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實習醫(yī)生格蕾第二季第19集:[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:42:11
[00:01.40](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy: 《實習醫(yī)生格蕾》前情提要
[00:03.80]- Who's Mark? - Derek found us in bed together. Mark是誰?
[00:04.89]Derek 碰見我們睡在一起
[00:06.94]- How come you forgive her? - I didn't forgive her. 為什么你能夠原諒她 卻不能原諒我?
[00:09.40]Denny, this is Dr. Stevens. She'll be tending to you prior to surgery. 我并沒有原諒她
[00:09.69]Denny 這是Stevens醫(yī)生
[00:11.59]在外科醫(yī)生來之前 由她負責照料你
[00:13.21]That guy Alex, you with him? 你和那個Alex在一起嗎?
[00:14.91]- No. - I won't have to fight him for you. 不是的
[00:15.69]太好了 也就是說我不需要從他手中把你搶過來
[00:17.25]Where is my husband? 我丈夫在哪里?
[00:19.18]Got into a car accident trying to get here. 為了在孩子出生前趕到醫(yī)院 而發(fā)生車禍了
[00:21.28]- This is our son. - He's beautiful. 這就是我們的兒子
[00:24.55]He broke up with me for a girl who doesn't know he's alive. 他為了這個女孩而與我分手
[00:27.29]You, Meredith Grey? Never gonna happen. 這個女孩甚至還不知道他仍在生
[00:27.99]聽我說 George 你 Meredith grey
[00:30.06]You look sad. 從不會遇到這種事
[00:31.46]I saw my father for the first time in 20 years. 你看上去很傷心
[00:33.80]- Is there anything that you need? - I don't need anything from you. 你有任何事情需要我?guī)椭鷨幔?br /> [00:36.19]我并不需要你的幫助
[00:37.93](Lzzie) You could just try telling her how you feel. 你可以嘗試著告訴她你的感覺
[00:40.64]I will never stop loving you. 我會一直愛著你
[00:47.94](George) OK, so sometimes even the best of us make rash decisions. 有時候
[00:54.78]Bad decisions. 或者錯誤決定的時候
[00:56.55]Decisions we pretty much know we're going to regret the moment... 而且我們往往都知道
[01:00.36]the minute especially... the morning after. 自己會在那一刻 那一分鐘
[01:01.79]尤其是第二天早上醒來時 感到后悔
[01:05.39]I mean, maybe not "regret" regret because at least, 我的意思是 或許我們不會因為后悔而懊惱
[01:08.86]you know, we put ourselves out there, but still, 因為
[01:13.74]something inside us decides to do a crazy thing, 像往常一樣
[01:17.61]a thing we know will probably turn around and bite us in the ass. 使我們做了自認為很瘋狂的事情
[01:22.11]Yet... we do it anyway. 然而無論如何 事情都是發(fā)生了
[01:27.72]I'm coming, Doc. Just hang on. Just hold it until I get there, please. 來了
[01:30.19]來了 狗狗 只要一會兒
[01:32.89]- I'll walk him. - No, it's my turn. 求你了 只要等我過去就可以了
[01:33.49]讓我?guī)鋈?br /> [01:36.22]No, it's OK. I'll walk Doc. You just sleep. 不 輪到我了
[01:36.89]不用了 沒關系 我會帶狗狗出去
[01:39.69]The good... fresh outdoors. Spring morning. 你繼續(xù)睡吧
[01:39.99]那很難得 清新的空氣
[01:44.93]- You just sleep. - OK. 春天的清晨
[01:45.19]你繼續(xù)睡吧 好的
[01:47.30]- Unless you wanna talk. - Oh, God. Here it comes. 除非你想聊聊
[01:50.34]I'm not saying we have to talk. I'm just saying if you want to talk, we could. 天啊 你又來了
[01:52.09]我只是認為如果你想的話 我們可以聊聊
[01:54.44]I can start and you can talk about anything at all you want to talk about. 可以從我開始 懂嗎?
[01:58.88]It's too early for me to interpret "girl flip-out" into conversation. 任何 一切你想談的都可以
[01:59.29]只是對于我來說 現在還很早
[02:02.28]It's just that usually you start yelling when you get mad. 常常都是你 在發(fā)瘋的時候
[02:06.72]Mark showed up and you haven't yelled yet and I'm trying to give you a chance. 開始大喊大叫
[02:07.09]昨天有跡象顯示 你還未發(fā)瘋
[02:10.69]- Just go. Yell. - I don't wanna yell. 我現在就給你一個機會
[02:10.69]繼續(xù)啊 喊呀
[02:12.66]- You don't wanna yell? You? - I just wanna sleep. 我并不想對你大喊大叫
[02:16.13]Doc, he wants to pee. Preferably not inside this trailer. 狗狗需要小解
[02:19.23]OK. 最好不要讓它在這里方便
[02:25.11]You could yell if you want to. I can take it. I'm ready. 你可以對我喊叫 如果那是你想要的
[02:28.58]All right. I'm going. I'm going. Come on. 我能夠忍受 已經有心理準備了 Addison
[02:29.29]好 我去了
[02:31.89]來吧 來
[02:34.25](George) What I'm saying is... we reap what we sow. 我想說的是
[02:41.02]What comes around, goes around. 種果得果
[02:54.84]Morning. Morning. 早
[03:02.28]What? So, I slept with him again. 怎么了? 我又跟他睡了
[03:04.95]So I'm a big whore. A big horny whore who can't get enough. 那么我是一個活生生的妓女
[03:08.08]Can we get over the shocked silence already? 現在我們能夠打破突如其來的沉默了嗎?
[03:10.55]It's karma. And any way you slice it... 這就是命運
[03:15.72]What's going on? 發(fā)生什么事了?
[03:17.46]...karma sucks. 命運的捉弄
[03:26.90]50 bucks says O'Malley caught her doing Mark Sloan. 直覺告訴我O'malley 被逮到正在上Mark Sloan.
[03:32.54]There's something going on. Look at them. 我是指 他們之間一定有事發(fā)生了 看他們
[03:35.31]All right. He walked in on her doing McDreamy. 對 他走進去了 而她仍在上Mcdreamy
[03:40.28]Did I just call that dude McDreamy? 我剛才是不是把那家伙 叫作Mcdreamy了?
[03:42.08]- Oh, you know you did. - Awesome. You are ruining my life. 原來你知道啊
[03:43.19]可惡 你在毀掉我的生活
[03:45.19]- Uh-huh. - Get a room.
[03:47.72]- Guys? - Excuse me. 我需要一點空間
[03:49.39]Sorry. 大家好
[03:49.19]不好意思 抱歉
[03:51.29]What's going on? 發(fā)生什么事了????
[03:54.30]- Nothing. - You know we're gonna find out anyway. 沒事發(fā)生
[03:57.43]- If you tell us, we can help. - There's nothing to tell. 如果你向我們坦白,或許會有幫助
[04:00.47]That means there's something to tell. 沒事可以奉告
[04:02.84]- Come on. - There's nothing to tell. 不要這樣
[04:06.11]Well, how about gardenias? Like masses and mountains of gardenias. 你覺得梔子花怎樣?
[04:10.28]- Are we worried about bees? - That's why I love him. 我們是否要當心蜜蜂?
[04:13.18]- No gardenias. - Who would like to present? 也是 這正是為什么我愛他的原因
[04:16.62]Keith Paulus. Admitted last night with chest pain. Status: Post acute MI. 這次是誰呢?
