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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:40:19
[00:02.00](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy: 前情提要
[00:04.10]I'm touching the aorta. 我正摸著大動(dòng)脈呢.
[00:05.90]- (Burke) O'Malley. - Yes, sir? o'malley? Yes,sir?
[00:07.74]You just flew solo. 你做的很漂亮.
[00:09.47](Alex) O'Malley plugs a hole with his finger o'malley只不過把手指堵在洞里罷了
[00:11.71]and everyone acts like he's a hero. I have one off day... 所有人就把他當(dāng)作什么了不起的大英雄了
[00:14.68]- You chickened out. - I hesitated briefly. 我也要有休息的時(shí)候吧 你都嚇傻了.
[00:17.91]Why didn't you kiss lzzie? 你為什么不親izzie?
[00:20.78]- Cristina... - It's my first day back. Cristina.
[00:22.95]- I've got... - I'm not waiting forever. 這是我回來工作的第一天.
[00:25.12]OK, we're a couple. Whatever. Don't make a big deal about it. Okay,我們是一對了
[00:29.39]So pick me. Choose me. Love me. 那么就選我,要我,愛我
[00:33.16]Derek, have you ever thought that even if I am Satan and an adulterous bitch, Derek,你有曾想過嗎?
[00:37.20]I still might be the love of your life? 但是我可能還是你一生的最愛?
[00:39.10]- You're staying with her. - Yeah, she's my wife. -你留在她身邊了 -嗯,她是我老婆
[00:49.44](Meredith) Communication. It's the first thing we really learn in life. 溝通...
[01:00.32]She didn't even know he was married. His wife just shows up and he dumps her. 她竟然不知道他已經(jīng)結(jié)婚了
[01:04.23]I heard she flipped out. 我聽說她快要瘋了
[01:06.03]What does she expect? She got what she deserved, dating an attending. 她想要得到什么啊?
[01:09.80]Dating McDreamy. Have you seen his hair? No guy is that perfect. 約會美夢先生.你留意過他的頭發(fā)嗎?
[01:13.64]I think it's kind of sad. She has to work here. 從沒見過那么漂亮的頭發(fā)了.
[01:14.10]我覺得這還挺讓人難過的. 她還要繼續(xù)留在這里工作...
[01:16.50]With him. With them. Everyone knows. 和他一起,和他們一起... 大家都知道了.
[01:20.11]Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words, and really start talking, 有趣的是,一旦我們長大了
[01:25.51]the harder it becomes to know what to say. 反而不知道應(yīng)該說什么了
[01:27.98]Or how to ask for what we really need. 或者如何爭取我們真正想要的東西
[01:31.25]What do you need to make this marriage work? 如果讓你們的婚姻重新開始, 你們都有什么要求?
[01:34.16]I need her to move to Seattle. -我要她搬來西雅圖 -這實(shí)在...
[01:35.89]- That's just a... - Addison. What do you need? addison...你需要什么?
[01:39.73]- Him to stop talking to Meredith. - It's my... I work with her! 我要他再也不和meredith說話了.
[01:43.43]You want me to pick up my entire practice and move here? Fine. 但是我和她一起工作.
[01:47.30]- I want you to give up your girlfriend. - I did give up my girlfriend. 然后搬來這里,可以.
[01:50.84]You wanted me to take you back, I did. In Seattle. 我已經(jīng)放棄我的女朋友了,Okay?
[01:51.21]你要和我重新開始, 那我們就在西雅圖這里重新開始
[01:53.44]- It's all about what he wants. - I am not the same person anymore. -聽到了嗎? 再強(qiáng)調(diào)一次,所有的都是他想要的. -她根本沒聽我說話.我不會離開這里
[01:57.61]I know, you're a flannel-wearing, wood-chopping fisherman. -搬回曼哈頓去.我不再是原來的那個(gè)我了. -我知道,你是穿著法蘭絨的
[02:00.92]I won't talk to her if she behaves like this. -砍材的漁夫.我明白. -我再也不和她說話了
[02:03.15]Sorry, guys. Time's up. Good progress. -如果她繼續(xù)這樣的話. -好啊.
[02:08.79]Well, we have to do something. Meredith's become like an exhibit. well,我們必須做點(diǎn)什么
[02:12.46]Like that... Hey. Like a zoo animal. Meredith變成了展覽品一樣,像..hey..
[02:14.90]Like that rare panda that everyone stares at. 像個(gè)動(dòng)物園里的動(dòng)物
[02:17.97]Please don't say that to her face. I think that panda died alone. 可別當(dāng)著她的面說這些.
[02:21.87](Cristina laughs) 相對而言,你可容易多了
[02:23.00]This could just as easily be you. If people knew about you and...
[02:26.47]Take that back. 大家知道你和...
[02:27.78]No. I'm just saying we should do something to cheer her up. 你把話給我收回去.
[02:31.85]- Don't worry about it. - It's under control. -別擔(dān)心啦 -一切盡在掌握
[02:34.12]- What do you guys have going on? - Nothing. 怎么了...你們有什么計(jì)劃嗎?
[02:36.38]- What? - Where's Karev? -沒有 -沒有.
[02:36.86]-怎么了? -karev呢?
[02:38.62]Probably somewhere not kissing somebody. 或許在哪里歇著,沒吻任何人.
[02:40.96]Let's go, O'Malley.
[02:43.02]Hey, so, after rounds, we have something to show you. Ahem. Hey,um,巡房之后,
[02:48.26]- Mer? Meredith, can you hear us? - She's not deaf. Mere? Meredith,能聽到嗎?
[02:51.30]Well, she looks weird. -她又不是聾子. -Well,她看起來有點(diǎn)怪.
[02:52.63]Well, Derek didn't pick her. She's gone mental. 你到底期待什么啊??
[02:55.27]- Meredith, have you gone mental? - I have not gone mental. Derek沒選她,她快要精神失常了.
[02:58.37]See? OK, she's fine. We have something to show you. 我沒有.
[02:58.72]聽到了? Okay,她還好. 我們有些東西給你看.
[03:01.31]So whatever you do, do not get assigned to a surgery this morning. 所以無論你做什么,就是千萬別在今早分到任務(wù)
[03:05.18]- (Addison) If you give it a chance. - I gave it a chance. He's a moron. 給個(gè)機(jī)會,derek.
[03:10.92](Man) Straight ahead. That's the intern.
[03:13.05]OK, yeah, mind your own business. yeah,管好你自己的事去.
[03:15.46](Cristina) Mrs. Kimberly Griswold. History of heart disease and surgeries. Mrs. Kimberly griswold.
[03:19.56]In for a beating heart quadruple CABG. 等著做四倍心率加速搭橋手術(shù)
[03:24.10]- You're late. - Yes, Karev. Nice of you to join us. -你遲到了. -Yes,karev,
[03:28.10]Why keep the heart beating, Dr. Yang? 為什么保持那個(gè)心率?yang醫(yī)生?
[03:32.41]I don't know. 我不知道
[03:35.34]What? 什么? 什么?
[03:38.58]I have no idea. 我真不知道
[03:42.42]Oh, I don't know either. Just don't. oh我也不知道.就是不知道
[03:44.69]Because of... Ow! 因?yàn)?.. ow. 干嗎?
[03:48.89]- Anyone else? - Stress reduction... -誰知道? -因?yàn)橹暗氖中g(shù)致使血壓減小...
[03:51.13]- O'Malley. - I know the answer. -o'malley. -我知道...我知道答案.
[03:53.03]I'm asking O'Malley. 我在問 o'malley.
[03:56.56]Scar tissue's too deep. Heart's too weak to start up again. 疤痕組織太深了
[03:59.63]You only immobilize the portion you're working on 心臟太弱,所以無法再次自行啟動(dòng)
[04:02.30]and leave the rest of the heart on its own. 而其余部分讓其自身解決.
[04:08.54]- Welcome to the case. - Thank you. 歡迎加入這個(gè)病例.
[04:10.45]Thank you.
[04:13.15]OK, move.
[04:20.86]- (Mrs. Griswold) What is that? - PJs. 那是什么?
[04:24.09]That is unfair. He's punishing me for the elevator. P.j.'s.
[04:26.93]No, because you were late for rounds. 他在因?yàn)殡娞菔录鴳土P我
[04:29.10]You want to tell me why you were late? 你要告訴我你遲到的原因嗎?
