You never know. - He's definitely coming. Yeah.你永遠(yuǎn)不知道
[41:03.22]- (Thud) - Ow! 他肯定會來.
[41:04.39]Want her doing tequila shots all night? I'll be the one cleaning up the vomit. ow! 你想讓她整夜都灌龍舌蘭嗎?
[41:08.53]Besides, I touched a heart today, Porny. 到時候還不是我來清理嘔吐物
[41:22.61](Meredith) Most of the time, pain can be managed. 大部分時候,疼痛可以控制.
[41:28.68]Pour me another one. 再給我倒一杯
[41:30.45]But sometimes, the pain gets you when you least expect it. 但是有時候,疼痛在你 最不期待的時候出現(xiàn)...
[41:34.09]I'm telling you. Any second. 我在告訴你呢,任何時候.
[41:38.22]Hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. 疼痛來的不擇手段而且無法停止.
[41:47.10]I have been looking... everywhere for you. 我到處找你.
[41:54.87]- You found me. - So...
[41:56.61]you going to sign those divorce papers or not? 所以...
[42:01.98]Pain. You just have to fight through. 疼痛--
[42:06.12]Because the truth is you can't outrun it.
[42:10.06]And life always makes more. 因為事實是,你沒辦法逃脫, 而且生活只會制造更多的疼痛

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