[04:17.09]Keith paulus 昨晚覺得自己的胸口疼
[04:20.82]No family or personal history of heart disease. 病人狀況顯示為急性心臟病
[04:23.32]- No cardiac risk factors. - Healthy as a horse. 沒有引致心臟病惡化的誘因
[04:25.69]A horse who's in bed after just having a heart attack. 他像匹壯馬那樣健康
[04:29.23](Woman) Any minute, I think you're gonna tell us that this was a false alarm. 看吧 不出一分鐘 你會告訴我們
[04:33.40]- She talks when she gets nervous. - I understand. 那看起來只是普通心臟病發(fā)作
[04:33.59]別怪她 她只是緊張我
[04:36.27]Mr. Paulus, unfortunately the scan shows a mass around your heart. 我能理解
[04:37.39]Paulus先生 很不幸
[04:41.88]A very, very large mass. 一個十分十分大的腫塊
[04:44.21]Mass. OK. 腫塊
[04:46.55]Is that code for tumor? 明白
[04:48.28]OK, that's absurd. He doesn't have a tumor. He's incredibly healthy. 那會是腫瘤嗎?
[04:48.89]好了 太荒謬了
[04:52.35]We won't know without further exploration 他是那么的健康
[04:52.89]這點在進行進一步觀察前 我們暫時未能下結論
[04:55.62]which is why I'd like to do an angiogram today. 這也是今天 我要替你照一張血管造影片的原因
[04:59.06]OK. Good. 好的 沒問題
[05:08.47]Did Meredith say anything to anyone about anything? Meredith有沒有向任何人提起任何事情?
[05:12.27]- No. Are you going to dish? - No. No. 沒有 你想談談嗎?
[05:15.58]Then leave me alone. I'm working. 不是的
[05:15.99]那遠離我 我要工作
[05:17.65]Good. Because I don't want to talk about it ever. 好的 那是因為我不想再談論那件事
[05:20.28]- Fine. Then don't. - I'm just saying. 好吧 那就不要談
[05:39.03]Why are you? That's weird 你是不是 真奇怪
[05:44.24]You need to throw up again? There's no shame in needing to throw up. 你要再吐一遍嗎?
[05:47.91]Dad, I don't need to throw up. 爸爸 我不用吐
[05:49.88]Shawn Begleiter, 11 years old. In for vomiting after a minor head injury. Shawn begleiter 十一歲 在一次輕微的頭部受創(chuàng)后
[05:53.68]Oh, I wouldn't exactly say minor. 出現難以治愈的嘔吐癥狀
[05:55.75]- He was hit with a baseball. - Playing first. 他的頭部受到了一個棒球的撞擊
[05:58.49]This little dolt Harry Doppelhammer hit this line drive 是的 第一次打棒球 有個小笨蛋
[06:01.56]when Shawn wasn't looking... 向著不留神的Shawn把球打了過去
[06:04.56]This is my fault. I shouldn't have let him play Little League. 你知道嗎?那是我的錯
[06:07.90]- It's clearly a dangerous sport. - Rick, let's let the doctors talk. 我就知道我不應該讓他加入小社團
[06:09.39]Rick 讓醫(yī)生說話好嗎
[06:11.47]Michael, I'm telling them what happened. Michale 他們想了解發(fā)生了什么事
[06:13.74]Shawn's going to be OK. Right? 我只是告訴他們事實
[06:14.09]Shawn 很快會沒事的
[06:16.34]Yeah, we have to keep a close eye on him. OK, recommendations? 真的?
[06:15.89]是的 但我們仍須密切觀注他
[06:19.71]It could indicate anything from a concussion to intracranial hemorrhaging. 有任何建議嗎?
[06:24.05]I'd start with an H and P, do a thorough neuro exam, and get a CT. 我建議從H&P開始 做個全身神經檢查
[06:27.92]- Good. - Sure you don't need to throw up? 再做個C.T.
[06:30.02](Sighs) Dad. 你確定不需要吐嗎?
[06:39.06]- Tucker. - Dr. Shepherd. Tucker
[06:42.13]How um... How are you feeling? Shepherd醫(yī)生
[06:47.00]I'm feeling great. I get to go home! 非常棒 我正準備回家
[06:49.17]That's fantastic. Is Miranda going to meet you there? 太好了 Miranda在家迎接你嗎?
[06:52.67]- No, I'm driving him there. - Oh, thank God. 不是 我會載他回家
[06:56.34]- Are you OK? - I need a consult. 謝天謝地
[07:00.92]- I'm not working. - (Coughs) Miranda. I need a consult. 我已下班了
[07:02.89]Miranda 我需要一個顧問
[07:09.62]- Oh, no. - Please don't say that. 天啊
[07:12.33]Addison, I'm so, so sorry. 請不要那樣說
[07:12.79]Addison 我感到非常遺憾
[07:15.96]You have poison oak... where nobody wants to have poison oak. 你在一個令人難以預料的地方
[07:21.34]- (George) Like I was saying... - Oh, God! 正如我所提到的
[07:23.74]...payback's a bitch. 天啊
[07:33.75]It's official, my friend. You get to go home. 我的朋友 鄭重告訴你
[07:36.68]I can't thank you enough. 你可以回家了
[07:38.12]I thank you, my wife thanks you... and my son thanks you. 非常感謝你
[07:38.54]謝謝 我的妻子
[07:42.26]Where is your wife? You can't drive for another six weeks. 還有我的兒子都必須謝謝你
[07:43.84]未來六周內 你不能開車
[07:45.66]Dr. Shepherd's a stickler when it comes to patients' recovery. I know. Shepherd醫(yī)生是一個難纏的人
[07:49.30]Hey, Richard. 我很清楚這一點
[07:50.53]Wanted to stop in before Bailey took you home. 你好 Richard
[07:51.34]在Bailey帶你回家前 順便拜訪你
[07:53.33]Well, she's here somewhere. 她在這里某處地方
[07:55.50]Your wife came in earlier. Said she needed a consult. 你的妻子在你之前來過 說需要一個顧問
[07:58.54]Consult? Bailey's on maternity leave. 顧問?
[08:00.68]It seemed like some kind of personal consult. It's OK. I don't mind waiting. Bailey正在放產假
[08:03.94]不要緊 我可以等
[08:06.15]- All right. I'm back. - Oh. 拜托 告訴我你沒告訴其他人
[08:08.05]You didn't make a chart? Please tell me you did not make up a chart? 我沒有告訴其他人
[08:11.59]I did not make up a chart, 你沒有告訴其他人,對吧?
[08:12.99]so we are officially stealing this calamine lotion and these gloves. 我沒有告訴其他人
[08:16.72]You take it up with the chief. 和手套
[08:18.79]- I cannot take this up with the chief. - I'm kidding. 你自己向主任交待吧
[08:19.94]不 我不會向主任交待這種事的
[08:22.66]Did I make jokes when you were in the stirrups? 我只是開玩笑
[08:23.24]好 當你遇到麻煩時
[08:25.70]No, you did not. And I'm apologizing. 我曾經對你開玩笑嗎?
[08:25.94]沒有 你沒有 我道歉
[08:29.44]Oh, my. 天啊
[08:30.84]- What? - These blisters are growing fast. 怎樣?