[04:34.14]Dr. Shepherd needs somebody on his nerve case today. Go. Shepherd醫(yī)生需要人手幫忙一個(gè)神經(jīng)類病例,去吧
[04:39.24]And you three, brush up on how not to embarrass me in front of the attendings. 而你們仨...
[04:43.58]Or I'll see to it that your hearts stop beating. Clear? 否則我會讓你們的心臟停止,明白了?
[04:46.28]Sorry, Dr. Bailey, we really apologize. Sorry,dr. Bailey. 我們很抱歉
[04:51.12]- (Meredith) What is going on? - We found a case. 到底怎么回事?
[04:54.19]- You stole a case? - Borrowed. From Psych. 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)病例.
[04:54.63]-你們偷了一個(gè)病例. -借來的.
[04:56.79]The prelims... This thing is totally unprecedented. Okay,預(yù)備考試... okay, 這個(gè)絕對是空前絕后的
[04:59.89]- And we found it. - Stole it. -我們找到的 -偷到的.
[05:01.46]OK, found, stole, hijacked, whatever. Meredith, behind this door Okay,找到,偷來,搶劫,管他呢.
[05:05.07]is the coolest medical mystery I have ever seen. 是我從來沒見過的史上最酷的醫(yī)學(xué)神話.
[05:08.27]Now, you can either walk away, you know, guilt-free. 現(xiàn)在你可以離開,你知道,帶著你的負(fù)罪感...
[05:11.61]Mm-hm. uh-huh.或者走進(jìn)去
[05:12.67]Or walk through this door, risk your place in the program,
[05:16.21]which could lead to spending the rest of your life serving fries in bad clothing. 拿你的職位來冒險(xiǎn)
[05:21.82]So you in? 那么,你來嗎?
[05:25.85]Hell, yeah. Hell,yeah.
[05:28.36]- Mr. Herman? - Oh. No, please call me Shane. Mr. Herman.
[05:31.26]I gotta hit the can. Again. 我要在小瓶子里吁吁... 再一次.
[05:33.90]Seems like I gotta go every 30 seconds these days. 這些日子好像我每30秒就要尿一次.
[05:36.70]- Just a guy. - Wait for it. -不過是個(gè)男人. -等等.
[05:38.60]I sure am glad to be off that Psych floor. 我肯定很愿意離開心理科這層.
[05:41.64]- What's so special? - Wait for it. 有什么特別的?
[05:44.34](Groans, sighs) 等等
[05:48.88]I'm not nuts. I'm just pregnant. 我沒發(fā)瘋
[05:51.58]只不過懷孕了而已. Oh.
[06:01.29](& Psapp: Cosy in the Rocket)
[06:03.58]Grey's Anatomy 207 Something To Talk About
[06:32.35]I was fine. And then last month... huge belly. 我沒事,上個(gè)月
[06:37.56]My doctor just kept telling me I was gaining weight with my wife. unh.大肚子.我的醫(yī)生只是不停的
[06:40.96]- She's due on the 30th. It's our first. - Congratulations. 告訴我,我不過是和我老婆一起胖了起來.
[06:44.27]The admitting intern shipped him to Psych. Barely did a physical. -恭喜. -接納處的實(shí)習(xí)生把他送來心理科這里.
[06:47.57]Hear that? It's not fluid. There's something in there. -Barely做了一個(gè)檢查 -聽到了嗎?
[06:50.51](Man) No joke there's something in there! 這不是流動(dòng)的,有些東西在里面.
[06:52.67]I've been able to feel it getting bigger and bigger, growing in my... you know. Oh,yeah,沒開玩笑,的確有東西在里面
[06:58.68]My womb.
[07:02.05]Yeah, I know I sound crazy. I do. But I can prove it. Yeah,我知道聽起來很瘋狂.
[07:07.49]This room is supposed to be unoccupied. Whose patient is this?
[07:10.96](Both) Hers. 這個(gè)房間應(yīng)該是沒人的吧?
[07:12.36]Who transferred him? I don't have any paperwork, any transfer documents. 這是誰的病人?
[07:12.09]-她的 -她的
[07:16.70]Gimme a break. We shuffle rooms all the time. -任何文件 -讓我歇歇吧
[07:18.90]You know, if we need a bedpan changed, we'll let you know. 我們一天都在醫(yī)院里走來走去
[07:21.90]OK, Doctor. You do that. -um,我們會讓你知道的. -Okay,醫(yī)生,隨便你們吧.
[07:24.77]OK, where's his chart? Okay,他的病歷在哪里?
[07:28.11]You steal a patient and don't take the chart? 別告訴我你們沒有他的病歷.你們偷了個(gè)病人...
[07:30.61]- That was your job. - I was a lookout! -那應(yīng)該是你的任務(wù). -Yeah,我當(dāng)時(shí)在把風(fēng)呢.
[07:44.03]How you doing? You good? 你好嗎?
[07:48.50]You look good. 挺好嗎?
[07:51.23]Come on. We're friends. 你看起來挺好.
[07:54.47]What's my name? 我叫什么名字?
[08:00.17]All right. So I don't know your name. Um...我不知道你名字
[08:02.64]It's not like we can't talk.
[08:06.48]You don't have to be a surgeon for me to talk to you. 并一定你非要是醫(yī)生我們才能聊天
[08:09.28]- Really? - Really. -真的? -真的.
[08:11.09]Because I thought you only talked to attendings. 因?yàn)槲乙詾槟阒缓椭髦吾t(yī)生聊天呢
[08:17.46]Now, Nicole, you've been having problems with spasticity? Uh,nicole,你一直都有
[08:21.23]Mom? 痙攣的毛病?
[08:22.33]She says the spasms "make her legs dance." 娘?
[08:24.90]We just wanted to make things a little easier for her. Mm-hmm.我們只是想讓
[08:28.27]- (Man) She starts college this fall. - (Woman) Seattle Community. 她的生活容易一些.
[08:28.71]-秋天她就要讀大學(xué)了. -Seattle community.
[08:31.61]Not that she wouldn't have her pick of schools out of state. -就在我們家的街尾 -否則她就喪失了
[08:34.78]But she's not ready for that yet. 錄取資格.
[08:36.88]What? Not because she's in a wheelchair? 怎么,不是因?yàn)樗谳喴紊?
[08:39.38]Has Dr. Ostfeld mentioned something called a cystoplasty? Ostfeld醫(yī)生提過一個(gè)叫做cystoplasty的病癥嗎?
[08:42.65]It's an operation to enlarge Nicole's bladder. 沒有?那是一個(gè)手術(shù),需要擴(kuò)大nicole的膀胱.
[08:45.39]It creates an opening called a stoma. 創(chuàng)造一個(gè)叫做stoma的開口.
[08:47.36]It's improved life for a lot of my paralysis patients. 這個(gè)能夠在很大程度上改善生活質(zhì)量
[08:50.26]- (Man) We toyed with the idea once. - (Woman) It's not for us. 我有很多癱瘓病人都采用了這個(gè)辦法
[08:53.23](Man) Maybe we should revisit it? -我們幾年前就討論過這個(gè)辦法. -這不是適合我們的方法.
[08:54.93](Woman) An invasive procedure with a 20 per cent failure rate? I don't think so. Well,也許我們應(yīng)該再試試
[08:57.61]而且有20%失敗率的手術(shù), 我不同意
[08:59.30]Nicole, it's something worth considering. Nicole,有些事情值得你考慮考慮.
[09:02.17]You wouldn't have to wear the catheter all the time. 那將意味著你不用一直帶著導(dǎo)尿管.
[09:04.87]Not to mention the medical benefits. It would improve your quality of life. 避開醫(yī)學(xué)價(jià)值不談.它能夠,uh...
[09:09.18]You know, you'd be like girls your own age. 改善你的生活品質(zhì).明白嗎?
[09:11.51]You'd be in control of your own bladder. 那樣你就會像所有其他同齡女孩一樣了.
[09:13.71]You'd have a more normal sex life. 你也能擁有一個(gè)健康正常的性生活.
[09:21.96]When that becomes an issue, of course. Well,我的意思是說, 如果到了人生的那個(gè)階段的話,當(dāng)然
[09:24.13]We're here for the pain procedure. That's it. 我們來這里只是想要減輕疼痛而已
[09:26.59]They share the same brain. She's not getting surgery. 那女孩對她媽媽言聽計(jì)從.