[08:33.81]- I gotta give you a shot of steroids. - Steroids? 我必須為你注射一支類固醇
[08:36.71]I have never seen a case a poison oak this bad. 類固醇?
[08:41.28]Ew! Girl, what did you...
[08:43.28]Oh, for the love of God! Miranda, the calamine! 姑娘 你怎會
[08:43.94]看在上帝還愛你的份上 Miranda 快上爐甘石液
[08:46.52]Right. Sorry. 對不起
[08:47.92]- What happened with you and O'Malley? - Nothing. 你和O'malley之間發(fā)生什么事了嗎?
[08:50.89]Whatever it is, I've done worse. 沒事
[08:52.63]How do you know I did something and George didn't? 無論是什么 都不會有我那么糟糕的
[08:55.76]Because Bambi looks pissed and you look guilty. 因為那小子看上去很憤怒而你則內疚
[08:59.40]Here we are! Come on, buddy. Let me help you up there. 我們到了 來 小兄弟
[09:03.17]There you go. 讓我?guī)湍闵先?br /> [09:05.04]Fine, I did something. A terrible, terrible something. 行了
[09:05.14]好的 我確實做了一些
[09:10.04]One time I put a raw egg in my sock drawer for a month, 有一次 我把一只生雞蛋 藏在了放襪子的抽屜一個月
[09:13.65]then I smashed it in my teacher's grade book. 然后又把它扔到了老師的成績簿上
[09:16.05]- Ew! - My dads were really mad. 我爸爸瘋掉了
[09:19.62]Well, what I did was worse than that. 我的所作所為比那還要惡劣
[09:21.76]- Cool. - Cool. 酷
[09:36.64]- Stop pouting. - I'm not pouting. 不要噘嘴
[09:41.01]Oh, please. I don't even have to look at you. I can feel you pouting. 我沒在噘嘴
[09:41.54]拜托 我不用看著你
[09:44.85]Whatever Meredith did, it wasn't on purpose, so get over it. 無論Meredith做過什么 她都不是故意的
[09:48.18](Burke coughs) 因此忘記它吧
[09:50.18]I am not being inappropriate. He's acting like she's skinned his puppy. 我沒有作出不適當的行為
[09:54.42]- Yang, this is not nice. - I'm not a nice person. 他的行為讓人感到她在戲弄他
[09:55.24]楊 那樣說不好
[09:57.09]If you knew what she did you would understand. 我不是一個好人
[09:57.94]如果你知道她做了什么 你會明白的
[09:59.69]No, I don't understand. I don't wanna know. 不 我不明白 我也不想知道
[10:02.60]What I want is to analyze this angiogram, 現在我只想解析這個血管造影
[10:05.43]book this sucker into surgery and excise his cardiothoracic mass. 把這根吸管插進去
[10:09.77]- Doesn't look like a mass to me. - That's because it's not. 在我看來那不像是腫塊
[10:14.44]What we thought was a mass is actually a coronary artery aneurysm 我們以為的腫塊其實是
[10:19.88]with a fistula into one of your heart chambers. 它通過瘺管與你的心房連接著
[10:22.48]Is that, uh, easy to fix? 會很快治愈嗎?
[10:25.32]Before you answer that, I want you to know that we're getting married. 在你回答問題前
[10:29.19]We're getting married and we're not so young, 我們相愛然后準備結婚
[10:32.19]so we've been waiting a long time for this. 我們已經不年輕了
[10:34.53]I have my dress and everyone's coming 我穿上我的禮服 每個人都會參加婚禮
[10:36.60]and it's supposed to be the happiest day of our lives. 那肯定會是我們生命中最快樂的一天
[10:39.23]I'm telling you this because you have this look on your face, 我之所以告訴你這個的原因
[10:43.17]this dark, ominous look, and we're silver-lining kind of people. 如此陰沉 不祥
[10:47.07]So I just thought it might help if you knew that. 而我們則是有一線希望的人
[10:49.61]Dr. Yang? Would you close the door? 楊醫(yī)生 請把門關上
[10:52.95]Well, we can... We can operate on the aneurysm, 我們能夠
[10:56.38]try to repair it, 對動脈瘤做手術
[10:58.25]but this type of lesion is extremely delicate. 但這種類型的瘤非常的脆弱
[11:01.36]Chances of it rupturing in surgery are high. 在外科手術中破裂的機會非常大
[11:07.06]What keeps if from rupturing if I'm just walking down the street? 如果我只是想走過一條街
[11:10.36]Nothing. The risks are high either way. 沒有
[11:12.24]無論用什么方法 風險還是很大
[11:14.77]This isn't happening. This can't be happening. 這不會發(fā)生的 這
[11:17.74]- It's OK, Amy. - No, it's not. 這不可能發(fā)生
[11:18.34]Amy 沒事的
[11:19.64]不 不是的
[11:21.38]I know it's a lot to process, but if we're going to operate, 我知道有很多事情需要你們忍耐
[11:24.68]we need to do it as soon as possible. 但如果能夠動手術的話
[11:28.22]- We're getting married. - Honey. 我們正準備結婚
[11:32.15]We're getting... We're getting married. 我們 我們準備結婚
[11:34.29]Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
[11:40.80]They seem like a really nice couple. They don't seem like they deserve this. 他們就像是一對恩愛的夫妻
[11:45.17]- They never do. - Really? 這不是他們應得的
[11:47.84]I guess I just think... I believe in karma. 是嗎?
[11:47.94]我猜測 我只是以為
[11:50.47]You know, good people deserve good things. 我認命
[11:50.94]你知道 好人有好報
[11:53.51]At least I thought that's the way the universe worked. 至少 我總認為那是
[11:56.58]How can you think that and practice medicine? 宇宙運行的規(guī)律
[11:57.04]你怎么會有這種想法 還在內科實習?
[12:00.41]Why... 為什么不可以?
[12:01.58]I'm not saying that everybody who gets sick or everybody who dies is bad. 我不是說每個病人或死者
[12:05.49]I'm just saying that I think that there's a balance. 運氣不好
[12:05.94]我只是 只是說
[12:08.76]Or there should be a balance. There should be some sort of balance. 我認為會有一個天平
[12:09.24]應該有一個 一種
[12:11.14]某種平衡 那是
[12:14.13]Good God, O'Malley, what the hell did Grey do to you? 天啊 O'malley
[12:22.30]What do you mean when you say blood in the ventricle? 究竟你說的腔內出血是什么意思?
[12:25.01]Oh, my God! His brain is bleeding? 天啊
[12:27.58]There's no need to panic. It's a small amount of blood. 他的腦部在流血嗎
[12:30.41]These injuries often resolve themselves. 只是輕微出血
[12:33.11]But what if it doesn't? Will he lose IQ points? 是啊 但如果不會呢?
[12:36.28]He's very smart. That's important to him. He likes to be smart. 因為他非常的聰明 那對他來說很重要.
[12:39.62]Should we sue that little brute that hit the ball? 他會很聰明的
[12:42.19]- Or the coach, should we sue the coach? - Shawn loves the coach. 你覺得我們有必要 起訴那個擊球的小畜牲嗎?
[12:42.94]或者教練 我們應起訴那個教練嗎?