[09:29.46]Take Nicole with you everywhere today. 她不會同意做手術(shù)的
[09:31.63]Labs, to coffee, take her anywhere. Just get her away from her parents. 我想讓你帶著nicole到處走走 你到哪里,她到哪里
[09:35.44]You want me to baby-sit the wheelchair chick? 只要帶她離開她父母
[09:37.87]Nicole. She thinks you're cute. 你讓我給一個(gè)坐輪椅的小丫頭做保姆?
[09:40.47]She's a teenager, she might even listen to you. 她還是青少年,也許會聽你的話
[09:43.01]You want me to convince her to get that surgery. 你要我說服她做手術(shù)?
[09:45.55]- Convince her to make the decision. - How am I supposed to do that? 我要你說服她自己做決定
[09:49.02]Dr. Karev, you're creative. You'll think of something. Thank you. 那我應(yīng)該如何做?
[09:49.98]Karev醫(yī)生,你是具有創(chuàng)造性的人才 你自己想想應(yīng)該怎么做
[09:54.09]Thank you.
[09:56.92](Burke) This will be an extensive operation, 這將會是一個(gè)擴(kuò)大手術(shù)
[09:58.99]even for an open-heart veteran like yourself. 即使對于一個(gè)像你這樣經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的心臟手術(shù)患者.
[10:01.63]My room was bigger last time. It was brighter. More sun. 上次我住的房間比這次大
[10:05.33]Alan, this water is warm. I need more ice. 而且更明亮...更多的陽光.
[10:08.57]I'm sending you in for a nuclear scan, 我?guī)闳プ鲆粋€(gè)原子掃瞄.
[10:10.54]then we'll get you into the OR this afternoon. 然后今天下午我們就進(jìn)手術(shù)室
[10:12.81]You do understand all of the risks? 你知道所有的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)對吧
[10:14.74]I've been through it too many times to not understand. 這事兒我經(jīng)歷太多次了.
[10:17.75]Get the blinds. Open the blinds. This room is depressing. 這些風(fēng)險(xiǎn)想不知道都難.
[10:21.78](Burke sighs) I'll check back a little later.
[10:24.32]Take her for the thallium scan, pick up her X-rays on the way. 我過一會再回來看你
[10:27.62]Dr. Burke, thank you for choosing me to assist you today. 順路去把她X光的結(jié)果取回來
[10:32.16]- Well, you're my guy, O'Malley. - I am? I mean, yeah. 嗯,你是我的人o'malley.
[10:34.79]-我是嗎?我是說,yeah. -把紙巾遞給我
[10:36.40]Hand me the tissues. No, no, wait. Hospitals have germs.
[10:40.57]Get my hand sanitizer out of my case. 從我皮箱里把消毒手巾拿出來
[10:44.14]Why would you be with someone who makes you that unhappy? 為什么你會和一些讓你不開心的人在一起呢?
[10:47.21]- Excuse me? - I mean like... -你說什么? -我是說,好像
[10:48.98]Well, like you're happy with Cristina. 那個(gè),就像,你和christina在一起很開心.
[10:51.15]And she's happy. Well, happier. You know, Cristina-happy, 同時(shí)她也開心... 嗯,更開心 你知道cristina很開心.
[10:54.58]which is not normal people's happy but... 雖然不是普通人的那種開心,但是...
[10:59.75]But, you know, happy since you guys started... 她開心自從你們倆在一起開始...
[11:04.33]Scans. I'm on it. I'm your guy. 掃瞄,我馬上就去,我是你的人...
[11:07.80](Man on PA) Dr. Hamill, 4147.
[11:12.43]I'm an idiot. 我真是個(gè)白癡
[11:13.90]Just look at this.
[11:16.94]Hi. Hello. Hi. Hello. Hi. Meredith.
[11:19.07]Meredith. Maybe we could, you know, talk? 那個(gè),也許我們能聊聊
[11:22.78](Lzzie and Cristina) No. -No. -No.
[11:25.71]OK. Okay.
[11:30.02]- (Elevator chime) - (Alex) Beep-beep. Beep,beep.
[11:32.65]- What'd you do to get stuck with me? - Nothing. 你想從我這里得到什么?
[11:35.22]Come on. I know you're not just wheeling me around for kicks. 什么也沒有.
[11:38.46]- Nope. I was late for rounds. - Why? 只是推著我到處逛逛那么簡單.
[11:38.95]-嗯,我巡房的時(shí)候遲到了 -為什么?
[11:42.16]'Cause I had things to do. Hey, lzzie! Oh,因?yàn)槲矣幸恍┦虑橐?br /> [11:44.30]Lzzie! Hey,izzie!
[11:48.70]Hey, dollface! Hey,娃娃臉.
[11:53.91]I was gonna ask you a favor. Since you're better with people than I am... 我正想問你幫我個(gè)忙呢?
[11:58.48]- No. - You haven't heard what... -我想也許你能... -不.
[12:00.41]No. You're like a broken record. -你還沒聽我說什么... -不,不
[12:02.78]God, you're only ever nice or friendly or anything 你就像一張破舊的老唱片一樣.天
[12:06.29]when it's convenient for you. So no to your favor. No to you. No. 或者很友善,或者任何優(yōu)點(diǎn) 都只是在方便你自己的時(shí)候.
[12:10.69]- What's up with you? - I put on a dress. I did my hair. -你到底怎么了? -我精心打扮了
[12:14.73]I had one night off in two weeks, and I used it on you. 我也剃了腿毛,兩周中唯一一個(gè)不上班的夜晚
[12:18.27]And what do I get? Nothing. No respect. No apology. 然后我得到什么?什么都沒有
[12:23.04]You couldn't even be bothered to kiss me good night. 你甚至都不屑于給我一個(gè)晚安kiss.
[12:26.41]You know what? You're a coward. 你知道嗎?你就是一個(gè)懦夫
[12:28.74]And you're just as shallow as you seem. 而且你就像你看起來那樣膚淺
[12:30.88]So I am done trying to be your friend, or whatever. I'm over it. 所以我已經(jīng)不再試圖做你的朋友或者其他什么了.
[12:39.72]She's really mad at you. 她對你可是真生氣了
[12:43.19](Meredith) A urine sample is the last thing we need, Mr. Herman. 我們最后還需要一下你的尿樣,Herman先生.
[12:47.06]- Uh, meet Shane's wife, Tina. - Hey. Uh...
[12:49.70]She's also pregnant. -Hey. -她"也"懷孕了
[12:51.33](Meredith) What precipitated the psychotic episode 能不能告訴我們,是什么導(dǎo)致
[12:54.57]- that got you admitted to the hospital? - It wasn't an episode, OK? 你的精神失常
[12:58.41]And I'm not psychotic, I am pregnant. 我也不是精神病,我只是懷孕了.
[13:01.38]I mean, wouldn't you freak out if you were me? Honey, did you bring it? 如果你是我的話,你會不會嚇傻呢?
[13:05.25]- Yeah, yeah. - Oh, good. 親愛的,你帶來了嗎?
[13:07.08]I can prove to everyone that I'm not crazy. yeah,yeah. Oh,good.
[13:10.25]That is my patient. 這是我的病人! Uh-oh.
[13:12.12]He's ours now. If you wanna fight me for it I guarantee you I'll win. Yeah,well,他現(xiàn)在是我們的了
[13:13.74]如果你想因?yàn)檫@個(gè)和我打架的話, 我向你擔(dān)保我嬴定了
[13:15.69]- What is going on in here? - Dr. Bailey, just a moment here. -這里怎么了? -Bailey醫(yī)生,稍等一下,這里.
[13:18.86]- Please, look at his abdomen. - It's a male hysterical pregnancy. 請看他的腹部.
[13:22.43]It's a Psych case, and it's mine. 明明是心理科病例,這是我的.
[13:24.63]It's not hysterical! I am pregnant! 這不是異常行為,我的確懷孕了
[13:26.80]See? Psych. 看到了? 異常興奮.
[13:28.54]No, his belly is distended. There's no signs of ascites. No,他的腹部擴(kuò)大了,沒有腹水的跡象
[13:31.67]And I clearly feel a mass with deep palpation. Surgical. 而且我能明顯的感覺到腫脹
[13:35.04]- Guys. - I told you I could prove it. 屬于深層觸診...外科
[13:37.48]- Psych! - Surgical! -我說過我能證明 -心理.
[13:38.78]- (Bailey) You're doctors. Act like it. - Guys... -外科.
[13:39.21]-你們都是醫(yī)生,像個(gè)醫(yī)生樣 -兄弟姐妹們.
[13:41.58]- Psych! - Surgical! -心理學(xué) -外科學(xué)
[13:44.29]Guys! Shane took a pregnancy test. And it's positive. -心理. -外科.
[13:52.09]He's definitely a surgical patient now. Well,他現(xiàn)在絕對是個(gè)外科病人了
[14:05.74]Do not think for a moment I condone stealing patients. 千萬別認(rèn)為
[14:09.61]That said... way to go. 不過是你們運(yùn)氣好罷了
[14:12.31]The first pregnancy test I took was a joke, to make Tina laugh. 第一次做的懷孕測試..
[14:17.02]We didn't think it would lead to, you know, this. 我們打死也沒想過,竟然會真的變成這樣了
[14:20.65]Mr. Herman, I can assure you, you are in no way pregnant. Herman先生,我可以向你保證
[14:22.89]-你覺得沒懷孕的可能 -哦
[14:24.46](Sighs) That's a relief. To hear it officially. 聽到這個(gè)可讓我放松多了,官方宣言
[14:26.89]- (Shane) But why was that stick blue? - (Bailey) We're going to find out. 但是,嗯,為什么那個(gè)驗(yàn)孕棒是藍(lán)色(陽性)?
[14:30.73]Stevens. Do a shotgun workup, including tumor markers. 這正是我們要查出來的地方
[14:35.14]And get CT to make some room for us in line. 再做個(gè)c.t.通知相關(guān)科室等著我們.
[14:38.57]- (Beeping) - What's this for again? 這些人都是干嗎的?
[14:41.04]Uh... Medical journals, monthly case reports. Uh,<醫(yī)學(xué)???gt;,<病例月刊>
[14:43.74]Annual banquet highlight reels. <年度醫(yī)學(xué)精選>,<經(jīng)典病例典藏>
[14:48.55]- Hey, whose pager is that? - Mine. But I found him. Hey,這是誰的傳呼機(jī)啊?
[14:52.39]- So can someone else go? - No, we don't ignore pages, Yang. -所以可以讓其他人去嗎? -No,我們不能不理傳呼,yang.
[15:00.79]Will you excuse me? -請讓一下? -sorry.
[15:05.33]...to get to the top. 我們只是需要量到頂端
[15:06.60]We'll be finished soon, right, Dr. Bailey? 我們馬上就結(jié)束了對吧,Bailey醫(yī)生?
[15:09.07]Good. OK. 我們,um...
[15:16.58]Patient in 4243 needs a rectal. 4243的病人需要灌腸.
[15:19.18]Then I've got two infected wounds, a Foley, a groin abscess, 另外還有兩個(gè)傷口感染
[15:22.55]four debridements and a... 一個(gè)foley,一個(gè)腹股溝膿腫, 四個(gè)清創(chuàng)術(shù)患者,還有,uh...
[15:26.49]case of explosive diarrhea. 一個(gè)嚴(yán)重腹瀉患者.
[15:30.06]- You're kidding me, right? - I'm not known for my humor. 你開玩笑的對吧?
[15:35.73]Why did you page me about? None of these are my patients. Uh,為什么你傳呼我是關(guān)于...
[15:38.90]You're Bailey's intern, right? Then these are your patients. 這些根本不屬于我的病人.
[15:42.67]- (Phone rings) - Debbie here. 那這些就都是你的病人
[15:46.64](Derek) A portion of intestine is used to enlarge the bladder, 一部分的腸會用作擴(kuò)大膀胱
[15:49.74]and then we construct a pathway to a hole in the belly button. 同時(shí)我們會搭建一條路徑
[15:52.98]It's a very tiny hole. It's virtually invisible. 到達(dá)一個(gè)小洞,在她的下腹部位置.
[15:55.68]She could wear a bikini and no one would ever know. 她還可以穿比基尼,沒人會注意到的.
[15:58.32]A bikini? She doesn't know how to swim. 她為什么需要比基尼?她甚至不會游泳.
[16:00.25]She could go to the beach, lie in the sun, hang out with friends. 她可以去海灘,曬曬太陽
[16:03.39]She's so self-conscious now. 和朋友一起出去玩玩
[16:05.66]- Exactly. - Nicole could have friends her own age. Nicole應(yīng)該有些同齡的朋友,elaine.
[16:08.56]- When will Nicole be back? - After her labs. 你說nicole什么時(shí)候回來?
[16:10.93]Just think about her future. Nicole could be independent. 做完血液檢查. 好好想想她的前途.
[16:14.10]She could go to college anywhere, have a job, her own apartment. Nicole可以獨(dú)立起來,她可以去任何一所大學(xué)
[16:17.54]- Date. Get married. - These labs are taking a long time. -約會,結(jié)婚, -那些檢查時(shí)間可真長
[16:21.58]She can spend more than 20 minutes away from us, Elaine. 她可以離開我們多過20分鐘,elaine.
[16:24.65]- I'm asking about my only child. - She's not a child anymore. 我是在關(guān)心我們唯一的孩子
[16:27.88]She's my child. She'll always be my child. 她已經(jīng)不再是個(gè)孩子了
[16:32.59]Alan! Watch your step. You're hitting my chair. Alan,看著路,你都打到我輪椅了
[16:35.42]- I'm sorry. - And hold on to my bag. -對不起. -拿住我的包包.
[16:37.42]- I got it. - Don't rummage through it! -我拿著了 -還有別亂翻我的包包
[16:40.06](Man on PA) Dr. Glenn... 我不會的
[16:40.74](廣播)Dr. Barrons,dr. Barrons...
[16:42.53]"Please" and "thank yous" were never her strong suit. "請"和"謝謝"永遠(yuǎn)都不是她的特長
[16:46.27]- You're a very patient person. - Years of practice. 你是個(gè)非常有耐性的人
[16:49.20]- Whoops. - Oh. 這么多年練出來了. Oops.
[16:52.24]I just try to keep her calm. Oh,她可不能看到這個(gè)
[16:55.01]They didn't think she'd survive the first surgery, 知道嗎? 他們認(rèn)為她活不下來
[16:57.95]let alone three more. 第一個(gè)手術(shù),之后又做了3次.
[16:59.91]Here it is, ten years later... She's still here. 但是十年過去了,她還活的好好的
[17:03.82]Yeah, it's a miracle that she's still alive. That's what everyone says. Yeah,真是.嗯,真是奇跡啊
[17:09.52]What do you say? 每個(gè)人都這么說
[17:11.23]Uh... It's right there in the vows. "In sickness and in health," right? 你怎么說?
[17:18.53]Thanks. Thanks.
[17:26.67]A pregnant guy? You had a pregnant guy and you didn't tell me? 一個(gè)懷孕的男人?
[17:30.88]Well, we can get you floor space in the OR for 50 bucks. Well,我們可以給你個(gè)優(yōu)惠, $50塊錢,手術(shù)室的場內(nèi)座位.
[17:33.98]We don't even know what's wrong with him. 你們竟然在賣票,
[17:36.22]Whatever is inside has to come out. We're just brokering a few deals. 我們甚至都不知道他到底這么了
[17:39.79]Like backstage passes. Want in on the cash? 我們不過是坐莊賭外圍而已
[17:40.36]-就像賣幾張后臺通行證一樣,要來點(diǎn)小錢兒花花嗎? -No.
[17:42.22]- No. - I didn't need a pregnant guy. 我沒得到一個(gè)懷孕男. 但是我現(xiàn)在是burke指定的人選
[17:44.22]I was Burke's new go-to guy. But that's over, thanks to you.
[17:47.46]- He didn't know that I knew... - Stop talking. 這個(gè)可要多謝你了
[17:48.05]-他不知道我已經(jīng)知道你們倆的事情了 -閉嘴
[17:52.17]What on earth? 怎么就這么巧?
[17:53.33](& Annie: Chewing Gum)
[18:02.08]Hi. hi.