[12:46.33]- Shawn's brain is bleeding. - Rick... Shawn很喜歡那個教練
[12:49.26]Dad. I'm fine. Jeez. Rick
[12:51.13]Yeah, he's awake, alert, minimal pain. 爸 我很好
[12:51.64]沒錯 他很清醒 活潑 輕微疼痛而已
[12:53.33]These are good signs. I just want to monitor him for 48 hours. 這些都是好現象
[12:54.74]在未來48小時內 他只需接受觀察
[12:56.47]OK. Good. Hear that Shawn? Good signs. 好的 聽到嗎 Shawn? 好現象
[13:00.61]That means, honey, you shouldn't be scared. 親愛的 那說明你不必害怕
[13:03.21]- I'm not. - I am. 我沒有 我有
[13:04.48]We know. 我們知道
[13:10.45]They paged you too? Must be something big. 他們也呼你嗎? 一定是有重大事情
[13:13.02]- Nobody paged me. - They didn't? Can you tie this? 沒人呼我
[13:15.49]- Nobody paged you either. - Yes, they did. I just got a... 沒有嗎? 你能系上這個嗎?
[13:16.74]有 我剛收到傳呼
[13:18.86]Did you page me? Alex... 是你呼我的?
[13:20.83](gasps) Ooh! Alex
[13:24.06]- You free tonight? - I might be. 今晚有空嗎?
[13:26.83]- Are you still working with Meredith? - I'm trying to kiss you here. 或許有
[13:31.24]Did she say anything about her and George? I'm starting to get worried... 我想親你
[13:35.28]35-year-old male, shortness of breath. 我開始有點擔心他們
[13:35.94]35歲 男性
[13:37.91]- Pulse is rapid and irregular. - Oh, my God. It's Denny. 呼吸困難 途中曾經暈厥
[13:41.38]- What? - It's Denny. 天啊 是Denny
[13:51.29]- What'd he get in the field? - He's my patient until I sign him over. 送來途中為他作了什么處理?
[13:53.11]在我未轉介給你前 這是我的病人
[13:55.06]I know him. He's on top of the list for a new heart. That makes him surgical. 我認識這人
[13:58.77]Dr. Burke's on his way, so you'd better start signing. 他是屬于我們外科的
[14:01.40]What did he get in the field? 他正在途中 你最好現在開始轉介
[14:03.00]40 of furosemide. Rhythm didn't change after six of adenosine. 送來途中為他作了什么處理?
[14:04.71]在注射了6個單位腺瞟呤核甘后 心律不變
[14:06.37]- What do we got? - It's Denny. 那是什么人?
[14:08.01]Transplant candidate, acute dysrhythmia and CHF. Vitals all over the place. 是Denny
[14:09.71]嚴重的心臟病和充血性心臟衰竭 全身器官受損
[14:13.08]- His heart rhythm is a mess. - He's in heart failure. 心律很混亂
[14:15.85]Bisoprolol can reduce mortality. 心臟衰竭
[14:17.92]What about ACE inhibitors? And digoxin. Somebody load him with dig! Bisoprolol(藥物)能夠減小死亡率
[14:21.49]Slow down. He's holding on. Barely, but he's holding on. 還有強心劑 有的還會給病人做穿刺
[14:22.31]Stevens 慢著 他可以挺住
[14:24.79]There has to be something more we can do. 至少 他還可以挺住
[14:27.09]The best we can do is get him up to CICU and see if his heart will stabilize. 我們能做的是
[14:31.20]- Izzie, we should go. - No, you go. I'm gonna stay. 等待 并觀察他的心臟跳動能否穩(wěn)定
[14:32.11]Izzie 我們 我們該走了
[14:33.71]不 你先走 我想留下
[14:44.08]- No. Yes, yes. - I see you. 不是這個 是這個啦
[14:49.75]No, you don't. 不 你沒看到
[14:51.12]Your husband was discharged over an hour ago.
[14:53.92]- I'm not here. - Go home. 你的丈夫在一個多小時前 就可以出院了
[14:55.92]You're not working. You're on maternity leave. 我不在這里
[14:58.33]Exactly. 你正放產假
[15:05.80]- Have you made your decision? - Oh! Uh, about the surgery? 你們已作出決定了嗎?
[15:10.64]Um... No, we're still... We're still talking about it.
[15:12.31]不 我們還未決定 正在討論
[15:15.58]We were thinking maybe we should wait until after the wedding. 我們考慮能否
[15:22.15]- So how is he? - He's pretty much the same. 他現在怎樣了?
[15:25.29]- Well, that's good, right? - Uh, no. Not really. It... 還是老樣子
[15:31.26]With your condition, you're gonna be OK until you're not. 從你的狀況看來
[15:35.03]If you opt against the surgery and leave, it's just a matter of time. 如果你選擇不動手術
[15:38.70]You might make it to your wedding, but you might not. 很可能會在婚禮上發(fā)病 或許不會
[15:41.60]You're just gonna be OK until you die. 而且你不會預料到狀況發(fā)生
[15:43.80]What... (chuckles) You're trying to comfort me?
[15:47.11]No. I'm trying to convince you to let Dr. Burke operate. 你在安慰我嗎?
[15:47.81]不 我嘗試說服你讓Burke醫(yī)生動手術
[15:51.05]So that he can die today? 那么他今天會死嗎?
[15:52.98]He might die today anyway. But Dr. Burke is the very best. 他有可能在今天或任何時候死去
[15:57.25]And he's your very best chance. 但Burke醫(yī)生是最優(yōu)秀的
[16:03.52]...5.0. WC: 13,700.
[16:09.93]Stevens, everything all right? Stevens 還好嗎?
[16:14.13]Oh, it's just... 只是
[16:17.04]It's just not fair. You know, it's really not fair. 只是很不公平
[16:21.31](Sighs) We treat... jerks all the time. 真的很不公平
[16:26.41]Patch them up, send them off, whether they deserve it or not. No big deal. 把他們包裹起來 送他們離開
[16:30.35]But Denny... He's a good guy, Dr. Burke. 我都覺得沒什么大不了的
[16:30.81]可是 Denny
[16:35.09]He's a really good guy with a bad heart 他是個好人 Burke醫(yī)生
[16:38.26]and all we can do for him is wait. 而我們能為他做的只有等待
[16:41.00]Believe me, I know. I've been treating Denny a long time. 相信我 我了解你心情
[16:44.97]He didn't deserve this. 那不是他應得的
[16:46.67]He deserves the best cardiac care and we're giving him that. 他應得的是最好的心臟護理
[16:52.74]You really like him, don't you? 你真的喜歡他 是嗎?
[16:57.24]He just... 他
[17:01.02]He just doesn't deserve this. 他只是不應有這種下場
[17:06.75]OK. 好了
[17:09.72]All right. How's that? Is that ice pack helping? 感覺怎樣?
[17:13.56]I don't know. I don't think so. 冰袋有幫助嗎?
[17:14.31]我不清楚 我不這樣認為
[17:15.93]Mind if I ask how exactly this happened? 是否介意告訴我 這究竟是怎樣發(fā)生的?