[18:04.71]- I'm Alex's charity case. - I like her already. 我是alex施舍的病例.
[18:07.58]- Are you volunteering? - Don't ask. -Yeah,我已經(jīng)喜歡上她了. -你是志愿者?
[18:09.55]Why? It's not like we have any idea what's going on -別問了 -為什么?我們又不能讀懂你的想法
[18:12.29]in your tiny, tiny, tiny little brain. 你以為我們能明白
[18:12.65]你那小到不能再小的小腦瓜到底在想什么 -她說到重點(diǎn)了
[18:14.49](Cristina) She has a point.
[18:16.96]- (Pager beeps) - I am hungry! Oh! 我好餓啊!
[18:19.99]So this is cool. A real live lunchtime. 這可真酷啊.
[18:23.40]In a real cafeteria, with trays and friends. 真正的午餐時(shí)間,有自助餐廳,有盤子碟子...
[18:26.53]- We're not his friends. - Isn't there a cafeteria at school? 還有朋友. -我們可不是朋友
[18:29.67]- I'm home-schooled by my parents. - That explains a lot. -我是在家和父母學(xué)習(xí)的 -這就能解釋一切了
[18:32.67]Are you the "cool kids" around here or something? 那么你們是這附近比較酷的一群了吧?
[18:35.34]What would make you think that? 為什么這么說?
[18:37.48]Seems like everyone's talking about you. 看起來好像每個(gè)人都在談?wù)撃?
[18:39.78](Woman) I feel sorry for her.
[18:41.48](Man)... drop her.
[18:49.76]The guys and I were taking bets on who'd get to scan this dude. 我們大家下注,賭誰掃瞄這家伙.
[18:52.99]Beers are on me tonight! 結(jié)果今晚啤酒我請.
[18:54.70]Next up, the wager on what this thing is. 下一個(gè)會賭到底是什么東西
[18:57.60]- You're taking bets? - On what's inside his belly. 你們在收賭注?
[19:00.43]You want in? Ten bucks. 賭什么東西在他肚子里,參加嗎?10塊錢一注
[19:02.04]Well, we know it's not fat, fluid, or fetus, so... Well,我知道不是脂肪,也不是胎兒.那么...
[19:04.71]Jeez. jeez.
[19:06.67]Are those teeth? 那是牙齒嗎?
[19:09.78]Cristina is going to be so mad she missed this. Cristina錯(cuò)過這個(gè)一定會抓狂的.
[19:12.91]I was told to page you, and only you, if something like this came up. 有人囑咐我,
[19:16.75]Who told you? Bailey? 這類事情發(fā)生只能傳呼你過來
[19:18.45](Retching) 誰囑咐你的,bailey?
[19:20.15]- No. - Oh, yes. Oh,no.
[19:21.89]And all I can say is, you must have made one serious faux pas. Oh,yes,我所能說的只是
[19:26.83]- I hate vomit. - You're going to need this. 我討厭嘔吐
[19:51.52]Bailey knows. bailey發(fā)現(xiàn)了.
[19:58.43]- Knows what? - She knows. 發(fā)現(xiàn)什么了?
[20:00.19]- Well, O'Malley knows. Why not Bailey? - So you didn't tell her? 她知道了.
[20:04.43]- Why would I? - This is bad. 那么不是你告訴她的了?
[20:06.10]We have to manage the damage ourselves before it spins out of control. -我為什么要那么做? -這太糟糕了
[20:09.77]- That means coming clean to the chief. - What? 我們必須處理好我們自己的損害
[20:10.40]換句話說,就是向頭兒坦白交待 -什么?
[20:12.21]- Then no one has anything to say. - No. No way. No way. 如果我們公開戀情的話,沒人還能說什么了
[20:15.24]- That's the only way. - Good morning. -No. No. No 絕對不行 -這是唯一的辦法
[20:17.51]- Morning, Chief. - Right. Thank you, Dr. Burke. 早上好
[20:18.27]-早上好,頭兒. -謝謝Burke醫(yī)生.
[20:20.25]You're welcome. Great board, Chief. 不客氣 Ahem.不錯(cuò)的公告板,頭兒
[20:27.99]Could you make sure they get the breathing tube 你能不能確保
[20:30.52]out of my throat right after surgery this time? 這次手術(shù)之后
[20:34.66]Are you trying to cut off my circulation? 你是在試圖
[20:38.00]He's just doing his job. 他只是在做他該做的而已
[20:41.07]What did you say? 你說什么
[20:43.97]I said he's just doing his job. 我說:他只是在做他該做的而已
[20:46.11]Well, I don't really care whose job he's doing. Well,我倒不是很在意他是在做誰的工作
[20:49.34]He's squeezing my arm off. Are you just gonna sit there? 她把我胳膊壓麻痹了.
[20:56.08](Sighs) Shut up, Kim. 閉嘴,kim.
[20:59.75]Just shut up, huh? 就...
[21:03.39]- Hey. - You complain to me, 閉嘴吧,huh?
[21:05.99]about me, around me, -你抱怨我... -ok,也許...
[21:09.00]all day, every day. 無時(shí)無刻...
[21:12.67]A little silence would be nice. 一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的安靜會非常好
[21:15.94]A few measly minutes of quiet! 哪怕你能安靜下來一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)時(shí)間
[21:21.01]- Can't you for once... - Mr. Griswold. 你能不能哪怕就一次...
[21:23.21]...in your life just shut up?! -Griswold先生. -在你一生中...
[21:26.68]- (Rapid beeping) - (Gasps)
[21:40.86]- (Burke) What we got? - She had a Levine sign.
[21:43.13]EKG shows ST-elevations in the inferior leads. 她剛才瞬間發(fā)作,心電圖顯示心律加快.
[21:47.17]She's having a heart attack. Give her four migs of morphine. 她心臟病發(fā)
[21:50.40]Run nitro at ten mics per minute. 注射4毫克嗎啡.
[21:52.41]Let's do this fast so we can get her into surgery, people. 大家快一點(diǎn),這樣我們就能盡快做手術(shù)了
[21:56.01]I did this. oh.是我造成的
[21:58.98]I did this to her. 我毀了她
[22:01.85](Bailey) Mesenteric teratoma, Chief. 看這個(gè),頭兒,腸系膜畸胎瘤
[22:04.05]- (Lzzie) In an adult male. - Is this possible? -發(fā)生在一個(gè)成年男人身上 -可能嗎?
[22:06.35]It is now. Large bilobed cystic lesion... 現(xiàn)在變成可能了.大規(guī)模兩側(cè)膀胱損害...
[22:10.06]- (lzzie) With a calcified structure. - (Richard) A deformed mandible. 是由于固態(tài)鈣化而形成的.
[22:14.16](Bailey) Labs show elevated HCG levels. 血測試結(jié)果表明,HCG指標(biāo)上升 (人類絨毛促性腺激素)
[22:17.73]That explains the false positive on the pregnancy test. 這就可以解釋為什么他的懷孕測試出現(xiàn)假陽性.
[22:20.80]- (Lzzie) Which also means... - Probably malignant. 同時(shí)也可以說明...
[22:24.71](Meredith) You OK? You look a little green. 你沒事吧?
[22:28.78]I think he needs some air, Chief. 我覺得他需要一些空氣,頭兒
[22:31.41](Richard) Deep breaths, Mr. Herman. 深呼吸,Herman先生.
[22:33.31]It's just... most of this medical-speak goes right over my head. 只是...這么多的醫(yī)學(xué)術(shù)語
[22:37.42]You have what's called a teratoma. And it's really very rare in adults. 把我頭都搞大了
[22:37.79]你得了一個(gè)叫做teratoma的東西, (畸胎瘤)
[22:42.56]Which is why you're so popular. 這就是你如此受歡迎的原因
[22:44.26]It's just a mass of cells that's probably been there your whole life, 那只不過是個(gè)大一些的細(xì)胞而已
[22:46.13]它也許在你體內(nèi)已經(jīng)存在了很久一段時(shí)間 只不過現(xiàn)在..
[22:47.79]- only now... - It's growing. -現(xiàn)在它正在成長 -Yeah,長出了下顎骨
[22:49.43]Yeah. Growing jaw bones. And toenails. And, uh, clumps of hair. 還有腳指甲,和一塊一塊的毛發(fā).