[17:20.13]- I slept with Mark! - Oh! And he had poison oak on his... 我跟Mark睡了
[17:24.91]No! I slept with Mark a year ago. And, apparently, this is what I get. 不是 那是一年前的事了
[17:28.74]Yeah. But how did you... 但看上去 這是我應得的
[17:31.48]I live in a trailer. I have Meredith Grey's dog. 那你怎樣
[17:32.11]我住在一輛旅車里 Meredith Grey的狗在我那
[17:35.82]And I went outside to throw a stick and I had to pee. So I squatted. 我出門遛狗 扔出一根木棒
[17:38.31]然后想小解 所以我就地蹲下
[17:39.82]I didn't want to go inside and wake up my husband 因為我不想走進室內
[17:43.02]because the way he's been looking at me, I just wanted a few minutes of peace. 吵醒我丈夫
[17:48.10]- (Sobs) This is what I get! - No, no, no. Don't cry. 但卻獲得這種報應 天啊
[17:51.40]Don't cry. Please don't cry! Please don't cry! 不 不要哭 這是我的報應
[17:53.11]不要哭 求你別哭 求你別哭
[17:55.14]Stop! You're gonna make me... 停 你使我
[18:02.18]lactate. 天啊 乳汁分泌
[18:04.68]- Can you give some gauze? Here. Quick. - I'm sorry. 能遞些紗布給我嗎? 非常抱歉
[18:09.58]- (Knocking) - Just stop! Mirand 我很抱歉 快 我要紗布
[18:14.25]- (Sobbing) - Can I help you, chief? 主任 有事嗎?
[18:16.19]Dr. Bailey... Bailey醫(yī)生
[18:18.69]I don't know what you're doing in there, but whatever it is... 我不清楚你在干什么?
[18:26.20]Oh, no. Um... (coughs)
[18:27.70]Dr. Bailey, uh, I'm... sorry. Bailey醫(yī)生 我
[18:34.07]Carry on. 繼續(xù)
[18:39.78]OK, fill me in. 讓我進去
[18:41.52]I was doing his routine neuro check. I noticed he was altered. 我在為他進行常規(guī)神經檢查
[18:44.55]Most likely a clot. Acute hydrocephalus. 我發(fā)現他腦部出了點狀況
[18:47.35]- We need to relieve the pressure. - Cranial access kit's ready. 嚴重腦積水
[18:47.81]該死 我們必須立刻把壓力排出
[18:51.13]Cranial access? Access to Shawn's brain? 頭蓋連接器準備好了
[18:54.16]- Debbie, get them out of here. - Gentlemen. Debbie請他們出去
[18:57.10]- Rick... - We're not going. 先生們
[18:58.83]I'm about to drill a hole into your son's skull. Rick
[18:59.61]看 我們準備在你兒子頭蓋骨鉆個孔
[19:01.77]He's our son. We're not leaving. We are not leaving his side! 你不會想見到這種事情的
[19:02.41]他是我的兒子 我不會離開的
[19:05.01]Rick 我們不會離開他身邊
[19:06.54]15 blade. I want a catheter ready to drain as soon as I penetrate the dura. 15號刀片
[19:07.81]當我穿過硬腦膜時 我要導管準備好排氣
[19:10.68]Do not panic. I want the drill. 不要驚慌
[19:26.23]Almost... OK.
[19:28.90]Look at that. OK. Catheter quickly.
[19:31.83]我要導管 快
[19:35.07]- Pupil's reactive. - Pressure stabilizing. 正常瞳孔反應 內壓逐漸穩(wěn)定
[19:37.04]- Is he OK? - I want neuro checks every hour. 他會好嗎?
[19:38.63]每小時進行一次神經檢查 加強監(jiān)察
[19:40.67]- We're in the clear for now. - In the clear? 我們現在要清場
[19:42.74]- You guys did well. - I have a headache. 清場?
[19:46.68]- Welcome back. - (Pager beeps) 歡迎回來 小男子
[19:49.55]911. 9-1-1
[19:55.92]Dad, you look white. Are you OK? 爸 你臉色蒼白 你還好嗎?
[20:00.03]- (Vomits) - Oh, great.
[20:05.90]Yes. 沒事
[20:07.10](Beeping alarm)
[20:11.74]You got here quick. 你來得真快
[20:13.11]We gotta get his heart rate under control. Push 300 of amiodarone. 我正準備記下他在監(jiān)控下的心律
[20:16.61]- Status? - Atrial fibrillation. 注射300個單位胺碘達隆
[20:18.31]His heart's beating too fast. If we can't slow it... 什么狀況?
[20:20.91]It'll give out. 如果我們不能讓它慢下來 那
[20:22.55]All right. Let's try synchronized cardioversion. Push five of morphine. 它會消耗殆盡
[20:23.33]好 我們試試同步復律法
[20:28.56]Izzie? Izzie
[20:30.89]- You're awake. - Hey. 你醒著
[20:33.13]I was hoping I might get to see you. 我正想著要去看你
[20:35.80]You're working us pretty hard. 我們一直都在這里忙著
[20:38.07]The things I have to do to get a girl's attention. 那是我吸引一個女孩注意力的方法
[20:40.97]Denny, we're about to send electric currents through your body. Denny我們將會讓一通電流
[20:44.34]Hopefully, the shocks will be enough to slow your heart rate. 流過你的身體
[20:47.57]- I'll be here the whole time. - Is it going to hurt? 心律回到正常水平
[20:50.44]- It won't be fun. - Maybe you oughta hold my hand then. 會很痛苦嗎?
[20:55.42]- Mind if I handle the paddles? - Be my guest. 不介意我控制電板吧?
[21:01.32]- Ready? - Yeah. Hit me. 準備好了嗎?
[21:03.82]- Clear. - (Denny screams) 是的 來吧
[21:09.63]No change. Try it at 100. 沒起色
[21:12.47]Clear! 在100伏再試一遍
[21:14.30](Screams) 注意
[21:19.14]Holy smoke! 天啊
[21:21.98](Regular beeping)
[21:24.04]Denny, you are a lucky man. Denny你很幸運
[21:26.35]Oh, Doc. I oughta kick your ass, 大夫 我想打你
[21:28.72]making me yell like a baby in front of the girl I'm trying to impress. 因為你使我像個孩子那樣大叫
[21:32.45]Oh! Jeez!
[21:36.42]Take care, man. 注意身體 伙計
[21:42.00]Dr. Bailey. Dr. Bailey! Didn't you hear me? Bailey醫(yī)生
[21:45.87]- I'm a little distracted right now. - Oh, yes. I've been paging you. Bailey醫(yī)生 沒聽到我在喊你嗎?
[21:49.94]I'm not on call. I'm on maternity leave. 是嗎?我一直在呼你
[21:50.33]我并不在職 我正放產假
[21:52.01]I've been paging my wife as well. You know where she is. 我也在呼我妻子
[21:55.51]Just because I know doesn't mean you should. 你知道她在哪里
[21:57.68]There's some things you don't get to know. And, really, you don't wanna know. 有些事情你沒有認識到 不應該問我
[22:01.88]You have to tell me where she is. I saved your husband's life. 其實你不必知道
[22:05.19]- She saved my baby. - So baby trumps husband? 我救了你丈夫的性命
[22:09.76]Baby trumps husband? 兒子比丈夫還重要?
[22:36.52]Hey, Amy. Amy
[22:39.19]The website said that you should save your receipts. 網站上說你必須保留你的收據
[22:43.46]- I'm sorry? - Just in case something happens. 不好意思?
[22:46.23]You know, to have them. I have all of ours right here. 只是以防萬一有事情發(fā)生
[22:49.56]I've got, you know, I've got my dress and the band 我擁有我的權利
[22:52.37]and I've got the ballroom deposit and honeymoon. 樂隊 還有下了舞會場地訂金
[22:55.04]My mom said I shouldn't keep them. Said it was bad luck. 以及蜜月旅行
[22:58.41]It was... It was tempting fate. 她說那是惡運
[23:03.28]This isn't your fault. 這不是你的錯
[23:07.08]You have a life. You fall in love. You make plans. You have fantasies. 你有自己的生活
[23:09.33]你墮入愛河 制定了計劃
[23:15.39]And none of them involve all of them ending 但它們全部
[23:20.63]in a blink of the eye. 都在一眨眼間結束了
[23:32.97](Whistles tune)
[23:36.41]- What are you doing? - Hiding. 你在干什么?
[23:39.75]All right. So you slept with O'Malley. Get over it already. 躲起來
[23:40.53]明白 你跟O'malley睡了
[23:43.18]- He told you? - Uh... no. 忘了它吧
[23:50.96]Oh, I was just kidding. I mean, it's not like I should be surprised.
[23:54.86]Why not? 我的意思是我不應該感到驚訝
[23:56.10]Because when your life is sucking, 為什么不驚訝?
[23:58.17]you get drunk and sleep with inappropriate men. It's your thing. 你就會開始飲酒并跟不適當的人睡
[24:01.47]Whatever. I find it charming. 那時你的事
[24:03.10]You sleep with inappropriate women when you're sober. 無論如何 我覺得那很吸引人
[24:06.37]One inappropriate woman. And lzzie forgave me for that. 你跟不適當的女人睡了
[24:06.93]一個不適當的女人 Izzie 饒了我吧
[24:09.41]- O'Malley won't get over this. - She hasn't forgiven you. O'malley 她并不準備就這樣算了
[24:12.28]- Yes, she has. We're together. - No, you're not. Ize還沒原諒你
[24:12.93]她已經原諒了 我們在一起了
[24:15.38]Izzie will never see you the way she saw you before you slept with Olivia. 不 你們沒有 Izzie或許跟你睡過
[24:19.52]Why are you trying to piss me off? 你之前與Olivia睡的樣子
[24:21.15]You're suggesting it's forgivable for you to sleep with Olivia, 為什么你一定要趕我走?
[24:24.36]but not for for me to sleep with George. 是可以原諒的
[24:26.33]- You told him? I... - George! 你告訴他?
[24:29.63]When I am wrong about someone, I am really wrong! 我
[24:29.93]我看錯人了嗎? 不是 我
[24:33.07]- No, George! It's not what you think. - Dude, chill. 我確實看錯人了 不是的 George
[24:34.23]不 不是你想的那樣
[24:36.50]You chill! You chill! I'm not gonna chill! 伙計 你讓人心寒
[24:37.63]你才讓人心寒 是你
[24:40.47]- George. I... - What's going on? 我沒有 沒有讓人心寒
[24:41.03]George 我
[24:42.81]- Fetus is freaking out. - Why? 發(fā)生什么事了?
[24:44.98]You think that someone is... your friend. 我看到 你為什么在發(fā)瘋?
[24:48.52]And that at the very least she will respect your privacy! 最起碼她必須尊重你隱私
[24:51.35]- What's going on? - He's freaking out. 發(fā)生什么事了?
[24:53.22]- She can see that. - Why is he freaking out? 小孩子在發(fā)瘋
[24:56.22]- George, can we at least talk? - I don't wanna talk. Not to you! 我看到了
[24:57.03]George 至少讓我們談談
[25:00.03]I wanted to keep my mouth shut! 不跟你談
[25:01.73]And if you hadn't been running away from me, you would know that! 我是想保守秘密的
[25:03.93]都一直避開我 或許你會知道我的想法
[25:05.43]OK, you're right, but can we talk now? 沒錯 你說得沒錯 那我們可以現在談談嗎?
[25:07.60]You want to talk now because you told everyone that we had sex! 你想現在談是因為 你告訴了所有人
[25:11.37]- You had sex? - You had sex with George? 我們發(fā)生了性關系
[25:12.63]你們發(fā)生了性關系? 你跟George發(fā)生了性關系
[25:14.74]- You didn't tell them? - No. 你不是已經告訴他們了嗎?
[25:18.78]- Damn it! - George! 該死的
[25:22.05]- (George yells) - George! George
[25:24.38](Alex chuckles)
[25:40.13]Go away. 走開
[25:43.27](& Get Set Go: I Hate Everyone)
[25:48.54]He's gonna be OK, right? 他會好起來的 對吧?
[25:50.44]He dislocated his shoulder. He's gonna be fine. 他只是肩膀移位 他會沒事的
[25:53.08]That's not exactly what I meant. 我并不是指他的肩膀
[25:58.18]Meredith, if you can't make this right, Meredith 如果你不處理好這件事
[26:01.52]if you can't fix this with George... 與George重修舊好
[26:04.06]Just so you know, if it comes to choosing sides... 你很清楚 在需要選擇任何一方時
[26:07.53]I'm on his. 我會站在George那一邊的
[26:15.44]He's the weaker kid. 他是一個脆弱的孩子
[26:19.04]I mean, even I don't beat up on weaker kids. It's cheap. 我的意思是 我不會打擊一個脆弱的孩子
[26:23.24]I did a terrible thing. 我做了一件很糟糕的事
[26:26.81]I didn't... 我不是
[26:29.65]I did a terrible thing. 我做了一件可惡的事
[26:31.12]He's been in love with you since day one. There's no way you didn't know. 自第一天見面他就愛上了你
[26:40.79]- We all do terrible things. - Thank you. 每個人都會做出可惡的事
[26:43.23]You're welcome. 謝謝
[26:48.87]- George O'Malley? - Uh, hi. George O'malley?
[26:52.67]Dr. O'Malley. The heart-in-the-elevator guy. George o'malley醫(yī)生
[26:55.21]- Yeah, that's me. - That was amazing. 你就是那個在電梯做心臟手術的家伙?
[26:56.05]是的 就是我
[26:58.55]Uh, thanks. I dislocated my shoulder. 真厲害 謝謝
[27:00.15]我 肩膀移位了
[27:01.78]- Yeah. - Oh! 是啊
[27:03.22]- I can see that. - It's really not so bad. 我看到了
[27:06.72]Yes it is. Pick your poison. 傷勢不是很嚴重吧
[27:07.35]是的 有藥物過敏嗎?
[27:10.06]Uh... No painkillers, thanks. 不要開止痛藥 謝謝
[27:12.86]- Bold choice. - No. Officially I'm on duty. 勇敢的選擇
[27:14.75]不是的 嚴格來說我正在值班
[27:17.56]- And planning to stay? - Mm-hm. 打算繼續(xù)留在醫(yī)院?
[27:19.93]Bolder choice. 嗯
[27:25.31]All I need is help... popping it back in. 你只需把錯位地方扶正就可以了
[27:29.01]- You got into a fight? - I fell down some stairs. 跟別人打架了?
[27:33.71]- Where? At your girlfriend's? - Wha... 哪里的樓梯?女朋友的嗎?
[27:36.52]- No, I'm single. - Single, huh? 什么?不 我還是單身
[27:39.59]- (Snapping) - (George groans) 單身 是嗎?
[27:43.69]Hurts less if you don't see it coming. 出乎意料的治療會減輕你的疼痛
[28:09.22]- All set? - All set. 弄好了嗎?
[28:13.92]- Thanks. - You're welcome.