[22:53.20]Yeah, I've been listening. 嗯,我一直在聽著呢'.
[22:54.87]- No one's really talking to us. - Just about you. 只是沒有人是和我們說話的
[22:58.41]- I know what that's like. - (Cristina) What did I miss? 只是你們而已. 我了解這意味著什么
[23:00.65]Um,hi. 我錯(cuò)過什么了?
[23:03.24]Is that... Is that rectal jelly on your scrubs? Ew,那是...
[23:09.08](Pager beeps)
[23:12.29](Sighs) Bailey醫(yī)生,這么多的關(guān)注,
[23:13.39]Dr. Bailey, all the attention, all the people, they are making them panic.
[23:23.03](Derek) When you said you'd found a lunch spot with a view, 當(dāng)你說你找到一個(gè)帶風(fēng)景的午餐地點(diǎn)的時(shí)候
[23:25.90]I knew I should have taken you literally. 我明白我應(yīng)該按字面意思理解.
[23:27.93]I found it in my Best of Seattle guide. 我是在我的<西雅圖風(fēng)光>指南上找到的
[23:30.04]It's hardly brown-bagging it on top of the Empire State Building, 如果帶著個(gè)大包裹
[23:33.57]but they do have these cute little viewfinders. 登帝國大廈的話可有點(diǎn)難度, 但是...
[23:37.71]You always find something to complain about. 你總是能找到一些事情來抱怨
[23:40.25]OK. Is there anything that you like about me anymore? Okay,我還有什么地方能讓你繼續(xù)喜歡的嗎?
[23:44.68]Because if there is, I really need to know now. 因?yàn)槿绻拇_有的話,我現(xiàn)在就需要知道.
[23:47.69]Well, I like that you like cute little viewfinders in every city you live in. Well,我喜歡你..喜歡那些小巧可愛的望遠(yuǎn)鏡
[23:52.99]I don't live here yet. 我還沒住這里呢
[24:00.43]Are you going to stop talking to Meredith? 你會不再理meredith了嗎?
[24:02.87]- I will. - When? -我會 -什么時(shí)候...
[24:05.47]Today? Tomorrow? Next week? 今天,明天,還是下周?
[24:07.87]Maybe I'm not ready yet. 也許我還沒準(zhǔn)備好.
[24:11.81]Are you ever going to be ready, Derek? 你有真正開始準(zhǔn)備過嗎derek?
[24:16.65]- What if I say no? - Then I'm not moving here. 如果我說沒有,會怎樣?
[24:22.52]Well, I guess we're at an impasse then. 那樣的話,我們就會處在一個(gè)尷尬的僵局了.
[24:32.63]Dr. Yang. We never finished our conversation. Yang醫(yī)生...
[24:36.17]Yes, we did. We decided we're not going to tell you-know-who about us. 我們還沒說完呢
[24:40.01]We decided? You're worried about your career and your reputation. oh,我們決定了?
[24:43.64]What if he hears about us through the grapevine? 他們會更危險(xiǎn) 如果他是通過流言蜚語
[24:46.15]- He doesn't have to hear at all. - He will. It's just a matter of time. 聽到我們的事的話 他根本沒必要聽到我們的事情
[24:47.89]是沒必要,但是他將會. 只不過時(shí)間問題.
[24:50.05]Unless you're hesitating because of some different reason. 除非你在猶豫...
[24:53.12]You are not thinking this through. 因?yàn)橐恍┎煌脑?
[24:55.06]Like not wanting to admit to this relationship at all. Okay,你不會知道原因的
[25:01.60]We are a couple. 我們是一對.
[25:07.73]- Fine. - Burke... 好吧.
[25:09.67]I said fine. Burke.
[25:15.64]So what's up with you not wanting to get this procedure? 為什么你不想做這個(gè)手術(shù)?
[25:19.58]- I'm fine the way I am. - Good point. Your choice. 我現(xiàn)在很自在
[25:26.65]So you're not going to try and talk me into it? 那么你不打算和我聊這個(gè)話題了?
[25:30.36]Right now I'm going to study. 現(xiàn)在我要開始學(xué)習(xí)了
[25:34.36]Nuclear something-fancy-name-ology. 原子能什么東西,還挺時(shí)髦的學(xué)問呢
[25:38.00]Is that why you were late? You were studying? 這是你遲到的原因嗎?因?yàn)閷W(xué)習(xí)?
[25:40.50]No. No.
[25:42.70]Is that girl lzzie your girlfriend? 那個(gè)叫izzie是你女朋友嗎?
[25:44.91]No. No.
[25:47.14]Do you want her to be your girlfriend? 你想她做你女朋友嗎?
[25:49.21]I got stuck with you because I was late, so if you don't mind, kid, kinda busy. 聽著,我現(xiàn)在只能推著你到處亂走,就是因?yàn)槲已卜窟t到了.
[25:55.35]- I'm 18, you know. - What? 我都18了,你知道的
[25:57.28]I'm not a kid. I'm 18. 什么?
[25:57.85]我不是孩子了.我已經(jīng)18了,還有, 我沒必要
[25:59.99]And I don't have to stay down here. I could go back to my room. 和你呆在這里,我可以回我的病房去
[26:03.22]So go. 那就回去吧
[26:08.73]- Izzie's right. You're an ass. - And I'm not an ass. Izzie真是對的.
[26:10.08]-你是個(gè)混蛋. -我不是混蛋.
[26:11.83]Well, OK, I am an ass. But I'm a cute ass, right? Okay,我是混蛋...
[26:19.47]How come you didn't kiss her? 你為什么沒有親她?
[26:21.91]Thought you were leaving. 我以為你要走了
[26:24.58]If I had a chance to kiss someone I liked, I wouldn't hesitate. 如果有機(jī)會我可以親誰的話,我一定會珍惜的
[26:28.75]If I had the chance to lose the urine bag on my ankle, I wouldn't hesitate. 決不會猶豫不前
[26:32.62]Then again I don't let my mommy do all my talking for me. 我也決不會猶豫不前,而且還有
[26:38.29]- I don't like you. - Yes, you do. -我一點(diǎn)也不喜歡你 -不,你喜歡.
[26:41.83]- Jerk. - Motormouth. -怪胎 -八婆
[26:43.20]- Baby-sitter. - Two-wheeler. -保姆 -2輪車夫
[26:45.43](Laughs) Now that's politically incorrect. 這個(gè)可明顯的錯(cuò)誤
[26:52.67](Burke) OK. Looks like Mrs. Griswold is doing well. Okay.
[26:58.68](Burke) Suction. 等一下...
[27:00.28]Can we fix the mechanical stabilizer here? Right now it's gonna hit... 小小的吸一下這里.
[27:20.83]Look at that. A perfectly exposed, partially numb beating heart. 看這個(gè)
[27:26.71]It's a beautiful thing. 太漂亮了 紅色警報(bào)!
[27:28.51](Burke) Code Red! 天啊
[27:31.71]- (Woman) Stand back! - It caught fire. 我想那剛剛是突然迸發(fā)出火焰了
[27:33.65]- Her heart's on fire. - (Burke) We have to save Mrs. Griswold. -她的心臟... 著火了 -我們必須搶救Griswold夫人.
[27:36.88](Burke) Begin fire protocol. Code Red. 執(zhí)行火災(zāi)處理方案. 我在做了.
[27:39.02]- (Alarm) - (Man) We need wet towels! 紅色警報(bào)! 執(zhí)行火災(zāi)處理方案!
[27:39.42]大家快點(diǎn)! 我們需要濕毛巾
[27:41.02]- (Burke) Disconnect the leads. - (George) Got it. O'malley,切斷一切電力設(shè)備. 知道了
[27:43.52](Burke) Any unnecessary personnel in this room, evacuate now. 大家快點(diǎn)
[27:47.49]Shut down the O2. 關(guān)閉o2. 已經(jīng)關(guān)上了.
[27:48.56]- (George) On it. - (Burke) Start manual respiration. 開始手動(dòng)輔助呼吸
[27:53.50](George) OK, I've got the Ambu bag. Starting manual respiration. 我去拿氣囊
[27:58.04](Burke) Gotta control this bleeding. 我們這邊流血止住了
[28:00.41](Burke) Her vitals are stabilizing. 她已經(jīng)脫離危險(xiǎn)了
[28:05.08](Burke) We might just have a chance. 我們可能在這里還有個(gè)機(jī)會.