[28:16.59]- Bye. - Bye. 不客氣
[28:26.30]- Don't. - Don't? 不要
[28:28.74]Don't be nice to me. 不要什么?
[28:32.37]I did a terrible thing. 我做了件可惡的事
[28:33.94]- We all do terrible things. - No. I... 我們都會做可惡的事
[28:36.31]I did a thing that I can't even believe I did and... 不是的 我
[28:41.98]I was sad and... 我感到很悲哀
[28:46.05]I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose all my friends. 我很肯定我會失去所有的朋友
[28:48.56]You won't lose me. 還有我
[28:51.29]- You're not my friend. - Yes, I am. 你不是我的朋友
[28:53.95]是的 我是
[28:55.90]Well... I could be. 我可能會是
[28:57.83]I'm a very good friend. 我是一個很不錯的朋友
[29:01.17]No. We can't be friends. 不 我們不可能成為朋友
[29:03.24]We could be friends. You'd be lucky to have me. 我們可以成為朋友
[29:06.14]How? How can we be friends? 有我這個朋友你會很幸運
[29:10.14]We could uh... 我們可以
[29:13.18]hang out. 在醫(yī)院外面成為朋友
[29:15.25]I walk Doc every other morning, Tiger Mountain trail. 我每天早上都會出去遛狗
[29:18.69]We could meet, have coffee, watch Doc play and... 就在老虎山山徑那里
[29:19.55]我們可以見面 喝咖啡 看著狗狗玩耍
[29:22.02]discuss the complex nature of our existence. 討論一下我們復雜的生存意義
[29:24.72]- Right. - We could. Might be fun. 好了
[29:28.06]- I could be your friend, Meredith. - No. We can't be friends. 可以的 那會很有趣
[29:28.45]我能夠成為你的朋友 Meredith
[29:41.47]Just adding nitro. Your blood pressure's stable now, 我正加入甘油
[29:45.71]your CHF is improved and the atrial fibrillation resolved. 你的血壓現在已經穩(wěn)定下來
[29:49.52]- I like the way you say fibrillation. - Fibrillation. 我喜歡你說fibrillation的樣子 (纖化)
[29:52.89]- Tease. - How are you feeling? Fibrillation
[29:56.29]You, uh... You believe in karma? 感覺怎樣?
[30:01.19]Um... Actually, I do, yeah. 事實上 相信
[30:05.97]I think you might be mine. 我覺得你是我的
[30:09.94]You must have been very, very good to deserve me. 你必須非常非常健康才能得到我
[30:12.67]I must have. 我一定會的
[30:15.51]OK. 好的
[30:17.84](& Boy Least Likely To: Be Gentle With Me)
[30:23.38]- I wouldn't do that. - Dr. Bailey... 如果我是你 我不會那樣做
[30:25.52]If she wants privacy, we will give her privacy. Understood? Bailey醫(yī)生
[30:28.79]- Dr. Bailey paged me. - She did? 我們就應該給她空間 明白嗎?
[30:31.16]- Yeah. - I did. And I'm still not here. 她真的那樣做了嗎?是啊
[30:34.19]I'm still on maternity leave and I still need privacy. 我不在這里
[30:37.36]Come here. 我也有我的隱私 主任
[30:42.07]No peeking, no pulling the curtain. 不準走動 不準偷看 不準拉開布簾
[30:43.94]Stand there. Let her talk to you. Understand? 只準站在那里聽她說話 明白了嗎?
[30:46.44]- Is this really necessary? - Do you understand? 真的有必要這樣嗎?
[30:49.38]- I'm not mentally challenged. - I'm not sure about that. Let her talk. 我剛問 明白了嗎?
[30:55.28]- Addison, this is ridiculous. - Stay where you are! Promise! Addison 這很荒謬
[30:59.02]OK, I promise. 待在原地 答應我
[31:00.55]I'm going to show you something and when I do, 好 我答應
[31:00.75]我正準備給你看點東西 當我給你看的時候
[31:03.82]you do not get to laugh and you do not get to gloat. 不準大笑 不準幸災樂禍
[31:06.89]- Why would I gloat? - I have poison oak. 為什么我會幸災樂禍?
[31:11.56]What? 什么?
[31:19.41]Mm. You do indeed have poison oak. 你 確實感染了葉毒葛
[31:24.51]So are we even yet? Is this bad enough? Have I repaid my debt to society, Derek? 那么我們可以扯平了嗎? 這還不夠糟嗎?
[31:27.75]Derek 我已經得到報應了嗎?
[31:41.29]- (Derek) Let's take a look. - Ow! 好啦 讓我檢查一下
[31:48.27]Good morning, Tuck. Let's take your daddy home. 來 我的寶貝 我們帶爸爸回家吧
[31:52.67]Hm? Oh...
[31:57.14]She really didn't tell you about it? 她真的沒告訴你那件事嗎?
[31:59.65]No. God, is that a bad thing? 沒有 天啊 那是件壞事嗎?
[32:02.92]She tells you everything. It didn't matter enough to her to talk about it. 她把所有事情告訴你了
[32:06.75]OK, George. The pity thing? Not good. 那么是否跟她談談已經不重要
[32:07.35]好了 George 有那么可憐嗎?
[32:09.59]If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, 糟透了
[32:10.15]如果你不想討厭的事 再發(fā)生在你身上
[32:12.26]then stop accepting crap and demand something more. 就停止做蠢事 追求其他有意義的東西吧
[32:17.66]Hey, Amy. Amy
[32:18.73]Oh, could you tell Dr. Burke that Keith is gonna have the surgery? 你可以告訴Burke醫(yī)生
[32:22.60]- Great. - Where are you going? Keith打算動手術嗎?
[32:24.70]Um, I... I'm not strong enough for this. 太好了 你要去哪里?
[32:25.35]呃 我 我正 正
[32:28.64]Amy, I know it's hard, but your fiancé is going in to surgery. 我無法堅強的忍受這一切
[32:29.35]慢著 Amy 我明白那會很艱苦
[32:32.35]You're gonna want to be here when he wakes up. 但你的未婚夫正準備動手術
[32:35.32]No, I won't. Um... 不 我不會
[32:38.62]He's not my fiancé anymore. 我不再是我的未婚夫了
[32:42.39]- You're leaving him? - I'm not strong enough for this. 你要離開他?
[32:46.03]So the "in sickness and in health" part of your vows... 我不夠堅強
[32:49.16]you were planning to leave those out? 疾病與健康那一段誓詞啦?
[32:51.16]Please try to understand. 請為我設想
[32:53.33]I don't like that I'm not strong enough. I just know that I'm not. 我不想的 我只是不夠堅強
[32:59.01]- George, he's crashing! - What? George他出現狀況了 什么?
[33:00.81]His aneurysm may have blown. Page Dr. Burke! 他的動脈瘤擴張了
[33:15.39](Burke) OK, everyone.
[33:18.06]It's actually a coronary-artery aneurysm.
[33:22.06]- He's gonna live? - Burke's a miracle-worker. 他會活下來嗎?
[33:26.93]D'you know this guy's fiancée left him? 你知道他的未婚妻離開他了嗎?
[33:30.67]Sounds like he dodged a bullet. 聽起來像是他躲開了顆子彈
[33:34.27]I don't think he's gonna see it that way. 我認為他并不想那樣
[33:40.75]If she can't love him back the way he loves her... 如果她不能像他那樣愛他
[33:46.22]then she doesn't deserve him. 那么她不值得他愛
[33:50.32]- You heard about me and Meredith? - Well, everyone heard, George. 你聽說了我跟Meredith的事了?
[33:52.64]大家都知道了 George
[33:54.73]You were yelling about it in the hallway. 你在走廊大喊大叫
[34:00.70]Must have sucked. I'm sorry. 那一定很難受 我感到很遺憾
[34:07.11]I'm sorry. 很抱歉
[34:11.78]If I made you feel anything like I'm feeling right now... 如果我使你陷入了
[34:20.22]I'm sorry. 對不起
[34:24.26]That's nice to hear. 很高興你這樣說
[34:33.73](& Brandi Carlile: Throw It All Away)
[35:08.40]- How's that? - It was good. Really good. 感覺怎樣?
[35:10.80]- Yeah? - Yeah. 很棒 非常棒
[35:13.31]Because, uh... I could do it again. 因為我
[35:17.41]I like doing it. 我可以再來一次
[35:19.31]- No, it's good. - I could do it until you... 我喜歡這樣做
[35:22.55]No, it's OK. I'm ready. 我很好
[35:25.44]沒事 你弄到我頭發(fā)了
[35:27.85]- Ow! - Oh, I'm sorry.
[35:29.82]OK. It's OK.
[35:32.89]- There. - Right there?
[35:35.19]Meredith. Meredith
[35:37.36]George. George
[35:47.14](Meredith sobs)
[35:49.54]- What's wrong? - Oh, nothing. 有什么不對勁嗎?
[35:51.94]Nothing's wrong. Why would you think anything's wrong? 沒有
[35:55.05]- You're crying. - No. It'll stop. Just ignore me. 你在哭
[35:56.91]會停下來的 不用理我
[35:59.55]I can't ignore you. 我不能 不能忽視你
[36:02.16]Yeah, yeah. It's fine. It's fine. Just... 沒事的 沒事的
[36:05.79]It's OK. You're almost done, right? 沒事的 只是你剛進去了 對吧?
[36:09.60]No. 還沒
[36:11.86]- George. - Meredith... George Meredith
[36:18.00]George, please. George 求你了
[36:23.11]Sleeping with me is really this awful for you? 跟我睡 對于你來說
[36:26.65]No, George! It's not! 不是的 George 不是這樣的
[36:30.45]It's not you! 不是你的問題
[36:40.09]George! George
[36:55.17]There's a suitcase in the hall. 在走道里有個皮箱
[36:57.41]I was just getting my shirt. 我只是拿回我的襯衣
[37:00.75]- There's a suitcase... - Yeah, uh... 有個皮箱
[37:03.42]I don't live here anymore. Excuse me. 是的 我打算不在這住了
[37:13.76]Why? 為什么?
[37:15.29]I just wanna know why you... 我只是想知道為什么你
[37:20.20]- If you didn't want to... - I didn't know I didn't want to. 如果你不想你可以
[37:26.84]You were there. 你就在那里
[37:28.91]And you were saying all these perfect things and I was sad. 還告訴了我那么美好的事情
[37:34.58]And so I thought, maybe... 所以我想或許
[37:37.72]Maybe I've just been overlooking what's been in front of me. 或許我一直都忽略了
[37:43.66]And if I just give it a chance, 如果可以我想給他一個機會
[37:45.83]because you're George and you're so great... 因為你是George 你是那么的好
[37:52.37]I didn't know I didn't want to until I knew I didn't want to. 我不知道其實我不想
[37:58.64]Yeah. 那樣啊
[38:01.74]OK. 好的
[38:04.24]Can we please just go back to everything the way it was? 我們能回到過去的那種關系嗎?
[38:12.45]I don't know how to go back. 我不知道怎么回到過去
[38:17.86]No. I'm done. 不可以
[38:23.00]We're done. 我們已經完了
[38:26.87](George) One way or another, our karma... 命運會用這種或那種方式
[38:30.34]will leave us to face ourselves. 讓我們面對事實
[38:35.07]We can look our karma in the eye 我們能夠親眼見證自己的命運
[38:37.54]or we can wait for it to sneak up on us from behind. 或等著它不知不覺地降臨我們
[38:41.65]- You ready? - What? 準備好了嗎?
[38:43.52]Aren't we... I thought we had plans for tonight. 準備什么?
[38:47.49]Oh. I forgot. I'm sorry. 我以為我們今晚有什么計劃
[38:47.21]很抱歉 我忘了
[38:50.09]- Rain check? - Sure. 不如再電話聯絡吧?
[38:59.90](& pop ballad)
[39:06.21]Amy? Amy?
[39:07.91]She's not... here. 她不在這里
[39:15.38]But you are. That's what's important. 但你仍在
[39:18.95]She left? 那才是最重要的
[39:25.32]She really left. 她真的走了?
[39:32.90]Who does that? 誰干的好事?
[39:36.07]What kind of person does that? 是誰干的好事?
[39:40.77](George) One way or another our karma will always find us. 無論是那種方式
[39:48.55]- Hey. - Hey, yourself.
[39:57.76]I gotta say, not exactly how I'd envisioned our perfect first date. 我正想說我正幻想著
[40:02.16]Are you kidding? 我們第一次完美的約會
[40:03.53]Do you know how hard I've had to work to get a cute boy in bed before? 你在開玩笑嗎?
[40:08.50]You think I'm cute. 你覺得我很可愛
[40:13.11]OK. Shut up and drink your juice. 是的
[40:15.91](George) And the truth is, as surgeons... 閉嘴 喝你的果汁
[40:17.01]事實上 作為一名外科醫(yī)生
[40:20.45]we have more chances than most to set the balance in our favor. 我們有比常人更多的機會
[40:24.22]- George? - Dr. Torres. George
[40:28.05]Callie. Torres醫(yī)生
[40:31.76]- You going on a trip? - Sorta. 你準備去旅行嗎?
[40:36.96]Well, in that case... 那么在這種情況下
[40:42.67]Give me a call when you get back in town. 當你回來后 打給我
[41:00.65]No matter how hard we try, we can't escape our karma. 無論我們如何努力的去嘗試
[41:09.73]It follows us home. 它會跟著我們回家
[41:14.73]He's your friend and he needed our help. 他是你的朋友并且需要我們的幫助
[41:17.94]- Are his problems surgical? - No. 在他身上的是外科問題嗎?
[41:21.84]Then, technically, he doesn't need our help. 不是
[41:22.41]那么從技術上來說 他不需要我們的幫助
[41:29.48]- You're a good person. - I am not. 你是個好人
[41:37.29]- Good night. - Oh, good night. 晚安
[41:42.06](George) Good night! 晚安
[41:48.03]I guess we can't really complain about karma. 我覺得我們不應該抱怨命運
[41:51.40]It's not unfair, it's not unexpected. 那不公平 那并不是意外
[41:55.14]It just... evens the score. 它只是
[42:08.42]Good boy. Good boy. 好孩子
[42:11.29]Even when we're about to do something 當我們計劃做一些事時
[42:13.36]we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass... 雖然早已知道會遭到命運懲罰
[42:16.66]Well, it goes without saying... 但我們還是二話不說就去做
[42:19.20]- So... - So... 那么
[42:22.10]Just friends. 那么
[42:24.80]Just friends. 朋友
[42:28.57]...we do it anyway. 不顧一切地去做

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