[28:12.09]She was on fire. 她竟然著火了.
[28:14.09]I have never seen anything like that. What was that? 我從來沒見過這種場面,怎么搞的?
[28:16.92]- It was a freak accident. - I mean, she was on fire. 真是個(gè)奇怪的意外事故
[28:19.93]- Yeah, you already said that. - I know. But she was... on fire. 但是她著火了
[28:24.03]- George. You OK? - She was on fire. George,你沒事吧?
[28:28.27]Hey. That was intense. Are you OK or...
[28:31.27]I'm fine. O'Malley! Let's go. 剛才那個(gè)真驚險(xiǎn),你還好嗎...
[28:32.07]沒事 O'malley,我們走.
[28:35.64](Pager bleeps)
[28:39.91]I am so over this! 我實(shí)在受夠了這個(gè)
[28:45.09](Cristina coughs)
[28:46.49]Hey, I heard a heart caught on fire in the OR? Hey,聽說手術(shù)室里有一個(gè)心臟著火了啊.
[28:49.76]I am the best intern you've got. And you are wasting me on puke and boils. 我是你最優(yōu)秀的實(shí)習(xí)生
[28:53.83]And I get it, I even deserve it, but please... 我了解. 我...
[28:56.76]you can't keep me away from this surgery. 我是罪有應(yīng)得,但是,拜托了
[28:59.10]I earned this surgery. I stole this surgery. 你不能不讓我參與這個(gè)手術(shù).
[29:02.60]- What are you talking about, Yang? - You. Punishing me. -你說什么呢,yang? -你在懲罰我
[29:11.61]You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? 你完全不知道我在說什么,對嗎?
[29:14.71]Well, then, who has been paging me all day? Well,那么,
[29:17.05]The nurses have been on me nonstop. 是誰一天不停的傳呼我?
[29:20.09]Bit of respect and you could have saved yourself a very long day, Dr. Yang. 一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的尊重
[29:27.16]- Hi, this is Debbie. - Pissing off the nurses. 惹火護(hù)士,真傻
[29:31.90]- Stupid. - Well, I can still scrub in, right?
[29:35.64](Addison) He wants me to move here, Richard. To pick up everything and move. Well,我還能參加手術(shù),對吧
[29:40.34]Don't stay for him, Addison. Stay for me. Stay for yourself. 不要因?yàn)樗粝聛?addison.
[29:42.68]因?yàn)槲叶粝?br /> [29:44.28]- Richard, I... - In Seattle, you'll be front-page news. -為你自己留下 -Richard,我...
[29:47.35]With your reputation and the money I'll put into promoting you, 聽著,在西雅圖, 憑你的聲譽(yù).
[29:50.82]Seattle Grace will become the foremost neonatal hospital west of Manhattan. 我會拿錢來晉升你
[29:51.59]seattle grace將會成
[29:56.72](Addison laughs)
[30:01.96]- You're serious? - I'll put my money where my mouth is. 你認(rèn)真的啊
[30:15.61]- Turn around. Walk away. - From what? 轉(zhuǎn)身,離開
[30:17.91]- From my intern. - What? I wasn't. -離開誰? -離開我的實(shí)習(xí)生
[30:20.08]Yeah. Yes, you were. Well,我沒有
[30:22.28]Come on, look, you can't do this. You don't have the right. Not anymore. Yeah... yeah. Yes,你有
[30:26.45]- I just want to find out if she's OK. - She's not. 你再也沒那資格了
[30:27.25]-我只是想看看她過的好不好 -不,她不好
[30:29.36]She's a human traffic accident and everybody's looking at the wreckage. 她是個(gè)交通事故中的傷者
[30:33.03]She's doing the best she can with what she has left. 她正在用她僅存的東西盡她的最大努力.
[30:35.90]I know you can't see this because you're in it, but you can't help her now. Look,我知道你看不到這個(gè),因?yàn)槟阋苍谑鹿手?br /> [30:39.03]但是你現(xiàn)在根本幫不了她
[30:40.73]You'll only make it worse. Walk away. Leave her to mend. 而你只能讓事情惡化,所以離開她,讓她自己康復(fù)
[30:48.68]Go on! 走啊.
[30:56.18]It's not that I don't want the operation. I do. I want things. 并不是因?yàn)槲也幌胱鍪中g(shù),我很想,你知道
[31:01.05]It's just... What if I'm not ready? 我想要
[31:05.19]Ready for what? 如果我還沒準(zhǔn)備好會如何?
[31:07.43]For everything. 準(zhǔn)備什么?
[31:09.36]For taking care of myself, for being on my own. 準(zhǔn)備所有的事情... 照顧我自己啦
[31:12.28]做回我自己啦 做愛啦.
[31:14.33]For sex.
[31:16.40]For love. 或者談戀愛啦.
[31:20.21]I've never had a boyfriend. 我還從沒有過男朋友呢
[31:24.44]I've never even been kissed. 我甚至還沒被親過呢
[31:28.18]I'm like the oldest living prospective college freshman 我就像那個(gè)最老的住校預(yù)科大學(xué)新生一樣
[31:31.12]not to go to first base. 還沒到過一壘.
[31:33.29]- (Alex) Nah. - (Laughs) It's mortifying.
[31:36.96]There are way older losers than you, trust me. 真是壓抑哦
[31:46.87]Alex. Alex...
[31:50.14]Would you kiss me? 你可以吻我嗎?
[31:53.54]What? 什...什么?
[31:56.61]I know you're a doctor, I'm your patient, and it's against the rules. 我知道你是醫(yī)生,我是你的病人
[32:00.28]But I would never tell anyone. 這樣會破壞規(guī)矩,但是我永遠(yuǎn)不會告訴其他人
[32:17.06]For a kiss to be really good, you want it to mean something. 一個(gè)吻是很棒的
[32:21.20]You want it to be with someone you can't get out of your head. 你想要和什么人分享
[32:25.31]So that when your lips finally touch, you feel it everywhere. 所以當(dāng)你們的嘴唇最終觸碰一起的時(shí)候 你會覺得它無處不在
[32:29.18]A kiss so hot and so deep you never want to come up for air. 一個(gè)如此幟熱而深沉的吻
[32:35.72]You can't cheat your first kiss, Nicole. 你不能偽造一個(gè)初吻,nicole.
[32:38.52]Trust me, you don't want to. 相信我,你不想的
[32:41.29]Because when you find that right person, a first kiss is everything. 因?yàn)楫?dāng)你找到那個(gè)合適的人的時(shí)候
[32:53.20]- (Mr. Griswold) Her heart... - (Burke) Caught on fire. -她的心臟... -著火了,是的
[32:56.00]There will of course be an investigation. 當(dāng)然,我們會展開調(diào)查
[32:58.47]But you should know this is not unusual as it sounds. 但是你要知道,這并不是聽起來那么匪夷所思
[33:02.08]Your wife is going to be fine. She's well. 你老婆會沒事的
[33:04.88]We completed the operation. And I expect that she will make a full recovery. 她很好, Um,我們完成了手術(shù)
[33:09.88](Mr. Griswold groans) Oh.
[33:18.93]Mr. Griswold? Griswold先生?
[33:21.63](Mr. Griswold laughs)
[33:29.77]So... That's it, isn't it? 就這些,對嗎?
[33:34.21]Her heart caught on fire 她心臟著火了
[33:37.11]in the middle of her fifth open-heart operation, 在她第五次心臟手術(shù)過程中
[33:42.35]and she survived. 而且她還活下來了?
[33:50.89]Well, she's like some... Whoa. Well...
[33:56.20]some mythical monster. 像傳說中的千年妖怪
[34:00.20]She's never gonna die! -她永遠(yuǎn)也不會死! -Uh,Griswold先生...
[34:03.70]Mr. Griswold? mr. Griswold. Mm-hmm.
[34:04.90]Mr. Griswold, I know this is an emotional time for you.
[34:10.08]- If you'd like to wait... - Wait? Um,如果你想要繼續(xù)等...
[34:12.41]No, no, I'm not waiting any longer. 等? 不不
[34:23.09]You tell her... Tell her... 你告訴她...
[34:27.19]Hell, tell her... 告訴她... 該死.
[34:30.50]she'll survive without me! 告訴她,她會活下去的
[34:45.21]We can add two more, standing room only.
[34:47.58]- Hey, hands off! - (Meredith) What is going on in here?
[34:51.65]- Everybody out! - We already have a... 這到底怎么回事?
[34:54.12]Out! Mr. Herman is a patient, a surgical patient, 所有人,出去!
[34:53.86]-我們已經(jīng).. -出去
[34:58.32]who's sick and embarrassed and tired of being stared at! 一個(gè)等待手術(shù)的患者,生病而且尷尬的患者
[35:02.73]You two, this isn't a zoo! Out, out, out! 被你們觀賞夠了
[35:03.63]你們倆... 這不是動(dòng)物園 出去!出去!
[35:08.17]You know, if all of you want to point and whisper and stare at me, 出去,知道嗎?
[35:12.11]knock yourselves out! 小聲傳我的緋聞或者盯著我看 你們
[35:13.77]Look at Meredith, isn't she sad, pathetic and heartbroken? "看看 meredith那.
[35:17.08]Maybe she's gone mental. Maybe I have! "也許她都瘋了."
[35:20.41]But leave Mr. Herman alone! 也許我是,但是讓mr. Herman安靜一會
[35:23.48]You should be ashamed of yourself. 你們應(yīng)該為自己的行為而感到羞恥
[35:32.13]And what are you looking at? 你又看什么呢?
[35:51.54]So do you tell his wife, or should I? 那么...是你告訴他老婆嗎?還是我去?
[36:02.72]This is... Heh heh.這個(gè)...
[36:13.33]I want to thank you for helping me out in the surgery today, O'Malley. 我想感謝你...
[36:18.87]It was a high-pressure situation today and you were on top of it. 今天這種情況真是很大的壓力,
[36:23.61]Well, thank you, Dr. Burke. 而你就在壓力的浪尖上.
[36:24.88]Well,thank you,dr. Burke.
[36:28.81]And, I'm sorry about before, hey,關(guān)于之前,我很抱歉
[36:32.85]about, you know, bringing up you and Cristina. 關(guān)于,你知道,那個(gè),把你和cristina的事情說了出來
[36:35.89]That... just like... 那個(gè)...就好像...
[36:53.11]You're still my guy, O'Malley. Still my guy. 你還是我的人,o'malley.
[37:04.85]I always thought I'd hold your hand in the delivery room. 我一直在想應(yīng)該是我握著你的手進(jìn)產(chǎn)房
[37:10.69]I'll let you know when the surgery is over, OK? 手術(shù)一結(jié)束我就告訴你,okay?
[37:13.99]OK. This is as far as I go. Okay.我就送你到這里了 Mm.
[37:22.74]Hey, Dr. Grey. Dr. Grey,別讓他們炫耀我的那個(gè)..你知道...
[37:24.27]Don't let them show it off, you know.
[37:26.44]Put it in a jar, or pass it around or nothing. 放一個(gè)罐子里,大家輪流傳閱,或者什么的.
[37:29.54]- Your teratoma? - Yeah. 你是說你的畸胎瘤?
[37:32.35]I feel weird about having my insides on display like that. Yeah.
[37:36.28]- You promise? - I promise.
[37:37.84]-你答應(yīng)我? -我答應(yīng)你
[37:40.55](Meredith) At the end of the day, 在這天快結(jié)束的時(shí)候
[37:42.62]there are some things you just can't help but talk about. 有些事情你無法避免的談起來.
[37:53.13](Bailey) You really want to be the one to dispose of this, Grey? 你確定你要一個(gè)人處理這個(gè)東西 grey?
[37:56.67](Meredith) I made a promise. 我做了承諾了
[38:03.71]I am worried about my career. 我擔(dān)心我的前途...
[38:05.88]I'm worried about my reputation and my... 我擔(dān)心我的名譽(yù),和我的...
[38:20.19]I will not be Meredith Grey. 我決不會變成meredith grey. 我千辛萬苦才來到這里
[38:22.26]People won't make allowances for...
[38:24.80]This is not about making allowances and you know that. 而大家不會給我任何特殊待遇
[38:28.70]- Everyone will know. - That's the point. 大家都會知道
[38:31.00]I don't want to tell the chief, OK? -這才是重點(diǎn) -我不想告訴頭兒okay?
[38:33.54]I just... don't. 我只是...
[38:38.01]Some things we just don't want to hear. 不想.
[38:46.72]And some things we say because we can't be silent any longer. 而一些事情,我們說出來
[38:55.53]I'm getting the operation. 我決定做手術(shù)了
[38:57.43]- She's clearly not considering... - (man) She is considering. 很明顯她沒認(rèn)真考慮...
[39:00.63]I'm getting the operation. 她很認(rèn)真的考慮了.
[39:02.70]You two talk and talk. But you notice how you never ask me anything? 我要做手術(shù)
[39:06.87]Part of it's my fault. I let you do it. 當(dāng)然我也有責(zé)任,一直默認(rèn)你們這樣做
[39:10.34]But I'm not cheating anymore. 但是我再也不會欺騙自己了
[39:12.35]I'm not sitting back and giving over control, 再也不會坐在后面,被你們倆絕對控制...
[39:15.88]because I am ready to handle things for myself.
[39:20.59]Some things are more than what you say. 有些事情,比你說的還要更多...
[39:23.26]They're what you do. 那就是你所能做的.
[39:25.93]I appreciate your candor, Preston. 謝謝你的坦白 preston.
[39:27.79]I can take whatever you threw at Shepherd. 我愿意回答你想拷問shepherd的任何問題.
[39:30.23]- I don't need special treatment. - You're not gonna get any. 我也不需要任何特殊照顧
[39:33.33]You're not married. You're not hiding. You came to me. 你也不會得到
[39:37.94]You clearly value your relationship. 你來告訴我了
[39:41.64]What you two have together, I understand that, Preston. 無論什么原因你們兩個(gè)在一起...
[39:47.11]And it does matter. 我理解,preston,沒關(guān)系.
[39:49.08]Some things you say because there's no other choice. 有些事情你說出來,是因?yàn)闆]有其他選擇
[40:00.19]I've given it a lot of consideration. And I've decided to move to Seattle. 我已經(jīng)考慮了很久
[40:06.93]And, well, Meredith won't be an issue anymore. She's out of my life. Mm,and,um,well,meredith 不會再是一個(gè)問題了
[40:11.64]It's... Well, it's taken care of. 他已經(jīng)走出我的生活了.那個(gè),已經(jīng)處理好了
[40:15.17]I must say, this is remarkable progress. Well,我必須說,這個(gè)真是um,
[40:19.25]I applaud both of you. 顯著的進(jìn)步,我為你們倆喝彩
[40:21.65]You've taken a very significant leap. 你們,取得了一個(gè)重大的飛越.
[40:25.85]That's what marriage is about. 這就是婚姻的意義所在...
[40:29.02]Compromise. Right? 妥協(xié),對嗎?
[40:30.92]Yeah, it's, well, it's about, well, give and take.
[40:36.80]Some things you keep to yourself. 有些事情,你留在心底
[40:46.24](Joe) She yelled at you? 她對你發(fā)火?
[40:48.31]Well, we probably deserved it. Oh,我們實(shí)在是罪有應(yīng)得,我們賣..
[40:50.44]We sold $485 worth of tickets to the surgery.
[40:55.98]Yeah. Yeah.
[40:57.55]Did you sell more? 你還賣了些吧?
[41:04.19]- Oh, yeah. - (Lzzie) Out of control. Oh,yeah.
[41:08.03]- Hey, Joe. - Hey. hey,joe. Hey.
[41:16.37]So you guys really don't have anything else to talk about? 你們和我真的沒什么話說了啊?
[41:20.54](All) No. No. No.
[41:27.75]And not too often, 并不是很經(jīng)常發(fā)生...
[41:31.02]but every now and then... 但是時(shí)不時(shí)的...
[41:34.55]What? 干嗎?
[41:37.42]What? 怎樣?
[41:38.52]...some things simply speak for themselves. 有些事情,直接了當(dāng),表達(dá)本意.
[41:59.45]Good night. 晚安.
[42:08.65]- (Cristina) Wow. - Seriously. 真他奶奶的爽啊
[42:13.53](Laughing) Gray's Anatomy 207 完 Something To Talk About

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